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p. 401: John F. HOLT is the son of Jeremiah Holt, of Lancashire, England, who married Martha McIntire, of Buzby, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Their son John F., was born February 14th, 1824, and spent his boyhood until his tenth year in Scotland, his native heath. He began work at the age of nine years in a cotton factory in Glasgow, and later continued the same employment in Manchester, England. With a desire to seek a wider and more attractive field for his energies in the new world, he sailed for America in 1851, and located in Providence, where he entered the extensive works of the Providence Rubber Company. Fifteen years he remained thus employed, thoroughly acquainting himself with this branch of industry, then under the management of E. M. Chaffee, and finally becoming superintendent of a department of the works. Then removing to Bristol, he erected the machinery and placed in successful operation that section of a factory devoted to the manufacture of rubber boots and shoes, of which he was the superintendent.
Mr. Holt was in 1867 summoned to Woonsocket as the general superintendent of the Woonsocket Rubber Company. In this responsible office he remained for 20 years, retiring in 1887 from its active management, but retaining his interest as a director and as one of the principal stockholders. The high estimate in which the services of Mr. Holt were held by his company can best be indicated when on the occasion of his retirement it was resolved by the board of directors 'that on receiving the declination by Mr. John F. Holt of a reelection to the office of superintendent of the mills of this company, an office so efficiently and ably filled by him for 20 years, and under whose intelligent oversight the manufacture of boots and shoes was first inaugurated in these works, which goods have come to be of the first rank and reputation in this country, and who has thus contributed largely to our financial prosperity, we desire by this vote to express our high esteem for him, both as a skillful artisan and manufacturer and as a business associate and friend. The official relations thus terminated we shall ever esteem most pleasant recollections, with warm personal regard for him and in his welfare'.
Mr. Holt was married in 1843 to Margaret Lowry, daughter of James Lowry, of Manchester, England. They have three surviving children. Mr. Holt and his family worship at St. Carles Barromeo's Roman Catholic Church at Woonsocket, of which he is a member and trustee.
p. 402: William S. HOPKINS, son of William L. and Elizabeth (Smith) Hopkins, was born in 1849 in Providence. He came to Woonsocket in 1879, and was first employed as bookkeeper for Woonsocket Machine Company, afterward the Woonsocket Machine & Press Company, and was made treasurer in 1885. He married Lucy M., daughter of Albert Briggs, in 1879.
p. 402: C. H. HORTON, son of Otis H. and Elizabeth (Kingsley) Horton, was born in 1850 in Rehoboth, Mass., came with his parents to Woonsocket at the age of 12 years, and was educated in the public schools and the high school. He was clerk in the post office three and one-half years under Major Stephen H. Brown, and in 1870 went to Mattoon, Ill,., and kept books for Day & Sprague two years. He then returned to Woonsocket and carried on the notion business four years, afterward the shoe business, and since that time has been connected with the Perforated Pad Company, which he started in 1878, and of which he is treasurer and general agent. He served two years in town council and was elected councilman from the Third ward upon the formation of the city government. He married Mary, daughter of William E. Casto, of Mattoon, Ill., in 1871.
p. 402: William E. HUBBARD, son of Elisha and Amelia (Turner) Hubbard, was born in 1826, in Franklin, Mass., and was educated in the public schools of that place. He came to Woonsocket in 1847 and began the business of contractor and builder, which he has carried on ever since with the exception of the time he was in the war. He enlisted in the 12th R.I.V. in 1862 as private, and became captain of Company F. He served as president of the town council in 1888, and was also president once before. He was moderator most of the time for 20 years. He was for a long time a member and president of the Woonsocket Lyceum. He was married first in 1846 to Martha W., daughter of Orin Chilson, of Bellingham, Mass. His present wife, who he married in 1856, is Ruth, daughter of Jefferson Scott, of Woonsocket.
p. 402: Etienne N. JANSON was born in 1835, in St. Rosalie, Quebec. He came to Woonsocket in 1858 and ran a saw mill for George Ballou then went to Fall River and started business there in company with his brother and returned to Woonsocket and started his present business of grocer and marketman. He married Angeline, daughter of Augustus Lemery, of Slatersville. He was elected to the town council in 1888, and re-elected councilman of the Second ward upon the formation of the city government.
p. 402-405: Horace A. JENCKES was of the eighth generation of the Jenckes family in America. His grandfather, Job Jenckes, was the largest owner of the Social Manufacturing Company at its foundation in 1810, and when he withdrew he founded the village and mill at Jenckesville in 1822.
