Waldo County

1860 Census Morrill

1Dwelling house numbered in the order of visitation
2Families numbered in the order of visitation
3The name of every person whose usual place of abode on the first day of June, 1860, was in this family
6Color (White, Black or Mulatto)
7Profession, Occupation, Trade of each person, male or female, over 15 years of age.
8Value of Real Estate
9Value of Personal Property
10Place of Birth, Naming the State, Territory, or Country
11Married within the year
12Attended School within the year
13Person's over 20 years of age who cannot read & write
14Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict
Page No. 1

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the sixth day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1155155Thomas STORER39MFarmer3,000800Maine
2Phebe STORER41FMaine
3Isaac HATCH21M300Maine
4Barak HATCH17MMaine1
5Oscar STORER14MMaine1
6Leander HATCH13MMaine1
7Elzira HATCH7FMaine1
8156156John M. BAILEY55MMerchant4,000150Maine
9Catherine G. BAILEY55FMaine
10Henry BAILEY28MMerchant3001,000Maine
11Sarah BAILEY20FDressmakerMaine
12Emily Bayslin ???13FMaine1
13157157Daniel WHITEHOUSE71MUS Bapt Clergyman2550Maine
14Nancy WHITEHOUSE73FMaine
15158158David NASH42MBlacksmith500230Maine
16Sarah NASH33FMaine
17Aurelius NASH14MMaine1
18Charles H. NASH12MMaine1
19Augustus NASH11MMaine1
20Alice NASH7FMaine1
21Edward NASH1MMaine
22159159Sewall MESERVEY37MCooper200150Maine
23Sarah MESERVEY35FMaine
24Willis MESERVEY1MMaine
25160160Parker MEARS37MMillman700350Maine
26Ann MEARS35FMaine
27John MEARS16MMaine1
28Ellen MEARS13FMaine1
29Preston MEARS7MMaine1
30Alva MEARS6MMaine1
31Samuel BLAKE27MJoiner50Maine
32161161Edward BLAKE23MApprentice Joiner15075Maine
33Elizabeth BLAKE19FMaine
34Ella BLAKE6/12FMaine
35162162Tolman BOWEN56MFarmer2,000333Maine
36Charlotte BOWEN52FMaine
37Isaac T. BOWEN23M165Maine
38Daniel BOWEN18MMaine1
39Abbie J. BOWEN15FMaine1
No. white males: 24
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 15
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
7,875 3,653 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 2

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the sixth day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1163163Trial PEARSON59MFarmer800286Maine
2Martha PEARSON55FMaine
3Dorcus PEARSON28FMaine
4Fidelia PEARSON23FMaine
5Julia A. PEARSON37F50Maine
6Laura M. PEARSON7FMaine1
7164164Stephen ROBINSON69MFarmer500267Maine
8Sylvina ROBINSON25FMaine
9Delwin GINN9MMaine1
10Loraine GINN4MMaine1
11165165Timothy W. ROBINSON39MFarmer500250Maine
12Louisiana ROBINSON24FMaine
13Alice R. ROBINSON4MMaine1
14166166Hanson D. SHAW33MFarmer600255Maine
15Mary SHAW34FMaine
16Willy SHAW1MMaine
17167167Uriah T. ALSTINE48M100Maine
18Orlando ALSTINE20MMaine
19168168Polly A______ ?50F75Maine
20169169John SMITH61MFarmer700100Maine
21Matha A. SMITH68FMaine
22Sarah SMITH25FMaine
23Thomas SMITH23MMaine
24William SMITH19MMaine1
25170170Erastus A. PAYSON35MFarmer500200Maine
26Acelia PAYSON32FMaine
27Ellery E. PAYSON7MMaine1
28Amon PAYSON1MMaine
29171171Uriah T. ROWE35MFarmer900400Maine
30Esta W. ROWE34FMaine
31Augusta M. ROWE12FMaine1
32Alonzo M. ROWE8MMaine1
33Ida M. ROWE1FMaine
34Martha ROWE9FMaine1
35172172Lorenzo ROBINSON32MFarmer600200Maine
36Jane ROBINSON28FMaine
37Althea A. ROBINSON4FMaine
38Ellen FURBISH15FMaine1
39173173Abigail ROWE37F5050Maine
No. white males: 19
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 20
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
5,150 2,233 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 3

