St. Mary's County

Wills - R

Raily, Richard

Raily, Richard, St. Mary's Co.,25th April, 1727;
19th July, 1727.
To goddau. Ann Dean, bros. William, John and Henry, personalty.
Bro. Michael, ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: Nicholas Sewall, Jr., Owen Guyther, Sarah Guyther. 19, 199.

Rapour, Richard

Will of Richard Rapour (Rapier), 1752Maryland, In the Name of God Amen I RICHARD RAPOUR of St. Marys County in the Province of Maryland being well in health and os sound and perfect memory but Considering the Uncertainty of this Transitory life I do think it meet and Convenient to Settle and order my Affairs in order for a better first and principally I give and Bequeath my soul to Almighty God my lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by whose meritorious death and passion I hope to Obtain everlasting life and my Body to the Earth from whence it Came to be buried in Such decent manner as my Ex. hereafter shall think fitt and Convenient and for what Worldly Estate it has pleased the Lord of his mercy to lend me (after my just debts paid) I give and dispose of in Manner and form following Viz. Item I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter in law Mary Rapour one Shilling Sterling she and her husband having had their parts heretofore. I give and Bequeath unto my beloved Richard Rapour my plantation I bought of Gerrard Jordan (whereon Owin Brady now lives)and also one hundred Acres of Land I bought of Thomas Greaves to him and his lawful Isshew for Ever and for want of Such Isshew to my Son William and his lawfull begotten Isshew for Ever. I slao give and bequeath unto my said son Richard Rapour one Negro Man called Jack and one feaher Bed and furniture one Cow and Calf one Sow and pigs and one Young horse about four years old and a Saddle and Bridle and if the said Richard should dye without lawfull Isshew that the moveables before mentioned shall fall to and be the Right of my beloved Daughter Sarah Shanks and her heirs forever. Item I give and Bequeath unto my beloved son William Rapour that Land and plantation I bought of James Bailye and Robert Thompson to him and and his lawfull Isshew for Ever and for want of Such Isshew to my Beloved Son Richard James Rapour and if they shall both dye without lawful Isshew that the said Land shall fall unto my beloved Daughter Ann Dianna Rapour and her lawfull Isshew forever and it is to be understood that the Wood growing on my two plantations without any denial to Each other for the said plantations uses but not to Sell nor make waste of So long as the said Timber shall last. Item I give and Bequeath unto my beloved son Richard James Rapour my now dwelling Plantation whereon I now live to him and his heirs for Ever lawfully begotten and for Want of Such heirs to my beloved Daughter Mary Rapour and her lawfull Isshew for Ever. Item I give and Bequeath to my beloved Daughter Mary Rapour one Mulatto Boy called Ned and an Equal Share of my moveable Estate with her Mother and her Sister Ann Dianna Rapour. Item I give and Bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Ann Rapour one Negro Boy called Bobb and a Mulatto Girl called Bell and a Negro Woman called little Sary and their Increase and an equal part of my moveable Estate with her mother and Sister Mary Rapour and if she shall happen to dye without lawfull Isshew all her part to fall equally amongst my three Sons Richard Rapour William Rapour and Richard James Rapour. Item I give and Bequeath unto my beloved daughter Sarah Shanks one Cow and Calf. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Teressia Rapour during the time she lives single and bears my name all the remaining part of my Estate not Already given and all as Guardian to my Children till they come of age to receive the Same as to Say my Sons at the age of Eighteen Years and my daughters at Sixteen Years Save my Son Richard Rapour to Receive his part on demand. Item I will and desire that my beloved wife Teressia Rapour and my Son in law Thomas shanks shall be joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament Revoking Renouncing and making Void all other Will or Wills by me heretofore made either Verbal or in Writing and do Appoint this my last Will and Testament for the True and Just Executing and fulfilling the Same I Nomintate and Appoint my loving Wife and Son in law before named my lawful Executors in Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal this Eighteenth day of March one thousand Seven hundred fifty and two. (Richard Rapier) signed with his mark Witnesses: Susanna Phillips, Susanna Watherlake, James Thompson

