St. Mary's County

Wills - G

Gale, Benjamin

Gale, Benjamin, joiner, St. Mary's Co.,16th July, 1743;
22nd July, 1743.
To bro. Thomas, ½ real and personal estate.
To sisters Jemima and Anne, residue of estate.
Ex.: Thomas Ingalls.
Test: Richard Wardkey, George Slye, Richard Cooke.
23. 154.

Galle, Lawrence

Galle, Lawrence, St. Mary's Co.13th Mch., 1735-6;
6th July, 1736.
To godson John Baptist Greenwell, personalty.
To wife Grace, extx., residue of estate.
Test: Benjamin Gough, Stephen Nothingham, John Thomas.
21. 633.
25 August, 1736. Oath of Clement Brook, one of the witnesses to will of Edward Digges, late of Prince George Co., dec'd., at instance of William Digges, afsd. Co. Will recorded v. 13, f. 673, Md. Cal. of Wills, v. 4, p. 9.
21. 634.

Galley, Grace

Galley, Grace, widow, St. Mary's Co.,31st Nov., 1737;
5th Mar., 1739.
To sons Charles, Henry, Justiman, Thomas and John Greenwell, dau.-in-law Mary, wife of Charles, dau. Grace, wife of Michael Rayley, Jr., grand-daus., child. of sons Stephen, Henry, Charles and Thomas Greenwell, to daus. of Jane Norris, wife of Thomas, and to dau. Mary, wife of John Heard, personalty.
Testatrix desires to be buried with her husbands and child. on her plantation.
Ex.: Son Stephen.
Test: William Stone, Jr., John Greenwell, Thomas Gordan.
22. 164.

Gant, James

Gant, James,Brittain's Bay, St. Mary's Co.,10th May, 1717;
4th Aug., 1717.
To son John and hrs., 100 A. on s. e. side of Brittain's Bay, near Wm. Davis's house, and personalty at 21 yrs. of age.
To son Mathew and hrs., 100 A., “Drydocking” in the forest of Brittain's Bay, at head of St. Lawrence R., and personalty at 21 yrs. of age.
To daus. Anne, Eliz. and Mary, personalty at 20 yrs. of age or marriage.
To wife Mary, dwelling plantation, being part of “Revell,” during life; at her decease to pass to son Matthew and hrs., wife residuary legatee.
Test: Nicholas Mills, John Medley, Thos. Walker, Henry Spinke. 14. 444.

Gardiner, Hugh

Hugh Gardiner, CC, 6/15/1729. Brothers: Douglas
Gifford Gardiner and Bullet, personalty. Wit: Patrick Mullen, Matthew
Cheshire. Deposition shows that testator declared will at the house of William Cheshire.

Gardiner, John

Gardiner, John, gent., St. Mary's Co.,13th Oct., 1717;
9th Dec., 1717.
To sons John and Clement and hrs., “Hillaley,” son John to have 100 A. more than son Clement. Should sons John and Clement die without issue, the sd. tract “Hillaley” to pass to two sons Rich. and Wilfraid and hrs.
To son John, personalty.
To Charles Smith, John Hayes and Edw. Hall and their hrs., 2 tracts, “Gardiner's Grove” and “Addition of Gardiner's Grove.” There being no patent granted for sd. tracts, testator directs wife Mary to obtain patent for them in her own name for use of sd. Smith, Hayes and Hall.
To wife Mary, extx., personalty, ½ dwel. plan., “Cannon Neck,” during life. The sd. tract of land, “Cannon Neck,” to be equally divided at her decease between two sons, Rich. and Willfraid, and hrs.
Residue of personal estate divided between wife and child., 4 sons, John, Clement, Rich. and Willfraid, and 5 daus., Susannah, Elizabeth, Mary, Ann and Henrietta Maria; wife to accept afsd. legacies in lieu of her thirds.
Test: Thos. Williams, John Reid, John Atkinson, Dorothy Smith. 14. 470.

Gardiner, John

Gardiner, John, mariner, St. Mary's Co.,9th Dec., 1742;
4th Aug., 1743.
To cousins John Key, and Bartin Milo, personalty.
To bro. Phillip Key, ex., residue of estate.
Test: William Deacon, Vincent Phillips, Justinian Warton.
23. 225.

Gardiner, John

John Garner, SMC, 2/8/1801-2/19/1806.
Wife: (unnamed), all of my estate, both real and personal, during her widowhood. After her death, the estate is to be divided equally between my children and grandchildren.
Grandchildren: Susanna Good, William Good, and Mary Ann Garner Good, children of my deceased daughter, Mary Eleanor Good, one fourth of my estate which would have been their mother's share.
Children: John Garner, Hezekiah Garner, and Elizabeth Nettle, the remaining three fourths of my estate.
Executor: Wife and Son, Hezekiah Garner.
Witnesses: James Walter, James K. Cawood, Mary Hayden

Gardiner, Luke

Gardner, Luke, St. Mary's Co.,4th Dec., 1673;
12th Aug., 1674.
To wife Eliza: execx., home plantation.
To eld. son Richard and hrs., “Barberton Manor,” Chas. Co.
To next son John and hrs., part of “St. John's.”
To son Luke and hrs., 300 A. of “St. John's,” “Hillilee,” “Gardner's Land,” St. Mary's Co., and “Grimditch,” Chas. Co.
To young. son Thomas and hrs., 800 A. on Piscataway Ck., adjoining brother-in-law Zacharay Wade's. Child. to be of age at 18 yrs. In event of death of any child or child. without hrs., survivors to inherit deceased's portion. Should all die without hrs., wife Eliza: to inherit all real estate; residue of personalty to be for the Roman Catholic Church and the poor. In event of death of wife and child. without hrs., land afsd. to pass to child. of brother-in-law Major Thomas Brooke, and ½ of personalty to goddau. Mary Brooke.
Test: Robt. Carvile, Clement Smith, Eliza: Rider, Richard Lanckford. 1. 631.

Gardiner, Richard

Gardner, Richard, St. Mary's Co.,19th Apr., 1687;
3rd Dec., 1687.
To son Luke and hrs., all lands on both sides of the run.
To son John and hrs., “Barberton Manor,” Chas. Co.
To wife Eliza: and hrs., plantation in Va., and certain personalty during minority of son Luke.
To brother Luke, by agreement, “St. John's.”
To sd. sons, Luke and John, and hrs., residue of land equally.
To father-in-law Clement Hill and his wife, to niece and goddau. Hliza: Gardner, dau. of Luke Gardner, to Monica, wife of Luke Gardner, and to priests of Catholic Church, personalty.
Exs.: Uncle, Col. Henry Darnall, father Clement Hill, brother Luke Gardner..
Test: Wm. Langwoorth, Jno. Herd, Thos. Mattingly, Charles Carles, Wm. Dent. 4. 276.

