St. Mary's County

Wills - D

Daft (Dalft), Charles

Daft (Dalft), Charles, planter, St. Mary's Co.,26th Mar., 1721;
22nd Apr., 1721.
To son Charles, dwelling plantation —– after decease of wife Eliza, with as much of land as shall make up 200 A.
To son Mathew, 100 A. at hd. of Flood's Ck., where son Charles is now seated, son Charles to have use of same during life of wife Eliza.
To dau. Mary, personalty.
To wife Eliza., extx., residue of estate during life; at her decease to be divided equally among child., dau. Anne Blumfield having rec'd a portion of her share.
Test: John Mills, John Madley, James Thompson. 16, 375.

Daniell, Constantine

Daniell, Constantine, of Point Looke-out, St. Mary's Co.,5th Jan., 1677;
13th Feb., 1677.
To Timothy Trassy and James Cullen, personalty.
Wife Love, execx. and residuary legatee.
Test: Robt. Masson, Jacob Loockerin. 5. 326.

Dansey, Johanna

Dansey, Johanna, widow, St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1723-4;
16th Mar., 1723.
To daus. Mary Delleny (11 next Oct.) and Elisabeth (born 2nd March, 1720-1), personal estate at age of 16 or marriage.
Ex.: John Hammond.
Test: Elizabeth Smith, William Reeves, John Cruee. 18, 240.

Dansey, Martha

Dansey, Martha, widow, St. Mary's Co.,19th Feb., 1723;
22nd April, 1724.
To grand-daus. Mary Ashcom Greenfield and Elisabeth Greenfield, personalty. Shd. both die before age of 16 or marriage, legacios to pass to Samuel, Martha and Susannah (child. of son Charles Ashcom).
To dau-in-law Judith Ashcom, grand-daus. Marths and Susannah Ashcomb and Elizabeth (wife of Wm. Shelly), personalty. Shd. any of 4 grand-daus. afsd. marry a Roman Catholic to forfeit legacies herein bequeathed them.
To grandson Samuel Ashcom, money in England, money and certain personalty in Maryland to be expended for a tract of land; and personalty, including a silver can marked M. D.
To grand-child. Samuel, Martha and Susanna Ashcom, testator's share in estate of son John Ashcom, dec'd.
To son Charles Ashoom, ex., and hrs., residue of estate. To keep in his possession legacies for grandchild. afsd. until they arrive at age of 16, and to have custody of bequests of Winifred Ashcom to Mary and Elizabeth Greenfield.
Test: John Mitchell, James Davies, Richard Deavour, Philip Key. 18, 256.

Dant, John

Will of John Dant, SMC 10/3/1763-11/1/1763.
Daughter: Ann Spalding, cattle.
Daughter: Mary Ann Dant, furniture; one slave now in the possession of son-in-law, Edward Spalding.
Daughter: Mary Mills, 20 shillings current money.
Son: John Baptist Dant, plantation where I now live "Hopewell" and
the water mill now in my possession.
Sons: Charles and Joseph Francis Excel. Dant, all land called "Westfield" equally divided.
Wife: Eleanor to receive her part and balance divided among my 5 children: John Baptist Dant, Ann Spalding, Charles, Joseph Francis Exer., and Mary Ann Dant.
Exec: John Baptist Dant. Wit: William Joseph, Sr., Thomas Gatton, Nicholas N. Gatton

Dant, William

Dant, Wm., planter, St. Mary's Co.,31st Jan., 1714;
16th May, 1715.
To cousins Jno. Dant and Wm. Mills and their hrs., “Poplar Neck” with land adjoining, 76 A., “Annstroder,” equally. Should Jno. Dant afsd. die without issue, then to Jno. Mills and his hrs.
To bro. Peter Mills, ex., Peter Mills, Jr., cousin Elinor Nevet, personalty.
Test: Wm. Coode, Eliza: Hooke, Stephen Vinall, Hanah Vinall.
14. 221.

Dash (Deish), Oswald

Dash (Deish), Oswald, St. Mary's Co.,14th Oct., 1734;
19th Nov., 1734.
To cousins John Pilborough and John Spragg and their hrs., entire real estate after decease of wife.
To John Chamberling and godson, Mathew Anderson, at age of fifteen, personalty.
To wife Elizabeth, extx., residue of estate.
Test: Elisha Moody. Jane Moody, James Thompson. 21. 286.

Davie, John

Davie, John, St. Mary's Co.,21st Dec., 1733;
6th Mch., 1733-4.
To dau. Martha, sd. to be in Virginia, 5 s. on condition she comes in person to claim it.
To William Elliott and Thomas Notley Goldsmith, who married daus. Elizabeth and Ann, 1 s. each.
To son Adlard, 5 s.
To grandson John Elliott, 1/6 of personal estate after wife's decease, on condition he does not leave testator or wife before of age at 21 yrs.
To John Murphey and dau. Elinor, his wife, and their hrs., part of dwelling plantation (for desc. see will) during life of sd. dau., at her decease to her son Thomas Truman Murphey and hrs.
To wife Ann, extx., use of personal estate during widowhood. Should she marry her thirds; residue to be divided between the persons hereafter named, but if wife should die a widow residue of personal estate after her decease to be divided between child. Elinor, Violetta, Arabela, Rebecca and Sarah and grandchild John Elliot, dau. Sarah to have first cholce if she be living.
Test: William Shelley, James Edwards, James Wood. 20. 900.