The subject of this notice was born September 23d, 1841, in the brick house at Jenckesville, known as the Jenckes homestead, within the present city limits of Woonsocket. His parents were Nelson and Deborah (Morse) Jenckes. His mother belonged to an old Uxbridge family. He received a preliminary education in the public schools of Woonsocket. In 1855 he went to Utica, N.Y., where he studied in a commercial college for one year. He returned to Woonsocket in 1856, and entered the Citizens' bank, where he occupied the position of teller for about 18 months. He resigned this position on account of poor health. He subsequently opened a grocery store in Centredale, this state, where he remained for a short time, and then returned to Woonsocket and opened a grocery and provision store at Jenckesville in a building which stands opposite the lower Jenckesville mill on Social street, and which is now used as an office by Ray, Rathbun & Co., owners of the Jenckesville mills. He sold this store in 1862, and in the fall of that year became a recruiting officer for the United States government. He resigned this position to enter the town clerk's office at Cumberland as recording clerk. At a subsequent period he became bookkeeper for Nathaniel Elliott, at the latter's lumber yard office, North Main street. In a short time he was given full control of the business of his employer as a contractor, builder and lumber merchant. In this capacity of general superintendent he worked hard, allowing himself but little rest. City Clerk Albert E. Greene, who was bookkeeper for Nathaniel Elliott at that time, says that the deceased was one of the hardest working men he ever came in contact with. He further adds that he worked not only all day, but also late into the night, and was often obliged to trespass on the Sabbath in order to keep up with the vast amount of labor which fell to his lot to perform. In 1874 he formed a contracting and building copartnership, under the firm title of Jenckes, Page & Co., the other members of the firm being Joseph Page and P. J. Conley. This partnership was in time dissolved, the deceased, however, still continuing the business of contractor and builder. His next progressive step was the organizing of the Franklin Rubber Company, the first start of which was made in Woonsocket. These works were subsequently located in Franklin, Mass., in buildings erected under his supervision. He remained superintendent of these works for a few years, and finally resigned. His successful efforts to establish water works in Woonsocket, and the establishment by him and others of the Woonsocket street railway and building of the the Woonsocket Opera House are enterprises of such recent date as to be fresh in the minds of every resident.
He was a large owner of real estate in this vicinity and one of the principal owners of the Jenckes Teaming Company.
At the same time he was engaged in business schemes of magnitude, to the details of which he was giving personal attention, he was interesting himself in public affairs and becoming a power in politics. He was always a republican and took a deep interest in the welfare of his party, although never holding an elective office except that of representative in the general assembly in 1878-9. He was long an acknowledged leader, and during his leadership could have been elected to any office in the gift of his party which he desired to hold. He was a member of the republican town committee, before the town merged into a city, and a member of the state central committee and of the national committee from 1884 to 1888, one of his last duties in this connection being attendance at the meeting in Washington in the spring of 1888, which called the presidential convention at Chicago. He also, as a member of the committee, attended the national convention. In 1880 he was a delegate to the national republican convention that nominated Garfield and exercised considerable influence there.
The character of Mr. Jenckes had marked individuality. In business, as intimated, he was a man of mighty energy. To this he added a boldness of conception, a breadth of view, that often startled conservative associates, although he usually converted them to his views. He was in this respect a type of the kind of American business men that are building cities and creating great states on this continent. His mind was tireless--particularly in the last decade of his life--in setting on foot new projects, most of which were in the nature of public improvements. Of course he carried out only a small part of them. There were limitations with which he struggled--capital was not always to be had in sufficient quantity, and worse, in the midst of his activities, his health began to fail. But no one who looks about the young city of Woonsocket can fail to realize that what he did set on foot and carry through has made it a modern city in something more than population and form of government, and has made it a far more desirable place of residence. Beside the street railway, the water works and the opera house, he was one of the pioneers in the erection of dwellings of an attractive style of architecture. In his varied business career he had reverses, but undaunted he met them with redoubled energy and determination to win in the end.
In politics -- in the management of campaigns, the handling of men and the carrying of measures -- Mr. Jenckes found almost congenial employment. He was for at least a dozen years pre-eminent in the republican councils of the town and state, and not unknown in the nation. The habit of hard work and never surrendering, the knowledge of men, a personal magnetism that made his friends adhere to him and serve him -- a strong development of what might be termed 'the political sense', and addition to the senses which some men in this country have -- made him remarkably successful. He always paid his political debts to allies and opponents, and to the latter he was manly and open in his welfare. It was his way to say to a man to whom he was opposed, 'I am against you and I will fight'. For two or three years previous to his death he was less interested in politics than formerly. Mr. Jenckes died on the 1st of October, 1889.
[overlay: 'artotype' of Horace A. Jenckes]
p. 405: John JOHNSTON, son of John and Mary (McQueen) Johnston, was born in 1848 in Glasgow, Scotland. He came to America and located in Woonsocket in 1871, working first for the A.D. Clark Shuttle Company until 1881. He then, in company with John Shambow, bought out Bass & Hawkins, of the Woonsocket Shuttle Company. He was married in 1873 to Margaret, daughter of Alexander Watt, of Refrewshire, Scotland. He was educated in Scotland, and there he also learned his trade.
p. 405: Levi C. LINCOLN, son of Samuel and Olive (Cook) Lincoln, was born in Providence in 1858, and was educated at Mowry & Goff's school, Providence, graduating in 1875. He came to Woonsocket in 1877, was first employed in the Citizen's National Bank, and while there became connected with the Electric Machine & Power Company as treasurer, and since 1883 has been general agent. He married Nettie, daughter of Joseph R. Bailey, of Woonsocket, in 1877.
