St. Mary's County

Wills - T

Taney, John

Taney, John, gent., St. Mary's Co.,3rd Aug., 1720;
5th Nov., 1720.
To wife Catherine, dwelling plantation “Fenwick Mannor” during life; shd. she die before son John Michael Thomas Taney arrives at age of 21, to leave sd. plant. to him, or in trust for sd. son.
To son John Michael Thos. afsd., dau. Margtt. at age of 21, or marriage, and dau.-in-law Catherine Willson, at age of 21, or marriage, personalty; shd. either son John afsd. or dau. Marg. die without issue, survivor to inherit portion of dec'd; shd. both die without issue, dwell. plan. to pass to Thomas, son of bro. Michaoel, and personalty to wife Catherine and her hrs., except certain bequests to Robt. and John Hutchins and Catherine Willson.
Wife Catherine extx. and residuary legatee.
Test: William Wilkinson, Jr., Jno. Harris, Michael Jenifer. 16, 214.

Tant, John

John Taunt, no county named, 10/17/1702-11/12/1702.
Son: James, personal estate and deed of gift of land "Dry Docking" given him at his marriage confirmed.
Son: Mark, at age 18, residue of land; if he dies without issue to daughters. Daughters: Mary, Ann, Jane, Elizabeth, Winifred, and Margaret, and unborn child and to Japhaele and Maryenna
Blumfield and Eleanor Dickins, personal estate.
Wife: Margaret, Exec., personal estate.
Wit: John Heard, Eleanor Deacons, William Davis, Nathaniel

Tattershall, William

Tattershall, William, June the 25th 1670
In the Name of God Amen. I William Tattershall of Brittains Bay in the County of St. Mary's being weake in Body yett in perfect mind and memory doe therefore make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and form Following. First I bequeath my soul to God my maker and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and my body to the earth from wence it was taken to be decently buried at the discretion of my overseers hereafter mensioned and for what temporal Estate it hath pleased Allmighty God of his mercy to bestow upon me in this present world. I bequeath Thomas _olloweth

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Tattershall all and every part and parcell of Land belonging to that plantation, wherein I now live lying and being upon Brittains Bay called by the name of St. John's with all the _____ to names thereunto belonging to her and her heirs for ever after the decease of my wife Ann Tattershall but if in case my said daughter Mary shall chance to Marry before the decease of my said wife Ann, that then she may have free priveledge to seat and make use of any peace or parcell of the said Land without lett or molestation. And in case my daughter Mary shall dye without issue that then the said land to return and desend to her brother Lawrence Tattershall, and his heires forever.

Item I give and bequeath to my Eldest son Lawrence Tattershall one tract of land Containing four hundred and fifty acres called Tattershall's Gift. Formerly belonging to Thomas Cole lying and being in Charles County to him the said Lawrence Tattershall and his heires for ever and also one hundred acres of Land more lying at the head Horeth Creeke to between the land of Dr. Luke Barbier and the land of John Greenwell for ever.

Item I give and bequeath all my personall Estate both moveables and inmoveables all my debts and funerall charges being satisfied and discharged to my Loving Wife Ann Tattershall, and to my son Lawrence Tattershall and my daughter Mary Tattershall to be equally devided between them and the said estate to be and remain in custody of my said Wife till they shall come to age and in case either of them shall chance to dye before they come to age that then part or person that did belong to the deceased party shall go and desend to the survivors equally to be devided between them and in case both my said children shall chance to dye before they come to lawful age that then their parts of the said Estate to go and desend to my brother John Tattershall of Odd Stoakes in Wiltshire his oldest son forever in case or they shall come in five years time after me decease having convenient notice given them and in case they shall not come within the time limitted that they then shall go and desend to the Roman Catholic Church and the poor distressed Roman Catholics equally to be devided between the Church & them.

Item I give and bequeath unto Mrs. Mary Andrews one ____ of tobacco to be paid to her immediately after my decease to be paid to her by my overseers or Executors here after nominated.

Item I give to the Reverend Father of St. Ignatius Chappell in St. Mary's County one thousand pounds of Tobacco.

Item I make appoint and ordain my loving wife Ann Tattershall my sole and ___ Executrix of this my last will and Testament . And do likewise ordain and appoint my loving brother in law Lt. Col. John Jarbo and my loving friend Mr. Walter shall to be my overseers desireing their assistance in the performance of this my last will and testament.

