Mackall, George, St. George's Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,30th Sept.,
1675; 3rd Feb., 1675.
To wife Ann, execx., entire estate during life.
To eld. dau., Jane, and hrs., Pine Point at death of
wife afsd.
To dau. Rachel, 2 tracts of land, 400 A., viz., Hepburne's
Choice and Magys Jointure, on Sassafras R., Baltimore
Co., at death of wife afsd.
To daus. Hannah and Sarah, personalty.
In event of death of dau. Jane afsd. without issue, her estate to
pass to her sisters, viz., Hannah, Sarah and Rachel, and their hrs.
in natural succession.
Overseers: Jno. Waghop, Jno. Campbell, Robt. Graham, Henry Williams.
Test: Francis Lowton, Richard Loyd, Wm. Brewerton, Chris. Williamson.
2. 387.
Mackelan (Macklan), Hector, St. Mary's Co.,17th Oct., 1721;
8th Oct., 1721-2.
To sons William and Hector, godson Mark Williams and John Read,
personalty; sons to be of age at 18.
Wife Anne extx.
Test: Robert Lang, George Ogilvie, Sarah Goldsberry. 17, 63.
Mackenzie, Collins, (nunc.), St. Clements, St. Mary's Co.,31st Dec.,
11th Jan., 1682.
To son (unnamed) of James Trench, and dau. (nnamed) of Hugh Benson,
Richard Gardner, residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Peter Mills, Richd. Walker. 4. 1.
Mackey, John, St. George's Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,27th Jan., 1675;
26th Feb., 1675.
To wife Eliza:, execx., dower rights and charge of estate during
minority of child, and widowhood.
To son John, home plantation.
To son James, all other lands.
To Dennis Frissell, personalty.
To 2 sons afsd., residue of personalty, equally.
Test: Thos. Carlile, Emanuel Ratcliff. 2. 400.
John Mackey 33.206 Account SM £285.18.9 £299.9.6 Oct
9, 1752
Sureties: Gilbert Mackey, Joseph Kelley.
Received from Thomas Bisco, Lues Oliver, John Hilton, Frances
Hiltlon, William Leigh.
Payments to: Mev. Lock, James Armstrong, Thomas Bissco, Robert
Chisley, William Welch,
William Crance, William Baxter, John Clarke, Stephen Millburn &
Jeremiah Milburn (orphans of Joseph Milburn (deceased married
executrix), balance of their father's estate).
Distribution to: widow (unnamed, 1/3). Residue to Mary Mackey(aged
10), Richard Mackey (aged 3), Elizabeth Mackey wife of John Bissco.
Administratrix: Elizabeth Mackey.
MackMurree, Bartholomew, St. Mary's Co.,15th Feb., 1697-8;
11th Apr., 1698.
To son Adryan at 21 yrs. of age, 100 A., Foxes Den.
Son John Ruby, ex. and appointed guardian of son Adryan afsd.
Test: Robt. Bayly, Wm. Bright, Peter Peake, Wm. Banister.
7. 376.
Madcalf, William, St. Mary's Co.,18th Jan., 1733-4;
1st Mch., 1733.
To son George and hrs., dwelling plantation .
To son John and hrs., tract at head of Bretan's Bay, formerly belonging
to Peter Smeth.
To son William and hrs., tract bought of Peter Smeth (having a judgment
in court for it, and cannot possess it until James Persons is of
To son Ignatius and sons afsd., personalty, afsd. lands and personalty
to be delivered to four sons as they come to age of 21.
To wife Susannah, extx., residue of estate.
Test: Thomas Wootton, John Howard, Margret Dun. 20. 889.
Maddox, Margreter, St. Mary's Co.,26th Sept., 1739;
6th Nov., 1739.
To sons Samuel and Notly, 1s. each.
To daus. Anne Mugg, Sarah Sims and Jean Voidry, personalty.
To son John, residue of estate.
Test: William Maddox, John Lambeth. 22. 117.
Maddox, Notley, St. Mary's Co.,24th Feb., 1715;
3rd Apr., 1716.
To son Samuell and hrs., dwelling plantation and land; lacking sd.
hrs., land to pass to next hr.-at-law in succession.
To son Notley and hrs., 100 A., , in Chas. Co., bought
by brother, William Notley, from Benja. Fanning.
To son John and daus. Ann, Sarah and Jane, personalty.
To wife Margaret, extx., personalty.
Trustees of child. during minority, Thos. Nottley Goldsmith, Sam'll
Maddox, Jno. Maddox and Sam'll Williamson.
Test: Wm. Willis, Thos. Tippitt, Joseph Artley. 14. 108.
Maddox, Samuel, St. Mary's Co.,18th Jan., 1684;
9th Mch., 1684-5.
To eld. son Notley at 16 yrs. of age, 300 A. (unnamed), and personalty
given testator by Gov. Notley.
To 2nd son Samuel, 100 A., Indian Fields.
To 3rd son William, personalty.
To young. son John, personalty.
Overseers: Capt. Justinian Gerrard, Jno. Hilton, Ralph Foster, Jno.
Test: Edward Smoote, Richd. Hogan, Robt. Fletcher, Lawrence Bedingfield.
4. 93.
In the name of God, Amen. This eighteenth day of January in the year of our Lord God one-thousand six-hundred-eighty and four, I, SAMUEL MADDOX of St. Mary's County being sick of body but of good and perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God & calling to mind the uncertain state of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death, when it shall please God to call, do make, constitute, ordain & declare this my last will and testament in manner & form following, revoking & declaring by these presents all and every testament & testaments, will & wills heretofore by me made & declared either by word or by writing & this to be taken only for my last will & testament & none other, and First being penitent & sorry from the bottom of my heart for my sins past, most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same. I give and commit my soul to Almighty God, my Savior and Redeemer in whom and by the merits of Jesus Christ, trust & believe assuredly to be saved & to have full remission & forgiveness of all my sins & that my soul with my body at the general day of resurrection shall rise again with joy and through the merits of Christ's death and passion possess and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for His elect & chosen, & my body to be buried by my wife, & now for the settling of my temporal estate & such goods, chattels, & debts as it hath pleased God far above my deserts to bestow upon me, I do order, give & dispose the same in manner & form from the following (That is to say) FIRST, I will that all those debts & duties as I owe in the right or conscience to any manner person or persons whatsoever shall be when and truly contented & paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease by John Hilton. ITEM, I give & bequeath to my eldest son, NOTLEY MADDOX, three hundred acres of this land I now live upon & an equal share of all my goods and chattels, that is to say, a fourth part of my cattle, horses hogs & a fourth part of all my household goods, it being fourteen-thousand pounds of tobacco that was given by Governor NOTLEY & it is my desire that he should enjoy the same at sixteen years of age. (Notley Maddox, Sr.) ITEM, I give and bequeath to my second son, SAMUEL MADDOX one hundred acres of land called the INDIAN FIELDS joining upon John Hilton's land a fourth part of all my cattle, horses, & hogs and a fourth part of all my movable goods. ITEM, I give and bequeath to my third son, WILLIAM MADDOX, another fourth part of my cattle, horses, & hogs, & a fourth part of all my movable goods. ITEM, I give an bequeath to my youngest son, JOHN MADDOX, another fourth part of my cattle, horses, & hogs & a fourth part of all my movable goods. ITEM, I give and bequeath one Negro woman & a child and three English hands unto my four sons after named, that is to say, that each of them shall have an equal share of these laborers; and furthermore it is my will and desire that CAPTAIN JUSTIAN GERRARD, JOHN HILTON, RALPH FOSTER and JOHN SMITH do look after my children in their minority that they may be brought up to learn to read & write if possible, & to instruct so that they live in the fear of God; and to look after their estate that it be not molested or made away with. IN WITNESS THEREOF I have set my hand and seal the day and the year above written SAMUEL MADDOX (Seal) Signed and sealed and delivered in presence of us: EDWARD O. SMOOT (Seal) RICHARD HOGANE (Seal) ROBERT R. FLETCHER (Seal) LAWRENCE C. BEDINGFIELD (Seal)
Maddox, Samuel, St Mary's Co.,19th Nov., 1739;
8th Dec., 1739.
To nephew, Samuel, son of bro. John and his hrs., all real estate.
Should he die without issue to pass to next bro. Sd. property not
to go out of Maddox family.
To sisters Anne Mugg, Jane Vadry, Sarah Simms and to bros. John
and Notly, personalty.
Ex.: John Maddox.
Test: Benjamin Birch, James Fanning, James Dickson.
22. 118.
Will of Joshua Mairman JJ2-209,210 16 May 1798 - 29 May 1798 Joshua Mairman: His last Will State of Maryland St Mary's County May 16th 1798 In the name of God amen. I Joshua Mareman of the State & County above mentioned make & ordain this to be my last will & Testament, revoking all others by me heretofore made. First, I most humbly bequeath my soul to that almighty Creator for whom it was made & to whom I most devoutly recommend it to the mercy of. Item, I give & bequeath to my dearly beloved wife the third of all my personal property during her natural life. I give & bequeath to my son James Mareman 5 shillings. Item, I give & bequeath to my daughter Mary Neale 15 pounds. Item, I give & bequeath to my son John Mareman the plantation on which I now live forever, my 3 youngest daughters having their single lives in it. Item, I give & bequeath to my son Joseph Mareman the plantation of mine called Cecils Venture forever & 100 pounds cash, also a bay mare called ---?. Item, I give & bequeath to my daughter Attaway Leigh 40 pounds cash & 6 head of sheep. Item, I give & bequeath to my son Thomas Mareman a Bond on Bennett Walker & James Allstan for 126 pounds or thereabouts with interest thereon. Item, I give & bequeath all the residue of my estate both real & personal to my 3 daughters, Penny, Susanna, & Nancy Mareman. Item, I give & bequeath to my son John (mentioned before) 50 pounds, or ---- I deposit that sum in his hands to give as he may judge proper to my son James. Item, I also give & bequeath to my son Joseph 10 head of sheep. Witness my hand & seal the date & year above mentioned. Joshua Mareman ((SEAL)) Witnesses: Henry Carbery, John B Thompson (his mark), James Booth (his mark) (No Exec named in Will) St Mary's County the 29th May 1798 then came Henry Carbery, John B Thompson & James Booth, the 3 subscribing witnesses etc etc On the 29th day of May 1798 then came Susanna Mareman the widow of Joshua Mareman late of St Mary's County deceased & quitted her claim to the deceaseds bequest & devises made to her in will of her said husband, deceased, & elected in lieu thereof her dower or third part of the deceased's Estate both real & personal Before Jeremiah Jordan Reg Wills for Saint Mary's County
Manners, George, St. Mary's Co.,17th July, 1651; 6th Nov., 1651.
To son
Edward and the Church, personalty. To dau. Barbara Manners, 100
A. at St.
Ellinor's. To son William, residue of land. Wife Rebecca, residuary
and joint ex. with son William afsd. Test: John Slade, John Price.
1. 32.
Maning (Manning), Cornelius, St. Mary's Co.,10th Apr., 1721;
15th Aug., 1721.
To son Cornelius and hrs., plantation in Porkhall neck ,
whereon Henry Nowell lately lived, now in poss. of Dr. Johnson;
Maning's Hold, in Smith's neck, and tract joining Calvert's
Cr., bon. of George Parker; shd. sd. son die without issue, to his
sister .
To 2 daus., Mary Mills and Ann, and their hrs., residue of Porkhall
neck; shd. either dau. die without issue, survivor to inherit
portion of dec'd.
To John, son of John Maning, dec'd, Riggs or Cornelius'
Swamp; shd. he die without issue, to revert to estate.
To William, son of Edward Morgan, and George Thurald, personalty.
To wife Eliza., dwelling plantation, Hatton's, during
life, provided she lives thereon, otherwise John Mills to take charge
of sd. plantation and son Cornelius, until he arrives at age of
21; also 1/3 of residue of personal estate, remaining 2/3 to be
divided among 3 child. afsd. Dau. Ann to care of her grandmother
Shurly; shd. she refuse, to her sister Mills, until 16 or day of
Exs.: Wife Eliza. and John Mills.
Test: Archball Johnstone, Mary Johnstone, Rodolph Simon, Wm. Johnson.
17, 6.
April 1721 PC 1 Page 263 The Last will of Cornelius Manning In the name of God Amen. I Cornelius Manning Cornelius Manning of St. Mary's County being sick of body but of sound & perfect memory thanks be to god do make & ordaine this my last will & Testament in form following. First I give unto my loving wife the plantation I now live on commonly called Hattons, during her natural life provided that my said wife shall abide & live hereupon during her life, and if my said wife should leave the said plantation and leave also where that then it shall be in the power of John Mills my other executor to take the said plantation unto his _____ ______ & Keep the the same and the houses in tenent able repair until my son Cornelius Manning shall arive to age and then the said plantation & tract of land thereunto belonging I give and bequeath unto my said son Cornelius Manning all the plantation in porke hall neck ehereon Henry Nowell lately lived and now possed by Doctor Johnson according to the meets and bonds that Henry Nowell held to him the said Cornelius Manning his heirs and assignes forever. I give and bequeath unto my son Cornelius Manning all that plantation and tract of lane in smiths neck called Mannings Hold together with a tract of land thereunto adjoyning to Calverts Creek bought of George Parker to him the said Cornelius and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such heirs to his sister and to the survivour of them & to their heirs and asignes of the survivour of them forever. I give & bequeath unto my two daughters Mary Mills and Ann Manning the remaining part of porke hall neck to be equally devided between them the said Mary and Ann their & either of their heirs & assignes forever. And my true intent & meaning is that if either of my foresaid daughters should die without issue of their bodys that then the surviving daughter & her heirs shall take place and enjoy the remaining part of porke hall neck to the said survivour and their heirs & assignes forever. I give and bequeath unto John Manning son of John Manning dec'd all that plantation called the rigg on Cornelius Swamp & to the heirs of his body lawfully begotton and for want of such heirs then to the heirs of me the said Cornelius Manning & to their heirs & assignes forever. I give to Wm Morgan son to Edward Morgan one three years old heifer and as to my personal Estate after debts and changes payd I leave to be equally devided in three parts, one part thereof to my wife & the other two parts to be equally devided amongst my three Children Cornelius, Mary, & Ann I leave my son Cornelius under the care & government of John Mills untill he arrives to twenty one years of age. I leave my daughter Ann under the care & Government of her Grandmother Shirly if she will take that care upon her if not to my sister Mills until she arrives to the age of sixteen years or day of marriage which shall first happen. I give unto Mr. George thurold my horse a fidler. & I do hereby constitute & Appoint my loving wife Elizabeth and John Mils to be joynt Executors of this my last will & testament, witness my hand and seale this tenth day of April 1721 Cornelius Manning seal signed sealed and delivered August 15th 1721 in presence of Archibald Johnson Then came Mary Johnstone subscibing Mary Johnson evidences to the within will & made oath Rudolph Man upon the holy evangelist of Almighty God that Wm Johnson they saw the testator sign & seal the within instrument as his last will & testament and that he published and declared the same so to be, and that at the time of his so doing he was of sound & perfect mind & memory to the best of their knowledge August 21st 1721 sworn to before me Jn Baker Depty Commissioner then came Rodham subscibing evidence to the within will & made oath upon the holy evangelist of Almighty God theat they saw the testator sign & seal the same so to be & that at the time of his so doing he wass of sound & perfect mind & memory to the best their knowledge. Sworne to before ___ Jn Baker Depty Commissioner
Will of Cornelius Manning, SMC 8/2/1764-9/3/1764. In the name of God Amen I Cornelius Cornelius Manning Manning of St. Mary's County being sick & weak of body , but of sound and perfect sence, and memory thanks be to Almighty God, and my body to the earth to be buried at the discreation of my Executors, hereafter named, and as to my wordly Estate I leave as follows Vizt. Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved Son: John, negro Charles and his wife Monica and their two children Matthew and Prudence upon his returning to my estate Millie or Nacy which pleases him best. To pay debt son John owes Mr. Fisher and Mr. Theobold. Son: John, 4 cows and calves. Daughter: Ann Elizabeth Fenwick, 200 ac. bought of Raphael Taney; cows and calves. Grandson: Cornelius Fenwick, negro girl Susanna. Wife: Jane, 4 negroes named Joseph, Nell, James, and Shoemaker James. Son: Robert, negroes Sall and her two children Stacey and Nan and Will, Basil, and Tom. Son: Robert, 1/5 of stock. Children: Monica Manning, Francis Manning, and Mary Manning negroes Beck and her two children Betty and Mary Nell and child called Frank, Enoch, Raphael, Moses, and Barnaby. Son-in-law: John Greenwell, a negro girl Rachel. Wife: Jane, the plantation I now live on and after her death to be divided among my three children Monica, Frances, and Mary Manning. Wife: Jane, land I bought of John Smith called "Nun's Oak" and remaining pt. of stock. Exec: Wife, Jane. Wit: Peter Ford, Jr., William Williams, Mary Combs, Frances Williams.
