Name | Residence | Business |
Nativity | Came to | Came to |
Ahlers, Fred | Reese River Tp. | Farmer | Germany | 1863 | 1863 |
Barclay, A. | Battle Mountain | Agent D. W. Earl & Co | Canada | 1869 | 1870 |
Bean, J. A., M. D. | Battle Mountain | Physician and surgeon | New Hampshire | 1879 | 1879 |
Blossom, J. A. | Battle Mountain | Mining and stock raising | Ohio | 1862 | 1879 |
Booth, John | Austin | Ed. & Pub. Reese River Reveille | England | 1863 | 1873 |
Boyden, J. W. | Austin | Lawyer | Massachusetts | 1878 | 1878 |
Brown, James | Battle Mountain | Agent C. P. & N. C. Railroad | Pennsylvania | 1863 | 1868 |
Curtis, Allen A. | Austin | Mining, banker and merchant | New Jersey | 1864 | 1864 |
Farrell, M. J. | Austin | Accountant and State Senator | New Jersey | 1863 | 1863 |
Ferguson, J. F. | Austin | Livery and feed stables | New York | 1872 | 1872 |
Finegan, James | Austin | Contractor and builder | Maryland | 1870 | 1870 |
Gibson, William | Austin | Postmaster | Illinois | 1864 | 1864 |
Hammond, J. S., M. D. | Austin | Physician and surgeon | Massachusetts | 1875 | 1878 |
Huntsman, L. D. | Battle Mountain | Proprietor Capitol Hotel | Ohio | 1858 | 1868 |
Lammerhart, George | Austin | Butcher | Germany | 1860 | 1866 |
Manhattan, S. M. Co | Austin | Silver mining and milling | '-- | '-- | '-- |
Mayenbaum, H. | Austin | Lawyer | Germany | 1863 | 1863 |
McCafferty, A. C. | Austin | Recorder | Ohio | 1859 | 1863 |
McKenney, D. C. | Austin | District Judge | Canada | 1863 | 1863 |
McWilliams, Jno. W. | Battle Mountain | General merchandise | Ohio | 1863 | 1868 |
Nicholls, A. | Austin | Lumber dealer | New York | 1862 | 1863 |
Pugh, L. M. | Battle Mountain | Mining | Missouri | 1862 | 1878 |
Smyth, Jno. | Austin | Liquor dealer and mining | Ireland | 1869 | 1869 |
Spouogle, F. M | Battle Mountain | Physician and surgeon | Ohio | 1877 | 1877 |
Sproule, C. H. | Battle Mountain | Ed. & Pb. Battle Mt. Messen'gr | California | 1867 | 1868 |
Thomas, B. C. | Austin | Sheriff | Missouri | 1863 | 1863 |
VonNordeck, F. | Austin | Druggist | Germany | 1871 | 1872 |
Williamson, John R. | Austin | Merchant and mining | South Carolina | 1863 | 1863 |
Wright, J. A. | Austin | Jewelry & County Treasurer | New York | 1867 | 1867 |
Extracted, 2021 Aug 27 by Norma Hass, from History of Nevada, published in 1881, pages 670-671.
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