p. 405: Very Reverend Michael McCABE, son of Patrick and Ann (Gray) McCabe, was born in 1826 in Ireland, came to America in 1851, and was educated in the seminary at Baltimore. He was ordained in 1854, after which he remained in the Cathedral from June, 1854, until February, 1855, when he came to Woonsocket as pastor of St. Charles' church. After being in Woonsocket eleven years he went to Providence in charge of St. Patrick's church for three years, and in 1869 returned to Woonsocket, where he has been ever since.
p. 405: Frank A. McKENNA, son of John and Catherine (McCarron) McKenna, was born in 1852 in Lowell, Mass. He came to Woonsocket in 1880 and established the undertaking business, having previously worked at the business in Providence. He is a member of the Order of Foresters and the Catholic Knights. He married Margaret J., daughter of Michael Connolly, of Smithfield, in 1879.
p. 405: Amos MARSHALL, born in 1824 in Yorkshire, England, is a son of John and Sarah (Greenwood) Marshall. He came to America first in 1851, staying one year and returning to England. He came again in 1857, and in 1858 located at Woonsocket, going to work in the mills. For twelve years he had charge of woolen weaving in Boston, Carolina, Clayville, N.Y., and Philadelphia. He established the mineral water business in 1877 in Woonsocket. He married Sarah E., daughter of Joseph Batchelor, in 1863.
p. 405-06: Edwin Ballou MILLER.-- Jonathan Miller, the father of the subject of this biography, who was a farmer and a boat builder, lived and died in the town of Cumberland. By his union with Polly, daughter of Oliver Ballou of the same town, were born six sons and three daughters, as follows: Louisa, Almina, Lorenzo, Leander, Almon G., Clementina, Edwin B., Solyman and Lewis L. Edwin B. was born in Cumberland on the 20th of April, 1824, and until the age of 21 remained at home, attending the country school and assisting his father in his varied pursuits. On attaining his majority he came to Woonsocket and engaged as foreman for his uncle, who cultivated a farm and operated a cotton mill; on the death of the latter still continuing in the employ of his sons.
Mr. Miller soon after this began an independent business career as the purchaser of a livery stable, which he managed for a brief time. In 1855 he embarked in the ice business and at the same time began operations in real estate, which he has successfully continued until the present time, being one of the largest builders and real estate operators in the city. For 25 years he supplied the citizens of Woonsocket with ice and was also a considerable dealer in lumber, as well as a farmer. In 1861 he began the erection of stores and tenements, which industry has been carried on for many years. Some of these he sold, others are rented. The number of houses he built within the city limits will aggregate 50 or more, of which he still owns half the number.
Mr. Miller is a republican in his political faith and has for many years filled such local offices as member of the town council (before Woonsocket became a city), assessor of taxes and commissioner of highways. He was elected a member of the general assembly for the session 1888-9. He was formerly a director of the National Globe Bank and is now a trustee of the Producers' Savings Bank of Woonsocket.
Mr. Miller was, in 1849, married to Lydia A., daughter of Luman Hardy, of New Hampshire. Their children are: Henry F., deceased; Mary Estelle, wife of Francis S. Weeks, Jr.; Medora, deceased; Ellen Frances, deceased; Ida E., wife of Stafford C. Clow; Adelaide L., married to Clarence C. Andrews, and Edwin P. The death of Mrs. Miller occurred February 15th, 1886.
[overlay: 'artotype' portrait of Edwin B. Miller]
p. 406: George H. MILLER, son of Lorenzo D. and Loretta (Darling) Miller, was born in 1840, in Franklin, Mass., came to Woonsocket in 1853, and was educated in the high school. He served three years during the rebellion in Troop D, First R.I. Cavalry, entering as a private and returning quartermaster-sergeant. He was on detached service as private orderly to General Duffie, and in active service during the whole of his enlistment, going through the Shenandoah Valley with Sheridan, and was also with Kilpatrick, Custer and Merritt. He grew up in the ice business with his uncle, and in 1880 succeeded to the business. Coal was added in 1888. He was elected alderman of the Fifth ward upon the formation of the city government. He was married in 1866 to Mary E., daughter of Albert C. Vose, of Lincoln.
p. 406: George W. MILLER was born in Germany in 1837, and came to Woonsocket when 16 years of age. He was first employed in the Woonsocket Company's cotton mill for six years, then was employed in the Woonsocket Iron Foundry until 1865. He then started a repair shop, which he ran alone one year, and then took in as partner Joseph Banigan. One year later he bought out Mr. Banigan and carried the business on alone until 1869, and then sold out to the Woonsocket Rubber Company, remaining with that company until 1879. He then started again in the machinist business and carried it on until January, 1884, then consolidated with the Woonsocket Machine and Press Company. He served as member of the town council for two years. He was married in 1858 to Katherine, daughter of Jacob Graff.
