May 1, 1889
- John H. SHOOK -- 8 house staples, $.50, 2 augur bits, $.40, 1 harness punch, $.15, 1 coal (sic cold) chisel, $.15, 2 hoes, $.80, 10 lbs. fence staples, $.50
- R. FROST -- 95 lbs. of barb wire, $3.80
- W. HADLOCK -- 6 lbs. nails, $.40, carpenters chalk, $.05
- James LINN -- 1 dog chain, $.20, 2 fish poles, $.25
May 2, 1889
- David TURBLOOTT -- by cash
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 3 fish poles, $.35
- James MILLER -- 2 fish poles, $.25
- Abert NOYES -- 1 grindstone, $.90, grindstone fixtures, $.50
- J. H. SHOOK -- by cash
- John SHIELDS -- 1 gasoline oven
May 23, 1889
- Andrew AYNES -- cash, $6.00, Linington goods, $4.26, wood, $5.67, Mrs. SNOW'S acct., $2.35, Burl JOHNSON acct., $.50
- S. S. LAUGHLIN -- 1 wheelbarrow, $3.50
- Andy JARVIS -- bolts & washers, $.70
- Walt JARVIS -- 1 whitewash brush, $0
- Neb. Elevator Co. -- 2 gal. oil, $.70
- S. S. LAUGHLIN -- 8 lbs. nails, $.40, 2 lbs. staples
- B. F. STEVENS -- by cash
- Rees LESSLEY -- 1 bu millet
- Odom ZOOK -- by cash
- John SHIELDS -- 1 file
- Wm AYNES -- Bac Looking glass, $.76
May 24, 1889
- J. B. SMITH -- 1 bu millet, $.75
- Mr. CUMMINS -- 5 lbs. nails, $.25
- Z. STEPHENSON -- cash
- Mrs. LOCKRIDGE -- 106 lbs. galv. wire $4.85, 2 lbs. staples, $.10
- John SPECE -- 2 screen doors, $2.80, 5 window screen frames, $1.50, 2 set hinges, $.40, wire cloth, $.80
- Y. N. COOPER -- 1 pair steeyard, $1.00, 1 cultivator, $18.50
- SWOPE -- 1 cultivator, $18.50, 1 pair ball tongues, $.75 (paid June 1889)
- Mrs. J. SMITH -- 1 picture frame
- Mrs. STARRY -- 1 cow weaner, 2 lbs. nails
June 10, 1889
- P. B. SID [Seid] -- by cash $.15
- Frank GILLISPIE -- 1 box cartrages, $.40
- Geo DYE -- 1 sythe and swath, $1.35
- Walt JARVIS -- bal on sythe, $.40
- James COONS -- 12-1/2 lbs. nails, $50, 5 lbs. staples, $.25, 1 hatchet, $.55
- Henry CARSE -- 1 pan, 2 milk pans, $.50
June 11, 1889
- Mrs. CUMINS -- 2 lbs. ceiling wax, $.10
- Chas STILLWELL -- by cash, $.85
June 13, 1889
- C. C. SLOAN -- 1 tin pail, $.50, by cash, $3.00
- Minor TAYLOR -- 2 lbs. nails, 2 paper tacks, $.20, 38-1/2 lbs. building paper, $9.50, credit by rake returned with $3.00
- Wrap TAYLOR -- 50-1/2 lbs. of brown paper, $1.26, credit by check and vise, $8.00
- Mrs. B. HOOVER -- 3 Window shades, $3.00
- Peter AULT -- 1 can opener, $1.50
- Minor TAYLOR -- 2 lbs. of nails, $.10, carpet chalk, $.05, 3 lbs. of nails, $.15
- Mrs. John SMITH -- 1 bird cage, $1.00
- P. H. CLARK -- 1 yd. screen wire, $.20, 1 zipper, $.10
June 15, 1889
- James ARGABRIGHT -- 1 coffee mill, $.80
- Geo KITTLE -- 1 ax handle, $.30
June 17, 1889
- Minor TAYLOR -- 1 door lock, $.40, 1 torry door spring, $.25, 4 lbs. nails, $.20, 1 mopstick, $.20, 1 screen door, $1.40, 4 large window screens, $2.00, 1 small window screen, $.45, 1 doz. screws and 1 doz. c hooks, $.25
- L. JOHNSON -- 3 lbs. shot, $.25
- Chas DEARFELT -- credit by cash, $5.00
- Andrew AYNES -- cash by Mahala, $4.00
- Geo ARGABRIGHT -- 3 lbs. of steel nails, $.15, 1 carving knife and steel, $2.50
- Squire CROTHIER -- bal on steamer pail, $.50
June 18, 1889
- Nemaha City -- 20 lbs. spikes
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 gasoline pipe, $.40, 1 oil can tin, $.25, 1 yd. of screen wire, $.25
- P. MUNTZ -- 1 set knives and forks, $1.50, 1 steel trap, $.25
- H. W. SHUBERT -- 2 monkey wrenches, $.50
- C. SHUCK -- 1 cultivator, $21.00 credit by cash $21.00
June 19, 1889
- Samuel ALLEN -- 1 mower section, $.10
- Minor TAYLOR -- 4 window shades, $2.40
- Less WAOLF -- 1 coffin, $6.85
- Ed BORNE -- 1 screen door, $1.30, 1 pair hinges, $.20, 1 screen door by L. LINN, $1.30
June 20, 1889
- Minor TAYLOR -- 1 cubbard ketch and hook, $.15, 1 pair hinges, $.10, 1 work stand, $1.90
- A. R. McCANDLESS - 1 well bucket, $.40
- Jas LITTEREL -- 1 work stand, $1.25
- R. ELLIOT -- screen wire, $.50, 1 screen door, $1.40, 1 pair hinges, $.20
- Frank HURST -- 4 doz. bolts, $1.25, 1 screen door, $1.40, 1 screen door, $1.30
- James CLARK -- 1 journal box, $.40, 8 bolts, $.20, 2 paper tacks, $.10
- Fred HOOVER -- 1 hoe, $.40
- J. N. COOPER -- 3 lbs. staples, $.15
June 21, 1889
- Andrew AYNES -- by br NOE, $14.50
- A. T. NOE -- on settlement $14.50 cash $13.65, credit $28.15
- Robt FROST -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50, 1 sythe stone, 2 bolts, $.15
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 coffee mill, tinware, & c, $3.05
- E. ZEGAPUSE -- 1/2 gal. golden oil, $.20
- P. M. MARRS -- 1 wash pan, $.10 (crossed out)
- John SPECE -- 1 sythe blade, $.65, 1 inch bit, $.45, 1 No. 8 spider, $.30
- J. B. FARMER -- 1 bedstead, $4.50, 2 paper seed, $.10
June 22, 1889
- N. C. JARVIS -- 5 pie plates, $.15 (crossed out)
- Maxwell & Hacker -- horse s. nails, $.10
- Wm. HOXBY -- 1 pair hinges, $.10, 1 latch, $.15, 2 doz. screws, $.15, 3 lbs. nails, $.15, 1 teakettle, $.65
- Pres BARKER -- 4 bolts, $.10
- J. JARVIS -- 1 cultivator, $17.50, credit by cash, $10.00
- F. M. ANDERSON -- 34-1/4 lbs. rope, $3.65, 2 rope pulleys, $.70
June 23, 1889
- N. C. JARVIS -- 3 chairs, $2.50
- S. YATES -- 1 saw set, $.75
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 gasolene oven, $3.00, 2 fish poles, $.20
- James COONS -- 1 sythe, 1 swath, $1.40, 1 pair mule shews, $.50
- M. B. MARRS -- 1 sythe, 1 swath, $1.40, 1 sythe stone, $.10
June 24, 1889
- C. BRECKINRIDGE -- 1 coffin & box on 1888 book, $7.95
- Willard SHUBERT -- 50 lbs. twine, paid Sept. 25, 1889, $8.50
- Harry McCANDLESS -- fishhooks & lines, $.15
- Frank GILLISPIE -- fish cord, $1.00
- Wenry WILLIAMS -- 5 ft. of screen wire, $3.50
- N. C. JARVIS -- 2 pair hinges, 1 hasp & screws, $.25
June 25, 1889
- E. ZEGAPUSE -- 1 sythe & stone, $.70
- Wray TAYLOR -- 1 hammock hook, $.10
- Y. J. JARVIS -- credit by cash, $5.00
- J. A. HACKER -- 1 ax & handle, $1.20, 1 bucksaw, $1.00
- T. J. OLIVER -- 1 coffey mill, $.80, 1 high chair, $1.50
June 26, 1889
- Maxwell & Hacker -- 4 Lag screws, $.10
- R. W. POLAND -- 5 bolts, $.10
- Henry CARSE -- 125 upholster tax, $.25
- R. J. SKEN -- 5-2/3 ft. of screen wire, $.35
June 27, 1889
- P. MUNTZ -- 11-2/3 ft. of screen wire, $.85, 1 paper finish nails, $.10, 1 paper tacks, $.05
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 wash tub, $.75
- S. S. LAUGHLIN -- 1 lantern, $.75, 1 wheelbarrow, $4.25
- Y. J. JARVIS -- 1 gal. cotton oil, $.50
- Wm. HAUXBY -- 8 bolts, $.55, 5 lbs. nails, $.25, 1 brace bit, $.25, 4 brace bolts, $.15
- J. B. SEID -- 1 screen base, $1.40, 1 screen base, $1.30, 2 door springs, $1.30
- Minor TAYLOR -- 1 torry spring, $.25
- N. C. JARVIS -- 2 pans, $.15, difference on pails, $.05
- Geo HODKINS -- by cash, $13.85
- Mel MORRIS -- by cash, $7.75
- James MILLER -- 4 bolts, $.20
- Wm. SEID -- 1 oil can, $.15
- Fred HOOVER -- by cash, $.40
June 29, 1889
- T. J. OLIVER -- 1 pt. cup, $.05