Davies, John

Davies, John, St. Mary's Co.,24th Jan., 1666;
26th Apr., 1667.
To eld. son John, 1/3 of estate, real and personal.
To wife Mary, execx., and unborn child, remaining 2/3.
Overseers: Wm. Turbervill, Bryan Daley, and brother John Harrinton.
Test: Morgan Jones, Bryan Daley, Jno. Harenton. 1. 274.

Davis, George

Davis, George, St. Mary's Co.,17th Apr., 1740;
23rd June, 1740.
To mother –– and father-in-law, Samuel Wood, personal estate except small bequeaths to bros. John and Briscoe.
Ex.: Samuel Wood.
Test: Thomas William and John Davis, carpenter.
22. 203.

Davis, Jemima

Will of Jemima Davis, JJ #2 FOLIO: 203, 11/13/1797; 1/16/1798
Son: James Davis, all of my plantation utensils, one bay horse colt come of late, and my cider casks.
Daughter: Elizabeth Wimsatt, my side saddle.
Daughters: (youngest), Ann Davis, Eleanor Davis, Rebecca Davis and Mary Davis, the balance of my estate.
EXECUTOR(S): Daughters, Ann Davis, Eleanor Davis, Rebecca Davis and Mary Davis.
WITNESSES: Ignatius Abell, Mary Abell, Ann Wimsatt

Davis, Jno.

Davis, Jno., St. Mary's Co.,23rd Dec., 1716;
29th Mar., 1717.
To youngest son George and dau. Mary, each 1/3 personal estate.
To two child., Jno. and Briscoe, and their hrs., all land equally divided between them, excepting 1/3 of dwelling plantation.
To wife Ann, extx., 1/3 of dwelling plantation during life and 1/3 personal estate, absolutely.
Test: Peter O'Neale (O'Neall), Alexd. Scott, Peter Harris.
14. 235.

Davis, John

Davis, John, St. Mary's Co.,2nd Feb., 1690;
24th July, 1698.
Wife Mary, extx. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal, including 50 A. (unnamed) and “Davis' Forest.”
Testator desires to be buried at St. Ignatius' Chapel.
Test: Geo. Mcdcalf, Thos. Spalding, Jno. Arnolls, Michael Dudgeons. 6. 211.

Davis, Thomas

Davis, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,19th Jan., 1711;
31st July, 1718.
To son Samuel, 1s.
To wife Mary, extx., entire estate.
Test: Sebastion Thompson, Archabel Pike, Margaret Tompson, Mildred Pike, James Tompson. 14. 685

Dela Roche, Charles

Dela Roche, Charles, St. Mary's Co.,16th Dec., 1675;
22nd Jan., 1675.
Wife Eliza:, execx. and sole legatee of estate during life, including 50 A., “Galloway,” and 150 A., “Paris,” in St. Mary's Co.
To brother Peter, and Mary, wife of Dr. —– Burt, and their hrs., sd. estate at death of wife afsd.
Test: Nich. Painter, Je. Lofebure. 2. 378.

Dent, Thomas

Dent, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,28th Mch., 1676;
21st Apr., 1676.
To son William and hrs., “Westbury Manor” and part of land at Nanjemy, Chas. Co.
To son Thomas and hrs., residue of sd. land at Nanjemy, Chas. Co.
To sons Peter and George, and hrs., “Gisbrough” and “Brothers' Joint Interest” in Chas. Co., equally.
To dau. Margaret and hrs., 1 A. in St. Mary's Co.
To wife Rebecca, execx., and hrs., land on Portobacco Clifts, Chas. Co.
Test: Wm. Hatton, Wm. Harper. 5. 19.

Dermott, Edmond

Dermott, Edmond, St. Mary's Co.,2nd May, 1683;
29th May, 1683.
To Lawrence Hannan, Anthony Gloclin, John Born and Michael Forster, personalty.
To the clergy, ½ of residue of estate.
Stephen Murty, ex. and residuary legatee of personal estate.
Test: Thos. Clarke, Dennis Load, Tim. Hesse. 4. 14.

Derry, John

Derry, John, innholder, St. Mary's City,2nd Dec., 1677;
—– —– —–.
To sister Ellinor Derry, living in Ireland, bro. Owen Quigley and cousin John Quigley, merchant, entire estate, real and personal, equally. Shd. either die. survivors to divide estate equally.
Exs.: Afsd. legatees.
Overseer: Friend —– (not signed).
Note: 13th June, 1678, Nicholas Painter, aged c. 23 yrs., testifies to drawing above will. Edmond Dermott, aged c. 26 yrs., testifies to being present when afsd. Painter was instructed to draw will. Interrogatories and testimony pps. 212-256 of above witness and Richard Dolton and Elizabeth Manning, of St. Michaells Hundred, aged c. 36 yrs., also Henry Carewe, 40 yrs., and Francis Pennington, 36 yrs. T. P. 10, 210.

Dickson, James

Dickson, James, St. Mary's Co., 10/24/1748; 3/5/1752
To brethren George, Hugh William and Andrew Dickson, 5000 pounds of tobacco to each of them.
To sister Elizabeth McConnall, 10,000 pounds of tobacco.
To Philip Boyd clothing, and what he owes me.
Rest of estate to ???..........................(missing)
Wit: Philip Key, Richard Ward Key

Diniard (Dynard), Thomas

Diniard, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,1st Nov., 1659; 28th Dec., 1659. To Henry Thomas, son of Robert Thomas, Thomas Thomas' 2 child., Charles Delahey, Arthur Delahey, John Hamon, son of Benjamin Hamon, Furfer Hocker, wife of John Hocker, Thomas Salmon, son of Stephen Salmon, Mary Shipps, wife of Richard Shipps, Vincent Mansell and Rev. Mr. Fitzherbert, (priest), personalty.
Exs.: Wm. Assiter, Chas. Maynard. Test: Barth. Phillips, Robt. Thomas, Robt.
Joyner, David Boing, John Burrows. 1. 82.