James Manning, SMC, planter 5/4/1768-6/18/1768. Son: William, 151 ac. "Revell's" where I now live. Son: John, "Taunton Dean", 40 ac. and "Mark's Adventure", 36 ac. Daughter: Mary, negro girl Anastasia. Exec: Wife, Margaret, father-in-law, John Fenwick, and brother, John Manning. Wit: Ignatius Jarboe, Henry Wimsatt, carpenter and James Pike.
Mansell, Robt., taylor, St. Mary's Co.,16th Apr., 1716;
5th Oct., 1717.
To Mr. Daniell Magill, 500 lbs. tobacco.
To joint exs., Joseph Edwards, St. Mary's Co. and Mr. William Young
of Prince Geo., and to Mr. Dan'l Magill, personalty.
To cous. Robt. Mansell and his sister Grace, of Hatherly in Devonshire,
residue of estate.
Test: Chas. Wane, Francis Ratcliffe. 14. 403.
Manwaring, George,Chas. Co.,11th Apr., 1671;
5th May, 1671.
To wife Anne, 780 A. in St. Mary's Co., and plantations in Chas.
To Henry Warren, Michael Foster, Bennard Haines and William Turbervill,
Exs.: Henry Adams and Thomas Matthews of Chas. Co.
Overseer: Henry Warren.
Test: Wm. Bretton, Temperance Bretton, Wm. Guither. 1. 434
Ann Mareman, SMC, widow of John Mareman, 10/8/1774-11/12/1774.
Mary McDaniel, 1 shilling. Children: Susanna Wells, Lydia Ward,
Eleanor Rainy, and one share to be divided among William Clarke's
children, 100 lbs. sterling equally between them with interest.
Children: William, Joshua, and Joseph Mareman, Susanna Wells, Lydia
Ward, Eleanor Rainey, and William Clarke's children (one share to
them) and Zachariah in case he does not marry Ann Howard, but if
he does, he to get 1 shilling only, the money and
interest from sale of a sloop and the residue of my estate, both
real and personal. Granddaughter: Sarah Mason, wearing apparel.
Cyrus Vowles to settle and divide estate.
Wit: John Tompkins, Mary Tompkins, William Russell.
Will of Susanna Mareman JJ3-494 to 496 12 March 1811 - 19 may 1818 Susanna Mareman's Last Will & Testament} In the name of God, amen, I Susanna Mareman of Saint Mary's County in the State of Maryland being of sound & disposing mind, memory & understanding, although sick & weak in body, considering the certainty of Death & the uncertainty of the time thereof, & being desirous to settle my worldly affairs, & thereby be the better prepared to leave this world, when it shall please God to call me hence, do therefore make & publish this my last will & testament in manner & form following, that is to say - First & principally, I commit my soul into the hands of almighty God & my body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor herein after named & after any Debts & funeral charges are paid. I devise & bequeath as follows - Item. I give & bequeath to my son James Mareman the sum of $1. Item. I give & bequeath to my son John Mareman the sum of 5 shillings. Item. I give & bequeath to my son Joseph Mareman the sum of $1. Item. I give & bequeath to my son Thomas Mareman the sum of $1. Item. I give & bequeath to my daughter Mary Neale wife of Charles Neale $1. Item. I give & bequeath to my daughter Mary Attaway Leigh (wife of Lewis Leigh) $1. Item I give & bequeath to my daughter Ann Penny Hayden (wife of George Hayden) $1. Item. I give & bequeath to my daughter Susanna Price (wife of John Price) the sum of $20. I likewise give to my grandson William Price, son of my said dau Susanna Price, 1 feather bed & furniture & also give to my grand-dau Julian Price 2 cows. Item. I give & bequeath to my dau Ann Mareman all my real estate, towit, the Plantation whereon I now live, to her & her heirs forever provided nevertheless in case she shall diue without any issue, then my will & desire is that the said land shall at her decease, become the right & Estate of my 2 grand children aforementioned to be equally divided between them & their heirs forever. Item. I give & bequeath to my said dau Ann Mareman all the rest & residue of my Estate whatsoever. But if she shall die without issue as aforesaid then my will is that my 3 negroes, to wit, Phil, Winifred & Harriott shall be equally divided in value between my 2 grandchildren above mentioned. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the 12th day of March in the year of our Lord 1811. Susanna Mareman ((her mark)) Signed sealed published & declared by Susanna Mareman the above name Testator as & for her last Will & Testament in the presence of us, who at her request, & in her presence & in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto. Ethelbert Cecil, Bennett Hopewell Edmund(?) Greenwall (NOTE: She named no executor) St Mary's County, the 19th day of May 1818. Then came Ethelbert Cecil & Edmund(?) Greenwall & on the 20th day of May 1818 came Bennett Hopewell etc etc Certified by James Forrest Reg Wills St Mary's County
Marritt, Francis, widow, St. Mary's Co.,23rd Oct., 1721;
9th Oct., 1721.
To son John, personalty at age of 21 yrs.
To dau. Hoopswell Marritt at age of 18 and dau. Francis Beech, personalty.
Son John Price, ex. and residuary legatee, to be in charge of son
John Marritt until 21 yrs. of age.
Test: John Bullock, Thos. Jeane (Jaine). 17, 62.
Marritt (Marett), John, cordwinder, St. Mary's Co.,9th Apr., 1717;
1st May, 1717.
To son John and hrs., dwelling plantation and personalty when 21
yrs. of age.
To dau. Alice Gibson, personalty.
To dau.-in-law Mary Christian, Abraham and Absolem Tenison, 1s.
Wife Frances extx. and residuary legatee.
Test: John Turner, James Foster, Phillip Herbert. 14. 340.
Marshall, George, St. Mary's Co.,21st Sept., 1675;
21st Dec., 1675.
Son Adriaen, sole legatee of estate, real and personal.
Ex. Thos. Potter.
Test: Jno. Hall, Morgan Jones. 2. 392.
Martin, James, St. Mary's Co.,3rd Aug., 1669;
4th Sept., 1669.
To wife Ann, Edinborough and Ralley.
To son James, 150 A. Cole Parke.
To dau. Ann, Ralley at death of wife afsd. In event
of death of son and dau. afsd. under 16 yrs. of age, their estate
to pass to Charles Maynard and his sisters, Eliza: and Agnes Maynard.
Overseers: Thos. Notley, Walter Hall, John Shankes, Peter Mills.
Test: David Driver, George Bancke, Peter Evers. 1. 343.
John Maryman, SMC 10/2/1764-8/26/1766. Wife: Ann, estate during
life and at her death to William and Zachariah Maryman; plantation
in the
neck and main road to be the division between them and William is
to help
Zachariah to build a house. To: Joshua and Joseph Maryman, dwelling
plantation in the forest equally divided but Joshua to have the
part where
the house is. 4 boys: William, Joshua, Joseph, and Zachariah all
equally. To: Eleanor Nichols, Lotte Mason, and Sarah Mason, 5 shillings
each. To: Elizabeth Carpenter, Susanna Wells, and Lydia Linseyward,
The boys to have the balance of slaves. Exec: Wife, Ann. Wit: Cyrus
Vowles, William Payne, William Bray.
Mason, George, St. Mary's Co.,14th Oct., 1722;
21st Nov., 1722.
To Maj. Nicholas Sewell, Mrs. Anne Sewell, godson Jacob Booth, James
Pervert, George Therold, Mr. Barnaby Ankill, Bobert Potter, Mr.
Nicholas Sewell, Jr., John Tole, Anne Mackmelion and Henry Chandler,
To Mr. Clement Sewell, ex., residue of estate.
Test: Tobias Hackett, Henry Chandler, Ann Mackmillon. 18, 14.
Mason, John, St. Mary's Co.,30th Sept., 1717;
29th Oct., 1717.
To sister Susannah Clarke and her husband, George, personalty, provided
they care for sister Mary (Mason).
To sisters Elizabeth Rogers and Susannah Clarke and their hrs.,
Mason's Purchase, being pt. of tract formerly called
Cooke's Folly, divided as they see fit.
To nephew Robert Mason, personalty, including ½ the stock on
plantation Dunbar and Bloonsberry. £50 to be pd.
him by Tobias Bowles, merchant, of Deale, Kent, and expended in
his education, also all other lands in Md. or elsewhere; he not
to sell either lands or negroes until he is 25 yrs. of age. Shd.
he die before attaining age of 18, portion bequeathed him to revert
to bro. Mathew and hrs., sd. bro. to pay to nephew Rodham Rogers
£25, and £25 eldest child of sister Clarke afsd.
To Mrs. Ann Waughop, £5 and personalty.
To John Greenwill, full balance of accts.
To sisters, each 20s. for mourning rings.
To Stratford, bro. to Robert Mason, personalty.
Bro. Mathew ex. and residuary legatee, he to possess nephew Robert
(his son) in the lands, stock and negroes at age of 18.
Test: Geo. Gillespie, Tho. Waughop, Robt. Mosley, Jas. Croxon.
Codicil: 21 Oct., 1717, to Mrs. Eliza: Smith, personalty.
Test: William Sweale, Ka. Daliner. 14. 648.
Mason, Mathew, gent., St. Mary's Co.,12th Feb., 1722;
27th March, 1729.
To wife Mary, extx., personalty; to divide personal estate with
4 child, testator has by her, viz. John, Elizabeth, Susannah and
To son Robert and hrs., ½ of 490 A. Paradise, Swan
Ck., Baltimore Co.; sd. son to accept same in lieu of a tract in
Virginia sold to William Perrie and Thomas Stanford; sd. son dying
without issue or not accepting this devise in lieu of land sold
as afsd., then above land in Baltimore Co. to son John and hrs.;
and personalty.
To son John and hrs., other ½ of Paradise, pt.
of Christian Temple Mannor, nr. mouth of Mattawoman,
Charles Co., land in Bedlam Neck; and personalty; sd. son dying
during his minority, his share of personalty to daus. Elizabeth,
Susanna and Mary.
To daus. Elizabeth, Susanna and Mary, personalty, provided they
live to age of 16 yrs., or day of marriage. Shd. any of them become
members of the Church of Rome, or marry any one of that faith, the
estate of child so doing to be divided among rest of children. Daus.
to remain with their mother until 16, or day of marriage; son John
until 18 yrs. of age.
Test: John Blackiston, Ann Blackiston, Susanna Blackiston, Philip
Key. 19, 612.
Mason, Robert, St. Mary's Co.,1st Mch., 1697;
17th Sept., 1701.
To son Robert, dwelling plantation Sewall, 100 A., Cook's
Folly, 30 A. (unnamed) adjoining thereto; 60 A., Am
hersley, and 50 A., Stimhope's Neglect. In event
of death of son Robert afsd. without issue, sd. lands to pass to
2 young. daus. (unnamed) and their hrs.
To son John. 500 A., Grime's Ditch, Prince George's
Co., and a small island adjoining sd. tract. In event of death of
son John without issue, to revert to 3 daus. and their hrs.
To son Matthew, 593 A., Paradise, Balto. Co. In event
of his death to revert to son Rodham.
To son Rodham and hrs., Bloomberry and Dunbarr
in Poplar Hill Hundred.
To dau. Mary and hrs., Salop, Prince George's Co.
To 2 daus. who have no land personalty is devised in lieu of same.
Sons to be of age at 21 yrs.; daus. at 16 yrs.
To wife Susanna, extx., and child. afsd., residue of estate.
Test: Rachel Rymer, Wm Lowry, Wm. Harpham, Philip Clarke.
11. 146.
Mason, Susanna, widow of Robert Mason, gent., St. Mary's Co.,14th
Jan., 1716;
13th Feb., 1716.
To son Mathew and hrs., tract of 200 A. in Chas. Co., conveyed to
testator by Thos. Witcherly, being part of Christian Temple Manor.
To dau. Mary; personalty.
To grandson Robert Mason, two rings and personalty.
To sons John and Mathew and daus. Elizabeth Rogers and Susanna Clarke,
residue of estate, equally.
Ex.: Son John.
Test: John Greenwell, Catherine Greenwell, Geo. Clarke, Edw. Morgan.
14. 341.
Matthews, Thomas, (nunc.)St. Mary's Co.,
29th Jan., 1676.
To wife (unnamed) and child. (unnamed), entire estate, real and
Ex. not named.