I do also declare and publish this to be my last Will and Testament revoakeing and makeing void all other Wills and Testaments by me at any times here to fore made In testimony whereof I have here unto sett my hand and seal the day and year above written.
Will. Tatt. (((Seal))) the hand writeing of William Tattershall
signed sealed and delivered & published in the presence of John Jarbo, Will. Assister, Abraham Combe, David Driver

June the 25th 1670 The aforegoing Will and Testament of William Tattershall was by the oathes of John Jarbo, and Abraham Coombe witnesses thereunto in comon forme proved before me Will. Calvert

Taylard, Audry

Taylard, Audry, St. Mary's Co.,3rd Aug., 1721;
28th Aug., 1721.
To son Richard Lewellin, grandson John Lewellin, grand-dau. Margaret Lewellin, William Harrison, Ann, wife of John Baker, and to her son John Baker, and Elinor, wife of William Langley, personalty.
To George Thorold, £5.
Morris Quaid ex. and resid. legatee.
Test: Nicho. Gayther, Wm. Kirbey (Kearbey), Francis Kirbey (Kearbey). 17, 4.

Taylor, Henry

Taylor, Henry, Sr., St. Mary's Co.,27th Mch., 1698;
8th Mch., 1700.
To son Henry, 50 A., (unnamed) conditionally upon his coming to take possession of it.
To dau. Grace Greenwell and sons John, William and Thomas Taylor, personalty.
Wife (unnamed), residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, including plantation, which is to pass to son James at death of his mother.
Ex. not given.
Test: Dan'l Moy, Simon Perch, Francis Rice, Edward Fisher.
11. 58.

Taylor, Henry

Taylor, Henry,New Town Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,8th Nov., 1718;
26th Nov., 1718.
To son-in-law James Delicourt, ex., interest in plantation for 10 yrs., at end of which time lease of sd. plantation to youngest son James.
To son John, 1s.
To son James and dau. Rachel, personalty.
3 youngest child., viz., son James and daus. Rachel and Grace, residuary legatees, and to be in care of afsd. Delicourt until daus. are 16 and son James 18 yrs. of age.
Test: Dan'l Smith, Thos. Cambell, Jas. Plomfeilde. 14. 733.

Taylor, James

Taylor, James, St. Mary's Co.,27th Jan., 1743-4;
20th Feb., 1743.
To bros. John and Joseph and sister Elizabeth Pain, 1s.
To sisters Mary Hudman and Hannah, residue of estate.
Ex.: John McKelvie.
Test: Joseph Lawrence, May Lawrence, Wm. Forest.
23. 324.

Taylor, Joseph

Taylor, Joseph, blacksmith, St. Mary's Co.,15th Feb., 1732;
30th Apr., 1732.
To wife Mary extx. “The Lot” during widowhood, to pass to eldest son William and hrs., sd. son dying without issue to 2nd son Joseph and hrs., he dying as afsd. to 3rd son John and hrs., he dying as afsd. to dau. Anne and hrs.
To wife and child. viz: William, Joseph, John, and Anne personal estate, divided equally, shd. any of sd. sons die before age of 21 yrs., survivors to divide portion of dec'd.
Test: Daniel Clocker, Sr., Danicl Cloeker, Jr. Thomas Gordon. 20. 657.

Taylor, Mary

Taylor, Mary, St. Mary's Co.,22nd Jan., 1739;
10th Mar., 1739.
To daus. Francis and Mary Curlott, wife of John, son-in-law John Curlott and son John Grant, personalty.
Testator desires that Mary Curlott have the care of her cous. Mary Taylor until she comes of age.
Ex.: John Grant.
Test: Thomas Lanner, James Taylor, Timothy Tolle.
22. 165.

Taylor, Richard

Richard Taylor, SMC, 3/19/1779-4/24/1779.
Sister: Nancy Spalding, one bed and furniture; one chest; one heifer; one ewe; and four lbs., 4 shillings, 4 pence cash.
Sister: Ammeny Taylor, one horse colt and six lbs., 14 shillings, and 4 pence cash. To: John Johnson, all of my land where Benedict Aprice now lives.
Wit: Hezekiah Tippett, Leonard Johnson, and Peter Johnson.

