1917 Index List


Use this index to find registrants by name.

A - G H - O P - Z

Use this table of registrants to review others in the precinct.

Aspinwall Bedford Brownville East Benton
East Lafayette East Washington First Douglas Island
London Nemaha North Glen Rock Peru
Second Douglas South Glen Rock St. Deroin Third Douglas
West Benton West Lafayette West Washington  
Nemaha Main Page  WW1 Draft 1918 Draft List

  • Index List of 1917 Registrants Names H - O

    Surname First Name Precinct

    Haack Julius H. West Benton Haack Paul Claus East Benton Haar Hugo Barnhart London Hacker John H. Nemaha Hafermann Johann Gerhard East Benton Hager Cassa Oscar Nemaha Hager Otis Allen Nemaha Hagerman Marion Edwin West Washington Hahn Carl Jake West Lafayette Hahn Henry Carl West Lafayette Hahn Herman A. G. West Washington Hahn Herman C. C. West Washington Hahn William Henry West Washington Hale Fred Oliver Third Douglas Hale William Raymond Third Douglas Hall Ralph D. West Benton Hall Walter East Benton Halladay George William First Douglas Haller Reese T. Second Douglas Hampton James Orzo First Douglas Handley Ralph Randolph Aspinwall Handley Roy Frank Aspinwall Handley Roy Leonard Nemaha Handley Varro Elmer Aspinwall Haneline Harry Harless East Lafayette Hanlon William Peru Hanna John Alford Third Douglas Hanson Herbert Christian Peru Hardenberger Earl Morrison First Douglas Hardenberger Frank Dean First Douglas Harding George Holland First Douglas Harger Harry Arthur Aspinwall Harmon Roy Albert First Douglas Harms Adolph Chris Henry East Washington Harms Harmon G. First Douglas Harms Otto William Fred East Washington Harpham Joseph South Glen Rock Harris Charles Valentine Nemaha Harris George Williston Bedford Harris Joseph Lawrence First Douglas Harris Raymond Howard Bedford Hawley John William East Lafayette Hays Shelby L. Second Douglas Hays Wallen Allen Peru Heacock George Everett Second Douglas Hector Emil George East Benton Hector Karl West Washington Hector Louis Henry East Benton Helms Blinn Otis Peru Helms Emet Franklin London Helton Cecil Ray Aspinwall Hendricks Elmer Lee East Lafayette Hendricks Harry Dan East Lafayette Henrichs Dick East Washington Henrichs Harmon Third Douglas Henrickson Albert Henry Peru Herzig August Second Douglas Hess Andrew Cleveland Third Douglas Hesseltine Jesse Grant Peru Hesseltine Ray Wyne Peru Hickey Walter Edward West Washington Higgins Arley Andrew Peru Higgins Floyd, Jr. First Douglas Higgins Glen First Douglas Higgins Warren Earl First Douglas Hill Andrew Jackson First Douglas Hill Wilbur Iven Bedford Hoagland Raymond Jerone North Glen Rock Hoagland Roy Lee North Glen Rock Hocker Floyd Albert Nemaha Holland Otho Clarance Island Holman Charles Armstrong First Douglas Holtgrewe Fred H. West Washington Hoover Clarence Emil Aspinwall Hoover Lee Aspinwall Horne Leslie Van Brownville Hosterman Arch London Howard Harry Sandford Aspinwall Howard John Aspinwall Howell James Owen Peru Howell Luther Fay Bedford Howell Oscar Vernon Nemaha Howell William Reeves Second Douglas Howie Clarence Alvin Peru Huddard Harry F. South Glen Rock Huddard Lynn Fisher South Glen Rock Huddart John Williams South Glen Rock Huddart Ted Fisher South Glen Rock Humphrey Joseph Rolins First Douglas Hunt Vern Leroy Nemaha Huston Lee Peru Hutchinson Clyde A. Peru Hutchinson Howard Milton Peru Hyatt Edward Roy Peru Ihrig William Walter West Lafayette Ingham Erwin Curtis Bedford