p. 407: James C. MOLTEN, son of M. and Sarah (Cutter) Molten, was born in 1822 in Newport. He came to Woonsocket in 1842 and engaged in the furnishing business, under the firm name of H. & J.C. Molten, which continued until 1846, then by J. C. Molten until 1880, when he retired. In 1844 he married Susan E., daughter of Joshua and Amy (Smith) Bacon, of Providence. He was representative to the general assembly in 1858, served on school committee, was member of town council in 1866-7, is school trustee, and has served before. He has been connected with the People's Savings Bank for 18 years. He was elected to the city council from the Fourth ward upon the formation of the city government in 1888, and was elected president of council in January, 1889.
p. 407: William F. NORTON was born in Ireland in 1847, and came to America in 1853, locating at Albion, R.I. He came to Woonsocket in 1868, and went to work for the Harris Woolen Company, where he learned his trade, remaining four years. Then he went to Chicago, remaining four years, and after the great fire returned to Woonsocket where he has been ever since, establishing his business of contractor and builder in 1884. He married Kate, daughter of John Franey, of Greenfield, Mass., in 1875.
p. 410-11: Francis M. PERKINS --The parents of the subject of this biography were Josiah and Melintha (Smith) Perkins, whose children were: Anna M., Andrew J., Jane M., Francis M., Charles H., Eliza J., and Louisa A. Francis M. Perkins was born in Middleboro, Mass., July 25th, 1839, and while yet a child removed with his parents to Woonsocket.
On completing his education in the public schools he assisted his father in the book and periodical business. Subsequently entering the grocery trade with Daniel A. Cook, he continued this business association for several years, and later formed a co-partnership with George C. Wilder in the same branch of trade, in both of which ventures he was very successful. In 1868 he was made treasurer of the Woonsocket Rubber Company, and continued in this position until his death, May 10th, 1885. On assuming this responsibility the capital stock of the company, in which he was a shareholder, was $125,000. In now represents a capital of $1,500,000. Mr. Perkins was also a stockholder in the Bailey Wringing Machine Company, and a director in both the Woonsocket National Bank and the Woonsocket Institution for Savings. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and connected with Morning Star Lodge, No. 14, of that Order.
In all his undertakings, whether of a business or social character, he displayed remarkable energy, and faithful to every trust, honest in his dealings and efficient to a remarkable degree in his undertakings. Active yet quiet in all his works, he moved still onward to success with a determination and a purpose that were praiseworthy in the highest degree. He knew no faltering steps and walked not in doubt or fear. Discerning what he undertook with a clear vision, and guided by the unflinching courage of his convictions, he accomplished his work. Mr. Perkins felt great interest in the Universalist church and Sunday school, in the former of which he was leader of the choir, and in the latter musical director and librarian. He was also a member of the prudential committee of the society. A keen lover of music, many of his musical compositions were rendered in connection with the church festivities, and received with many marks of appreciation.
Mr. Perkins was married December 19th, 1865, to Ella F., daughter of George C. Wilder, of Woonsocket. Harold W. is the only survivor of three children.
[overlay: 'artotype' portrait of Francis M. Perkins]
p. 411-12: LeRoy Bidwell PEASE, the eldest of the seven children of Walter Raleigh and Sophia (Bidwell) Pease, was born at Enfield, Conn., February 2d, 1842, in the paternal homestead that has been, and is now, in the possession of the family since the settlement of the town in 1680. The father of the subject of this sketch still resides on the land purchased from the Indians on the above date, as did seven generations preceding. On his mother's side, also, he is endowed with the blood of the Puritans, the Bidwells having been among the first settlers of East Hartford, Conn. When Mr. Pease was but four years of age his parents removed to Manchester, Conn., where his father, who was a contractor and builder, began the erection of buildings for the now world famous Cheney Silk Works. Leroy soon after entered the public schools of Manchester, and completed his education at Professor J. C. Howard's private academy for boys at East Hartford.
Immediately he entered the Good Samaritan drug store at Hartford, and began reading medicine, but two years later, having a desire to learn thenewspaper business, entered the employ of Curtis B. Wells, publisher ofvthe 'Tolland County Gazette' at Rockville, Conn. Remaining here until the fall of 1859, he returned to Hartford and worked as a journeyman printer until October 26th, 1861, when he enlisted as a private in the First Connecticut Light Battery, serving until October 20th, 1862, when he was mustered out at Beaufort, S.C., being one of the 'lucky ones' to profit by a general order reducing the number of officers and men in light batteries. Returning to Hartford, he filled various positions on the newspapers of that city, New Haven and New York, until November 23d, 1863, when he re-enlisted in Company A, First Connecticut Heavy Artillery, and served until mustered out of the service on September 25th, 1865, several months after the close of the war. During a portion of this time he was engaged in special service for the government.