Gardiner, Wilfred

Gardiner, Wilfred, St. Mary's Co.,9th Sept., 1743;
6th June, 1744.
To bro. George Sly and to Philip Key, Bennet Neale, son of Anthony, and negro Harry ——, personalty.
To mother Mary Sly, residue of personal estate.
To sisters Mary Lancaster and Anne Neal, “Canoe Neck” and “Hellelewy”.
Exs.: John Lancaster, Henry Neal.
Test: William Mills, Richard Roper, Thomas Hopkins.
23. 528.

Gates, Robert

Gates, Robert, St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1694;
6th June, 1698.
To wifo Dorothy, extx., 100 A., “Gate's Hope,” 60 A., “Gate's Purchase,” 170 A., “New Branford,” and 20 A., part of “Maidstone,” bought of Thos. Hunt.
To sons John and Robert equally and hrs., 2 lots at Newport Town, 275 A., “St. Michael's,” 200 A., “St. Mary's,” and 193 A., “Gate's Swamp.”
To dau. Catherine and hrs., 200 A., part of “Poppleton” nr. Patuxent R.
To dau. Susanna and hrs., residue of “Branford.”
To dau. Ann and hrs., 80 A., part of “Maidstone.”
To son Joseph, “Gate's Hope” and “Gate's Purchase”: also “New Branford” and “Maidstone” afsd. at decease of mother.
To priest of Roman Catholic Church, personalty.
Test: Rieh'd Edelsn, Jas. Connell, Jas. Haggon.
Note:–At foot of will dates of birth of ohild. given as follows–Catherine, born 7th July, 1676; Susanne, 12th Oct., 1678; John, 19th Sept., 1681; Robert, 13th Feb., 1686; Ann, 23rd July, 1690; Joseph, 8th Dec., 1693. 6. 113.

Gerard, Justinian

Gerard, Justinian, St. Clement's Manor, St. Mary's Co.,4th Aug., 1682;
22nd Jan., 1688.
To wife Sarah, extx., and hrs., antire estate, real and personal, including “Bramly,” and plantation in Westmoreland Co., Va., consisting of 2 tracts; one formerly in possession of James Renolds, and the other formerly in possession of Wilkes Maunders, dec'd; also property in Lancashire, Eng.
Test: Jno. Coode, Nehemiah Blackiston, Henry Ferneley, Thos. Sikes, Wm. Taylor. 6. 43.

Gerrard, Thomas

Gerrard, Thomas, of Mathotick River, formerly of St. Clement's Manor, St. Mary's Co.,5th Feb., 1672;
15th Dec., 1673.
To dau. Mary and hrs., 4 seats of land in St. Mary's Co., including “St. Katharine's Manor” and “Westwood Lodge.” In event of death of dau. Mary without hrs., sd. lands to pass to surviving sons and daus. of testator.
To eld. son Justinian and hrs., part of “St. Clement's Manor;” also any land or lands in Eng.
To wife Rose during life, and male hrs., ½ of sd. “St. Clement's Manor;” ½ of “Bastfoord Manor,” and ½ of “Gerrard's Reserve,” Va. In event of death of sd. wife without male issue, son Justinian to possess the whole of “St. Clement's Manor.”
To young son John, ½ of “Bastfoord Manor” and ½ of “Gerrard's Reserve,” Va.; to possess the whole of sd. tracts in event of death of said wife without male issue.
To other 3 sons and 5 daus., sons-in-law, daus.-in-law grandchild.; viz: Gerrard Paten and Gerrard Tucker at 18 yrs. of age, and to John Wauge, personalty.
Exs.: Wife Rose and son Gerrard.
Test: John Waugh, Isaac Allerton, John Lee.
Testator desires to be buried by deceased wife Susanna. 1. 567.

Gerrard, Thomas

Gerrard, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,17th Nov., 1685;
20th Oct., 1686.
Wife Anne extx. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Jo. Bearcroft, Benj. Hobson, Robt. Thompson, James Ellis. 4. 221.

Gifford, William

Gifford, William, St. Mary's Co.,—– —– —–;
5th Nov., 1675.
Henry Elliott, ex. and sole legatee.
Test: John Hales. 2. 360.

Glover, Thomas

Glover, Thomas, planter, St. Mary's Co.,2nd June, 1731;
3rd Nov., 1731.
To sons Thomas and Richard, 12d. each.
To unborn child, personalty; sd. child if a boy to be of age at 18, if a girl at 16; shd. sd. child die during minority, pt. of afsd. legacy to unborn child of son Richard.
To wife Weneford, extx., residue of personalty either in Maryland or Virginia.
Test: Patrick Brady, Rebecca Williams, Ubgatt Reeves. 20, 256.

Goldsberry, John

Goldsberry, John, planter, St. Mary's Co.,29th Mar., 1718.
To son Robert, lease of 60 A. and personalty.
To son William, personalty.
To Margaret Goldsberry, grandson Edward Goldsberry and John (son of William Goldsberry), personalty.
Residue of estate to sons Robert and William, equally.
Test: Thos. Blackman, Thos. Thornley, Margaret Goldsberry (Gouldsberry). 14. 640.

Goldsberry, Robert

Will of Robert Goldsberry, SMC 10/21/1756-11/1/1756.
To: Sarah Jole, tract I now live on called "Poppanfields", 190 ac. If she dies without issue, then to Elizabeth Morris and Mary Morris, daus. of John and Ann Morris.
To: George Jole,a hiefer.
Exec: Sister, Sarah Jole.
Wit: Gilbert Anderson, Sarah Tole, Ann Groogin.

