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Virginia Bell, Marguerite Carpenter, William Basehart, Jacqueline Couglar, Dorothy Dusenberry, Raymond Godfrey, Mary Dyser, Robert Guinsler, Richard Hollingsworth, Mary Farahay, Sophia Goelz, Dorothy Hammond, Norma Hempfling, Robert Lee, Raymond Mahaney, Louise Imlay, Elaine Kelly, Robert Mattingly, Catherine Kilmer, Marjorie King, Charlotte Kirkendall, Florence Kohler, Rita Masse, William McNally, Louis Miller, Isabel McCabe, Dolores McCarty, William Paul, Virginia Musselman, Mary Orwig, Norma Pugh,  Mary Agnes Ricketts, Margaret Turner, Charles Rhinehart, William Schneider, Betty Ward, Betty Whikehart, Carroll Snider, Blanche Wilson, Geraldine Wood.
The present St Thomas School was erected in 1921 and is located on the west side of Fifth Street,across  from the St Thomas Church. There is no record of a parochial school being in Zanesville before a two story frame building was purchased in 1847 for that purpose, just south of the church. St Columbia's Academy was erected on the northeast end of that school in 1856 and was a boarding school for young ladies until 1873.

We, the class of 1939, of St Thomas High School, in the City of Zanesville, and the State of Ohio, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make, publish and declare this instrument to be our last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills made by us.

To the Junior Class we leave the good example set by us as Seniors. To Donald Winn, Junior President, Robert Mattingly leaves his ability to conduct class affairs. Raymond and Donald Long
Burgess are left in charge of the laboratory and period bell by Raymond Mahaney. Carroll Snider and Bill Paul will their knack of playing basketball to Robert Welch.

To Robert Guinsler, Virginia Musselman bequeaths her latin pony. To keep heirlooms in the family, Delores McCarty leaves her Irish spirit to Bob and Rita Masse, her report card as a model, to her sister, Dorothy. To June Ann Worstall the famous powder puff is left by Dorothy Hammond.

William Basehart and Charles Rhinehart
will their airplanes to Tom Montgomery. William McNally leaves a part of his dignity to Bob Whikehart and hopes that he will make use of it. Since he has grown up now and won't need it any longer , Robert Lee leaves his "kiddie car" to Roland Lasure.

To Virginia Bollinger, Isabel McCabe leaves her silence and sincerity. Dorothy Dusenbery gives her title "Queen of Swing" to Mary Reilly. To Billie Ann Lyon, Mary Dyser leaves her diamond ring.

Bill Schneider wills his shorthand book to Eugene Wagner and wishes him good luck with it. Robert Guinsler leaves his dimples to John Holler, the owner of the "Million Dollar Smile."

Mary Orwig leaves her gift of gab to Helen Welch. To Agnes Shesky is left a Latin book by Norma Hempfling. Marjorie King and Sophia Goelz leave Maxine Kessler to carry on the alto in the choir.

Louis Miller bequeathes his specs to Paul Musselman so that he may see it all. Dick Hollingsworth leaves his suave air to Paul McCoy and hopes he will achieve the fame his predecessor achieved.

Jacqueline Cougler and Geraldine Wood donate their generosity to Mary Rose. Blanche Wilson and Betty Ward hope that Helen Arnold will take their place at "George's" in the fall. Catherine Kilmer and Elaine Kelly wish to leave the edition of next year's Yearbook to Ann Smith. Mary Farahay and Marguerite Carpenter wish to leave Betty Synan their seat in Mays.

Raymond Godfrey wills his title "class clown" to George Schramm. Virginina Bell and Louise Imlay gave Patricia Tracy their laboratory books for next year. Norma Pugh and Florence Kohler leaave their bookkeeping ability to Nathaniel Dutro. Betty Whikehart and Mary A Ricketts bequeath to Grace Hawxhurst their art of punctuality.

To the entire Junior  Class is left the composition of the will for next year by Charlotte Kirkendall and Margaret Turner.

Signed, sealed and declared by the above-named class of 1939 to be their last will and testament in the presence of us, who at their request have signed our names as witnesses thereto.

                                                                                                                        -Charlotte Kirkendall
                                                                                                                        -Margaret Turner

(The above was copied from the 1939 St Thomas Yearbook given to me by my cousins Virginia and John Musselman, Jr.)

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