Doagan, Jonathan

Doagan, Jno., St. Mary's Co.,11th Dec., 1718;
5th Mar., 1718-9.
To dau. Mary, personalty.
To 3 sons, William, Jno. and Thos., and dau. Mary, residue of personal estate equally.
Sons to remain with ex. until 21 yrs., dau. until 16 yrs. of age.
Ex.: Jno. Heard.
Test: Jno. Love, Jno. Jarbo, Wm. Heard. 15. 76.

Donaldson, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Donaldson, SMC 12/14/1753, no probate date.
Grandson: John Donaldson DeButts a negro boy called Sam; a negro girl called Patt; a negro wench called Jenny; a negro boy called Jimmy; 1/2 of all my estate exclusive of my other negroes hereinafter named. If he should die, then to my daughters Elizabeth Barber and Magdalin Cook and my granddaughters, Sarah Stoddert, dau. of Thomas Stoddert and Jennet, his wife and Elizabeth Stoddert, dau. of Benjamin Stoddert and Sabina, his wife. Granddaughters: Sarah and Elizabeth Stoddert, daus. of Thomas Jinnet his wife and grandson, Richard Donaldson Cook, my negro boy called Adam and negro wenches Lucy and Rachel and other estate.
Exec: Daughter, Elizabeth Barber.
Wit: William Harrison, Notlar Loyde.

Donaldson, John Rev.

John Donaldson, SMC 12/20/1747-4/6/1748.
Wife: Elizabeth, Exec., all my land having provided for all of my children.
Daughter: Mary Magdalene Cooke, land, 247 ac. she now lives on. Daughter: Sabina Stoddert, remainder of land and her heirs in being, vizt., Elizabeth Stoddert, Mary Magdalene Stoddert, and Anne Stoddert. No witnesses listed.

Donn, Obediah

Donn, Obediah, St. Mary's Co.,24th, Jan., 1685-6;
15th Mch., 1685-6.
To wife Hliza:, extx., ½ of plantation.
To son Dennis at 18 yrs. of age, and hrs., ½ plantation during life of wife afsd. and entire plantation at her desth.
To daus. Mary and Margaret, personalty, and plantation afsd. in event of death of ad. Dennis without issue.
Test: Ralph Foster, Jno. Nichols, Cornelius Donnavan, Thos. Makin. 4. 194.

Donnavin, Derby

Donnavin, Derby, St. Mary's Co.,25th Apr., 1683;
7th May, 1683.
To Michael Foster, Richard Hobert, Mr. Golden, godson John, son of Thomas Milton, Lawrence, son of Thomas Dillon, of Chas. Co., Edmund Dermott, Anne, wife of Thomas Edwards, and Martha Murly, dau. of sd. Anne, personalty.
To Ellinor Hurley, dau. of Dennis Hurley, 100 A., part of “Morrises Mount.”
Dennis Hurley, Cornelius Donnavin and Pierce Wall, exs. and residuary legatees of estate, real and personal.
Test: Thos. Clarke, Thos. Edwards, Thos. Lord, Saml. Mane, Edward Fara. 4. 13.

Doxey, Thomas

Doxey, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,6th Aug., 1685;
11th Sept., 1685.
To John Doxey, Jr., Eliza: Doxey, dau. of brother John, Mary and Sarah Doxey, personalty.
To wife Anne, plantation during life.
To daus. Mary Haddock and Eliza: Lees, and hrs., sd. plantation at death of wife afsd.
To dau. Tomasin and hrs., “John Briscoe's Plantation.”
Exs.: Wife Anne, sons Thomas Haddock and Thomas Lees.
Test: Thos. Keyting, Wm. Howard, Thos. Haddock. 4. 132.

Doyne, Jane

Doyne, Jane, St. Mary's Co.,17th Oct., 1738;
5th Mch., 1738.
Testatrix states that her late husband Joshua Doyne, gent., had by his will made her residuary legatee of his estate; but had made no mention of 200 A. which he had formerly designed to give to his son Dennis. She therefore bequeaths said 200 A. to Joseph and hrs., second son of Jese Doyne, dec'd., (who was heir at law to Denis Doyne, afsd.), sd. 200 A. being on Ward's Run, pt. of tract of 600 A. bou. by afsd. husband of Madam Elizabeth Calvert and her son Charles.
To son Joshua, ex., his two children, Robert and Jane, and any other children he may have by his wife Anne, granddau. Hennerita Wharton, and Mary and Jane, daus. to Ethelbert Doyne, dec'd., sons Ignatius and Edward, and dau. Jane Wharton, personalty.
Test: James Boulter, Ann Sprett, James Thompson.
22. 81.

