New Rural School Dedicated
This is a picture of the new schoolhouse which was dedicated by the people of District No. 58, south of Creston, recently. The building is 32 by 24 feet in dimensions and has accommodations for 40 pupils. It is modern in very respect. Light is admitted from the left and rear, the windows being on the north and west sides while the building faces east. A hot air furnace comprises the heating plant. There is a full basement equipped with benches and tables as a lunch room for the children during the noon hour. The basement is plastered and the ceiling is made sound proof so that sounds in either the basement or the main school room will not disturb pupils in the other. On the main floor are the school room, a cloak room for the children and a teacher's room. The school room is equipped with seats of the latest type, a blackboard built low so that the little folks will have no difficulty in reaching it, and built-in bookcases. The building is of wood construction with a hollow tile and pressed brick foundation. The porch is of cement and pressed brick so constructed that the porch and steps cannot settle away from the building. Members of the committee in charge of the building operations were William Barret, district treasurer; Leonard Hamel, director; George Daniels, moderator, and John Claussen and August Kuhn.[The Columbus Daily Telegram, November 24, 1926]