Irvin Thomas Delbert North Glen Rock Jacobia Arthur Dunn First Douglas James Thomas Leroy Aspinwall Jarvis Harry Claud Nemaha Jarvis Lynn Austin Nemaha Jerauld Donald Horace First Douglas Jewell Glenn Marvin East Lafayette Johnson Eddie H. D. West Benton Johnson George H. West Benton Johnson John Oscar Nemaha Johnson Walter Baker Third Douglas Jones Alvin Oscar West Washington Jones Charley Edgar East Benton Jones Henry Thomas Aspinwall Jones Lorin Victor Aspinwall Jones Marshal Clark Peru Jones Victor Lon Peru Juhl William Nemaha Jurgensmeier Bernard John Third Douglas Jurgensmeier Joseph Frank Third Douglas Kaiser Ray Fred East Washington Karr Paul W. Brownville Keithley Everett Washington St. Deroin Keithly John Thomas Aspinwall Kelley Joseph Franklin West Washington Kelley Kenneth Newton Brownville Kelligar William Griffin Second Douglas Kelly Othe Raymond Nemaha Kennedy Claude James Second Douglas Kennedy Ebenezer John St. Deroin Kennedy George Cassius London Kennel Harlie Lucian Bedford Kenton Alfred Bennett Aspinwall Kerker Earl Nemaha Kermoade Albertie Aspinwall Kerns James Washington Third Douglas Kerns Lewis Dayton Third Douglas Kerns Russel Otoe Brownville Kerns Thomas Leo Second Douglas Kidwell Herbert Third Douglas Kidwell Paul Thomas Third Douglas Kiechel Raymond West Washington Kiechel Walter East Washington Kiel Thomas H. E. West Washington Kincanon Charles Aspinwall King Larry First Douglas Kinghorn Walter William First Douglas Kipling Chester Arthur East Benton Kipling Claude Lee East Benton Klone Willie North Glen Rock Knapp Ray Baker Peru Knapp Richard Raymond Nemaha Knippelmeyer George F. West Benton Knippelmeyer Willie H. West Benton Knople Sterline Clifford Peru Knorr Fayrand Henry West Lafayette Knox Charles Dill Bedford Kolar Joseph Peru Kostens Fred Dan, Jr. West Lafayette Kreifels Lee Milt North Glen Rock Krogmann Herman Henry East Washington Kuker William Kelly Nemaha Kuper Diedrich East Benton Kuper Johann East Benton Kuse Edwin H. West Lafayette Kuse Wm. A. West Lafayette Lambert Benjamin Butler Aspinwall Lambert Dan W. Nemaha Lare Maurice East Lafayette Larimore Everett Eldon Aspinwall Laswell Charley Richard East Benton Laswell Walter Brownville Lattin Ernest London Lattin Roy Peru Lavigne Peter John North Glen Rock Lawrence Abraham Lincoln London Lawrence Don Arnold London Lawrence William McKinley London Laycock Nathan Nemaha Lechliter Aron John Peru Lechliter Charles Henry London Lechliter William Lee First Douglas Lederer Joseph Andrew North Glen Rock Leech J. L. East Benton Leech William Henry East Benton Leger Frank Wesley Peru Lehrmar Carl August London Lemon Herald Arthur Brownville Leslie George Lilburn Nemaha Letellier William Albert First Douglas Lewis Carl St. John Island Lewis Harlan Aspinwall Lewis John Aspinwall Lewis Lawrence Glenn Aspinwall Lewis William Raymond Aspinwall Liebhart Earl Roy Nemaha Liebhart Leo Edmond Nemaha Lockwood Clarence William North Glen Rock Longbrake Charles First Douglas Longfellow Arthur N. Peru Lorance Paul Raymond Second Douglas Lunzmann Herman John East Washington Lunzmann John Fred East Washington Luper John Willis Peru Lutz Francis Paul William Second Douglas Lyell Ralph Lonzo Third Douglas Lyon Columbus Lynn South Glen Rock Lyons John Thurston Peru Lyons William Clifton North Glen RockCl Magor John Second Douglas Magor Louis Roland London Magor Otis Edmund London Maloney Fred Carlisle Second Douglas Malpert