Cager, Robert, St. Mary's Co.,10th Aug., 1667;
5th Sept., 1667.
To child., Robert Cager, Jr., and Dorothy, wife of George Monnroe,
estate in equal portions; Robert to be of age at 21 yrs.
Overseers: John Lawson and Henry Hide.
Test: Thos. Hatton, Patrick Forrest, Evan Lewis. 1. 293.
Cager, Robert, St. George's Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,24th Jan., 1675;
4th Feb., 1675.
Entire estate to be used for maintenance of Protestant ministry
in St. George's and Poplar Hill Hundreds.
Exs.: Francis Sourton, Geo. Mackall, Peter Watts.
Test: Thos. Dent, Wm. Watts, Jno. Wynn. 2. 383.
Cain (Cane) William, St. Mary's Co.,25th Jan., 1675;
5th Feb., 1675.
To son William, entire estate, real and personal, should he come
into the province.
To Jean Edloe, dau. of Joseph and Jean Edloe, sd. estate should
son afsd. not come into the province.
To sd. Joseph Edloe of St. Mary's Co., and hrs., sd. estate in event
of death of both son William and Jean Edloe, Jr., afsd. under age.
Ex. Jos. Edloe, afsd.
Test: Geo. Thompson, Jno. Taut. 2. 386.
Calvert, Charles, St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1733;
31st Dec., 1733.
To daus. Sarah Howser and Ann, each ls.
To Barbary, dau. of Martin Keirk, a maintenance from estate until
of age or day of marriage.
Wife Barbary, extx. and residuary legatee.
Test: James Smith, James Keirk, Andrew Foy, Joseph Kirk (Keirk).
20. 860.
Calvert, Leonard, (nunc.)St. Mary's Co.,
; 14th June, 1644. To
James Lindsay, Richard Willen, Mrs. Temperance Pippett, of Virginia,
godson Leo. Green, personalty. Margaret Brent, execx. and residuary
Test: Francis Ankell, Gov. Thomas Green. 1. 9.
Cambell, John,Poplar Hill, St Mary's Co.,6th Dec.,
4th Nov., 1695.
To wife Catherine, plantation during life.
To 2 young. sons, Richard and James, jointly, and hrs., 350 A.,
Cambell's Farm, in Cecil Co., and 100 A., The
Forrester Deane, in St. Mary's Co., at majority. In event
of death of either during minority or without issue, survivor to
inherit deceased's portion.
To eld. son Thomas at majority and hrs., residue of realestate,
and plantation at death of mother.
To daus. Faith, wife of Henry Taylor, and Eachel, wife of John Russell,
Wife Catherine residuary legatee of personalty and joint ex with
son Thomas afsd.; at death of wife sd. personalty to be divided
equally among 3 child. afsd. and dau. Dorothy.
Test: Wm. Husband, Jno. Woodward, Jas. Blan. 7. 190.
Campbell, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,19th Jan., 1723-4;
28th Jan., 1723-4.
To wife Jean, extx., and hrs., real estate; 3 sons, viz. James,
Richard and Joshua, to live with wife afsd. until of age at 20 yrs.
To eldest son John, 1000 lbs. tob. Four other sons and dau. Jeane
each to have a child's portion.
Test: Elizabeth Brown, Stephen Martin, John Hammond. 18, 213.
Canaday, William, St. Mary's Co.,18th Dec., 1732;
4th May, 1733.
To son John and hrs., 150 A. of Smoots Hollow on Herring
Ck. St. Mary's Co. 150 A. Hunting Quarter on branch
St. Mary's R.; sd. son dying during minority or without issue 150
A. of Smoot's Hollow to grandson William Canady Forest
and hrs., other 150 A. to grandson Richard Forest and hrs.; and
To grand-dau. Catherine Forest and hrs., 80 A. at east end of Manor
land, residue of Manor land to son John and hrs.; and personalty.
To grandson William Canaday Forest personalty now in poss. of Patrick
To Eliza. Rule personalty. Residue of estate to son John and hrs.
Ex.: bro. in-law John Waughop.
Overseer: Rev. Leigh Massey.
Test: Thomas Waughop, Patrick Forest, Eliza. Rule, Thomas Russel.
20. 659.
Susan Cannady (no County named) 7/11/1663-2/26/1663. Son: James,
land when of age.
Children: William, John, and Susan personal estate.
Execs: Mr. Norton and Mr. Lewger. Wit: John Taney, William Graves.
Will of Ann Carmical, SMC 10/5/1749-3/7/1764.
To: Jonathan Jeru (?) son of John Pierce and Mary, his wife 1 shilling.
To: Mildred Pierce, dau. of John Pierce and Mary his wife, 1 shilling.
To: Augustine Waring and Monica Warring, son and daughter to Thomas
Warring and Mary, his wife all remaining pt. of my estate. Exec:
Thomas Waring, brother-in-law. Wit: John Rhodes,
Sr., Nicholas Lewis Sewall, John Rhodes, Jr.
Carnell, Christopher, St. Mary's Co.,25th Nov., 1661;
17th June, 1662.
To John Pyper, ex., estate, real and personal, in trust for testator's
dau. Eliza: Carnell.
Overseer: John Goldsmith.
Test: Sam'l Harris, John Norman, Sam'l Debson. 1. 155.
Carnell, Christopher, St. Mary's Co.,25th Nov., 1661; 17th June,
To John Pyper, ex., estate, real and personal, in trust for testator's
Eliza: Carnell. Overseer: John Goldsmith. Test: Sam'l Harris, John
Sam'l Debson. 1. 155.
William Carpenter, SMC, 5/16/1799-8/27/1799, SMC. Wife: Liddy,
plantation where I live and all of the land adjoining it; the ferry
all of the plantation utensils; and three negro men named Clem,
Sebb, and
Barn during her natural life with the reserve of a home for all
of my
children until they get married or are otherwise provided for. Son:
George, the plantation where I live and the land I bought from Charles
and John Rousby Plater after the death of my wife and a negro named
which he now has in his possession. Son: Allen, the plantation where
Wimsatt now lives after the death of my wife and a negro girl named
Son: William, at age 25, the plantation I got from my father. He
is to
receive the income from the rent of the plantation when he arrives
at the
age of 21. Until that time, the rents are to be used to support
him and the
rest of my children. He is to also have a negro boy named Alexander.
Lewis, a negro girl named Ann. Children: Eleanor, Elizabeth, Louisa,
Lewis, Frederick and Uriah Carpenter, the balance of my estate equally.
daughter Eleanor (or Elizabeth?) has been devised an equal share
of my
property along with my other children. She is to only have the income
the property during her life and then her part is to be equally
among my remaining five children. My son, George Carpenter is to
have the
management of her estate. Execs.: Son, George Carpenter and wife,
Carpenter. Wit: Sarah Wimsatt, John Wimsatt, Charles Chilton.
Carpinder (Carpender), John, planter, St. Mary's Co.,4th Feb., 1723-4;
17th Mar., 1723.
To William Maria Farthing and hrs., 300 A. Finchle and
The Wemes.
To Henry Winsitt, ex., residue of estate.
Test: Charles Dafft, Robert Tearing, John Polten, John Galwith.
18, 242
Cartwright, Matthew, St. Mary's Co.,21st Feb., 1688-9;
18th Mch., 1688-9.
To eld. son John, and hrs., 100 A., part of 400 A. at Chaptico,
St. Mary's Co.
To sec. son Matthew and hrs., 100 A.,at Chaptico, CAll Weston and
Weston Addition part of tract afsd.
To third son Thomas and hrs., 100 A., part of tract afsd.
To fourth son Peter and hrs., 100 A., part of tract afsd.
To son John and to each of 3 sons at 18 yrs. of age, and to dau.
Joanna at 16 yrs. of age, personalty.
To wife Sarah, dower rights.
Exs.: Wife Sarah afsd. and Jno. Turlinge Sr.
Test: Jno. Nichols, Philip Tippet, Edw. Farr. 6. 45.
Carty (Cartey), Darby, St. Mary's Co.,16th Feb., 1723-4;
7th March, 1723.
To dau. Mary, personalty. To be in charge of her god-father John
Mackintosh until age of 16 or marrlage.
To wife Elizabeth, extx., and 2 children Richard and Mary, personal
estate equally.
Test: John Langley, Daniel Duggen, Richard Griffen. 18, 236.
Carwarde (Carwardine), Peter,Poplar Hill Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,28th
June, 1698
30th June, 1701.
To sons Peter and Thomas, personalty.
To son John and hrs., residue of estate, real and personal.
Ex. not given.
Test: Stephen Benbrick, Ann Benbrick, Jno. Woodward, Robt. Woodward.
11. 84.
April 19 The last Will & Testamt of Mr Nicholas Causine, Re
Causine's Estate being in perfect sence & memory made the Twenty
sixth of February 1653.
[Not Memorandu That I Nicolas Cawsine doe make my dearely beloued
Wffe Jane Cawsine my sole & lawful! Exequutresse of all my personall
Estate whatsoeue to dispose of the same according to my directions
following. I doe likewise constitute & make my true & faythfull
freinds Thomas Mathews, Raph Crouch, Henry Adams the Ouerseers of
this my Will, & to bee Assistants to my Wffe in the true performance
of this my Will.
1. As for my Land. It is my Will tht it be equally diuided betweene
my Two sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Cawsine
2 My howse & Plantation allready cleared att Portobacco it is
my will that my Wffe Jane Cawsine shall freely enioy during her
tearme of liffe
3. I doe freely giue my sd Wffe the third part of my Estate wch
it shall bee lawfull for her to dispose of, as shee pleaseth as
any time.
4 My howsehold goods, Debts, Seruants, Cattle hoggs, or anything
else, tht eyther now is, or shall hereafter belong to my Estate.
It is my Will, tht my Wffe shall enioy & use the same for her
owne & my childrens maintenance & to the bestadvantage of
the estate, till p. 19 my sonne Ignatius Cawsine (being aged . .
. yeares the fowrteenth of July next) shall come to the yeares of
Nineteene. . . then. . . both wth his half e part of Land, &
the one part of my Estate tht shall appeare exstant & the other
part to remaine in her hand, if shee be lyuing, till my sonne Nicholas
(being seauen yarees old the Sixth of this month) shall come to
the age of Nineteene, & then hee to bee possessed his halfe
of Land, & second part of the Estate extant.
5. It is my will tht my sonne Ignatius Causine when hee commeth
to enioy his Estate shall pay out of my Whole Estate, a Steere to
each of my Ouerseers.
6. I do giue unto Mr Starchy, att my Death a Steere, as being a
faythfull Christian, & desyring the prayers of the Church.
Volume 41 page 55 Provincial Court Proceedings,
1658. 55
8. If it shall soe happen, tht my Wffe Jane Cawsine dye, before
Liber my Two Sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Causine come to yeares.
Then P. C. R. it is my will, That my Ouerseers take care of them,
together their Estates, & to manage the same, for the best advantage
thereof, till they come to their yeares abovesd
9. And further it is my Will That my Two sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas
Causine for Two yeares after the time exspyred of enioying their
Estate, shall not dispose of any of their Estate, eyther in bargayning
or selling, or otherwise to diminish it, wthout the consent of their
Mother, if shee bee then lyuing, & of the Ouerseers of this
my Will.
In wittness wherof I haue hereunto sett my hand & Seale the
day & yeare aboue written The Seale
Nicholas Causine
Signed & Sealed in pence of
Thomas Carpender
Mary Coksute.
Mr Clarks Bond. These pents wittness tht I Robert Clarke of Maryland
Gentn doe acknowledge my selfe to stand indebted to Henry Adams
of Maryland Plantr the somme of Ten Thowsand pownds of good Tob.
wth cask to bee payd by me, my heyres, Exequutoes, Admistratores,
or Assignes, to him his heyres. Exequutoes, Admistratoes or Assignes
uppon demand.