Test: Robt. Greene, Wm. Boarman, Jr. 5. 163.
Bennet Mattingly Signed: May 15, 1807 Proved: June 9,1807 Bennet Mattingly's p.177 Last Will and Testament In the name of God, Amen. I Bennet Mattingly of Saint Mary's County and State of Maryland being Sick and Weak in body but of Sound and disposing mind memory and understanding, calling to mind the certainty of Death, but the uncertainty of the time thereof, and being desirous to Settle my worldly affairs and and thereby be the better prepared, when it Shall please God to take me----do make and Constitute this my last Will & testament in Manner and form following that is to say----- First and principally, I will my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, in Sure and certain hope of a happy Resurrection hereafter-----and my Body to be the Earth to be decently buried at the Discretion of my Executors herein named---------and after my just Debts are paid & discharged I will and bequeath as follows-----------Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Eloisa Mattingly One Negro man named Benjamin One Bay mare called Pigion, three Ewes & Lambs One cow & calf and one feather Bed & furniture to her and her Heirs---------Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Sylvester Mattingly One Negro man named John, One Sorrel colt three years old and my Bridle and Saddle all my wearing Apparel, three Ewes & Lambs one cow and calf, one good Bed & furniture, and my Hand Mill---but my will and desire is that my wife have the use of Said hand mill during her Single life----- Item. I give and bequeath to the Rev. James Griffin Twenty Dollars to be paid him as Soon as possible after my decease…Item. My will and desire is that the Residue of my personal Estate be devided as follows, One third part to my beloved wife Eloisa Mattingly and the other two thirds to my Son Sylvester Mattingly…but my will and desire is that my wife have the use and possession of the Said Residue untill my Son arrives to the age of twenty years. p.178 Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Sylvester Mattingly when he are arives to the age of Twenty years all that part of my Land I purchased of Mary Edelin being part of a Tract of Land called Howards Mount to him and his Heirs-----Item I give and bequeath to my Dear Wife Eloisa Mattingly All the rest and residue of my land during her natural life, (She paying to my Son Sylvester Ten pounds Current Money every year Untill he arives to the age of Twenty years) and after her decease to my Son Sylvester & his heirs forever--My will and meaning is that my wife have the use of all my real Estate untill my Son arives to the age of Twenty Years, She committing no unnecessary waste & permitting his to repair any of the Houses he may think necessary.-----Item my will and desire is that if my Son Sylvester Should die without Lawful issue then all my Said Land to go to Thomas Mattingly Son of my Brother Zacha. Mattingly and his heirs. ----Finely I hereby constitute and appoint my dear wife Eloisa Mattingly and my friend James Cooke whole and Sole Executrix and Executor of this my last will & Testament annulling all Other wills by me heretofore made Ratifying and confirming this and none Other to be my last will and Testament. -- Benet Mattingly (((Seal))) Signed Sealed published and declared by Bennet Mattingly the Testator herein named, as and for his last will and Testament, in the presence of us the Subscribers who in his pres ence and at his request and in the presence of Each other have put our names as witnesses thereto William X Bradburn Richard Smith James Hayden In the Name of God, Amen I Bennet Mattingly of St. Mary's County do hereby make and constitute this codicil to my last will and Testament as above Executed~~my will and desire is that every clause and bequest in this my last will Shall be and remained as they now Stand Expressed Except the bequest of Twenty Dollars to the Rev. James Griffin, which bequest is hereby Revoked and annulled, In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 15th day of May 1807. Bennet Mattingly (((Seal))) Witnesses Bernard Spalding Richard Smith James Hayden p. 179 Saint Mary's County, to wit, the 9th day of June 1807 Then Came Eloisa Mattingly and James Cook and made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that the aforegoing instrument of writing is the true and whole will and Codicil of Bennet Mattingly late of Saint Mary's County deceased, that hath come to their hands or possession and that they do not know of any other. ---- Certified by. James Forrest Regr Wills for Saint Mary's County
Clement Mattingly, SMC, 12/12/1778-6/20/1780.
Daughters: Ann Mattingly and Ruth Mattingly, my dwelling plantation
called "Vowles' Purchase" and all of the household goods
and stock at my dwelling plantation or at the late dwelling place
of my father. If either dies without heirs, the survivor of them
is to inherit.
Little Grandson: John Mattingly, all of that part of the late dwelling
place of my father called "St. Thomas"; that part of "Audley
Lane" that lies on the east side of the main road which leads
from the Cool Springs toward Chaptico; my water mill and the land
adjoining it being a slipe of land called "Mattingly's Lane";
and a small parcel of land my father purchased from Thomas Warren.
If my grandson, John Mattingly, dies before he arrives at age, the
land and mill is devised to my daughters, Ann Mattingly and Ruth
Mattingly. If one of my daughters dies without heirs, the survivor
is to inherit.
Little Grandson: John McWilliams, the residue of my land called
"Audley Lane" lying on the west side of the main road
leading from the Cool Springs to Chaptico.
Little Grandson: Clement McWilliams, all of my land called "Mt.
Misery" lying up the mill swamp.
Son: John Mattingly, now a priest, 20 pounds current money of the
State to be paid by my Executors on his arrival in Maryland.
Grandchildren: Children of my son, Thomas Mattingly, Ann Mattingly,
Mary Mattingly, Elizabeth Mattingly, and John Mattingly, 80 pounds
common currency of this State to be equally divided between them
in full part of their father's share of my estate.
Daughters: Elizabeth McWilliams, Mary McWilliams, Ann Mattingly
and Ruth Mattingly, all of my negroes, money, and the residue of
my estate. The negroes I have already given to Elizabeth McWilliams
and Mary McWilliams are to be included in the apportionment.
EXECUTOR(S): Daughters, Ann Mattingly and Ruth Mattingly, and Mr.
Thomas McWilliams
WITNESSES: Philip Ford, Robert Thompson, Charles Thompson
Dorothy Mattingly, Signed: October 16, 1774; Proved: September
2, 1777
In the Name of God amen. I Dorothy Mattingly of St. Mary's County
being sick & weak in body, but of sound mind, memory & understanding
do make & publish this my last will and Testament, in manner
& form following. To wit. My Negro Lad who is now hired to Doct.r
Edward Sim in Charles County, & given to me by my Grandfather
Mr. Ignatius Doyn, decsd. I give and bequeath to my beloved Sister
Ann Mattingly with the wagon which will be due from sd. Sims at
Christmas next for the hire of said Negro Called Sam, I also give
her my black Bonnet & as to the rest of my wearing apparel,
my desire is that be disposed of as my Grandmother or Uncle Edward
Mattingly my think fit. I hereby appoint my said Sister Ann, solo
executrix of this my last will, hereby revoking all former will
or wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand & Seals this 16th day of October, in the year of
our Lord 1774.
Dorothy X Mattingly (((Seal)))
Signed Sealed and delivered
In the presence of us
Edward Mattingly
Edward Mattingly Jun
Thomas Spalding
September 2nd 1777. Then came Ann Gardiner and made oath on the
holy evangels of almighty God, that the above instrument of writing
is the true and whole will and Testament of Dorothy Mattingly late
of Saint Marys County deceased, that hath come to her hands or possession:
and that she doth not know of any other.
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Reg Wills
Saint Marys County of the 2nd day of September, 1777. Then came
Edward Mattingly and Edward Mattingly Jun the two subscribing witnesses
to the within last will and Testament of Dorothy Mattingly late
of Saint Marys County, deceased, and severally made oath on the
holy evangels of almighty God, that they did see the Testatrix therein
named, Sign and Seal this will, and that they heard her publish,
pronounce & declare the same to be her last will and Testament,
that at the time of her so doing, she was to the best of their apprehensions
of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding; and that
they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will,
in the presence, and at the request of the Testatrix, and in the
presence of each other.
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Reg: Wills
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger June 17, 2000 from a photocopy of
an original court record from St. Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy,
courtesy of Lynne L. O'Brien, was good and the writing legible.
I made no corrections of any kind.
Edward Mattingly, Signed: Not dated;Proved: February 11, 1778
The Will of
Edward Mattingly
First, my desire is that my Just debts be paid & discharged.
2ndly I give to H. Hall those goods, Chattels, & effects, which
I bought him by Deed of Sale, bearing date (note: blank area) Day
of (note: blank area) in the year 177(note: blank area), & is
on Saint Mary's Coty. Recds~~~3rdly I give to my Nephew Joseph Ma.
Son of my Bro. James deceased my Negro man (abbreviation of name,
illegible) 4th I give to my Niece Ann G. Sister to said Joseph One
hundred pound Com. Currancy.
5thly I give to the Children of my Bro. Leod. deceased, Viz. Fran.,
Joseph, Lucey, Jane, & Mary L150. (note: pounds) Com. Currancy
to be equally divided among them. 6thly I give to my Niece and God
Daughter Ann Millard one Negro Boy (Naie? name of boy).~~~7thly
I give to my Niece An Spalding Daughter of my Sister Eliz. Ford,
my Negro Boy Solm.~~~
8thly I give to my Bro. Jno. Bapt M. my Water Mill the Lands
adjoing thereto being a Slipe called Mattinglys lane, & a small
parcel which my father purchased from Thomas Warren all the remaindor
of my land which lies on the East Side of the main Rode which leads
down being part of tract calld Great during his natural Life &
after his decease the said Mill & Land to go to his Son and
his heirs forever. I also give to said John Bapt, my Negros Dick,
Pegg, his wife Appolona their Daughter, & little Dick, son to
said ax, also Jack, Win his wife & Bob ther Child, my Saddle
Bridle and my wearing apparall with what Stock of horses, Cattle
& hoggs which I may have at my death.~~~~~ ~~~~~
At a Court held by the Judges: of the Orphans Court for Saint May's
County at Leonard Town, on the eleventh day of February anno Domine
Seventeen hundred & seventy eight, among other proceedings were
the following, to wit. On application of John Baptist Mattingly
& others Setting forth & producing a paper to be the last
will & Testament of Edward Mattingly late of Saint Marys County,
deceased. Thomas Spalding & Francis Millard offered as witnesses
to prove the said paper to be the hand writing of the said Edward
Mattingly, who being duly sworn proved the said paper to be the
hand writing of the said Edward Mattingly~~~
Ordered by the Court, that the said paper, as far as it regards,
personal estate, be established as the last will of the Said Edward
Test. Jeremiah Jordan Regr Wills
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger, October 24, 2000.from a photocopy,
courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of an original court record from Saint
Mary's County, Maryland The photocopy was good; the writing was
fair with distortions and many abbreviations, which were difficult
to read and in some cases illegible to me. I made no corrections
of any kind.
Elizabeth Mattingly, Signed: April 12, 1773;Proved: July 1, 1773
Item I give and bequeath to my three Daughtering Laws Ann Mattingly,
Elizabeth Mattingly & Mary Mattingly, my negro fellow Charles
to be Equally Divided between them, and their heirs forever Item
I give and bequeath to my sistering Law, Ann Mattingly, two pair
of shoes, and a pair of silk mitts to her and her heir forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Sistering Law Druthy Mattingly two
pairs of shoes, and one pair of silk mitts to her and her heirs
for ever. Item I give and bequeath to my two sisters Sander Fenwick,
& Elenor Miles my two stone rings the Little one to Elenor,
and the big one to Sander to them and their heirs forever. Item
I give and bequeath to my sister Bitha Wileman, my silver buckles
to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my sister
Becky Hill my stamp Cotton Gound that has been burnt, and made up
again to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to
my mother in Law Ann Mattingly my Red Cloke to her and her heirs
forever. Item I give and bequeath to my sistering Law Elizabeth
McWilliams my silk Cloke to her and her heirs forever. Item I give
and bequeath to my sistering in law Mary
(written between the lines: Item I give and bequeath to (several
illigible words) to him & his heirs forever)
McWilliams my (--) apron to her and her heirs forever. Item I give
and bequeath to Elenor and Raphael Neale my two pair of shoes, Buttons
to be equally divided between them & their heirs forever. Item
I give (--) Elizabeth Neal Son my (parjon) Gown to her and her heirs
forever. Item I give and bequeath all the Rest of my Estate, to
my three Daughtering Laws, Ann, Elizth. & Mary Mattingly to
them and theirs forever, Lastly I do hereby nominate, and appoint
my fathering Law, Mr. Clement Mattingly Executor of this my last
Will and Testament, as witness my hand, and, Seal this twelfth day
of Aprill, one thousand seven hundred and seventy three.
Elizabeth Mattingly (((Seal)))
Thos X Raphael Neal
Ann Gibson
Saint Marys County to wit, On the first day of July 1773 came Raphael
Neale & Ann Gibson the two subscribing witnesses to the within
Testament and Last Will of Elizabeth Mattingly deceased & severally
made Oath, on the Holy Evangels of Almighty god that they did see
Elizaeth Mattingly, the Testatrix herein named sign & seal this
will, and heard her publish and declare the same to be her Last
will and Testament, and that at the time of her so doing, she was
to the best of theirs, and Each of their apprehensions of perfect
sense, and of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding,
and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses for
the said will in the presence and at the request of the said Testatrix,
and in the presence of Each other.
Sworn befor A. Thomas Recrd St. Marys County
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger June 17, 2000 from a photocopy of
an original court record from St. Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy,
courtesy of Lynne L. O'Brien, was good but the writing was extremely
small, distorted and illegible in some areas. I made no corrections
of any kind.
Ignatius Mattingly Signed: April 2, 1789 Proved: April 22, 1789 Ignatius Mattingly His last Will I Ignatius Mattingly of Saint Mary's County being sick and weak of body, but of sound memory and understanding, do make this my last will and Testament First, I give and bequeath my Soul to Almighty God, trusting in the mercies, and in the merits of our dear Redeemer for all my sins: And as to my Temporal Estate, I give and bequeath in the manner and form as follows, to wit- First of all my will and desire is, that all my just debts be paid. Secondly, I give and bequeath unto my beloved Sons Leonard one Shilling sterling, Luke, one Shilling Sterling, William, one Shilling Sterling, Likewise to my beloved Daughters, Elizabeth one Shilling Sterling, and Sarah, one Shilling Sterling. Thirdly, and lastly, I give and bequeath all the Balance of my Estate, to be equally divided between My Son Ignatius & Susanna my daughter. And lastly, I appoint my beloved Son Ignatius Mattingly Executor of this my last will and Testament, Revoaking all other will or wills hertofore made, As witness my hand and Seal, this Second day of April, one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Nine.- Ignatius X Mattingly (((Seal))) Test Robt.Saxton Mary X Ingrm
On the Back of the foregoing is as follows to wit, (171) Saint Mary's County to wit, the 22-day of April 1789. Then came Ignatius Mattingly, and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that the within Instrument of writing is the true & whole will & Testament of Ignatius Mattingly, late of Saint Mary's County deceased, that hath come to his hands or possession, & that he doth not know of any other---- Certified per Jeremiah Jordan Regr wills for Saint Mary's County
Ignatius Mattingly, Signed: November 10, 1807;Proved: December
1, 1807
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Dear wife Eleanor, one negro Man
called George one bed and furniture Two cows & calves one Yoke
of oxen one horse one (illegible) one side saddle---Item, I give
and bequeath unto my daughter Eleanor one Negro boy called Joe one
cow & calf one Bed and furniture and hair Trunk---
Item. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Susannah Catherine one
negro woman called Lucy one Dish and one cow and Calf----Item. I
give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Caroline, one negro woman Called
Terry and her Child called Clem, one bed and furniture one walnut
Tea Table----I give and bequeath to Mary Smith one cow & calf-------Item.
