Pain, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,31st May, 1731;
16th Nov., 1731.
To 3 sons Henry, Thomas and James, lands leased for 61 yrs. of John
Baptist Carbery; 1/3 pt. next Deap Spring br. and Thomas Thomas'
br. to son Henry, 1/3 next to Bryery's br. and Mr. Carbery's n.
line to son Thomas, and 1/3 being dwell. plan. to son James (after
decease of wife Tecla, extx.).
Test: Robert Drury, James Thompson, Leonard Pain. 20, 258.
Paine, Thomas, St. Jerome's, St. Mary's Co.,12th Mch., 1672;
23rd May, 1673.
To eld. son Isaac, “Paine's Lott” in Balto. Co.
To son Joseph and hrs., “Holt,” in Balto. Co.
To 5 daus., viz: Mary, Sarah, Eliza:, Hanna and Rachel, personalty
and tracts above named should sons die without issue; sons to be
of age at 18 yrs.
To wife Jane, all land in St. Mary's Co.
Exs.: Nath. Garrett, John Smallpiece, John Reynolds.
Test: Wm. Calvert, Robt. Ridgely, Jos. Backney. 1. 531
Palmer, Katherine, widow, St. Mary's Co.,4th Mch., 1722;
1st Nov., 1726.
To nephew Peter and male hrs. (son of bro. Peter Cantancean), 300
A. in Northumberland Co., Va., being pt. of 461 A. granted 29th
March, 1566, by Wm. Berkley, late Gov. of Va., to father John Cantancean,
dec'd. Shd. sd. nephew die without male issue, sd. 300 A. to son
John Waughop and hrs.
To son John afsd. and hrs., 100 A. in Northumberland Co., Va., bequeathed
to testatrix by uncle William Cantancean, being pt. of 200 A. patented
9th Dec., 1662, and granted to Jacob Cantancean, dec'd; also 161
A. in sd. Co., residue of tract bequeathed nephew Peter afsd.; and
To son James Waughop and hrs., “The Wine Yard,” St. Mary's
Co., bou. of William Maria. Farthing.
To dau. Ann Waughhop, son Thomas Waughhop, grandson Thomas Palmer
Waughhop (son of son James) and dau. Katherine (wife of Wm. Kennedy),
To 3 sons Thomas, James and John Wanghhop, exs., and 2 daus. Katherine
Kennedy and Ann Waughhop, entire personal estate.
Test: Geo. Middleton, Alexander Bons, William Cumming. 18, 541.
Palmer, Thomas 3/28/1709-6/15/1709. In the name of God, Amen.
I Thomas Palmer of St. Maries County in the Province of Maryland doe
make this my last will and testament in manner and form following (Vizt)
Imp'rs I doe give to Thomas Waughop my bridle and saddle.
I give to Anne Waughop my two wearing R --- give to Katherine Cannadies daughter
Katherine, 20 shillings.
I appoint my loving wife my Executrix as witness my hand this 28th day of March, 1709.
Wit.: M. Mason, Thomas Manning, George Gyther. 6/15/1709.
This will was proved in Northumberland County Court to be the Will and Testament of Thomas
Palmer by Matthew Mason, one of the witnesses thereto and is admitted
to record. 8/15/1711: The within attested copy was presented to the court
by Mr. Thomas Waughop (and by the court admitted, the original being
burnt) and upon his mo'con, the said copy is admitted to record.
(Northumberland Collectanea, 1645-1720, Virginia Genealogies #4, CD #187).
Parker, Edward, St. Inigoes Manor, St. Mary's Co.,3rd Jan., 1669;
29th Jan., 1669.
To father-in-law, Nicholas Young, “Fresh Pond Neck.”
To mother of testator, plantation at Cedar Point, Chas. Co.
To brother Samuel, 800 A. “Parker's Delight,” Balto. Co.
To sister Eliza: and Catholic Church, personalty.