Wittnes my hand & Seale
this first day of Octobr 1656. The Condicon of this Obligaan is
such, That if the aboue bownden Robert Clarke shall after marriage
contracted betweene him & Mrs Jane Causine Widdow, permitt unto
such persons, as shee shall thereunto appoynt from time to time
the propriety & possesn of all the Estate left unto her, by
her late husband Nicholas Cawsine deceased, wthout any interruption
or molestaon, then this Bond to bee voyd, but else to stand in full
force & uertue Locus X Sigilli
Sealed & Deliuered in [presence] of. . .Robert Clarke
Cawsie, John, St. Mary's Co.,19th Jan., 1682;
7th Nov., 1698.
To Ann Hutchins and hrs, personalty.
Charles Hutchins, ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: Thos. Daniell, Jno. Booth. 6. 178.
Ceely, Thomas, of Cornwall, Eng.,and St. Mary's Co.,1st July, 1676;
20th July, 1676.
To father and mother (unnamed), brother William Ceely, sisters Jane,
Honor, Katherine and Anne Ceely, sister Honor Pridaux, Judith Quarme,
wife of kinsman Robert Quarme, Judith and Honor Quarme, aunt Jane
Prade, and Charles Boscaeen, personalty.
Brother Peter, and hrs., ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real
and personal.
Overseer: Jno. Coode.
Test: Wm. West, Henry King. 5. 53.
Chambers, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,4th Feb., 1733-4;
28th Feb., 1733-4.
To Ann Branson and Judith Swan, daus. of James Compton, personalty.
Ex: James Compton.
Test: Henry Batstone, Wm. Chesher, Margrett Hutchason. 20. 888.
Champ, William, St. Mary's Co.,8th Oct., 1667;
13th Dec., 1667.
To Eliza: Forrest, eld. dau. of Patrick Forrest, personalty.
Fortune Metford, execx. and residuary legatee.
Test: Andrew Bashaw, Richard Berkitt. 1. 302
Cheasum, James, St. Mary's Co.,11th Feb., 1698;
8th Mch., 1698.
To wife Ann, extx., 80 A., part of dwelling plantation.
To sons James and William and dau. Mary, residue of tract afsd.
Personal estate to be divided among wife and child. afsd.
Test: Rich'd Atwood, Wm. Morgan, Jno. Manning. 6. 250.
I Gerrard R. Cheseldine of Baltimore City and State of Maryland
being in good health of body and being sound of mind and memory;
praise be God for the same and being desirous of settling my worldly
affairs; while I have strength and capacity to do so, make and publish
this my last will and testament, that is to say.
I request that all debts and funeral expenses be paid out of my
money I may have on hand, or debts due or to become due in book
accounts, notes, mortgages or other evidence of debt.
I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Phelps Cheseldine my Burial
Lot in Spring Grove Cemetery in Hamilton Count, Ohio to have and
to hold for him his heirs and assigns forever.
I, also, give and bequeath to my said Son all of my Warring Apparel,
except my Gold Watch.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha J. Nold my Pew in the
Ninth Street Baptist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio to have and to hold
to her, her heirs and assigns forever.
I give and bequeath to my Son Samuel Phelps Cheseldine and his heirs,
executors, administrators, and assigns, my storehouse and located
the South east Corner of Main and Pearl Streets, in the city of
Cincinnati, State o Ohio, at present occupied by Mr. James Hammett
as a Dry Goods Store. In special trust and confidence nevertheless
to be held the same and collect the rents and income thereof, and
pay all taxes, insurance, repairs, and all necessary expenses of
the same, and the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00+ each year to my
Brother Charles Cheseldine during his natural life, and to pay the
net proceeds or balance in quanterly installments to my daughter
Mary Sophia Cheseldine during her life, and after her death interest
for all the children and descendants of my said daughter living
at her death, the children of my deceased child in all cases to
wit and in the place of the parent, and the share of such of, and
children or grandchildren as may be under twenty one ye! ars of
age at the death of my said daughter to continue to be held in trust
until they arrive at that age or die, and upon the death of any
of them that age, without leaving issue living at his or her death
respectively, then to the others of them and then executors and
administrators and the accrued shares of all those who are surviving
at the death of my said Daughter likewise to remain on the same
trusts. And so on from time to time for a period only until the
death or arrival at Twenty one years of age of all those who are
surviving at the time of death of my said daughter. and in trust,
that if my said daughter leaves no child or descendant living at
her death or all of them, that are living at the time of her death
under twenty one years of age and without leaving issue living at
the time of their deaths respectively. Then I give devise and bequeath
the said house and lot to my said son Samuel Phelps Cheseldine and
my daughter Martha G Nold in tenants common,! their heirs and assigns
I, also, give devise and bequeath to my said daughter Mary Sophia
Cheseldine all of my silverware, books and Gold Watch marked on
the Case (MSC)
Any money, debts, or other property that I have not disposed of,
I give and bequeath_____to my son Samuel Phelps Cheseldine and my
daughter Martha G. Nold to be equally divided between them____
I have at different times given to my said two children their full
share of my property which is why I do not leave them more in my
I give to my brother in law, Thomas C. Greenwell, my burial Lot
in the Cathedral Burial Ground in the City of Baltimore State of
Maryland, Number Eighteen Hundred and twenty-eight (1828) to have
and to hold to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
I hereby nominate and appoint my Son Samuel Phelps Cheseldine and
my brother in law Mr. James Hammett as my Executors of this my last
Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills and declaring
this to be my last will and testament;
In testimony where of Thereto set my seal this Eighth Day of March
in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and seventy-nine.
Gerrard R. Cheseldine Seal
Signed sealed and published by Gerrard R. Cheseldine the above named
Testator and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of
us, who at his request and in his presence of each other have hereto
set our hand as witnessestherto
John D. Burch
____H. Volkert
R.C. Lee, MD
April 29 1879
(Next Comes to the Court Richard D. Lee stating that the will had
been placed in his possession until he ws informed that the Testator
had died 25 Apr 1879 in the State of Ohio.
6 May 1879
John D Burch, ____H Volkert and Richard C Lee MD came to court to
bear witness that this was the will they signed
Register of Wills accepted and Proved will on 7 Day of May 1879
in Baltimore Co. MD
Follows The Orphan Court Acceptance and Seal of Maryland with signature
of Judge Nelson Poe on 7 May 1879.
Will witnessed on 8 Mar 1879 Proven on 7 May 1879
(Typed from the Original Will by Peggy F. Rufner 4/1/00)
Chiseldyne, Kenelm, St. Mary's Co.,4th Jan., 1717-8; 29th Jan.,
29th May, 1719; 5th June, 1719.
To wife Mary, extx., her thirds.
To younger son Cyrenius, 20,000 lbs. tobacco for purchase of land.
To godson Kenelm Bolt, personalty, to be applied in his education.
To James Robertson and Joseph Owen, personalty.
To 3 child., , residue of estate, equally.
Overseers: Bros.-in-law T. Truman Greenfield and Hen. Peregrine
Jowles, and guardians to child.
Test: Wm. Groome, Thos. Boult (Bolt), Wm. Hooke.
NoteCodicil, 23rd Jan.: To niece Mary Hay, 1,000 lbs. tobacco
yearly until her marriage.
Test: Wm. Coode, Thos. Boult. 15. 181.
The Final Accounting of Sophia D. Cheseldine and Morris Shanks
Co- Administrator of Kenelm Cheseldine (of Seneca)
The third and final accounting of Sophia D. Cheseldine and Morris
Shank, administrators of Kenelm Cheseldine of Seneca late of St.
Mary's County deceased. These accountants charge the makers with
the Balance due at the settlement of their last up the 10th day
of October 1807, amounting to the sum of $1570.35
Also, with ------- Interest on $2970, 50% amount of sales of estate
Total $1659.47
And these accountants pray to be allowed for the following Payments
and disbursements to wit:
1) Of paid John M. Goldsmith his bill as appraiser as per------and
receipt thereon of the 10th day of January 1838 appears $ 6.00
2) of paid Charles Medley appraiser for 1 day services as per
his receipt of the 3rd day of January 1838 appears. 2.00
2) Of Sofo on Re-evaluation of deceased's negroes as per forms
exhitited into the Orphans Court the --day of Feb 1838 appears 79.99
4) Of Glea vs. Reg of Wills his fees for filing recording and reapprasie-ment
of deceased Negroes by order of court. Of courts Register of Wills,
his fees on this account to be paid for distribution. 3.50
(unable to read) 6.68 1/2
Of L Combs, Register of Wills, his fees for 1837 2.63
Total $401.19
Balance due and Accountable $1679.67 1/2
St Marys County to wit. The 10th day of February 1838. There came
Morris Shanks one of the administrators of Kenelm Cheseldine (of
Seneca) late of Saint Mary's County deceased and made oath on the
Holy Angels of Almighty God that the aforegoing as stated just and
true and that he hath Bona Fide paid or secured to be paid the ---------sums
for which he claims an allowance which thereupon after due examination
is proper by the Orphans Court of Saint Mary's County.
Certified by C. Combs
Register of Wills for St. Mary's Co.
Estate Settlement for Kenelm Cheseldine of Seneca.
St. Mary's county to wit. The 15th day of February 1838. The account
of Kenelm Cheseldine (of Seneca-late of St. Mary's County deceased.)by
Sophia D. Cheseldine and Morris Shanks administrators of the said
Estate Accounts for $4440.20
Payments and Disbursements 3182.13
Balance due (disbursements) 1258.28
Distributions as follows:
To Sophia D. Cheseldine widow of deceased: 2/3 $ 419.42
To Biscoe Cheseldine son of deceased; 1/5 209,71
To Posey Cheseldine, son of deceased: 1/5 209.71
To Dent Cheseldine, son of deceased: 209.71
To Joanna, daughter of deceased: 209.71
Total $1258.28
Biscoe being the oldest son inherited White's Neck Farm where he
lived until he died. At his death some of the farm was sold to Thomas
Dent in order to pay the debts of Biscoe.Biscoe being the oldest
son inherited White's Neck Farm where he lived until he died. After
the death of Biscoe's wife, his bills were paid from his personal
estate. White's Neck Farm went to his youngest and only living daughter,
Elizabeth. She married James White a widower, but they had no children.
The farm went to the descendants of James White. The descendants
of James white live on the farm, but the old farm house literally
fell down according to Jayne Hayden who presently lives in a new
house on that farm.
Releases, Receipts, and Power of ATT. 1837 pg. 235-236 refers to
Ann Gibson who m. Charles Cheseldine signed releases giving away
any rights to Kenelm Cheseldines estate as Handled by Ex. Sophia
In Aug 1823 Kenelm was a witness to the will of John Shanks. The
way his name is written is Kenelm Cheseldine of Seneca. This identifies
him and proves that this Kenelm named in Seneca's second will was
a son of Seneca. This dispels doubt of others.
The Last Will and Testament of Posey Cheseldine of London, Madison
County, Ohio. In the name of the Benevolent Father of all. I, the
said Posey Cheseldine being of sound mind and memory, considering
the uncertainty of continuance in life, and desiring to make such
disposition of my worldly estate as I deem best, do make, publish
and declare this to be my last will and testament hereby revoking
and annulling any and all former will or wills whatsoever by me
First: I desire all my just debts and funeral expenses to be paid,
as soon as possible after my decease.
Second: I give and bequeath to my son Samuel D. Cheseldine one note
No. 8 given by Charles Cheseldine payable to the order of Posey
Cheseldine, calling for one Thousand ($1000) dollars, with six percent
interest after date, dated Sep 1 1892, payable 5 years and six months
after date.
One note: No 12 given by Charles Cheseldine, payable to the order
of Posey Cheseldine, calling for two Hundred (200) dollars with
6% interest from date, dated Sep. 1st 1892 payable four years from
date. I, also, give to Samuel Dent Cheseldine my gold-head walking
stick to be kept in the family, this was a Christmas present from
my children.
