Lincoln County

Charlotte Co, NB - LEE to LEE Deed

Charlotte Co, NB, Canada
- 1852 Deed of
Nathaniel LEE to Joseph LEE

Lincoln County MEGenWeb
Washington County MEGenWeb

Spacing added, surnames capitalized and in bold to enhance screen legibility.

Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada
Book X, Page 544, No. 2642
Nathaniel LEE to Joseph LEE
Executed 16 November 1852

Know all men by these presents that I Nathaniel LEE of St George in the County of Charlotte and Province of New Brunswick Labourer, for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen pounds lawful money of New Brunswick aforesaid to me in hand well and truly paid by Joseph LEE of Saint George County and Province aforesaid, Yeoman, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and forever quit claimed, and by these presents, do Grant, bargain, sell, release, and forever Quit Claim, unto the said Joseph LEE his heirs, and assigns, all my right, title, Interest, claim or demand, by heirship, or otherwise, in and to a certain lot or tract of land,

situated on the Eastern side of the Maguagadavic River, in Saint George aforesaid, near the Mouth of the Kidron stream (so Called) bounded South by land occupied by Adoniram GILLMAN, west by the Maguagadavic River, North and East by ungranted lands, and formerly granted to, and owned by, the late Daniel LEE, Senr, deceased, together with, all and singular, the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging. To Have and to Hold, the undivided rights or Interest in and to said Lot of Land, unto the said Joseph LEE his heirs and assigns, forever, and to his and there (sic) only proper use and benefit. And I the said Nathaniel LEE, for myself, my Heirs, Executors and administrators, do covenant and agree with the said Joseph LEE, his heirs and assigns, that I am seized of the siad Land and premises as a good indefeasible Estate of Inheritance, and that I have good right, full power, and authority, to sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, at St Stephens, in the County and Province aforesaid, the sixteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two.

Signed Sealed and delivered in presence ofhis
James ILBEE[?]Mary C. GRAYNathaniel X LEE (L.S.)

Personally came and appeared before me James ILBEE [?] Esquire, one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Charlotte, Nathaniel LEE the Grantor in the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed, for the purposes therein mentioned.
James ILBEE [?] J.P.
Recd &Regd 19th Novr 1852

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