O'Daly, Bryan, St. Mary's Co.,10th May, 1675;
13th Dec., 1675.
To son Bryan at 18 yrs. of age, all real estate.
To dau. Adree at 16 yrs. of age and to son Bryan, afsd., all personalty,
To brother , in Ireland, sd. estate in event of child.
afsd. dying without issue. Should sd. brother or his son not come
into the province, land to pass to Arthur Kieff, and personalty
to Catherine St. George and her unborn child. Catherine afsd. to
have her maintenance from the estate, and to have charge of testator's
In event of death of all afsd. legatees, estate to pass to Thomas
Keiting and his sister, Nell Keiting, with conditional bequests
to sister Eliza: Daly and her child., (unnamed) and to sister Margaret,
both of Ireland.
Overseers: Col. Wm. Calvert, Thos. Keytin, Constantine O'Kieff.
Test: Constantine O'Kieff, Anthony Loghlin. 2. 372.
In the name of God, Amen, the seventh day of Aprill in the year
of our Lord God seventeen Hundred & forty five, I Peter ONeale
of St. Marys County in the province of Maryland being of sound memory...
Imprimus I will that all my lawfull debts of what nature soever
be firstly and truly paid by my executor hereafter to be named.
Item. I give, devise and bequeath to my loving wife, Ann ONeale that land and plantationwheron
I now dwell, being part of Tract of land called CRACKBONE, during
the time of her widowhood with all the improvements, rights profits
& priveliges therunto belonging, and after her deceasor at the
day of her marriage if
she should marry again, I give and bequeath the said land & improvements to my son John
ONeale and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to
my son Peter Lamar Oneale and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten,
and for want of such heirs to my son James Oneale and the heirs of his body
lawfully begotten, and for want of such heirs to be equally divided
amongst all my daughters and all my personal estate of what nature or kind soever
it be I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Ann Oneale during her natural
life (provided she remains a widow) but if she should marry than my will is my
daughter Elizabeth Oneale shal receive one fether bed & furniture,
two pewter dishes, two pewter basons & two pewter plates and likewise my
daughter Sarah Oneale...my daughter Mary Oneale...my son Peter Lamar
Oneale...my son James Oneale ... and if there should not be bed & pewter as above mentioned to
pay them all off-, then my will is that they receive to the value
and all the residue of the estate that shall remain either at the day of my loving wife
Ann Oneales Marriage if that should happen or at the day of her
death be equally divided amongst all my children, paying off the legacies as above
mentioned. And lastly I do hereby ordain, constitute and appoint
my dear and loving wife Ann Oneale, whole and sole executor of this my last will and
In testimony wherof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal
the day and year first written above.
Peter Oneale his marking
St. Marys county September ye 16th 1747.
Melville Locke,
James Wood
John Suite, witnesses.
Thomas Aisquith, Deputy Commissioner, St. Marys County
Note: The will of Peter ONeal was written April 17, 1745.
and probated in St. Marys Co., MD. Sept. 16, 1747 From Lynne
Hoge Rice on April 16, 1999
Additional by Kenneth ONeal, The Will of Peter Oneale is found
in the Calendar of Wills for St. Marys Co. MD, Vol. 9,
1744-1749 page 122.
Oakely, Lyonell, St. Mary's Co.,7th June, 1688;
27th July, 1688.
To sisters Ann, Eliza:, and Mary Oakely, personalty.
To John Bullock, ex., and hrs., residue of estate, real and personal.
Test: Henry Poulter, Susanna Baxter, Benj. Reader, Jno. Skipper.
6. 2.
Ogilby, Thomas, planter, St. Mary's Co.,13th Jan., 1733-4;
5th June, 1734.
To John Cecil, ex., and hrs., entire estate and charge of dau. Mary;
sd. Cecil to pay sd. dau. at marriage or age of 16 certain personalty.
Test: Thomas Vanreshwick, John Bradburn. 21. 146.
Okane (Ocane), John, planter, St. Mary's Co.,12th March, 1726-7;
27th April, 1727.
To wife Elizabeth, 1/3 of 100 A. dwell. plan. during
To mother Elizabeth Willis, remaining 2/3 during life.
To sister Nappler Mills, 100 A. afsd. at decease of wife and mother.
Ex.: Father-in-law Thomas Scott.
Test: John Hayle, John Mills, Jane Reeves. 19, 162.
Olarke, Adam, St. Mary's Co.1st June, 1733;
8th Aug., 1733.
To son Electious, certain personalty, on condition he relinquishes
his rights to Gravely Hill in Chaption Mannor.
To son Joseph and hrs., Gravely Hill; should son Electious
not relinquish his part of afsd. land he shall pay son Joseph £25
in lieu of sd. land. Should son Joseph die during minority Gravely
Hill to pass to son Anthony and hrs. Residue of estate to
be divided amongst all child. except dau. Eliza, who is to have
no part of negroes. Wife Mary, extx., to have use of personal estate
during widowhood, should she marry to have an equal part with rest
of child., and child. to receive portions as they come of age.
Test: Luke Gardiner, William Joseph. 20. 742.
Orion, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,24th Nov., 1720;
1st May, 1720.
To eldest son Edward, son Thomas, dau. Anne, and land-lady Elizabeth
Brady, personalty.
William Gibson ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: Owen Brady, Elizabeth Brady, Patrick Brady. 16, 173.
Orowley, Bryan, St. Mary's Co.,16th Dec., 1687;
21st Apr., 1688.
To wife Ann, extx., ½ 50 A., Morries's Mount.
To 2 eld. daus., viz., Mary and Ann, and their hrs., residne of
Morriss's Mount equally.
To daus. Eliza: and Ellinor and their hrs., and to son-in-law John
Wilson and hrs., personalty.
Overseers: Timothy Mahony, Thos. Dillon.
Test: Michael Cooke, Wm. Marsan, Jemima Capscio. 4. 305.
Orton, Henry, St. Leonard's Ck., St. Mary's Co., Patuxent R.,1st
Oct., 1696;
19th Jan., 1696.
To son Henry and hrs., all real estate.
To son Henry dau. Eliza: jointly, all personal estate.
In event of death of son Henry afsd. without issue, real estate
to pass to sons-in-law Thomas and William Davis; and should both
child., afsd., viz., Henry and Eliza: die without issue personal
estate to pass to daughter-in-law Mary Davis.
Exs.: Rich'd Johns, Wm. Mears, Dan'l Rawlings, Arthur Young.
Test: Dan'l Rawlings, Jno. Greeves, Humphery Swift. 7. 249.
Osborn, Henry, Leonard's Creek, St. Mary's Co.,26th Aug., 1664;
22nd Apr., 1665.
To wife Catharine, execx., estate, real and personal, in trust for
my children.
Test:Henry Tripp, Robt. Day, Thos. Purnell. 1. 227.
Owen, Patrick, (nunc.)St. Mary's Co.,
7th Jan., 1733.
To brother James, entire estate except legacy to sister's son
or child. .
Test: John Smith, Mary Cole. 20. 861.
Ozey, James, St. Mary's Co., ;
29th Dec., 1665.
To Capt. Richard Banks, entire estate.
Ex. not named.
Test: Francis Richardson. 1. 245.
Contributed by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas
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