Test: Nicholas Solby, Richard Ridgell, Wm. Gifford. 1. 367
Parker, Edward, St. Inigoes Manor, St. Mary's Co.,3rd Jan., 1669;
29th Jan., 1669.
To father-in-law Nicholas Young, “Fresh Pond Neck.”
To mother of testator, plantation at Cedar Point, Chas. Co.
To brothers Samuel and Edward, 800 A, “Parker's Land,”
Balto. Co.
To sister Eliza: and Roman Catholic Church, personalty.
In event of death of 2 brothers afsd. under age, sd. sister Eliza:
to inherit land.
Exs.: Father-in-law Nicholas Young and kinsman Wm. Bretton.
Test: Nicholas Solby, Richard Ridgell, Wm. Gifford. 1. 367.
Parker, Edward, St. Mary's Co.,—– —– —–;
20th July, 1644. To the Chapel,
personalty. To Cicely Lewger, half estate. Eliza Speare, residuary
Ex. not named. Test: not given. 1. 9.
Parsons, Edward,12th Dec., 1715;
21st April, 1716.
To wife Mary and 4 child. viz.: Robert, Jno., Charles and Eliza:,
dwelling plantation “Worrell,” 240 A. in St. Mary's Co.
equally among them; also to wife Mary and her afsd. child., all
that tract on Kenebeek R., New England, containing 500 A., and personalty.
To son and dau., Edw. and Mary, child. by former wife Phillis, 1s.
Exs.: wife Mary and brother Robert Hopkins.
Testator directs that the widow Pope should have her maintenance
during life, according to covenant.
Test: Henry Reynolds, Randall Broom, Jno. Harwood. 14. 228.
Parsons, John, St. Mary's Co.,5th May, 1688;
9th July, 1688.
To 2 sons, viz., Edward and John, at 21 yrs. of age, and hrs., plantatiion
in St. George's Hundred. Should either die without issne survivor
and hrs. to inherit deceased's portion.
To young-son Cosine and hrs., sd. plantation in event of death of
both sons afsd. without issue. Sd. son Cosine dying without hrs.,
plantation afsd. to pass to dau. (unnamed) and hrs.
To sd. sons in like manner, certain land by patent on Great Choptanke
R., Talbot Co.
To wife Mary, extx., home plantation during life; to descend to
son Cosine and dau. (unnamed) and their hrs. In event of death of
either son or dau. without issue, survivor to inherit deceased's
Sd. 4 child. to be in care of their mother, and to be brought up
Roman Catholics.
Test: Robt, Carvile, Thos. Stroud, Sylent Bryant, Thos. Price.
4. 317.
Parsons (Persons), Causmay (Cosmas), planter, St. Mary's Co.,17th
Nov., 1733;
11th Dec., 1733.
To son John, dwelling plantation with lands adjoining.
To dau. Mary Mahoney and Grace Clark, personalty.
To son James, dau. Anna, sons Joseph, Edward and Clement, each an
equal share of personal estate, small child, to possess their legacies
at age of 18.
Exs.: Sons John and James.
Test: John Seager, John Brady, Joseph Patshall. 20. 835.
Pattison, James, St. Mary's Co.,23rd Sept., 1697;
1st Apr., 1698.
To John Hall, personalty.
To grandchild., child. of dau. Elinor Harbert, now wife of William
Herbert, formerly wife of John Angell, viz., James, John, and Angelor
Angell, Vitires, Luke, Michael, Francis and Mark Harbert, and grandson
John Hammond, son of Daniel Hammond, dec'd, personalty as each reaches
his majority.
To Ann Angell and hrs., certain tract of land. (For description
see will).
To John Angell and hrs., certain tract of land. (For description
see will).
To Angelor Angell and hrs., land on St. Jerome's Plain. (For description
see will).
To Francis Herbert and hrs., land on St. Jerome's Plain. (For description
see will).
To Mark Harbert and hrs., tract of land. (For deseription see will).