- Seymore HOWE -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- James WOOLF -- 246 lb. galv. barb wire, $11.20, 1 wire strecher, $.90
- BRADLEY -- 203 lbs. painted wire, $8.12, 2 lbs. staples, $.10
- Mrs. WALKER wd -- 2 fish poles, $.20
- Harry McCANDLESS -- 4 culte bolts, $.15, 1 oil can, $.80, 1-1/2 pt. lard oil, $.10
July 1, 1889
- N. C. JARVIS -- by cash, $5.00, 1 3-hook pail, $.25
- Maxwell & Hacker -- 7 lbs. nails, $.35, 3 feed boxes, $.15
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 14 yds of carpet, $3.15, 1 looking glass, $1.25
- Pres BARKER -- 1 set knives & forks, $2.00, 1 stove hook, $.05
- Andrew AYNES -- cash by Mahala Farmer, $8.00, milk pans, $.25
- J. B. SEID -- 5 lbs. nails, $.25, credit by cash, $5.00
- Minor TAYLOR -- credit by cash, $12.35
- James CLARK -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50, 1 qt. oil, $.15
- Wm HOXBY -- 1 hand rake, $.25
- A. T. NOE -- horse shoes, $.25, horse shoe nails, $.05
- J. B. HOOVER -- flower, $1.30 credit
- Mury A. McGINNES -- 1 muslin kettle, $.80, 1 brew kittle, 1 breadpan, $.30, 1 set of knives & forks, $1.80, 2 pho frames, $.35, 1 toy knife & fork, $.10, 1 pocket knife, 1 bolt, $.55
- W. A. WRIGHT -- 4 yds. screen wire, $.80, 2 door springs, 1 paper tack, $.25
- MRS. LITEREL -- bal on bedstead, $2.00 (crossed out)
- John ARGABRIGHT -- 1 hatchet, $.65
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 mopstick, $.15
- James DRAIN -- 2 milk pans, $.25, 2 machine needles, $.05, 50 lb. twine, $8.50
July 2, 1889
- Peter MUNTZ -- 1 Hazle hoe, $.45, 1 10 in. file, $.20
- Jas M. CLARK -- 1 wrist box, $.30
- John ARGABRIGHT -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50, 1 coal chisel, $.15, 2 Aug bitts 15 & 20, $.35, rivets, oil can, $.20, 1 lb. nails, $.05
- Daniel BENNETT -- 1 set wagon shindles, $4.00
- Mr. PETERS -- 1 baby carriage, $8.00
- Y. W. FAIRBANKS -- 3 bolts, $.10
- L. E. WALKER -- 20 mower sections, $2.00, 1 wrist ball, boxrig, $.90, 8 bolts, 49 rivets, $.60, 100 lbs. twine, $17.00
July 3, 1889
- Mrs. LESSLEY -- washing, credit $.70
- Wm. AYNES -- washing by Mrs. Lessley, $.70
- H. W. SHUBERT -- extras for mower, $4.80
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 oil can, $.45, 3 inch, $.60
July 4, 1889
- T. RUSSEL -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- Wm. MEAD -- 150 lbs. twine, $25.50
- Mrs. JONES -- 1 oil cloth, $1.00
- John DRESSLER -- 25 lbs. twine, $4.25
- Fred HOOVER -- 42 gals. oil, monkey wrench, linseed, $.80
- Marshal WEBB -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- Geo DYE -- 50 lbs. twine, $7.50
- James DRAIN -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50, 4 gal. lard oil, $.30, 2 pie plates, $.10
July 5, 1889
- Peter ALLEN -- 1 clothes wringer, $2.50
- J. J. ROBBERTS -- 12 sections, $1.20, 1 pitman box, $.30, 1 wrench, $.10, 1 envelope, $.15
- J. JARVIS -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- A. J. BUMBAUGH -- 66 lbs. twine by Freel, $11.50
- Perry FREEL -- paid - 35 lbs. twine cr. by $5.45, $5.95 (crossed out)
- W. W. SANDERS -- cash, $2.00, Mrs. Lessley br to Sorder, $.10
- Y. N. COOPER -- 1 grindstone, $1.05
- James EVANS -- 97 lbs. barb wire, $5.88, 1 box rivets, $.20
- Frank WOODARD -- 5-1/3 ft. screen wire, $.35, 1 paper tacks, $.05
- James DRAIN -- 8 lbs. twine, $1.30
July 6, 1889
- Peter MUNTZ -- 1 box caps, $.10
- FRAZIERS Boy -- 2 boxes catrages/ret
- James CLARK -- 1 gal. lard oil, $.60, 1/2 gal. color oil, $.25, 2 oil cans, $.30, 10 lbs. twine, $17.00
- Sam ALLEN -- cr by cash, $3.15
- James WOOLF -- 10 balls twine, $6.15, screen wire, $.05
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 2 Torry door springs, $.50
- J. J. BLUNT -- 1 sythe & swath, $1.35
- J. H. HALL -- 1 grain cradle, $2.50
- F. WOODARD -- screen wire, $.15
- James ARGARBRIGHT -- 1 milk pail, $.75, 1 bath tub, $.60, 1 paper tacks, $.05
- James DRAIN -- 150 lbs. twine, $25.50
- Andrew AYNES -- cash, $2.00, cherries, $.50
- John DRESSLER -- 100 lbs. twine, $17.00
- Wm. DAWSON -- 1 safe, $6.00
- Y. N. COOPER -- 1 set knives & forks, $1.25, 1 oil can, $.20, by cash cr $1.00
- Harry McCANDLESS -- 62-1/2 lbs. twine, $10.62-1/2
- Fred MYERS -- bal on twine, $.72-1/2
- J. B. HOOVER -- by credit - 1 broom, $.25 and oil, $.20
July 8, 1889
- James COONS -- 1 gal. lard oil, $.60, 30 lbs. twine, $5.10
- Sam SLOTT -- 2 screen doors, $2.80, 4 yds screen wire, $.84, 2 pair door springs, $.40
- H. T. MINICK -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- F. M. ANDERSON -- 150 lbs. twine, $22.50
- Y. N. COOPER -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- R. FROST -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- Press BARKER -- 2 lbs. nails, $.10, 1 thinner, $.10
- Mr. PRICE -- 3 jar lids, $.30
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 1 cookstove fixtures tinware, $37.13, less 5%, $1.85
- Nebraska City Elevator Co. -- 5 lbs. nails, $.25
July 9, 1889
- Sam ALLEN -- 1 handsaw, $1.80, 1 pair hinges, $.10, 1 box rivets, $.20, 2 bolts, $.05, 1 hatchet, $.75
- Y. J. JARVIS -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50, 1 small vice, $.55, 1 clamp bit
- James CLARK -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- W. COMBS -- 1 buggy tongue, $.85
- James H. PIERREE -- 1 dinner box, $.50
- Seymore HOWE -- 16 lbs. twine ret., $5.00, 3 lbs. twine, $.51
- J. H. LINN -- cr by roadwork, $2.54
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 3 paper tacks, $.15
- J. J. ROBERTS -- Extras, $4.35, Extras, $2.00
- L. JOHNSON -- 1/2 bu buckwheat, $.67
July 11, 1889
- John ARGARBRIGHT -- 10 balls twine, $6.15, 1 sack, $.15
- Tom BOWERS -- 2 sycle eyes, $1.00, 2 sycle eye bolts, $.30, 1 sycle bolt wrench, $.10, 2 oz. rivets, $.15, 4 Sections, $.40, cr by cash, $1.65
- J. H. MORRISON by EDWIN -- cr by cash, $25.00
- H. A. BRAND -- cr by cash, $.65
- G. W. McGINNIS -- 1 wagon tongue, $.85
- Fred HOOVER -- 3 qts. oil, $.45
July 12, 1889
- James BURNES -- 2 lbs. nails, $.10
- W. T. RUSSEL -- 16 lbs. twine, $2.40
- Ms PETERS by E. M. BALDWIN -- 1 dinner box, $.50
- Seymore HOWE -- 10 balls twine, $7.10
- John JOHNSON -- 12 ft. screen wire, $.75, 2 pair hinges, $.30, 1 paper tacks, $.05
- Seymore HOWE -- 8-1/3 lb. twine, $1.45
- Daniel DANELS -- 1 sythe & swath, $1.40
- Nat TITUS -- 2 hay forks, $1.40, 4 bolts 17x1/2 in., $.20, 1 box bolts 3/8x5-1/2 in., $.40, 2 bolts 5/16x3 in., $.05
- L. JOHNSON -- 17 mower sections, $1.70, 1/4 lb. rivets, $.10
- T. GILLISPIE -- 5 fishhooks, 2 fishlines, $.10
- R. ELLIOT -- 5 ft. screen wire, $.35, 2 papers of tacks, $.10
- A. YOUNG -- cr by cash, $1.25
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 set knives & forks, $1.10
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 4 window shades, $2.40, 1 watter pot, $.75
July 13, 1889
- John ARGARBRIGHT -- 1/2 sack twine, $4.25, 1 coffee pot, $.30, cr by 6 balls twine ret.