CODICIL: In the Name of God Amen I Richard Rapour Considering that as I am something in debt I make this Codicil to my will before going that is to Say I will and desire that what I have given to my Son Richard Rapour and he shall live and abide with his mother till he is nineteen years of age and that he shall have the use of all his things in her care till he arrives to nineteen years he being about fifteen years old now about and if he will not Stay with his Mother till that time I will and desire that the said Richard shall be and Remain with John Bould till he comes to the aforesaid age as an apprentice to learn the Trade or art of Cordwinder. Item I will and by this codicil make and Appoint my beloved wife Teressia Rapour my whole and sole Executrix of my Will foregoing and do discharge Thomas Shanks from being any wise joined with her either in the Will or Codicil Witness my hand and Seal this Seventh Day of April 1752 Witnesses: Elizabeth Hayden, J. Thompson, Francis Thompson (Richard Rapier) made his mark

Rasin, Thomas

Rasin, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,18th Apr., 1687;
23rd Apr., 1688.
Wife and 5 child. (all unnamed) joint exs. and legatees of estate, real and personal; sons to be of age at 18 yrs., and daus. at 16 yrs. Child. to be brought up Roman Catholics.
Overseers: Mr. Penington, Col. Darnall.
Test: Kenelm Cheseldyn, Alice Bramble, Eliza: Smithson.
4. 301.

Read, John

John Read, SMC 9/6/1761-3/9/1770.
Grandson: John Hatton Read, provided he is bred up, lives and continues in the religion of the Church of England, and protests against the See of Rome, then I give him the pt. of the plantation where I now dwell which adjoins Mr. Plater's land; if he should embrace the Roman Catholic faith, then I give sd. land to grandson,
John Read Jenifer; a slave, etc. Desire that no Roman Catholic shall possess any pt. of my lands.
Grandson: Philip Read, under the same restrictions above made to his brother, the remaining pt. of land called "Orchard Neck" and if he embraces the Catholic religion then to my grandson, John Read Long.
Daughter: Jemima King, a slave.
Granddaughter: Amy Clark Read, a slave.
Daughter: Ellen Hopewell and her 3 sons Samuel, John Read,
and Daniel Jenifer.
Daughter: Barbara Long.
Exec: John Hatton Read, requesting John Long to assist in execution thereof.
Wit: Ignatius Taylor, Kenelm Clarke, Young Parran.

Read, William

Read, William, St. Mary's Co.,18th Mar., 1717-8;
22nd Apr., 1718.
To son John, north pt. of land ––.
To son William, south pt. of land ––. Sons not to sell land nor rent for longer than 3 yrs. at a time, their sisters to have refusal of it.
To wife Ann, extx., certain personalty during life; at her decease to son John, and residue of estate divided equally with children ––.
Test: Robert Scot, John Read, James Meakin. 14. 489.

Read, William

Read, William, St. Mary's Co.,31st Oct., 1739;
17th Dec., 1739.
To unborn child and hrs., dwelling plantation. Shd. sd. child die without hrs., land to pass to bro. John.
To wife Ann, extx., entire personal estate and use of plantation during widowhood.
Test: Edmund Plowden, Samuel Jenifer, John Read.
22. 139.

Reader, Simon

Reader, Simon, St. Mary's Co.,6th Apr., 1685;
17th June, 1685.
To eld. son John and hrs., personalty.
To wife Virtue, execx., life interest in estate, real and personal, including land on Heywood's Branch.
To sons Benjamin and Richard, sd. land at death of wife afsd.; they dying without issue to revert to eld. son John afsd.
To dau. Mary Bridgin and hrs., personalty.
Test: Clement Hill, Thos. Glover, Thos. Warring. 4. 147.

Reagan, Philip

Reagan, Philip, St. Mary's Co.,14th Feb., 1718;
15th Nov., 1718.
To Thomas Webster, personalty.
To Jenny Horn, extx., residue of estate.
Test: Frances Hopewell, Thos. Welch, Mary Yates. 14. 733.