I give and bequeath unto my dear Son Ignatius and also unto my daughter
Terrecy Spalding one Negro boy called Mike to be equally between
them Both----My will and desire is one Negro boy Called Lewis Should
be Sold to pay my Just debts.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son George five shillings Current
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son Zachariah five Shillings Current
Item. I give and bequeath all the rest and residue of My personal
Estate unto my Dear wife--And lastly, I do hereby Constitute and
appoint my Dear Wife Eleanor Mattingly to be Sole executrix of this
my last will and Testament, ratifying and confirming this, and none
other to be my last will and Testament In tistimony whereof I have
hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal this tenth day of November
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven-------
Ignatius Mattingly (((Seal)))
Signed, Sealed published and declared
By Ignatius Mattingly the above named
Testator, as and for his last willand
Testament in the prisence of us who at his
Request in his presence, and in the presence
Of each other, have Subscribed our names as
witnesses thereto
Joseph Blancett, Tarisa + Blancett, John G. Ford
On the back of the aforgoing was the following to wit:
Saint Mary's county, to wit, the 1st day of December 1807--Then
came Eleanor Mattingly and made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty
God, that the aforegoing instrument of writing is the true and whole
last will and Testament of Ignatius Mattingly last of Saint Mary's
County deceased that hath come to her hands or posession and that
she doth not know of any other.
Certified by James Forrest Regr.
For Saint Mary's County
Saint Mary's County, ss, the 1st day of December 1807-----Then came
Joseph Blancett, Teresia Blancett, and John G. Ford, the three subscribing
witnesses to the aforegoing last will and Testament of Ignatius
Mattingly late of Saint Mary's County deceased, and Severally made
Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the
Testator herein named Sign and Seal this will and that they heard
him publish, pronounce and declare the Same to be his last will
and Testament, that at the time of his Sodoing he was to the best
of their apprehensions of sound, and disposing mind, memory and
understanding and that they respectively Subscribed their names
as witnesses to this will in the presence and at the request of
the Testator and in the presence of each other---------
Certified by James ForrestRegrWills
for Saint Mary's County 716W
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger October 19, 2000 from a photocopy,
courtesy Lynn L. O'Brien, of the original court document from Saint
Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the writing
legible. I made no corrections of any kind.
James Mattingly, Signed May 3, 1745; Proved: May 28 1745
The Last Will of
James Mattingly
In the name of God Amen. I James Mattingly of Saint Mary's County
being sick of body but of perfect mind & memory, do make and
ordain this to be my Last Will & Testament, Revoking and Making
Void all other Wills Either Verball or in writing before by me made.
First & principally, I give my soul to almighty God & my
body to the Earth. 2ndly I give and bequeath, all my land to my
two Sons James Mattingly and my son Thomas Mattingly to be Equally
Divided between them, my son James to have my Dwelling House &
ye part of the Land it stands on to them and their heirs & 3rdly
I give and bequeath all of rest of my personal Estate to be Equally
Divided between my other five Children to wit, my Daughter Ann Mattingly,
& Monica Mattingly, Robert Mattingly, Peter Mattingly &
John Mattingly to them and their heirs & 6 ----Lastly I appoint
my brothers Thomas Mattingly & my Brother Luke Mattingly, my
whole and Sole executors of this my Last Will and Testament Revoking,
Renouncing & making void all other Will or Wills heretofore
by me made Either Verball or in writing in witness where I have
hereunto Set my hand & affixed my seal, this third Day of May,
one thousand seven forty five-----
James X Mattingly (((seal)))
Signed Seal, & Deliverd
In ye presence off
Jno Shiercliffe Junr
Peter Ford
Clement X Hill
St. Mary's County Ss
May ye 28th 1745
Then John Shiercliffe Junr and Peter Ford and Clement Hill the subscribing
Witnesses to this foregoing Will being duly and slomenly Sworn on
the holy Evangels of Almighty God, depose and say that they Saw
the Testator James Mattenly Sign the foregoing Will and heard him
publish, and declare this same to be his Last Will and Testament
that at the time of his sodoing he was to the best of their apprehension
of sound & disposing mind & memory, and that they subscribed
their Respective names as witness to the said Will in the presence
of the said Testator and at his Request--
Sworn to before me. Tho. Aisquith Depty. Comiss. (Illegible)of St.
Mary's County
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger, October 20, 2000 from a photocopy,
courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of an original court document from Saint
Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good, the writing was
distorted and small but legible. I made no corrections of any kind.
James Barton Mattingly, Signed: September 14, 1807; Proved: March
8, 1812
James Barton Mattingly's
Last Will & Testament
In the Name of God Amen. I James Barton Mattingly of the Parish
of St. Andrew, St. Mary's County State of Maryland being at this
time Sick in Body but Sound mind to that I easily think that that
Lord God hath appointed shortly to lead me out of this World I therefore
have determined to make this my Testament and commit the Same to
writing my last Will in the form following~~~as touching the Slender
Patrimony Which God hath given me concerning Which I have determined
that to dispose~~~Imprimis; I give to my Daughter (Pann) after my
my death & my Wife that is today if my wife Should be the longest
lived my land that I now possess comprehending & called Truth
and Trust (plesant devils?) and (St. Maryarett ?) my meaning is
that during my Wife's Widowhood She Shall be possessed with the
Land but if She marries again or dies then my Daughter Pann, Shall
be (undiably?) be put in possession of the Land together with the
one Eight of my personal Estate The balance of personal Estate I
give to my other Children that is today Stephen/ Ann/ Thomas/ John
and my grand children Joseph and Mary Johnson. Lastly I make and
constitute my friend W. Thomas Morris Executor of this my last Will
& Testament Written this 14th day of September anno Domini 1807.
James Barton X Mattingly
Sealed published and declared by the Said
James Barton Mattingly and as his last will and
Testament in the presence of
Thomas Morris~~Matthew Morris~~Thomas Norman X Martin
Saint Mary's County to wit, The 8th day of March 1812. Then came
Jemima Mattingly and made oath, that the within instrument of writing
is the true and whole will and Testament of James Barton Mattingly,
late of Saint Mary's County deceased, that have come to her hand
or possession, and that she doth not Know of any other.
Certified by James Forrest Regr Wills
for Saint Mary's County
Saint Mary's County, to wit: The 8th day of March 1812. Now came
Matthew Morris and Thomas Norman Martin two of the three Subscribing
Witnesses to the within last Will and Testament of James Barton
Mattingly late of Saint Mary's County deceased, and Severally made
oaths on the Holy Evangels, of Almighty God, that they did See the
Testator therein named Sign & Seal this Will, and that they
heard him publish, pronounce and declare the Same to be his last
Will and Testament, that at the time of his sodoing, he was to the
best of their apprehension of Sound and disposing mind, memory and
understanding, and that they respectively Subscribed their manes
as Witnesses to this Will, in the presence and at the request of
the testator, and in the presence of each other; also that they
did See Thomas Morris the other Witness to the Same, Subscribe his
name as a Witness to the Same in the presence and at the request
of the Said Testator.
Certified by James Forrest Regr Wills
for Saint Mary's County
I Jemima Mattingly Widow of James Barton Mattingly late of Saint
Mary's County deceased do hereby renounce and quit all claim to
any bequest or device made to me by the last Will of my Husband,
exhibited & proved according to Law, and elect to take in lieu
thereof, my dower or legal Share of the estate of my Said Husband
James B. Mattingly. Given under my hand this 23 day of April 1812.
Jemima X Mattingly
Test. James Forrest
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger October 23, 2000 from a photocopy,
courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of the original court record from St.
Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good but the writing
was distorted and illegible to me in many places.
John Mattingly Signed: February 28, 1759 Proved: April 5, 1759 The Last Will of John Mattingly In the name of God Amen. I John Mattingly of Saint Mary's County in the province of Maryland, being weak in body but of perfect mind & memory, thanks be given to almighty God for the same do make and ordain this to be my Last Will & Testament in manner and form following--First of all I recommend my soul to God that gave it & my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial according to the discretion of my Executors. Secondly that all my Just debtors paid. Thirdly I will that when my son John Baptist Mattingly, Shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, that he shall land given him & Laid off at the upon and of the land whereon I now live, that belongs to me called the (Thoms?) & fifty acres adjoining a Tract of Land belonging to Wm. Hammouloy and after my wife decease to have the whole Tract---Fourthly I give to my son John after my wife passes, one negro woman named Sarah--Fifthly I give to my dear and loving wife all the remaining part of my moveable Estate with the remaining part of my land to continue hers as long as she lives and after her decease all the movable Estate she is possessed of to be equally divided amongst the surviving Children who have had no Legacies left them Constituting and appointing my wife to be my sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my seal this 28th Day of Febry of 1759--- John + Mattingly signed sealed and delivered In presence of us Samuel Hodgin John Suite John {His (John Nichonne) mark} Nicholls St. Mary's County Aprill 5th 1759 Then Samuel Hodgin John Suite & John Nicholls the subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing will being duly and solemnly sworn on the holy evangels of almighty God depose and say that they saw this Testator John Mattingly sign the foregoing will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and Testament that at the time of his sodoing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory, and that they subscribed their respective names as witnesses to this will in the presence of this Testator and at his request Sworn to before me Tho. Aisquith Dept Comiss of St. Mary's County
Joseph Mattingly, Signed: November 13, 1790; Proved: March 01,
.~ Item. I will and bequeath unto my loving wife Elizabeth Mattingly
all my Estate after my Just debts are paid, during her natural life,
and after her death two Thirds of my estate, to go to my Nephew
& Niece Joseph Thomas and Mary Thomas, to be equally divided
Between them and there heirs Forever; And lastly, I do Constitute
and appoint my loving wife Elizabeth Mattingly, to be my Sole Executor
of this my last will and Testament, as witnessed whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and fixed my Seal, This Thirteenth day of November,
one thousand Seven hundred and Ninety.~~~
Jos. Mattingly (((Seal)))
Signed Sealed and delivered
In the presence of
J. Biscoe, Charles Clarke
On the back of the foregoing was as follows, to wit.
Saint Marys County, to wit. The 1st day of March 1791. Then came
Elizabeth Mattingly and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty
God, that the within instrument of writing, is the true and whole
will and Testament of Joseph Mattingly, late of Saint Marys County,
deceased, that hath come to her hands or possession, & that
she doth (illegible) know of any other.~~~
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Regr Wills
For Saint Marys County
Saint Marys County, Ss, the 1st day of March, 1791. Then came James
Biscoe one of the two subscribing witnesses, to the within last
will & Testament of Joseph Mattingly, late of Saint Marys County,
deceased, and made oath on The Holy evangels of almighty God, that
he did see the Testator therein named, Sign, and Seal this will
and that he heard him publish, pronounce, and declare the same to
be his last will and Testament; That at the time of his so doing,
he was to the best of his apprehension, of sound and disposing mind,
memory, and understanding; and that he subscribed his name as a
witness to this will in the presence, and at the request of the
Testator, and in the presence of Charles Clarke, the other witness
who he saw subscribe the same~~~
(Transcribers note: Page ends here. Signatures off the bottom of
photocopied page.
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger, October 24, 2000 from a photocopy,
courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of an original court record from Saint
Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was fair, the writing fair
and the last lines of the court proceedings missing. I made no corrections
of any kind.
Luke Mattingly, Signed: March 7, 1783; Proved: December 9, 1783
Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife all my Real Estate
during her natural Life, and after her demise I give the same to
my son Bennet Mattingly, and his heirs forever his paying within
twelve months after the death of my wife Six thousand pounds of
Crop Tobacco to my son Zachariah Mattingly but if my son Bennett
should neglect or refuse to pay the said securitity of Tobacco,
by the time mentioned, then and in such case I give and desire all
my Real Estate to be Equally divided between them, the said Bennett
& Zachariah, and their heirs forever
Item. I give to my Daughter Anastatia Spalding Wife of Joseph Spalding,
one negro Girl named Jenny
---Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Spalding,
Wife of Thomas Spalding, one negro Girl named Sandor
--- Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Wimsatt, Wife of
Richd Wimsatt, one negro Girl named Ally, and one negro Girl named
----Item. I give and bequeath to my son Bennett Mattingly, one negro
man named Joseph, and my handmill and still but my wife to be allowed
to make use of the still when she wants it.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Zachariah Mattingly one negro
man called Basil-------
Item I will and desire that my Daughter in Law Dorothy Knott may
as long as she chooses live in my Dwelling House and that she Horse
& Servant to attend her at all times when she chooses and to
be supported in every thing while she chooses to stay and I will
and desire that my son Bennett have the care of her, and I desire
that he will see this part of my will punctually performed.