- John DRESSLER -- 1/2 sack twine, $4.25
- C. C. STRIPPIN -- 1 coffee pot, $.30
- Fred HOOVER -- 3 yds. wire cloth, $.75, 2 doz screws, $.10
- GOULD BROS. -- 25 lbs. twine, $4.25
July 15, 1889
- W. T. RUSSEL -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- N. C. JARVIS -- clothes line, $.35
- Harry McCANDLESS -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- L. E. WALKER -- 1/2 sack twine, $4.25, 1 kittle, $.90, 1 sycle bolt, $.15. 1 dipper
- James CLARK -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
- James DRAIN -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50, 1/2 gal. oil, $.30
- J. H. LINN -- work for Mrs. Bennett? $.50
- Mr. PEABODY -- 29 lbs. twine, $4.95
- Harry McCANDLESS -- 1 gal. oil, $.60
- Charles ZOOK -- cr by cash, $2.90
- T. H. FINCH -- cr by cash, $5.00
- J. B. HOOVER -- 1 sack flower, cr $1.30
- W. W. SANDERS -- 1 hatchet, $.65, fish cord, $.35, fish hooks, $.15
- Dr. A. T. NOE -- 1 brass padlock, $.75
- Fred HOOVER -- 1 lb. nails, $.05
- H. T. MINNICK -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50
July 17, 1889
- L. JOHNSON -- 2 screendoors, $2.60, 2 pair hinges, $.20, 2 springs, $.30, 2 knobs, paper tacks, $.10, 4 lbs. nails, $.20, 3 tin pails, $.75, 7 yds of screen wire, $1.60
- J. B. SEID -- 1 long handle shovel, $.75
- McCANDLESS -- 3 bolts, $.10
- Wm. DANELS -- 104 lbs. wire, $4.16, 5 lbs. staples, $.25
- S. YATES -- cash
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 4 paper tacks, $.20, 1 sythe blade, $.65, 1 center table, $5.50
- A. BORNE -- 1 2-burner oil stove, $2.25
- W. W. SANDERS -- 1 galv. pail, $.50
July 18, 1889
- Seymore HOWE -- 1 fork handle, $.15
- R. P. SKEEN -- 50 lbs. twine, $8.50, 1/2 gal. oil, $.80 (by mistake not posted)
July 19, 1889
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 hinge, $.05
- Mrs. CUMMINS -- 2 window stops, $.05
- Wm WEDDL -- 1 square & 1 chisel, $.95, 1 chalkline, $.05
- Wm. RHODES -- 5 lbs. nails, $.25
- Wm. H. HOOVER -- 1 pair scissors, $.40
- Wm. RHODES -- 2 lbs. nails, $.10
- W. A. RIGHT -- 1 pair pinchers, $.35
- Odom ZOOK -- 1 hoe handle & 1 rake handle, $.25
- Tom WASSON -- 1 coffin & box, $5.25
July 20, 1889
- E. ZEGAPUSE -- 16 lbs. twine, $2.72, 4 lbs. twine ret.
- H. S. MARTIN -- cash, $.50
- Sam ALLEN -- 1 stove brush, $.25, 3 bolts, 1 box screws, $.15, 1 lb. rope, $.15, 1 mower, $50.00
- Wm. RHODES -- 2 pair hinges, $.25
July 22, 1889
- Wm. E. HALL -- 2 screen doors, $2.60, 2 springs, $.40
- David BAKER by brother -- 36 lb. iron, $7.44, cash by credit $1.00
- Andrew AYNES -- by cash $1.00
- Nemaha City -- 45 lbs. nails, $2.25
- Odom ZOOK -- 1 gal. castor oil, $.50
- Wm DANELS -- 4 bolts, $.10
- Wm RHODES -- 11 lbs. nails, $.55, 4 lbs. nails, $.20
July 23, 1889
- Major EBBS -- 2 sycle eyes, $1.00, 1 four-tined fork, $.70, rivets and bolt, $.05
July 24, 1889
- James DRAIN -- by cash credit $40.00
- John HOXBY -- 10 lbs. nails, $.60
- R. B. WETERMAN -- 2 well buckets, $.75, 1 well wheel, $.40, 1 lb. nails, $.05
- John SKEEN -- 1 monkey wrench, $.40 paid
- Tom GILLISPIE -- 1 sythe stone, $.10, 8 bu corn, $2.00, 1 sack, $.15
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 2 doz coat & hat hooks, $.40, screws, $.10
- J. B. FARMER -- 2 lbs. nails, 2 paper seed, $.15
- J. J. ROBBERTS -- 1 machine shaft, $1.00
- W. T. WHITTEN -- 1/2 lb. powder, $.20, 3 lbs. shot, $.25
July 25, 1889
- Andrew AYNES -- cash $4.00, 1 bed by Noe, $8.25
- B. H. MOORE -- 5 rake teeth, $.50, 1 fork handle ret.
