Teacher: Miss Bessie McIntosh
George Moody, Earle Vogel, Clarence Thomas, Ralph
Jones, Ralph Tigonor, Richard Bibler, Charles Barker, Helen Schunk,
Carrie Greiner, Nellie Murphy, Edwin Melvin, Tabitha Tandy, Gladys
Crozier, Florence Bice, Viola Bice, Drucilla Lemon, Charles Bridwell,
Blanche Butler, Beulah Escover, Edna Rucker, Donald McIntire, Ethel
Mohr, Helen Lawson, John Hittle, Clarence Swain, William Kleinhoffer,
John Galligher, Herbert Graves, Katie Emerick, Lorena Hittle, Helen
Bateson, Helen McCarthy, Harry Evans, George Smith,
Daniel Harlow, George Switzer. Three students were unidentified
the picture sent to the Zanesville, Ohio newspaper by
Mrs Earle
Smith of Lakewood, Ohio. The school was razed when
70 was constructed.