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the sixth day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1173173Ester A. ROWE12FMaine1
2Angeline ROWE9FMaine1
3Lavander ROWE4MMaine1
4174174Jedediah HIGGINS52MFarmer700300Maine
5Nancy HIGGINS57FMaine
6Calvin G. HIGGINS20MMaine
7Alice HIGGINS16FMaine1
8Jane HIGGINS14FMaine1
9Martha HIGGINS14FMaine1
10175175Rheubin HIGGINS56MFarmer1100395Maine
11Eliza HIGGINS52FMaine
12Emily HIGGINS22FMaine
13Luther GRAY79MN.H.pauper
14Jesse CHILDS68MN.H.pauper
15Eben CANTON45MMasspauper
16Luther GRAY Jr.45MMasspauper
17David DANIEL83MMainepauper
18Mary HEAL12FMaine1pauper
19176176Sophia HEAL35FWasherwomanMaine
20Ella HEAL4FMaine
21177177Jonathan CREASEY55MFarmer500100Maine
22Almira CREASEY38FNew Brunswick
23David S. CREASEY14MMaine1
24178178William CREASEY63MFarmer700100Maine
25Hanah CREASEY61FNew Brunswick
26Sarah CREASEY36FMaine
27Eldora GREER9FMaine1
28179179Nathaniel GREER55MFarmer500150Maine
29Mary J. GREER53FMaine
30William H. GREER17MMaine1
31James K. GREER15MMaine1
32Almon S.GREER13MMaine1
33Frances A. GREER11FMaine1
34188188Francis O. GREER30MShip Carpenter20075Maine
35Mary GREER25FMaine
36Antoineta GREER5FMaine1
37Herbert A. GREER1MMaine
38181181William F. THOMAS25MFarmer800190Maine1
39Rebecca THOMAS25FMaine
No. white males: 19
No. foreign born: 2
No. white females: 20
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
4,588 1,310 No. idiotic:
No. paupers: 6
No. convicts:
Page No. 4

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the sixth day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1181181Charles E. THOMAS15MMaine1
2182182Hushi THOMAS45MFarmer20050Maine
3Celia J. THOMAS40FMaine
4William THOMAS15MMaine1
5Winslow THOMAS13MMaine1
6Theodore THOMAS5MMaine1
7Frederick THOMAS3MMaine
8Ellen THOMAS2/12FMaine
9183183John ALSTINE78MFarmer900350Maine
10Margaret ALSTINE77FMaine
11Cyrus ALSTINE41MMaine
12184184Uriah ALSTINE49M75Maine
13Ann ALSTINE45FMaine
14Henry ALSTINE30MMaine
15185185Hanah HIGGINS47F700150Maine
16Fostina ? HIGGINS9FMaine1
17Elisha HIGGINS34MFarm LaborerMaine
18186186Joseph HIGGINS51MFarmer400250Maine
19Mary HIGGINS52FMaine
20Sally HIGGINS25FMaine
21Franklin HIGGINS14MMaine1
22Edwin HIGGINS10MMaine1
23Elizabeth HIGGINS9FMaine1
24187187Charles HIGGINS58MFarmer400200Maine
25Lovina HIGGINS49FMaine
26Daniel HIGGINS17MMaine1
27James HIGGINS15MMaine1
28Augustus HIGGINS6MMaine1
29188188Elisha THOMAS49MFarmer800350Maine
30Charlotte THOMAS49FMaine
31Lucy THOMAS17FMaine1
32Elbridge THOMAS15MMaine1
33Rebecca J. THOMAS10FMaine1
34189189Jeremiah MARTIN46MFarmer1000360Maine
35Mary MARTIN41FMaine
36Rose E. MARTIN11FMaine1
37Viola MARTIN7FMaine1
38190190John B. THOMAS30MFarmer550225Maine
39Catherine THOMAS25FMass.
No. white males: 22
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 17
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
5,150 2,018 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 5