Goldsmith, John

Will of John Goldsmith Recorded as PC1-44 (copy of will located at Courthouse, Leonardtown, St Mary's Co, MD) 17 Apr 1683 (written) 31 July 1683 (probated) I John Goldsmith of St Maries County in the province of Maryland, planter, being weak in body but of sound & perfect memory & knowing the uncertainty of this life do make this my last will & testament as followeth: Imprimus I give my soul to almighty God hoping to bee saved, by the merits of my lord and saviour Jesus Christ & my Body to be decently buried, & for that worldly estate God hath been pleased to bestow upon me I bequeath as followeth; first that all my lawfull debts bee satisfied; I bequeath to my sonn Thomas Notley Goldsmith all my Plantation whereon I now dwell & if he dye before he bee one & twenty years of age or have any heirs lawfully begotten of his body, I bequeath it to my sonn John Gerard Soldsmith, & if he dye without heir lawfully begotten of his body, I bequeath it to my sonn William Goldsmith, or to the next heir that belongs to the family. I bequeath to my sonn John Gerrard Goldsmith four hundred acres of Land Contained in 2 patents lying on the east side of (Chaptico?) branch towards the head; I bequeath to my sonn William Goldsmith twoo hundred acres of Land lying about birds Creek. nominated the intirement after the decease of William Ursingor & his wife Judith. I give to my Daughter Notley Goldsmith ten thousand pounds of tobacco a feather bed & furniture to it. A silver (salto?) to bee paid after my decease, five thousand the first year & five thousand the next - I leave my wife Judith Goldsmith the management of all my estate both reall & personal for the good of the Children; while she Continues a Widow if it be to her death: and for all the moveables to be equally divided amongst the six young'st Children viz Thomas Notley, John Gerard & William Goldsmith males; Priscilla, Margaret & Sarah Goldsmith females and my wife to have her share equally with them: I give to my sonn in Law Thomas Love my horse Robin, & a thousand of tob'o. I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Jordain a hogshead of Tobacco & my Daughter Judith Ursingor a hogshead of Tobacco. I make constitute ordain and apoint my well beloved Wife Judith Goldsmith, my lawful & sole Executive & my sonns in Law William Ursingor & Thomas Jordain my overseer desiring there utmost care & deligous to be assisting my wife in the management hereof for the good of my Children except 2 negros, one a girl caled Jane & a negroe boy caled Richard which belongs not to my estate but to my sonn Thomas Notley Goldsmith. I witness whereof I have here sett my hand and seale this seventeeth of April Anno Domini 1783(??) signed sealed and delivered JVG John Goldsmith ((seal)) mark in presence of us Edward ((X)) Turner John Stone Those Waringe The 31st day of July 1683 came before the Judges at their office for probate of wills Edward Turner & Thomas Waring two of the witnesses of the above will & made Oath that they did see the Testator signe, seale & publish the s'd will to be his last will & testament & that John Stone the other witness at present out of the province was by when the s'd will was published; and subscribed his name as a witness thereunto

Goldsmith, John

Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1683; 31st July 1683.
To son Thomas Notley Goldsmith, home plantation.
To son John Gerrard Goldsmith, sd. plantation in event of death of son Thomas Notley without hrs., or during minority; also 400 A. (unnamed) on e. side Chaptico Branch.
To son William, sd. plantation in event of death of other sons afsd. without hrs.; also 200 A., “Intirement.”
To William Nefinger and Judith, his wife, life interest in sd. tract, “Intirement.”
To daus. Nottley Goldsmith and Eliza: Jourdaine, and to son-in-law Thomas Love, personalty.
To young. child., viz., Thomas Notley, John Gerrard, William, Priscilla, Margaret and Sarah, residue of personal estate, equally.
Wife Judith, execx.
Overseers: Sons-in-law Wm. Nefinger and Thos. Jourdaine.
Test: Edward Turner, Jno. Scane, Thos. Waringe. 4. 15.

Goldsmith, John

Goldsmith, John, St. Mary's Co. 20 Jan 1765, 5 Aug 1773
To son John Goldsmith, the land where I now live and that part tended by Joseph Dunbarr called Island Cutt.
To son Thomas Goldsmith, land occupied by William Walter.
All other lands to be divided by my three sons, John, Thomas and Notly.
That John and Thomas pay to son Notly 5000 pounds of crop tobacco and a suit of coarse broad cloth, at age 21.
My personal estate to be divided between my four children, Notley, Lidia, Ann and Elizabeth Goldsmith, reserving to my wife Jane Goldsmith as the law directs.
Wife Jane Goldsmith, extx.
Wits Wm, Jordan, John Eden, John Mason. 39. 739

Goodaker, Christopher

Christopher Goodaker (no County named) 1/18/1663-1/28/1663. Wife: Dorothy and son, Richard estate equally.
Wit: John Lawson and Susanna White.

Goodson, Christopher

Goodson, Christopher, Poplar Hill, St. Mary's Co., 8th Oct., 1688; 8th Nov., 1688;
To Eliza: Noble, dau. of John Noble, personalty.
Wife Frances, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Jno. Cambell, Wm. Husband, Michael Boliu, Robt. Thomas. 6. 31.

Goodwin, George

Goodwin, George, St. Mary's Co.,7th Jan., 1672;
22nd Jan., 1672.
Henry Exon, ex. and sole legatee.
Test: Thos. Caffard, Winifrede Horne. 1. 518.

Gough, Benjamin

Will of Benjamin Gough, SMC, 3/20/1774-9/1/1774. Son: Charles, Exec., all my land. Daughter: Rebecca, a negro boy Stephen. Daughter: Mary, a desk. Daughter: Brittania, a 4' chest. Son Charles to take care of son Jeremiah until he is 16 years old and then to be bound out to a trade. Wife: Susanna, Exec., all my estate during her life and at her death equally among my five children--Charles, Mary, Rebecca, Brittania, and Jeremiah Gough. Wit: John Greenwell of James, Rodolphus Norris, Vincent Inge. Rodolphus Norris and Vincent Inge state that they did not think Benjamin Gough was of a sound mind. John Greenwell of James states that he does think he was of a sound mind.

Gough (Gaugh, Goff), Benjamin

Gough (Gaugh), Benjamin, St. Mary's Co.21st Mch., 1735-6;
2nd June, 1736.
To sons Benjamin and James and their hrs., dwelling plantation —–, divided equally at their majority; and personalty. Shd. sd. sons die without issue lands afsd. to pass to daus. Mary and Perselea and their hrs.
Wife Jane, extx.
Test: John Greenwell, John Medley, John Blake.
21. 632.

Gough, James

Gough, James, St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1725;
31st Jan., 1725.
To eldest son James and hrs., 100 A. “Rachoon point,” taken up by Richard Nevitt, on e. side Britton's Bay; 100 A. dwelling plantation “St. Bernards,” 200 A. of “St. Margarett's” (100 A. thereof sold to bro. Benjamin) and 109 A. “Ladyland”; and personalty.
To son Stephen and hrs., 150 A. “Jarboes,” w. side Britton's Bay; 60 A. marsh land adj. and 42 A. “Gough's Levell,” e. side Brittains Bay; and personalty.
To son Peter and hrs., 190 A. —– bou. of Nicholas Lowe, Esq.
To daus. Elizabeth and Ann, personalty.
To son Baptista, £60 to purchase land.
To wife Elizabeth, extx., personalty, and to divide with child. afsd. residue of personal estate; shd. she marry, to forfeit all right therein.
Test: Richard Thompson, Benjamin Gough, Richard Farthing, Joh. Harwood.
Note: Widow claims her thirds. 18, 435.