After the war the newspaper business was resumed in New York and Hartford, and in the summer of 1870 Mr. Pease went to Providence. After short engagements on the 'Journal' and 'Herald' of that city, he went to Woonsocket and entered the employ of Samuel S. Foss, publisher of the 'Patriot', on November 10th, 1870. Here he remained until a few days prior to October 1st, 1873, on which date he started the first daily in Woonsocket, 'The Evening Reporter', having been since engaged in its publication and during which time he has purchased the 'Patriot' and other competing publications.
In 1874 Mr. Pease married Helen A., youngest daughter of Colonel Samuel S. Mosely of Hampton, Conn. They have three children: Arthur S., Albert L. and Helen L. Mr. Pease has never held political office. He has devoted much time to temperance and philanthropic work, and is interested in most of the semi-public improvements of his adopted city. His newspaper business yields him a comfortable living, and he enjoys the respect of his fellow citizens.
[overlay: 'artotype' portrait of L.B. Pease]
p. 412: Israel B. PHILLIPS, son of Nathan and Amey (Fords) Phillips, was born in 1823, in Scituate, and was educated at the Scituate Academy. He established himself in the undertaking business in North Providence in 1863, and came to Woonsocket in 1870, where he carried on the business until he sold out in 1883. He served as a member of the town council twice. He married in 1849, Harriet, daughter of Seril Peck, of Attleboro, Mass. She died in 1855 and he married again in 1857, Abby G., daughter of Mowry Lapham, of Smithfield, now Lincoln.
p. 412-13: Aram J. POTHIER, son of Julius and Domitilde (Dallaire) Pothier, was born in 1856 in Quebec, and was educated at Nicolet College, Quebec. His parents located in Woonsocket about 20 years ago. He has been connected with the Woonsocket Institution for Savings since 1875, has been a member of the school committee for four years, represented the town in the legislature from 1887 to 1889, and was commissioner for Rhode Island to the Paris Exposition in 1889. He was elected city auditor of Woonsocket upon the formation of the city government.
p. 413: William POWER, son of Patrick George and Maria (Lyons) Power, was born in the city of Waterford, Ireland, in 1833. His father was a lawyer of prominence and his mother was a daughter of a wealthy Waterford merchant. He established his present business of grocer in 1860. In 1854 he was married to Johanna, daughter of Timothy McCarthy, of Providence. He was elected councilman of the Third ward upon the formation of the city government.
p. 413: Reuben G. RANDALL, son of David and Ruth (Allen) Randall, was born in 1826, in Richmond, N.H., and was educated in the Friends' school, Providence. He came to Woonsocket in 1843, and was first employed in the counting room of Dexter Ballou & Co. for eight years. In 1853 he became connected with the First National Bank as cashier, which position he has held since. He was made treasurer of the People's Savings Bank in 1857, and treasurer of the Woonsocket Gas Company in 1859. He is also the president of the American Worsted Company. He married for his first wife, Sylvia Harrington. His present wife is Medora C., daughter of Willis Cook, of Woonsocket. He married her in 1856.
p. 413-14: Oscar Jenckes RATHBUN, son of Aaron and Julia E. Rathbun, was born in Woonsocket, R.I., March 12th, 1832. His education was obtained at the Worcester high school, Worcester, Mass., and the Clinton Liberal Institute, Clinton, N.Y., after which his business career was begun, at the age of 19, as clerk in the mercantile establishment of his father, located in his native place. Aaron Rathbun died in 1854, leaving all his interests in the hands of his son, meanwhile advising him to abandon mercantile life, which was not to his taste, and embark in business as a manufacturer. In deference to this expressed wish and in consonance with his own inclinations, he at once relinquished the career as a merchant, and settled his father's estate. In 1856 Hon Latimer W. Ballou, at that time cashier of the Woonsocket Falls National Bank, called upon Mr. Rathbun and requested his assistance in the bank. Not desiring to make banking the business of his life, he accepted the office conditional upon its relinquishment when other plans were fully matured. The next year he was appointed cashier of the Citizens' National Bank, and treasurer of the Citizens' Savings Bank, which positions he filled until 1860.
During the latter year he was married to Miss Rachel F. Harris, daughter of Edward Harris, and to them were born two children: Mabel, wife of Chester B. Smith, and Edward Harris. The death of Mrs. Rathbun, which occurred in 1872, was the occasion of deep grief to her family. She was an earnest member of the Protestant Episcopal church, not only exerting a religious influence on those around her, but exercising charity and performing many kind and loving acts to people of less ample means. After his marriage, Mr. Rathbun, who had been a member of the corporation of the Universalist church, severed his connection with that body, and became a constant attendant upon the services of the Protestant Episcopal church, of which he has since been a vestryman.