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the sixth day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1190190William H. THOMAS8MMaine1
2John F. THOMAS7MMaine1
3Sarah F. THOMAS4FMaine
4Lucy M. THOMAS2FMaine
5Charles M. THOMAS2/12MMaine
6Sally COOKSON54FMainepauper
7191191Benjamin THOMAS59MFarmer1,200478Maine
8Prudence THOMAS62FMaine
9Benjamin THOMAS25MFarm Laborer175Maine
10Granville THOMAS20MMaine
11192192John HIGGINS64MFarmer2,500289Maine
12Marietta HIGGINS61FVermont
13Lovina HIGGINS21FMaine
14Josephine HIGGINS18FMaine1
15Betsey HIGGINS84FMaine
16Rodington HIGGINS12MMaine1
17193193Mary HOLMES39?FTayloress150Maine
18George HOLMES2MMaine
19194194Charles MORRILL22MFarm Laborer500Maine
20Lucinda MORRILL21FMaine
21Mary E. MORRILL2FMaine
22Georgianna MORRILL2/12FMaine
23195195Alanson GREER30MFarmer2,000600Maine
24Mary A. GREER27FMaine
25Janes A. GREER6FMaine1
26Loraine GREER5FMaine1
27Levi GREER3MMaine
28Austin GREER1MMaine
29196196John N. WING50MFarmer500150Maine
30Sylva WING45FMaine
31Thomas M. WING25MMaine
32Llewellyn WING21MMaine
33Elizabeth WING19FMaine1
34Abbie C. WING12FMaine1
35Mary A. WING12FMaine1
36George H. WING7MMaine1
37197197Robert DAGGETT49MFarmer550200Maine
38Adeline DAGGETT39FMaine
39Eliza J. DAGGETT18FMaine1
No. white males: 19
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 20
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
6,750 2,442 No. idiotic:
No. paupers: 1
No. convicts:
Page No. 6

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the sixth day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1197197Briggs C. DAGGETT10MMaine1
2198198Eleaser WHITCOMB46MFarmer600150Maine
3Submittance WHITCOMB55FMaine
4George WHITCOMB17MMaine1
5Arbelia WHITCOMB14FMaine1
6199199Henry CLAY60MBFarmer20075Unknown
7200200Peter DOTEN39MFarmer30075Maine
8Mary DOTEN28FMaine
9Mary C ? DOTEN12FMaine1
10John DOTEN10FMaine1
11Susan DOTEN8FMaine1
12201201Samuel ORDWAY39MFarmer1,000450Maine
13Jane ORDWAY46FMaine
14Amelia ?? ORDWAY14FMaine1
15Lucy ORDWAY6FMaine1
16Susan DANIELS32FDressmakerMaine
17Lydia CUSHMAN30FTayloress100Maine
18202202Barrack HATCH40MFarmer1,000375Maine
19Louis _? HATCH39FMaine
20Louisa HATCH12FMaine1
21Ella F. HATCH10FMaine1
22George HATCH8MMaine1
23Phebe HATCH6FMaine1
24Charles HATCH3MMaine
25Mary HATCH2FMaine
26Clarissa HATCH2/12FMaine
27263263James DOUGLAS48MFarmer15050Maine
28Debora DOUGLAS44FMaine
29Benjamin _? DOUGLAS26MMaine
30Abbie DOUGLAS18FMaine1
31Edith DOUGLAS16FMaine1
32Margaret DOUGLAS12FMaine1
33Julie E. DOUGLAS5FMaine1
34204204Joanna STEPHENS63F400200Maine
35205205Thomas M. ? WING27MFarmer450100Maine
36Amanda WING23FMaine
37James WING6MMaine1
38Comfort A. WING4FMaine
39Charles E. WING2MMaine
No. white males: 14
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 24
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males: 1
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
4,100 1,575 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 7