Doyne, Joshua

Doyne, Joshua, St. Mary's Co.,10th Mch., 1697;
16th Aug., 1698.
To wife Jane, extx., “Bachelor's Hope” and “Derby's Plantation” during life; also 400 A., “Notley's Addition,” during minority of son Ethelbert.
To son Jesse and hrs., 500 A., part of “Jimns Sarah” in Dorehester Co., and 200 A. at Nanjemy, Chas. Co., being part of tract bought of Madam Eliza: Calvert and her son Charles Calvert.
To son William and hrs., 200 A. and plantation at Nanjemy, purehased as above.
To son William and hrs., 550 A., “Range,” at hd. of Ingrams Ck., Dorchester Co.
To son Ethelbert and hrs., 400 A., “Notley's Addition” afsd., in Chaptico, purchased from Lord Baltimore; also 500 A., residue of “Jimna Sarah” afsd.
To son Joshus and hrs., 200 A., “St. Bernard's.” nr. Portobacco, and 300 A., “Batchelor's Hope”; also 3 lots in Indian Town.
To son Ignatins, personalty.
To son Edward Aloysins and hrs., 380 A., “Beverly's Week,” purchased of Jno. Snttle.
To dau. Jane and hrs., 316 A. nr. hd. of Piscataway Ck., Prince George's Co., purchased from Jno. Wheeler.
Sons to be of age at 18 yrs. Dau. Jane to be of age at 16 yrs. and to be in charge of her mother.
To granddau. Jane Mathews and hrs., 400 A. at Maryland Point, Chas. Co., purchased from Gilbert Clarke.
To dau. Mary Mathews, wife of Ignatius Mathews, personalty.
To grandson Thomas Mathews, to poor Catholics, William Hunter, Richard Hubbard, Francis Pennington, and Nicholas Genliek, personalty.
In event of death of any of testator's child. by his first wife Barbara, survivors by that marriage to inherit deceased's portion, and in event of death of any child. by second wife Jane, survivors of that marriage to inherit deceased's portion.
Wife Jane, extx. and residuary legatee.
Trustees: Clement Hill, Luke Gardner, Clement Hill, Jr.
Test: Jno. Clarke, Cornclius Branham, Peter Johnson, Thos. Melton, Jr.
By codicil of same date testator annuls all deeds of gift he may have made. 6. 169.

Drewry, John

John Drewry
Signed June 17, 1797
Proved June 29, 1797

John Drewry
His last Will
In the name of God amen. I John Drewry of Saint Mary's County in the state of Maryland being sick & weak of body but of Sound & disposing mind and memory & understanding Considering the certainty of death & the uncertainty of the time thereof, and being desirous to Settle my worldly affairs, & thereby be the better prepared to leave this world when it Shall please god to call me thence, do therefore make & publish this my last will & Testament in manner & form following that is to Say~~~ first & principally I commit my Soul into the hands of almighty God, & my body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor herein after named and after my Just debts are paid I devise & bequeath as follows~~~ Item, I give & bequeath unto my beloved wife Ann Drewry one third part of my Real Estate during her natural life, and likewise one part of my household furniture & stock to her & her heirs forever~~~ It is forth my will that my wife Shall have her choice of my stock & furniture to the amount of her thirds~~Item I give & bequeath unto beloved sons Francis Decalus Drewry Joseph Drewry & William Drewry Seven pounds ten Shillings Current money each to them & their heirs forever. Item I give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Monica Drewry one Cow to her & her heirs forever. Item I give & bequeath unto my beloved Children Anastasia Vessells, Susanna Raley, Mary Meadley, Monica Drewry, John Chrisostom Drewry, Francis Decalus Drewry, Ignatius Drewry, Joseph Drewry, & William Drewry all the residue & remaining part of my Estate both real and personal to be equally divided between my Children be fore mentioned to them and their heirs forever.~~Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved Son Francis Decalus Drewry, to be wholo and Solo Executor of this my last will & Testament, disannulling any will or wills by me heretofore made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will & Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand & Seal this 17th day June 1797~

John + Drewry (((Seal)))

Signed Sealed & declared to be the Last will and Testament of the with named Testator in the presence of us
Allexander Greenwell, Eleanor x Stone
John Greenwell Junr

On the back of the foregoing, was the following, towit
Saint Mary's County, towit, the 29th day of June 1797. Then came John Decalus Drewry and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that the within instrument of writing, is the true & whole will & Testament of John Drury, late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, that hath come to his hands or possession, & that he doth not know of any other
Certified per. Jeremiah Jordan, Regr wills
for Saint Mary's County

Saint Mary's County, SS the 29th day of June 1797. Then came Allexander Greenwell & Eleanor Stone two of the three subscribing witnesses to the written last will & Testament of John Drury, late of Saint Mary's County, deceased and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that they did see the Testator therein named, Sign & Seal this will & that they heard him publish, pronounce, & declare the same to be his last will & testament, that at the time of his sodoing, he was to the best of their apprehensions, of Sound & disposing mind, memory, & understanding: and that they respectively subscribed their names as witness to this will, in the presence, & at the request of the Testator, & in the presence of each other, & also in the presence of John Greenwell Junr the other witness who they did see Subscribe his name as a witness in the presence & at the request of the Said Testator.
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan, Regr wills
for Saint Mary's County

Transcribed by Judith A. Burger February 1, 2001 from a photocopy of an original court document, Libra: J. J. No. 2, Page: 189, obtained from The Register of Wills, St. Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the writing was legible with the exception of the word in parentheses. I made no corrections of any kind.