To dau. Ellinor Harbert and hrs., testator's part of “Churchill”;
and new dwelling plantation (for description see will), during her
life and the life of her husband, James Harbert.
To Luke Harbert and hrs., “The New Ground.” (For description
see will).
To Michael Harbert and hrs., parcel of land (unnamed).
To Vitriss Harbert and hrs., tract of land. (For description see
To James Angell and hrs., home plantation at the death of his mother
Elinor and father-in-law William Herbert.
To John Stills and hrs., land. (For description see will).
In event of death of all the Angell hrs. their lands to pass to
the Harberts, and in like manner there being no Harbert hrs. Angells
to inherit their portion.
Dau. Ellinor afsd. to collect all rents during her lifietime; her
son James Angell to succeed her.
Exs.: William and Ellinor Harbert afsd.
Test: Thos. Jameson, Thos. Hathcrsal, Philip Del Poole. 6. 85.
Payne, Charles,Brittain's Bay, St. Mary's Co.,11th Dec., 1717;
7th Jan., 1717-8.
To son Peter and hrs., 75 A., “Howard's Gift,” where Joh
Drury now lives (pt. of “Howard's Mount”).
To son Charles and hrs., 100 A., dwelling plantation, “The
To son Leonard and hrs., 50 A., “Strife,” where James
Warrick now lives. Sons Peter and Charles not to sell or dispose
of any of their lands. Shd. either die without issue, their portion
to pass to dau. Mary; shd. both sd. sons die without issue, portion
of one of them to pass to son Leonard. Shd. all child. die without
issue, son Peter's portion to Henry (son of bro. Thomas), son Charles'
portion to Charles (son of bro. Thomas afsd.), son Leonard's portion
to James (son of bro. Thomas afsd.).
To dau. Mary, bro. Ezekiel and Mary, dau. of bro.-in-law Alexander
Heathman, personalty.
Residue of personal estate to child. equally.
Sons Charles and Leonard to care of bro. Thomas, and son Peter and
dau. Mary to care of bro.-in-law John Meekin. Sons to be of age
at 18, dau. at 16.
Exs.: Bro. Thomas and bro.-in-law John Meekin, jointly.
Test: Jas. Warrick, John Drury, Henry Spinke. 14. 655.
Payne, Isaak, St. Mary's Co.,14th Mar., 1712-3;
28th Mar., 1713.
To son Thomas and hrs., dwelling plantation ––; he dying
without issue, to 2 daus., Hannah and Sarah, and their hrs.; also
personalty. Son to be of age at 18.
To 2 daus., Hannah and Sarah afsd., and their hrs., tract in Courseys
Neck, “Riders” and “Broadneck,” equally-Shd.
either die without issue, portion of deceased to survivor; shd.
both die without issue, to pass to son Thomas.
To 3 child. afsd., residue of personal estate. Dau. Hannah to care
of son Thomas so long as she is lame and unmarried.
Ex.: Richd. Griffen.
Test: Wm. Johnson, John Langley, John Mackintosh, Wm. Nouland. 15.
Payne, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,8th Apr., 1648; 25th Aug., 1648. Thomas
ex. and sole legatee. Test: Philip Ander, John Cage. 1. 18.
Will of Archibald Pike, SMC, planter 1/31/1750-4/3/1750.
Son: James, the tract where I now live called "Forest Ordain", 100 ac.,
he to pay to his brother Archibald 4000 lbs. tobacco.
Son: John, the tract where he now lives known as "Ferney Branch", 50 ac. and a negro boy
Son: Archibald, furniture and a negro boy Tom.
Wife: remaining pt.
Daughter: Mary Greenwell, a negro woman Treasie.
Wife: Lucy, Exec.
Wit: Nicholas Mills, Sr., Elizabeth Mills, George Innis.