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the sixth day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1206206S ____? HOFFSES29MFarmer12725Maine
2Francis HOFFSES23FMaine
3Cora Emma HOFFSES3FMaine
4207207Augustus DAGGETT42MFarmer400150Maine
5Mary DAGGETT41FMaine
6William DAGGETT23MMaine
7Waterman DAGGETT21MMaine
8Mary J. DAGGETT20FMaine
9Alonzo DAGGETT17MMaine1
10Verona DAGGETT16FMaine1
11Avilla DAGGETT11FMaine1
12Allen M. DAGGETT9MMaine1
13Loretta DAGGETT6FMaine1
14Fred W. DAGGETT4MMaine
15Melvia ? F. DAGGETT2FMaine
16208208Joseph MEARS27MMerchant600875Maine
17Emily E. MEARS30FMaine
18Robert F. MEARS10MMaine1
19George M. ? MEARS8MMaine1
20Addie F. MEARS4FMaine1
21Julia SAWYER30FServingMaine
22209209Harriett S. ? DOLLIFF60F50075Maine
23Warren A. DOLLIFF21MMaine
24Henry DOLLIFF18MMaine1
25210210George MEARS64MFreewill Bapt. Clergyman500150Maine
26Eliza MEARS50FMaine
27Colton MEARS18MMaine1
28Barrak H. MEARS13MMaine1
29211211Henry JACKSON34M525Maine
30Sarah JACKSON38FMaine
31Lucius JACKSON11MMaine1
32Mary Ann JACKSON5FMaine1
33212212James MEARS51MFarmer1500800Maine
34Sarah MEARS41FMaine
35Theoda MEARS21FMaine
36Zoriada ? MEARS17FMaine1
37Robie MEARS13MMaine1
38Horatio MEARS10MMaine1
39213213Hiram PIERCE42MFarmer17595Maine
No. white males: 21
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 18
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
3,802 2,675 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 8

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the sixth day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1213213Debora PIERCE42FMaine
2Hiram PIERCE22MMaine
3Lucy W. PIERCE20FMaine
4Simeon ?_ PIERCE17MMaine1
5Elizabeth PIERCE15FMaine1
6Lyra C. PIERCE13FMaine1
7David PIERCE46M400300Maine
8Eben PIERCE11MMaine1
9Sarah PIERCE2FMaine
10214214Smith CROSS64MFarmer1,300275N.H.
11Nancy CROSS58FMaine
12Almatia CROSS21FMaine1
13William WOODBURY18MMaine1
14215215Harriett MERITHEW23F350150Maine
15Amos MERITHEW2MMaine
16Betsey KNOWLTON61FMaine
17216216Rodger MERITHEW64MFarmer1,000350Maine
18Hanah MERITHEW37FMaine
19William R. MERITHEW18MMaine1
20Levi MERITHEW16MMaine1
21Margaret E. MERITHEW13FMaine1
22Hanah ?__ MERITHEW11FMaine1
23217217Roda ADAMS37F1,000200Maine
24Ezera E. ? ADAMS9MMaine1
25218218Alfred JACKSON26MFarmer500275Maine
26Lucy JACKSON24FMaine
27Andrew JACKSON2MMaine
28Amos JACKSON23MFarm LaborerMaine
29219219Benjamin BANKS50MFarmer1,400350Maine
30Martha BANKS54FMaine
31Adoniram BANKS26MMaine
32Phebe BANKS17FMaine1
33Josiah BANKS15MMaine1
34Henry HUTCHINSON5MMaine1
35220220Joshua E. CROSS38MFarmer1,900400Maine
36Phebe S. CROSS35FMaine
37Joshua L. CROSS13MMaine1
38Joseph H.CROSS11MMaine1
39Thomas R. CROSS7MMaine1
No. white males: 22
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 17
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
6,850 2,295 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 9