Drury, Allathear

Allathear Drury, Signed: March 19, 1793,Proved: September 9, 1807

Allathear Drury's
Last will and Testament
State of Maryland Saint Mary's County Ss
In the name of God, amen, I Allathear Drury of the county and province aforesaid, being Very Sick and weak of Body but of sound and perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to God for the Same, and calling to mind the uncertainty of this Life, and willing to Settle my worldly affairs do make this my last will and Testament.
First of all: I bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body to be Buried, at the Discretion of my Executrix Hereafter Mentioned, and as to my worldly Wealth I bequeath in the Following manner. Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved Mother Tabitha Drury all and Singular the whole of my part of my Fathers Estate both Real and personal during her natural Life and after her discease to be Equally Divided amongst my Sisters and brother. Item I appoint my loving Mother Tabitha Drury to be whole and Sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament, in Witness whereof, I hereto Set my hand and affixed my Seal this Nineteenth day of March Seventeen hundred and Ninety three~~~~~

Allathear X Drury

Signed Sealed published and pronounced
As her Last will and Testament before us
Samuel Hutchins, Thomas Breeden, B. Hutchins

On the back of the aforegoing was the following to wit.~~~~~~~~~
Saint Mary's County Ss the 9th day of September 1807~~~Then came Bennet Hutchins one of the three Subscribing witnesses to the within last will and Testament of Allathear Drury late of Saint Mary's County deceased and made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that he did See the Testatrix Herein named Sign and Seal this will, and that he heard her publish, pronounce and declare the Same to be her last will and Testament, that at the time of her sodoing She was to the best of his apprehension of Sound and disposing mind memory and understanding, and that he Subscribed his name as a witness to this will in the presence and at the request of the Testatrix, and in the presence of Samuel Hutchins and Thomas Breeden the other two witnesses to this will, who Subscribed their names a Witnesses thereto in the presence and at the request of the Said Testatrix~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Certified by James Forrest Regr. Wills
For Saint Mary's County

Transcribed by Judith A. Burger, February 17, 2001 from a photocopy of the original court Document: JJ3 154-155, obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Registrar of Wills, Saint Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was very good and the writing clear and legible. I made no corrections of any kind.

Drury, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Drury, Signed: March 18, 1814;Proved: April 11 1820

I give to my son Richard Howard the Sum of one Shilling~~~~ I will and desire that my son William Drury shall collect all the money due to me, at my decease and pay the same to the Reverend W. Leonard Edelen of Saint Mary's County, and I give and bequeath to my said son William Drury all the rest and residue of my Estate of both real and personal whatsoever and that he take the same into his own Right possession and use immediately after my death to him his heirs and assigns forever, and I do hereby constitute and appoint my said son William Drury Executor of this my last will and Testament~~ In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal this Eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and fourteen.

Elizabeth X Drury (((Seal)))

Signed Sealed published and declared
In the presence of
Ethelbt Cecil, Susanna X Rock, John X Magee

Saint Mary's County towit: The 11th day of April 1820. Then came Ethelbert Cecil one of the three Subscribing witnesses to the a foregoing last will and testament of Elizabeth Drury late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that he did see the Testatrix therein named, sign and Seal this will, and that he heard her publish, pronounce and declare the same to be her last Will and Testament, and that at the time of her so doing, she was to the best of his apprehension of sound and disposing, mind, memory and understand, and that he subscribed his name as a witness to this will in the presence and at the request of the Testatrix and in the presence of Susanna Rock and John Magee, also that he did see them subscribe their names as witnesses to this will in the presence and at the request of the said Testatrix.~~~~~
Certified by James Forrest Reg Wills
for St. Mary's County

Drury, James

James Drury, Signed: March 19, 1779;Proved: May 10, 1779

Imprimis. I give and bequeath unto my dear and loving wife all my Land during her widowhood, her bridle and Saddle. Item I give and bequeath unto my two loving Sons Stephen Drewry and James Drewry all my Land that I possess to be equally divided between them in quantity and quality, and not for either of them to sell any part thereof, only to their Brothers, to them and their heirs, and to Stephen that Saddle which was called his, and James my Saddle. ~~~ Item. I give and bequeath unto my two loving Sons Thomas Drewry and Richard Drewry all my movable Estate after my Just debts be duly paid, and my loving wifes thirds be settled, then to be equally divided between them and their heirs. ~~~~~~ It is also my will and desire that if Monica Dogen shall make any Trespass on my Land whereon she now lives, by cutting any wood except Dog Wood, or any old, or if should make any disturbance in the family, that then my Executors may turn her off at their discretion. Lastly, I make and ordain my dear and loving wife whole and sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament ~~~~~

James Drury ((( Seal)))

Signed Sealed published and declared, by the said James Drewry
To be his last Will & Testament, in the presence of us ~~~~~~~
John King (of Tho.)
John + Railey
John X Greenwell~~~~~~~~~

Saint Mary's County, to wit. The 10th day of May 1779. Then came Sarah Drurey, and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that the within instrument of writing, is the true and whole will & Testament of James Drury, late of Saint Marys County, deceased that Hath come to her hands or possession, and that she doth not know of any other Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Regr Wills
for Saint Marys County

Saint Marys County, Ss the 10th day of May, 1779 Then came John King (of Tho.) John Raily, and John Greenwell the three Subscribing witnesses to the within last will and Testament of James Drury, late of Saint Marys County deceased, & severally made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that they heard him, publish, pronounce, and declare the same to be his last will & Testament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions, of sound and disposing mind, memory, & understanding, & that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will, in the presence & at the request of the Testator & in the presence of each other ~~~~
Certified By ~~~ Jeremiah Jordan Regr. Wills
For Saint Marys County

On this 10th day of May 1779. Came Sarah Drury the widow of James Drury, late of Saint Marys County, deceased, & quitted her Claim to the several bequest & devises made to her in the will of her Said husband deceased, & elected in lieu thereof her dower or third part of the deceased's Estate, both real and personal ~~~~~~~
Before. Jeremiah Jordan Regr. Wills
for Saint Marys County

Transcribed by Judith A. Burger February 18, 2001 from a photocopy of the original court document, JJ1 91-92, obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Register of Wills, Saint Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the writing was legible. I made no corrections of any kind.

