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Maine Geography - FAQ's

What is the difference between a lake and a pond, river, stream, and brook?
  • Lake - an inland body of water occupying a depression in the earth's surface, generally of appreciable size
  • Pond - a natural body of standing water, occupying a small surface depression, usually smaller than a lake.
  • River - a natural freshwater surface stream of considerable volume and a permanent or seasonal flow.
  • Stream - any body of moving water that moves under gravity to progressively lower levels, in a relatively narrow but clearly defined channel on the surface of the ground.
  • Brook - a small stream or rivulet, commonly swiftly flowing in rugged terrain, of lesser length and volume than a creek. A term used in England and New England for any tributary to a small river or to a larger stream.
Source: Glossary of Geology, R.L. Bates and J.A. Jackson (eds.), 1987, American Geological Institute, Third Edition.

What do the township abbreviations in Maines unorganized towns stand for?
  • BKP Binghams Kennebec Purchase
  • BPP Binghams Penobscot Purchase
  • ED East Division
  • EKR East of the Kennebec River
  • MD Middle Division
  • NBKP North of Binghams Kennebec Purchase
  • NBPP North of Binghams Penobscot Purchase
  • ND North Division
  • NWP North of the Waldo Patent
  • PLT Plantation
  • SD South Division
  • TS Titcomb Survey
  • TWP Township
  • WELS West of the Easterly Line of the State
  • WBKP West of Binghams Kennebec Purchase
  • WKR West of the Kennebec River

Source: Length and Breadth of Maine, by S.B. Attwood, 1977, University of Orono Press, Orono, Maine.

Maine GenWeb
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