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Champaign County Obituaries U

SURNAMES of Deceased as Listed (Alphabetically):
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ULLERY -- ST. PARIS NEWS-DISPATCH, Thurs.August 24, 1944
Pfc., Charles ULLERY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ULLERYof Christiansburg, has been reported killed in action in the Burma theater on July 27th. He was inducted into service in February, 1943, and after training in this country was sent to India, then to Burma.
Surviving are his parents; a sister Mrs. Pauline COLLINS of Christiansburg; two brothers, Burney ULLERYat home and Herman ULLERYA. M. M. 2/C in the Naval Air force at Traverse City, Mich., and a half brother Sgt. Kermit BAKER, somewhere in Italy.

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