Gough, James

James Gough, SMC 2/19/1774-8/5/1774. 50 ac. of land to be sold.
Son: John Baptist Gough, my dwelling plantation containing 100 ac. All
moveable estate to my 6 remaining children: Jane, Elizabeth, Annesary,
Matthew, Ann, and Mary Gough. Exec: Wife, Susanna and Stephen Gough. Wit:
Matthew Norris, Stephen Norris, Eleanor Greenwell. The widow does not stand
to the will.

Gough, Mary

Gough, Mary, widow, St. Mary's Co.,31st Oct., 1743;
30th Nov., 1743.
To dau. Anastatia at 16 yrs., £10 and testator's share of the estate of her husband Stephen.
Son James to be of age at 18 yrs. but not to receive any estate until he is 21.
Ex.: Bro. John Norris.
Test: Joshua Woodward, Thom. Howard, William Russell.
23. 320.

Gough, Stephen

Gough, Stephen, St. Mary's Co.,22nd Oct., 1700;
2nd Jan., 1700.
To Nicholas Galick, personalty.
To eld. son James, ex., and hrs., 100 A., “Vacooun Point,” on this side Brittain's Bay, taken up by Rich'd Nevett; 100 A., “St. Barnard's,” and 300 A., “St. Margaret's.”
To young. son Benjamin, parcel of land lying in “Beaver Dam Manor.”
To wife Clare, sons James and Benjamin, daus. Mary and Morrica, residue of estate.
Test: Lawrence Gall, Jas. Greenwell, Jno. Greenwell, Grace Greenwell. 11. 61.

Gough, Stephen

Gough, Stephen, planter, St. Mary's Co.,30th March, 1743;
21st April, 1743.

In the name of God Amen,the thirteenth Day of March Anno Domini 1743 I Stephen Gough of St. Mary County in the province of Maryland planter being very sick, and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given,unto God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and Recommend, my soul unto the hands of God, that gave it and my body I Reccomend, to the Earth to be buried in Christian decent Burial at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the general ressurrection I shall, receive again by the mighty power of God, and as Touching such worldly Estate, wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, after all my Just debts are paid I give Devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form Imprimis I give and Bequeath unto my dear son Ignatius Gough my now dwelling plantation containing one hundred and fifty acres of land as also forty two acres of Land called Goughs Level and forty eight acres called Goughs Conveniency to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever. Item I give and bequeath to my dear Daughter Anastatia one negro man called, Tom to be delivered to her at the age of sixteen, or on her Day of marriage to her and the heirs of her body Lawfully Begotten forever. Item I give and bequeath unto my loving son Matthew one negro man called Peter, to be delivered to him to his proper use at the age of sixteen years, to him and the heirs of his Body lawfully Begotten forever. Item I give and bequeath to Brother in Law, John Norris my gunn. Lastly I give and bequeath unto my Dear & well beloved Wife, Mary Gough all the Residue and Remainder part of my movable Estate, whom I Likewise Constitute make & ordain whole and sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke, and Disannul, all and Every other former testatments With Legacies Bequests and Executors, by me in any wise before named, Willed and bequeathed Ratifying and confirming, this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written Stephen Gough (seal) signed sealed published pronounced & declared as his last will and Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers April the 21st 1743 Clement Spink Then came Clement Spink, Susanna Norris and Susanna___ her_____ Norris William Russell the subscribing witnesses to mark the foregoing will being duly & solemnly sworn William Russell on the holy Evangels of Almighty God depose and say that they saw the Testator Stephen Gough Sign the foregoing Will, and heard him publish and declare the same to be his Last Will and Testament,that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory and that they subscribed their Respective names as Witnesses to the said will in the presence of the said Testator at his request Sworn to before me Tho. Aisquith Deputy Commissioner May the 4th 1743 of St. Marys County Then the deceaseds Widow made her Election and takes her thirds Certified by me Tho. Aisquith Deputy Commissioner of St. Marys County

To son Ignatius, 150 A. dwelling plant, 42 A. “Galigh's Level,” 48 A. “Gough's Convenience.”
To son Matthew, dau. Anastaticia, bro.-in-law John Norris, personalty.
To wife Mary, extx., residue of estate.
Test: Clement Spink, Susanna Norris, William Russell.
23. 84.
Note: May 4, 1743 widow takes her legal third.

Gover, Daniel

Gover, Daniel, St. Mary's Co.,23d May, 1674;
9th June, 1674.
To brother Emanuel Ratcliffe and Eliza: Exons, personalty. Ex. not named.
Test: Geo. Fennix, Edwin Lecroft. 1. 620.

Gowdard, John

Gowdard, John, St. Mary's Co.,23rd Nov., 1700;
—– —– —–.
To son John and hrs., dwelling plantation.
To daus. Margaret and Eliza: and hrs., “Heart's Delight”; also plantation afsd. in event of death of their brother John during minority, and in event of there being no hrs., sd. land to pass to John Brewer and his hrs.
To wife Mary, extx., personalty.
Test: Thos. Dillon, Jno. Cambell, Ell. Shortwell, Simon Gurling. 11. 30.

Grace, John

Grace, John, “Basford Manor,”St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1675;
21st Mch., 1675.
Wife Ann, execx. and sole legatee.
Test: Edw. Baylie, Ann Breden. 2. 407.

Graile, Francis

Graile, Francis, St. Mary's Co.,6th Feb., 1675;
15th Mch., 1675.
To Edward Pearce, Thomas and John, the sons of Thomas Pearce, dec'd, Gilbert Turberfield and Mary Robinson, personalty.
William Strainer, ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: Richard Dell, Lidia Turberfile. 2. 409.

Graves, John

Will of John Graves, Sr., St. Mary's Co. 1/27/1746-7/5/1748. To: George Thompson, SMC, right to plantation he now lives on called "Rocky Point". Son: Thomas, plantation he lives on called "Hopewell" and "Pt. of Hardship's Addition"; at his death to my grandson, Thomas Graves, Jr. and for want of heirs to my grandson Joshua Graves, and for want of heirs to his brother John Graves, and for want of heirs, to my granddaughter Henrietta Anderson, and for want of heirs son on to the youngest of son Thomas' children. For want of such heirs then to fall to granddaughter, Tabitha Graves, dau. to John Graves, Jr. (deceased) and for want of such heirs to her brother, John Graves, and for want of heirs to his brother Jesse Graves, and for want of such heirs to fall to my son George Graves. Grandson: Jesse Graves, the plantation his father lived on when he died being pt. of "Graves' Chance". Grandson: John Graves, son of John Graves, Jr. (deceased), "Graves' Lot". Son: George, "Graves' Swamp". Grandsons: Jesse Graves and John Graves to be under care and tuition of son George Graves until age 18. Daughter: Eleanor Graves "Hardship's Addition" and for want of heirs, to daughter Ann Graves and for want of heirs to granddaughter, Mary Ann Nelson and for want of heirs to granddaughter Chloe Nelson and for want of heirs to grandson Seneca Nelson and for want of heirs to daughter Elizabeth Nelson and for want of heirs to daughter Margaret Standidge. Daughter: Elizabeth Nelson "Doe Park" and 50 ac. "Doe Park's Addition". Daughter: Margaret Standidge, pt. of "North Addition to Doe Park". Daughter-in-law: Margaret Graves. If any of the children or grandchildren forsake the Protestant religion, they they are to be disinherited. Wit: Richard Weaklin, Robert Drury, John Booker.

