Yeates, Martin, innholder, St. Mary's Co.,28th Sept., 1722;
23rd April, 1724.
To son William, personalty.
To sons Martin, Thomas, John and Elextions and their hrs., real
estate equally.
To wife Elizabeth, extx., use of lands afsd. during life. Residue
of estate.
Test: Robert Ford, Sr., Thomas Cooper, Thomas Wootton. 18, 261.
Yeedon, George, St. Mary's Co.,1st Sept., 1685;
19th Jan., 1685.
To brother Thomas at Galloway, Ireland, personalty.
Mrs. Eliza: Shankes and her son John, residuary legatees of estate,
real and personal.
Ex. not named.
Test: Wm. Sandys, Wm. Mody, Thos. Waringe. 4. 159.
Young, Nicholas, St. Mary's Co.,11th Jan., 1669;
29th Jan., 1669.
Wife Eliza: execx. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal,
including land at Cedar Point, Chas. Co., and “Fresh Pond Neck,”
bequeathed testator by son-in-law Edward Parker, deceased.
Test: Humphrey Warren, Robt. Carville. 1. 365.
Contributed by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas
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