Will of Basil Peake, SMC; 9/8/1760; 10/31/1760
To Bro. John Baptist Peake, tract of land I purchased of Ignatius
Jarboe called the Pleasant Levels
Dau-in-law, Elizabeth Medley
son-in-law Joseph Medley, some cattle, tobacco, etc.
To father, William Peake, clothing, etc.
To wife Eliza Peake, and after my wife's allowance, the balanceto
be divided between my five brothers and sisters: Philip, Bennet,
Ignatius, Dorothy and Rebecca Peake
Exe: Wife Elizabeth Peake and her son, John Medley
Wit: Mary Ann Medley, Jereh. and Mourtn. Edwards
PEEKE, CATHARINE, ST. Mary's Co.; 17 Nov, 1770; 24 Nov,1770
Will of John Peake, SMC 3/5/1761-11/3/1761. Son: Robert,
some furniture which belonged to his mother. After wife's thirds
is taken out, remainder is divided between two sons, Robert and Augustine
Exec: Wife, Elizabeth. Wit: Henrietta Wimsatt and William Russell.
11/5/1761, wife renounced will.
Will of Peter Peake, SMC 10/28/1755-2/16/1756. Wife: Catherine,
all the land and plantation that I possess. Daughter: Susanna Peake a cow,
bed, etc.
Children: John, Peter, Ignatius, Susanna Peake and Anastasia
Brown, the remainder of my personal estate.
Wife: Exec.
Wit: William Russell, Thomas Thompson, George Medcalf.
William Peake, SMC 12/8/1760, 4/7/1761
To Bro. Peter Peake, land he used to hold of his side of the branch
To sons William and Philip Peake, my water mill
To daus. Dorothy and Rebecca, the slaves
Exs: Wife Mary and son Wlm
Wit: Bennet Greenwell, James Hord, Zacharias Greenwell 31. 199
Peirce, Edward, planter, St. Mary's Co.,29th Jan., 1739-40;
23rd June, 1740.
To bro. John, ex., “Baker's Fancy” and “Baker's New
To mother Eleanor, personalty during life. At her death to pass
to Jonothan, son of afsd. John.
To Millard, dau. afsd. John, personalty.
To bros. Thomas and Robert, 1s. each.
Test: John Curlett, Charles Rigney, Vallentine Cole. 22. 236.
Pell, William, (nunc.)St. Mary's Co.,20th Mch., 1654; 2nd Sept.,
To Alice Ward, ½ proceeds from sale of plantation in Va. Alice
Durand and
her dau. Eliza:, residuary legatees. Ex. not named. Test: Alice
Ward, Samuel
Withers, Alice Durand. 1. 107.
Peny (Peney), Catherine, St. Mary's Co.,30th May, 1742;
6th July, 1742.
To granddau. Mary More and hrs., personalty. Shd. she die without
issue to pass to son William More, and in event of his death without
issue, to pass to the poor in most need.
Ex.: ––.
Test: Richard Millard.
22. 490.
Thomas Perin (no county named) probated 4/4/1752.
Son: Bennet, whole estate but if he dies without issue then all
estate except negro fellow Ben to be divided between Ann Clarke,
dau. of Col. George Clarke and Ann Biscoe, dau. of Capt. James Biscoe.
Negro Ben to be free.
Exec: James Biscoe.
Wit: Lawrence DeButts, Elizabeth Batsil, Thomas Batsil.
Perry, Robert, St. Mary's Co.,10th Sept., 1724;
19th June, 1725.
To daus. Sarah, Lureais, Lidla and Mary, personalty.
To eldest dau. Elizabeth, daus. Katherine, Penelope, Charity and
dau. Mary Batson, 1s. each.
Wife Mary extx. and residuary legatee.
Test: John Baker, John Bannets. 18, 381.
Peteate, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,19th Jan., 1650; 18th Mch., 1657.
Anne Peteate, sole legatee. Overseers: Walter Cotterall, John Guy.
Ralph Beane, Thos. Jackson. 1. 67.
