Auxiliary to Zanesville Camp No. 67 United
Spanish War Veterans
Meeting place: Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, fourth Friday evening.
Organized by C. P. Moss and Daisy A Wragg, Department Chief of Staff
Mustered April 29,1926, by Edith Noble, Past Department President
Number of charter members: Twenty-nine
Number of members, 1927: Thirty
President of Auxiliary
1926 Nell Scott 1927 Juliet Stockdale 1928
Carrie Bridewell
*Brown, Lelia
*Moss, Harriet
*Bridewell, Carrie
Nowell, Pearl
Bridwell, Louise
*Nichols, Anna
*Beckard, Edith
*Paul, Susan
*Black, Sarah
Staley, Edna |
*Corbin, Alice
*Staley, Rose
Carson, Lizzie
*Stockdale, Alta
*Hamilton, Margaret
*Stockdale, Juliet
* Harris, Helen M
Stockdale, Jeanette
*Kreamer, Edna
*Savage, Pearl
*Longley, Elizabeth
*Sprague, Grace
*Moorehead, Rose
Schroyer, Anna
*Mitchell, Elizabeth
*Shell, Myrtle
*Musselman, Catherine
*Kreamer, Katherine
Musselman, Anna
*denotes charter members