Redman, John

Redman, John, planter, St. Mary's Co.,20th Jan., 1731;
18th Feb., 1731.
To dau. Elizabeth and hrs., lands adj. to plan. of Nicholas Brown; and personalty.
To sons Jeremiah, Thomas, Daniel, Vincent, daus. Anne Leake, Sarah Robinson and Elizabeth, personalty (some of which des. as debt due from Peter Peake).
To sons Soloman and John and dau. Frances Fryer, 1s. each.
To grandson John Lake (Leake) and hrs., a piece of land in the pasture.
Exs.: Sons Vincent, Jeremiah and Daniel.
Test: Sons Thomas Howard, William Medcalf, Peter Mugg. 20, 321.

Redman (Readman), John

Redman (Readman), John, St. Mary's Co.6th Sept., 1736;
4th Oct., 1736.
To Philip Key, “The New Design,” Prince George Co., bon. of Ignatius Wheeler, sd. tract to be sold at discretion of sd. Philip and price divided bet. son John and dau. Sarah.
To son John, personalty, some of which to be in hands of Aaron Hoskins, ex., until he arrives at age of 21.
To dau. Sarah, personalty.
To dau. Priscilla Hoskins, personalty. Residue of estate to son John and daus. Sarah and Priscilla afsd.
Test: Edmond Boling, John Williams, Hugh MacGuier (Macguire). 21. 667.

Redman, Vincent

Redman, Vincent, St. Mary's Co.,30th Jan., 1738-9;
7th Aug., 1740.
To dau. Hannah, at 18 yrs. ½ estate.
To wife ––, extx., residue of estate.
Test: Francis Bellwodd, John Tear, William Russell.
22. 238.

Reeder, Benjamin

Reeder, Benjamin, planter, St. Mary's Co.,22nd Mar., 1719-20;
7th June, 1720.
To son Simon and hrs., personalty and dwelling plantation —–, he dying without issue, sd. land to pass to son yet unchristened.
To son Thomas and hrs., “Bashfordbery Gleening” at Tomakokin, he dying without issue, to pass to son John and hrs.
To sons Simon and John and their hrs., “Tattershals Gift,” Charles Co., equally; also bond of James Taunts. Land to be divided by 2 honest men, Wm. Williams to be for son John, he not being of age.
To son Benjamin, personalty at Nanjemy.
To dau. Elizabeth Aulistan and hrs., “Roeders Adventure,” she dying without issue, to pass to son Thomas and hrs. and personalty.
To dau. Ann Davis, personalty.
Shd. there be any difference bet. wife and son Simon, dwell. plan. to be divided, she having 2 pts. of the orchard and the dwelling during life. Shd. son Simon refuse to make over to son Thomas, his interest in “Basford Gleaning,” for which he may have a deed of gift, son Thomas to have dwell. plan.
To 4 youngest child., viz. John, Elizabeth, Ann and son unchristened, personalty.
To wife Elizabeth, residue of personal estate.
Exs.: Wife Elizabeth and son Simon.
Test: Wm. Gibson, Michall Heningen, Mary Heningen. 16, 86.

Reeder, Richard

Richard Reeder, SMC, probated 3/5/1717-18.
Brother: Benjamin, 1shilling.
wife: Elizabeth (Exec.), dwelling plantation left to me by my
father, Simon Reeder and at her death to daughter, Elizabeth; if daughter dies without issue to pass to John Blockars and heirs. Personal estate to wife and daughter as the law directs.
Wit: Thomas Boult, George Hoskins, William Olman (is this man's name William Allman and was he a son of Thomas Allman and Penelope Hayden?).

Reeves, Lydia

Lydia Reeves, SMC, 5/5/1795-8/10/1795.
Sister: Sarah Edwards, my largest trunk with the wearing apparel it now contains and my silver buckles.
Sister: Elizabeth Mills, wife of John Mills, Sr., the balance of my estate.
Exec: Brother-in-law, John Mills, Sr.,
Wit: Mary Boulds and William Mills

Reeves, Mary

Reeves, Mary, St. Mary's Co.,12th June, 1740;
6th Aug., 1740.
To sister Susanna, entire estate, real and personal, including 50 A. left by testator's father, once a part of tract of bro. John.
Ex.: ––.
Test: John Maddox, Thomas Reeves, John Haskins.
22. 238.

