Friedrich Miller & Christina Madche

Fred and Christina (Madche) Miller were among the early settlers in the area north of Hazen, N.D., arriving in 1887.

Fred Miller recalled only six families were living in the area when he settled on the Krem plateau between the Knife and Missouri Rivers. There were the families of William Priebe, Dan Schimke, John Suess, Robert Lauf, William Richter and Solomon Isaak.

Fred and Christina were born in South Russia and were married there in 1866. In 1886, they immigrated to the United States with six children: John, Gottlieb, Samuel, Fred (who died at age 13), Mary (Isaak) and Sophia (Funk Lemke). One son, Emanuel, was born in the United States but died at age 11.

The Millers came first to Hebron and the following year they moved to Mercer County.

Fred Miller died in 1926. Christina died in 1930. Both are buried in the Krem cemetery.

~Source: Hazen 1913-1988 Diamond Jubilee book, pages 271-272

A drawing of Friedrich and Christina

The Miller Homestead, Mercer County, N.D.

“Life History”

(This is a translated version of what was written by Friedrich Muller about his wife, children and their emigration to America.)

Friedrich Muller was born in Leipzig, Bessarabia, Russia, the 31st day of May 1844.  Christina Maedke was born in Leipzig, Bessarabia, Russia, the 7th of September 1845. Friedrich and Christina were married on November 26, 1866.

On the 13th of March, in the year 1886, they left Leipzig, Russia, and went to America. On April 27, 1886, they came to Hebron, North Dakota and lived twelve miles south. While in Hebron they lived with some relatives by the name of Schneiders.  In 1887, the family left Hebron and went to Mercer County and took up a homestead and lived on their homestead until 1917. There were members of St. Peter’s Church.

On June 11th, 1917, they moved to the Gottlieb Millers, a son, and made their home there in a smaller home. There, they became members of Johannes Church in Krem. God blessed them with ten children, seven sons and three daughters. Those living were John, Gottlieb, Samuel, Maria, and Sophia. Two sons died in the United States, one son in Russia, and one daughter.

Friedrich passed away on July 21, 1925. He was eighty-two years old. Christina passed away on June 19, 1930. She was eighty-four years old. They are both buried in St. Johannes cemetery in Krem, North Dakota.

More Pages Friedrich & Christina Miller History

Children of Friedrich & Christina Miller:

John Miller
Gottlieb Miller
Samuel Miller
Fred **died at age 13
Mary (Isaak)
Sophia (Funk, Lemke)
Emanuel **died at age 11

Obituary: Christina Madche Miller
Obituary: Friedrich Miller


~Photos and information submitted by Leann Miller




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