Green, Mary

Green, Mary (widow), St. Mary's Co.,12th May, 1716;
—– —– —–.
To sons Thos. and James and hrs., “Guyther's Purchase” as now divided, between them. Should sd. sons die without issue, their share to pass to their widows during widowhood, then to grandson Thos. Squires and hrs. Should he die without issue, to next hr. of dau. Squires.
To dau. Sarah Squires, personalty; she to enjoy part of the tract belonging to son James. Jno. Squires to have liberty to clear and plant same at his wife's pleasure.
To Jane Campbell, personalty.
To grandson Thos. Squires, personalty at age of 18.
Ex.: Son James.
Test: Danll. Clocker, Alice Clocker, Jno. Baker. 14. 229.

Green, Thomas

Green, Thomas, Governor, St. Mary's Co.,18th Nov., 1650.
After reserving a livelihood for himself, assigns to his friends Henry Adams and James Langworth entire estate, real and personal, for benefit of wife Winifred and children Thomas, Leonard, Robert and Francis; but desires wife afsd. to have full possession during her life, except that a certain amount of tobacco is to be given to friend Thos. Copley. Wife to give to sons afsd. designated shares in succession. In event of death of wife and of children without issue, ¾ of estate to be given to charity and balance to Henry Adams and James Langworth afsd.
Test: Richd. Willan, Alice Smith. Pat. Rec. 1, 188.

Greene, Leonard

Greene, Leonard, St. Mary's Co.,10th Jan., 1687;
4th July, 1688.
To wife Ann, “Greene's Rest” during life.
To son Thomas and hrs., sd. plantation at death of his mother, also 200 A. at Panguya, Chas. Co., being part of “Greene's Inheritance” patented by testator and 2 brothers, viz., Francis and Robert.
To eld. dau. Wynyfred and hrs., 200 A., part of sd. “Greene's Inheritance.”
To dau. Mary and hrs., 200 A., part of sd. tract.
To dau. Margaret and hrs., 200 A., part of sd. tract.
Child. to be in care of their mother.
Exs., Brother Francis Greene, brother Thomas Clarke.
Test: Francis Penington, Kenelm Cheseldyn, Thos. Taylor, Kate Cannon. 4. 318.

Greenfield, Henry

Henry Greenfield, SMC 11/1/1748-12/6/1748.
Brother: Thomas, 43 lbs. sterling and all tobacco he now owes me. Brother: George, that moiety or half tract of "Good Luck" now joining to his land; a horse called "Jolly"; and a small gun.
Cousin: Catherine Cartwright, a negro girl Priss and her increase. To: Elizabeth Barber's daughter, Rebecca 25 lbs. sterling at age 16. Wit: James Forbes, Nathaniel Parran, Nathaniel T. Greenfield.

Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman

Nathaniel Truman Greenfield, SMC, 11/21/1783-6/9/1784. Sister:
Susanna Wilkinson Greenfield, all of my estate both real and personal. She
is to rent out the lands and hire out the negroes. To: Friend, William
Cartwright, all of my wearing apparel, except my gold, silver buttons, and
silver shoebuckles. Exec: Sister, Susanna Wilkinson Greenfield. Wit:
Elizabeth Chesley, William Kilgour, George Clarke Somerville.

Greenfield, Nathaniel Truman

Nathaniel Truman Greenfield, SMC 11/28/1762-2/19/1763. Wife:
Rebecca, slaves to be sold to educate children. Son: Thomas Truman
Greenfield. Mentions: Dr. Hamilton; all slaves except one which is mother
gave to my daughter Nancy to be equally divided. Mentions: all my children.
Exec: Wife, Rebecca. Wit: Meverell Locke, Thomas Greenfield, John Briscoe