In 1880 Mr. Rathbun completed negotiations begun the previous year, for the purchase of the Jenckesville Cotton Mills, which he conducted until 1872, when the property was sold, he retaining a half interest. On the organization of the Harris Woolen Company he was made secretary, and on the death of Edward Harris in 1872, became president of the corporation, which office he still holds. He is in addition to this identified with other interests as president of the Household Sewing Machine Company, of the Citizens' National Bank, of the Woonsocket Street Railway, and director in the following organizations: The Providence & Worcester railroad, the Mercantile Insurance Company, the Equitable Fire & Marine Insurance Company, the Franklin National Bank, the American Wood Paper Company, the Ray Woolen Company, the Woonsocket Gas Company, and the Rhode Island Tool Company. He is also a trustee of the Harris Institute, and of the William J. King estate. Mr. Rathbun has led an active business life and found neither leisure nor opportunity for an extended political career. He has, however, been for two terms representative in the state legislature, and was lieutenant-governor of Rhode Island from 1882 to 1884.
[overlay: 'artotype' portrait of O. J. Rathbun]
p. 414: George S. READ, son of Elisha T. and Harriet A. (Stockbridge) Read, was born in 1842 in Woonsocket, and was educated in the public schools and high school, Woonsocket, and Friends' School, Providence. He served in the Third R.I. Heavy Artillery as private, corporal, sergeant and lieutenant. He served part of the time with Battery M, U.S. Troops. He was postmaster of Woonsocket from 1879 to 1888. He was in the house of representatives in 1888. He married Lavilla A., daughter of Amos and Eliza C. Allen, of Franklin, Mass., in 1867.
p. 414: James S. READ, son of Elisha T. and Harriet A. (Stockbridge) Read, was born in 1835 in Woonsocket, and was educated in the public schools, and at Worcester Academy. He was married to Laura A., daughter of Abner Aldrich of Woonsocket, in 1861. He was a member of the last town council, and is member of school board, and treasurer of the Globe school district. Since his father's death in March, 1878, he has been cashier of the Union National Bank, his father having been cashier of the same bank for 31 years. His grandfather, George Read, was an old settler of Woonsocket. His grandfather, on his mother's side, Horatio Stockbridge, was a native of Massachusetts, but an early settler of Woonsocket.
p. 415: James H. RICKARD, son of George and Sarah C. (Helme) Rickard, was born in 1838 in Pomfret, Conn. He came to Woonsocket in 1866 and established himself in the grocery business, having previously been in the business in Pomfret. He was educated in the public schools and a private academy at Abington, Conn. He has for the past fifteen years been in the contracting and real estate business. He served with the 18th Connecticut Regiment about two years as private, and was with the 19th U.S. Colored Troops, serving with them about two years. He is commander of Smith Post, No. 9. He was married in 1874 to Abby S., daughter of Seth Welld, of Woonsocket.
p. 415: A. C. SILBEY, son of Ira and Sophronia (Shumway) Silbey, was born in Oxford, Mass., in 1855. He came to Woonsocket in 1877, working first for C. B. Aldrich, and upon the death of Mr. Aldrich he continued the business, establishing himself first on North Main street in 1879, afterward moving to River street, and to his present place in 1885.
p. 415: Albert A. SMITH, son of Clark and Phelenia (Clark) Smith, was born in Woonsocket in 1834, and was educated in the district schools. He was elected representative once on the republican ticket, and twice on the democratic ticket, served one year in the town council, was a member of the school committee when the town was organized and at the time the city government was formed. He served in the 1st R. I. Cavalry, and after a year's service was transferred to the Veteran Corps. He was married in 1852 to Eveline M., daughter of Elisha Sherman, of Bellingham, Mass.
p. 415: George SMITH, son of Richard and Eliza (Hopkins) Smith, was born in 1815 in Portsmouth, Va., and came with his parents to Burrillville, R.I., when four years old. He had charge of mills for the Valley Falls Company, at Valley Falls, for 31 years before coming to Woonsocket. He came to Woonsocket in 1875, being at the time proprietor of a yarn mill at East Blackstone. He was subsequently superintendent of Harris Number 5 Cotton Mill, head of the Woonsocket Yarn Company, superintendent for a year of the cotton mill at Farnumsville, Mass., and since April, 1886, superintendent of the Bernon Cotton Mill, now operated by the Valley Falls Company. He married Lavina C., daughter of Meldier White, of Central Falls, in 1836. He was member of town council of Cumberland one year, and was elected councilman from the First ward upon the formation of the city government.
p. 415-16: Charles W. TALCOTT, son of James Tudor and Sarah (Hutchings) Talcott, was born in 1844 in Manchester, Conn., and was educated in the public schools. He came to Woonsocket in 1867, and first ran a steam engine for the Bailey Wringing Machine Company for about six years. He ran an engine for N. Elliott's wood working establishment about two years, then at the Privilege Mill two years, and at the Globe Mill one year. In 1874 he established himself in the steam, gas and water pipe business and contracting. He laid all the mains for the Woonsocket water works when they were put in, and was one of the prime movers in the water works. He is a director in the Woosocket Opera House. He served in Company K, 20th Connecticut Infantry. He married Alma E., daughter of David Jewell, of Hebron, N.H.