Taylor, Robert

Taylor, Robert, planter, St. Mary's Co.,24th Sept., 1736;
22nd Nov., 1736.
To wife Mary, extx., 70 A. dwelling plantation “Willing Burrough” during life, after her decease to dau. Mary and hrs.; sd. dau. dying without issue to dau. Frances and hrs., sd. dau. dying without issue to son-in-law John Grant; he dying without issue sd. lands to cousin James son of bro. James, and hrs. Personal estate during life.
To dau. Frances at age of 16 and dau. Mary, personalty.
To daus. afsd., residue of personal estate after decease of wife.
Test: Timothy Tolle, James Taylor, William Cutler. 21. 720.

Taylor, Thomas

Taylor, Thos., St. Mary's Co.,23rd July, 1717;
13th Nov., 1717.
To son Ignacius, personalty. To be of age at 16 yrs., he being 10 yrs. of age on 7th April next.
To Rich. Mogg, personalty.
To dau. Grace, personalty, she being 14 yrs. of age on 30th March next.
To wife Ann, extx., residue of estate.
In event of death of wife before son and dau. attain their age, testator's brother, James Taylor, to care for them.
Test: Rich. Moy, Chas. Coalman, Wm. Johnson. 14. 463.

Taylor, William

Taylor, William, St. Mary's Co.,1st Mch., 1714;
5th June, 1714.
To daus. Mary, Grace, Elizabeth and Ann and son Upgate at 16 yrs., personalty.
Wife Ann extx. and residuary legatee; should she die, Thos. Revves, Jr., to administer upon estate.
Test: Wm. Willis, Torle Gillimore, Wm. Hoskins. 14. 4.

Tennison, Eleanor

Eleanor Tennison (EJM1-423,424,425) 26 Sept 1839 - 12 Nov 1839 In the name of God, Amen. I Eleanor Tennison of St Mary's County, being in weak & low state of health, but of sound mind, do make & declare this to be my last Will & Testament. I give & bequeathe to my grandson John Oscar Spalding the 3 following servants: ----, Sarah Anne & John. The above mentioned John Oscar is the son of my deceased daughter Mary Ann Spalding. I give to Elizabeth, Clara & John; Shirtly (?), Ellen; their mother Maria Raley to have use of Ellen during her life. Item. I give & bequeath to Betty Anne & Marion Knight servants Patience & Julia Anne. Item. I give & bequeath to John Francis Tennison servant girl Isabella. Item. I give & bequeath to Edmund Tennison my clock. I give my dineing table to Maria Raley. Item. I give to Henrietta Knight Bed & Bedstead, 1 pair of sheets & a pair of English blankets, a summer counterpin, & best quilt. I also give to Henrietta Knight half dozen windsor chairs. I give to Francis Tennison all my hogs. I wish Maria Raley & Elizabeth Shirtley to have the balance of my bed clothes. My best set of China I give to Henrietta Knight. I also give to Henrietta Knight 3 dishes, half dozen dineing plates, a set of buck handle Knives & forks, a pot of butter, a pot of preserves & a pot of lard; balance of knives, preserves, etc to Maria Raley. I wish Sylvester Spalding to collect my money, & ---- in the corner of the grave yard, & put tomb stones over the graves of Edmund & Elizabeth Tennison, myself, & Ann Spalding. I wish William Spalding to have 2 high masses said for me, Lastly, if any money be left after satisfying the above expenses, I wish it to be divided among my heirs. In testimony of this being my last will & testament, I have signed my name this 26th day of Sept 1839. ((SEAL)) her Eleanor ((X)) Tennison mark signed in the presence of the witnesses hereunto signed. Francis Neale, John B Farr, Henry Dixon St Mary's County to wit: the 12th day of Nov 1839. The will & testament (codicil) of Eleanor Tennison late of St Mary's County deceased, being this day exhibited to me for probat (during the recess of the orphan's court) & William Raley one of the next of Kin (by marriage) of the said deceased, appearing & making no objection thereto, & no caveat being entered or objection made to the taking probate, I George Combs Register of Wills for St Mary's County proceeded to take the probats thereto accordingly. Certified by George Combs Reg of Wills for St Mary's County. St Mary's County to wit: the 12th day of Nov 1839. Then came John B Farr 1 of the 3 subscribing witnesses etc etc ((Codicil)) I wish Sylvester Spalding to act as Executor to this will. her Eleanor ((X)) Tennison mark Sept 27th 1839 Then came John B Farr etc etc the 12th day of Nov 1839 that he subscribed his name as witness to this codicil in the presence & at the request of the said Testatrix etc Filed 8th Oct 1839

Tennison, John

Tennison, John, St. Mary's Co.,20th Dec., 1682;
8th Feb., 1682.
To eld. son John, personalty in addition to property already given him.
To son-in-law William Cheshire and Mary his wife, son Matthew, and Henry Fernely, personalty.
To sons Justinian and Absalom, exc., plantation and all other land; in event of death of either without issue, survivor to inherit deceased's portion.
Test: Jno. Buttler, Vincent Mansell, Wm. Goddard, Thos. Parker. 4. 16.