Phepo, Marke, St. Mary's Co.,19th Jan., 1669;
8th Feb., 1669.
To John Keyton, Richard Russell, John Stocks, John Matthews and
Constant Daniell, personalty.
Sons Philip, Thomas and William Land, residuary legatees.
Ex. Bryan Daley.
Test: Thos. Paine, Wm. Abbestone. 1. 370.
Phillips, Robert, Saint Mary's Co.,29th Aug., 1733;
17th Jan., 1736.
To son James and hrs., 100 A.
To dau. Mary Miller, 100 A. during life, to be divided as follows:
50 A. to John Anthers, son to sd. dau., and the other 50 A. to hrs.
of sd. Mary Miller, shd. sd. John Anthers die without issue, sd.
50 A. to pass to hrs. of sd. dau, Mary.
To son Robert, 1s.
To wife Mary ½ of personal estate, the residue to be equally
divided bet. James Phillips and Mary Miller; shd. wife marry to
have her thirds.
Test: Christion Lewis (Lewes), Joseph Lewis, Amos Packer. 21. 744.
Phippard, Anne, St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1738-9;
7th June, 1739.
To son Thomas Blackiston and hrs., tract bou. of William Goode,
sd. son dying without issue, husband William Phippard to have use
of sd. land during life, at his decease to pass to eldest son John
Blackiston, and hrs.
To son Thomas, niece Susanna, wife of John Coode, bro. Mathew Guibert,
daus. Elizabeth Neale and Susanna Mason and husband William Phippard,
To grand-daus. Anne Elizabeth and Mary Mason, ¼ of personal
To sons John and Thomas and dau. Elizabeth Neale, each ¼ of
personal estate.
Exs.: son John and son-in-law Roswell Neale.
Above will made in pursuance of a power reserved to testatrix with
consent of husband, William Phippard, before inter-marriage witnessed
by a certain deed executed and recorded.
Test: Peter Rock, William Coode, Philip Key. 22. 82.
Peirce (Pierce, Peirse), Edward, planter, St. Mary's Co.,31st Dec.,
24th April, 1732.
To wife Elinor, extx., real estate in afsd. co. and personal estate
during life.
To youngest son Edward and hrs., dwell. plan. “Chance”
after decease of wife.
To sons John and Robert and their hrs., 50 A. of “Courtney's
Fancy,” equally, after decease of wife. Shd. son Edward die
without issue, sd. tract to be divided bet. sons John and Robert;
and if son John shd. die without issue, his portion of 50 A. to
pass to son Robert; and if son Robert shd. die without issue, his
portion to son John; and shd. both die without issue, their portions
to son Edward afsd. Shd. sons John, Robert and Edward die without
issue, sd. lands to fall to dau. Mary Perry and hrs. Sons not to
rent or sell lands except to one another. After wife's decease personal
estate divided bet. dau. Mary, eldest son Thomas and sons John,
Robert and Edward.
Test: John Bactson, Thomas Mohoney, Pheby Harwood, John Leigh. 20, 369.
Will of John Pike, SMC 2/11/1762-6/1/1762.
Son: Archibald, 50 ac. "Ferney Branch" where I live.
At death of wife, Kezia estate to be divided amongst children: Mary,
Lucy, Ann, Mary Ann, and John Pike and if it proves my wife is with
child, desire that child to share equally.
Exec: Wife, Kezia.
Wit: Rodolphus and Mary Hackett, James Pike.
Pile, Joseph, St. Mary's Co.,16th Jan., 1691;
8th Nov., 1692.
To son Joseph and hrs., 1150 A., “Sarum.”
To dau. Sarah and hrs., 400 A., part of “St. Barbaries,”
and 250 A., “Pile's Discovery.”
To dau. Mary and hrs., 110 A., “Baltimore's Gift.”
To dau. Ann and hrs., 100 A., “Ferne.”
To dau. Eliza: and hrs., 190 A., “Salsbury.” Sons to be
of age at 18 yrs., daus. at 16 yrs.
