NEGenWeb Project



From the 1885 Official Atlas of Nebraska
Copyright, 1885, Everts & Kirk.
Compiled from Government Surveys, County Records, and Personal Investigations
J. E. North.--Native of Ohio. Settled in 1856. Of firm of Speice & North, U. P. Land Agents and Coal Dealers. P.O., Columbus.

Leander Gerrard.--Columbus State Bank. Native of Illinois. Settled in 1856. Leander Gerrard, President; George W. Hulst, Vice-President; J. E. Tasker, Cashier. Established 1871. Capital, $75,000. P.O., Columbus

Sam'l C. Smith.--Real Estate. Native of Connecticut. Settled in 1864. General Insurance and Union Pacific Land Agent. P.O., Columbus.

J. G. Routson.--Native of Ohio. Settled in 1866. Of firm of Routson, Waldron & Co., Real Estate, Loan and Collection Agency. P.O., Columbus.

J. P. Becker.--Grain, Coal and Lumber. Native of Germany. Settled in 1856. P.O., Columbus.

M. K. Turner & Co.--Publishers Columbus Journal. Native of Ohio. Settled in 1870. P.O., Columbus.

A. Anderson. First National Bank. Native of Norway. Settled in 1880. A. Anderson, President; S. C. Smith, Vice-President; O. T. Roen, Cashier. Established in 1882. Authorized Capital, $250,000. P.O., Columbus.

O. L. Baker.--Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Native of Ohio. Settled in 1857. Carriages and Horses furnished on short notice, Commercial and Gentlemen's Roadsters, Ligh Livery a specialty. P.O., Columbus.

Higgins & Hensly.--Publishers Columbus Democrat. Settled in 1870. Attorneys. P.O., Columbus.

Dowty & Chinn.--Drug Store. Native of Illinois. Settled in 1876. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, Stationery, large line of Fancy Goods, Pure Liquors for medicinal purposes. P.O., Columbus.

H. Hughes.--Native of Wales. Settled in 1869. Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Doors, Window Blinds, Mouldings, Building Paper, Lime, Hair and Paints. P.O., Columbus.

C. A. Newman.--County Treasurer. Native of Maryland. Settled in 1873. P.O., Columbus.

Gus. G. Becher & Co.--Native of Germany. Settled in 1857. Gus. G. Becher, Leopold Jaeggi. Established in 1870. Loan, Real Estate and Insurance, Complete Abstracts of Titles of all Real Estate in Platte County, Conveyancing promptly and accurately done, Agents for Steamship Lines, Notary Public always in office. Eastern parties wishing to make Investments in the West would do well to correspond with the above firm. P.O., Columbus.

W. T. Ransdell.--Wholesale Butter and Egg Packing House. Native of Indiana. Settled in 1877. Manager of Columbus Creamery. P.O., Columbus.

Condon & McKenzie.--General Merchandise. Native of Ireland. Settled in 1868. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes; Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. P.O., Columbus.

Col. M. Whitmoyer.--Attorney-at-Law. Native of Pennsylvania. Settled in 1873. P.O., Columbus.

R. L. Rossiter.--Grain and Stock. Native of Ireland. Settled in 1870. P.O., Platte Center.

Wm. Bloedorn.--Native of Germany. Settled in 1869. Hardware and all kinds of Farm Machinery; also, Wagon and Blacksmith Shop in connection. P.O., Platte Center.

John A. Kehoe.--Grain and Stock. Native of Kentucky. P.O., Platte Center.

F. H. Gerrard.--General Merchandise. Native of Illinois. Settled in 1859. Dealer and Shipper of Cattle and Hogs. P.O., Lost Creek.

J. W. Early.--Native of Ohio. Settled in 1867. Insurance and Broker business. P.O., Columbus.

James Naylor.--Native of Ireland. Settled in 1874. General Repair Shop and Blacksmith. P.O., Duncan.

C. S. Webster.--Native of Pennsylvania. Settled in 1882. Grain Buyer, General Merchandise, Farm in Polk County. P.O., Duncan.

John Tannahill.--Florist. Native of Iowa. Settled in 1868. Cut Flowers, Fruit and Shade Trees, Shrubbery, Evergreens, Seed, etc. P.O., Columbus.

G. W. Clark.--Native of Wisconsin. Settled in 1873. Real Estate, Insurance, General Merchandise. P.O., Humphrey.

Ira B. Briggle.--Native of Pennsylvania. Settled in 1883. A general Banking Business; Investments made, Loans negotiated, etc. P.O., Humphrey.

J. I. Robison.--Native of New York. Settled in 1876. Cookingham & Robison, Real Estate, Proprietors Humphrey Independent, $1.50 per year. P.O., Humphrey.

W. H. Tieskoetter.--Native of Germany. Settled in 1879. Humphrey Hotel, $2 per day, Permanent Board at Reasonable Rates, Livery, Sale and Feed Stable attached. P.O., Humphrey.

Sherwood & Lochnit.--Settled in 1882. Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, Teams for business and commercial men. P.O., Humphrey.

Gietzen & Echelbecher.--Stoves, Tinware, Block Tin Roofing, Hardware and Job Work. P.O., Humphrey.

M. C. Bloedorn.--Native of Germany. Settled in 1868. Agricultural Implements and Wind-mills, Wagon Builder and Blacksmithing. P.O., Humphrey.

D. J. Drebert.--Real Estate. Native of Pennsylvania. Settled in 1881. Notary Public, Insurance Agent for the Home, Phoenix Etna and Union, of California. P.O., Humphrey.

W. E. Walton.--Nursery, Native of Maryland. Settled in 1869. Fruit, Shade and Forest Trees, Shrubbery, Evergreens, Stock Farm. P.O., Genoa.

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