Tettersell (Totersell), Lawrence

Tettersell (Totersell), Lawrence, St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1701;
16th Mch., 1701.
To goddaus. Ann Taut and Mary Nottingham, and to Nicholas Gulick, personalty.
Brother-in-law James Tant, ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: Robt. Hammett, Jane Davis, Mary Taut. 11. 185.

Tettershall, William

Tettershall, William, Brittain's Bay, St. Mary's Co.,30th May, 1670;
25th June, 1670.
To wife Anne, execx., “St. John's.”
To dau. Mary and hrs., said plantation at death of wife afsd.
To eld. son Lawrence, and hrs., said plantation should dau. Mary die without issue; also 450 A., “Tettershall's Gift,” in Chas. Co., and 100 A. at Nevitt's Ck. In event of death of both child. of testator without issue, estate to pass to eld. son (unnamed) and his hrs. of brother John Tettershall of Wiltshire, Eng., provided he or they come into the province within 2 yrs. after decease of testator.
To the Roman Catholic Church, said estate should provision afsd. be unfullfilled.
Overseers: Brother Lt.-Col. John Jarboe, Walter Hall.
Test: John Jarboe, Wm. Assiter, Abraham Coombe, David Driver. 1. 391.

Thomas, Luke

Thomas, Luke, St. Mary's Co.,6th Feb., 1739;
5th Mar., 1739.
To son Robert, dwelling plantation, “Brown's Woodhouse” also “Luxus Hardships” at wife's decease and 30 A. “Ponancey.”
To son James, residue of “Ponancey.”
To 5 child. Thomas, James, Robert, Mary and Luke, residue of estate.
Testator desires that Robert, James and Mary be in the care of John Taylor, Jr., until sons reach 16 and dau. 18 yrs.
Exs.: Wife Winifred and John Taylor, Jr.
Test: John Pike, William Williams, Robert Russell.
Note: Widow makes her election and takes her third.
22. 164.

Thomas, Robert

Thomas, Robert,“Poplar Hill,” St. Mary's Co.,18th Feb., 1684;
26th April, 1686.
To wife Abigafl, extx., 1/3 of estate.
To dau. Honnorfadare, personalty.
To son Robert at 21 yrs. of age, plantation.
To other child., viz., Herbert and Hannah, certain property, real (unnamed) and personal, at majority.
Test: Wm. Husband, Jno. Cambell, Lewis Terrean, Andrew Norman. 4. 193.

Thomas, Thomas

Thomas, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1740-41;
31st Mar., 1741.
To daus. Elizabeth Biggs and Mary Madgalen Elliss, 82 A. on Patuxent R.
To to grandchild. Sarah Biggs and Thomas Elliss, personalty.
To wife Elianor, extx., residue of estate.
Test: Roswell Neale, Thomas James, Thomas Chamberlin.
22. 339.

Thomas, William

Thomas, William, St. Mary's Co.,2nd Jan., 1684;
26th Mch., 1685.
To wife Eliza: execx., “Newinton” during life.
To son Thomas and hrs., sd. plantation at death of wife afsd.; to be of age at 18 yrs.
To dau. Sarah and hrs., 130 A., part of “Bachelor's Rest.”
To unborn child and hrs., residue of “Bachelor's Rest” after death of Grace Brewer, sister of testator.
In event of death of any child survivors to inherit deceased's portion.
To Mary Dorrill and hrs., entire estate, should child. afsd. die without issue.
Test: Wm. Norris, Jno. Bullock, Francis Hayden, Jno. Payler. 4. 107.

