This page last modified 1/1/2025




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to this website.
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this website can't grow....Thanks!
~Click on E-mail link to reach Linda Ziemann, County Coordinator

Year 2019

12/2019 -- Volunteer, Sandy Dempsey, contributed (Orchard) Presbyterian Church Baptism Records 1887-1930 **Garfield Township. Wonderful history, Thanks to Sandy.

10/2019 -- More additions now to the Pioneer-History data for the Family Histories of SHOLES, MANNING, BRODIE --Thanks to family historian, Sandy Dempsey--and she promises more county history to come!!

10/9/2019 -- The WWI Veteran list now posted--Surnames N thru Z.

8/22/2019 -- Antelope County Church History topic & corresponding church links are now posted. As more history is revealed in the days ahead, additional church pages will post, including photos as those become available.

8/20/2019 -- Added Country School, Sherman Township, Dist. No. 68 history page. Huge thanks to family researcher, Sandy Demsey, for sharing the land deed regarding the school, dated April 1888. See the link for details.

7/4/2019 -- Added Family Page Pioneer-History data History of John Rogman & his wife Minnie, compiled & submitted by researcher, Carl Ingwalson.

7/4/2019 -- Added photos to the Veterans WWII - C and the Veterans WWII - D and Veterans WWII - E and Veterans WWII - F surname pages........

7/5/2019 -- Transcription completed Antelope County Korea Veterans and WWI Veteran list now posted--Surnames A thru M (watch for the rest to post shortly)

7/9/2019 -- Updated (work ongoing) County Country School Index & pages. Also, 1872 County Treasurer Settler Tax List now posted.

Year 2018

1/22/2018 -- Antelope County NEGenWeb pages now moved to a new server. Thanks to Rootsweb for many years of providing website space. Going forward from today's date, much anticipation for continued FREE server space with the new web space. Please feel free to contact this website coordinator, Linda Ziemann, with any questions or site contributions. Linda's email is:

6/22/2018 -- Added a James & Nannie Alderson family photograph, which includes 6 of their 8 children.

6/23/2018 -- Added a Family Group Sheet Pioneer-History page w/4 photos of William M. & Helen Alderson & fam.

7/12/2018 -- Restoration & fresh upload to this website of the (former) MILITARY data posted to Antelope County pages. Beginning with WWII The alpha letter A -- Now reformatted & restored, with photos as orginally shared. *Also the alpha letter B.* HUGE THANKS to the NEGenWeb current State Coordinator, David Gochenour, for finding these pages from a back-up he had done as a precaution.

8/2/2018 -- WWII ServiceMen and Women INDEX now online through the letter U.

WATCH for MORE of the MILITARY catagory to POST in the days ahead! Thanks for your patience.

8/6/2018 -- Added Dist. No. 41, "Little Daisy" country school information & 2 photos

10/21/2018 -- Added Family Photo Page Pioneer-History data w/2photos of Samuel Pugh & Thomas Rorabaugh data.