October ye 28th anodomni 1748
list of the names of a number of men that are a mind and Desier theair names may
be Entered in this Paper in Order that thay may have a tract of Land Granted to
them and theair heiars for Ever ---
Gent'll men whose right it is to
grant we being the liol and dutefull subjects of his maigisty King George the
Second we pray you to Grant or Give to us a part of the land wich to be laied
out into townships in our frontier above ---
John Sanborn
Thomas Blake
Jonathon Cauley
Jonathon Chase
Thomas Chase
William Chase
Jonathon Cr---?
John Dearborn
Simon Drake
John Fogg
Jonathon Fogg
Josiah Fogg
Sam'l Fogg
Seth Fogg
Joseph Height
Joseph Height, Jr.
John Hopkins
Joseph Juet
Daniel Keley
Paul Ladd
Jonathon Longfelo
Nathan Longfelo
Benj'n Mason
Frances Mason
Jethro Person
Jonathon Robinson
Josiah Robinson
Jonathon Robinson, Jr
Aran Rolins
Caleb Rolins
John Rolins
Jonathon Rolins
Joseph Rolins
Joshue Rolins
Josiah Rolins
Joshua Rolins, Jr.
Thomas Rolins, Lt.
-maston San---?
Abraham Sanborn
Daniel Sanborn
Ebenezer Sanborn
Jabez Sanborn
Jeremiah Sanborn
Jonathon Sanborn
Josiah Sanborn
Josiah Sanborn
William Sanborn
Daniel Sanborn, Jr.
Edward Shaw
Jonathon Shaw
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith, Jr.
David Stevens
Chase Taylor
Edward Taylor
John Taylor
William Thomson
John Wadleigh
Sam'l ______
Source: Sanbornton Town Records
Contributed by Herbert L. Girtman
Belknap County NHGenWeb Copyright
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This page was last updated 12/26/2023