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the seventh day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1220220Gilbert CROSS3MMaine
2221221Joseph W. CROSS77MFarm Laborer100N.H.
3Lucy CROSS75FMaine
4222222Joseph W. CROSS Jr.47MFarmer1,000450Maine
5Mary CROSS45FMaine
6Harriett CROSS24FMaine
7Elizabeth CROSS22FMaine
8Albert CROSS19MMaine1dumb
9Cyrena CROSS17FMaine1
10Isiaih ? CROSS13MMaine1
11Venora CROSS11FMaine1
12John CROSS8MMaine1
13Russell CROSS6MMaine1
14Loraine CROSS (Lorin)3MMaine
15223223Samuel JACKSON76MFarmer1,000300Maine
16Martha JACKSON75FMaine
17224224Waterman B. KENDALL56MFarmer500125Maine
18Martha KENDALL50FMaine
19Sharon KENDALL23MSeamanMaine
20Isaac KENDALL19MSeamanMaine1
21Martha KENDALL17FMaine1
22Josephine KENDALL15FMaine1
23Eugene KENDALL12MMaine1
24225225John FENWICK63MFarmer1,000350Virginia
25Lucretia FENWICK49FMaine
26John FENWICK17MMaine1
27Martha J. FENWICK14FMaine1
28Maria FENWICK10FMaine
29226226Adam NICHOLS23MFarmer1,000175Maine
30Mary Ann NICHOLS25FMaine
31Nathaniel NICHOLS5MMaine1
32George NICHOLS4MMaine
33Joseph NICHOLS2MMaine
34Nathaniel NICHOLS52MMaine
35227227Ephraim CHANEY69M15050Mainepauper
36Susan CHANEY70FNova Scotiapauper
37228228John MERRIAM30MFarmer600175Maine
38Hanah MERRIAM30FMaine
39William H. MERRIAM4MMaine
No. white males: 23
No. foreign born: 1
No. white females: 16
No. deaf & dumb: 1
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
5,250 1,725 No. idiotic:
No. paupers: 2
No. convicts:
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SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the seventh day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1228228Leroi MERRIAM1MMaine
2Abigal MERRIAM71FNew Hampshire
3Mehitable BROWN10FMaine1
4229229Elisha MERRIAM50MFarmer700500Maine
5Martha MERRIAM48FMaine
6Eli MERRIAM19MMaine1
7Ellen MERRIAM17FMaine1
8Julia MERRIAM15FMaine1
9Alvesta MERRIAM13FMaine1
10230230Elisha MERRIAM , Jr.26MMillman800200Maine1
11Caroline MERRIAM25FMaine
12231231Williard MERRIAM22MMillman300100Maine1
13Sophia MERRIAM21FMaine
14232232Iams ? BURGESS45MFarmer500150Maine
15Harriett BURGESS42FMaine
16Franklin BURGESS20MMaine
17Emily BURGESS15FMaine1
18Sarah BURGESS11FMaine1
19John BURGESS9MMaine1
20George BURGESS7MMaine1
21Nancy BURGESS2FMaine
22233233Joseph BURGESS58MFarmer600150Maine
23Maria BURGESS57FMaine
24234234Samuel WHITNEY73MFarmer800175Maine
25Margaret WHITNEY61FMaine
26Edmund WHITNEY30MFarm LaborerMaine
27235235Harriet ROWE28F100Maine
28Eben ROWE3MMaine
29Margaret DICKINSON9FMaine1
30Charles DICKINSON6MMaine1
31236236Enoch S. ? ROWE62MFarmer1,600500Maine
32Sarah ROWE51FMaine
33Enoch ROWE27MCarriage Maker400500Maine
34Sarah E. PACKSON24F75Maine
35Lovina PACKSON2FMaine
36237237Ephriam ROWE31M600Maine
37Hellen ROWE26FMaine
38Catherine ROWE1FMaine
39238238Isrial ? WOODBURY28MFarmer1,000500Maine
No. white males: 18
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 21
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
6,900 3,550 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 11