------Item I will and desire that my aforesaid Daughter in Law,
Dorothy Knott have the sole use of the following negroes, to wit,
Sarah and her Children, to wit, Jack, Daniel, and James, during
her life
--Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Ford Mattingly one
negro Girl named Henny and one negro Boy called Harry
---------Item. I give and desire to my beloved wife a mare that
she generally Rides--
Item. Item I Will and Desire, that all my Household furniture and
stock except such parts thereof as my be disposed of in Specific
Legecys, Should remain in the plantation, during the life of my
wife, and after her death I desire the same to be Equally Divided
first deducting my wife's thirds part to between my two sons: Bennett
& Zachariah, and my daughter Mary -
-----Item. I give and bequeath to my three Daughters, Anastatia,
Elizabeth and Anne nine head of Cattle, none of them to be under
two years old, non more then Eight years to be Equally divided,
among them
-------Item I give and bequeath unto my three sons in law, Joseph
Spalding, Thomas Spalding, and Richard Wimsatt, three Horses, none
to be under two years old, non more than ten years old
-------Item. I desire that my Executors, when called upon should
pay and Hogshead of Crop Tobacco, towards Repairing of Saint Josephs
--------Item I will and desire that all the Residue of my Estate
remain, and be kept on the plantation for the use of my wife and
family during my wifes life, and after her decease I leave the same
after deducting my wifes thirds to be equally Divided between my
two sons Bennett And Zachariah, and my Daughter Mary, to be equally
divided between them-
-----Lastly I nominate Constitute and appoint, my beloved wife And
my two Sons Bennett and Zachariah whole and Sole Executors of this
my Last Will and Testament, hereby Revoking, all other wills by
me heretofore made, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
& Seal this Seventh day of March, one thousand seven hundred
and Eighty three------
Luke X Mattingly (((seal)))
Signed Sealed published and declared
By the said Luke Mattingly as & for his Last
Will and Testament in the presence of us who
In his presence and at his Request, and in
The presence of each other, have hereunto Subscribed our
Names as witnesses
J A. Thomas, Elenore Miles
Tho Shiercliffe
Saint May's County to wit the 9th Day of December 1783---Then came
Priscilla Mattingly, Bennett Mattingly & Zachariah Mattingly
and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the foregoing
Instrument of writing is the True and whole Will of Luke Mattingly
Late of Saint Marys County Deceased that hath come to their hands
or possession and and that they do not know of any other----Certified
(illegible) Jeremiah Jordan Regr Wills
Saint Marys County of the 9th Day of December 1783-----------------Then
came John Allen Thomas, Elenor Miles & Thomas Sheircliffe the
three subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing Last Will and Testament
of Luke Mattingly, Late of saint Marys county deceased, and severally
made a Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did
see the Testator there in named, sign and seal this will, that at
the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions
of sound and Disposing mind memory and understanding, and that they
Respectively Subscribed their names as witnesses to this Will in
the presence & at the Request of the Testator & in the presence
of each other-------
Certified ByJeremiah Jordan Reg Wills
December the 9th 1773----
The widow agrees to stand to this will before.
Jeremiah Jordan Reg Wills
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger October 17, 2000 from a photocopy,
courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of the original Court document from Saint
Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good. The writing was
ill formed so the spelling of the names may be questioned. I made
no corrections of any kind. All Names were underlined on the photocopy
of the original document.
Mary Ford Mattingly Signed: March 18, 1800 Proved: March 21, 1811 Mary Ford Mattingly Last Will and Testament} In the name of God Amen. I Mary Ford Mattingly being sick and Weak in body but of Sound Mind Memory and Understanding do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner & form following------first I give and bequeath to my Sister Annastasia Spalding Two cows and calves, one Ewe and Lamb, one ovil Table, one Small red cloth, one Spinen wheel, one iron pot, one iron griddle, two pewter Dishes, six pewter plates, Six Earthern plates, one looking glass, one pair Sheets, one quilt, and also one part of my wairing apparel that she may think proper told are herself and no (illegible)--and the balance of my clothes to be given to the poor------2nd I give and bequeath to my Nephew Clement Mattingly one colt by the name of July---3rd I give and bequeath to the priest, whoever he may be, that assists me in my last Sickness three pound, and also forty Shillings to the other Priests that may be living at (New?) Town at the time of my Death---4th My will is that a Silk Jacket pattern that I have now in the House be given for the use of the alter in St. Joseph's Chapple-----5th I give and bequeath to the three Children of my Brother Zachariah Mattingly Viz. Clement, Thomas and Juliana Mattingly the residue of my Estate to be equally divided between them whenever their Father thinks proper to divide it between them---My will and desire is that my Debts be paid out of the part that I have bequeathed to my Brother Zachariah Mattingly's Children---and Hereby appoint my Brother Zachariah Mattingly Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Will and Wills by me heretofore made-----In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Eighteenth day of March Eighteen hundred.--------- Mary Ford X Mattingly (((Seal))) Signed Sealed published and declared by the above Mary Ford Mattingly as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us Francis Sheircliff--------Robert Brown Saint Mary's County to wit: the 21st day of March 1811. Then came Zachariah Mattingly and made Oath on the Hole Evangels of Almighty god that the within instrument of writing is the true and whole Will and Testament of Mary Ford Mattingly late of Saint Mary's County deceased, that hath come to his hand or possession; and that he doth not know of any other. Certified by James Forrest Regr Wills for Saint Mary's County Saint Mary's County for the 9th day of April 1811. Then came Leonard Mattingly who wrote the (illegible) Will of Mary Ford Mattingly late of Saint Mary's County deceased, and made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that he was present when the Will of said deceased, was executed, and that he did See the Testatrix therein named Sign and Seal the Same, that he heard her publish, pronounce and declare the same to be her last Will and testament, that at the time of her So doing, she was to the best of his apprehension of Sound mind, and disposing mind memory and understanding and that the said Will was then attested by one or both witnesses (Transcribers note: End of page and no following page
Priscilla Mattingly, Signed: October 23, 1790;Proved: December 14,
Priscilla Mattingly
Her last Will
In the name of God, amen. I Priscilla Mattingly of Saint Mary County,
being sick and weak of body but of sound and disposing mind, memory,
and understanding do make this my last will & Testament in manner
& form following. Infinnis. I recommend my soul into the hands
of my redeemer, and my body to be buried in decent manner at the
discretion of my Executors hereafter named.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my two grand daughters Jane Thompson
(wife of Jesse Thompson) and Sarah Thompson (wife of Bennett Thompson)
Five pounds of Current money each.-----Item. I give and bequeath
unto my Daughter Mary Ford Mattingly, a Seal Skin Trunk, three pewter
dishes, and six plates, and one third part of a Negro girl Called
(Curest?) Nan.----Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Bennett
Mattingly three pounds Currency.
And the residue of my Estate, I bequeath to my three following Children
to wit. Bennett, Zachariah and Mary Ford, equal proportion, Share
and share alike. And lastly, I do hereby Constitute and appoint
the above Bennett, Zachariah, & Mary Ford Mattingly to be Sole
Executors of this my last will & Testament revoking and annulling
all Former wills by me heretofore made ratifying and Confirming
this, and none other to be my last will and Testament, In Testimony
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 23d Day of October,
Priscilla X Mattingly (((seal)))
Signed sealed, published & declared
By the above named Testator, as and
for her last will & Testament in the
Presence of us who at her request & in her presence have subscribed
our names as witnesses.
Benedict Spalding. Elias + Smith
On the back of the foregoing was as follows, to wit.
Saint Marys County, to wit, the 14th December 1790. Then came Bennett
Mattingly, Zachariah Mattingly, & Mary Ford Mattingly &
made oath on the holy evangels of almighty god that the within Testament
of writing is the true & whole last will & Testament of
Priscilla Mattingly, late of Saint Marys County, declared that hath
come to their hand or possession and that they do not know of any
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Regr Wills
for Saint Marys County
Saint Marys County Ss the 14th day of December 1790------------
Then came Benedict Spalding and Elias Smith, the two subscribing
witnesses to the within last will and Testament of Priscilla Mattingly
late of Saint Marys County, deceased, and severally made oath on
the holy evangels of almighty God, that they did see the Testatrix
herein named, Sign and Seal this will, and that they heard her publish
pronounce, and declare the same to be her last will and Testament;
that at the time of her doing, she was to the best of their apprehension
of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and that they
respectively inscribed their names as witness to this will, in the
presence, and at the request of the Testatrix, and in the presence
of each other.-----------
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Regr. Wills
for Saint Marys County
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger October 17, 2000 from a photocopy,
courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of an original Court record from St.
Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the writing
legible. I made no corrections of any kind. Underlined words were
underlined on the photocopy of the original document.
Robert Mattingly, Signed: June 27, 1776; Proved: December 12, 1776, p. 13
The Last Will of Robert Mattingly Maryland St. Mary's County to
wit, In the name of God Amen. I Robert Mattingly of this County and
province aforesaid, being of sick and weak of body but of sound and
perfect memory, and understanding do make, and ordain, this my Last
Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to
~ Infinnis into the hands of God my saviour, I Recommend my soul
and my body p. 14 to the Earth to be decently buried
~Item my will and desire is that said George Booth, shall have
it fully in his power, to set up at publick sale on the Day were
ye other part of my Estate is sld, my two Negros Jack & Tom
in order to pay a certain Debts wh he is bound to Cunningham Finlay
& Compy, And & Mjor John Giasford & Compy & otherwise
debts due, himself, and the Residue if any to be paid into the hands
if my Executor.
Item whereas Robert Cole Late of St. Mary's County
deceased did by his last will and Testament appoint Richard Melton
Junr And Bazill Hayden and myself Executors of this said will, by
Virtue of which I have been and still Am in possession of a part
of the personal Estate of the said Robert Cole, now my will and
desire is, that all the Estate of the sd Robert Cole wch may be
in my hands, at the time of my death be taken into the possession
of the said Richard Melton Junr and Basil Hayden for the purpose
mentioned in this will of the said Robert Cole
~ Item. I will and desire that within two months, after the finishing
the Crop now on the Ground my whole personal Estate Except, the
Negroes above mentioned, be disposed of at publick sale to ye highest
Bidder, in such manner as Shall be judged best by my Executor hereafter
to be appointed, and the money arrising therefrom to be applied,
to the following purposes, and no other, first for (Lawering?) to
the said Richard Melton Junr and Bazill Hayden, Any money that may
be owing from me to the Estate of the sd Robert Cole, and my Executor
is hereby fully impowered to keep in his own hands, as much money
as will answer that purpose, Land of the Estate of the said Robert
Cole in my hands being wasted, Secondly for the payment of all my
Just debts, and the Residue and the Crop, to be devided between
my two children Gabriel and Annastatia Mattingly to them and their
heirs forever, my wife first having her third part
~ Item I will and desire that all my Estate be kept together, untill
the Crop be finished, and my wife Children & family, Supported
out of the provission, already made and to be made,
~ Item I leave my two Children, Charles and Catherine, Mattingly
to my good friends Richard Melton and Bazill Hayden, the boy to
Richard Melton, and the Girl to Bazill Haydon to be by them brought
~ Lastly I Nominate and appoint my friend Bazill Hayden Executor
of this my Last will and Testament, hereby Revoking all other Wills
by me heretofore made.
In witnesses whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and seal, this Twenty Seventh Day of June, Seventeen Hundred
and seventy six.
Robert Mattingly (((seal)))
Signed sealed published, and declared by the said
Robert Mattingly as his Last Will and Testament
in the presence of us who at his request, and in his presence
have Subscribed our names as witnesses.
Philip Ford
Leonard X Booth
Then came Bazel Haydon and made Oath & that the within instrument
of writing, is the true and whole will and Testament of Robert Mattingly
late of St. Mary's county and that hath cometo his hands or possession,
and that he doth not know of any other~~~
Certified (illegible) Hugh Hopewell Dty Com ry of St. Mary's County
Saint Mary's County Ssn 12th December 1776, then came Philip Ford,
and Leonard Buthe the two Subscribing witnesses to the within Last
will and Testament of Robert Mattingly late of St. Mary's County
deceased, and severally made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty
God, that they did see the Testator therein named, sign and seal
this will, and that they heard him publish pronounce & declare
the same to be his last will and Testament, at the time of his sodoing,
he was to the best of their apprehensions, of sound and disposing
mind mind memory and understanding, and that they respectively subscribed
their names, as witnesses, to this will in the presence and at the
request of the Testator and in the presence of Each other
Certified (illegible) Hugh Hopewell DCom ry St. Mary's County
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger October 22, 2000 from a photocopy,
courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of a original court record from Saint
Mary's County, Maryland,. The photocopy was good. The writing was
distorted, small and had many abbreviations and words illegible
to me. I made no corrections of any kind. The photocopy had no Book
In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Mattingly Sen. Of St. Mary's
County. Planter, finding myself sick of Body but of sound & perfect sence
& memory thanks be to almighty God & considering the uncertainty of this
transitory Life we live in do think it necessary & convenient to settle
all such benefits & temporal goods which pleased almighty God far beyond
my deserts or Merits to intrust me with in order to with or make this my
last will, renouncing revoking & making void any will or wills heretofore
by me made wether verball or in writing, but this to be effectually taken
for my Last will & Testament, in manner & forme following vizt.
First &
principally I give & bequeath my soul to Almighty God that gave it, firmly
& constantly hoping & believing in the meritorios, death & passion of my
blessed Savior Jesus Christ, I shall receive full pardon & Remission of
my past sins and my Body I bequeath to the earth from whence it came to
be buried in decent manner according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter
2 ly I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Thomas Mattenly
his heirs & assign forever all & singular that tract or parcell of Land
whereon he dwells known or called by the name of Mount Misery with all &
singular appurtanances thereunto belonging, together with one Cow yearling
for his share of moveables.
3dly I give & Bequeath to my well beloved son
James Mattenly his heirs & assign forever my now dwelling Plantation to
contain one hundred & thirty acres out of two hundred acres & same to be
lay'd out to or on east side of sd Plantation, I also give & bequeath to
my sd son James his heirs & assign forever fifty two acres more adjoyning
to sd Plantation known or called by the name Mattinleys Purchase together
with a young mare of about three years old a hand mill & feather bed for
his share of Moveables or
4thly I give and Bequeath to my beloved grandson
James Clark his heirs & assign forever the plantation wheron his father
now dwelleth to contain seventy acres on the west side of my dwelling plantation
it being part of same & therewith to be invested after the decease of his
father & mother.
5Th I give & bequeath to my well beloved Daughter Elizabeth
Clark a sheep or ewe for her part of moveables.
6Thly I give & bequeath
to my beloved Daughter Judith Parker sume of five hundred pounds of Tobacco
for her part.
7Thly I will & desire that in case of the death of my son
James in his non age or without Issue then my son Charles his heirs & asign
forever shall inherit rights & promises as afsd. Pertaining to his decd.
Brother James, provided that he sd Charles pay to his three brothers & sisters
Wm, Luke, & Ignatius & his sister Ann sume of four thousand pounds of Tobacco
and in case of the death of sd Charles in manner as afsd that then his brother
Will shall suckseed & inherit as afsd paying sd sume of tobacco to the surving
brothers & Sisters I doe consequently of the rest.