Reeves (Reaves), Ubgatt (Ubgate)

Reeves (Reaves), Ubgatt (Ubgate), gentleman,9th Jan., 1724;
6th Feb., 1738.
To son Thomas and hrs., 135 A. “Casheans Manor,” where he now dwells at Port Tobacco; and personalty.
To son John and hrs., dwelling plantation ––, after his mother's decease, 50 A. “Reave's Range,” nr. Port Tobacco Ck.
To dau. Mary and hrs., 50 A. last-named tract.
To wife Jane, son John and dau. Mary, residue of estate, whether in Maryland or Virginia, St. Mary's or Charles Co., divided equally.
Exs.: Wife and son Thomas.
Overseers and guardians to children, son Thomas, William Willis and John Maddox, to see they are brought up in Church of England, to receive estates at age of 21.
Test: Philip Dorey, William Willis, George Walliss.
22. 40.

Reman, John

Reman, John,Poplar Hill Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,15th Apr., 1699;
4th Mch., 1700.
To dau. Ann, “Outlet.”
To son John and hrs., sd. tract in event of death of Ann without issue.
To sd. child. jointly, “Redman's Adventure,” and to son John, “Meeting Forever.”
Ex. not given.
Test: Peter Carwanden, Jno. Woodward, Rich'd Braden, Robt. Woodward. 11. 61.

Reves (Rives), Thomas

Reves (Rives), Thomas, planter, St. Mary's Co.,8th Dec., —–;
7th June, 1719.
To son Ubgate, ex., and hrs., dwelling plantation ––, personalty and proper share of personal estate.
To son Thomas and hrs., 100 A., “Walles,” personalty and equal share of personal estate with rest of children.
To son William and hrs., 100 A., “Leeth.”
To dau. Anne Hoskins and grandson Thomas (son of son Ubgate), personalty.
To wife Mary, use of dwelling plantation ––, during widowhood.
Test: John Hoskins, Saml. Maddox, Jr., John Ireland.
15. 323.

Reynolds, George

Reynolds, George, St. Mary's Co.,11th Jan., 1668;
Wife Dorothy, execx. and sole legatee of estate during life, including 100 A., “Fox;” 100 A., “Bennett's Purchase,” and 100 A., “Tomson;” to descend to George, eld. son of testator.
Test: John Brown, Thos. Bennett, Robt. Joyner. 1. 332.

Reynolds, John

Reynolds, John, St. Jerome's, St. Mary's Co.,24th Aug., 1673;
3rd Oct., 1673.
To Isaac, Joseph, and Rachel Paine, to young. dau. of Edward Jolly, Thomas James, and Thomas Locker, personalty.
Exs.: Wm. Claw, John Smallpeece.
Test: Richard Chapman, Nicholas Guither. 1. 557.

Rhodes, Abraham

Abraham Rhodes (Roades), SMC, 4/29/1705-8/15/1705. Wife: Frances,
Exec., sole legatee during life of estate, real and personal; at her decease
following disposition to be made. To: Cousin, Bloomer Goodacre and hrs. of
England, 100 ac., pt. of a greater tract; to pass to John, son of Francis
Rhodes, should sd. Goodacre not come into the province during life of wife
afsd., or die without issue. Goddaughter: Mary Richardson, 100 ac.
adjoining afsd. land. To: Mary Davis, 100 ac. on n. side of land afsd.
devised to Mary Richardson, 100 ac. "Rhodes' Rest". Goddaughter: Mary
Magrah, plantation where Nicholas Richardson now lives. Bloomer Goodacre
and heirs to have "Rhodes' Rest" if he comes into the province and land
bequeathed Mary Davis to be equally divided between her and Mary Magrah and
heirs. All property to revert to John Rhodes, should legatees die without
issue. Wit: Thomas Fenwick, Margery Fenwick, Thomas Cooke, Thomas

Rian, Ellenor

Rian, Ellenor, St. Mary's Co.,12th Apr., 1785;
20th May, 1735.
To goddaus. Susanah Grigges, Frances Norey, Sarah Dorsey, Mary Noovney, godson Francis Garrey and the Rev. Thomas Garret, personalty.
Ex.: William Harrison.
Test: Anthony Smith, Charles Smith. 21. 358.

