Cemeteries of Monmouth County
Below are the links to the cemeteries in Monmouth County, as well as some additional information about those cemeteries. If you do not see the cemetery
linked to a page, I do not have any additional information. Please note: Most of the County cemeteries are only partially transcribed. If you do not see your ancestors listed on the pages, you can submit the information for addition to that cemetery.
Sorry at this time there have been no cemetery records shared with this Monmouth County NJGenWeb site. Please consider sharing your records with the County Coordinator.
The Family
History Library has the following information
available regarding Monmouth County cemeteries. These items
can be ordered from your local Family History Center.
- Book of the dead of Monmouth :
1915-1916 - Martin, George Castor, 1885-1954
- The burying grounds of old
Monmouth and the Quaker records of Shrewsbury, N.J. - Stillwell, John
E. (John Edwin) , 1853-1930
- Cemeteries in Monmouth County
where veterans are buried and list of Revolutionary War soldiers -
Kruser, Fred L
- Cemetery inscriptions of
Monmouth County, New Jersey - Staats, P.D.
- Cemetery records of Monmouth,
Middlesex, and Ocean counties, New Jersey - Perrine, William Davison,
b. 1875
- Early Dutch settlers of Monmouth
County, New Jersey - Beekman, George C. (George Crawford)
- Index to Early Dutch settlers of
Monmouth County, New Jersey, by George C. Beekman, 1901 edition -
Cocheu, Lincoln C. (Lincoln Chester) , b. 1876
- Gravestones of Monmouth County :
Genealogical materials of Edith Johnson - Johnson, Edith
- Graveyards of Monmouth County -
McLean, Henry C
- Headstone inscriptions :
Drummond and Bennett private cemeteries, Monmouth County, New Jersey -
Martin, George Castor, 1885-1954
- Monmouth County cemetery guide -
Raser, Edward John
- Monmouth County cemetery guide :
enumerating the burial grounds of that old New Jersey County, and
giving directions for locating these places as well as listing
compilations of their tombstone inscriptions - Raser, Edward John
- Monmouth County graveyards :
inscriptions - Miles, Ann Pette
- New Jersey graveyard and
gravestone inscriptions locators : Monmouth County - Raser, Edward John
- Stillwell's cemetery
inscriptions - Stillwell, John E. (John Edwin) , 1853-1930
- Veterans grave registrations in
Monmouth County, New Jersey