Drury, Mary Ellen

Mary Ellen Drury, Nuncupative Will;Stated: February 23, 1845

The Last Will and Testament Of
Ellen Drury
On the 23rd of February 1845 it being the day preceding the one on which my Sister Mary Ellen Drury died she called me to her bedside and told me she should die. That she wished her old negro woman Sarah to be set free. That after all her Just debts were paid she wished her niece Ann Celestia Sanner to have her bureau her bed and bedstead her work stand and all the rest of her things.

Caroline Sanner

Maryland Saint Mary's County orphans Court April the 5th 1845
The will alleged to have been made by Mary Ellen Drury late of Saint Mary's County deceased being this day filed in Court and are pressed in the words following, to wit (above written) Whereupon Caroline Sanner appearing in Court after being first duly sworn on the holy evangels of Almighty God deposeth and saith That the deceased Mary Ellen Drury on the 23rd day of February 1845~~~the day before she died called her this deponent to her she being ill in bed and said she should die. That she the said Mary Ellen Drury wished her old negro woman Sarah to be set free That after the payment of her Just debts she wished her niece Ann Celestia Sanner to have her bureau her bed and bedstead, her workstand and all the rest of her things Whereupon the Court here order and That the said paper or instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of the said Mary Ellen Drury deceased shall be admitted as such to probat and recorded
Test GCombs Reg of Wills

In testimony that the aforegoing is truly taken from the proceedings of St. Mary's County orphan's Court I hereunto subscribe my name and affix my seal this 8th day of April 1845~~~~
Filed 8th April 1845~~~~~~~~~~~
GCombs Reg Wills
for St Mary's County

Transcribed by Judith A. Burger February 18, 2001 from a photocopy of an original court document, GC2 153, obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Registrer of Wills, Saint Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good, the writing legible. I made no corrections of any kind

Drury, Michael

Michael Drury, Signed: February 14, 1825;Proved: February 13 1828

I give and devise unto my daughter Dorothy Joy wife of Ignatius Joy, Junior, my plantation whereon I now dwell, comprised of the two following tracts pieces or parcels of land to wit "Drurys Delight with addition containing by patent to me granted by the State of Maryland, ninety two and one hall acres and eight square perches of land more or less and part of Hard Times" containing by deed from George Fenwick to me, seven and one quarter acres of land more or less, to her the said Dorothy Joy and her heirs and assigns in fee simple. Item. I give and devise unto my daughter Catherine Drury, all that tract or parcel of land called "Wales" which I bought of William Fenwick containing one hundred and fourteen acres more or less agreeably to a deed for the same from said William Fenwick to me recorded the 11th September 1813. In Liber I.H. No. 4 folios 30 and 31. One of the land records of Saint Marys County. Item. I devise and bequeath all the rest and residue of my Estate, both real and personal, to be equally divided between my Said Daughter Dorothy and Catherine in equal portion, share and share alike ~ And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my friend Enoch J Millard to be sole Executor of this my last will and testament, revoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made ratifying and confirming this and none other to be my will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this fourteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord, Eighteen hundred and twenty five.

Michael X Drury (((Seal)))

Signed, Sealed, published and declared by Michael Drury the
above named Testator as and for his last will and testament
in the presence of us, who at his request in his presence, and in the presence of each other have Subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto.
Zach. X Raley
James Yates
OB Brooke

Then came Enoch J. Millard and made Oath on the Holy Evangels of almighty God, that the within instrument of writing is the true, and whole will and testament of Michael Drury late of Saint Mary's County deceased, that hath come to his hands or possession, and that he doth not know of any other Sworn to in open Court this 13th day of February 1828.
Before Luke W. Barber J Stone
Justices of the orphans Court

The 12th day of February 1828
Saint Mary's County Sct^ Then Came Zach.a Raley one of the three subscribing witnesses to the within last will and Testament of Michael Drury late of Saint Marys County, deceased, and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that he did see the Testator therein named sign and Seal this will, and that he heard him publish pronounce and declare the same to be his last will and testament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of his apprehension of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding, and that he subscribed his name as a witness to this will in the presence and at the request of the Testator, and also that, he did see James Yates and O. B. Brooke the other Witnesses to this will subscribe their names as witnesses to the same in the presence and at the request of the said Testator.
Certified by E. J. Millard Reg. Wills
For Saint Mary's County

Also on the eight day of April 1828, Came Oserato B. Brooke one of the three subscribing witnesses to the within last will and Testament of Michael Drury late of Saint Mary's county, deceased, and made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that he did see the Testator therein named sign and seal this will and testament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of his apprehension of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, and that he subscribed his name as a witness to this will in the presence and at the request of the Testator, and also that, he did see Zach.a Raley and James Yates the other witnesses to this will subscribe their names as witnesses to the same in the presence and at the request of the said Testator.
Certified by E. J. Millard Regr Wills
For Saint Mary's County

Transcribed by Judith A. Burger February 18, 2001 from a photocopy of the original court document, EJM 1 36,37,38, obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Register of Wills, Saint Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good and the writing legible. I am uncertain of the first name of the witness, Brooke. I made no corrections of any kind.