July 27, 1889
- Wm. RHODES -- 3 lbs. nails, $.15, 2 lbs. of nails, $.10
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 1 galv. bucket, $.50, 5 lbs. nails, $.25
- Y. JARVIS -- by cash credit $4.00
- Joseph SMITH -- 1 king bolt, $.20
- Wm. HOXBY -- 1 writing table, $2.25
- Wm. REFFE -- 1 sifter, $.20
- J. B. HOOVER -- 2 tons of hay, credit $7.00
- Andrew AYNES -- 2 tons of hay by Hoover, $7.00
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 2 tin pans, $.20, 1 mouse trap, $.15, 1 shade, $1.10
- Wm. RHODES -- 1 sucian(?) iron, $.50, 40 lbs. of sheet iron, $2.40, 2 lbs. nails, $.10, 6 lbs. nails, $.30, 1 roof saddle, $.30, 1 sheet tin, $.05
- N. W. SMITH -- 1 oil stone, $.30
July 29, 1889
- Benness KELSO -- 250 BB caps, $.70
- John STEINS -- 1 tin stew kittle, $.30
- W. T. CLARK -- 4 bolts and washers, $.15, rivets, $.05
- M. BANKS -- 2 lbs. nails, $.10, 2 lbs. nails, $.10
July 30, 1889
- James LIN -- 1 ripsaw, $2.00
- H. J. MINNICK -- by cash credit $10.00
- Nebraska City Elevator Co. -- 5 lbs. nails, $.25
- W. W. SANDERS -- 1 lb. trot line, $.40
- Mrs. SNOW -- 1 matrass, $3.50
July 31, 1889
- N. JARVIS -- 2 flat irons, $.80
- HALL -- 1 x-cut saw, $2.00, 1 file, $.15
- C. C. STRIPER -- 1 ax, $.80
- J. W. FAIRBANKS -- rope, $.10
- John B. STEIN -- 1 wagon tongue, $1.00
- Wm. RHODES -- 1 door lock, $.25, 1 pair knobs, $.15, 1 hinge, $.05
- WATTERMAN -- apples, $.30 credit
- J. B. HOOVER -- 1 sack flour, $1.30 credit
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 pair scissors, $.75
August 2, 1889
- Henry WILLIAM -- 10 lbs. nails, $.50
- Wm. RHODES -- 1 white wash brush, $.45, 1 scrub brush, $.20, 1 door hinge, $.05
- Mrs. LESSLEY -- 4 yds. of screen wire, $.25, 2 paper tacks, $.10
- John SPECE -- Machine extras, $1.25, 1 box rivets, $.20
- Mrs. L. MOUNT -- 1 coffin, $23.50, 1 coffin box, $2.00
- John SKEEN -- 5 rake teeth, $.35, 1-1/2 pts. oil, $.10
- S. S. LAUGHLIN -- order from Kelso, $2.80
- H. T. MINICK, cash credit $5.00
- N. C. JARVIS -- 2 set spoons, $2.75, 1 butcher knife, $.50, 1 dust pan, $.10
August 3, 1889
- Thos. GILLISPIE -- cash credit $2.75
- T. J. OLIVER -- rope, $.05
- Wm. ANDERSON -- 3 plow handles, $.60
- R. W. POLAND -- hame rivets, $.05
- Wm. RHODES -- 2 locks, $.50
- Andrew AYNES -- apples, $.70
- Henry WILLIAMS -- 69 lbs. paper, $1.72
- J. H. HALL -- 99 lbs. wire, $3.96, 3 lbs. staples, $.15
- Wm. MAXWELL -- screen wire, $.35, 1 paper tacks, $.05
- E. JEGAPUSE -- burlap, $.65
- J. W. FAIRBANKS -- 111 lbs. wire, $3.96, 2 lbs. staples, $.10, 2 lbs. nails, $.10
- Wm. HOXBY -- 1 box rivets, $.20
August 5, 1889
- Seymore HOWE -- 10 mower sections, $1.00
- Mrs. John H. SHOOK -- 3 table spoons, $.85, bal. on picture frame, $.25 (crossed out)
- Geo KITTLE -- 5 lbs. staples, $.25
- Sam ALLEN - 7 bolts, $.20
- Charles ATHE -- 1/2 gal. oil, $.25
- Wm. MAXWELL -- 2 screen doors, $2.60, 2 pair hinges, 2 door springs, $.80
- T. B. FINCH -- 3 doz. tyre bolts, $.30
- Nemaha City -- 2 lbs. spikes, $.10
- Lewis THOMPSON -- 1/2 bu measure, $.35
- Wm. RHODES -- 7 window screens, $2.10, 4-1/2 yds. of screen wire, $.81, paper finishing nails, $.10
August 6, 1889
- Mrs. Nettie BENNETT -- 1 coffin, $29.00, 1 coffin box, $2.00
- John SKEEN -- 1 knife, $.50, 1 knife, $.25, rivets, $.05
- Odom ZOOK -- cash credit $1.00
- W. T. MAXWILL -- 12 yds. oil cloth, $6.60, 4 Jionts(sic.) pipe, $.80, 1 elbow, $.20
- S. S. LAUGHLIN -- 1 iron wedge, $.45
- Geo. KITTLE -- 239 lbs. wire, $9.12
- Neb City Elevator Co. -- 5 lbs. nails, $.25, 5 lbs. nails, $.25
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 washboard, $.45
- Mrs. CUMINS -- 1 dust pan, $.15
- Marshal WEEB -- cash credit $5.00
- A. J. JARVIS -- drayage, $.25, fish to Andrew, $.35
- BENNETT BROS. -- 7 lbs. of Iron, $.85, by check - credit $5.00
- Wm. RHODES -- 2-1/2 ft. of valley tin, $.18, sheets of tin, $.07, 1 sorder, $.25, 10 ft. of screen wire, $.30
- I. N. COOPER -- apples, credit $.25
- J. B. FARMER -- apples, credit $.25
- W. W. WHITTEN -- horseshoe nails, $.20, 1 coffee pot, $.25
- Andrew AYNES -- fish, $.35, apples by Cooper, $.25, apples by J. B. Farmer, $.15
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- pans, $.50, pot covers, $.05
- L. JOHNSON -- 14 bolts, $.20, 2 augar bits, $.35
August 7, 1889
- Wm. RHODES -- 2 window shades, $1.20, difference on bedsteads, $2.50, 1 pair door knobs, $.15
August 8, 1889
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 1 clothes ringer, $2.85, 1 kitchen table, $2.10
- Charles DEARFELT -- 1 hay fork, $.70, 1 wood rake, $.25, 1 sythe stone, $.05
- Tom GALLISPIE -- 5 bu corn, $1.25
- Henry WILLIAMS -- chalk, $.10, 22 ft. of 8 in. valley tin, $1.35, 2 files, $.20
August 9, 1889
- Mrs. CUMINS -- 3 window stops, $.05
- Charles ATHY -- 93 lbs. wire, $3.55, 2 lbs. staples, $.10
- I. N. COOPER -- apples, credit $.25
- Andrew AYNES -- apples, $.25, cash, $5.00
- Wm. RHODES -- 1 door knob, $.05, 2 door hinges, $.40, 1 set bed casters, $.20
- Peter MONTZ -- cash credit $4.00
August 10, 1889
- Tom FINCH -- 2 lbs. nails, $.10
- Wall WEBBER --- 1 sycle eye, $.75
- Neb Elev Co -- 2 gal lub oil, $.50
- J. B. FARMER -- castor oil, $.05, 1 set wagon bows, $.90, wagon box staples, $.15
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 drip pan, $.15, 1 hay fork, $.70
- W. W. SANDERS -- 1 washboiller, $1.50, 1 scrub brush, $.25, 3 lbs. nails, $.15
- AWE -- 1 grindstone & frame, $2.75
- S. S. LAUGHLIN -- cash loaned, $5.00
August 12, 1889
- T. B. FINCH -- 1 Fin wagon tongue, $1.10
- James H. DRAIN -- 1 pocket knife, $.70
- Nemaha City -- 20 lbs. nails, $1.00
- Mr. CLARK -- 1 sycle eye, $.50
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 lock, 1 knife, $.30, 1 pair door knobs, $.15
- Henry WILLIAMS -- 2 files by John Culb, $.25
- Mrs. CUMINS -- 2 paper tacks, $.10
August 13, 1889
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 1 hand saw, $1.80, 1 hatchet & hammer, $1.10, 4 lbs. nails, $.25
- Wm. ANDERSON -- 5 lb. staples, $.25, 1 plow handle credit $.20
- Wm. HOXBY -- 2-1/2 lbs. nails, 5 lbs. wire nails, $.35
- Lewis THOMPSON -- cash credit $.35, cash on mower credit, $25.50
- E. ZEGAPUSE -- nails, $.20, 1 hogringer, $.40, 1 __ hog rings, $.25, 5 joints stove pipe, $.90, 1 elbow, $.20, 1 damper, $.15
- Mrs. YOUNG -- 1 tin pail, $.20
- Wm. ANDERSON -- 122 lbs. wire,
- Ed HOOVER -- 10 cartrages, $.15
- Chs DEARFELT -- 1 cork screw, $.15
- Neb City Elevator Co. -- 2 lbs. nails, $.10
- L. E. WALKER -- 1-1/2 bu measure, $.50, 1 washboard, $.45, 1 lb. rope, $.15
- Neb City Elevator Co. -- 10 lbs. nails, $.50
- T. B. FINCH -- 8-1/2 lbs. iron, $.35
- Geo. BANKS -- 1 sythe swath, $.75
- Andrew AYNES -- cash, $5.00
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 22 lb. nails, $.10, Crothiers boy, $.10
- Mrs. LESSLEY -- 1 picture, $1.10, 1 looking glass, $.85, 1 center table, $2.25, washing credit $3.50
- Henry WILLIAMS -- 18 window stops, $.90
- J. H. DRAIN -- 4 machine needles, $.10, 1 covered bucket, $.20
