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Available on CD!
Read about the settling of Moapa Valley, By the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder-day Saints and their history of this Valley. CD includes photos!
Each CD is sold to each purchaser for their private use only. This is copyright material and not for commercial use or sale. Price $15. Place your orders with G. Lynn Bowler, author and compiler,
"We never saw their
faces; we never saw the pain in their eyes; and we
don't know all their
names. We only know they came.
They came to this place called "The Muddy." Heeding
the call of their Prophet, whom they loved and
followed west, they gave up all, and with
their own blood, sweat, and tears, established a Zion on
the Muddy. Their faith sacrifice for
the Lord Jesus Christ required a total commitment to
the cause of Zion.
For many,
it would require their lives. To those great souls
who settled the Muddy, I dedicate this
“Recognizing the problems
from such a large stake, the Stake Presidency decided to
study ways in which the Stake could be reduced.
After prayerful deliberation,
they decided that the simplest solution would be to
create a stake in the Southeastern
Nevada agricultural
valleys. But when President Myers suggested this
in Stake Leadership meetings, he met with unexpected opposition There
were many members of the Church in Las
Vegas whose
roots could be
traced to "the valleys." These members liked having
their family members come
to Las
Vegas For
meetings and a visit. Likewise there were many in the
valleys who enjoyed coming to Las
Vegas for
meetings, thus providing opportunity for
wives and family members to shop and socialize. And
there were,
of course, the usual skeptics who felt there were
not enough members in the valleys
to support a stake organization."
"President Myers felt
differently and had faith in the Saints in the
valleys. He had felt it
on his visits to their wards. Both the Moapa and Virgin Valleys had
chapels. The leadership and
Church activity were apparent. President Myers had
been prayerful concerning
this decision. He had sought the Lord's instruction
and felt that now
was the time to make the division. The General
Authorities were also somewhat skeptical
of President Myers' request and sent two members of
the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles, Elder Harold B. Lee and Elder Spencer W. Kimball,
to Southern
Nevada to
assess the situation."
"After meeting with
President Myers, the two Apostles agreed to travel
to the five units
in the Moapa and Virgin Valleys to
meet with the priesthood of each unit.
The meetings were all scheduled on a Sunday
“President Myers owned a
Cadillac and had been noted for his fast driving.
The first meeting
was scheduled in Littlefield, Arizona.
In an effort to keep the appointed schedule,
President Myers had, in his words, "put his foot in
the carburetor."
"He could see the
Apostles were getting a little restless as he raced
along the two-lane highway
leading to the Virgin Valley.
Elder Lee, sitting in the front seat beside President
Myers, stared straight ahead and tried to relax by
moving back further into
his seat and folding his arms. Finally, unable to
control his anxiety further,
Elder Lee leaned over to President Myers and asked,
"President, are your tires
all right?" "Oh they are fine, Elder Lee, they're
fine. There's nothing to worry about,"
replied President Myers. Elder Kimball seemed less
concerned as he typed
away on a small portable typewriter he had balanced
on his lap.
To change their anxious mood, President Myers called
attention to beautiful flowers that
dotted the desert. Neither man responded much about
the flowers, but Elder
Kimball would remark years later that he had really
enjoyed "the beautiful blurrrr of
color" created when speeding through the colorful
desert foliage.
When the three men reached the small one room chapel
in Littlefield, the relieved General
Authorities got out of the car. A crowd of the
priesthood holders already
standing outside the building greeted them. Two of
the younger brethren still
sat on the horses they had ridden to the meeting.
There was no grass or
landscaping around the building. Dirt, gravel, and
an occasional pile of manure covered
the area.
Just after getting out of the car and greeting the
gathering of priesthood brethren,
the front tire on the driver's side blew, sending a
shower of gravel, dirt,
and manure all over President Myers. President
Myers, somewhat chagrined,
started brushing the material from his suit. Elder
Lee, with more than a little
delight, moved close to President Myers and softly
said, "Pretty good tires,
huh President?" Locals arranged for the tire to be
changed while the meeting went
on as planned. Needless to say, the day continued at
a less hectic pace."