Drury, Nicholas

Nicholas Drury, Signed: May 2, 1789;Proved: July 14, 1789

First of all, my will & desire is that all my Just debts be paid, & the Balance of Estate, I give & bequeath unto my beloved wife as long as she lives single, but if she should marry, my hole Estate to be taken by my two daughters, Mary & Amonica, to be equally divided between them two, excepting one shilling sterling, I give and bequeath unto my son Leonard. And lastly, I do appoint & (Assusininate?) my brother Peter Drury, Executor of this my last will & Testament, revoaking all other will or wills heretofore by me made, in witness were of I have here unto set my hand & affixed by Seal, this twenty second day of May, one thousand sevin hundred and Eighty Nine. ~~~~~

Nicholas 1 Drury (((Seal)))

Test Rob. X Saxton
Elizabeth X Wathen

On the Back of the foregoing was as follows, to wit ~~~~
Saint Mary's County Ss, The 14th day of July 1789. Then came Peter Drury & made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that the within instrument of writing, is the true & whole last Will & Testament of Nicholas Drury late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, that hath come to his hands or possession & that he doth not know of any other~~~~~
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Regr, Wills
for Saint Mary's County

Then came Robert Saxon & Elizabeth Wathen, the two subscribing witnesses to the within, last will & Testament of Nicholas Drury, late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, & made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that they did see the Testator therein named Sign and Seal this will, and that they heard him publish, pronounce and declare the same to be his last will and Testament; that at the time of his so doing, he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound & disposing mind, memory & understanding; and that they respictively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will in the presence, and at the request of the Testator, and in the presence of each other. ~~~~~~
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Regr. Wills
for Saint Mary's County

The deceased's Widow Stands}
To this will.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Transcribed by Judith A. Burger February 19, 2001 from a photocopy of the original court document, JJ1 480-481, obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Register of Wills, Saint Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was fair and the writing was legible with the exception of the word in parenthesis. I made no corrections of any kind.

Drury, Peter

Peter Drury, Signed: March 12 1770;Proved:April 5, 1771

In the name of God Amen. I Peter Drury Senr. Of St. Mary's County being Sick, and weake of body but of sound, and disposing mind, & memory thanks be to God and Calling to mind the uncertainty of this life do make and, ordain this to be my last will and Testament I manner and form following Viz~~~1st I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Michael Drury, my Dwelling Plantation, where I now live, lying in beverdam mannor, called Drurys Venture, containing one hundred and Eight and ahalf acres of Land to him, and his heirs forever. In Testemony hereof I do also ordain, Constitute make and appoint, my Said Son Michael Drury, solo and wholo Executor of this my Last will and Testament, in witness hereof I have set my hand, and and seal this 12th Day March Anno Domini 1770~~~~~~

Peter Drury (((seal)))

Signed Sealed published and declared by the above
Peter Drury to be his Last will and Testament
In the presents of
Ignt Fenwick of Enoch
Enoch X Campbell
Philip X Drury

Saint Marys County to, wit, On the 5th day of April 1771
Came Ignatius Fenwick of Enoch, Enoch Campbell & Philip
Drury the subscribing witnesses to the within Last will and Testament of Peter Drury Late of the County ofsd deceasedand severally made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty god that, they did see the said Peter Drury the Testator therein named, Sign and Seal this will, and heard him publish and declare the same to be his Last will & Testament, and that at the time of his sodoing, he was to the best of their apprehension of perfect sense and of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding and that they respectively subscribed, their names as witnesses to the said will in the presence and at the request of the aforesd Testator, and that they did see Each other, subscribe their names as witness thereto~~
Sworn before J A Thomas Depty Commis~~~~~

Saint Marys County, to, wit, On the first day of April 1771 Came, Michael Drury the Executor within mentioned, and made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the within is the only true Last will, and Testament of Peter Drury late deceased that has come to his hands possession or knowledge~~~~~Sworn before J A Thomas Depty Comsr

Transcribed from a photocopy of the original court document, Libra:T. A. No.1., Page 633, obtained from the Register of Wills, St. Mary's County, Maryland, by Judith A. Burger, February 1, 2001. The photocopy was good and the writing was legible. I made no corrections of any kind.

Drury, Philip

Philip Drury, Signed: 09 January 1795;Proved: June 09, 1795

Philip Drury
his last will
State of Maryland, Saint Mary's County, to wit:
In the name of God, Amen. I Philip Drury, of Saint Mary's County, being sick & weak of body but of sound & disposing mind & memory, do order this to be my last will & Testament in manner & form following, Viz: I: give & bequeath my soul to God & my body to the earth to be decently buried by my Executors hereafter mentioned. I give & bequeath unto my loving wife, Ann Drury, all my land & living till my youngest son John Drury comes to the age of sixteen years,except she marries and in that case my will is that she have one third part of my Estate, & the other two thirds to be equally divided between my nine children. I do hereby constitute & appoint my loving wife Ann Drury & my son Barnard Drury jointly Executors of this my last will & Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this ninth day of January anno Domini 1795.

