Lincoln County

Charlotte Co, NB, Canada
- 1810 Deed of
Arch HENEY to John LEE

Lincoln County MEGenWeb
Washington County MEGenWeb

N.B.: Spacing added, surnames capitalized and in bold to enhance screen legibility. This deed provided by Sioux L. Stoeckle.

Lincoln County, Massachusetts
Volume 1, Page 177, No. 127
Arch HENEY to John LEE
Executed 26 September 1787

Know all Men by these presents, that I Archibald HENEY of Penobscot in the County of Lincoln & Commonwealth of Massachusetts yeoman -

For and in consideration of the sum of three pounds (unreadable) to me in hand paid by John LEE of Penobscot in the County & Commonwealth aforesaid & (unreadable) -

The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge that I have bargained, Sold & delivered, and by these presents do bargain sell and deliver unto him the sd. John LEE a certain Island situated near the head of the great cove, Opposite & Southeast of the Peninsula of Majorbigwaduce in sd. Penobscot, called & known by name of Sheep Island, containing about three acres be the same more or less -

To HAVE and to HOLD the sd. granted and bargained & (unreadable) free of every Incumbrance, unto the sd. John LEE and to his Heirs & assigns forever, & I the sd. Archd. HENEY, do hereby covenant and agree with the said John LEE, that I am the lawful owner of the sd. premises & have good right to sell and convey the same in manner aforesaid and that I will warrant, secure and defend the sd. premises to him the the (sic) said John LEE his Heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims of all persons, claiming from by or under me.

In Testimony hereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, together with my wife Margaret, in token of her free consent, the twenty Sixth day of September in the year of Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Seven -

Archd. HENEY
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Silas LEE Lincoln (?) May 10th 1788

Then Personally appeared the within named
Archibald HENEY, and
acknowledged the within Instrument by him
Subscribed to be his free act and Deed.
Before me Recd and recorded 26th July 1791 (?)
Gabriel ISHONNOT (?) Jus.
attest W. WEBBER Regr. of peace

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This page was last updated 08/27/2024