In event of death of any child or child. without issue, survivor
or survivors to inherit deceased's portion.
Exs.: Brothers Anthony Neale and Thomas Turner.
Test: Wm. Langwourth, Robt. Mastin, Jno. Harrison, Jeffery Cole,
Jno. Dent, Thos. Mudd, Philip Bri****oe. 6. 64.
Pile, Joseph,15th June, 1724;
28th Sept., 1724.
To daus. Ann, Eliza and Mary and their hrs., 300 A. out of upper
end of “Sarum” (adj. to Edward Stonestreet) equally at
age or marriage. Shd. any of sd. daus. die during minority survivors
to divide portion of dec'd.
To 2 sons Joseph and Bennett and their hrs., 700 A. “Sarum,”
with 150 A. “Baltimore's Bounty.” Son Bennett's pt. to
inclnde dwelling. Shd. sons die before of age sd. lands to pass
to daus.
To nephew Joseph Power and hrs., 400 A. of “St. Barbaries”
(St. Mary's Co.), whereon he now dwells, excepting that pt. given
by father —– to Edwd. Price. Shd. sd. Power die without
issue, to revert to next hr.-at-law of donor.
To wife Eliza., extx., personalty and 1/3 of residue of estate;
remainder to 5 child. afsd. equally.
Sons to be of age at 21, daus, at 16 or marriage.
Overseer: Bro. John Parnham.
Test: Gustavus Brown, John Parnham, Wm. Robinson. 18, 312.
Piper, John, Barford Manor, St. Mary's Co.,22nd Oct., 1673;
11th Apr., 1674.
To wife Mary, estate, real and personal during life.
At death of wife afsd., estate to be divided as follows:
To Robert Brown, ½; kinsman John Piper of Va., ¼; to godchild,
viz., James Swan, Jr., John Carvill, Clement Roberts, John Corthes,
Jean Greenlaw, ¼ estate in equal portions.
Exs.: John Gouldsmith, Thos. Carvill.
Test: Sam'l Maddox, Sam'l Cookesey, Roderick Loyd, John Grace. 1.
Pitoher, Emanuel, St. Mary's Co.24th Apr., 1694;
22nd May, 1694.
To wife Jane, extx., and dau. Amye, entire estate jointly.
Test: Martha Duggins, Katharine Revins, Jno. Watson. 2. 271.
Plowden, George, St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1708-9;
26th Nov., 1713.
To son Edmond and hrs., plantation and land “Resurrection Manor”
and personalty.
To son George and hrs., “The Farm” where Timo. Mahoney
now lives and “The Tavern” and personalty.
To dau. Dorothy and hrs., personalty.
To dau. Winifred, personal estate, part of which is to be pd. by
son Edmond afsd., when he shall be 21 yrs. of age.
To sons afsd., residue of estate, real and personal.
Exs.: Son Edmond and Jno. Fenwick, Sr.
Overseers: Rich'd Fenwick, Jno. Fenwick, Sr., Wm. Chandler.
Test: Cornelius Sulavant, Jno. Haines, Sam'll Queen. 13. 618.
Plummer, Thomas, planter, St. Mary's Co.,28th Mch., 1738;
14th Sept., 1738.
To wife Margaret, extx., entire estate during life, at her decease
“Hopston's Choice” to cousin John and hrs., he failing
issue to bro. William Cuttler and hrs., he failing issue to William
Gloveer and hrs.; 50 A. “Arbuston's Oak” that came by
wife to her own disposal. After decease of wife half of what estate
was appraised at to John Plummer, other half to go as wife shall
Test: Daniel Duggens, Matthew Kenner, William Doxey. 21. 909.
Poore, Nicholas, Jr., St. Mary's Co.,
9th of June, 1742, Thomas Aprice, Justice of the Peace, took oath
that he heard above test. say that he willed all of his estate to
John Barber. He to take care of test. wife ——, and pay
his debts. 23. 122.
