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London Cemetery
Plat Map and Plot Owners

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London Cemetery Plat Map

London Cemetery - Ownership of Lots

Completed November 28, 1881
By William D. Coulter

Page 15
London Cemetery Transcribing
Ownership of Lots
Section one
1. Mell McKenney
2. _____ McKenney
3. Ben Savel
4. Joe Root
5. Jim McKenney
6. _____ McKenney
7. _____ Lockard
8. _____ Brunt
9. E. Hon
10. J. Thorp
11. _____ Unknown
12. G. Thompson
13. James McHaney
J. R. Chaney
14. Opal Conner 1/2
_____ Unknown 1/2
15. James Jennings
16. G. Thompson
17. _____ Unknown
18. W. Sanders
19. Atkins (sold to McKibbon and M. Trip)
20. James Robertson
21. Frank Sedores
22. Chas. and Alex Raines
23. _____ Harris
24. _____ Unknown
25. Collor and Shaffer
26. C. Facemire and Carrie Durham
27. Geo. Crow
28. Emily Wills
29. David Edwards
30. L. G. Goodwin
31. Ware and J. Bunger
32. _____ Chambers
33. J. Medley
34. Jim Ely-Ranae Delay-Dave Frizell

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London Cemetery Transcribing
Ownership of Lots
Section one
35. V. C. Swan
36. A. J. Richardson
37. _____ Zerring
38. W. Cox
39. C. Richardson and Lottie Davis
40. Sherman Boell - Ed Robertson - Mr. & Mrs. Freeland
41. _____ Collins
42. Payne and Conner
43. Dan Cogdill
44. Frits Holtz (One burial on lot)
45. W. W. Heckthorn
46. G. Park and J. Finch - 1878
47. T. Harden
48. Tom Perry - 1877
49. J. Winters
50. Alex McKenney
51. Jerry McKenney
52. Solomon Smith
53. Henry Slilt (sold to Ora Blunt)
54. _____ Forkner
55. Alex Perry
56. Henry Cole
57. _____ Moore
58. Geo. McGrew (sold to Bessie Wills Snyder)
     Geo. McGrew and baby moved to Sherdian Cemetery.
59. J. Sage
60. J. Sage
61. William Snyder
62. J. W. Holsten
63. J. W. West
64. Amos Bacon
65. Samual Leeper - 1878
66. J. T. Smith - 1878
67. A. L. Beggs
68. W. Varney and Ray Beaver
69. Eldon Taggert
70. _____
71. _____
72. Art Brunt (sic Art Brush)
73. _____ Unknown
74. H. Snow - 1879
75. Steve Cogdill (infants on lot)
76. W. Fish - 1879
77. Dean Coulter (Dau. Thelma Coulter on southeast corner)
78. C. H. Haden
79. _____ Unknown
80. J. Dysart
81. _____ Seymore
82. S. Chambers
83. Connie Coulter (So. Half) Ivan McMann (No. Half)
84. G. Snow
85. Arthur & Jim Simpson - 1959
86. John Neal
87. Hodkinson 1880
88. Dan Adamson - Empson
89. _____ Manning - 1875
90. _____ Unknown
91. West Whitney
Page 17
London Cemetery Transcribing
Ownership of Lots
Section One
92. Fritz Henning
93. T. F. Williams
94. C. J. Brush
95. J. Sanley
96. Henry Curtis
97. A. Brush
98. _____
99. _____
100. _____
101. _____
102. _____
103. _____
104. Jake Cross (No. Half)
105. J. C. Henning (No. Half)
106. _____
107. _____
108. Herbert Lash
109. Herbert Lash
110. _____
111. _____
112. Arthur Simpson (No. Half)

Section 2
1. T. Metcalf
2. F. Dustin
3. Chas. Lash and Geo. Lash
4. John Lash & Paul Milam
5. Fred Nelson
6. W. Durell
7. John Irvin
8. William Henning
9. William Atkins
10. William Atkins
11. James Deakin
12. _____ Pierce
13. F. Miller - Jennie Kelso
14. _____ Kelso
15. Jim Mosier
16. Will Maynard & Father
17. J. R. Vanderford (Unknown grave on lot)
18. F. J. McMann
19. John Cahill (sold lot to Alex Thompson)
20. Geo. Robertson
21. Fred Dysart
22. J. McIninch - Geo. Miles and wife
23. Doris Brush - L. Adcock - Joe Adcock
24. Carl Nelson
25. J. Johnson
26. James Coulter
27. H. L. Mathews
28. H. L. Mathews
29. E. Wills
30. Arthur Wills
31. Let McKenney
32. Joe Robertson
33. _____ McKenney
34. Dug Wilson - Will Coleman Hendrickson
35. S. W. Kennedy
36. J. O. Redfern
37. Lon Chamberlain
38. _____ Matney
39. William Muse
40. William Muse
41. _____ Henning (baby on lot)
42. Bennie Groff (sold lot to Frank Groff)
43. _____ Groff (South Half)
       _____ Conner (North Half)
44. Gerald Sico
45. Harry Gilmore
46. T. J. Sievers (South Half)
       _____ Kelso (North Half)
47. Clyde Applegate
48. Chas. Brush
49. Murry Bacon
50. Merchant and Sears
51. W. M. McKenney
52. Will Johnson
53. Geo. Sauley
54. Ben Savell
55. Will Whitfield
56. Mrs. Rose - Jim Fisher

Page 18
London Cemetery Transcribing
Ownership of Lots
Section 3 (Road space added 1943)
1. Otis and Myrtle Buckingham
2. Ward G. Shiveley (North Half)
    D. E. McKenney (South Half)
3. E. M. Guilliatt
4. Paul and Dorothy Milam (So. Half)
    Wayne and Zella Frans (No. Half)
5. _____
6. Sterling Nelson
7. _____
8. _____
9. _____
10. _____
11. Don Vanderford (South Half)
12. _____
13. _____
14. _____
15. _____
16. J. A. Vanderford
17. Nellie Vanderford
18. Harry Gibson
19. Everett Vanderford
20. Sterling Vanderford
21. Josephine Wrightman (So. Half)
22. James Pasco
23. Lawrence Nelson
24. Orvill Pasco
25. John Lash
26. Lucy Lash
27. G. W. Lash
28. Bert and Maude Rose (North Half)
      Floyd McKenney (South Half)

There is a error in the layout of the plat on the west side. The London Cemetery Association was incorporated May 27, 1890.

The cemetery is located in the London precinct, three miles east, two miles north and about half mile east of Auburn, Nebraska.

Adapted from:  Coulter, William D. London Cemetery, Nemaha County, Nebraska. Nov. 1881. pp 15-18. Lincoln, Nebraska: Nebraska State Historical Society Library. [Nemaha County, Nebraska book section].

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