Greenfield, Thomas Truman

Greenfield, Thomas Truman, St. Mary's Co.,3rd Feb., 1730;
11th Mch., 1733-4.
To eld. son Thomas Truman and hrs., 2354 A., “Trent Neck,” “Stoke Bardolph,” “Arcadia” and “Greenfield's Discovery,” provided he conform to this will and his mother's deelre touching lands descended to her by the death of her brother Kenhelm Chiseldyne; should sd. son Thomas or any of his hrs. molest, sue for and recover lands descended to his mother to detriment of son Kenhelm or hrs., then sd. son Kenhelm and hrs. shall be vested in a good and sure estate in Fee Tail as expressed to son Thomas of, in and to “Trent Neck” bought of the then Lord Baltimore and also in afsd. tracts. Son Thomas to take no benefit of this will, except what was had from uncle Thomas Truman, esq., i. e., in 1210 A. in “Trent Neck,” “The Wedge,” “Refuse,” “Backland,” “Snenton” and “The Inclosure;” sd. son Thomas dying without issue sd. lands to pass to son Kenhelm and hrs., and in default of such hrs. to son Gerard and hrs., and in default of such hrs. to son Walter and hrs., and in default of such hrs. to son Nathaniel and hrs., and in default of such hrs., to son James and hrs., and in default of such hrs. to dau. Mariamne Truman Stoddart and hrs., and in default of such hrs. to dau. Sabina and hrs., and in default of such hrs. to right male hrs. of testator.
To son Kenhelm Truman Greenfield and hrs., “Trumans Hope,” “Scegby,” 150 A. bought of mother —–, Saint Margaret's Island, and 1/3 of the lands his uncle Kenhelm Cheslldyne died possessed of, and in default of such hrs. to descend as directed in preceding paragraph.
To wife Anne, lands below the 30 ft. house Neck Gut and the head of the branch which falls into it, being where mill stands, one-half use of mill during life, after her decease same to pass to son Thomas and hrs.
To son Gerard Truman Greenfield and hrs., part of “Retaliation,” part of “Addition,” “The Barrens” and “Golden Race,” Prince George Co.
To son Walter Truman Greenfield and hrs., “Truman's Chance,” whereon Robert Gill dwells, “Fishing Place,” given by will of Peter Harris, “The Forks,” “Addition” adjoining thereto, 109 A. bought of William Maria Farthing near John Medley's Neck.
To son Nathaniel Truman Greenfield and hrs., land bought of John Bowles, “Farthing's Disoovery,” tract bought of Joshua Heartley and tract bought of Henry Gibbins.
To son James Truman Greenfield and hrs., land bought of George Kieth and Henry Gibbins whereon Samuel Fowler now dwells, “Lamley,” “Keeche's Folly,” n. part of “Holbydge Town,” w. part of “Peny Farthing,” a lot in Seymour town.
To dau. Mariamne Truman Stoddert and hrs., “Truman's Acquaintance.”
To dau. Sabina Truman Greenfield and hrs., “Wolf's Den,” “America Felix.”
To godson Thomas Greenfield Truman and hrs., the w. 100 A. of “Penny Farthing,” Charles Co., on condition he and they go by the name of Greenfield as testator does by name of Truman.
To niece Rebecca Jowles and hrs., s. ½ of “Holbydge Town.”
To godson James Greenfield Wood the land his father holds (after his mother's decease) for and during a term of 7 yrs.
To hrs. of John Craycraft of Prince George's Co., rights and interests in “Cross Gutt.”
Testator states that some yrs. ago having agreed to sell to John Adams of Charles Co. a tract known as “Mount Olivet” for consideration of 3000 lbs. tob. and £20, of which was paid £5 and 1200 lbs. tob., wills that sd. Adams or his hrs. have the land on same terms, residue of payment to be included in personal estate, if he or they do not accept these terms money paid to be refunded to sd. Adams, and sons James, Nathaniel, Walter, Gerard, Kenhelm and Thomas and daus. Mariamne and Sabina hold sd. land successively.
To dau. Mariamne Truman Stoddert and hrs., 15,000 lbs. tob. to be paid out of profits of lands, provided books do not show such sum as paid to her or her husband before consummation of will.
To son Nathaniel Truman Greenfield and hrs., “Cooek's Hope,” Charles Co.
To each of child. (dau. Mariamne excepted), 16,000 lbs. tob. or value thereof. Dau. Sabina to receive portion at age of 16, or day of marriage, sons as they arrive to age of 21 yrs.
To mother —–, rents of “Golden Race” during life.
To brother James, personalty, 2/3s. personal estate to be divided between young. dau. and six sons. Should sons or daus. or their hrs. or descendants marry a Roman Catholls, or themselves embrace that religion, neither they or any of them to have any benefits from this will, and whatever is bequesthed them to revert to next Protestant heir. Disputes arising as to interpretation of this will to be referred to decision of trustees, intention of testator being that lands shall pass from one to another in the same order as herein set down, in case of want of lawful issue, tho' the sd. child. had different mothers.
Exs.: Wife and sons Thomas and Kenhelm.
Overseers: Daniel Dulany, Henry Holland Hawkins, Leonard Hollyday, John Stoddert, William Wilkinson, Philip Key, Thomas Gant.
Test: John Forbes, Tho. Brooke, Thomas Addington, James Hay, Rand Morris, John Burch.
Codieil 11th Nov., 1733. Bequest of part of “Soegby” to son Kenhelm revoked, and two northernmost 100 A. of sd. tract bequeathed to son Nathaniel in the same manner as other land in former part of will is given.
To young. son James Truman Greenfield and hrs., mortgage of land from brother James and one from Robert Elliott. Wife empowered to cancell debts against such debtors as to her seem fit objects of charity.
Test: Joshua Nelson, Robert Elliott, Thomas Addington. 20. 892.

Greennoch, Elizabeth

Greennoch, Elizabeth, widow, St. Mary's Co.,24th Nov., 1742;
29th Nov. 1742.
To bros. and sisters ——, cattle.
To bro. Richard Brewer, his son Richard, god dau. Mary Ann Brewer, Matthew Anderson, Elizabeth McCrachlin (Crachlin), David McCrachlin, Mark Mattingly, Mary Marter, Mark Brewer and John Baptist Anderson, personalty.
Ex.: Bro.-in-law John Matting.
Test: Rachel Neal, James Thompson.
23. 1.

Greennoch, Richard

Greenock, Richard, St. Mary's Co.,—– —– —–;
1st Nov., 1742.
David McCrackin and William Ray took oath that they heard test. who died November 1st, say that he willed his entire estate to his wife ——, with the exception of some books that he willed to his godchild ——.
23. 2.

Greenwell, Austin

Austin Greenwell, 10/7/1823-1/13/1832. Son: John Allen, sorrel horse. Son: Augustine, all property that I have a bill of sale on record. Daughter: Cecelia Greenwell, $10. Wife: Elizabeth, all the rest of my estate for life and then to my 6 children--Cecelia, Lewis, Augustine, Enoch, Thomas, and John Allen Greenwell. Daughter: Mary Cissell, 25 cents as her part in full of my estate. Exec: Son, John Allen Greenwell. Wit: Philip Greenwell of Charles, John Redman.

Greenwell, James

Greenwell, James, St. Mary's Co.,28th Nov., 1709;
14th Aug., 1714.
To wife Grace, extx., during widowhood, ½ of 200 A., “Pileswood Lane,” it being the dwelling place; she to have charge of younger child. until they are 18 yrs. of age.
To son John and hrs., residue of land afsd.; he to have charge of child. should wife marry or die. In event of his death without issue, his estate to pass in succession to sons Justinian and Ignatius and hrs., to son Stephen and hrs., son Charles and hrs., and then to 3 sons Henry, Thos. and William and hrs. To sons afsd., personalty.
To son James, 1 shilling in full of his share of estate.
To 3 daus., Mary Heard, Grace Clarke and Jane (Greenwell), at 18 yrs., personalty.
Test: Jo. Mason, Henry Taylor, James Gough, Peter Gahart.
13. 725.

Greenwell, James

Greenwell, James, St. Mary's Co.,20th Mar., 1723-4;
11th April, 1724.
To son James and hrs., entire real estate; he dying without issue, to pass to son Enoch and hrs.
To wife Sarah, extx., use of lands till sons afsd. are of age, and personal estate. Shd. wife die before youngest children (not designated) are of age, they are left to care of bro. Ignatins. Sons of age at 20 yrs.
Test: John Hammond, Thomas Norris (Norrice), John Greenwell. 18, 241.