7Thly I will & desire
that my male children be of age at eighteen years & my Daughter at sixteen
if not married in the interim. And that after ____ my debts in any case be
justly paid & discharged relating to ____ or otherwise that then residue
of my estate be equally divided in six equal parts five of ____ to my five
children to say Charles, Wm, Luke, Ignatius, & Ann the sixth to my beloved
wife Elizabeth Mattingly whom I nominate, Constitute & appoint to be my
lawful Executrix and in case of the death of either of there maturity that
then his, her, or their parte of the personall Estate shall equally redound
to the surviving parte. I also will that each childs part be delivered accordingto
their value at the time of their respective ages as afsd by my sd Extrx
and that she apply herself for advise in her preceedings to my well beloved
friend Mr. Robert Cole & my Well beloved son thomas Mattingly.
8Thly I will
& desire that in case my beloved wife & ___ should reject a childs part
as afsd & claime a third part of sd estate on that occassion I do nominate
appoint & constitute my two sons Thomas Mattingly & James Mattingly as my
lawful Executors and do further empower & authorize them to take which Estate
into their hands & there from to deliver her a third part therof and also
to pay each of the five children a cow Calfe & the residue to divide among
themselves, anything herin to contrary in any case not withstanding in witness
I have hereunto set my hand & seal this __ day of October 1714 Thos.
Mattingly seal signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of Adam Boyde,
Thomas Dillon Richd his Miller mark and on the back was endorsed (vizt.
) ____ 12, 1714 then came Richard Miller & Adam Boyd two of the witnesses
to the within will & made oath that they saw within named Thos. Mattingly
signe seale & deliver same as his last will & Testament. Wm Aisquith D.
Commiss. April 24 the same day came Thos. Dillon one other of the witnesses
to the within will and made oath as above.
Mattingly, Thos., Sr., planter, St. Mary's Co.,9th Oct., 1714; 12th
Jan., 1714.
To son Thos. and hrs., Mount Misery, where he now lives,
and personalty.
To son James and hrs., 130 A., e. side dwelling plantation, being
part of a 200 A. tract; also 52 A. adjoining, called Mattingly's
Purchase, and personalty.
To grandson James Clark and hrs., 70 A., the plantation where his
father now lives, after decease of his father and mother. This tract
being the west side of testator's dwelling plantation.
To daus. Eliza: Clark and Judith Parker, personalty.
In event of death of son James without issue, his share to pass
to son Charles, he to pay to his 3 bros. and sister, Wm., Luke,
Ignatius and Ann, 4,000 lbs. tobacco. Should son Chas. die without
issue, son William to succeed to estate and pay as afsd. to surviving
bros. and sister. Sons to be of age at 18, and dau. at 16 or at
marriage. Residue of estate divided into six equal parts to five
child., viz.: Charles, William, Luke, Ignatius and Ann, the sixth
part to wife Elizabeth, extx. Should she reject a child's portion
and claim her thirds, sons Thos. and James to be exs. and deliver
to her a third part of estate, to pay to sd. five children personalty,
and divide residue between themselves.
Overseers: Robt. Cole and son Thomas.
Test: Adam Boyde (Boyd), Thos. Dillon, Rich. Miller.
14. 222.
Thomas Mattingly, Son of Clement, Signed: April 10, 1773; Proved:
July 10, 1773
The Last Will of
Thomas Mattingly
In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Mattingly son of Clement Mattingly,
being weak in body but of sound memory mind and understanding knowing
the uncertainty of this life do make my will in manner & form
following, first I bequeath my soul to almighty God who first gave
it me, hoping through the merits of my Crucified Lord, and Saviour
Jesus Christ to obtain eternal life---Secondly my will and desire
is that all my Just debts be well and Truly paid by my Executor
hereafter mentioned. Thirdly my will and desire is that my land
that I now live on may be sold by my Executor hereafter mentioned
for the (retton?) discharging my Debts. I give and bequeath to my
four Children, Ann Mattingly, Elizabeth Mattingly, Mary Mattingly,
and John Mattingly my negros, named Togg, and her Children &
young Charles to be equally divided among them & to their heirs
forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife my
negro fellow Big Charles to her and her heirs forever. All the rest
of my personal Estate I give to my four Children, above mentioned,
to them & their Heirs forever. Lastly I do hereby nominate and
appoint my loving father Executor of this my last will and Testament,
revoking all will or wills, heretofore by me made, as witness my
hand, and seal this tenth Day of April one thousand Seven hundred,
seventy three-------
Tho. Mattingly (((seal)))
Tester}Raphal Neals
Ann Mattingly
Elizabeth Gibson
Saint Mary's County to wit, On the tenth day of July 1773 Came Raphael
Neals, Anne Mattingly, and Elizabeth Gibson the three subscribing,
witnesses to the within Last will & Testament of Thomas Mattingly
deceased & severally made Oath, on the Holy Evangels of almighty
God, that they did see Thomas Mattingly, the Testator herein named,
Sign and seal this will, and heard him publish and declare the same
to be his Last will & Testament and that at the time of his
sodoing he was to the best of their & Each of their apprehension,
of perfect leuse and of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding,
and that they respectively Subscribed their names as witnesses to
the said will, in the presence and at the request of the said Testator,
and in the presence of Each other------Sworn before~~~~~~
J A Thomas Dep Com r St. Mary's County
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger, October 20, 2000 from a photocopy,
courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of an original court document from of
Saint Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the writing
was legible though distorted. I made no corrections of any kind.
Thomas Mattingly, Signed: April 11, 1774, Proved: September 10,
----1stly my will is that my Just debts be paid & discharged-
----2ndly My desire is that my son Leonard Mattingly have the use
of my negro, fellow Hary, during his natural life, and after his
decease said negro to Return in & be added to my personal Estate-
--3rdly My little Strip of Land called Mattinglys Lane, my Water
Mill, with the small parcell or parcels of Land adjoyning thereto,
which I purchased from Thomas Warren deceased, & intended to
have given to my son John Baptist Mattingly, but it being omitted
in my deed of Gift which I made to my several Children, naming date,
the seventh Day of July one thousand seven hundred, and fifty five,
or there abouts, and on St. Mary's County Records & my son Edward
Mattingly, having Since bought and paid his Brother John Baptist
for the same, with my other Lands, my will and desire therefore
is that my said son Edward & his heirs have and Enjoy the aforesaid
Mill & Lands forever
-----4thly The other purchases which my said son Edward hath made
with his Brother (illegible) to my Estate, my Will is that he be
paid out of my Estate, agreeable to the true intent & meaning,
of said deed & the Contracts which he and they have made with
Each other----------5thly my will & desires is that the remaining
part of my personal, after my said son Edward purchases & my
Just debts be deducted be given divided & distributed among
my several Children & grandchildren, according to the true intent
& meaning of my deed of Gift aforesaid, but if after my own
& my wifes decease my Children should differ & cannot agree
in the division of my Estate, then and in that case my will is and
I hereby Empower & Authorise my executors hereafter named or
the surviors of theunto these, and appoint two or three persons
of honest Charectors no way Interested, to settle divide & distribute,
all my effects, & Estate among my Children & Grandchildren,
according to the true intent and meaning of my said deed, this my
will, and the purchases & contracts, which my said Children
have made with Each other, Relative to my Estate, without any administration
with the Commissary thereon, and I hereby nominate & appoint
my two beloved sons, Edward & Clement, Mattingly, Executors
of this my Last will & Testament hereby Revoking all other will
and wills by us heretofore made, In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand & seal the Eleventh day of April in the year of
our Lord 1774------
Thomas Mattingly (((seal)))
Signed Sealed & declared
In the presence of us
Joshua Mills
Alley Mills
Teresa Mills
Saint Mary's County to wit, On the tenth Day of September, seventeen
hundred & seventy four came, Joshua Mills, Alley Mills &
Teresa Mills the three subscribing witnesses to the within Last
will and Testament of Thomas Mattingly deceased and made Oath on
the Holy Evangels of almighty god that they did see Thomas Mattingly
the Testator therein named, Sign and seal this will and heard him
publish and declare the same to be his last will and Testament and
that at the time of his sodoing he was to the best of their apprehensions
of perfect louse, and of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding,
and that they Respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to
the said will in his presence and at his Request, and in the presence
of each other-------
Sworn before J A Thomas Dep Commis St. Mary's County-------
Transcribed Maryland by Judith A. Burger, October 20, 2000 from
a photocopy, courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of an original court document
from St. Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the
writing legible. I made no corrections of any kind
Thomas Mattingly, Signed: May 1, 1772
In the name of God Amen, I Thomas Mattingly of Saint Mary's County
in the province of Maryland being in good health of body but in
sound and perfect memory. Do make this my last will and Testament
as follows----Infininis I bequeath my soul to God who gave it me,
my body to the Earth after my departure to be decently buried at
the Charge of my Estate and discretion of my Executor hereafter
named--Item I will that my Just debts and funeral Charges be first
paid----Item I nominate Constitute and ordain my beloving sister
Mary Knott whole and sole Exor of this my last will and Testament----Item
I give and bequeath unto my beloving sister Mary Knott all the Estate
due me from my Grandfather Mattingly, and my unkle Edward Mattingly.
Estate to hav and hol (Exoais?) forever I so ordain that this present
will to be my last will and Testament in witness hereof I have set
my hand and fixt my seal this the 1st day of May 1772
Thomas X Mattingly (((Seal)))
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger, May 15, 2000 from a photocopy,
courtesy of Lynne L. O'Brien, of the original court record from
St. Marys County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the
writing legible for the most part. There was no probate listed on
the photocopy.
William Mattingly Signed: November 28, 1771 Proved: December 30, 1771 The Last Will of William Mattingly In the name of God Amen. I William Mattingly of St. Marys Coty being weak and sick of body but of sound mind memory and understanding do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following to wit first of all my will and desire is that the House or Improvements & Land whereon I live & am possessed with be sold to those who will pay & give most for it, and the produce thereof to be Equally divided among my four Children & their heirs & while my sd land &c remains unsold to be rented & the Rents Equally to be divided among my said four Children 2nd ly my will is that my crop of Tobacco corn &c be applied to pay & discharge my Just debts as far as is or may be convenient, or necessary 3rd ly I give and bequeath to my Daughters Wathing & Saxton to Each of them one young Heifer 4thI give and bequeath to my two Daughters who, are now unmarried, Sally & Dolly Mattingly and their Heirs all the remaining part of my personal Estate to be Equally divided between them, & I hereby nominate & appoint my two Sons in Law Leonard Wathing & Robert Saxton, Executors of this my Last Will & Testament hereby Revoking all former will or wills by me heretofore made. Witness whereof I have hereunto sat my hand and seal this 28th day of November in the year of our Lord 1771. William X Mattingly Signed Sealed & published by the above Wm. Mattingly As his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us Edward Mattingly William + Wathing Henry X Mattingly St. Mary's County to wit On the thirtieth day of December 1771came Edward Mattingly, and William Wathing two of the subscribing Witnesses to the above Last will and Testament of William Mattinglylate of this County aforsd. Produced, and severally made oath on theHoly Evangels of Almighty God that they did see, William Mattingly, the Testator herein named, sign, and seal this will, and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and Testament, and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their and Each of theirs apprehensions of perfect sense, and of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding, and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to the said will in the presence and at the request of the said Testator and that they did soo Each other together, with Henry Mattingly the other subscribing witness, Subscribe their names as witnesses- Sworn before T A Thomas Dept Com of St. Mary's County
Zachariah Mattingly Signed: November 27, 1836 Proved: January 17, 1837 Last Will & Testament of Zachariah Mattingly In the name of God, Amen. I Zachariah Mattingly of St. Mary's County in the State of Maryland, being sick and weak in body, but of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, considering the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof, and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs and thereby be the better prepared to leave this world when it shall please God to call me hence, do therefore make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following; that is to say, First and principally, I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God, and my body to the earth, to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor herein after named, and after my debts and funeral charges are paid, and my wifes third taken out, I desire and bequeath as follows. Item Should my dear wife Susan Mattingly choose to take in lieu of her third a Tract or parcel of Land, lying lying and being in Saint Josephs forrest, Saint Mary's County called and known by the name of Great St. Thomas and Little St. Thomas to have & to hold the same for and during her single life, also one negro man named Ignatius, and negro woman named Harriet, all my household and kitchen furniture, except one feather Bed and furniture, which will be otherwise devided hereafter, also one sorrel horse called Tom, one bay mare called Till, one yoke oxen, to be chosen by her out of my drawing steers, five head of cattle, such as she may choose from my stock of cattle, omiting drawing steers, Six head of Sheep, six head of hogs, such as she may choose after the pork is fatted and killed, also two thirds of the pork when killed, and as much fodder & provander as may be sufficient to winter the Stock contained in this Item, also two ploughs and (three?) hoes, and half of the beef on hand at my demise, and a Cart and the sum of thirty dollars Cash, and forty Barrels of long Corn, The same being by us considered appraised equal to one third of my estate, should my dear wife Susan Mattingly, receive the same in lieu of her thirds then this Item to be valid and effectual, but on the contrary should she choose to receive her thirds of the whole estate in preference, then this Item to be null, void and of (no effect?) in law. Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Priscilla Mattingly one negro boy named Ignatius. Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Susan Mattingly one negro boy (child) named George. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Amanda Mattingly, one negro Boy named Hampton. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Lucinda Mattingly one negro child named Caroline, nevertheless provided my said daughter Mary Lucinda should not live to arrive to the age of eighteen years, then the said negro Caroline, shall be the right and estate of my son Henry Mattingly. Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Thomas Mattingly, after the death, or intermarriage of my dear wife Susan Mattingly, which ever may first happen, all that Tract or parcel of Land called and known by the name of Great Saint Thomas and little St. Thomas, lying and being in St. Joseph's forrest in Saint Mary's County, to him the said Thomas Mattingly, and his heirs forever, and should my dear wife, Susan Mattingly die before mine & her female children are grown, to wit: Priscilla, Susan, Mary Amanda and Mary Lucinda, Then my Son Thomas Mattingly shall carefully provide homes for them with him,----- Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Mattingly one negro boy named John and one feather Bed and furniture reserved in the first Item.---- Item. I give and bequeath to my Son Zachariah Mattingly the sum of two hundred and fifty two dollars, to be paid to him the said Zachariah, when he arrives at the age of twenty one years by my Executor herein after named. Item. The Crop of Tobacco that I may die posessed with, my Executor hereinafter named shall apply to the discharge and payment of my just debts. Item. I will and bequeath all that Tract or parcel of Land , called and known by the name of Harrons Hills lying and being Saint Mary's County, adjoyning to Chaptico, and bonding on the North eastern side of Chaptico Marsh or by any other name whatsoever the same may be called, to my five children to wit: Henry Mattingly, William Mattingly, Zachariah Mattingly, Elizabeth Barbara Morgan, and Ann Mattingly, all in equal proportion, to them and their heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Barbara Morgan , an equal proportion with Henry Mattingly, William Mattingly & Zachariah Mattingly and Ann Mattingly the residue of my Stock not before desired, after taking out all horses and work Steers not as being reserved for another purpose. Item. I give and bequeath to my two Sons Henry Mattingly and William Mattingly the horses and work steers, with the residue of my stock not otherwise desired or disposed of. Item. In consideration of the sum of thirty dollars, should my wife receive in lieu of her thirds as desired in the first item, She (Susan Mattingly my wife) will in the event of my early death take my Daughter Ann Mattingly for one year, without an (aportion?) of Board or any remuneration whatsoever.----- And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my two Sons, Henry Mattingly and William Mattingly to be Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament, revoking and annulling all former Wills by me heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this and none other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty seventh day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty sigs. Zachariah Mattingly (((seal))) Signed, Sealed, published and declared by Zachariah Mattingly the above named Testator, as, and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request in his presence, and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. Edward Turner H. R. Wright Wm. H. Garner
Maynard, Charles, St. Mary's Co.,2d May 1661;
To wife Ann, execx., seat of land and plantation during life. At
death of wife afsd., said properties to descend to eld. dau. Agnes
and hrs. In event of death of Agnes without hrs., said properties
to pass to young. dau. Eliza: Maynard.