Richardson, Bridgitt

Richardson, Bridgitt, widow, St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1723-4;
16th Mar., 1723-4.
To daus. Bridgitt Warran, Anne and Elinor and son Nicholas, personalty.
To child. afsd. and son John Warren, ex., residue of estate.
Test: George Beverly, Winifred Wheatly, John Hammond. 18, 239.

Richardson, Nicholas

Richardson, Nicholas, chirurgan, St. Mary's Co.,2nd Nov., 1716;
8th Jan., 1716.
To son Nicholas and hrs., 150 A., dwell. plan., “Hunting Quarter.”
To daus. Elener and Ann, plantation divided equally.
To dau. Bridgett Charmes, personalty.
To son Nicholas, personalty; he dying without issue, to 3 daus. afsd.
To wife Bridgett, extx., residue of personal estate.
Overseer: Richard Thurley.
Test: Edward Morgan, Mary Morgan, John Gage, Wm. Sanders. 14. 304.

Ridgely, Robert

Ridgely, Robert, St. Inigoes, St. Mary's Co.,20th Dec., 1680;
24th Dec., 1681.
To wife Martha, execx., 1,200 A., “Little Beleau;” also land in Somerset Co.
To eld. son Robert, 800 A., “Friend's Choice,” in Worcester Co., and 600 A., “Belleon,” Somerset Co.
To 2nd son Charles, 500 A., “General Gift” and “Timberle,” Calvert Co.
3rd son William, 1,400 A., “Western Fields,” Somerset Co.
In event of death of any son, survivors to inherit deceased's portion.
To only dau. Mary, personalty.
To William Stevens and his wife Eliza:, of Somerset, personalty.
Child. to be brought up Protestants.
Overseers: Wm. Stevens, Chris. Rousby.
Test: Anthony Underwood, Danl. Clocker, Wm. Taylor. 2. 162.

Rile (Raley, Railey, Raily), Michel

Rile (Raley), Michel, St. Mary's Co.,31st Aug., 1738;
8th Nov., 1738.
To son Joseph, 30s. a year for schooling; testator directs that sd. son be put to school at age of 8, and continue for 5 yrs.; to receive £10 at age of 18.
Wife Grace extx., and residuary legatee.
Test: John Greenwell, John Heard. 22. 13.

Riley, John

Riley, John, St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1743;
7th March, 1743-4.
To dau. Anne and hrs., 70 A. land.
To dau. Elizabeth, personalty.
To son Bennett, real est. at death of his mother.
To wife Mary, extx., life int. in entire real estate.
Test: Samuel Bellwood, Richard Wimset, Richard Mahory.
23. 460.
Note: Widow abides by will.

Roberts, Fobbe

Roberts, Fobbe, St. Mary's Co.,10th June, 1692;
22nd Oct., 1692.
To niece Ellinor Courtney and hrs., ½ of estate.
To neph. John Johnson and hrs., residue of estate.
Ex. not given.
Test: Thos. Wyane, Jno. Baker. 6. 4.

Roberts, John

Roberts, John, St. Mary's Co.,9th Aprl., 1675;
4th May, 1675.
To Governor of the Province, Joshua Goddard, John Belt, John, son of Peter Roberts, at 16 yrs. of age, and William Sommerhill, personalty.
Clement Haly, ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Edward Conerie, J. Gybert. 2. 53

Robinson, John

Robinson, John, mariner,(Liverpool, England), St. Mary's Co.,13th Dec., 1739;
24th Aug., 1741.
To William Harrison, Jr., entire estate.
Ex.: William Harrison, Sr.
Test: Mark Noble.
Note: Mark Noble says John Smith also signed the foregoing will as a testis and does not know how his name was torn off.
22. 398.

Rochford, Michael

Rochford, Michael, St. Mary's Co.,13th Aug., 1678;
30th Aug., 1678.
To wife Margaret, execx., and possible unborn child, personalty.
To mother Helena Rochford, brother Patrick Christian, and sister Katharine Rochford, of Limerick, Ireland, certain personalty provided no child be born to testator.
Test: Abraham Rhoades, Henry Carew, Francis Rhoades. 9. 46.