Third: To my son Charles Cheseldine I give and bequeath my homestead
on East High St. together with all the furniture, books and pictures.
I also give him one fourth (1/4) of my undivided three fourths (3/4)
interest which I now own, in the store room No 3l7 Main St. London,
Ohio. I, also, give him one note of hand No. 6 F (s?) drawn by him
made payable to Posey Cheseldine or order calling for one Thousand
($1000) dollars payable four years and three months after date --dated
Sep 1st 1892. I, also, give him one note No. 13 dated Sep 1st 1892
calling for three hundred ($300) dollars payable four years
after date payable to P. Cheseldine or order.
Fourth: I give and bequeath to my son Bisque Kenelm Cheseldine,
commonly called Pearl, my dwelling house situated on Elm Street,
London, Ohio, property bought of Jonathan Arnett. I, also, give
and bequeath to him two fourths (2/4) of my undivided 3/4 interest
in the store house building No. 37 Main St., London, Ohio. I, also,
give him my entire interest that I may have at my death in the stock
of merchandise, money and credits in the store at South Charleston,
Clark County, Ohio, now carried on under the firm name of P and
PB Cheseldine, he is to pay all expenses due on the stock. I, also,
give him one note No. 7 calling for one thousand ($1000) dollars
payable to Posey Cheseldine on order with six per cent interest
after date, dated Sep 1st 1892. I, also,
give him one note no 4 calling for five hundred ($500) dollars drawn
by Charles Cheseldine payable to Posey Cheseldine on order, with
six per cent interest after date dated Sep 1st 1892, due three years
after date. I, also, give and bequeath my gold watch and chain.
Fifth: I give and bequeath to my grand daughter, Izora Cheseldine,
daughter of B.K. Cheseldine and Maggy his wife, note No. 5 for Five
Hundred (500) dollars drawn by Charles Cheseldine, payable to Posey
lCheseldine on order three years and six months from date with six
percent interest after date, dated Sep 1st, 1892. I, also, give
to my grand child, Anna, daughter of B.K. and Maggy Cheseldine,
his wife, one hundred ($100) dollars, also, his son Kyle, one hundred
dollars ($100).
Sixth: I will and bequeath to my grandson Raymond, child of Charles
and Pet Cheseldine one hundred dollars ($100): to my grandchildren
of Samuel Dent Cheseldine and his wife Kate, his wife, twenty-five
dollars ($25) each making one hundred dollars ($100) in the aggregate,
as follows: to Jenny $25, to Bessy $25, To Don $25 and to Sterling
$25 dollars.
If after the above claims are all met there is any moneys or claims
not disposed of I wish it to be equally divided between my children.
I nominate and appoint Samuel D. Cheseldine, Charles Cheseldine,
and Biscoe K. Cheseldine to be Executors of this will, that no bond
or bonds be required during the administration of said trust. In
witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 8th day
of November in the year 1892.
Posey Cheseldine Seal
witnessed by W.S. Murray and L. R. Watts
In the name of God AMEN. I, Seneca Cheseldine, of Saint Mary's
County in the State of Maryland, being in perfect health of body
and of sound and -----mind, memory and understanding, considering
the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time, thereof,
make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form
following that is to say:
First and Principally, I commit my Soul into the hands of the Almighty
God and my body to the Earth to be decently buried at the direction
of my Exector's therein after named and after my debts and funeral
charges are paid and my bills thereof are taken out , I give and
bequeath as follows: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth
Cheseldine the use of the whole of my estate both real and personal
during her natural life, and after her death I give the aforesaid
real and personal property to be equally divided between my children
as follows: To my son Seneca Nelson Cheseldine, Harry Cheseldine,
Gerard Cheseldine, Jamey Cheseldine, Charley Cheseldine, Chloe Cheseldine,
Eliza Cheseldine and Mary Ann Cheseldine. My wish and desire is
that Chloe Cheseldine's part of my estate shall be delivered after
my wife Elizabeth's death to my daughter, Elizabeth Grant, and for
her to make use of this said part for the maintainance and support!
of the said Chloe. and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint
my dear wife, Elizabeth Cheseldine, to be the sole Executrix of
this my last Will and Testament ratifying and confirming this and
none other to be my last will and testament. In testimony whereof,
I have hereunto set my hand affixed my Seale this 24 Mar 1815.
Seneca Cheseldine (Seale)
Witnesses: Morris Shank, George Shank and Edward Scott.
(A second will was published by a Seneca Cheseldine. This one is
quite controversial because it is believe by many not to have been
written by Seneca the Father, but I believe that it was as Seneca
Nelson, the son died in 1822 in Ohio Co. KY.)
Will of Seneca Cheseldine #2
written: 12 Jun 1816 probated 16 Jul 1816 ( 13 mo. after it was
written it was probated, and 6 mo. after the probating of the will
written in1815. This is accurate as it is taken from photos of the
wills that I have.)
In the name of God Amen. I, Seneca Cheseldine, of St. Mary's County
in the state of Maryland being of sound---mind, memory and understanding
concerning the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time
thereof, and being desirous to settle my earthly affairs, and thereby,
be the better prepared to leave this world when it shall pleas God
to call me home, do therefore, make and publish this my last will
and testament in manner and form following,that is to say,
First, and principally I commit my soul unto the hands of almighty
God and my body to the earth to be decently buried at the direction
of my executor, herein after named and after my debts and funeral
charges are paid, I devise and bequeath to my son Kenelm Cheseldine,
this plantation called White's Neck whereon I now live to him and
his heirs forever with all the Negroes, Rock house lots and kitchen
furniture and all the plantation -------that may belong to same.
My further wish and desire that my said son, Kenelm Cheseldine,
shall keep my daughter Chloe with him as long as she may live----my
further wish and desire that my son Kenelm shall keep together the
rest of my children and do the best he can until the boys is able
to be bound to whatever trade he may think most proper, and lastly
I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Kenelm Cheseldine to be
my sole executor of this my last will and testament revoking and
annulling all former wills made by me heretofore rati! fying and
confirming this and none other to be my last will and testament.
In testimony whereof I have herewith put my hand and affix my seale
this twelfth day of June in the year of our Lord, 1816.
witnessed by Kenelm Cheseldine, John Hammmond, and John Culberson.
Kenelm Cheseldyne , St. Mary's Co. Dec. 6, 1708
In the name of God, Amen. The sixth day of December in the year
of our Lord, 1708. I, Kenelm Cheseldyne of St. Mary's County, Gentleman,
do make and ordaine this my last will and testamen in manner
my son Kenelm Cheseldyne my plantation called Matapany in St. Mary's
County and all that tract of land called White's Neck adjoining
to it and all that tract of land called St. Katherine's Island in
the said county upon Potomac River
to my daughter Mary Hey, wife of James Hey all that plantation called
Broad Neck in St. Mary's County and all that plantation called Westwood
Lodge in Charles County for and during the time of her natural life,
the daughter of Mary Hey my grand child till day of marriage and
after said death of said Mary, the mother, I give same tomy grand
child Mary, her daughter. to my daughter, Dryden Cheseldine all
that plantation in St. Georges Hundred in St. Mary's County called
Dryden containing 483a acres to my daughter Dryden all the cattle
horses mares and all other personal chattels
I will that none of my Bookes be sold or lent out but upon good
caution to be returned againe and that my Divinity Books remaine
in my executor's hands but to the use of all my said chhildren and
returning again and my law bookes I will unto ye first child that
children shall have that by education shall be capable of using
Executor: sonne Kenelm Cheseldyne
(signed: Kenelm Cheseldyne and seal is attached.)
Test: John Coode, Thomas Greenfield and G. Muschamp,
December 18, 1708.
Memoran: The testator this day being the sixth day of December 1708
desiring these following things should be added by way of codicel,
it is hereby done accordingly....
I give to my Grand Daughter Mary Hay all the cattle belonging to
the plantation called Dobsons and Broad Neck to the number of what
was ...of Mr. James Hay according to agreement made between the
said Hay and myself in writing under hand and seale to be applied
toward the maintainance of her the granddaughter and her mother.
I give to James Robison all my wearing apparell linnen and woolen
and two thousand pounds of tobacco to be paid by my executor this
present yer and the same of five hundred pounds to go yearly during
his natural life together with accomodations so long as it shall
please him to dwell with my executor.
Signed: Kenelm Cheseldyne
John Chesire, SMC 1/19/1746-3/6/1746.
Wife: Priscilla.
Children: Jonathan, John, Tennison, Philemon, Mary Noble. Exec:
none named.
Wit: Baptist Barber, Elizabeth Hendley.
Chesher, William, St. Mary's Co.,12th Mch., 1732-3;
27th Mch., 1733.
To cousin Absalom Tennison, Sr., and hrs., ½ dwelling plantation
Pheabuses' Fort, St. Michael's Hundred, being the ½
where Thomas Matchett now lives.
To son William and hrs., other ½ of afsd. tract being the pt.
adj. to land where Gilbert Hart now lives.
Ex.: bro. John.
Test: Abraham Tennison, Timothy Fowler, Joseph ****isooe. 20. 630.
Chillman, Richard, (Innholder), St. Mary's Co.,5th Nov., 1678;
14th Nov., 1678.
Cous. Thomas Loeker, sole legatee of estate at 21 yrs. of age.
Overseers: Jno. Garnish and brother Thomas Griffin.
Test: Henry Carew, Garrit Van Sweringen, Arthur Thompson. 9. 74.
Chisum, William, St. Mary's Co.,21st Oct., 1697;
To 3 daus., viz., Jane, Mary, and Ann, at 16 yrs. of age, personalty.
Wife Ann, extx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Arthur Keane, Wm. Gibson. 7. 355.
Cissell (Chissell), James, St. Mary's Co.,30th Mar., 1717;
22nd Apr., 1717.
To son James and hrs., dwel. plan. with 25 A. Poplar Neck,
50 A. Broadneck and personalty.
To daus. Mary and Ruth and hrs., the other 50 A. Broadneck
to be equally divided bet. them. In event of death of either during
minority or without issue, the entire 50 A. to pass to survivor
and hrs.
To dau. Mary, personalty.
To three children, James, Mary and Ruth, residue of estate equally.
In event of death of any child during minority, their part to be
equally divided among the survivors.
Ex.: Friend Chas. Neale.
Test: John Brown, Margaret Anderson, Clair Moore, James Thompson.
14. 339.
James Cissell, SMC 9/30/1774-10/27/1774. Niece: Mary Cissell, dau. of brother John, "Scotland" where James Taylor, negro Joe Adams, and Mark Bradburn now live; a negro woman Henny and her child Joseph; and stock. Brother: John, Exec., negro Sam; horse; best coat and waist coat. Sister: Margaret Thompson, horse. Nephew: Thomas Thompson, 1 horse. Sisters: Margaret and Ann Thompson, remaining stock. Nieces: Ann and Mary Payne, daughters of my sister Monica Payne are to be taken care of by my brother John; furniture to each at age 16. Wit: Bennet Hopewell, John Duncaster, Mary Ann Duncaster
Will of Jeremiah Cissell, SMC, 8/24/1806-10/14/1806. Son: Jeremiah,
all of
my real estate. He is to have six years of schooling. Daughters:
Cissell and Dorothy Cissell, five years of schooling in the County
and all
of my personal estate. They are to live on the plantation with my
Jeremiah, free of rent, until they are married. My two negro men
Charles and James are to be sold and the money used to buy two other
negroes. Exec: Friend, Benjamin Williams. Wit.: Matthias Clarke,
Gough, George Loker.