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the seventh day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1238238Debora WOODBURY20FMaine
2Joseph E. WOODBURY2MMaine
3Lydia A. WOODBURY1FMaine
4239239James WOODBURY51MFarmer1,500700Maine
5Eunice WOODBURY52FMaine
6Margaret WOODBURY14FMaine1
7Viola WOODBURY13FMaine1
8Eva Jane WOODBURY10FMaine1
9240240Julia ERSKINE56F500250Maine
10Charles ERSKINE30MFarm LaborerMaine
11Thomas ERSKINE27MFarm LaborerMaine
12Geogre ERSKINE19MFarm LaborerMaine1
13241241Lacey WHITNEY50FFarming600100Maine
14Martha WHITNEY11FMaine1
15242242Cyrus ACORN33MFarmer1,000250Maine
16Sarah ACORN30FMaine
17Waterman ACORN7MMaine1
18243243John PIERSONS44MFarmer600175Maine
19Eliza PIERSONS26FMaine
20William PIERSONS16MMaine1
21Sarah PIERSONS12FMaine1
22Ambrose PIERSONS8MMaine1
23Loraine PIERSONS2MMaine
24244244Thomas PIERSONS41MFarmer700250Maine
25Melvina PIERSONS28FMaine
26Joseph PIERSONS12MMaine1
27Eugene PIERSONS6MMaine1
28Josiah PIERSONS4MMaine1
29Mary PIERSONS79FNew Brunswick
30245245Jeremiah PIERSONS37MFarmer500175Maine
31Isaac PIERSONS11MMaine1
32Melvina PIERSONS9FMaine1
33Lydia BLAKE35FServingMaine
34246246Albion BOYNTON43MFarmer1,100500Maine
35Evelina BOYNTON28FMaine
36Ralph BOYNTON4MMaine
37Annette BOYNTON3FMaine
38Eliza BOYNTON1FMaine
39Ellen STEWART13FMaine1
No. white males: 19
No. foreign born: 1
No. white females: 20
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
6,500 2,400 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 12

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the seventh day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1247247Charles MESERVEY53MFarmer2,000400Maine
2Sarah MESERVEY47FMaine
3Elizabeth MESERVEY22FMaine
4Daniel MESERVEY17MMaine1
5Alma MESERVEY11FMaine1
6Frank PAYSON23MFarm LaborerMaine
7248248Francis EASTMAN39MJoiner125Maine
8Weltha EASTMAN27FMaine
9Henrietta EASTMAN13FMaine1
10Sumner ? EASTMAN10MMaine1
11Cora EASTMAN4FMaine1
12Edwin EASTMAN1MMaine
13249249Byron PAUL35MFarmer1,500350Maine
14Ann PAUL28FMaine
15Hellen PAUL9FMaine1
16Thalbert PAUL6MMaine1
17Austin PAUL4MMaine1
18Celia PAUL1FMaine
19250250Daniel WEYMOUTH39MFarmer1,500300Maine
20Ellen WEYMOUTH12FMaine1
21Russell WEYMOUTH3MMaine
22251251John ALEXANDER63MFarmer1,500450Maine
23Susan ALEXANDER62FMaine
24Lewis ALEXANDER25MFarm LaborerMaine
25Laury ? ALEXANDER23FMaine
26252252Sheldner ? WEYMOUTH45MFarmer1,200300Maine
27Betsey WEYMOUTH43FMaine
28Rosette WEYMOUTH25FMaine
29Elizabeth WEYMOUTH21FMaine
30Ann WEYMOUTH15FMaine1
31Albe WEYMOUTH11MMaine1
32James WEYMOUTH15MMaine1
33Parsey WEYMOUTH60MMaine
34253253Samuel BERRY61MFarmer1,000300Maine
35Irene BERRY45FMaine
36Julia BERRY25FMaine
37Martha BERRY22FMaine
38Samuel BERRY17MMaine1
39Sarah BERRY10FMaine1
No. white males: 19
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 20
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
8,700 2,220 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 13