Test: Thos. Turner, Bart: Phillips, John Mecart. 1. 307.
Kenelm McWilliams, Signed: February 1, 1786;Proved: March 6, 1786
Item it is my will & desire that my beloved wife Elizabeth McWilliams,
whome I hereby Constitute and appoint my wholo Exectrix have and
enjoy the use of all and solo my property both Real & personal,
during her widowhood, and that at the Expiration thereof that land
where whereso I now live with all its improvements be reserved for
the use of such of my Daughters as may then be found unmarried,
while they may Continue in that State but that as they may afterwards
marry they may loose all claim to Said Lands and improvements; and
the whole use of said land & improvements may still lay in my
unmarryed Daughters for a home at the last of whoes marriage or
Death it is my desire that the said Lands fall to my son John and
his heirs~~~Item it is my will And Desire that at the Expiration
of my beloved wifes widowhood my personal Estate be Equally Divided,
Among my Children or their heirs, Should any those decease before
that time~~~This And no no other is my last Will and Testament,
Signed and Sealed with my hand and Seal this first Day of February
Kenelm McWilliams (((Seal)))
Signed sealed & acknowledged
By the Testator before us
Raphael Neals
James Heard
Wm. Muir
On the back of the foregoing was thus Endorsed~~~~~~~~
Saint Mary's County Ss the 6th day of March 1786~~~Then came Raphael
Neal, James Heard and William Muir the three Subscribing Witnesses
to the within last will and Testament of Kenelm McWilliams late
of Saint Marys County deceased and severally made Oath on the Holy
Evangels of almighty God that they did see the Testator therein
named Sign and seal this will and that they heard him publish pronounce
and declare the same to be his Last Will and Testament that at the
time of his sodoing he was to the best of their apprehension of
sound and Disposing mind memory and understanding and that they
respectively Subscribed their names as witnesses to this will in
the presence and at the request of the Testator and in the presence
of Each other.~~~~
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Regr Wills
for Saint Marys County
Saint Marys County to wit~~~
The 7th Day of April 1786 Then came Elizabeth McWilliams and made
a Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the within Instrument
of writing is the True and whole Will and Testament of Kenelm McWilliams
late of Saint Mary's County deceased that hath come to her hands
or possession & that she doth not know of any other.
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Regr Wills
St. M C
Transcribed by Judith A. Burger, October 24, 2000 from a photocopy,
courtesy Lynne L. O'Brien, of an original court record of Saint
Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the writing
legible. I made no corrections of any kind.
Will of Augustine Meekins, SMC 2/21/1767-3/9/1767.
To: James Bats and heirs land that William Jordan laid off. Desire
all land above house to be sold.
Wife: Balance of land. Sisters: Margaret Meekin and Teresa Meekin,
all below wheat patch, to Teresa Meeking for life and at death,
to my children.
Wit: William Thompson, Notley Bradburn, Joseph Thompson, Augustine
Meekin, George Medley.
Came Margaret Meekins, Exec. of Augustine Meekins.
MICKELL, WILLIAM, St. Mary's Co. 17 Feb 1749; 8 March 1749
To godson Joseph Thompson, land now rented to Catharen Pane if he
shall arrive to age of 21;
if not then to Agustes Mickell.
To my sister Ann's child Willibe Varnon Wots, land now rented to
Ignatius French, if he lives to age of 21; if not to return to Augusten
Rest of estate except two barrels of corn to Jno. Huse and my clothing
to Jno. Strang, rest among: Anne Daves, Mary Whitfeild, Thomas Woren(?),
Mary Sener(?), Ann Seener(?), Teacy(?) Mickell, Jno. Thompson son
of Jno. Thompson, Mark Jarbo, Mikell Thompson, and Elizabeth Madlly,
wife of Jno. deceased.
Elizabeth Madly, extx.
Wit: Jno. Manning, Thomas Greenwell, Thomas Cartly. 27. 196
Medley, George, (nunc.), St. Mary's Co.,
22nd May, 1678.
To brother William and sister Anne, Thomas Kirtley, Joseph Hardin,
John Brown, and Roman Catholic Church, personalty.
Brother John, ex. and hr.
Test: Richd. Gary, Jos. Harding. 5. 27.
Medley, George, St. Mary's Co.,1st April, 1731;
1st June, 1731.
To son Clemant and hrs., dwell. plan. after decease
of his mother; shd. sd. son die during minority or without issue,
sd. land to pass to son Often and hrs.
To son Bennet and hrs., all land that falls to testator's share
when divided bet. wife and Mary Tant; sd. son dying
during minority or without issue, to pass to son George and hrs.
To 4 sons afsd., personalty at age of 21, or day of marriage, and
residue of personal estate.
Wife Ann, extx.
Test: Enoch Combs (Combes), Thomas Thompson, Ignatius Ford, Robert
Ford (Foord).
Note: Widow claims her thirds. 20, 214.
Medly (Medley), William, St. Mary's Co.,22nd Sept., 1725;
30th Nov., 1725.
To cousin George and hrs., plantation and 3 yrs. of
time of Lawrence Whelch, indentured servant.
To bro. John, Mr. Francis Loyd, cousin John and his son John, cousins
William, Thos., James and Ann, and William Daft, John Anderson,
John Far and Lewis Moor, personalty.
To James Tull, on condition he remain with George Medley until he
is 18 yrs. of age, personalty.
Bro. John and his son George exs. and residuary legatees.
Testator directs that he be buried at the old Chaple, Clements Town.
Test: Stephen Martin, William Sword, Sary Hammond, John Hammond.
18, 418.
Mee, George, St. Mary's Co., ;
6th Aug., 1662.
To Josias Smith, house and ground.
To John Vanheck, land on side of Deep Ck.
To wife (unnamed), residue of estate, real and personal, during
widowhood; if she marry, entire estate, excepting dower rights,
to go to John Vanheck. Caesar Prince to live with testator's wife
until he is 18 yrs. of age.
Exs.: Wife (unnamed) and John Vanheck.
Test: Geo. Willson, Thos. Ward. 1. 158.
Melton, Thomas, Sr., St. Mary's Co.,24th Sept., 1705;
1st May, 1706.
To son Thomas and hrs., dwelling plantation 100 A., Boston,
80 A., Cuckold's Haven and 110 A., St. John's.
To dau. Mary Howard and hrs., personalty and tracts afsd. should
son Thomas die without issue.
Grandson Thos. Adams to be allowed to plant on St. John's
To Mr. Hunter and granddau. Rachel Adams, personalty.
Test: Robert Mansell, Charles Carles, John Williams. 12. 58.
Melton, Thornas, planter, St. Mary's Co.,8th July, 1724;
16th Sept., 1724.
To son Richard and hrs., plantation where Thomas Alphin now lives
and as much of adj. land as shall make one-half of St. John's;
sd. Alphin to live on plan. till son Richard arrives at age of 21,
and personalty.
To son Thomas and hrs., other half of St. John's.
To dau. Elizabeth, personalty.
To wife Mary, dwelling plantation Boston during life;
at her decease to 2 young. sons Adam and John and their hrs. equally.
Shd. either die before age of 18 or without issue, portion of dec'd
to dau. Elizabeth and hrs.; 1/3 residue of estate, remaining 2/3s
to child. when of age or day of marriage equally.
Exs.: Father-in-law Richard Millard and wife Mary to give lease
of land in forest to James Wildman.
Test: Thomas Scott (Scot), James Mills, William Rogers, James Thompson.
18, 303.
Merritt, John, St. Mary's Co.,28th Dec., 1734;
23rd Jan., 1734.
To sister Hopewell Merrit, John Glbson, William Gibson son of sd.
John, and John Gibson, Jr., personalty.
To wife Jane, extx., and hrs., dwelling plantation and residue of
Test: Thomas Lee, Simon Reeder, William Long. 21. 284.
Elizabeth Miles, SMC, 4/12/1773-7/1/1773.
3 daughters-in-law: Ann, Elizabeth, and Mary Mattingly, one negro
and residue of estate after legacies are paid.
Sister-in-law: Ann Mattingly, 2 pr. shoes and a pr. of silk mitts.
Sisters: Lendenfin Wick and Eleanor Miles, my 2 stone rings.
Sister: Bitha Wildman, my silver buckles.
Sister: Becky Hill, my cotton gown.
Mother-in-law: Ann Mattingly, my red cloak.
Sister-in-law: Elizabeth, my silk cloak.
Sister-in-law: Mary McWilliams, an apron. T
o: George Slye, my gold ring.
To: Eleanor and Raphael Neale, sleeve buttons.
To: Mrs. Elizabeth Neale, Sr., my parson gown.
Exec: Father-in-law, Clement Mattingly.
Wit: Raphael Neale, Ann Gibson.
Miles, Francis, St. Mary's Co., ;
23rd Sept., 1700.
To grandson Francis, son of John Miles, 100 A., Back Acres,
and 100 A., Miles Meadow, St. Mary's Co.
To Robert Wiseman, son of John Wiseman, Back Acres afsd.
in event of death of sd. grandson without issue.
To Mary, dau. of John Miles, and hrs., Miles Meadow
in event of death of sd. grandson without issue; to pass in turn
to John, son of John Miles afsd.
To dau. Catherine Wiseman, personalty.
Exs.: Wm. Aisquith, Wm. Ahorne.
Test: Cornelins Manning, Abraham Rhoades, Mary Manning.
6. 375.
Miles, John, St. Mary's Co.,30th Feb., 1697;
16th Mch., 1697.
To son James, ex., home plantation.
To 5 child., viz., John, Nicholas, Henry, Edward, and dau. (unnamed),
residue of eestate equally.
Sons to be of age at 18 yrs. and dau. at 16 yrs. Son John to have
charge of children.
Test: Thos. Dillon, Chas. Joy, Cornelius Dunman. 7. 343.
Miles, John, Sr., St. Mary's Co.,3rd Jan., 1726-7;
23rd Jan., 1726-7.
To wife Mary, dwell. plan., 54 A. , during life.
To son John, ex., and hrs., Summerfield and Westfield;
and personalty.
To son Henry and hrs., 92 A. Cornelius's; dwell. plan.
at decease of his mother ; 4,000 lbs. tob. to be expended
for land; and personalty.
To daus. Mary, Margaret, Elizabeth, Priscilla and Anne, and bros.
Nicholas and Edward, personalty.
To dau. Elineor Sinnott, 2,000 lbs. tob. in full of her pt. of estate.
To wife afsd. and 7 child., viz. John, Mary, Margaret, Elizabeth,
Henry, Priscilla and Anne, residue of estate.
Test: Edwd. Cole, Charles Joy, Thos. Oglesby. 19, 34.
Mary Miles, widow, SMC, 4/3/1734-5/15/1734.
Daughter: Margaret, personalty. Residue of estate to be divided
between three children Margaret, Priscilla, and Ann. Granddaughter:
Mary Sinnott, personalty.
Exec.: Son-in-law, Joseph Stone.
Wit: Jean Gough, Ann Farthing.
Miles, Susanna, St. Mary's Co.,22nd Feb., 1701-2;
2nd June, 1702.
To Robert, son of Jno. Wiseman, and Mary, dau. of Jno. and Margery
Miles, personalty.
To dau. Sarah, wife of Edward Horne, Halford's Folly;
to pass at her death to her dau. Winnifrade. In event of death of
sd. Winnifrede before her mother, sd. land to revert to dau. Sarah
and her hrs.
Son-in-law Edward Horne and dau., exs. and residuary legatees.
Test: Wm. Asquith, Jno. Wiseman, Francis Hopewell, Barnaby Ancktill.
11. 207.
Millard (Miller), Richard, St. Mary's Co.,27th Feb., 1725-6;
20th April, 1726.
To wife Anne, personalty during life; at her decease, to 3 daus.
Monica, Elizabeth and Elinor; shd. one of sd. daus. die before marriage
her portion divided bet. 2 sons Richard and Jos.
To son Richard and hrs., tract of land being pt. of Little
St. Thomas, Turners Plaine and Gloster,
tonching John Suttell's land (for desc. see will).
To wife Anne, share of residue of real estate during life; at her
decease, to son Jos. and hrs.
To son Joseph and hrs., residue of real estate.
To daus. Monica, Elizabeth, Elinor, Mary Melton, Margrett Boyde
and Anne Skirkilift, personalty.
Exs.: Wife Anne and sons Richard and Jos.
Test: Clemt. Gardiner, Saml. Sarvis, John Feild (Field).
Codicil, 28th Feb., 1725-6: To sons Richard and Joseph, personalty.
Test: Same. 18, 475.
Millburn, Joseph, St. Mary's Co.,24th Nov., 1734;
13th Jan., 1734.
To wife Elizabeth, use of dwelling plantation and personal estate
during life; after her decease son Jeremiah to receive dwelling
plantation and personal estate to be divided between sons Stephen
and Jeremish.
To son Stephen and hrs., plantation on the bay shore when of age.
Exs.: Wife afsd. and Francis Hillton.
Test: George Birch (Burch), Hugh Kelly, Mary Garvis. 21. 283
Millburn (Milburn), Stephen, St. Mary's Co.,8th April, 1720;
27th April, 1723.
To son Joseph and hrs., dwelling plantation except
1/3 of the orchard to son John.
To sons Stephen and John, 100 A. each.
To dau. Sarah Nilson, personalty.
To dau. Sweny, 1s.
Wife and (son ?) Joshua exs.
