Sullivan County
Covered Bridges
there is only one Bridge Listed in Sullivan: However,
this is bridge goes from:
Cornish-Windsor, VT: now longest covered bridge in the
United States.
The 2-span, 449'-5" (1866) Connecticut R., W. of NH 12A,
5 mi S of Plainfield Village. Town lattice truss. This
is the 4th bridge on this site. It was built in 1796
(probably uncovered) and destroyed by floods in 1824,
1848, and 1866. The present was built in 1866 by James
Tasker and Bela Fletcher. Designated a National Historic
Civil Engineering Landmark in 1970 by the American
Society of Civil Engineers.
Reach: North Newport to Rt 103 County: Sullivan
Claremont. Passes under three covered bridges. Few
houses visible from the river. Halfway point at bridge
in Kellyville. Description provided by Allan Berggren,11
South St., Claremont, NH. 03743, 603-542-7707
In The
Dartmouth - Lake Sunapee Region:
- Cilleyville: 53 ft (1887) Pleasant Stream, NH 11, at
Jct, with NH 4A. Town lattice truss. Foot traffic only,
bypassed by highway in 1959.
- Keniston: 64'-6" (1882) Blackwater R., S of US 4, 1 mi
W. of Andover Village. Town lattice truss, granite
abutments built by Albert R. Hamilton. Cost $745.57. 
60'-6" (1854) at West Branch,of Warner R., S. of
intersection NH 103 and 114. Long truss, newest of the
four bridges spanning the Warner River. Repaired in 1070
for $20,000. Original cost $500.
91 ft. (1881) Millbrook, Cornish City, 3 mi E of NH 12A.
Multiple Kingpost truss, built in the Town Hall Yard by
James Tasker, a rural construction genius who could
neither read nor write.
85'-9" (1877) Blow-Me-Down Brook, S of NH 12A, 1 1/2 mi
SW of Plainfield Village. Multiple Kingpost truss, built
by James Tasker.
77'-9" (1882) Millbrook, Cornish Mills. 1 mi E of NH
12A. Multiple Kingpost truss. Built in schoolhouse yard
by James Tasker.
River: 81 ft. (1869) Cold R., N of NH 123A, 2 mi N of
Alstead Village. Town lattice truss, auxillary arch,
built by Albert Granger. Foot traffic only. Bypassed by
highway in 1964.
34'-6" (1874), Great Brook, 1 mi. S of NH 12A at Langdon
Village. Town lattice truss, shortest highway covered
bridge in NH. Foot traffic only, bypassed by highway in
132 ft. (1885) Clay Brook, 1 mi S of NH 10-2 mi S of
Orford Village. Town lattice truss, built by Walter and
J.C. Piper. The trusses were constructed on Lyme Common
and transported to the bridge site-"a forerunning of
modern prefabrication".
Hill: 76 ft, (1991) Mascoma River, Riverside Dr,
Lebanon. Howe Truss built by Graton Assoc. Designed to
H-20 loading, inside width 15 ft and height 12 ft. 5 ft
sidewalk on upstream side. Replaces Bailey Bridge which
was erected in 1952. To replace earlier covered bridge
built in 1878.
96'-2" (around 1845) Croyden Branch, Sugar R., 1/2 mi W
of NH 10. 2 mi N of Newport Village. Town lattice truss.
Destroyed by arson May 27, 1993. Rebuilt in 1994.
or Chandler Station: 2-span, 216'-7" (rebuilt 1896)
Sugar R., E of Chandler Station. Double Town lattice
truss, originally built 1871-72.
122 ft. (rebuilt 1895) Sugar R., W of Chandler
Station. Double Town lattice truss, added laminated
80 ft. (1880) Blood's Brook, 1 mi NW of NH 120 at
Meriden. Multiple Kingpost truss, built by James Tasker
for $300. Restored to 15 ton capacity using steel
stringers in 1963. New roof erected in 1977.
76'-6" (about 1853) Warner R., S. of NH 103 at Warner
Village. Multiple Kingpost truss, auxillary Queenpost
truss. Rebuilt in 1963.
76'-4" (1840's) Warner R., S. of NH 103, 2 mi W. of
Warner Village. Town lattice truss. Rebuilt 1972 for
Brook: 32.5 ft (1990) Baboosic Brook, on Stowell Rd in
Merrimack. Prefabricated Panel-lam floor system, not
traditional style.
England College: Single span. 136'-7", Contoocook R.
Town lattice design. Built 1972 by Milton S. and Arnold
Graton at a cost of $80,000. South of Rt 9 in the
Bridge: 2-span, 157 ft. (rebuilt 1889) Contoocook R., E.
of NH 103 at Contoocook. Double Town lattice truss.
Originally built in 1849-50 when Concord and Claremont
railroad constructed its first 33 miles of road from
Concord to Bradford. Washed off its abutments in flood
of 1936 and hurricane of 1938. Drawn back and restored.
Owned by N.H. Dept of Cultural Affairs.
164'-6" (1853) Contoocook R., N. of NH 127 at W.
Hopkinton. Built by Horace Childs, this was originally a
1-span modification of the Burr and Long truss bridges
with arches whose solid timbers are fitted end to end
and mortised into a double panel frame as an integral
part of the trusses. Completely rebuilt in 1965.
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