p. 416: Ariel C. THOMAS, son of Edwin R. and Ann Eliza (Cook) Thomas, was born in 1857 in Woonsocket, and was educated in the public schools and high school, Woonsocket, and at the Friends' School, Providence. He has occupied various positions in the Clinton Mill, having been connected with it for 13 years, and has been superintendent and agent for the past two years. His father was agent for the same company for 33 years. He married Nellie M., daughter of Alvin Parker, of Blackstone, Mass., in 1880. He was elected councilman for the Fourth ward upon the formation of the city government.
p. 416: Charles E. THOMAS -- the grandparents of Mr. Thomas were Philip and Amy (Jenks) Thomas. His parents were Edwin R. and Ann E. (Cook) Thomas, to whom were born children: Ella, Charles E., Mary A., (widow of Theodore M. Cook), Cora E. (wife of Samuel R. Harris), Ariel C., John D. (deceased), Fred A., and two who died in infancy. Charles E. Thomas was born in Manville, Providence county, December 17, 1850, and came to Woonsocket with his parents in 1854. On attaining a suitable age he entered the public schools, and concluded his studies at the Friends' Academy. He in 1869 became an employe of the Clinton Manufacturing Company of Woonsocket, first as an accountant and later as superintendent of the mills, with the various departments of which he had previously become familiar. After a business connection with this company extending over a period of 18 years, his services were transferred to the Globe Mills of Woonsocket, of which he is now the efficient superintendent. A detailed description of these mills and their workings have been given elsewhere in this volume, need not be repeated here.
Mr. Thomas is identified with various important business organizations in the city of his residence. He is president and a member of the board of direction of the Producers' National Bank, a trustee and member of the board of investment of the Producers' Savings Bank, trustee of the Woonsocket Institution for Savings, and director of the Woonsocket Electric Machine and Power Company. A republican in politics, he has been a member of the school committee and for several years clerk of the consolidated school district, but has found little time to devote to a more extended political career. His religious belief is that of the Universalist church, in which he is a deacon. He is a past commander of Woonsocket Commandery, No. 23, Knights Templar, and high priest of Union Royal Arch Chapter, No. 5.
Mr. Thomas was, on the 28th of October, 1885, married to Annie L., daughter of the late Reverend B. S. Sharpe. They have one son, Edwin R.
[facing page: 'artotype' portrait of Chas. E. Thomas]
p. 417: Hervey S. TURNER, son of Samuel and Nancy (Howe) Turner, was born in 1849, in Holden, Mass., and was educated at the high school and academy, Worcester, Mass. He came from Providence to Woonsocket in 1877 and engaged in the business of buying and selling horses until he started the livery business in 1882. In 1884 he was married to Abby L., daughter of Nathaniel Devereux, of Woonsocket.
p. 417-18: Alonzo Darwin VOSE. -- Amariah Vose, the grandfather of Alonzo D. Vose, was born April 19th, 1768, in Wrentham, Massachusetts, and married Rejoice Cook, of the same town, December 29th, 1791. The first of their nine children was a son, Willing Vose, born January 15th, 1793, in Wrentham, who resided during the greater part of his life in Cumberland and Woonsocket, where he was engaged in the triple pursuits of millwright, carpenter, and machinist. He married Mercy Jillson, of Richmond, New Hampshire, on the 19th of August, 1814. Their children were: Albert C., Mariamne (sic), Alanson C., and Alonzo D., all of whom, with the exception of the last named, are deceased. Mr. Vose was married a second and third time, leaving one daughter by the second union, now deceased.
Alonzo D. Vose, the youngest son, was born October 4th, 1823, in that portion of Cumberland now embraced in Woonsocket, where his life has mainly been spent. After a common English education his attention was given to the work of the farm. In the spring of 1842 he embarked in a journalistic enterprise, in connection with a partner, as proprietors and publishers of the 'Woonsocket Sentinel and Thomasonian Advocate', devoted to temperance and the then new theory of medicine, which paper had a brief existence of but one year, owing to the poor health of Mr. Vose and the decease of his partner. In 1843 he entered the employ of the Woonsocket Furnace company, and was for five years the custodian of their patterns and castings. From 1848 to 1851 he was at work on the farm, and spent the succeeding three years as salesman in the grocery business. Mr. Vose then invested his capital in a bakery and was for nearly 20 years a partner and financial manager of the Woonsocket Bakery Company, from which he retired in 1873 with a fair competency. His time has since been chiefly given to the care of his property and a few acres of land.
Mr. Vose was formerly a republican in his political faith, and is now a staunch advocate of prohibition principles. He was, in 1874, elected by the republican party a member of the lower house of the general assembly on the temperance issue; not receiving a second nomination on account of his rigid adherence to principle rather than party policy. He has served the town as assessor of taxes and paymaster of soldiers' families residing in his town during the late war. He is a director and member of the board of investment of the Producers' Savings Bank of Woonsocket. Mr. Vose has been a member and an active officer of Fountain Division, No. 4, Sons of Temperance of Woonsocket since March, 1858. Since 1871 he has been treasurer of the Grand Division of Rhode Island, with an interval of one year, when he was the chief officer. He is a member of the Universalist church of Woonsocket, and has for many years officiated as one of its deacons.