Herman East Benton Marchand George Albert South Glen Rock Marchand Julius Willie South Glen Rock Marlin Jess Peru Martin John Robert Brownville Martin Truman First Douglas Mason Lloyd Peru Mason Peter Costello Peru Mastin Glen Emerson Third Douglas Mastin Guy N. Third Douglas Mastin Ivan Edward Third Douglas Mathews Homer Andrew West Washington Mathews Ray George Bedford Mathis Jess London Matthews Homer Lawrence London Mayer George J. West Benton McCandless Gilbert Nemaha McClain Rollie First Douglas McClain Roy Everett Aspinwall McClary Terence Aubray Brownville McComas Leonard Peru McCommons Arthur M. Peru McConnell Edward Clay Peru McCullough Walter Bedford McCully Walter Aspinwall McEwen Perry Second Douglas McIninch Glen W. Brownville McIninch William Hewett London McInman Arthur B. Brownville McKenney George First Douglas McKenney Glen Elmer London McKenney Vario Floyd First Douglas McKinney Charles William First Douglas McKnight Fred Peru McKnight George Peru McKnight Jesse Peru McMann Jack Bedford McVay Amel Lee First Douglas Meehan Bernard John West Washington Meents Herman Henry West Lafayette Mehlin Rabey Wilber East Benton Meyer Albert J. West Washington Meyer Habbe Deidrick East Washington Meyer John Peru Meyer John Peru Michel Ferd John Fred East Washington Michel Otto Carl Emile East Washington Migot Paul South Glen Rock Miles John Duncan Bedford Miller Carl Lemuel Peru Miller Gail Second Douglas Miller Gale G. Brownville Miller LeRoy Brownville Miller Ralph Warren Third Douglas Millet Andre North Glen Rock Millhouse Herbert Edgar First Douglas Milstead Oline James Peru Moerer August Franz West Washington Moerer Emil Henry West Washington Monette Raymond Allemend Aspinwall Montgomery Irl West Washington Montgomery Jasper Ralph Bedford Moody Glade Edward South Glen Rock Moody Guy Bedford Moody John Levi Bedford Moody Orvil Leroy South Glen Rock Moore Ben Nemaha Moore Claude Nemaha Moore Clem Casmer East Lafayette Moore George W. West Washington Moore Walter Herbert North Glen Rock Moren Joseph Elbert West Washington Moronick Frank L. Bedford Morton Rolla Gerald Nemaha Morton Rufus North Glen Rock Munn Jay Grover Bedford Myers John William London Neal Franklin Third Douglas Neal Owen Fletcher Peru Neddenreip Ernst West Washington Neddenreip John Henry Martin West Washington Neil Charles Lester Bedford Neil William Franklin Bedford Neuseaber Louis First Douglas Newman Earl James Peru Nincehelser Harry North Glen Rock Nincehelser Ray Everett North Glen Rock Nolte Frederick Alfred Martin Second Douglas Nolte Henry William East Washington Nordbrock Thomas Tom East Benton Nordlund Carl Alfred Third Douglas Norvell Ralph Thomas East Washington Norvell Roy Bryan East Washington Noyes Albert Merrit St. Deroin Oestmann Albert Ernst East Washington Oestmann Emil Henry East Washington Oestmann Herman Godfre West Washington Oestmann John Edward East Washington Ogg Alberties London Ogg Charles Henry Aspinwall Ogg John William Peru Ottermann Edwin West Washington Ottersberg Arthur West Washington Overton Roy Ernest First Douglas Owens Alva Otis Nemaha Owens Austin East Lafayette Owens Russell Marion Aspinwall Owings Henry South Glen Rock Owings Jackie East Lafayette
  • Created for the Nemaha County, NE, NEGenWeb Project by Marlene Stillahn, County Coordinator,
    January, 2000.

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    Last Updated January, 2000
    By Marlene Stillahn