Thompson, Arthur

Thompson, Arthur PC1-125/126, 15 Dec 1702

In ye name of God amen, I Arthur Thompson, of St Clem'ts Bay in St Mary's County, being of sound disposition of mind & memory blessed be God, do make this my last will & testament, in manor & form following, that is to say first I give & bequeath my soul to God, who gave it, hoping through ye merrits of Jesus Christ to receive pardon, & full remition of all my sins, & my body I commit to ye earth, from whence it came, to be buried in such decent manor, as my Execurors, hereafter named shall think fitt, & for ye estate, which it hath pleased God to bless me withall, I bestow ye same, in manor & form following. Imprimis, I give & bequeath to my son Sebastion Thompson, 1 pewter bason.
Item. I give unto my son John Thompson ye one half of that land, when layed out lying by Brother Carberys, & within his bounds, being my proper land, to him ye John & his heirs forever, & ye other half to my daughter Tocla, whereon my little hous & orchatt stands, to her & her heirs forever.
Item I give & bequeath to my daughter Tocla, 1 large table with drawers, 1 feather bed, & bolster, Rugg & blanketts & 1 cow called Spott with all her increas forever.
Item I give unto my youngest daughter Mildred Thompson my house & 2 lotts thereunto belonging in St Clements Town, & 100 ackers of land out of my 200 acres at ye duckponds, ye other 100 to my son Oswald Thompson,

I have 2 bills of George Halls, for land he bought of me but nothing payed to that if he or any of his heirs, should ever come, or any other person, to injoy ye s'd land lying by old Evans, thos bills I give unto my youngest daughter Mildred to be put for her to such use, as her mother, Susan Thompson, shall think fitt.
Item I give unto my daughter Tocla, 1 Iron pott & pothooks & 1 large chest.
Item I give & bequeath unto my loving wife, Susan Thompson, all ye rest & residue of my whole estate, both cattle, hoggs & horses of what kind
Item further it is my will & desire that after the decease of brother John Carbery, if his plantation, whereon he now liveth be recovered at ye equall charge of my 5 oldest children, namely Sebastion, John, Oswald, Mildred Shurtclife & Tocla,
I Constitute & appoint my loving wife, Susana Thompson, my sole Exequetrichor, in witness, whereof I have here, unto, sett my hand & affixed my seal this 15th day of December, Anno Dom 1702.
Arthur Thompson ((SEAL))
(The lotts above specified is known by ye numbers 40 & 46)
Sined & Sealed in the presence of us
Nicholas Goulick, James French, Martin French,
John Secill (his mark)

James Keech, D Corri; St Maries County

Thompson, Francis Arthur

Francis Arthur Thompson, 6/6/1778- 6/27/1778

Sister: Ann Diana Joy, a negro girl named Eleanor for life and then to my
goddaughter, Ann Joy. The first child the negro named Eleanor has I give to Ally Joy. In addition, I give her my chest for her life and then to her daughter, Mary Ann Joy. She and her children are to have all of my household furniture equally divided between them.
Cousin: Philip Joy, one heifer.
Cousin: Ann Leonard Joy, a couple of cider casks; a small pot; and one iron pot rack.
Cousin: Mary Ann Joy, my bed and furniture and one iron pestle and pot rack.
Cousin: Catherine Joy, one iron kettle; three chairs; and one cask.
Brother-in-Law: Athanasius Joy, my saddle and a parcel of land in Charles County called "Battin's Clifts" during his life and then to his son, Philip Joy.
Brother: Bennet Thompson, a parcel of land in Charles County called "Hopewell". In case Bennet does not return from the war or in case of his death, his legacy is to descend to Arthur Thompson and Philip Thompson equally.
Brother: Arthur Thompson, a bond he executed to me for 100 pounds currency dated 2/5/1777.
Brothers: Arthur Raphael Thompson, Philip Sebastian Thompson, and Bennet Thompson, to inherit my land now in the possession of the heirs of John Carberry equally divided. If Philip Sebastian Thompson does not return to this continent or it appears he is not existing, his share is devised to Arthur Raphael Thompson and Bennet Thompson. If Philip Sebastian Thompson does not return to enjoy the devise bequeathed to him called "Hopewell", the
same is to devolve to my sister, Ann Diana Joy, and after her decease to my cousin, Mary Ann Joy.
EXECUTOR(S): Athanasius Joy
WITNESSES: Philip Rorko, Raphael Thompson, Mary Thompson

Thompson, Grace Hayden Herbert

Grace Thompson, SMC, 9/6/1759-8/8/1760. Dau.: Susanna Thompson.
Son: Matthew Herbert. Dau.: Elizabeth Thompson. Exec: Son, Matthew Thompson
(sic). Wit: Robert Cole and John Johnson.
NOTE: With the exception of son Matthew Herbert, the surnames of the children are given erroneously as Thompson--it should be Herbert.

