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The Homestead Entry Act of May 20, 1862, authorized unrestricted settlement on public lands to all settlers, requiring only residence, cultivation, and some improvement to a tract of 160 acres. Any person was eligible who was head of a family or had reached the age of 21, who was a citizen or intended to become one, and who did not own as much as 160 acres. After living on the land and farming it for six months, he could buy the homestead at $1.25 an acre. But after five continuous years, he could apply for and receive a patent or title to the 60 acres for a filing fee of $15.

Patents are deeds transferring land ownership from the U.S. Government to a buyer. A patent is the first record in a chain of title for a parcel of land.

[The Platte Journal - January 8, 1873]

L. Gerrard, Esq., has furnished us with the following list of those whose patents for land are now ready at the Land Office at Grand Island. By applying at the Land Office or addressing Hon. E.W. Arnold, Register of the Land Office, Grand Island, Nebr., you will receive your patent:
    Geo. E. Willard, Daniel Lnych, M. _ibbs, B. Bubach, J.M. Rightmire, R._. Cook, J.H. Loseke, R. McKenzie, _ary Hoolihan, F. Schaad, E.J. Abbot, _eter Meyer, F. Hengler, W.B. Dale, _.J. Stuart, F. Gooder, Geo. B. Land, _.C. LaBaare, H. Callaway, J.G. Kel_g, A. Sheppard, M. Reagan, J.H. _ardener, M. Doody, C.D. Clother, H. Carrig, M. Kelley, J. Diggin, J. Held, _. Spencer, D.A. Willard, J.M. Walker, S.J. Kent, H. Loseke, J. Russel, J. _empleman, Thomas Casey, M.E. Stevens.

[The Platte Journal - March 12, 1873]

We are indebted to Hon. E.W. Arnold, Register at the Grand Island Land Office, for the following list which will be interesting to some of our readers. If every one of the men named below was a subscriber to the Platte Journal (as they ought to be) they would know just when to do to get their patents. Get your deed, and come subscribe for the Journal:

    U.S. Land Office,
    Grand Island, Neb., March 5, '73.
Dear Sir:--The following patents for lands in Platte county have this day been received. Parties sending by mail must enclose their Reciever's receipts or certificates, and 6 cents for postage:
    W. Davidson, P. Burke, J. Carrig, W.S. Abbott, C.N. Abbott, W.D. Davis, Danl. G. Stewart, Michael Maher, A. Benson, J. Ahern, C. Maher, T. Iten, G. Berney, D. Carrig, C. Cooncey, J.N. Dykes, H. Ludwig, B.B. Gardiner, A. Kellar, and Heirs of James Lynch.
    Very respectfully,
    E.W. Arnold, Register.

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