Lake County Genealogical Society (Ohio)

Inscription Index - Cart through Cd

Carter, Alche E.
Carter, Amelia J. "Millie"
Carter, Arcelia
Carter, Bert E.
Carter, Bertha Jewell
Carter, Betsey
Carter, Betsey A. Weed
Carter, Bruce Edwin
Carter, Cassius Clay
Carter, Catherine A.
Carter, Clara [Wilder]
Carter, Curtis Russel
Carter, Cynthia
Carter, Cyrus [Kimball]
Carter, Dan O.
Carter, Donald E.
Carter, Doris M.
Carter, Edwin F. "Dick"
Carter, Effie M.
Carter, Elizabeth C.
Carter, Elizabeth M.
Carter, Ella E. [Foss]
Carter, Emily Duncan
Carter, Florence E.
Carter, Florence Eighme
Carter, Frances Eliza
Carter, Frank
Carter, Frank V.
Carter, George A.
Carter, George E. 1 2
Carter, George L.
Carter, George P.
Carter, Grace M.
Carter, Harold C.
Carter, Harriette [Withington]
Carter, Harriette W.
Carter, Harry [Vrooman]
Carter, Helen [Rogers]
Carter, Helen Gage
Carter, Henry
Carter, Herman V.
Carter, Jabez
Carter, James [Wilder]
Carter, Jane Eliza
Carter, John H.
Carter, Lawrence
Carter, Lillian L.
Carter, Lloyd D. 1 2
Carter, Louise Bonnar
Carter, Lucy Pixley
Carter, Lydia A.
Carter, Marie F.
Carter, Marion B.
Carter, Marshall
Carter, Mary
Carter, Mary [Mills]
Carter, Mary Jane [VanPelt]
Carter, Mattie Belle
Carter, Miles
Carter, Miles W.
Carter, Minnie
Carter, Myrtle
Carter, Nettie
Carter, Newcomb
Carter, Norman E.
Carter, Octalana
Carter, Olive [Teachout]
Carter, Orin
Carter, Peggy Mae
Carter, Philip A.
Carter, Ralph H.
Carter, Samuel E.
Carter, Saphronia
Carter, Saphronia Clapp
Carter, Sarah [Quayle]
Carter, Sarah Quayle
Carter, Silas [Tisdel]
Carter, Simeon
Carter, Theron H.
Carter, W. P.
Carter, Wendell A.
Carter, William [Huston]
Carter, Willis
Carter, Wm. P.
Cartwright, Agnes R.
Cartwright, Charles Byron
Cartwright, Edgar J.
Cartwright, Nellie E.
Caruso, Aili A.
Caruso, Angelo A.
Caruso, Barbara V.
Caruso, Christopher D.
Caruso, Eugene
Caruso, Eugene A.
Caruso, Felix A.
Caruso, Frank A.
Caruso, James J.
Caruso, Joseph
Caruso, Josephine
Caruso, Mary N.
Caruso, Pauline N.
Caruso, Theresa Y.
Caruthers, Dicy Katherine
Caruthers, Virginia Bork
Carver, Adam Morrell
Carver, Albertus
Carver, Amanda M.
Carver, Anna
Carver, Eliza
Carver, Evelyn S.
Carver, Frank
Carver, Glen F.
Carver, Glenn F. Jr.
Carver, Hamilton V.
Carver, Harry A.
Carver, Hattie G.
Carver, Lorenzo D.
Carver, Margaret M.
Carver, Martha
Carver, Martha A. Mitchell
Carver, Mattie [Murphy]
Carver, Minnie
Carver, Minnie [Booth]
Carver, Minnie Babcock
Carver, Minnie Booth
Carver, Morris M.
Carver, Robert M.
Carver, Thurza M.
Carver, Wales 1 2
Cary, Alice [Truby]
Caryle, Walter [Shields]
Casale, Carmine
Casale, Lena N.
Case, Absalom
Case, Alice 1 2
Case, Alice M.
Case, Alice Munson
Case, Anna N.
Case, Aubrey E.
Case, Catherine [Kerr]
Case, Charles W.
Case, Dorothy M.
Case, Edward
Case, Eleanor Wagar
Case, Elma Lawrence
Case, Emma
Case, Eugene E. 1 2
Case, Hannah 1 2
Case, Howard J.
Case, Hubert E.
Case, John [Hills]
Case, Joseph
Case, Lawrence 1 2
Case, Merriman
Case, Mildred D.
Case, Nellie M.
Case, Olive K.
Case, Robert Munson
Case, Sabrina R. Call
Case, Vonda D.
Casella, Charles
Casella, Elvina
Casella, Margaret E. [Pomfrey]
Casella, Susie
Casement, Charles Jennings
Casement, Charlie
Casement, D.T.
Casement, Dan [Clayton] 1 2
Casement, Dan Dillon 1 2
Casement, Dan Wells
Casement, E. H.
Casement, Eveline M. Post
Casement, Frances J.
Casement, Frances Jennings
Casement, Frances M. Jennings
Casement, Gray
Casement, J.F.
Casement, J.S.