Thompson, James

Thompson, James, St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1720;
21st Apr., 1721.
To son John and to Eliza (wife of John Griggs), 1s. each, in full of their share of estate.
To son James, ex., interest in dwelling plantation —– and with dau. Sarah, residuary legatee of estate. To divide same when son James arrives at age of 21. Wm. Harrise guardian to sd. son.
Test: Wm. Johnson, Eliz. Fisher, Charles Lynch. 16, 378.

Thompson, Joshua

Joshua Thompson, SMC, 8/1/1851-10/1/1851. Wife: Dorothy Thompson, all of my lands during her life. Children: George Thompson, Eleanor Graves, James Thompson, Elizabeth Alvey, Helen Tennison, Sebastian Thompson, Catherine Tennison, Joshua A. Thompson, Benedict J. Thompson, and Moses Thompson, all of my personal estate which is to be sold and the proceeds divided equally among them. They are to also receive the proceeds from the sale of my land or to divide my land equally after the death of my wife.
Exec.: Son, Sebastian Thompson. Wit.: George W. Moreland, John T. Graves,
Lewis Graves.

Thompson, Raphael

Raphael Thompson, SMC, 1/21/1781-3/13/1781.
Wife: Appelonia, all my estate during her single life, reserving to my mother, Margaret Thompson (during her life) that part of my land which she now has in her possession.
Sons: John Barton Thompson and Charles Thompson, my dwelling plantation to be equally divided between them after the death or marriage of their mother and reserving to my mother her life that part where she lives.
Ann Thompson, all of my personal estate.
Exec.: Brother, John Thompson.
Wit: Philip Ford, Ignatius Brown, Monica Brown.
NOTE: Widow renounced will and elected her third.

Thompson, Richard

Thompson, Richard, planter, St. Mary's Co.,24th Oct., 1733;
6th Nov., 1733.
To wife Susana Thompson, ex., entire estate.
Test: Robert Ford, Archibald Johnstone, George Boyd. 20. 831.

Thompson, Robert

Thompson, Robert, St. Mary's Co., MD, 9/14/1804
to my son Charles Thompson all that part or parcel of land which I
purchased of John Baptist Thompson, called Scotland,
to my son Bennet Thompson , all the tract of land whereon I now live,
which was conveyed to me by George Thompson and William Thompson,
being part of a tract of land called Rocky Point, and called in their
deed of conveyance the Brothers Lot
to my son James Thompson the sum of one hundred pounds current money
of Maryland
to my son Ignatius Thompson the sum of five shillings current money...
to my daughter Susanna Lee the sum of five shillings current money...
to my daughter Elizabeth Lee the sum of five shillings current money...
to my daughter Mary Greenwell the sum of five shillings current money...
to my daughter Eleanor Hall's son William Nottingham, the sum of ten
pounds current money...
to my grandson Hugh Hopewell the sum of ten pounds current money,
the same together with the aforesaid bequest of ten pounds to William Nottingham
to my son Bennet Thompson, whom I constitute and appoint sole executor
of this my last will and testament, all the remaining part of my estate
whatsoever, after the decease of my wife Elizabeth
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourteenth
day of September in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and four...
Signed sealed
and acknowledged to be his last will in the presence of us...
Test:Joseph Mareman, Thomas Maryman, Robert Thompson, Ethelbert Cecil

Thompson, Sebastian

Thompson, Sebastian, St. Mary's Co.,18th Oct., 1742;
3rd March, 1742.
To sons Arthur and Sebastian and hrs., real estate.
To child. John, Sebastian, Monica, Charity Wheeler, Appolina and Mary Brown, personalty.
To wife Charity, extx., residue of estate.
Test: William Gillimore, John Mills, A. Thompson.
23. 79.