Test: Peter Collison, Thos. Kirbey, Richd. Shurley (Shirley). 18,
Miller, Edward, planter, St. Mary's Co.,22nd March, 1721;
To grandson Thomas (after decease of wife), his father's dwelling
plantation 100 A. Bay Side.
To grand-dau. Anne (sister to afsd. Thomas) and hrs., 100 A. Locust
Thickett. She dying without issue, sd. plan. to 2 child. of
Robert Perry. being the grandchildren of the sd. Edward Miller,
viz. Sarah and Laurena Perry. They dying without issue, to John
Green and hrs.
To John Green (after decease of wife), 150 A. dwell. plan.
To wife , extx., residue of estate.
Test: John Freind, Honry Thompson, Richd. Walker, Tho. Bruce, Thos,
Note: Above will not proved, but ordered to be recorded. 18, 169.
Miller, John,Poplar Hill Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,28th Feb., 1687-8;
2nd Apr., 1688.
To Robert Mason, Susanns, dau. of John Little, personalty.
Maj. John Cambell, ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: Wm. Husband, John Aimesworth, Moore Morgan. 4. 288
Miller, John, planter, St. Mary's Co.15th Feb., 1717;
17th Feb., 1717.
To dau. Rebecca and hrs., 2 tracts of 180 A. in St. Mary's hundred,
bou. of George Thompson, Farnham and Chelsey.
To dau. Priscilla (wife of Wm. Hebb) and hrs., land in Poplar Hill
hundred, Forest of Dane, and a tract in St. George's,
Gardiner's Purchase.
To grandson John (son of Wm. Hebb), Strife, bou. of
John Batson.
Wife Ann extx.
Test: Wm. Healder, Timothy Jolle, Wm. Asquith. 14. 462.
Millman, John, St. Mary's Co.,31st Jan., 1738-9;
6th Mch., 1738-9.
To wife Mary, extx., entire estate.
Test: Law. DeButts, John Stanfield, Samuel Bellwood, Stephen Chilton.
22. 42.
Millman, Mary, St Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1740;
21st Feb., 1740-41.
To granddau. Mary Thomas, at 16 yrs and grandsons Robert and James
Thomas, at 18 yrs., personalty
To dau. Prudence Taylor and hrs., residue of estate.
Ex.: Son-in-law, John Taylor.
Test: John Stanfield, Samuel Johnson, Maurice Williams.
22. 292.
Mills, Andrew , SMC 9/28/1771-1/20/1772. Wife: unnnamed. Children:
James, Elizabeth Tippett, Charles. To: Charles Harrison, Truman
Temperance Vissetts, Monica Kirby, Mary Tippett. Mentions: James
Jordan. Wit:
Elias Hays and John Mills Yong. Execs: Sons, John and James.
Mills, John, St. Mary's Co.,31st Aug., 1728;
6th Nov., 1728.
To dau. Mary, personalty at marriage.
To son John, personalty at marriage or age of 21; shd. either die
before that time, survivor to enjoy portion of dec'd.
To Mr. Francis Loyd, personalty.
Wife Mary, extx.
Test: John Greenwell, Henry Wineet, Cornelius Maning. 19, 500.
Mills, Nicholas, St. Mary's Co.,11th Nov., 1728;
18th March, 1728-9.
To grandson John and hrs., dwell. plan. ; he dying without
issue, to pass to granddau. Mary and hrs.; she dying without issue,
to son Nicholas and hrs.
To son Nicholas and hrs., 309 A. Strife and Strife's
To daus. Mary Millard and Susanna and their hrs., 400 A. Neals
Lott; either dau. dying without issue, portion of dec'd to
survivor; shd. both die without issue, to son Nicholas and hrs.
To dau.-in-law Mary Mills, use of lands where she now lives during
To dau. Susanna and the clergy at New Town, personalty.
To wife Elizabeth, use of dwell. plan. from path leading from house
of dau.-in-law Mary Mills to hd. of Floods Ck., where Charles Daft
now lives, during her life; residue of estate.
Exs.: Wife and son Nicholas.
Test: Cornelius Maning, Mathew Dafft, James Thompson. 19, 616.
Mills, Peter, St. Mary's Co.,3rd Sept., 1684;
17th Mch., 1684-5.
To wife Mary, execx., home plantation.
To dau. Eliza: and hrs., sd plantation at death of wife afsd.
To sons Nicholas and Peter and hrs., 64 A., Minsterdam,
and 150 A., Pomfrett Field.
To Peter and William Howard, sd. estate in event of death of wife
and of 3 child. afsd. without issue.
Test: Clement Hill, Thos. Dant, Jno. Barnard, Eliza: Cooke. 4. 94.
Mills, Peter, St. Mary's Co.,4th April, 1741;
6th June, 1744.
To wife Margaret, life int. in entire estate real and personal.
To son Peter and hrs., dwell. plan. St. John's.
To son William, ex., and hrs., land in Prince George's Co. and land
where Jeremiah Redman now lives.
To grandsons William and Joshua, personalty.
Test: Mary Millard, Thomas Williams, James Thompson.
23. 532.
Note: Widow will abide by her husband's will.
Mitford, Bulmer, St. Mary's Co.,23rd July, 1665;
To wife Fortune, execx., all estate, real and personal, and to have
care of my son Thomas; in event of death of wife before
proving of this will, son Thomas to be ex.
Overseer: Cousin John Morecroft, if he come into the Province.
Test: Wm. Champe, Jas. Joung, John Smith. 1. 235.
Monark, Monica, St. Mary's Co.,4th Feb., 1743-4;
7th Feb., 1743.
To daus. Mary and Margaret, personalty.
To child. John, Joseph, Thomas, Mary and Margaret, testator's share
of husband John's estate.
Exs.: Bros. Edward Price, John Temple.
Test: John Bucknam, John Bradue. 23. 413.
In the name of God Amen. I Charity Morgan of St Mays County,
being sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory,
do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and
form following, (that is to say):
Item: First and principally, I commend my soul unto the house of
almighty God, and my body to the earth, to burial decently, at the
discretion of my Executor hereinafter named, and after my debts
and Funeral Charges are paid, I devise and bequeath as follows.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Ignatius Morgan my Feather
Bed and Furniture that is one pair of Blankets, one pair of Sheets,
on Quilt, and a horse named Stretcher, and the Hogs that is now
in his possession, and one Mare named Irish.
Item: I give unto my son Wilfred (or William) Morgan the Feather
bed that he has at this time, and hogs and one Cow.
Item: I give unto my son George Hayden, one Cow and Calf and one
Bed and furniture for the use of Ian Hayden, likewise on large iron
(unreadable) hooks, and Rack, for the use of his son William.
Item: I give unto my daughter Frances Hayden on Bed and furniture,
one horse named (Sylph?), my side saddle and bridle, on Cow and
Yearling, and three hogs that is now in the pen. I give unto my
son James Morgan two (Steers) about five years old.
Item: I give unto my four sons William, Ignatius, Raphael,
Joseph and my daughter Frances Hayden the remainder of my goods
and chattels to be equally divided among them. Duly I do Constitute
and appoint my son George Hayden, Executor of this my last will
and testament. In testimony I have set my hand and seal this 15th
day of September, One Thousand and Seven Hundred and Ninety One.
Notes to Will: Charity was married 1st to George Hayden b. Ca 1718
d. 1754 intestate. Georges father William Hayden had died
1733 (Will 20:902 St Marys Co) and left plantations to his
two sons and two daughters of his first marriage, leaving the remainder
of his large estate to his 2nd wife Elizabeth to be divided at her
death to a total of eight children of both marriages, including
George who married Charity. Two sons of Georges marriage prior
to Charity were William and Basil Hayden, who migrated to Kentucky
with the Catholic Pioneers. William Morgan b. (?) d. 1774 Intestate,
married Charity ca 1755. Charitys son George Hayden of the
will was born ca 1747 d. (?); daughter Mary Hayden b. ca 1748 d.
(?); daughter Frances Hayden b. ca 1751 d. (?).
Morgan, Edward, St. Mary's Co.,20th April, 1718;
18th July, 1722.
To son John and dau. Mary, 200 A. Parish equally (for
division see will).
To son Benjamin, personalty (to be of age at 18).
To sons John and Edward, dau. Sarah and grand-dau. Jane Chirrel,
1s. each.
To wife Mary, extx., 1/3 of residue of estate, remaining 2/3 to
5 child. equally, viz. Mary, Eliza., Elinor, William and Benjamin.
Ex. desired not to delude any of child. to Rmish Church.
Test: Geo. Clark, Thos. Watts, Wm. Watts, Antho. Simmons (Sims),
John Gill. 17, 259.
Ignatius Morgan - (JF1-62,63,64) 31 Jan 1823 - 22 Feb 1823
I, Ignatius Morgan, of St Mary's County in the State of Maryland, being sick
& weak in body but of sound & disposing mind, memory & understanding etc
To my dear wife Henrietta Morgan during her single life all my negroes (slaves)
to wit: negro woman Matilda, negro woman Mary, negro George, negro Elizabeth,
negro girl Ann, & negro girl Maria together with all my stock of horses,
cattle, sheep & hogs, household & kitchen furniture etc
To my eldest son
James Morgan; & it is my wish that certain property on my presmises are
actually the property of my said son James Morgan to wit: 1 horse, 1 colt,
1 yoke of oxen, & 1 cow & not to be inclyded in bequests
To my children
to wit: Susanna Morgan, Helen Morgan, Ann Morgan, Joseph Morgan & Caroline
Morgan... (distribution of slaves)
To my eldest son James Morgan 1 large
walnut desk & 1 mahogany dining table after death or marriage of my dear
wife Henrietta Morgan.
To my daughter Elizabeth Wheeler 1 cow & calf & no
Do appoint eldest son James Morgan Executor. Set my hand & affixed
my seal this 31st of Jan 1823 Witnesses: John Hayden, Enoch Hammett, Edward
Turner of St Mary's County Certified by James Forrest Reg of Wills for St
Mary's Co St Mary's Co to wit: the 22d day of Feb 1823 thence came John
Hayden & Enoch Hammett 2 of the 3 subscribing witnesses of Ignatius Morgan
late of St Mary's Co etc Certified by James Forrest Reg of Wills St Mary's Co
Morgan, John, St. Mary's Co.,28th Feb., 1741-2;
17th May, 1742.
To wife entire estate, personal.
Test: Wm. Morgan, John Morgan, Eliza. Morgan.
22. 467.
Morgin, Mary, St. Mary's Co.,12th Nov., 1726;
1st June, 1728.
To daus. Elizabeth and Elender and son William, personalty; residue
of estate to 4 child. equally; son William to be in care of Thomas
Plumer until 18 yrs. of age.
Ex.: Son-in-law John Sikes.
Test: Robert Ford, Ann Medley, Mary Ford. 19, 445.
Morgan, William, St. Mary's Co., 9/21/1751; 5/25/1752
To wife Mary Morgan, all my land but if she should marry then to
inherit 1/3 part of the land
to daughter Ann Bailey, 50 A being part of land whereon she now
lives and incase she should have a child to be brought up in the
protestant religion then said land should fall to that child after
death of said daughter.
To daughter Mary Morgan parcel of land called "White Burah
Freehold" excepting 50 A which I bequeath to dau. Ann Bailey,
and also 20 A adjoining unto Isabella cooks land and William Dorsey's
land, Junr.
To dau. Sarah Morgan, land called "Hazzard" and also that
20 A adjoining to said Cook and dorsey land.
To daus. Mary Morgan and Sarah Morgan, 10 pounds sterl. Remainder
of estate to be divided amonf wife Mary Morgan and three daus.:
Ann Beiley, Mary Morgan and Sarah Morgan.
Wit: John Stevens, Mary Bailey, William Bailey
Morgin, Wm., St. Mary's Co.,24th Aug., ;
5th Nov., 1720.
To Eliza. Brown, extx., entire estate.
Test: Robt. Lane, David Everson. 16, 211.
Mosely (Mosley, Mozely), Robert, Poplar Hill, St. Mary's Co.,17th
Dec., 1721;
6th Feb., 1721.
To son Robert and hrs., tract on Poplar Hill Ck., joining on Black
To dau. Patience and hrs., plantation in Course's Neck,
in St. Jerome's.
To dau. Elizabeth and hrs., dwell. plan. . Lands afsd.
not to be sold. Shd. either of 3 child. afsd. die without issue,
survivors to divide portions of dec'd. Children not to leave their
mother-in-law until girls are 16 and boys 18, and then divide residue
of estate. Residue of plan. that was Carwardine's to go towards
schooling of son Robert.
Wife Margaret extx.
Test: John Russell, Ann Deavey, Thomas Campbell, Katherine Cohee.
17, 89.
Moy, Eliza: widow of Richard Moy, St. Mary's Co.,8th Jan., 1675;
14th Feb., 1675.
To Thomas and Richard, sons of Thomas Griffin and his wife, Eliza:,
lately dec'd; Thomas Griffin, Sr., Ellen Forrest, Mrs. Horn, Goody
Atwood, goddau. Winifred Osbaldston, dau. of William Osbaldston,
brothers and sisters, viz., Symon, William, Robert and Jane Turpine,
of Brantford, nr. London, Mrs. Eliza: Baker, Margaret Wynn, dau.
of Thomas Wynne, Mrs. Eliza: Wynne, Eliza:, wife of Thomas Hatton,
Mrs. Rhoades, Mrs. Ennis, Henry Carew, and Robert Carvile, personalty.
To son Daniel, (now 6 yrs. of age), residue of estate at 18 yrs.
of age.
Exs.: Henry Carew, Robt. Carvile, Clement Hill, who are also appointed
guardians of son Daniel, afsd.
Test: Michael Rochford, Thos. Wynne, Thos. Griffin. 2. 396.
Moy, Richard, St. Mary's Co.,19th Feb., 1670;
13th Dec., 1675.
To the Roman Catholic Church and to Michael Foster, personalty.
Wife Eliza:, execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal;
she to make provision for son Daniel.
Test: Thos. Notley, Dan'l Jenifer, Roger Seale. 2. 371.
Murty, Stephen, St. Mary's Co.,18th Apr., 1684;
4th June, 1684.
To wife Eliza: in Waterford, Ireland, New Waterford
and New Passage during life; at her death to pass to
eld. son John and hrs.; he dying without issue to pass to son Anthony
and hrs., and in succession to all testator's child. Wife to have
care of younger child. unnamed in will.
To Catholic Clergy, personalty.
Ex. Clement Hill.
Test: Cuthbert Scott, Anthony Lochlin, Lawrence Hanning, Griffin
Davis. 4. 41.
Contributed by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas
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