Mr. Vose was, November 4th, 1844, married to Martha Daniels, daughter of John Mayo and Nancy (Wight) Cook, of Bellingham, Massachusetts, who died February 11th, 1883, leaving no children.
p. 418: Aaron B. WARFIELD, son of Preston and Hannah Warfield, was born in 1844, in Blackstone, Mass., and was educated in the public schools and Walpole high school. He came to Woonsocket in 1862 and was employed as clerk in the grocery store of Horace Cook. In 1868 he established himself in the business with Moses Aldrich as a partner in the same store, and in 1871 bought out Mr. Aldrich and has since carried on the business alone, moving to his present store next door in August, 1888. He served with the 7th R.I. Volunteers, going out in August, 1862, was wounded in the battle of Fredericksburg and at North Anna River. Upon his return from the war he went into the cotton yarn manufacturing business with E. Jenckes at South Walpole, which he continued for two years. He married Adelaide, daughter of Nathan Chilson of Bellingham, Mass., in 1865. He is a director in the Mechanics' Savings Bank and the First National Bank, and a director in the Bailey Wringing Machine Company.
p. 418: George P. WARFIELD, son of Preston and Hannah Warfield, was born in 1849, in Brooklyn, N.Y., and came to Woonsocket about 1874. He learned the carpenter's trade with William L. Read, in Millville, and started business for himself in Woonsocket in 1876. He carried on that business until 1883, and then with L. L. Chilson, bought the River street lumber yard from B. Hawkins & Co., running it about three years, since which time he has been in the contracting business. In 1880 he married Georgianna, daughter of George B. Lapham of Woonsocket.
p. 419: Francis S. WEEKS, Jr., son of F. S. and Susan E. (Brown) Weeks, was born in 1857 in Woonsocket, and was educated at the Woonsocket High School. He has always been identified with the furniture business, and established business for himself in 1877. In 1875 he was married to Mary E., daughter of E. B. Miller of Woonsocket.
p. 419: George M. WELLES, son of Aaron D. and Martha (Bull) Welles, was born in Plymouth, Conn., in 1845, and was educated in the schools of that place, in New Britain, Conn., and in a business college at Philadelphia. He came to Woonsocket in 1865 and entered the employ of his uncle, Isaac M. Bull, in the office of the Hamlet Mills; was superintendent of those mills from 1881 to 1885; subsequently in the employ of the executor in settling the large Bull estate, and for some time past has been of the livery firm of Turner & Welles, and interested in other business enterprises. He was a member of the town council two years and assessor of taxes six years. He was elected alderman of the First ward upon the formation of the city government. He is a director in the Woonsocket Gas Company, and director in the People's and Woonsocket Savings Banks. Since June 1st, 1889, he has been connected with the City Lumber Company. He was married in 1870, to Eleanor, daughter of John O. Ives, of Plymouth, Conn.
p. 419: Henry A. WHITNEY, son of Reuben P. and Hannah W. (Wilson) Whitney, was born in 1856 in Southbridge, Mass., and was educated in the public schools. He came to Woonsocket in 1875 and was first employed as clerk in Jackson's drug store, and in 1878 started business for himself. In 1880 he married Jennie F., daughter of Henry S. Arnold of Woonsocket.
p. 419: John A. C. WIGHTMAN, son of Henry and Emily (Chadsey) Wightman, was born in 1847 in North Kingstown, R.I., and was brought up on his father's farm. He was educated in the public schools and came to Woonsocket in 1869. He was first employed as clerk in the grocery store of Canfield & Son, and soon after went with Standish & Wightman in same business, and afterward carried on the business for himself for twelve years, then sold out and established the wholesale and retail hay and grain business, running the first steam grist mill in Woonsocket. He continued that business until 1884, when he started in the undertaking business that was originally established by I. B. Phillips. He has served four years in town council and one year as president, was one of the board of school trustees, is a trustee in the Producers' Savings Bank, president of the Woonsocket Baptist Society and treasurer of the same, has been president for six years and treasurer for sixteen years, was for three years highway commissioner and one year in the general assembly. He married Clara E. Pierce.
p. 419-20: Stephen WILCOX, son of Lyman and Sylvia A. (Wilcox) Wilcox, was born in 1840 in what was then Cumberland, now Woonsocket. He was brought up on a farm until fourteen years of age, then learned the carpenter trade, and afterward the wheelwright trade, and left the wheelwright business for farming and milk peddling. While at that business he bought the Olney Mason farm and then turned his whole attention to farming and milk business, having now a farm of 85 acres. He put in a machine for steaming fodder, which he will enlarge to twenty-five horse power, to saw shingles and grind grain and corn. He is the owner of the Hawley Mineral Springs. He married Caroline S., daughter of Albert P. Hawley of Woonsocket, in 1864.
These documents are made available free to the public for non-commercial purposes by the Rhode Island USGenWeb Project. Transcribed by Beth Hurd, 1999 .