John Cissell, SMC, 1/18/1793-2/23/1793. Daughter: Mary Thompson,
the land I gave her that she lives on according to the division
made between her and her husband, John Baptist Thompson and myself
during her and her husband's
lives. After their decease, the land is devised to her three daughters:
Henrietta Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, and Mary Thompson, equally
divided. She is to also receive one bed and furniture; one small
chest; one small oval table; and one cow and calf. Granddaughter:
Elizabeth Thompson, one bed and furniture. Son: Ethelburt Cissell,
my dwelling plantation with all of the land
I hold except that devised to my daughter above and all of the remaining
part of my stock, household goods and furniture. No Exec. named.
Wit: Bennet and Richard Hopewell, Charles Sewall.
Sissell, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,18th Oct., 1700;
28th Mch., 1701.
To unborn child and hrs., all land. In event of its death without
hrs, estate to pass as follows:
To daughter-in-law Betty , plantation; to pass in turn
to son-in-law George .
To son-in-law James Thompson, residue of land.
To wife Mary, extx., personalty and life interest in land she may
Overaeer: Jas. French.
Test: Jno. Baptist Carbery, Jno. Bailey, Rich'd Chapill. 11. 68.
Cissell, Thomas, planter, St. Mary's Co.,30th April, 1724;
24th Aug., 1724.
To son John, ex., and hrs., dwelling plantation, mill on Beverdam
Runn, 350 A. at Chaptyco, 50 A. White Acres, and personal
estate. Sd. son to give certain personalty to ohild. of bro. James,
dec'd, as they come of age and to take care of his mother .
Test: John Low, Tho. Oglsby, Jude Gaven (Gauen), Wm. Banister. 18,
William Cissell, planter, SMC 6/22/1742-11/28/1744.
Children: Arthur, Luke, Margaret (Thompson), Ann (Edwards), Matthew,
Elizabeth (wife of Charles Payne), Clare (Barton). Grandchildren:
William Cissell (son of John and his mother Elizabeth Neale); William
Cissell (son of Wm. and Clara,
his wife).
Granddaughter: Eleanor (dau. of son Arthur), land between
Arthur's plantation and the plantation where John Harden now lives.
Son: Arthur, plantation he now lives on, pt. of 100 ac. called "Scotland".
Son: Luke, other pt. of "Scotland", 50 ac. it being obtained
by judgement in chancery by Daniel Dulany.
Daughter: Margaret Thompson, the plantation she now lives on. Mentions
John Thompson, Charles Neale, and Charles Payne.
Daughter: Ann Edwards, the plantation she now lives on.
Son: Matthew, 50 ac. pt. of "White Acre", the plantation
he lives on, given me by my father's will and 20 ac. called "Cissell's
To: William Cissell, son of William and Clare, his wife, 1 shilling.
To: Elizabeth, wife of Charles Payne, land between William Cissell's
and Ann Edwards' land and deeded from her brother William Cissell's
Daughter: Clare Barton, 1 ac. now in the possession of William Cissell,
son of John.
To: Neall (sic) wife of Charles Neale, access to William Cissell's
Execs: Arthur Cissell, Luke Cissell, Matthew Cissell, Edward Cissell,
Margaret Thompson.
Wit: Catherine Russell, Margaret Pye, William Russell.
Clackson, Edward,26th Nov., 1659;
Letters of Admr. on his estate
to Nicholas Gwither, high sheriff of St. Mary's Co. 1. 77
Clark, Harmon, St. Mary's Co.,16th Nov., 1733;
16th Nov., 1733.
To bros. Lenard and Francis and sis. Susan and Mary, personalty.
To bros. William, Benjamin and John and sis. Joan and Ann, testator's
interest in his father's estate.
Ex.: .
Test: John Branson, Cornelius Barber, Ann Branson.
22. 315.
Clark, James, St. Mary's Co., ;
On Feb. 15th, 1742-3, John Alvey, Peter Garrett, Jr., Clement Hayden,
and John Clarke took oath before Abraham Barnes and Gilbert Ireland
that test. afsd. being too weak to write, said that he wished dwell.
plan. to go to his son Joseph. Plan. on which Thomas Winsote lives,
to his dau. Mary Ann, and in event of her death, without issue to
3 younger daus., and to his son James, plan. where David Alpin lives.
His wife , to have life int. in entire estate.
23. 83.
Clark, Thomas (nunc.), St. Mary's Co.,6th Nov., 1719;
10th Nov., 1719.
To wife Mary, what she had at marriage and use of real estate during
widowhood. Shd. she marry, sd. lands to bro. John.
To William Gardiner, personalty.
To chapel at Mrs. Jean Doyne's. (Legacy not indicated.)
Test: John Clark, about 30 yrs. old. 15. 280.
Abraham Clarke, 9/8/1785-11/15/1785. Wife: Ann Chloe, Exec., to act in the best manner of her children. Daughter: Biby Clarke, a negro girl Sal; if she dies without heirs to daughters Nancy and Mimy Clarke. Sons: Philip Clarke and James Clarke, all the land my wife is to hold during her widowhood; if she remarries, her husband to pay 1500 lbs. crop tobacco to sons Philip and James; at her death, the land to be equally divided between them. All of the children of my last wife to have my dwelling plantation for their home as long as they remain single. At wife's death, all my estate to be equally divided among my children by my last wife even to the worth of one shilling, except the lands I have already given; if I die before the land is paid for, negro Lucy and her son Phil may be sold to help pay for it. Exec: Wife, Ann Chloe. Wit: William Bradburn, John Basil Thompson, Nicholas Brown, Raphael Brown.12/31/1767: Bapt. fil, child of Abraham and Cloe Clarke. GP: Basil Brown
Clarke, Edward, St. Mary's Co.,22d Feb., 1675;
12th Mch., 1676.
To wife Anne, execx., 200 A., Clarke's Rest, during
To son Edward at 18 yrs. of age, and hrs., 350 A., Turvey
and Clarke's Rest afsd. at death of wife.
To brothers John and William Shercliffe and hrs. in turn, afsd.
tracts of land should son Edward die without issue.
To the Roman Catholic Church at Newtown and Robert Drewry, personalty.
Testator desires to be buried by Edward, his dec'd son.
Test: Thos. Dant, Peter Peake, Wm. Didoll. 5. 167.
Clarke, Edward, St. Mary's Co.,30th Apr., 1713;
24th June, 1714.
To sons Jno., Edward, Clement and dau. Mary Clarke, acknowledgments
made of certain live stock.
Wife Mary, extx. and residuary legatee; she being empowered to sell
all hand, viz., 202 A., Turvey, 25 A., Houndslow's
Addition, but if sd. lands are not sold they are to pass at
decease of wife to 3 sons afsd., son John to be of age at 16 yrs.
and other sons at 18 yrs. If son John go to live at plantation he
is to take his sister Henrietta with him.
Test: Robert Ford, John Jones, James Thompson. 14. 8.
Will of George Mackall Clarke, St. Mary's County, 5/13/1751-7/21/1753.
Son: John Attaway Clarke "Piney Point" and if should die without issue
by his wife Hannah, then said Hannah to enjoy aforesaid tract.
Susanna Mackall Smoot "Clarke's Range".
Son: John Attaway Clarke, land
on Blake Creek bought from John Tannehill.
Wife: Susanna Clarke, use of
plantation where I now live with several tracts purchased of Stephen Martin
and Jane his wife and Robert Mason. Wife is to also have the rents of
all my other lands until my youngest child arrives at age 21 or marries.
Daughters: Hannah Key, Ellen Clarke, Susanna Clarke, Anne Clarke, and
Sarah Clarke the plantation after the d. of my wife; all land bought from
William Cavenaugh; and two tracts bought of Robert Nugent; a tract mortgaged
by Andrew Bulther; a tract mortaged by William Jones at the head of St.
Clement's Bay. In case of all them should die without issue then to John
Attaway Clarke and Susanna Mackall. Slaves to be sold to support daughters
Ellen, Susanna, Anne, and Sarah.
Wit: John Reeder, Thomas Perrin, James Hardwick, James Kendrick, Phyllis Griffin, James Murrin, John Hughes, Thomas Innis. Codicil: Wife, two tracts that I bought from Robert Morgan.
Wit: John Reeder, James Hardwick, Phyllis Griffin, John Hughes, James Kendrick.
6/29/1753: Came John Reeder and Ann Reeder who state that Col. George Clarke now deceased about 6/23 instant June--that about 7 weeks before his death he gave this wife Susanna Clarke verbally the following: Negro boy Dick bought of John Stanfield; John Blackistone's bond; and Capt. Gilbert Ireland's bond and furniture (listed) and gave his daughters Ann and Sarah Clarke a horse, saddle, and furniture.
Clarke, John St. Mary's Co.,28th Nov., 1685;
6th Mch., 1686.
In the name of God Amen, the last will and testament of Mr.
John Clarke late of St. Mary's County being in perfectt sence and
memory; my last will & desirous as followeth. 1st I bequeath my
soule unto the hands of my blessed Redeemar Jesus Christ hoping
through the blessed passion, and suffering, one the crosses, to have
salvation for my soule. I bequeath my body to the earth, from whence
I had it, and to be decently buried, according to the discreation of
my wife; and as for my worldly goods, my disire is that they are
disposed of as followeth.
My land that is at Notting containing one thousand acres, I desire
may be equally divided, among my five children, __losed, John, Robert,
Benjamin, Francis and Ann, but if any of my said children, shall
dye before they come to age of eighteen years, then his or her part
of the above said land, to fall to the next aire, or in the case
they by after the age of 18 years, and have no issue, then their
part of said Land, to fall to the next aire. It. For all other Lands,
or tenements, I give to my dear; and well beloved wife Ann Clarke,
for to order and dispose of as shee shall think fitt, but if my
wife, should dye without selling the land or tenements, then they
to fall to the Eldest son that shall be then living, as allso I
make my wife sole Executrix of all my goods and Chattles. She paying
all my just debts as witness my hand, and seale, this 28th day of
November 1685
John Clarke (((Seal)))
signed and delivered
in presents of us
Thomas Clarke
the mark of
George C. Turner
the mark of
Lewis Gest
Thomas Clarke, Lewis Gest & George Turner, Sworn before me,
this day sayeth that Mr. John Clarke deceased, did in his life time,
signe & seale the within will being then of perfect sense &
memory May the 6th, anno 1685/86
Clarke, John, planter, St. Mary's Co.,20th Jan., 1727-8;
9th Feb., 1727-8.
To sister Mary Compton, Thomas (son of Luke Clarke, dec'd) at age
of 21 yrs., Thomas Chaimberlin, John Curbe and Elizabeth Clarke
(at age of 16), personalty.
To Electious (son of Adam Clarke), ½ of leased land Chaptico
Manner, other ½ to bro. Benjamin when they shall arrive
at age of 21.
Bro. Adam, ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: John Johnson Sothoron, Richard Sothoron, Robert Parker. 19,
Clarke, Mary, St. Mary's Co.,24th Mch., 1738-9;
19th Apr., 1739.
To son Frances, ex., 96 A. dwelling plantation, and care of three
sons, William, Benjamin and John until they come to age of 21.
To son John and hrs., tract where son Leonard now dwells.
Test: James Swann, Henry Williamson, John Branson.
22. 82.
Clarke, Philip, St. Mary's Co.,30th May., 1699;
11th Aug., 1699.
To son George and hrs., Piney Point.
To 2 daus. (unnamed) and hrs., Harpers.
Wife (unnamed) to have personal estate and to care for sons Roger
and Philip.
Ex. not given.
Test: Jno. Dowdall, Sam'l Manthorp, Henry Phipps. 6. 270.
Philip Clarke, SMC 2/16/1766-11/7/1766. Son: Philip land where
he now lives and the negroes he is possessed with: July, Adam, Dinah.
