Johann & Christina Schimke

Johann and Christina Kuch were married in Brienne, Bessarabia, Russia in 1883 and emigrated to the United States in 1887.  They spent one month in Scotland, S.D., and another month in Bowdle, S.D., before moving to Expansion by ox team and covered wagon. They homesteaded on a farm 14 miles north of Hazen.

Johann and Christina had five children: Johann, Ernestine, Emma, Ernest and Rosalie. Rosalie and her father died in 1893. Christina married Frederick Adolf later that year and they had nine children.

~Source: Hazen 1913-1988 Diamond Jubilee book, pg. 310-311


Children of Johann & Christina Schimke

Johann Schimke
Ernestine Schimke (Breitling)
Emma Schimke
Ernest Schimke
Rosalie Schimke, d. 1893

Christina married Frederick Adolf, 1893

~Link to the family pages for Frederick & Christina Adolf




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