Lincoln County


There are hundreds of genealogy-related websites to help you with your family history development. We hope you find these resource links helpful. If you have additional resources that you have found to be quite helpful, please share them with us.

Links to web sites that are not part of the USGenWeb Project are provided for your convenience and do not imply any endorsement of the websites or their contents by the USGenWeb Project.

Genealogical and Historical Societies

Boothbay Region Historic Society
Boothbay, ME

Lincoln County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 61
Wiscasset, ME 04578
Extensive Photo Archives, genealogical information primarily on Pownalborough Courthouse Families.

Maine Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 221
Farmington, ME 04938

Maine Old Cemetery Society
P.O. Box 221
Farmington, ME 04938

Skidompha Library
Damariscotta, ME

Somerville Historical Society
C/O ME Old Cemetery Society
P.O. Box 221
Farmington, ME 04938

Meetings: Third Tuesday of each month except January & February
7:30 PM; Somerville School on Route 105, Somerville, ME

South Bristol Historical Society

Meets at the Rutherford Library in South Bristol 2000 Route 129, S. Bristol 04568. (207) 644-1882

Waldoboro Historic Society
Waldoboro, ME

Wiscasset Public Library
Miss Jane Tucker, Archivist
P.O. Box 367
Wiscasset, ME 04578

Woolwich Historic Society
Woolwich, ME 04579
Part of Lincoln County until Sagadahoc was formed.


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This page was last updated 08/27/2024