Francis Pope, Charles Co. 10/1/1671-1/27/1672.
To: eldest sons Thomas and Francis Execs. and 400 ac. "Bryan's
Clift" and 350 ac. "Batten's Clift".
Two youngest sons, Richard and John 400 ac. "Roome" at
age 21. Four children afsd. residuary legatees.
Wit: Thomas Harris, John Bailey, James Tyer.
Potter, Henry,(aged 40 yrs.) St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1659;
23rd June, 1662.
Dau. Audry, sole legatee.
Ex. not named.
Test: Marcks Pheypo. 1. 145.
Potter, Henry,(aged 40 yrs.) St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1659; 23rd
1662. Dau. Audry, sole legatee. Ex. not named. Test: Marcks Pheypo.
1. 145.
Power, Joseph, St. Mary's Co.,31st Jan., 1724-5;
31st Mch., 1724.
To Rev. Francis Loyd, £10.
To 2 nephews Nicholas, Jr., and John Power and niece Sarah Doyne,
residue of estate equally. Shd. any of sd. child. die, survivors
to divide portion of dec'd. Nephews to be of age at 21 yrs.
Ex.: Bro.-in-law Joshna Doyne.
Overseers: Cousin Clement Gardiner and Richard Miller.
Test: Wm. Spalding, Ignatius Crayeroft, George Birch. Codicil, 1st
Feb., 1724-5: To 2 nephews Nicho. and John and their hrs., dwell.
plan. and real estate equally. 18, 365.
Price, John, Col., St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1660;
11th Mch., 1660-1.
To son-in-law Joseph Bullett, land on Herring Ck.
To Herbert Howman and William Styles, personalty.
Dau. Anne Price, execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and
personal, at 18 yrs. of age; if she die under age, ½ estate
to pass to sd. son-in-law Joseph Bullett; residue to establish a
free school, and in event of sd. Joseph and Ann dying under age,
all real estate to be used for establishing a free school.
Overseers: Wm. Hatton, Daniel Clocker, Geo. Mankall, Thos.
Test: Wm. Wilkinson, Thos. Dent, Wm. Hatton. 1. 141.
Price, John (64 yrs. of age), St. Mary's Co.,15th Nov., 1697;
28th May., 1698.
To wife Joan, extx., plantation and all personalty during life.
To dau. Eliza: and hrs., plantation afsd. and ½ of personalty
at death of wife.
To dau. Ann Roberts and hrs., “Price's Lot” and ½
of personalty at death of wife and plantation afsd. in event of
death of dau. ****liza: without issue. In event of death of both
daus. afsd. without issue, estate to be used for maintenance of
free school.
Test: Jno. Gillman, Jno. Johnson. 7. 374.
Price, John, Col., St. Mary's Co.,10th Feb., 1660; 11th Mch., 1660-1.
son-in-law Joseph Bullett, land on Herring Ck. To Herbert Howman
and William
Styles, personalty. Dau. Anne Price, execx. and residuary legatee
of estate,
real and personal, at 18 yrs. of age; if she die under age, ½
estate to
pass to sd. son-in-law Joseph Bullett; residue to establish a free
and in event of sd. Joseph and Ann dying under age, all real estate
to be
used for establishing a free school. Overseers: Wm. Hatton, Daniel
Geo. Mankall, Thos. Dent. Test: Wm. Wilkinson, Thos. Dent, Wm. Hatton.
1. 141.
Price, William, planter, St. Mary's Co.,20th Feb., 1728-9;
29th April, 1729.
To wife Johana, real estate during life; at her decease to son William
and hrs., except the old plan. adj. William Jenkin's, which is bequeathed
to son Henry and hrs.
To sons afsd. and dau. Frances, personalty.
To dau. Susana Hook, 1s.
Exs.: Wife and son William.
Test: Martha Dillon, Clare Price, James Walkden. 19, 654.
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