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NOTE: The information provided has been sorted alphabetically for easier searching. The original article appeared in the Columbus Daily Telegram on Wednesday, July 15, 1942.

Personal Property Valuations Listed In
Platte County 1942 Assessment; Published
By Order of County Board of Supervisors


    Whereas, Section 77-1911, 1929 Compiled Statutes of Nebraska provides that the County Board in each County shall in its discretion publish the Personal Tax Roll of each voting precinct in said County in some newspaper of general circulation therein for one week between the dates of July 1 and July 15 of each year, and whereas, the benefits derived would far exceed the cost of this publication.
    Now therefore, be it resolved that the 1942 Personal Tax Roll be published in accordance with the Statutes and that the County Assessor be directed to proceed accordingly.

    In compliance with the above resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 30, 1942, I hereby submit a compiled list of the names of all persons having personal property assessed to them during the 1942 assessment campaign.
    I have taken said list from the assessment records as they now stand for the different precincts of Platte County, Nebraska, and, to the best of my knowledge, said list is a correct copy.
    I, however, wish to explain that this list does not contain names of persons who have been assessed only for poll tax and old age pension tax, as those taxes are not based on valuation.
    Figures in the column headed "total value of personal property" represent the total valuation of tangible and intangible personal property listed in each instance. Assessed valuations of motor vehicles are not included, except those owned by dealers, because they are assessed on a different plan and the valuations are not included in the personal property schedule. Therefore, names of persons, aside from dealers, who are assessed for no personal property except motor vehicles, do not appear in this list. Valuation of motor vehicle stocks owned by dealers are included in the list. When the name of a person appears in more than one township it is because that person has personal property assessed in more than one township.

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