Rogers, George

Rogers, George, St. Mary's Co.,20th Mar., 1739-40;
17th Nov., 1740.
To daus. Darcus and Dorothy, personalty.
To son George, lands in Turtola and Anquila.
To wife Elizabeth, 1/3 personal estate.
Exs.: Wife Elizabeth and James Waughop.
Test: Thomas Waughop, James Coames, James Taylor.
22. 279.

Rose, Mary

Rose, Mary,Chaptico Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,10th Mar., 1716-7;
18th Dec., 1719.
To grandson John Johnson Sothoron, ex., 200 A., dwelling plantation ––, during term of lease.
To grandsons Harman Clarke and Samuel, Richard and Benjamin Sothoron, at age of 18, and granddaus. Ann and Mary Sothoron at marriage and dau. Mary Clarke, personalty.
To dau. Mary Birch, 3 dollars, “current money of this province.”
Test: Sam. Williamson, Michael Brantson, John Brantson.
15. 276.

Rosson, Robert

Rosson, Robert, joiner, St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1732-3;
14th May, 1733.
To wife Whinnifrit extx., personal estate, after her decease pt. of mill to pass to dau. Elizabeth and hrs.
To dau. Ann plantation “Burwastcoat”, after her decease to pass to Mary Rosson; and personalty.
To dau. Mary personalty.
Test: John Horn, George Aisquith, William Welsh. 20. 662.

Roswell, William

Roswell, William, St. Mary's Co.,17th Sept., 1694;
14th May, 1695.
To grandson Roswell, son of Anthony Neale, and hrs., 500 A., “St. Winifred's,” after death of wife Ema.
To grandson Anthony Neale and hrs., 265 A., “William's Folly,” in Chas. Co.
To grandson Thomas Neale and hrs., 200 A., “The Meadows.”
To Thomas, son of Thomas Turner, and grandson of testator's wife and hrs., 200 A., “Little St. Thomases.”
To dau. Eliza: Neale and Richard Hubbard, personalty.
Wife Ema, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Wm. Legg, Ambrose Shippwash, Thos. Turner, Wm. Thomas, Anthony Neale. 7. 105.

Rouse, Gregory

Rouse, Gregory, St. Mary's Co.,27th Oct., 1679;
18th Nov., 1679.
Thomas Evans, and hrs., ex. and sole legatee of estate.
Test: Thos. Nottingham, Jno. Angle. 10. 76.

Rule, Peter

Rule, Peter, St. Mary's Co.,12th Oct., 1728;
5th Nov., 1728.
To sister Rebecca Thomas, “Wattses Lodge” during life; at her decease to bro. William Wherrit and hrs.; he failing issue, to pass in succession to bros. John and Thomas Wherrit and sister Mary Wherrit and their hrs.
To sisters Rebecca Thomas and Mary Wherrit, Thomas Watts, Joshua Watts and George Jenkins, personalty.
To wife Elizabeth, extx., dwell. plan. ——, with 1/3 of afsd. tract, and residue of personal estate.
Test: George Clarke, Daniel Watts, William Sword, Elizabeth Watts. 19, 498.

Russel (Russell), Luke

Russel (Russell), Luke, St. Mary's Co.,15th March, 1728-9;
3rd June, 1729.
To son Luke and hrs., 50 A. ——.
To wife Mary, to possess ½ of sd. 50 A. called “Brough,” on Cooks race, during life; at her decease to revert to son Luke.
To sons, viz. Thomas and Robert Russell and Joseph Watkins and their hrs., “Golden Springs” equally; they to lay out to Elias Hannington his pt. of sd. lands.
Exs.: Wife and son Thomas.
Test: Samuel Hurst, Hudson Wathen, Marmaduke Simmes. 19, 731

Russell, Christopher

Russell, Christopher, St, Mary's Co.,30th Mch., 1662;
30th July, 1662.
To 2nd son Walter, dau. Eliza Russell, and Katharine Budd and hrs. personalty.
Eld. son William, and hrs., exs. and residuary legatees of estate, real and personal.
Capt. Josias Fendall and Robert Hyndley, overseers during minority of child.
Test: Thos. Lomax, Geo. Shourtie, Geo. Taylor. 1. 159.

Contributed by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas

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