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the seventh day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1253253Jonathan BERRY8MMaine1
2254254George WEYMOUTH62MFarmer1,200400Maine
3Polly WEYMOUTH63FMaine
4Rosco ? WEYMOUTH18MMaine1
5Victoria WEYMOUTH15FMaine1
6255255Barrack B. SHIBLES62MFarmer1,600450Maine
7Eliza SHIBLES52FMaine
8Jarvis SHIBLES29MMaine
9Catherine SHIBLES22FMaine
10Mary F. SHIBLES20FMaine
11Samuel W. SHIBLES13MMaine1
12256256Polly BUCKLEY94F15095Maine
13257257John SHIBLES48MFarmer1,100200Maine
14258258Iddo ? K. PAUL39MFarmer3,0001,000Maine
15Susan P ? PAUL38FMaine
16Alfred K. PAUL15MMaine1
17Clara J. ? PAUL13FMaine1
18Sam W. PAUL4 ?MMaine
19Clara PAUL1/12FMaine
20259259William S. CAMMETT60MFarmer1,000300Maine
21Lucinda CAMMETT53FMaine
22Ellen CAMMETT22FMaine
23William CAMMETT19MMaine1
24Lavina CARD28FMaine
25Mary E. CARD3FMaine
26260260James NEAL46MFarmer1,500350Maine
27Harriett NEAL43FMaine
28Elvina NEAL21FMaine
29Ashba NEAL17MMaine1
30Josephine NEAL14FMaine1
31Alvin NEAL8MMaine1
32Charlotte NEAL6FMaine1
33James NEAL3MMaine
34Charles ? NEAL4/12FMaine
35261261Joseph DOLLIFF58MFarmer300100Maine
36Eliza DOLLIFF50FMaine
37Charles DOLLIFF17MMaine1
38Mary DOLLIFF28FMaine
39Ephriam DOLLIFF15MMaine1
No. white males: 19
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 20
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
9,850 2,895 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 14

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the seventh day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1262262Isiah NEAL56MFarmer1,800375Maine
2Adna A. NEAL44FMaine
3Frank NEAL24MMaine
4Arobine NEAL18FMaine1
5Edwin NEAL16MMaine1
6Cordelia NEAL14FMaine1
7Alva NEAL12FMaine1
8Emma NEAL10FMaine1
9Walter NEAL4MMaine
10263263Chase CROCKETT32M1,200400Maine
11Sarah M. CROCKETT30FMaine
12Alfred CROCKETT12MMaine1
13Adin CROCKETT8MMaine1
14Amanda CROCKETT6FMaine1
15Austin CROCKETT4MMaine
16Ashla CROCKETT10/12MMaine
17Ellen N. PINKHAM15FMaine1
18264264David CROCKETT75MFarmer500175New Hampshire
19Martha CROCKETT69FMaine
20265265William FLANDERS38MFarmer1,000350Maine
21Harriett FLANDERS29FMaine
22Ira FLANDERS11MMaine1
23Vietta FLANDERS9FMaine1
24George FLANDERS3MMaine
25James ACORN35MJoinerMaine
26266266Moses KENNY41MFarmer600200Maine
27Lozetta ? KENNY38FMaine
28Hellen KENNY13FMaine1
29Harietta KENNY6FMaine1
30267267Albert MOREY44MFarmer1,000400Maine
31Maria MOREY34FMaine
32Velora MOREY13FMaine1
33Herbert MOREY1MMaine
34268268David MOREY40MFarmer1,500400Maine
35Lycena MOREY28FMaine
36William L.MOREY8MMaine1
37Ruby MOREY1FMaine
38Bi_anney MOREY30FMaine
39269269Benjamin COOPER74MFarmer1,000200New Hampshire
No. white males: 20
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 19
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
8,610 2,500 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 15

