Funeral homes have been serving the public in Lake County for many years. As information is learned, it is intended to include historical undertakers and their parlors. Information on these homes and where their records may be would be most welcome.
Please remember that funeral home records are not public records. Funeral directors are not required to keep or share their records. We appreciate that many do assist when they are able.
Current Lake County Funeral Homes
This listing includes address, phone, and, where available, a web site and e-mail address.
A Brief Funeral History
More infomation, or a better researched history is sought for this page. More will be added as other work progresses.
Finding Records of Lake County Funeral Homes
Some records have been abstracted. We are searching for records from defunct funeral homes in Lake County. If you know where any records are deposited, please let the webmaster know.
A Short History of the Early Funeral Parlors in Painesville, Ohio
Some historical information compiled, written and submitted by Linda Jeffery.
1886-1889 Funeral Home Records in Painesville
Most probably from Keener Funeral Home, this book may have the only surviving records from ninteenth century Painesville funeral homes.
Extracted by Linda Jeffery.
Mulqueeny Bros. Funeral Homes
A timeline of these Fairport and Painesville Funeral Homes submitted by Mary Jo Gartland.
Davis Funeral Home, Willoughby, Ohio
A history of the oldest current funeral home in Lake County.
Other Historical Funeral Homes in Willoughby, Ohio
some information on G. E. Manville, McMahon and McMahon-Coyne-Vitantonio Funeral Homes
Minutes of Tri-County Funeral Directors Club District 26
Beginning with the organization of Lake, Geauga and Ashtabula Funeral Directors in 1925, this book continues to 1938. There is an abstract of some of the entries for Lake County Funeral Directors.