NEGenWeb Project


NOTE: The information provided has been organized according to township for easier searching. The original articles had a portion of one or a combination of townships each week. The names have been preserved in the original spelling and order, which are mixed within each letter of the alphabet. The original articles appeared weekly in the Columbus Telegram May 15, 1914 through July 10, 1914, beginning with the following article:


In keeping with the announcement made last January, that there would be published in the Platte Center Signal and The Telegram a complete statement of the amount of personal property returned for taxation in Platte county by each tax-payer, we present below the returns from Grand Prairie township, this being the first township checked up for publication. The local assessor for Grand Prairie is Mr. George Fehringer, who was the first of the township assessors to make complete returns to the county assessor.

In order that no injustice may be done, we call the attention of our readers to the fact that under the state revenue law personal property is assessed against the owner in the township where the property is found. For this reason the names of some taxpayers may be repeated in our published reports, as they may have personal property in more than one township.

We further state that the figures opposite the name of each person show the ACTUAL value placed on his property for taxation purposes.

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