Grandson: John Clarke, son of Philip, negro girl Patty. Granddaughter:
Hannah Clarke, dau. of Philip, negro girl Minia. Granddaughter:
Catherine Clarke, dau. of Philip, negro boy Sam. Son: George Mackall
Clarke, land of the plantation I live on; negro man Nace; and negro
woman Judge. granddaughter: Rachel M. Clarke, negro boy Moses. Granddaughter:
Susanna Mackall Clarke, first child of above mentioned negro woman
Judge. Son: Kenelm Clarke, land I bought of Thomas Evans and 3 negroes
named Dyer, Harry and Jeff; negro girls Jen, Chania, and Delf; negro
boy Jem; negro woman Easter. Son: Roger Clarke, 10 negroes named
Peter, Hebb, Munday, Telug, Jeny, Lettis, Cate, Stephen, Moll, and
Winney; and furniture. Son: George Mackall Clarke, and son Kenelm
Clarke, bed and furniture. Mill to 4 sons above named. Wife: Catherine,
negroes named Joney, Moll, Amey, and Lucy. Desire that sons Kenelm
and Roger make this house I now live in their home until they arrive
at age 22. Execs: Wife and 4 sons. Wit: Hugh Hopewell, George Rogers,
Mary Rogers.
Clarke, Robert, St. Mary's Co.,19th Aug., 1721;
31st Jan., 1725.
To eldest son Thomas and hrs., land he now lives on in Bever
Dam Mannor; personalty.
To son Robert, Addition; and personalty.
To little son Benjamin and hrs. (son of wife Elizabeth), dwelling
plantation and personalty; to be in care of his mother
and to be brought up in faith of Church of England; shd. he die
during minority, plantation after wife's decease to son Thomas and
To wife Elizabeth, extx., residue of personal estate during life;
at her decease, to be divided among eldest children, viz. Thomas,
Robert, daus. Sarah Grinwell, Anne Hall, Jeny Gough and Elinor,
wife of Henry Grinwell.
Test: Richard Osbern, Robert Hutchings, Michael Realy.
Codicil, 8th Nov., 1725: Shd. wife die during minority of son Benjamin,
she may assign him as she thinks flt, security for complying with
above will being given.
Test: M. Jenifer, Jno. Read, Henry Realy. 18, 438.
Thomas Clarke June, 1711 PC 1 page 177
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Clarke of St. Mary's County,
Planter, being sick & weak in body, but blessed be God of sound &
perfect memory doe make and constitute this my last will & Testament
in manner following, and first I bequeath my soul to Almighty God my
creator who gave it, trusting through the meritts of my Lord &
Savior Jesus Christ to be made partaker of everlasting happiness,
and my body to the earth from wence it came to be decently buryed by
my execs hereafter named, & for what estate God of his mercy hath
been pleased to bless me with in this world. I dispose of as
followeth. Jusp. It is my will and desire that all my just debts be
fully paid & satisfied out of my estate & as soon as possible can
be. Item I give & bequeath to my two sons Thomas & John Clarke,
my certain tenement _ _tuate & being on W___ River, in the mannor
of Calverton, now in the occupation of Robert Parker, that is to
say all the perill of land to them & Tenent belonging upon the
river side comprehending the full breadth therof, to be equally
divided, between my two sons Thomas & John, Each of them to
have an equal portion of breadth on the water side. & from thence
running back in the woods to the head of the valley above Mary Roses
plantation, they paying unto my son, Adam Clarke, five pounds sterling,
or the value therof in tobacco, and also paying to the Lord Proprietary
the yearly rent for the whole tract afsd. The same containing one
hundred and fifty acres-
Item to my son William Clarke, all the residue of the aforsd. Tract
of land containing one hundred & fifty acres, that is to say,
all the Remainder, being back from the head of the sd Valley above
Mary Roses plantation to the uttmost extent therof, but if it should
happen that my son William should, die before he comes of the age
of twenty one years , then I give the sd. Lands to my son Benjamin
Item my loving wife Julian Clarke the plantation I now live on in
the Mannor of Calverton called Mardike, for ___ her natural life
& after her decease, to my son Luke Clarke, in case he will
accept of this in lieu of a certain tract of land called Bowlings
Reserve, wch I sold Thomas Mudd, but if my son Luke will not accept
of this in lieu of the sd tract of land sold Thomas Mudd then I
give my sd plantation called Mardike to my son & daughter Benjamin
& Mary Clarke to be equally divided between them after my wifes
decease. Item I give and bequeath to my loving wife Julian Clarke
& to my four children Luke, William, Mary, and Benjamin, all
the goods & Chattels to be divided & distributed by my sd
Wife, amongst my sd. Children, when and in what manner, she shall
think fitt. In case she remains a widow, but if my sd. Wife shall
marry then my will is that my sd. Four children, have an equal part
of all my sd goods & chattels, when they shall come to the age
to be paid them, according to the appraisement therof. Lastly I
doe hereby make constitute & appoint my loving wife, Julian
Clarke, my whole & sole Executrix of this my last will &
testament to dispose of the same according, as is declared to the
use above mentioned , in witness, wherof I have hereunto subscribed
my name & put to my seale, this 4th day of June, Anno Dom, 1711.
Thomas Clarke (((seal)))
sealed & delivered in presence of
John Parry
John Clarke
Francis Clarke
December the 4th 1711 then came Francis Clarke, and John Clarke
two of the witnesses to the within will, and made Oath that they
saw the within named Thomas Clarke signe seale and deliver the within
writing, as his last will, and Testament. Wm Aisquith Dept. Commissioner.
Will of Wilson Clarke, SMC, 9/20/1794-12/2/1794. Sister: Rebecca
Greenwell,all of my property of every kind during her life provided
she pays my father Kenelm Clarke, the yearly sum of 15 lbs. during
his life. After the death of my
father and of my sister, Rebecca Greenwell, my sister's daughter,
Elizabeth Greenwell is to have the whole of my estate. No Exec.
named. Wit.: Charles Chilton.
Claw, William, St. Mary's Co.,1st Oct., 1675;
16th Nov., 1675.
To wife Sarah and hrs., Daily Desire on Sassafras R.
Ex. not named.
Widow appointed Admx.
Test: Thos. Wynne, Thos. Griffin. 2. 365.
Clelen (Clelan, Clelelend), Alexander, St. Mary's Co.,29th July,
21st Sept., 1726.
To son Thomas and daus. Martha, Esther and Elizabeth, Is. each.
To son Alexr., personalty. Dans. Mary and Elizabeth to be free at
decease of testator, their bros. and sisters to have care of them.
Wife Grace extx.
Test: James Stone, Hugh Seemson. 18, 529.
Clocker, Daniel, St. Mary's Co.,4th Feb., 1675;
12th Feb., 1675.
To grandchild., Peter and Mary Watts, personalty.
Son Daniel and dau. Rebecca, residuary legatees of estate, real
and personal.
Exs. Son-in-law Peter Watts and son Daniel afsd.
Test: Kenelm Cheseldyn, Wm. Watts. 2. 390.
Cloud, Nicholas, St. Mary's Co.,12th June, 1714;
11th Aug., 1714.
To brother Benja. Cloud and hrs., 350 A., , on Chester
To Notley Maddox, Jr., Mary Goldsmith and Gerard Jordan, personalty.
Cousin Justinian Jordan, ex. and residuary legatee of personal estate.
Test: Robt. Scott, Thos. Notley Goldsmith, Rich'd Burroughs.
13. 731
Coale, William, St. Jerome's, St. Mary's Co.,25th Mch., 1659;
17th July, 1669.
To dau. Sara, wife of Elias Beach, personalty.
To wife Sara, execx., residue of estate, during widowhood. In event
of marriage of said wife, estate to be equally divided between wife
Sara, and child., viz: Richard, William, John, Nicholas and dau.
Mary Coale.
Test: Thos. Pair, Thos. Griffin. 1. 335.
Cole (Coll), William, St. Mary's Co.,7th Feb., 1732;
31st Mch., 1733.
To wife Elizabeth extx., lands and certain named negro slaves during
life; personal estate absolutely; at her decease afsd. slaves to
be free and lands to be divided among them.
To Susanah dau. of John Langley, personalty.
Test: Thomas Pain, Willin Bassett (her mark), John Langley. 20.
Cole, Edward, St. Mary's Co.,16th Apr., 1717;
20th Dec., 1717.
To wife Elizabeth, personalty at Maiden Bower and her
To son Edward, 1s., he having rec'd share of estate. Goods from
Capt. John Hyde, consigned to testator, and merchandise left in
store to be disposed of by son Edward for benefit of estate.
Residue of estate divided equally among six child., viz.: Elizabeth
Heard, Robert, Honour Spalding, Ruth Mattinly, Susanna Jenkins and
Mary Jenkins.
Exs.: Wife Elizabeth and son Robert, jointly.
Test: Clement Gardiner, Joseph Power, James Thompson.
14. 644.
Will of Edward Cole, SMC 3/26/1761-12/21/1762.
Wife: Ann, land where I live being pt. of "Delabrooke Manor".
Grandson: Ignatius Fenwick, at death of my wife, land called "Sam's
Cove". Grandson: Francis Brooke, after death of my wife and
in case grandson Francis Brooke shall receive Holy Order or die
without issue, then the sd. land shall be the property of grandson
Ignatius Fenwick; some slaves which are in my possession that we
appraised in the estate of James Brooke, father of sd. Francis Brooke.
Grandson: James Cole "Partnership" in Charles Co. near
Zachia Manor. Grandson: John Smith, 50 lbs. sterling. Granddaughter:
Jane Smith, 20 lbs. current money, the amount of her mother's part
of my estate. Grandson: Francis Brooke, 50 lbs. sterling. Sons:
Joseph and Robert Cole, 5 lbs. sterling. Son: Henry Cole, 10 lbs.
sterling. Daughters: Mary Fenwick and Elizabeth Brooke, 5 lbs. sterling.
Balance to be divided between daughter Mary Fenwick's children that
are living at the time of my death except Ignatius and Edward Fenwick,
sons of sd. Mary.
Exec: Wife, Ann Cole.
Wit: Athanasius Ford, Cuthbert and George Fenwick. Codicil, 3/26/1761:
I have paid 38 lbs. sterling toward the education of my grandsons
John Smith and Francis Brooke and desire they receive that much
less of my estate.
Elizabeth Cole, widow, SMC 11/1/1750-1/19/1750.
Cousin: Joshua Langley, 190 ac. in "Halley's Grant" and
if he dies without issue, then to John Langley, son of John Langley,
Sr. and if he dies without issue....(missing).
Cousin: Hugh Hopewell, son of Hugh Hopewell, my negro
woman Frank (sic).
Sister: Anna Hopewell, a negro girl.
To: John Langley, son of John Langley, negro boy Charles.
To: Joshua Langley, son of John Langley, a negro boy.
To: Josiah Langley, son of John Langley, a negro boy Moses.
To: Anna Hopewell, dau. of my cousin Hugh Hopewell, my great looking
glass and desk.
Godson: Thomas Griffin, son of Thomas Griffin, cattle.
Friend: Samuel Allen, a heifer.
To: St. Mary's Church, 600 lbs. tobacco.
To: Negro woman (name obliterated), freedom.
Cousin: Hugh Hopewell and John Langley, Sr., remainder of estate
and Execs.
Wit: William Loker, Elizabeth Parrott Loker, John Stevens.
Cole, John, St. Mary's Co.,3rd Jan., 1687;
3rd Mch., 1687.
To son William, land (unnamed); also home plantation if unborn child
be a daughter.
To unborn child, if a son, home plantation.
To wife Ann, execx., personalty.
Test: Elias Beach, Jno. Wilkes, Nich. Cole. 4. 285.
Cole, John, St. Mary's Co.. 3/8/1752; 4/4/1752
To son John cole. 1/2 of the mill, 1 set iron wedges, iron spitt,
iron pestil, after the death of my wife.