Casement, James [Furlong]
Casement, John Frank
Casement, John S.
Casement, Mary [Furlong]
Casement, Mary Lockwood
Casement, Olivia Thornburgh
Casement, Robert Lockwood
Casement, Willie P.
Casey, Anna
Casey, Bridget
Casey, Carrie Craley
Casey, Frances A. [Covert]
Casey, Francis X.
Casey, Helen Mix
Casey, Laura C.
Casey, Mary C.
Casey, Thomas W.
Casey, William
Casey, William F.
Casey, William Way
Cashel, Catherine
Cashel, John
Cashel, John Jr.
Cashel, Mary E. [Niemeyer]
Cashmere, Anna [McCormick]
Cashmere, Daniel
Cashmere, Fred
Cashmere, Fred J. III
Cashmere, George
Cashmere, Harold Gene
Cashmere, John
Cashmere, Julia Gavlak
Cashmere, Margaret
Cashmere, Marian N.
Cashmere, Mary
Casimer, Mildred E.
Casimer, Steve S.
Casler, Catherine De Forest
Casler, Elizabeth Few
Casler, Ellen S.
Casler, Ivan N.
Casler, Lawrence M.
Casler, Lewis L.
Casler, Mary
Casler, Mary E.
Casler, Nancy S.
Casler, Robert
Casler, Robert E.
Casler, William
Casoel ?, Fred'k M.
Caspell, Alice G.
Caspell, Richard E.
Cassady, J.
Cassady, M.
Cassady, William
Cassel ?, Fred’k M.
Cassela, Agnes Satava
Cassell, Dellie
Cassell, Evva
Cassell, John B.
Cassell, Keith E.
Cassell, Nellie M. [Burt]
Cassell, Olive E.
Casselli, Helen M.
Casserman, Louise
Casserman, Michael
Cassidy, Arthur T.
Cassidy, Ella D.
Cassin, Catherine M.
Cassin, Piercy T.
Casteel, Barbara G.
Casteel, Kevin L.
Casteel, Boyce O.
Castel, Otto J.
Castello, Mary J.
Castello, Mary L.
Castello, Nick
Castelreggio, Enghi John
Castelreggio, Jerusha E.
Casterline, Ellen L. Hickok
Casterline, Louie May
Casterline, Z. F.
Castilyn, Barbara A. Fiorenza
Castle, Anna
Castle, Charles D.
Castle, Eliza Wanger 1 2
Castle, Ellen
Castle, John
Castle, Roselly
Castle, Ruth 1 2
Castle, Ruth Johnson
Casto, Brady Eugene
Casto, Brady L.
Casto, James "Homer"
Casto, Jean Campbell
Castrilli, Addolorata
Castrilli, Luigi
Caswell, Daniel J. Sr.
Caswell, Eileen
Caswell, James
Caswell, Joan
Caswell, Joseph Patrick
Caswell, Kristine Mae Congos
Caswell, Warren J.
Catanese, Daniel C. 1 2
Catanese, Leah M.
Cate, Alan C., Sr.
Cate, Cecelia M.
Cate, Dixon M.
Cate, Sally I.
Cathan, Irene
Cathan, Paul J.
Cather, Effie [Reed]
Catlin, Lucretia [Woodworth]
Cato, Margaret E.
Caton, Ernest L.
Caton, Marguerite F.
Cattell, Charles L.
Cattell, Dorothy M.
Cattell, Orian W.
Cattell, Raymond Ellwood
Caudell, James
Caudell, William S.
Caunter, Harry A.
Causey, Charles W.
Cavallaro, Claudia
Cavallaro, Gary J.
Cavallier, Ethel J.
Cavanagh, John B.
Cavanagh, Winifred
Cavender, Beatrice E. Corle
Cavender, Jewell Emogene
Cavender, Marvin M.
Cavender, Marvin M., Jr.
Cawley, Bridget
Cawley, Cassius M.
Cawley, John J.
Cawley, John Joseph
Cawley, Jr., Richard R.
Cawley, L. Josephine
Cawley, Mary A.
Cawley, Richard A.
Cawne, Joaney [Tear]
Cay, Ella R.
Cay, Elmer E.
Cay, Ethel W.
Cay, Feldon F.
Cay, Fred E.
Cay, Gertrude
Cay, Hazel F.
Cay, Helen Norene [Doerner]
Cay, Willis

Copyright issues: Copyrights on the files on this site are held by the creators. They may be linked to but not copied except for personal use.
Disclaimer: The Lake County Genealogical Society cannot be held responsible for errors in transcription or in original documents. These files were intended only as guides to original records from which the reseacher should draw his own conclusions.

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© 2003 Lake County Genealogical Society, a chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society