- Thos GILLISPIE -- 1 spade handle, $.25
- Henry WILLIAMS -- 3 fine thimbles, $.25
- John SHOOK -- cash for cut cuznails, $3.50
- VALLINGHAM -- 1 coffin, $4.30
- S. BRIMBLE -- 15 lbs. 3 d nails, $.90, 2 lbs. nails, $.10
August 17, 1889
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 doz. screws, $.05
- Peter MONTZ -- 1 paper tacks, $.05
- R. J. SKEEN -- 1 doz. qt. fruit cans, $.70, 3 lb. staples, $.15, 5 lb. nails, $.25 (crossed out, marked paid)
- Lewis LAVLITT -- h S nails, $.05
- T. B. FINCH -- sheet iron by credit $1.15
August 19, 1889
- C. DEARFELT -- 2 Hagon Box slabs, $.10
- John SKEEN -- cash credit $1.25
- J. B. FARMER -- 1 lantern, $.70, 1 stew kittle, $.70, tomatoes & potatoes by $.45 credit
- Andrew AYNES -- tomatoes & potatoes, $.45
- T. B. FINCH -- 1 pair shafts, $.65
August 20, 1889
- Nebraska City Elevator Co. -- 1 reamer, $.15, 1 punch, $.15
- Mrs. SNOW -- cash by credit, $1.00
- Henry WILLIAMS -- 2 window stops, $.10, 1 lock & doorbell, $3.50, 6 pair of door hinges, $.90, 1 pair of door hinges, $.50, 1 Mortis lock & knobs, $.50, 1 doz. window stops, $.60, 5 door locks, $1.90
- J. B. SEID -- 18 lbs. nails, $.90, 1-1/2 doz. bolts & washers, $.50
August 21, 1889
- Andrew AYNES -- cash $.50
- Wm. Danels -- 4 sycle sections, $.40, 1 manure fork, $.70
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 copper tea kittle, $2.00
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 5 lbs. nails, 2 lbs. staples, $.35, 2 foot rule, $.15
- Nemaha City School Dist. -- 4 pair shelf brackets, $.80
August 22, 1889
- W. T. WHITTEN -- 1 iron tea kittle, $.55, 1 set knives only, $.50, 2 pt. cups, $.10, 2 lbs. nails, $.10
- James COONS -- 125 lbs. wire, $4.70, 1 ax handle, $.35
- W. T. CLARK -- 3 bolts, $.10, 1 pair Babbet ______ , $.05, 5 lbs. nails, $.10
- S. S. LAUGHFLIN -- cash by credit $5.00
- J. B. SEID -- 8 lbs. nails, $.40
- Wm. MAXWELL -- cash by credit $3.90
- Perry FRIEL -- cash by credit $5.55
- Sam ALLEN -- 6 doz. qt. fruit cans, $3.90
August 23, 1889
- Ed HALL -- cartrage, $.30
- John COONS -- 1 bevel wheel for chandleir, $.60
August 24, 1889
- L. JOHNSON -- 4 lbs. nails, $.25
- Neb City Elevator Co. -- 3 doz. screws, $.15
- Andrew AYNES -- cash, $.75
- Charles STILLWELL -- 1 hay fork, $.70
- Odom ZOOK -- 1 potato hook, $.45
- Geo. BANKS -- cash by credit, $.75
- Press BARKER -- 1 coffee mill, $.80
- Henry WILLIAMS -- 2 pair stop hinges, $.50, 3 pair rot iron bolts, $.20, 1 pair iron hinges, $1.35
- Wm. MAXWELL -- cash by credit, $3.00
- John HOXBY -- 1 pair hinges, $.10, 1 cubbord ketch, $.10
August 27, 1889
- L. JOHNSON -- 3 bolts, $.15
August 29, 1889
- W. W. SANDERS -- 2 bolts, $.20, broom wire, $.10
August 30, 1889
- Frank HUNT -- 1 apple pealer, $.60
- J. B. SEID -- 3 lbs. nails, $.15
- Charles STILLWELL -- 2 pans, $.15, 1 egg beater, $.15
- Geo. BANKS -- 1 mill pail, $.55
- J. B. FARMER -- 4 watermelons by credit, $.20
- David FRAZIER -- 1 stew kittle, $1.40, 3 pie plates, $.15, 2 tin cups, $.10, 1 dust pan, $.10
- Mrs. John HOOVER -- bal on washboard, $.20
- Wm. DANELS -- 1 well bucket, $.40, 2 rope fasteners, $.10
- Mr. BARNES dr to 90 lbs. grass seed
- Wils COMBS -- 1 coffee pot, $.55
August 31, 1889
- B. F. FARMER -- 1 oil can, $.15
- John SPECE -- 1 wood horse hay rake, $5.25
- Peter MONTZ -- 1 mouse trap, $.20
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 punch, $.15, 1 copper rivets, $.15
- Ed HALL -- 30 cartarages, $.45, 10 cartarages, $.10
- Mrs. AWE -- bal on granet kittle, $1.00
- Ed HALL -- Primers, $.30
- R. W. POLAND -- 12 lbs. nails, $.60, 1 tin pail, $.30, 1/2 lb. powder, $.20
- W. WRIGHT -- 1 lb. nails, $.05
- G. W. McGINNES -- 1 grindstone, $.75, fixtures, $.50
- Geo. VALINGAMSEN -- 1 sythe & swath, $1.40, 1 ax & handle, $1.35
- Ed HOOVER -- Primers, $.10
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 20 lbs. spikes, $.80
- J. W. OWENS -- 1 pocket knife, $.65
- Andrew AYNES -- cash, $1.00, 2 tin pails, $.70, watter melons, $.15, Hovers acct, $4.35
Sept. 2, 1889
- A. K. McCANDLESS -- 80 lbs. nails, $3.00, 1 strainer pail, $.65
- David FRAZIER -- 2 lbs. nails, $.10
- Mrs. LESSLEY -- washing credit, $.90
- Wm. AYNES -- washing, $.90
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 2 lbs. nails, $.10
- Nebraska City Elevator Co. -- 1 gal. oil, $.25, 1 gal. oil, $.25
- W. W. SANDERS -- 1 granet kittle, $1.20
- BONDFELDON -- 1 doz. fruit jar lids, $.75
- W. T. WHITTEN -- 1 wagon sheet, $2.25, 1 1/2 bu. measure, $.35
Sept. 3, 1889
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 1 set knives & forks, $2.10, 1-1/2 joints stove pipe, $.30
- Mr. SNOW -- cash by credit, $2.50
- Henry SHUBERT -- 10 lbs. staples, $.50, 1 ball fish cord, $.05
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 pair spring ballance, $.15
- Chas DEERFELT -- 1 dumpboard, $3.50, 1 auger bit, $.15
- J. O. HACKER -- 4 door hangers, $2.40
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 1 gal. lard oil, $.60
- Odom ZOOK -- 1 white wash brush, $.50
Sept. 4, 1889
- Thos SKEEN -- 1 lb. ceiling wax, $.05
- B. F. FERROW -- 2 lbs. nails, $.10, rivet, $.10
- Wall WEBBER -- 35 lbs. spikes, $1.75
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 25 lbs. nails, $1.00
Sept. 5, 1889
- Henry WILLIAMS -- cash by credit, $10.00
- Bennett Bros. -- 25 lbs. of iron, $1.15
- J. B. SEID -- 1 lb. nails, $.05
- Geo. BANKS -- 1 brass kittle returned, $.90 crossed out
- J. B. FARMER -- potatoes by credit, $.25
- Nat TITUS -- 1 oil can, $.15, rivets, $.10
- Chas. ATHE -- 1-1/2 doz. fruit cans, $1.05
- Sam ALLEN -- 1 doz. fruit cans, $.70, cash by credit, $1.00
Sept. 6, 1889
- W. S. HALL -- 1 ringer, $2.35, 1 monkey rench, $.40
- John H. SHOOK -- 1 grindstone, $3.00
- W. T. CLARK -- 1 box rivets, $.20, 1 match safe, $.10
- Wils COMBS -- 2 doz. fruit cans, $1.40
- Wm. SEID -- 1 mower section, $.10
- T. J. OLIVER -- 1 lb. ceiling wax, $.05
Sept. 7, 1889
- J. B. SEID -- 3 lbs. cut nails, $.12, 2 lbs. wire nails, $.10
- Jerry BALLARD -- 1 ax and handle, $1.15
- S. YATES -- 1 drill bit, $.30
- J. F. VALLINGHAM -- 1 shade, $1.25
- School District No. 36 -- 1 sprinkler, $.65
- T. D. HUNT -- 10 lbs. staples, $.50
- Odom ZOOK -- 2 lbs. wax, $.10, 1 brass kittle, $1.50
- Jarvis COONS -- 1 oil can, $.15, oil, $.10
- Andrew AYNES -- Geo. Banks, $1.00, 1 brass kittle, $.70
- Wm. RELF -- order by credit, $1.80
Sept. 10, 1889
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 corn knife, $.25
- Sam ALLEN -- 7 bolts, $.15
- J. F. VALLANDHAM -- 50 tarred paper, $1.40, 4 lbs. nails, $.20
- Fred HOOVER -- 1 padlock, $.10
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 20 lbs. nails, $.85, 10 lbs of 8 V nails, $.45
- S. YATES -- 1 monkey rench, $.40
Sept. 11, 1889
- David BAKER -- 24 spokes & bellows, $1.60, 1 jack plain, $.70
- J. B. FARMER -- 1 lb. nails, $.05
- Andrew AYNES -- cash $1.00, tin cans, $1.75, tinware, $.55
- W. T. CLARK -- 1 rockin chair, $2.00, cash by credit $1.00
- N. C. JARVIS -- crossed out ...