To daughter Mary Hebb, that part of my land that lies on the south
side of a branch that runs by Watts quarter into the Gleeb Creek
called "Addition ton Jonesis Woods"--and for want of issue,
after the death of Joseph Hebb, then To my four youngest daus: Ann,
Pasaince, elizabeth and Rebeckah.
To dau. Elener Daffin, 1 s.
To dau. Mary Hebb, 1 s.
Cole, Nicholas, St. Mary's Co.,4th Feb., 1687-8;
15th Mch., 1687-8.
To Richard Renton during life, all land.
To William Cole, son of John Cole, and hrs., sd. land at death of
Richard afsd. Sd. land to pass to unborn child of Ann Cole should
William afsd. die without issue.
To Eliza: Cole, sister Mary Guyther, Eliza: Beach, and to Mary Guyther,
eld. dau of William Guyther, personalty.
Ex. not named.
Test: Sarah Benton, Wm. Guyther, Thos. Griffin, Mary Luck.
4. 288.
Cole, Robert, St. Clement's Bay, St. Mary's Co.,2nd Apr., 1662;
8th Sept., 1663.
To 3 sons, viz., Robert, William and Edward, land.
To son-in-law Francis Knott, land.
To daus. Mary and Eliza:, sister Anne Harinton, mother, Mrs. Jane
Cole of Middlesex Co., Eng., and the Roman Catholic Church, personalty;
child. to be of age at 18 yrs.
Exs.: Col. Wm. Evans of St. Clement's Bay, Capt. Luke Gardner, St.
Clement's Bay, and cous. Henry Hankes of London.
Test: Thos. Brook, Jas. Thomson Clarke, Edward Clarke. 1. 182.
Cole, Robert, St. Mary's Co.,3rd Mar., 1719-20;
Apr., 1720.
To son John and hrs., dwelling plantation ; personalty.
To son Robert and hrs., Cole's purchase, at head of
Choptank Bay; personalty.
To dau. Mary and hrs., Pearewales; personalty.
To wife Eliza., personalty, and with child. residue of estate, equally.
Exs.: Wife Eliza and Bro. Edward.
Test: George Jenkens, Cuthbert Sawell (Seawell, Sewell) and Vitus
Herbert. 16, 6. and new 7.
Robert Cole, SMC 11/26/1771-12/2/1771. Wife: Sarah, alias Elizabeth. Children: Eleanor, Elizabeth, Mary. If any of these 3 die before marriage or not arrive at age, estate may go to survivors of these 4: Eleanor, Elizabeth, Mary, Henrietta Hayden. Son-in-law: Robert Mattingly. Granddaughter: Elizabeth Mattingly. Heirs of daughters: Jane Mattingly and Margaret Melton, both deceased. Execs: Sons-in-law, Robert Mattingly, Richard Melton, Basil Hayden. Wit: James Roach, Clement Hayden, William Hayden.
Cole, Valentine, planter, St. Mary's Co.,26th May, 1716;
17th Sept., 1716.
To son John, ex., entire estate.
Guardian: Francis Hopewell.
Test: Wm. Hebb, Wm. Thomas, Edw. Askins, Her. Sweeny.
14. 225.
Colter, Rebecca, St. Mary's Co.,18th Oct., 1740;
28th Nov., 1740.
To 4 child. Mary and entire estate.
To servant Christopher Smith, 1 yr. of his time.
Ex.: .
Test: John Cole, John Medley.
22. 315.
Combe, Abraham, St. Mary's Co.,26th Dec., 1684;
30th Jan., 1684.
To wife Margaret, execx., and dau. Sarah Clarke, entire estate.
Test: Clement Hill, Henry Paine, Thos. Wailes, Peter Mills. 4. 87.
Comberford, Garret, St. Mary's Co.,5th Dec., 1696;
10th July, 1697.
To Oliver Shortwell, Richard Hombert, personalty.
Ex.: Baker Brooke.
Test: Chas. Brooke, Oliver Shortwell. 7. 298.
26 Dec 1684 - 30 Jan 1684/5 (St. Mary's Co, MD) Will of Abraham
In the name of God amen, The twenty sixth day of December Anno Domini
one Thousand six hundred eighty & foure. I Abraham COOMBS of
St. Maries County in the province of Maryland Govt. being sick and
weake in body but of sound and perfect memory. (Thanks be to God
for the same), and calling to mind the uncertain state of this transitory
life & that all flesh must ____ unto death when it shall please
God to call, and being desirous to settle things in order do make
this my last will & testament wherein is contained my last will
and testament in manner & form following. Revoking and anulling
all former will and wills by me made, and this only to be taken
for my last will and testament & use other
________ I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God, my Maker & to
Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, and to the Holy Ghost, my Sanctifier.
And my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in such
decent and Christian manner. As to my dear & loving wife shall
seeme meete and convenient. Secondly, I
give and bequeath to my dear & loving wife all my servants,
being two boys and one woman servant together with all my stock
of hoggs. Thirdly, my will is that after my debts and funeral expenses
are first paid, that the remainder of my estate except what is before
bequeathed unto my wife, Margaret COOMBS, shall be divided equally
into two parts, one half whereof I give and bequeath unto my said
wife and the other half, I give unto my daughter, Sarah CLARKE.
Fourthly, I do hereby order, nominate, and appoint my dear and loving
wife, Margaret COOMBS, executrix of this, my last will and testament
and witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and affixed my
seal the day and year first above written.
Abraham COOMBS
Sealed, signed, published and declared
in the presence of
Clement HILL
Thomas SWALE
The 30th day of January anno 1684, then came before me Henry PAINE,
Thomas SWAILES, and Peter MILLS witnesses to the within written
will and took their oaths upon the holy Evangelist that they saw
the within named, Abraham COOMBS sign, seal, publish & declare
the within written will to be his last will and testament sworne
before me the day and year above written.
Clement HILL (signature)
17 Apr 1756 - (St. Mary's Co MD) The Last Will of Enoch Combs
In the name of God Amen I Enoch Combs being sick in body but of
sound perfect and disposin mind and memory, thanks be to god for the
same & calling to mind the uncertain state of this life do ordain
Constitute & appoint this my last will and Testament, hereby
revoking and annulling all former other wills, by me heretofore made
in manner and form following that is to say, _____ is
I give and bequeath to my two sons Enoch Combs and William Combs,
all the land I now live on, as also all that tract of Land I bought
of Basil Brook to them and their heirs for ever the said land to
be divided by my son William by running a straight line from the
land whereon James Pike now lives to the land of Captain John Attaway
Clarke, whereon Leonard Greenwell now lives lying on Patomac River
side and then I will that my son Enoch, have his first choice of
the said land begotten then the land belonging to my son who shall
so die, shall become the right and property of my son Bennet; and
his heirs for ever, my said son Bennet shall make over to my son
Ignatius(If then living) & his heirs for ever, all his right
which I by this will give him to my part of two lots lying in Leonard
town as also my right to ten acres of Land thereto adjoyning which
I attatched as the effects of Thomas Blackhurst, & if it should
happen yhat my said sons Enoch and William should die without issue
Lawfully begotten then my will and desire is that the said Lands
be equally divided between my surviving sons to them & their
heirs forever Item I give and bequeath to my son Enoch the following
Negroes to wit Tom, Will, Sue, Monica, Abraham, And Sarah, them
& their increase, to him and his heirs forever I give &
to Wit; Ben Rate, Barbary, Nasey and Flora, and Sam; Item I give
and bequeath to my son Ignatius Combs & and his heirs forever,
the following negroes and their increase to wit, Rhoda, Philip,
Agnas, Teresa, Mathew, and James Item I give and bequeath to my
son Bennet Combs my part of their two lots in Leonard Town and ten
acres of land therto adjoyning, which I attatched as the effects
of Thomas Blackhurst on the terms as aforesaid to him & his
heirs forever as also the following negroes & their increase
to wit; Mathias, Daniel, Henrietta, Rachel, Harry, Honoritta and
George Item I give and bequeath to my Dearly beloved wife Mary Combs
the following negroes, to wit Old Tom, betty, Old James, pegg, peter
& Lucy, them & thier increase to her and her heirs forever
Item my will is that all my personal estate Exclusive of what is
before devised, be equally divided between my four sons Enoch, William,
Ignatius, and Bennet Combs after my wifes thirds are taken out,
and my just debts paid to them and their heirs forever Lastly I
do hereby appoint and nominate my dearly beloved wife Mary Combs
and my son Enoch Combs to be whole & Sole Executrix, and Executor
of this my last will and testament as witness my hand and seal this
eighteen Day of April Anno Domini 1756 signed sealed published and
declared in accordance to the law of the testator
St Marys County July 6th 1756 Then came William WILLIAMS, Nicholas
MILLS & James ROACH the subscibing witnesses to the foregoing
will, being duely and solemly sworn on the holy Evangalist of almighty
god depose and say that they saw the testator Enoch Combs sign the
foregoing will and heard him publish and delare the same to his
last will and testament that at the time of his doing he was to
the best of their knowledge of sound and disposing mind and memory
and understanding, and that they scribed the respective names as
witnesses to the said will in the presence and at the request of
the aforesaid testator, and that they did see each other together
with Luke Crismand the other subscibing witness, Subscibe their
names therto as evidences Sworn before Owen Alln Deputy Comissioner.
George Craghill Combs Mar., 1784 Wills Liber JJ 1 page 274
George Craghill Combs
his last will & Codicil
In the name of God Amen . I George Craghill Combs being sick and
in weak of body but of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God make
and ordain this my last will and Testament as follows. I bequeath
my soul unto the hands of Almighty god, hoping to ___ through the
merits of our Dear Redeemer and Saviour Jesus Christ Everlasting
Bliss in his Heavenly Kingdom. Juspus I give to my cousin Eleanor
Craghill negro boy by name of Jacke, I give to Mr. Vincent Thorton,
three thousand pounds of neel crop tobacco, All the remainder of
my Estate, both real & personal (after my just debts are paid)
I give to my brother Thomas Hatton Combs to him and his heirs forever
to be delivered to him by my Executor hereafter named at the age
of twenty one years, and not before, but my will & desire that
somuch of the interest of said real and personal Estate as shall
be ______, Shall be applied towards defraying the expences of my
said brothers boarding, schooling and cloathing, during his minority,
and the remainder of the Interest to be delivered to him, with the
principal at the aforesaid age of Twenty one. Lastly I do constitute
and appoint Mr. Vincent Thorton Executor of this my last will and
Testament as witness my hand and seal, this 8th day of March Anno
Domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty four. Signed sealed
& acknowledged
George Craghill Combs ((seal))
before us NLewis Sewall, WBelwood, William Holton & Codicil
to be added as part of the last will and Testament of George Craghill
Combs____ ___ _ ______ and _____ of adding this my Codicil not withstanding
what is afore mentioned I give and bequeath to Mr. Vincent Thorton
my Executor afore mentioned all the arrears of rents due me on my
lands, and mills, from the decease of my brother William Combs to
the decease of my mother the said arrears of rents to the proper
use of him the said Vincent Thorton, and his asigns, in witness
whereof I have to this Codicil set my hand and seal this Eighteenth
Day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
Eighty four. Signed sealed and
published by the said GC Combs ((seal))
George Craghill Combs as a Codicil added to be part of his last
will and Testament in the presence of NLewis Sewell,
W Belwood, William Holton
on the back of the foregoing was this indorsed. Saint Marys County
to wit. The 18th day of June 1784 then came Vincent
Thorton and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that
the within Instrument of writing is the true and whole
will & Codicil of George Craghill Combs late of Saint Marys
County deceased, that hath come to his hands or possession,
and that he doth not know of any other Certified per Jeremiah Jordan
Regr of wills Saint Marys County the 8th day of June 1784
then came Nicholas Lewis Sewall, William Holton and William Bellwood.