Thompson, Thomas

Thompson, Thomas, St. Mary's Co., MD, on 8/27/1779.
to my son Thomas Thompson, to him and his heirs forever., --
to my dear and loving wife Sarah Thompson my Negroe man called Ford, and my Negro girl called Hanna to her and heirs forever
--Also I give to my son John Bapt. Thompson my Negro woman called Sarah,
Also I give to my son Joseph Thompson, my Negro man called Jacob or (Jauob), and also the second best Bed & Furniture that I may dye possessed
to my son Wilford Thompson , Negro woman called Tareshua, t
to my Daughter Mary Clarke, my negro woman called Patt,
I now leave my Negro woman called Moll, Free, she having discharged her trust with me as an honest and upright slave,which justly merits the title which I have bestowed on her, in that of being a free person.--
I give and bequeath one third part to my dear and loving wife Sarah Thompson, and the remaining two thirds, to be equally divided in Seven parts 1/7 to my son John Baptist, 1/7 to my son Joseph, 1/7 to my son Wilford, 1/7 to my Daughter Mary, 1/7 to my daughter
Elizabeth, 1/7 to my Daughter Margret, and 1/7 to the heirs of my Daughter Ann Mattingly.
Ex: Sarah Thompson Executrix,Thomas Thompson
I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Eleventh day of April , in the year of our Lord, one thousand Seven hundred and seventy Nine..
Test: Thomas Bond, Philip Key and Thomas Bond,Jr.

First of all, I desire that my wife and son JOSEPH shall keep my plantation wheron I now live until the Crop theron now growing, to be finished, and that they pay No rent for the same and that they keep the Negro's to finish the Crop, also I give to my wife Sarah one third part of all the crop, which shall be on the above plantation., and one third part of my poultry, Also I give to my son Joseph one third part of the crop whish shall be made on the aforesaid platation, and one third part of my poultry, my Case of Drawers , and my second best Cow and Calf which my belong to me at my Death,--Also I give my sheep to my son Joseph and my son-i-n law James Raper (Rapier) to be equally divided between them , Also I give to my son in law William Haden jr.(Hayden jr.) my best desk, my China Bowl, and my stone Dish.--Also I order two Sheep and one beef to be killed for the use of the family. --Also I give to my son Thomas Thompson my hand mill stones--And I do also declare that my said will in writing, dated the 11th Aprill, 1779 and this my codicil which I Will shall be added to and deemed part to the codicil set to my hand and Seal theis fourth day of July Seventeen hundred and seventy nine.(1779)

Thompson, William

Thompson, Wm., Britain's Bay, St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1716;
7th Mar., 1716.
To son Michael and hrs., 40 A., dwelling plantation (leased by father. ––, from Jno. Sheircliffe for 90 yrs.), during remaining time of lease. Also 100 A., being ½ of “Hatfield Hills.” Should sd. son die without issue, this tract to be equally divided–1 part to wife, Barbara, extx., and hrs., and 1 part to father-in-law, Wm. Langham, and hrs.
Test: Henry Spinke, Jude Salten, Edw. Spinke, Wm. Abell.
14. 234.

Thompson, William

Thompson, William, St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1736-7;
20th June, 1740.
To son Thomas, personalty during life. At his death to pass to grandson Henry.
To grandsons Joseph, Richard Mathias, son of Mathias, and Richard, son of Thomas and kinsman William Compton, personalty.
To wife Ann, extx., residue of estate during life. At her death to be divided bet. Ann and Mary, daus. of John Baker.
Test: Dorothy Leigh, Alexander Ross and Will Reid.
Note: By codicil, witnessed by John Steven, 12th Sept., 1739, to above will testator gives to son Thomas and grandson Thomas, personalty.
Note: Widow desires legal rights in above estate.
22. 237.

Thomson, William

Thomson, William, New Towne, St. Mary's Co.,8th Jan., 1649; 11th Jan.,
1649. Wife Anne, execx. and sole legatee. Test: Robt. Robins, Ralph Crouch.
1. 21.

Tolle, Roger

Roger Tolle, planter, SMC, 11/8/1708-1/22/1709.
Son: Thomas, 100 ac. "Last Shift"; if he dies without issue to grandson, Roger (son of Tobias).
Son: Tobias, 100 ac., pt. of "The Chancellor's Old Orchard"
during the time of its lease.
Children: John, Mary, Usly, and Tamar, personalty.
Children: Timothy and Elizabeth, joint executors, residue of
land named in afsd. lease. Wit.: John Miller, William Aisquith, Ann
Miller. NOTE: 1/22/1709 was actually 1710 (old calendar vs. new calendar).

Tomson, John

Tomson, John, planter, St. Mary's Co.,9th Aug., 1723;
26th Nov., 1723.
To wife Jane, extx., “Tomson' Chance,” Two sons (unnamed) to care of wife till of age at 21 yrs.
Test: Anthony Brocklehurst, Richard Ijams, Elizabeth Ijams, Thomas Wellman. 18, 193.