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 4 window shades, $2.00, 1 wire dish cloth, $.15
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 3 pair hinges, $.50
- J. F. DRAIN -- 3 set castors, $.60
- David BAKER -- 1 dish pan, $.50, 1 wash pan, $.15, 1 strainer, $.20
- J. J. BLUNT -- 1 axhandle, $.35
- J. J. JARVIS -- 1-1/2 lb. shot, $.15, 1/4 lb. powder, $.10, 1/2 gal. oil, $.20
- W. S. HALL -- bal. on wringer, $.65
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 1 handsaw, $.85
- Coffin for Chas COLERICH -- 1 coffin trianed, $24.40, 1 coffin box, $2.00
- Wm. AYNES -- Mrs. Cumins' acct., $7.35, Mr. Brubaker's acct., $5.15
Sept. 12, 1889
- J. W. OWENS -- 2 pencils, $.10, 1 pocket knife, $1.00, 1 watch to Wm. AYNES, $5.00
- Nemaha City -- 2 well buckets, $.75, 2 open links, $.05
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 1 hammer, $.65, 2 doz. C & H Hooks, $.40
- Andrew AYNES -- Minck's acct., $30.55, cash, $10.00
- Geo. SKEEN -- 2 lbs. staples, $.10, 2 lbs. nails, $.10, 1 hammer, $.65
Sept. 13, 1889
- James LINN -- by putting Pump for G. SAYERS - credit $1.75
Sept. 14, 1889
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 1 Chicago pail, $.55, 1 1/2 gal. cup, $.15
- Ray TAYLOR -- 120 lbs. wire, $4.50, 3 lbs. staples, $.15
- Wm. AYNES -- to acct. at Minick's, $2.45
- Sam ALLEN -- cash by credit, $2.00
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 1 coffee mill, $.80
Sept. 16, 1889
- J. D. SHUBERT -- 14-3/4 lbs. of tool steell
- W. W. SHUBERT -- wire and staples, $.25, 5 lbs. nails, $.25, 1 lb. powder, $.35, 3 lbs. shot, $.25, 2 bolts, $.10
- E. P. PETERS -- cash by credit, $5.00
- Mrs. COONS -- 1 base rocker, $4.65 crossed out
- Neb City Elevator Co. -- 10 lbs. nails, $.50, 3-1/2 lbs. sheet iron, $.20
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 1 wash tub, $.95, 2 doz. 1/2 gal. fruit cans, $1.90, 4 pans, $.25, 1 steamer, $.30, 1 large spoon, $.10
Sept. 17, 1889
- Poor Farm -- 10 lbs. spikes, $.40
- Nemaha School Dist. -- 1-1/2 doz. C & H Hooks, $.30, 3 doz. screws, $.15, 2 lbs. nails, $.10
- Wall WEBBER -- 5 lbs. nails, $.25
- W. HADLOCK -- 1 dish pan, $.50
- J. B. FARMER -- 5 chickens, by credit, 1/2 bu. potatoes
Sept. 18, 1889
- R. POLAND -- 1 Bay Wagon, $1.25
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 2 sets of plated knives & forks, $7.00
- Fred SCOVILL -- Andrew - credit, $2.30
- Andrew AYNES -- Fred Scoville acct., $2.30
- John SHUCK -- cash by credit, $1.00
- J. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 doz. fruit cans, $.70
Sept. 19, 1889
- Z. STEPHENSEN -- drayage by credit, $1.00
- M. F. MAY -- 43 lbs. limathy seed, $1.45 marked Paid
- Lum STRIPPER by Osker BRADLEY -- 1 coffin, $4.30
- Poor Farm -- 1 5 foot coffin, $10.00, 1 coffin box, $1.25
- Mrs. SNOW -- 1 ax & handle, $1.25
- Andrew AYNES -- apples, penholders and tablets, $.60, Relb, $1.80
- Geo. ARGARBRIGHT -- 4 ft. of wire cloth, $.35, 3 pair hinges, $.10
Sept. 20, 1889
- J. R. JOHNSON -- 1 chisel, $.60
- Wall WEBBER -- 6 lbs. nails, $.25
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 2 lbs. ceiling wax, $.10
Sept. 21, 1889
- Nemaha School Dist. -- 4 doz. screws, $.15, 1 pair hinges, $.20
- Charles ATHEY -- cash by credit, $1.05
- School Dist. 35 -- 1 shovel, $.25, 2 lbs. nails, $.10, 1 dipper, $.10
- Elmer ZOOK -- 3 chir seats, $.60
- Andrew AYNES -- cash, flour, $2.25
- John WATSON -- 1 8-foot table, $6.40, 1 bedstead, $3.00
- Fred SCOVILLE -- flour by credit, $1.25
Sept. 22, 1889
- Henry W. SHUBERT -- 1 Pitman Box, $.30, 6 lbs. nails, $.25
- Odom ZOOK -- 1 lb. ceiling, $.05
- MELVIN -- 1 Iron teakittle, $.55
- John H. SHOOK -- 2 axhandles, $.65
- Peter MONTZ -- 7 lbs. nails, $.30
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- ceiling wax, $.05
- J. F. DRAIN -- 2 sewing machine, $.05
Sept. 24, 1889
- LESSLEY Boy -- 1 box giding, $.40 PAID
- Mrs. COONS -- 1 base rocker, $4.65, by Odom ZOOK credit $1.20 and on Sept. 28 - $3.00, Oct. 5th, credit by Mr. CARN -- $.45
- Odom ZOOK -- by cash, $.80
- Geo. KITTLE -- 1 wood pump, $7.25
Sept. 26, 1889
- Sam ALLEN -- 3-1/2 lb. wire, $.15, 10 lbs. nails, $.45
- J. J. GREEN -- bal on Wagon Box, $5.00
Sept. 27, 1889
- W. W. SANDERS -- 1 hatchet handle, $.10
- W. T. WHITTEN -- 1 sythe stone, $.10
- F. M. ANDERSON -- 1 ax handle, $.35
- A. K. McCANDLESS -- 5-1/2 lb. 3 d nails, $.35
- Fred SCOVILL -- credit by rice, $.25, sugar, $1.00
- Andrew AYNES -- rice, $.25, sugar, $1.00
- S. GILBERT -- 1 pulley and 1 chan link, $.40, 11 joints of stove pipe, $2.20
- Mr. PETTERS -- 1 stable fork, 1 hoe, $1.05
- E. D. RODGERS -- 105 lbs. wire, $3.95
- John LAMBERT -- 3 chair bottems returned, $.70
- G. W. MAGINNES -- 107 lbs. wire, $4.10, 5 lbs. staples, $.25
- Nemaha School District -- 2 doz. hathooks, $.40, 3 doz. screws, $.15
- W. T. RUSSEL -- by molasses - credit $4.50
- W. T. CLARK -- powder, $.35, 5 lbs. shot, $.25, 3 pair hinges, $.65, 4 lbs. nails, 1 box primers, $.65
- H. W. SHUBERT -- 3 pair shelf brackets, $.60
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 1 fly trap, $.25
- Andrew AYNES -- molasses, $4.50, 1 wash stand, $2.75
- John SHOOK -- bal on draft - credit, $12.50
- Y. J. JARVIS -- 1 fork handle, $.10
- Poor Farm -- 10 lbs. nails, $.40
Sept. 30, 1889
- Fred SCOVILLE -- 1 gal. coal oil, credit $.25
Oct. 1, 1889
- Richard DAVIS -- 357 lbs. barb wire, $13.40
- J. B. FARMER -- 4 bu potatoes, credit $1.00
- Andrew AYNES -- 4 bu potatoes, $1.00, 1 gal coal oil, $.20