Three of the subscibing witnesses to the within last will and Testament,
and Codicil, thereunto annexed of George Craghill Combs late of
Saint Marys County Deceased and so orally made oath on the Holy
Evangels of Almighty God that they did see the testator therin named
sign and seal this will and that they heard him publish pronounce
& declare the same to be his last will and Testament, that at
the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions
of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and that they
Respectively subscibe their names as witnesses to this will in the
presence and at the request of the testator. And in the presence
of each other. Certified by Jeremiah Jordan Regr of Wills.
Ignatius Combs Sept., 1790 Wills Liber JJ1 page 520
Ignatius Combs In the name of God, amen. I Ignatius Combs his last
Will Sainty Marys County, do make this my last will and Testament,
in manner and form following, Vizt. I give and bequeath unto my
son, Enoch Combs, my dwelling platation, the death or marriage of
his mother, whichever may first happen or at any time when his mother
may think proper to give unto him. To him and his heirs forever,
and I give unto my said son, Enoch Combs, the use of my plantation
wherein he now lives during his mother's widowhood, and I give unto
my son, Enoch Combs, one negro man named Edward, and one named Daniel,
and the stock (all) and household furniture which I have heretofore
given up to him. I give and bequeath unto my son, Bennet Combs,
all my lands where my quarter is called Colonel Luiz Jarbo's Discovery,
the Stradford and the addition to Stradford, (at the death or marriage
of his mother whichever may first happen or at any time when his
mother may think proper to give it up to him) to him and his heirs
forver, and should my said son, Bennet Combs, die without heir,
the lands aforesaid given to him and shall go to my son, Lewis Combs,
and his heirs, and should my son , Lewis Combs, die without heir
the lands aforesid, falling from his brother Bennet Combs to him
shall there go to my son, John Perry Combs, and his heirs, and I
give unto my son, Bennet Combs, one negro lad from thirteen to sixteen
years of age and negro girl from ten to fourteen years of age, to
be paid to him when he arrives to the age of twenty one years of
age. I give and bequeath unto my son, Samuel Combs, all my lands
where my son Enoch Combs now lives (at the death or marriage of
his mother whichever may first happen) to him and his heirs forever,
and should my said son, Samuel Combs die without heir, the lands
aforesaid give unto him shall go to my son Cornelius Combs and his
heirs, and should my son, Cornelius Combs, die without heir, the
lands aforesaid falling unto hism by his brother Samuel Combs, shall
then go to my son, John Perry Combs and his heirs, and I give unto
my said son Samuel Combs one negro lad from thirteen to sixteen
years of age and one negro girl from ten to fourteen years of age,
to be paid to him when he arrives to the age of twenty one years.
I give and bequeath unto my six children, Lewis Combs, Cornelius
Combs, John Perry Combs, Monica Combs, Mildred Combs and Eleanor
Combs all the remainder of my estate and the increase of the same
(at the death or marriage of their mother whichever may first happen).
To be portioned to them by their mother, sas she in her wisdom shall
think proper, reserving unto my sons Bennett Combs and Samuel Combs,
and any part of the household furniture and stock that their mother
may think proper to give them. I give and bequeath unto my beloved
wife Mary Combs, the use of all my Estate , both real and personal
as heretofore in this writings reseved for her and during her widowhood,
she shall not during the said period be answerable for any loss
on my
estate, nor prosper by the increase, and should she at any time
marry, she is then no longer have any part of my Estate, but it
shall then be given to my children as before mentioned in these
writings, and Lastly I constitute and appoint my beloved wife Mary
Combs Whole and solely to be my Executrix in the administration
of my Estate. In Winess wherof I have here unto set my hand and
affixed my seal this sixteenth day of September, one thousand seven
hundred and ninety. Signed
sealed, published & declared in Ign. Combs seal the presence
of us the subscribers, which he requested did in the presence of
the Testator, & in the presence of each other of us have hereunto
subscribed our names. Robert Chesley, Wm Lilburn, Jo. Armstrong.
Will of Mary Craighill (Combs) Wills Liber JJ 1 page 14( May 1776) Mary Combs's Will In the name of God, amen. I Mary Combs of St. Mary's in the province of Maryland being in health and sound Judgement, thanks be to almighty god, doe make my last will and Testament in manner and form following and first I command my soul to God hoping for eternal Salvation through the merits of his beloved son Jesus Christ my Saviour, my body to be decently inter'd without pomp by my Executer hereafter mentioned Item I leaf the use of my Negro woman Cloraus to my daughter Tabitha Combs six years, and then I give her and her and her Increase to my son Thomas Hatton Combs to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequaeth to my daughter Mary Adams five pounds Currency and know more of my estate. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Ellenor Combs one Negro man named _osar, to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Tabitha Combs Negro boy named Henry to her and her heirs forever and my will is that after my daughter Tabitha Combs is paid off her part of her portion that was left by her father Thomas Hatton Combs, that then all the rest of my estate to be equally divided amongst the four children, George Craghill Combs, Ellenor Combs, Tabitha Combs, Thomas Hatton Combs. And I constitute and appoint my son George Craghill Combs soul executer of this my last will and testament, In witness wherof I have here- unto let my hand & affixed seal this Tenth day of May 1777 signed sealed & delivered by the said Mary Combs to be her last will & testament disannuling all other will or wills maid Mary Combs ((Seal)) by her from the beginning of the World unto the date of these presents, in the preasents of us Henry Jenkins, James Taylor Saint Mary's County, to wit. August 5, 1777. Then came George Craghill Combs and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that the above instrument of writing is the true & whole will and Testament of Mary Combs, late of Saint Mary's County deceased, that hath came to his hands or possession, and that he doth not know of any other. Certified Jeremiah Jordon Reg. Wills Saint Mary's County on the 5th day of August 1777. Then came Henry Jenkins, and James Taylor, the two subscibing witnesses to the within last will and Testament of Mary Combs, late of St. Mary's County, deceased, and ______ made oath on the holy evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the Testator therin named, sign & seal this will, and that they heard her publish pronounce & declare the same to be her last will and Testament; that at the time of her so doing she was at the best of their apprehensions, of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding; and that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to this will in the presence and the request of the Testatrix, and in the presence of each other Certified by Jeremiah Jordon Reg. Wills
Philip Combs March 1780 JJ 1 page 142
The last will of Philip Combs of Maryland St. Mary's County In the
name of God amen, I Philip Combs _____ being sick and weake
of body but of sound and perfect mind & memory thanks be to
Almighty God, and calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory
life, and withall the uncertainty of death, do make this my last
will and Testament. First and Foremost, I reccomend my soul into
the hands of Almighty God, my most merciful redeemer, trusting in
his infininite mercy and merits to obtain remission of all my sins,
my body I commit to the Earth, to be decently buried and all my
worldly goods and Estate, I dispose in manner and form following
__. First I will and desire that all my just debts be paid.
I give
and bequeath to my beloved wife Margaret Combs three negroes. That
is to say James, Jacob, and big Suco to her and her heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Susanna Combs,
two Negroes known by the name of Mary and her child Elenor, with
all their increase, to her and heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath
unto my beloved son James Combs, two negroes known by the name Patty
and Mathew, with all their increase, to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Joseph Combs, three
Negroes known by the name of Mary, Terry, and Nace, with all their
increase, to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath
unto my beloved son Robert Combs, four Negroes, known by the name
of little Luce, Jane, Stace, and Abraham, with all their increase,
to him and his heirs forever.
Also my desire is that the four Negroes,
hereafter mentioned I have made a reserve to pay off James Manning's
heirs, Vizt. Will, Nan, Tom, and Jack, should after paying off,
if there should be any balance remaining, I will and desire is,
that it should be equally divided asmongst four children above mentioned,
Vizt. Susanna, James, Joseph, and Robert Combs.
Item my will and
desire is that all the rest of my Estate should be equally divided
amongst my four children above mentioned, after my last debts are
paid, and my wife got her thirds.
Item I will and desire is that
either of my above mentioned children should dye under age, that
their part of my Estate should be equally divided amongst the surviving
ones, to them and their heirs forever.
Lastly I constitute and appoint
my loving wife Margaret Combs, and her father John Fenwick, Joint
Executors of
this my last will and Testament,
In Testamony therof, I have hereunto
__ my hand and affixed my seal, this second day of
March, Anno Domini, 1780.
Signed sealed and delivered Philip Combs ((Seal))
in the presence of us. John Manning, John Greenwell Jun.
In the back of the foregoing was as follows, to ___ Saint Marys
County, to wit. The 30th day of May 1780.
Then came
Margaret Combs, and made oath on the holy evangels of Almighty God,
that the within instument of writing, is the true and whole will
and testament of philip Combs, late of Saint Marys County, that
hath come to her hands or possession and that she doth not know
of any other Certified Jeremiah Jordon, reg. of Wills
Saint Marys County the 30th day of May 1780. Then came John Manning
and John Greenwell Junr, the two subscibing
witnesses that the within last will and testament of Philip Combs,
late of Saint Marys County, deceased, and severally made oath on
the holy evangels of Almighty God, that the did see the testator
therin named, sign and declare the same to be his last will and
Testament; that at the time of his so doing, he was to the best
of their apprehensions, of sound & disposing mind & memory
and understanding; and that they respectively subscribed their names
as witnesses to this will, in the presence, and at the request of
the testator, and in the presence of each other. Certified by Jeremiah
Jordan Regr. Of Wills
John Fenwick one of the appointed Executors, refuses to act as executor
to this will, and doth transfer renounce all his right title &
claim to said Executorship accordingly before Jeremiah Jordan Regr.
Of Wills
on the 30th day of May 1780. Came Margaret Combs, the widow of Philip
Combs later of Saint Marys County deceased and _____ her claim to
the several bequest and devises made to her in the will of her said
husband deceased, and elected in lien thereof, her dower or third
part of the deceased's Estate, both real and personal Before Jeremiah
Jordan Regr. Of Wills
The Last Will of Tho' Hatton Combs
in the name of God Amen, I Thomas Hatton Combs of St. Mary's County
in the province of Maryland being in health and sound judgement,
thanks be to almighty God, doe make my last will and testament in
manner & form following, and first I comend my soul to God hoping
for Eternal Salvation through the merits of his blessed son Jesus
Christ my Saviour, my body to be decently intered without pomp by
my Executor hereafter mentioned. Item I give to my Sons, William
Combs, and George Craghill Combs, the plantation I now live on,
and the tract of land I bought of John Dillon to be Equally divided
between them, and their heirs forever. Item I give to my son Thomas
Hatton Combs all that tract or parcel of land that I had of William
Spalding to him & his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath
to my loving wife Mary Combs, and my five daughters, all the rest
of my Estate to be equally divided among them to their heirs forever,
my will is that if either of my daughters, should die without issue
of their body that then their part shall fall to my surviving daughters.
Item I give and bequeth to my loving wife Mary Combs the use of
two water mills during her widowhood, and then my son William Combs,
and his heirs forever, and I constitute and appoint my loving wife
Mary Combs, my soul executor of this my last will and testament
this first day of April 1766. Signed sealed and delivered by the
said Thomas Hatton Combs to be his last will and Testament, disannulling
all other will or wills made by him from the begining of the worldunto
the date of this presents in the presents of us_ The word, mills
underlined, between the twenty and twenty fifth line.
Thomas Hatton Combs ((seal))
Henry Jenkins, Ignatius Combs, St. Mary's County on the 17th Day
of June 1766 William Combs came Henry Jenkins, Ignatius Combs &
William Combs, subscribing witnesses to the within will and made
oath on holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see Thomas
Hatton Combs the Testator sign and seal this will last will and
testament, and that their apprehension of a sound mind respective
names as witness____ the deceased's widow renounces this will.
Combs, William, gent.St.Mary's Co.,13th Oct., 1742;
20th Dec., 1742.
