Lincoln County

Charlotte Co, NB - LEE to LEE Deed

Charlotte Co, NB, Canada
- 1835 Deed of
James LEE to Joseph LEE

Lincoln County MEGenWeb
Washington County MEGenWeb

Spacing added, surnames capitalized and in bold to enhance screen legibility.

Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Canada
Book O, Page 376, No. 17
James LEE to Joseph LEE
Executed 10 February 1835

Know all men by these presents that we James LEE of the Parish of Saint George in the County of Charlotte and Province of New Brunswick Yeoman and Hannah his wife, for and in Consideration of the sum of Five pounds currency to us in hand paid by Joseph LEE of the Parish County and Province aforesaid, Yeoman, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge, Have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Joseph LEE his heirs and assigns, all our right title and interest in and to a certain Lot or parcel of land situate in the Parish aforesaid a short distance above the Fredericton road at the Testaquack river formerly granted to the late Daniel LEE reference being had to the said grant will more fully appear, together with all the rights privileges and appurtenances thereunto appertaining. To have and to Hold the said Land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Joseph LEE his heirs and assigns and to his and their only use and behoof forever.

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this Tenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five.

Signed sealed and delivered
in presence ofJames LEE ss
of Moses VERNON
Hannah X LEE ss

Personally came before me the within named James LEE and Hannah LEE his Wife, who acknowledged that they signed and sealed the within written Deed for the purposes therein mentioned and the Said Hannah LEE being examined by me acknowledged that she signed the same freely and of her own accord.

Tenth day of Feby 1835Moses VERNON JP
Recd &Regd 12th February 1835

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