Greenwell, John

John Greenwell Dec., 1739 Wills Liber TA 1 page 131 The Last will of John Greenwell In the name of God Amen. I John Greenwell of St. Mary's County in the province of Maryland, being of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God, but calling to mind the mortality of my body do make and ordain this my last will & Testament. Jusprimis I commend my soul to God, and my body to the Earth to be buried at the discretion hereafter hereafter named; and as for such goods as God has blessed me with in this life. I give and dispose of in form following. It. I give and bequeath to my son John Wiseman Greenwell part of a tract of Land called Piles ets Woodland, from an oake called the Dividing with a line Drawn East all the parcell of Land lying one the south side of the Line; and the East side of the main road together with a Tract of Land called, this are none to him & his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my son John Basil Greenwell; part of the aforesaid piles Woodland. Item I give from the aforesaid Oake with the line drawn west and by south all that parcell of Land lying on the south side of the line and the westside of the road to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my son James Greenwell the remaining part of Piles Woodland, to him & his heirs forever, and my will is that he shall have liberty to sett to himself on the half part of the said land when he shall see fitt during his natural Life. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Joshua Greenwell a tract of land called the last shift to him & his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto my son John Baptist Greenwell one hundred acres of land it being part of a tract called Rochester to him & his heirs forever. Item I _____ all my sons to ______ for themselves at the age of Eighteen and the negro woman Hannah and her increase to be Equally Divided amongst my surviving children, when my youngest child arrives to Eighteen I likewise appoint my well beloved wife Catherine Greenwell my Executrix of this my Last will & Testament, December the 22, 1739 John Greenwell (((seal))) __ Thomas x Norris Sr. July the 15th 1741 John x Norris came Thomas Norris John Norris and Thomas Norris Junior the subscibing witnesses to the foregoing will being duly and solemnly sworn on on the Holy Thomas his Norris Jr. Evangels of Almighty God dispose and mark say that they saw the Testator John Greenwell sign the foregoing will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and Testament, that at that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory and that they subscribed their respective names as witnesses to the said will in the presence of the Testator, and at his request. Sworn to before me. Tho. Aisquith Deputy Commissioner of St. Marys County The Deceased's Widow has made her Election and stands to the and takes her thirds, Certified by me Tho. Aisquith Deputy Commissioner of St. Mary County

Greenwell, John

Greenwell, John, St. Mary's Co.,22nd Dec., 1739;
15th July, 1741.
To sons John Wiseman, John Basil and James and their hrs. “Pilese Woodland”.
To son Joshua, “Last Shift”.
To son John Baptist, 100 A. “Rochester”.
Extx.: Wife Catherine.
Test Thomas Norres, Jr., John Norres and Thomas Norres.
22. 368.

Greenwell, John

Greenwell , John,New Towne,27th Mch., 1658;
3rd Apr., 1658.
To son James, ex., entire estate, "Piles Woodland", except legacies to following:
To wife Bridgett, god-dau. Anna Warren, and Mr. Fitzherbert, personalty. Wife to be in charge of estate until son afsd. comes of age; shd. sd. son die during minority, 1/3 of estate is bequesthed to overseers, Capt. Wm. Evans and James Langworth, and residue disposed of to pious uses, as for the relief or poor Catholie children and the like.
Test: Walter Hall, John Shirteliffe, Thomas Bankes. Liber P. C. R. f. 7.

Greenwell, Philip

Will of Philip Greenwell, SMC 9/4/1774-11/1/1774. Son: Thomas, stock;
tobacco; wearing apparel; furniture; bridle; a colt; and all of the
tract where I now live except the pt. bought of Philip Medley; and after
his death, to son Joseph. Son: Joseph, 36 ac. which is that pt. of the
land which I bought of Philip Medley at the head of Medley's Branch,
bounded by a division post between Nathaniel Greenfield and Philip
Greenwell; a negro girl Mary; money and a bond I have against Thomas
Shercliffe. Wife: Winifred, Exec., negroes Jacob and Henry and their
wives; stock; and furniture. Children: Mary and Joseph Greenwell
negroes named Jeremiah, Little Jacob, Joshua, Barnaby, Eleanor, Jeane,
and James and the residue of my personal estate. Wit: John Greenwell,
Jr., Bennet Combs, Nicholas Greenwell.

Griffen (Griffin), William

Griffen (Griffin), William, St. Mary's Co.,24th March, 1729-30;
25th April, 1730.
To William (son by first wife Mary), personalty; shd. sd. son die without issue, to pass to son Ezekiel (son of last wife Pathena).
To son Ezekiel and hrs., personal estate, wife's thirds excepted.
Wife Pathena, extx.
Test: Mark Cooper, Theophilus R. Miller.
Note: To William Jaction, son of other wife Mary, personalty. 20, 11.

Griffin, Richard

Griffin, Richard, St. Mary's Co.,4th March, 1744;
18th Aug., 1744.
To wife Mary, extx., life interest in dwelling plantation which lies next to plantation of dau. Willen Bassett. At her death to pass to son Parnemas and hrs. Shd. he die without hrs., to daus. Anne and Elizabeth also “Beaver Dam Neck.”
To dau. Willen Bassett and her son ––, part of “Beaver Dam Neck” for 7 yrs. She to pay testator's widow afsd. 1s. a yr. rent.
To daus. Willen Bassett, Parthenia Mitchell, Sarah Tell and Elizabeth Thompson, 1s. each.
Test: Martha Glover, Sarah Camwell, Daniel Sullivan.
23. 572.
Note: Widow makes her election and abides by will.

Griffin, Thomas

Griffin, Thomas, St. Jerome's, St. Mary's Co.,27th Nov., 1687;
3rd Dec., 1688.
To son Richard, “Beaver Dam” on Beaver Dam Neck.
To son John, dwelling plantation; to be of age at 16 yrs.
To dau. Mary and to grandchild, Sarah Lee, personalty.
Son Thomas, ex. and residuary legatce of estate, real and personal, and to be guardian of his sister and brother, viz., Mary and John afsd.
Test: Jos. Toulson, Wm. Pries, Rich'd Benton, Jno. Edwards.
6. 31.

Griffin, Thomas

Griffin, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,11th Oct., 1736;
24th May, 1742.
To sons Nicholas, ex., Philip, James and Thomas, portions of plantation; son James to have the house. Sd. plantation lies next to that of Wm. Nouland and includes well dug by Wm. Douss.
To son Abraham, plantation lying on ridge called “Scot land.” Sons to be of age at 18 yrs.
To grandson John (Griffin) at 18 yrs., estate of first son to die without hrs. Estate of any other son dying without hrs. to pass to his surving brothers.
To dau. Ann Cooper, 1s.
To sons afsd. and daus. Mary and Susannah, personalty.
Test: Wm. Cutler, Jno. Cuffny, Jas. Chizum.
22. 468.

Gristy, Benjamin

Gristy, Benjamin; ST. MARY'S CO. WILL BOOK TA1; FF 734 PROBATED FEB. 14, 1775 FIRST I give and bequeath my soul to god who made it, secondly my body to the grave to be buried after the discretion of my friends, and all my worldly goods in manner and form as followeth VIZ...

