Lake County Ohio GenWeb

Lake County, Ohio Death Records
Volume 1, Pages 184-187

NamePageNumberDate EnteredDeath DateCond.
AgePlace of DeathPlace of Birth
Cause of DeathPlace of
By Whom
Record of Deaths, Probate Court for year ending March 31st Lake County, Ohio 1891
 184 1891 
Cain, Catherine18422 90Sep M57  PainesvilleIreland
 Housekeeper  WUnknownPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Center, George18423 90Dec12M42  PainesvilleScotland
 Mechanic  WPneumoniaPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Childs, George18424 91Mch S40  PainesvilleU.S.
 Bartender  WDelirium TremmonsPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Card, Anthony18425 91Feb M63  PainesvilleNova Scotia
 none  WLa GrippePainesvilleA.G. Smith
Church, Mary E.18426 91Feb S49  ClevelandOhio
 clerk  W PainesvilleA.G. Smith
Donaldson, James18427 91Feb5W96  Painesville O.New York
 farmer  WOld AgePainesvilleA.G. Smith
Detzel, Ferdinand18428 90Oct3M53  Painesville O.Germany
 saloonist  WStone Cutter's Comn. *PainesvilleA.G. Smith
Doubeldee, Susan Amo18429 90Dec23W59  Painesville O.England
 domestic  WCancer of StomachPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Drexton, Richard18430 90Nov6S40  Painesville O.Unk (U.S.)
 laborer  WCongestion of lungsPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Dedford, Charlotte18431 90Dec20M36  ChicagoCanada
 domestic  CConsumptionPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Dedford, Palmer18432 91Jan7W41  ChicagoDetroit
 waiter  CLa GrippePainesvilleA.G. Smith
Dayton, Mary A18433 90May  53  PainesvilleU.S.
 Housekeeper  WunkPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Dickinson, John18434 90Aug S51  PainesvilleU.S.
 harness maker  Wheart failurePainesvilleA.G. Smith
Egan, Katherine18435 90Oct S9  PainesvillePainesville
 child  WCongestionPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Drayton, Richard18436 90Nov W38  PainesvilleN. Jersey
 bartender  CDelirium TremensPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Finneran, Patrick18437 90July23S35  PainesvilleIreland
 tramp  WAccident (RR)UnknownA.G. Smith
Freeman, Ethel18438 90Dec29S   PainesvillePainesville
 childRichard FreemanLouisaCCong of lungsPainesville OA.G. Smith
French, Harry18439 90Oct S21  PainesvillePainesville
 electrician  WConsumptionPainesville OA.G. Smith
Finneran, Martha18440 90Sep M58  PainesvilleConcord O.
 Housekeeper  WConsumptionFarmington O.A.G. Smith
Elias, George18441 90Apl S7  PainesvillePainesville
 none  WBlood poisonPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Eddy Porter18442 90June W84  PainesvilleU.S.
 farmer  WOld AgePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Gregory, Robt T.18443 90Apl25M81  PainesvilleEngland
 hatter  WPneumoniaPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Gage, Francis S.18444 90May4M51  PainesvilleN.Y.
 none  WHep c ConsumptionPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Gage, Mary T.18445 91Feb15W80  PainesvilleMichigan
 none  WOld AgePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Green, H.B.18446 91Feb1M74  PainesvilleOhio
 Co. Recorder  WParalysisPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Gage, Helen R.18447 90Dec W75  PainesvilleNew York
 none  WDebilityPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Hawley, Geo W.18448 91Jan13S17 PainesvillePainesville
 childHawley, C.M. WPneumoniaPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Hutchins, Lorenzo18449 90Nov18W81  PainesvilleN.Y.
 farmer  WOld AgePerry O.A.G. Smith
Hening, August18450 90Nov23  11 PainesvillePainesville
 child  WCholera InfantumPainesville O.A.G. Smith
House, John18451 90July M87  PainesvilleVermont
 farmer  Wheart failurePainesville O.A.G. Smith
House, Jane E.18452 90Oct W80  PainesvilleN.E.
 Housekeeper  WLa GrippePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Houston, Polly18453 90July W93  PainesvilleU.S.
 none  WOld AgePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Johnson, Wilson A.18454 90Sep15M28  PainesvilleMentor O.
 R.R. Engineere  WHeart diseasePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Jenkins, Harriet18455 90Nov W78  PainesvilleN. Hampshire
 Housekeeper  WCongestionPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Kraft, Infant18456 91Feb23S   PainesvillePainesville
 childChas KraftCaroline KraftWUnknownPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Leonard, Arthur18457 91Feb10 23  PainesvillePainesville
 Brakeman  WAccident (RR)Painesville O.A.G. Smith
Lifflett, Mary18458 90Oct2W82  PainesvilleGermany
 none  WDropsyPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Manning, Mary18459 90 *Jan W68  PainesvilleIreland
 Housekeeper  WUnknownPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Mosher, John B.18460 90Sep W79  PainesvilleU.S.
 baker  WAge + debilityPainesville O.A.G. Smith
McFarland, Mintie18461 90Nov8S5  PainesvillePainesville
 child  WDyptheriaPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Maloney, James18462 91Mar15W75  PainesvilleIreland
 farmer  WLa GrippeMentor O.A.G. Smith
Mason, Ezra B.18463 91Jan W66  PainesvilleU.S.
 farmer  WLa GrippePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Moulton, Oliver18464 90Oct30W75  PainesvilleVermont