Tonge, John

Tonge, John, St. Clement's Manor, St. Mary's Co.,16th Aug., 1686;
1st Sept., 1688.
To Penelope Hayden, dau. of Francis Hayden, extx., and hrs., entire estate, real and personal, including 300 A., “Boddell,” on w. side St. Clement's Bay and testator's interest in 500 A. (unnamed) between Connangh and St. Patrick's Oks.
Test: Thos. Aude, Ellinor Chester, Owen Bradee. 6. 9.

Truman, Thomas

Will of Thomas Truman, Calvert Co. 9/21/1685-12/10/1685: Wife: Mary, 1/2 personal estate and home plantation during life. To: Thomas Truman Greenfield and heirs "Trent Neck" provided they take the name of Truman. To: John Davis and heirs 625 ac. on the western branch of the Potomac River. To: Richard Brightwell and heirs 50 ac. on Chaptico Branch. Cousin: Mary Truman "Bussard's Island". To: Henry Truman, namesake 200 ac. adjoining the Quagcores. Sister: _______Stringer and Elizabeth Carlton, personal estate. To: Thomas Truman Greenfield; cousins Mary and Elizabeth Truman residue of estate, real and personal. Execs: Wife, Mary and cousin, Mary Truman afsd. Wit: Elizabeth Carlton, John Forrest, Andrew Hurd, George Jones. NOTE: This will was written when a part of St. Mary's County was included in Calvert County.

Truman, William

Will of William Truman, Calvert Co. 3/18/1684-5; 3/3/1686. Cousin: Thomas Truman Greenfield, personal estate. Cousin: Thomas Greenfield, Exec. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Wit: John Crowder, Joseph Edwards, Michael Cheevers, Walter English. NOTE: This will was
written when a part of St. Mary's County was included in Calvert County.

Tunhill (Turnhill), Robert

Tunhill (Turnhill), Robert, St. Mary's Co.,15th Feb., 1730-31;
25th Feb., 1730.
To wife Elizabeth, 5 child. (unnamed), sons John and William, and William Cook, personalty; son William to be free at age of 18.
Exs.: Wife and son John.
Test: Joseph Sikes, Stephen Chilton (Chillton), George Craghill. 20, 179.

Turbervile, Gilbert

Turbervile, Gilbert, St. Mary's Co.,1st Dec., 1718;
15th June, 1719.
To St. Innigoes Church, £10.
To Margaret Cavinaugh and John Bemberige, 10s. each.
To grandson William Cavinaugh, entire personal estate.
Vitus Harbert ex. and guardian to grandchild. William and Margaret Cavinaugh afsd.; after his decease, William Tompson to act.
Test: Robt. Haking (Hackins), Henry Chandler, Francis Moacrinick. 15. 122

Turner, Thomas

Turner, Thomas, St. Winifred's, St. Mary's Co.2nd Oct., 1662;
21st Jan., 1662.
To Roman Catholic Church, personalty.
To wife Emma, residue of estate, real and personal during life for maintenance of herself and “our” 3 child., viz., Thomas and Mary Turner, and Eliza Johnson.
To son Thomas, estate in Essex, Eng., due testator by his father's will.
To dau. Mary Turner, estate in Essex, Eng., should son Thomas afsd. die under age. Child, to be of age at 16 yrs.
Overseers: Luke Gardner and kinsman Wm. Bretton.
Test: Wm. Rosewell, Chas. Alexander. 1. 169.

Turner, Thomas

Turner, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,31st Oct., 1696;
15th Feb., 1696.
To son Thomas and hrs., personalty and 400 A., part of “St. Thomas's.”
To son Joshua and hrs., personalty and 190 A., “Audley End,” and 150 A., residue of “St. Thomas's.”
To dau. Monica and hrs., personalty and 300 A., “St. Dorothy's,” on w. side St. Clement's Bay.
To Thomas Bencroft, Robert Thompson, and William Michell, personalty.
Wife Eliza:, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Clement Hill, Sr., Wm. Smith, Eliza: Dalsh. 7. 279.

Tuttey, Robert

Tuttey, Robert, New TowneSt. Mary's Co.,15th June, 1647; 21st June, 1647.
To Mr. Thomson and child. (unnamed), Joseph Cadell and Mathias Briant, personalty.
Admr., William Thomson. Test: William Bretton, Thomas Jackson. 1. 10.

Contributed by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas

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This page was last updated 01/18/2024