ITEM I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife, Ann Gristy the house why, principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, and for my body I recommend it to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my executor, nothing doubting but at the general resurection I shall recieve the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly estate, where with it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following in the manner VIZ:

INPRIMIS. I give and bequeath to Margaret my dearly beloved wife the third part of my personal estate, after my just debts being paid and two working horses, with a priveledge upon the said tract of land called the Strand during her widowhood...

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my eldest son John Ford, and my second son Robert Ford, the said tract of land called the Strand to them willed by my father Robert, and their heirs forever, as the first patent obtained by him containing one hundred acres, lying and being in the main frosh of Brittains Bay....

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my eldest son and my third son Peter Ford eighty two acres of Swiftisland contained within the bounds of the said tract of land called the Strand, more than the original quantity mentioned in the said fathers patent, which I value bonafide at six thousand pounds of tobacco, purchase made by me, and which said eighty two acres I give and bequeath, unto the said John and Peter Ford and their heirs forever, provided they pay or cause to be paid mess whereof I've set my hand and affixed my seal, this thirtieth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and seventy four....
Signed sealed and published
in the presence of us
Benjamin Gristy
John Greenwell
Thomas Cooper
Thomas Greenwell

Grubb, John

Grubb, John, St. Mary's Co.,14th Apr., 1695;
–– –– ––.
Wife Ann, extx. and sole legatee of estate.
Test: Sam'l Cooksey, Thos. Torpin, Jos. Joseph, David Parsons.
6. 168.

Guibert, Elizabeth

Guibert, Elizabeth, St. Mary's Co.,19th Dec., 1715;
17th Sept., 1716.
To son John Blackiston and male hrs. (being Protestants), dwelling plantation, “Langworth Point,” on Potomac River in St. Clement's Hundred, and all real estate except 150 A.
To dau. Mary Mason and hrs., being Protestant, and for want of such issue to next surviving Protestant heir, 150 A. afsd., it being a part of tract of waste land bought of Mich. Curtis of St. Clements Hund. Should son John die without Protestant issue, land given to sd. son to be equally divided among grandchild. and their hrs.
To daus. Susanah Attoway, Rebecka Walters, Mary Mason and Ann Blackiston, granddau. Elizabeth Blackiston and grandson Nehemiah Blackiston, personalty.
To son John afsd., ex., ½ personal estate, other half to be equally divided among daus. above mentioned and their hrs.
To church for ornaments, as vestry shall see fit, 2,000 lbs. tobacco.
Test: John Coode, Wm. Gibson, James Brian, Katherine Gibson. 14. 224.

Guibert (Guybert), Thomas

Guibert, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,17th March, 1728-9;
7th May, 1729.
To daus. Elizabeth and Anne, personalty.
To wife Sarah, extx., plantation and land in the neck by Ralph Bagleys during life; at her decease to two daus. afsd. equally; and residue of personalty; to bring up daus. afsd. at her own charge.
Overseers: Bro. Joshua and Justinian Jordan.
Test: William Coode, James Thompson, Ann Blackiston. 19, 690.

Guibert, Joshua

Guibert, Joshua, St. Mary's Co.,26th Feb., 1713;
16th May, 1713.
To son Thomas and hrs., dwelling plantation on St. Clement's Bay, and lands adjoining thereto.
To son Matthew and hrs., “Guibert's Chance” and the addition to same nr. St. Clement's Bay.
To son Joshua and hrs., about 160 A., “Tower Hill” in Chas. Co., also dwelling plantation afsd. should son Thomas die without issue.
To dau. Mary, personalty.
To dau. Eliza: Carberry, personalty in addition to that given her when she married Thos. Turner.
To dau. Ann Blackston, personalty in addition to that given her when she married John Blackston.
To wife Elizabeth, life interest in dwelling plantation and lands devised son Thomas afsd.
Sons Thomas and Joshua afsd., exs., and residuary legatees.
Test: Wm. Walker, Frances Marritt, John Marritt. 13. 593.

Guibert, Joshua

Guibert, Joshua, St. Mary's Co.,10th Nov., 1743;
1st Dec., 1743.
To wife Jane, extx., life interest in real and personal estate. At her death personal estat to be divided bet. child. Elizabeth, Anne, Joshua, Susannah Goode and Mary Woodward.
Testator's land extends to land belonging to Thos. Chamberlin.
To grandchild. Luke and Joseph Woodward and Joshua and John Sandys, personalty.
Test: Martha Guibert, John Guibert, Jame Dickson.
23. 410.
Note: Widow makes her election and abides by above will.
Note: Nov. 14, 1743, James Dubar and Raphell Nede took oath that on the 12th of Nov. they heard the testator, then very weak, say that he wished a slave to go to his youngest daus. Ann and Susannah

Guibert, Susannah Gerard Blakiston

Will of Susannah Gerard Blakiston Guibert dated 17 Sep 1716 and proven

Elizabeth wills to son John Blakiston, Longworth Pt. (which she received from father as dower) on the Potomac River in St. Clements Hundred and all real estate except 100 acres. To her daughter Mary Mason and Heirs for want of issue next surviving heir part of tract of wasteland bought of Michael Curtis of St. Clements Hundred. Should son, John, die the land to be equally divided among grandchildren and their heirs. Daughters Susannah Attaway, Rebecca Walton, Mary lMason and g. daughter, Ann Blakiston and grandson Nehemiah Blakiston mentioned. Son, John named executor of estate. John to receive 1/2 of personal estate and other half to daughters and their heirs. 2000 pounds of Tobacco to go to the Church for Church ornaments and vestry. Susannah was vehement that anyone who was to receive anything from her must be Protestant, and if they became Catholic they were not eligible to receive anything from her.
Maryland Historical Society.

Gulick, Nicholas

Gulick, Nicholas, St. Mary's Co.,9th Apr., 1718;
27th May, 1718.
To friend John Leck, ex., and hrs., all land on Eastern Shore, on or near Chester R., left testator by John Lundy (excepting 100 A. already given to Bernard Howard).
Test: Jas. Worrick, Mary Howard, Mildred Thompson, Henry Spinke. 14. 617.

Guyther, Mary

Guyther, Mary, widow, St. Mary's Co.,29th Oct., 1716;
29th Nov., 1716.
To son Owen and dau. Sarah and hrs., “The Folly,” equally.
To daus. Dorothy and Mary “Barron Neck,” equally. Should either die before they are of age, their portion to go to son Owen and hrs., or in event of marriage of either of sd. daus. to a landed man, her part to go to son Owen.
Cousin Elinor Keave to have full liberty to live on any part of sd. land during her life, but not to interfere with sd. child. Personal estate to child. equally, when they become of age.
Ex.: Friend Owen Smithson.
Test: Robt. Rossin, John Baker, Dorothy Leigh. 14. 305.

Contributed by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas

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