Philip (T) Drury (((SEAL)))

Signed. sealed and published & declared in the presence of
Jeremiah Ford, Jane (her mark I) Jarboe, Eleanor Jarboe

on the back of the aforegoing was as follows towit Saint Mary's County, to wit, the 9th day of June 1795.
Then came Ann Drury & Bernard Drury & made oath on the holy evangels of Almighty God, that the within instrument of writing is the true & whole will & testament of
Philip Drury late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, that hath come to their hands or possession, & that they do not know of any other
Certified ………Jermiah Jordan, Reg r Wills
for Saint Mary's County.
Saint Mary's County, …the 9th day of June 1795. There came Jeremiah Ford, Janey Jarbo, & Elinor Jarbo, the three describing witnesses to the within last will & Testament of Philip Drury, late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, & severally made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that they did see the Testator herein named, sign & seal this will & that they heard him publish, pronounce, & declare the same to be his last will & Testament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions, of sound & disposing mind, memory, & understanding, and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will in the presence & at the request of the Testator & in the presence of each other
Certified by Jeremiah Jordan, Reg r wills
For Saint Mary's County

'Will of Philip Drury, ST MARY'S COUNTY, MD., WILL BOOK JJ2, pp. 122, 123
Transcribed from photocopy of original court records obtained from Norma I. Dawson, The Register of Wills for St. Mary's County, Leonardtown, MD 20650, May 8, 2000, by Judith A. Robinson Burger, 5th great-granddaughter of Phillip Drury, Revolutionary War Patriot.

Drury, Tabitha

Tabitha Drury Signed: April 17, 1810 Proved: August 6, 1810 Tabitha Drury's Last will and Testament In the name of God Amen. This the Seventeenth day of April Eighteen hundred and Ten. I Tabitha Drury of Saint Mary's County and State of Maryland, being very Sick and Weak in body-but of Sound and perfect mind, memory and understanding, thanks be to God for it therefore, calling to mind the mortality of my body~ and Knowing ~ that it is appointed for all persons once to die~ do make and ordain this my last will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all~ I give and recommend my Soul unto the hands of Almighty God, that gave it me~ and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent and Christian burial at the discretion of my Executrixes hereafter mentioned~ Nothing doubting but at the general resurrection shall receive it again by the mighty Power of God and as touching Such Worldly assetts wherewith it pleased God to bless in this life I give, devise and dispose of the Same in the following manner and form~~~ Item~ I give and bequeath to my Daughter Winifred Thompson, one cow, one Ewe, and one loom. Without geer, to be paid to her after my Death by my Executrixes for the whole of her part of my Estate.~~Item I give and bequeath to my Son Enoch Drury, one Cow, One Ewe, and one gun that he has now in his possession to be paid to him after my Death by my Executrixes, for the Whole of his part of my Estate~~Item I give and bequeath to my other two daughters, Elizabeth Drury and Mary Drury all the remaining part of my Estate of any nature Whatsoever, to be equally Divided between them after my Death. I do also nominate and appoint, my two Daughters Elizabeth Drury and Mary Drury Jointly Executrixes, Wholey and Solely of this my last Will and Testament~~and hereby disallow, revoke and disannull all and every other former Testament~Wills, Legacie, Bequests and Executors, by me made ratifying and confirming this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal~ this day and year above Written~~~~ Tabitha X Drury (((Seal))) Signd Sealed and delivered by the Said Tabitha Drury to be her Last Will And Testament in the presence of us Josiah Hutchins~~~~B. Hutchins~~~ Saint Marys County Ss. The 6th day of Augt. 1810. Then came Bennet Hutchins one of the two Subscribing Witnesses to the Within last Will and Testament of Tabitha Drury late of Saint Marys County deceased, and made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty god, that he did see the Testatrix therein named, Sign & Seal this Will, and that he heard her publish, pronounce and declare the Same to be her Last Will and Testament, that at the time of her so doing, she was to the best of his apprehension of Sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, and that he Subscribed his name as a Witness to this Will, in the presence and at the request of the Testatrix~ also that he did See Josiah Hutchins, the other Witness to the Will Subscribe his name as a Witness to the Same, in the presence, and at the request of the Said Testatrix~~~~ Certified by James Forrest Rgr. Wills For St Mary's County

Duckworth, Ann

Duckworth, Ann, widow, St. Mary's Co.9th May, 1731;
27th Nov., 1732.
To son Richard Hopewell, money due from estate of George Muschamp, dec'd.
To son Joseph Hopewell, ex., certain personalty during life, to pass at his death to grandchild. Hugh, John, Ann and Elizabeth Hopewell; ½ stock on plantation to pass to grandson William Hopewell, to whom sd. son is desired to leave his plantation.
To grandsons Hugh, John, Richard (at age of 21) and Thomas Francis Hopewell, dau. Ann Aisquith, granddaus. Ann and Elizabeth Hopewell, personalty.
To dau. Susannah King, 1s.
To grandchild. Richard, William, Joseph, Hugh, John, Thomas Francis, Ann and Elizabeth, produce from sale of ½ stock, etc.
Test: John Seager, William Hopewell, Elizabeth Herbert (Harbert). 20, 493.

Dunbar, William

May 15, 1754 June 24 1754 Will of William DUNBAR, St. Mary's Co.
to son Joseph DUNBAR, 1 shilling.
To son William DUNBAR, 1 shilling.
to dau Mary BRAGG, 1shilling.
to dau Anastatia READER, 1 shilling.
to wife Elizabeth DUNBAR, all household and real estate, including
After wife's death the plantation to son Joseph, remainder of estate to Mary
Ann BISCO (Briscoe?), Jeane DUNBAR and John DUNBAR. If wife should die
before son John DUNBAR and Jeane DUNBAR should come of age, then
Desire that Joseph BISCO (Briscoe?) and Mary Ann take care of them.
Wit: Thos. TUCKER, Daniel SULLIVAN, Mary TUCKER 29. 176
( Maryland Calender of Wills Vol. 11, p. 38)

Contributed by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas

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This page was last updated 01/18/2024