 none  WHeart diseasePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Mays, C.P.18465 91Feb4M80  PainesvilleVermont
 carpenter  WLa GrippePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Record of Deaths, Probate Court for year ending March 31st Lake County, Ohio 1891
Morrell, Jno D.18666 90Apl9S422RichmondLocust Pl O.
 childLevi S. MorrellJulia A. MorrellWCongn of BowelsRichmondA.G. Smith
Morrel, Moses18667 90Nov12W96  PainesvilleMaine
 Brickmaker  WOld AgePainesvilleA.G. Smith
Morrison, Ellen18668 91Jan14M60  PainesvilleIreland
 housekeeper  WTumorPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Moore, Catherine18669 91Feb13M55  PainesvilleIreland
 domesticMichael Brick WLa GrippePainesvilleA.G. Smith
Meilon, Margaret18670 90Sep6S35  PainesvilleIreland
 domestic  WCancer of StomachPainesvilleA.G. Smith
Norton, Roland M.18671 90June14S4 14PainesvilleCleveland O.
 childM.G. NortonAgnes H. NortonWCongn of LungsClevelandA.G. Smith
Owen, Augusta18672 90May W62  Painesvilleunknown (US)
 housekeeper  WunknownPainesville O.A.G. Smith
O'Brien, Michael18673 90June15S22  Youngstown O.Painesville O.
 R.R. Fireman  WAccident (R.R)Painesville O.A.G. Smith
O'Rourke, John18674 90Oct25S 4 Painesville O.Painesville O.
 childSylvester ScaglioneMaggie ScaglioneWCholera InfantimPainesville O.A.G. Smith
O'Leary, Cornelius18675 91Mch14W89  MichiganIreland
 farmer  WLa GrippePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Pierson, Grace R.18676 91Jan15M59  PainesvilleN. Jersey
 housekeeper  WBrights diseasePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Pritchard, Ollie18677 90June15S999PainesvilleEngland
 childJohn PritchardEmma PritchardWDrownedPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Pomeroy, Melina18678 90Oct13M83  PainesvilleNew York
 domestic  WLa GrippePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Parmly, Eliza A18679 91Mar2W92  PainesvilleVirginia
 none  WOld AgePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Riley, James18680 90Sept13M54  PainesvilleIreland
 BK smith  WHemorage of LungsPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Stage, Catherine18681 90July W83  PainesvilleU.S.
 none  WOld AgePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Shedd, Elizabeth18682 90Apl M74  PainesvilleU.S.
 housekeeper  WOld AgePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Sherry, Ann18683 90Apl13M65  Cleveland O.Ireland
 none  WCancer of StomachCleveland O.A.G. Smith
Stockwell, Luman18684 90July2M70  PainesvilleThompson O.
 farmer  WAccidentPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Simpson, John18685 90June11W93  PainesvilleEngland
 farmer  WSuicidePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Skinner, Geo. W.18686 91Mar10M33  PainesvilleMadison O.
 carpenter  WInflamatory RheumatismPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Stevenson, Ephraim18687 90Aug13S32  PainesvilleOhio
 Idiot  WEpilepsyPerry O.A.G. Smith
Seymour, Jno S.18688 91Feb13M88  PainesvilleConnecticut
 Merchant  WOld AgePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Steele, John W.18689 91Mch S23  Washington D.C.Painesville O.
 none  WAccident - gun shotPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Sakotney, Anna18690 91Jan19S211 Fairport O.Minnesota
 childAndrew SakotneyAnna SakotneyWFeverFairport O.A.G. Smith
Swanson, Wm18691 91Jan7M42  New YorkPhila Penn
 Waiter  CLa GrippePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Thompson, May18692 90July12S6  Painesville O.Painesville O.
 child  WCholera InfantimPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Viall, Chas A.18693 91Jan S23  ClevelandU.S.
 Laborer  WConsumption A.G. Smith
Wasson, Infant18694 90Apl26S   Painesville O.Willoughby
  Fred E. WassonViolet J. WassonWSpinal MeningitisPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Woods, Henry B.18695 90July27M63  MentorN. Yk. City
 Laborer  WConsumptionPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Warren, Lucena18696 90July22W54  Painesville O.Bloomfield O.
 none  WCongestion of LungsPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Woodruff, Eliza Ann18697 91Jan30M53 *  Painesville O.Connecticut
 housekeeper  WParalysisConcord O.A.G. Smith
Woodworth, Sarah18698 91Feb17W85  Painesville O.New York
 none  WPneumoniaPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Warren, Wallace18699 90Nov1M64  Painesville O.Thompson O.
 farmer  WLa GrippePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Wymen, Rebecca186100 90Apl W78  Painesville O.U.S.
 housekeeper  WOld AgePainesville O.A.G. Smith
White, Wm R.186101 90Aug  52  Painesville O.U.S.
 Hotel clerk  WHeart failurePainesville O.A.G. Smith
Warner Celestia M.186102 90Sep W61  Painesville O.U.S.
 housekeeper  WInternal CancerPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Whitney, Belle *186103 90Nov M42  Lane Station PerryU.S.
 housekeeper  WKilled by carsPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Wooten, Hannah186104 90Nov S17  PainesvilleTennesse
 schoolgirl  Cfatty degenerationPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Wilkes, Mary E.186105 90Nov29S23  PainesvilleOhio
 none  WprostrationPainesville O.A.G. Smith
Wicox, Aaron C.186106 91Mar S16  PainesvilleOhio
 none  WCongestionCleveland O.A.G. Smith

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