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the seventh day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1269269Hanah COOPER69FMaine
2Rhoda COOPER49FMaine
3Benjamin COOPER29MMaine
4William COOPER27MCarriage MakerMaine
5Matilda COOPER24FMaine
6Ella COOPER9FMaine1
7Willis COOPER4MMaine
8Parotine ? NASH28FMaine
9270270Noah ? CUSHMAN48MFarmer1,200350Maine
10Mary Ann CUSHMAN50FMaine
11Hanah CUSHMAN22FMaine
12Lydia CUSHMAN20FMaine
13Caroline CUSHMAN18FMaine1
14Eden CUSHMAN16MMaine1
15Frederick CUSHMAN14MMaine1
16Abbie CUSHMAN12FMaine1
17Nathaniel CUSHMAN84MMaine
18271271Frank GRAY24?MFarmer151200Maine
19Harriett GRAY31FMaine
20Marietta WELCH ?11FMaine1
21Albert CHOATE22MFarm LaborerMaine
22272272John CORSON44MFarmer1,200400Maine
23Betsey CORSON39FMaine
24John CORSON20MMaine
25Trifena ? CORSON18FMaine1
26James CORSON16MMaine1
27Louisa GRAY25FSchool TeacherMaine
28273273Robert CUSHMAN58Farmer1,200300Maine
29Thomas CUSHMAN25MFarm LaborerMaine
30Ruth CUSHMAN23FMaine
31Hanah CUSHMAN21FMaine
32Margaret CUSHMAN17FMaine1
33Flora CUSHMAN15FMaine1
34Hatty CUSHMAN12FMaine1
35Emma CUSHMAN9FMaine1
36Ruth CUSHMAN88FNew Hampshire
37Ignatius CUSHMAN60MFarmer1,400300Maine
38Deborah CUSHMAN42FMaine
39Jane CUSHMAN12FMaine1
No. white males: 15
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 24
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
6,500 1,550 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 16

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the seventh day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1275275James LEONARD60MFarmer800200Ireland?
2Betsey LEONARD59FIreland?
3Thomas LEONARD26MMaine
4Anson LEONARD21MMaine
5Mary Jane LEONARD19FMaine1
6Almeda LEONARD19FMaine1
7276276Oliver BLAKE50MFarmer500175Maine
8Sally BLAKE49FMaine
9Mary E. BLAKE17FMaine1
10Almeda BLAKE13FMaine1
11277277Calvin BLODGETT50MFarmer700200Maine
12Sarah BLODGETT48FMaine
13Alvin BLODGETT22MFarm LaborerMaine
14Olivia BLODGETT17FMaine1
15Joshua BLODGETT14MMaine1
16Luther BLODGETT13MMaine1
17William BLODGETT12MMaine1
18Mary BLODGETT4FMaine
19Charles BLODGETT3MMaine
20278278Daniel PATCH50MFarmer600175Maine
21Lucinda PATCH45FMaine
22Elnora PATCH15FMaine1
23Alva PATCH8MMaine1
24Adda PATCH6FMaine1
25Alice PATCH4FMaine1
26279279Hosea B. THOMAS51MFarmer1,000400Maine
27Mary THOMAS49FMaine
28Warren THOMAS26MSeamanMaine
29Avilla THOMAS24FMaine
30Julia THOMAS22FMaine
31Hosea THOMAS20MMaine
32John THOMAS18MMaine1
33Albertina THOMAS14FMaine1
34Henry THOMAS12MMaine1
35Alfonzo THOMAS10MMaine1
36Flora THOMAS7FMaine1
37Lillian THOMAS5FMaine1
38280280Abijah GRAY57MFarmer1,200100Maine
39Abigal GRAY60F
No. white males: 19
No. foreign born: 2
No. white females: 20
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:
Page No. 17

SCHEDULE 1. - Free Inhabitants in Morrill, in the County of Waldo, State of Maine enumerated by me, on the seventh day of June 1860. George Holmes Asst. Marshal.
Post Office: Morrill

LDFName of Person in Household DescriptionOccupationReal
Value $
Birthplace MSWD
1281281Edward HILTON ?40MFarmer30075Maine
2Sally HILTON39FMaine
3John HILTON20MMaine
4Noah HILTON18MMaine1
5Ellen HILTON14FMaine1
6[rest are blank]
No. white males: 3
No. foreign born:
No. white females: 2
No. deaf & dumb:
No. colored males:
No. blind:
No. colored females:
No. insane:
300 75 No. idiotic:
No. paupers:
No. convicts:

Contributed by Barbara Tourtillott

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This page was last updated 01/24/2025