- Neb City Elevator Co. -- 1 pair Nibbes, $1.00
Oct. 2, 1889
- Nemaha School Dist. -- 1/2 doz. bolts & 1/2 doz. screws, $.10, 1 lb. nails, $.05
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 1 ax, $.90, 2 ax handles, $.50
Oct. 3, 1889
- Z. STEPHENSEN -- clout nails, $.05
- Geo. LEWIS -- 1 stove fire back, $.90
- S. A. McGEEHIE -- 110 lbs. wire, $4.95, 1 hay knife, $1.40
- G. J. BRANDON -- 1 ax & handle, $1.05, 1 set singletree irons, $.55, 2 tin cups, $.10
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 10 lbs. nails, $.50
- Charles ATHEY -- 10 cts worth of ______, $.10
- W. RATHBORNE -- cr by cash, $3.00
Oct. 4, 1889
- J. B. FARMER -- 1 wash pan, $.20, 1 mouse trap, $.20, 1 paper stove blacking, $.10, cr by 2 lbs. butter, $.30
- Andrew AYNES -- 2 lbs. butter, $.30
- John SPECE -- 1 Iron pump, $8.50, 2 well buckets, $.75, 2 rope fasteners, $.10, 2 open links, $.05
- R. C. BROWN -- 1 wash boiler, $1.50 PAID
- Wm. HOXBY by James B. -- 3 bolts, $.10
- W. E. HALL -- 1 pocket knife, $.65
- Nemaha City -- 10 lbs. spikes, $.50, 15 lbs. spikes, $.75
- W. e. HALL -- oak wood, credit $7.77, elm wood, credit $4.50
- F. D. HUNT -- 17 lbs. burnt iron, $.55
- J. W. SMITH -- 1 ax, $.80, 1 handle, $.25
- John HOXBY by wife -- 1 center table, $5.50
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 4 lbs. 3 d nails, $.25
Oct. 8, 1889
- Fred SCOVILL -- 1 sack flour, credit $1.15
- J. B. SEID -- 3 lbs. sought nails, $.15
- E. D. RODGERS -- cash by credit, $3.95
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 1 stove board, $.80, 1 joint rusian iron pipe, $.50, 1 elbow, $.35, 1 stove pipe collar, $.10, 11 lbs. of 3 d nails, $.65
- Mrs. LESSLEY -- credit by washing, $.15
- Wm. AYNES -- washing by Mrs. Lessley, $.15, tabaco box, $.18
- W. S. HALL -- 1 wash tub, $.95, 1 scoop, $.85, 1 hay fork, $.60, 1 Neck yoke wood, $.20, 1 pair bridal bits, $.15
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 1 bench screw, $.60
- G. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 galv. pan, $.20, 1 pair scissors, $.20
- Z. STEPHENSON -- 1 paper tacks, $.05
Oct. 9, 1889
- Andrew AYNES -- 1 buck saw, $.55, 1 sack flour, $1.15
- District No. 35 -- 1 chair, $1.00
- S. S. LAUGHFLIN -- 1 shovel handle, $.15
- Wm. SEID -- 1 dinner paid, $.50
- John COLLINS -- 1 dinner pail, $.50 PAID
- McWEDDLE -- 1 scoop $1.00, 2 lbs. of nails, $.10
- J. R. JOHNSON -- 1 coffin, $5.00, outside lining, $2.30, 10 studs, $.10, 1 box, $.75, lining $1.25
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 15 lbs. nails, $.75, 1 pair Barndoor rollers, $1.00, 14 ft. of iron tracks, $.70, 1 brace & 4 bitts, $1.30, rucian stove pipe, $.70, 1 lb. sought nails, $.05
Oct. 10, 1889
- Chas. DEERFELT -- 225 lbs. of galv. barb wire, $10.12
- L. L. FROST -- 2 lbs. sorder, $.45, 3-2/3 lbs. iron, $.15, 3 brass shel1s, $.20
- James CLARK -- 8 lbs. nails, $.35, 2 jelley pans, $.10
- FAIRBANKS -- 1 scoop board, $3.50
- James COLLINS -- 1 box cartrages, $.60
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 breakfast tube, $3.00
Oct. 11, 1889
- Jerry BALLARD -- 12 wagon fellows, $.84
- Fred SCOVILLE -- eggs, by credit $.25, shugar, by credit $.50
Oct. 12, 1889
- Mrs. SIMPSON -- coffeepot & 2 stew kittles, $.60, 1 fry pan, $.30, 1 drip pan, $.20
- Newton REITHLEY -- knives & forks, $.60, spoons, $.25, 1 dish pan, $.40, 1 teakittle, $.75, 1 coffee mill, $.80
- RUSSEL -- bal on husking gloves, $.25 PAID
- Peter ALLEN -- 1 Wagon box strap, $.10
- A. B. KENTON -- 2 toy cups, $.25
- Y. J. JARVIS -- 1 box rivets, $.20, 6-1/4 lbs. nails, $.25
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 wood bucket, $.20, 1 dipper, $.15
- Henry BROWN to ammunition, $.90
Oct. 14, 1889
- Lambert MELVIN -- 1 box cartarages, $.60
- Mrs. CARSE -- carpet tacks, $.25
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 1 half bu, $.35
- W. M. CRECHEN -- 1 teakittle, $.75, 1 tin pail, $.30, 1 oil can, $.25
- C. H. LARAMORE -- 1 scoop, $.85, 20-1/2 lbs. wire, $.75, 1 lb. staples, $.05, nails, $.25, 2 wagon rods, $.25
- Nemaha Co. by James Woolf -- 25 lbs. nails, $.87-1/2, 25 lbs. wire nails, $1.12-1/2
Oct. 15, 1889
- J. H. HALL -- 6 lbs. spikes, $.25, 10 lbs. wire nails, $.50, shells, $.10, powder, $.10, 1 box caps, $.10
- Mrs. SIMPSON -- 2 pans, $.30, 1 tin pail, $.20, 1 pan, $.05
- Dan BENNETT -- 40 Wagon spokes, $2.80, 15 fellows, $.91
- Geo. DYE -- 4 Wagon box rods, $.40
- John SHUCK -- 1 stove back, $.90
- Jos WILLIAMS -- 2 Wagon box straps, $.20, 2 barn door hooks, $.10
Oct. 16, 1889
- J. F. DRAIN by dughter -- bal on knif, $.20, 2 machine needles, $.05
- Wm. AYNES -- 1 picture frame, $.18
- R. W. POLAND -- 1 hammer, $.65, 5 wagon rods, $.55, 6 wagon straps irons, $.60, 3 lbs. shot, $.25, rivets, $.10, 2 rub irons, $.10
- Jacob Z. SHUCK -- 1 tea pot, $.55, 2 lard cans, $1.10
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 5 lbs. nails, $.25
- McWEDDLE -- 5 lbs. nails, $.25, 1 buck saw piece, $.05, 1 wash tub, $.80
- Wall WEBBER -- 5 lbs. steel nails, $.20
- Charles & Odom ZOOK -- pasturage, credit $8.30
- Andrew AYNES -- cash, $5.00, pasture, $8.30, shugar & eggs, $.75
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 1 file, $.15, 1 ax & handle, $1.25
- FAIRBANKS -- 1 barrel, $.05, screen wire, $.40
Oct. 17, 1889
- J. J. JARVIS -- 1 wagon reach, $.40, 1 wagon strap iron, $.10, 1 lb. sought nails, $.05
- John H. SHOOK -- 10 lbs. of steel nails, $.40, 10 lbs. of steel nails, $.40, 1 meat saw, $.45, 1 doubletree, $.60
