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Pictures of Erie County Ohio (Both past and present.)!


Milan, Ohio

About Milan, Ohio Today

Erie County, Ohio ohio Part of the Genealogy Trails History Group Berlin Heights History

As more Connecticut Western towns industrialize or dissolve into suburbs, Milan still gives us the classic Reserve with miles of soybeans, corn, peach orchards and melons...beautiful central commons...massive Civil War monument...Carnegie Library...powerful continuing citizen awareness of heritage...historical murals and displays going beyond its dominant museum complex...into its restaurants and stores. Its streets and parks still name its heroes -- Judson, Merry, Edison, Fries Landing, Galpin, Lockwood. Although enclaved by super highways, it is still nobody's suburb. It is invaded en masse only once a year. At harvest time cars are lined up into Milan like the wheat wagons of the 1840s as people come to Milan's Melon Festival.

1820 Map of Milan, Ohio

Click on map for larger image.

Thomas Edison Birthplace

The Birthplace Of A Genius

Thomas Alva Edison was born Feb. 11, 1847 in a small house (see picture above) overlooking the Milan Canal. Labeled a slow learner, young Tom was home-schooled by his mother. His inquisitive nature caused him trouble early in life, and Tom was often in mischief. The local telegraph operator hot-wired the village's telegraph to control young Tom's tampering. It backfired! The shock only fueled his questions about how the machine worked.

The Big Milan Trek

(Six-horse teams best for fording the rivers.)

1849 - Mormons and Millerites Temple

Milan Public Library

The Drug Store Library

In 1846 Dr. Morgan Stuart started a library in the corner of his drug store. When he died, the library was continued by the two succeeding owners. Then F. H. Weaver, the jeweler, moved the library into his store. By 1850 it was in the law office of E. Andrews on the north side of the square. In the fire of 1850, all the books burned. Dr. Gordon formed a library association to resume the library which in 1891 moved its 400 books into the town hall and went on the tax roll for a tenth-mill. Ultimately, a Carnegie Library Grant came to town to hilp the citizens build a free-standing library (see picture above). Today it is a very active cultural center in town.

Milan Town Hall

Milan Brewry

Milan Brewry, as seen later

Milan Canal

Construction of the Milan Canal began in 1833 and the first canal boats were launched on July 4, 1838. It opened to lake navigation on July 4. 1839. The peak year of commerce was 1847. For 15 years or more, the village prospered as one of the busiest ports on the Great Lakes. Large numbers of wagons bringing agricultural products to Milan would often line up for miles to the south

Ford cars delivered to Dealer in Milam,1919

The Milan Inn

(Built in 1845 during the peak of the Milan grain boom, is still in business today.)

Click on map for larger image.

Milan Historical Museum

Click on map for larger image.

Soldiers and Sailors Monument

Edna Roe Newton Museum


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