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 1 key hole saw, $.15, 1 stove board, $1.40, 3-3/4 joints pipe, $1.90, 1 rucian iron elbow, $.45, 15 lbs. nails, $.60
- Wm. HOXBY -- 1 wagon box, $14.00
- Ed HOOVER -- powder, $.20
- L. JOHNSON -- 2-1/4 cord wood by Kinney - credit $5.00
- Dave BAKER -- 1 cook stove, $26.50
- G. N. SAUNDERS -- 1 cook stove, $29.00, order as W. W. Saunders credit $12.00
- C. M. VALLINGHAM -- apples, 10-1/2 bu. by credit
- Thos. KELSO -- 18 yds. less 6 in. carpet, $9.90, 1 paper tacks, $.05, 1-1/2 yds. of carpet, $.80, 2 lbs. nails, $.10
Oct. 18, 1889
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 1 coal hod, $.60, 1 rucian iron elbow, $.35
- E. P. PETERS -- cash by credit, $2.00
Oct. 19, 1889
- E. P. PETERS -- 1 ax and handle, $1.25
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- Molatt 4 lbs. nails, $.20
- Chas ATHE -- 1 looking glass, $.85
- S. S. LAUGHFLIN -- cash $5.00
Oct. 20, 1889
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 knife by Harve Hacker, $.65
- James LINN -- bal on stoves credit $1.75
- STILLWELL -- 1 joint pipe, $.20, 6 lbs. nails, $.25, 2 lbs. staples, $.10
- Henry WILLIAMS -- 1 drum, $3.00, 2 joints of pipe, $.40
Oct. 21, 1889
- Swift McCANDLESS -- 1 lantern, $.75, by wife 4 lbs. nails, $.20, 4 barn door hooks, $.20
- J. J. JARVIS -- 2 lbs. nails, $.10
- Mrs. SNOW -- 1 ax handle, $.25
- Ed BORNE -- 1 stove board, $.90, 1 bedstread, $5.00
Oct. 22, 1889
- Nat TITUS -- 2 wagon box rods, $.25, 1 Husking peg, $.20
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 1 door lock, $.40
- John H. SHOOK -- 3 axes, $2.70
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 1 padlock, $.40
- Henry WILLIAMS -- cash by credit $2.00
- Luther HAYS -- 1 scoop, $.90, 2 lbs. nails, $.10, 1 lb. shot, $.10
- Mrs. G. V. SMITH -- 1 elbow, $.20
- Wm. ANDERSON -- 1 rule, $.15, 1 carpeter pencil, $.05
- Wm. DAWSON -- 4 knives & forks, $.40
- Fred HOOVER -- 1 mouse trap, $.20, 1 pair hinges, $.10
Oct. 23, 1889
- Seamore HOWE -- 1 scoop, $1.00, 1 pump, $6.00
- Peter MONTZ -- 10 joints pipe, $2.00
- G. V. ARGARBRIGHT -- 1 wash board, $.45, 1 wash tub, $.80
- Andrew AYNES -- goods from Livington, $2.95
- Henry WILLIAMS -- 1 stove, $14.00
Oct. 24, 1889
- S. S. LAUGHFLIN -- 2 open links, $.10
- T. J. OLIVER -- 1 box stove blacking, $.10
- J. H. MORRIS -- 5 lbs. of nails, $.25
- Lambert MELVIN -- 1 pocket knife, $.75
- John H. SHOOK -- 108 lbs. building paper, $2.70
- GOULA BROS. -- 2 X cut saws, $3.50, 1 ax, $.90
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 3 wagon box rods, $.37-1/2
- Wm. AYNES -- cash paid on Howe ventilator - credit $28.00
- Fred SEABERRY -- 1 ax handle, $.15, 2 cord of wood, $4.50
- T. A. VICE -- 1 bedstead & 6 chairs, $7.75
- W. T. CLARK -- 1 pair shelf brackets, $.35
- Seamore HOWE -- 1 lb. powder, $.35, 3 lbs. shot, $.25, 1 box wads, $.25
- C. M. VALLINGHAM -- 1 lb. powder, $.35, 3 lbs. shot, $.25, 6 hame staples, $.25
- S. S. LAUGHFLIN -- cash $12.00
- E. P. PETERS -- 1 lb. staples, $.05
- Fred HOOVER -- 4 lbs. nails, $.20
Oct. 25, 1889
- Mrs. HARKINS -- 1 joint pipe with damper, $.35 - PAID by cash
Oct. 26, 1889
- S. GILBERT -- 1 stove, $20.75, 1 joint pipe, $.20
- W. S. HALL -- 14 joints of pipe, $2.80, 1 elbow by Dotson, $.20
- G. W. FAIRBROTHER -- 1 ax handle, $.35
- W. C. RIGHT -- 1 cart, $16.00
- Mrs. SNOW -- cash by credit, $1.50
Oct. 28, 1889
- James LINN -- 2-1/4 cord wood, $5.35
- Wm. DAWSON -- 3 cords of wood by credit $6.75, 1/2 lb. powder, $.20, 5 ft. of fuse, $.05, 1 file, $.15
- J. J. GREEN -- cash by credit $5.00
- Nemaha City -- 30 lbs. spikes, $1.50
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- 6 lbs. spikes, $.25
- Andrew AYNES -- apples, $3.50, turnips & squashises, $2.00, shovel & cabbage, $.50, goods from Hoover, $2.10
- Dora GINN -- 1 buck saw, $.90, 5 lbs. nails, $.25
- Mrs. SNOW -- 1 saw buck, $.35
- James BANKS -- 30 shells, $.30, powder, $.15
- Nemaha City -- 30 lbs. spikes, $1.50
Oct. 29, 1889
- James WOOLF -- 1 scoop, $1.00, squashes by credit, $1.00
- James COLLINS -- 1 shucking peg, $.15
- Odom ZOOK -- work on flue, credit $.50
- Y. J. JARVIS -- 1 lantern table, $.15, 2 lbs. staples, $.10
- N. C. JARVIS -- 1 ax insure, $1.00, order for cash $1.00
- Fred SEABERRY -- 1 lantern, $.65
- KINNEY -- wood by credit, $8.43, turnips, $1.00
- Y. J. JARVIS -- 1 sausage grinders, $2.50
- G. J. BRANDON -- 1 scoop, $.85, wood by credit $5.32
- T. B. FINCH -- Brandon wood by credit $2.55
- J. B. HOOVER -- mits & gloves, by credit $2.10
- Fred SEABURY -- 1 stove, $14.00, 2 joints pipe, $.40
- Geo. VALINGHAM -- wood by credit $4.45, grindstone, $.97
- Poor Farm -- 1 high chair, $1.15
Oct. 30, 1889
- Henry CARSE -- hatchet, $.55, towel rack, $.30
- A. R. McCANDLESS -- wagon box rods by Finch, $.30
- Wm. BOATMAN -- corn by credit $.90
- Andrew AYNES -- corn, $4.10
- Wm. SEID -- cash by credit $.50
- S. S. LAUGHFLIN, Harv Smith -- powder, $.35, 3 lbs. shot, $.25, 1 box caps, $.10
- Wm. BURNS -- saw buck, $.35 PAID
- Wm. ANDERSON -- 1 safe, $4.00
- Samuel SCOOT -- 105-1/2 lbs. wire gross, cash by credit $3.00
Oct. 31, 1889
- Nemaha City -- 20 lbs. spikes, $1.00
- Mrs. CRIM -- cash by credit $3.16
- Mr. MAY -- 1/4 joint of pipe, $.15
- Wm. AYNES -- by Mrs. Cumins acct., $.50
- Al HACKER -- 1 elbow, $.20
Provided to the Nemaha Co. NEGenWeb Project
by Tempe Taylor Berggren, November, 1998
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