To daus. Mary Waughop, Elianor Medley and son Enoch, 1s and 1 slave.
To wife Mary, extx., 1/3 estate.
To 5 child. viz., Thomas Hatton, Susannah, William, Jr., James and
Philip and hrs., residue of estate.
Test. desires that his five younger child. remain with their mother
until they become of age and gives her the handling of their estates
until that time.
Test: Thomas Breaden, Charles Dillon, Luke Cusacke.
22. 529.
Last Will & Testament of MATTHEW COMPTON
dated February 1770,
proved 5 Sept 1770
In the name of God Amen. I Matthew Compton of
St. Marys County, in the province of Maryland, taking into consideration
the uncertainity of this most transitory life, do make this my Last Will
and Testament in manner and form following.
First and principally, I
give my soul to Almighty God that gave it to me, whom He in His wisdom
shall see fit to call me home, trusting in His infinite mercy through
the above merits and mediation of Jesus Christ for the full pardon and
remission of all my sins, and that at the judgment day of account when
all men shall appear before the Tribunal of the Just and everliving God,
I shall be counted worthy to be summoned amongst those that shall have
that Blessed and heart rejoicing soul and a prouncement unto them come
___ Blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world. Asto my body, I commit it to the Earth from
whence it was taken, to be buried by my executrix hereafter named, in a
Christian like manner, and asto my Temporal Estate, which it hath
pleased God to bestow upon me, after all my just debts are paid, I give
and bequeath in the manner following - sinpinnis
I give and bequeath
unto my pious and well beloved wife, Rachael Compton, my whole Estate
both real and personal during her widowhood, but if it should be her
pleasure to marry, then my will and desire is that my Estate, aforesaid
be divided amongst my six children as follows. Viz
The Tract or
parcel of land whereon I now dwell called Wornout, I give and bequeath
unto my sons Barton, Alexander and Edmund Howard Compton to be for their
support and maintenance untill they arrive to full and lawful age, and
no longer thou after my said wife's death or marriage, my children
aforesaid come to full age, I give and bequeath the aforesaid Tract or
parcel of land called Wornout unto my son Stephen Compton and his heirs
forever but if my said son Stephen should die without heirs, then I give
and bequeath said Tract of land unto my son Matthew Compton and his
heirs forever and if my said son Matthew should die without heirs, then
I give and bequeath said Tract of land unto my son John Compton and his
heirs forever and in case my said son John Compton should die without
heirs, then I give and bequeath said Tract of land unto my son Barton
Compton and his heirs forever, and if my said son Barton should die
without heirs, then I give and bequeath said Tract of land unto my son
Alexander Compton and his heirs forever, and if my said son Alexander
Compton shoudl die without heirs, then I give and bequeath said Tract of
land unto my son Edmund Howard Compton, and his heirs forever.
my wife's death or marriage, it is my will and desire that my personal
Estate be equally divided amongst my six children Mtthew, John, Samuel,
Barton, Alexander and Edmund Howard Compton and provided my wife should
die or marry before my children come to lawful age, to take the Estate
into their own hands then I do hereby nominate and appoint my son John
Compton to be guardian for my said children and to take their Estate
immediately into his hands.
Lastly, I do hereby constitute and
appoint my said wife Rachael Compton whole Executrix of this my said
Will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this Day of February Anno Domini 1770.
Matthew Compton (Seal)
Signed, sealed and published
pronounced and declared in the
presence of us
Robert Slye Wood,
Henry Morris,
Samuel Briscoe
In September 1770, you Rachael Compton, as Executrix of Matthew
Compton, solomonly make oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that
this is the only true Last Will and testament of Matthew Compton late
deceased that has come to your mind, hand, possession or knowledge.
Sworn before Owen Allen, Deputy, St. Mary County
________ September
3 September 1770
Then Rachael Compton widow of deceased,
made her election and chose to abide by the Will.
______ Owen Allen
Rachael (her mark) Compton
Saint Mary's County, to wit:
On the 5
day of September, 1770, came Robert Slye Wood, Henry Morris, two of the
three subscribing witnesses to written Last Will and Testament of
Matthew Compton, late of this county, aforesaid deceased and severally
made oath on the Holy Evalgels of Almighty God that they did see the
said Matthew Compton, the Testator therein named, sign and seal this
Will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his Last Will and
Testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their
apprehension of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and
that they respectively subscribed their names as witnesses to the said
Will, in the presence, and at the request of the aforesaid Testator and
that they did so each other together with Samuel Briscoe the other
subscribing witness, subscribe those names thereto as Evidencios.
Sworn before Owen Allen Deputy
St. Mary's County, MD
Reference: Maryland Hall of Records, Wills, Liber 38, Folio 53, pg
Contributed by Evelyn Windhaus
Coode, John, St. Mary's Co.,20th Apr., 1718;
29th Apr., 1718.
To eldest son Thomas and hrs., personalty and 192 A. upon Mattapany
R., St. Clements Hundred. Shd. sd. son die without issue, to pass
to youngest son William and hrs.; he dying without issue, sd. land
to be divided among 3 daus., viz.: Jane, Susannah and Ann.
To second son John and hrs., personalty and 300 A., Cross-hall
or Dinard's Point; he dying without issue, to pass to
son Wm. afsd., and he dying without issue, to pass to three daughters
To King and Queen Parish for a glebe, in consideration of 10,000
lbs. tobacco receiyed by testator, land bou. of Samuel Cooksey.
To James Lewis and hrs., Frogg Hall, provided he pays
to exs. 7,500 lbs. tobacco according to bond.
To eldest dau. Jane, and daus. Susannah and Ann, personalty.
To son William afsd., personalty.
To wife Ann, extx., her thirds and residue of personal estate during
life; at her decease to child. afsd., equally.
Overseers: Bro. William and Mathew Mason.
Test: John Hoskins, Daniel Kelly, John Barnes, Daniel Henly.
14. 646.
Cooke, Thomas, planter, St. Mary's Co.,3rd June, 1715;
3rd May, 1716.
To eld. son Thomas and hrs., personalty and tract on
which he is now seated, and, if necessary, part of dwelling plantation
; division to be made by Major William Watts, Peter
Watts and John Mason.
To sons John and Henry, personalty and residue of dwelling plantation.
Should either of last named sons die during minority or without
issue, survivor to inherit portion of deceased.
To son William and daus. Margaret, Bethe, Elinor and Mary, personalty.
To wife Elizabeth, extx., residue of personal estate and use of
part of dwelling plantation , during life.
Test: Jno. Mason, Robt. Moseley, Jno. Stacey, Sam'l Johnson. 14.
Cooke, Thomas (nunc.), St. Mary's Co.,13th Nov., 1729.
To dau. Dianna, personalty, some of which des. as having belonged
to proper mother of sd. Dianna.
To unborn child of wife Johannah, personalty.
Test: John Jones, planter; Catherine, wife of Walter Sykes, Poplar
Hill Hundred. 19, 860.
Coop, Cooper, Robert, St. Mary's Co.,28th Apr., 1641; 12th Jan.,
Wife, Eliza:, execx. Test: William Jackson. 1. 6.
Cooper, Anne, widow of Walter Cooper, St. Mary's Co.,10th Sept.,
21st Sept., 1651. To child., viz., Katharine, Eliza:, Dorothy and
Cooper, estate equally at 16 yrs. of age. In event of death of any
under 16 yrs., survivors and their hrs. to inherit deceased's portion.
all child. die before 16 yrs. of age, estate to be equally distributed
testatrix' nearest kindred and in equal portion to Henry Hastings
who married
dau. of late husband of testatrix. 2 of sd. child. to be left to
of brother John Depotter and other 2 to Cous. Richard Bridgman,
both of
Amsterdam Holland. Exs.: Bros. Wm. and Thos. Daynes, and friend
Gov. Stone.
Test: Thos. Hatton, Mary Gray. 1. 29.
Cooper, Christina Barbara, widow, St. Mary's City,5th Oct., 1717;
23rd Oct., 1717.
To son Nicholas Guyther, grandchild. Richard Beard, Mary Leigh and
dau. Ann Beckwith, personalty.
Residue of estate to daus. Dorothy Leigh and Ann Beckwith, equally.
Exs.: Son-in-law John Leigh and dau. Ann Beckwith.
Test: Elizabeth Williams, Elizabeth Potter. 14. 651.
Cooper, Elizabeth , SMC, 9/28/1786-5/19/1787. Daughter: Monica
Fenwick, wife
of Robert Fenwick, 1 shilling. Daughter: Mary Hopewell, wife of
Richard Hopewell,
1 shilling. Daughter: Teresa Hopewell, wife of Bennet Hopewell,
1 shilling.
Daughter: Susanna Noble, wife of Francis Noble, 1 shilling.
Thomas Cooper,
all of my land.
Daughter: Catherine Rapour, wife of William Rapour,
one bed and 30
lbs. current money.
Children: Thomas Cooper, Clement Cooper, Eleanor
Cooper, and
Henrietta Cooper to receive their estate that becomes due them by
the last will of
my deceased husband, Richard Cooper, which I may be seized with.
The residue of my
estate to my three children now living with me, viz., Thomas Cooper,
Eleanor Cooper,
and Henrietta Cooper.
Exec.: Son, Thomas Cooper.
Wit.: Charles Buckman,
Ward Gristy, Clement Power.
Cooper, Mary, widow, St. Mary's Co.,30th Apr., 1735;
19th May, 1735.
To daus, Ann and Elizabeth and son Mark, personalty.
To son Basil, ex., entire estate; dau. Ann to act as guardian to
son Basil.
Test: William Cutler, William Locar. 21. 430.
Cooper, Nathaniel, planter, St. Mary's Co.,1st April, 1729;
3rd June, 1729.
To son Henry, 150 A. Part of Scotland, Clements Bay,
after death of wife.
To wife Heneritta, extx., personal estate; she dying before son
comes to age of 21, Peter Jarboe to have charge of him until 18
yrs. of age.
Test: Richard Thompson, Richard Farthing, Mark Lampton. 19, 729.
Cooper, Nathaniel, St. Mary's Co., , 1730;
22nd Jan., 1732.
To wife Mary extx., dwelling plantation that is under lease during
widowhood, at day of marriage to deliver same to son Nathan or other
children; 1/3 of other lands during life.
To son Mark and male hrs., 1/3 of St. Helling's Swamp.
To son Nathan and male hrs., 1/3 of sd. tract.
To son Basill and male hrs., 1/3 of same tract, any of the three
dying without issue the other two to be hrs., shd. all three die
without issue land to revert to 3 daus. and their hrs. bearing
ye name of the Coopers forever. Certain personalty to wife
and children.
To grandson Henry (about 10 yrs.) personalty, also £17 advanced
his father Nathan.
To daus. Mary, Ann and Elizabeth personalty and share of per. sonal
To priest that burries him 500 Ibs. or 40s. Son Basill to be for
himself at 18 yrs., but not to receive his estate until 21 yrs.
of age.
Test: John Binks, James Egerton, Richard Barnhouse, Owen Smithson.
20. 626.
Richard Cooper, SMC 11/27/1766-12/17/1766. To: John Ford, weaver, 26 ac. "Pt. of Crackburn's Purchase" for 2200 lbs. tobacco and 22 lbs. currency before paid to me. To: Ignatius French, Sr., 1000 lbs. tobacco. To: James Cissell of John, 2 barrels of Indian corn. To Ignatius Peake, 1 barrel of Indian corn. To: Sister, Catherine Rapour, some cattle. To: Cousin, Mark Noble, Francis Noble, Sary Noble, Elizabeth Noble, Eleanor Noble, some cattle. To: Cousins, Elizabeth Fenwick and Robert Fenwick, 5 lbs. currency. To: Richard Fenwick, 5 lbs. currency. To: Mother, brother Thomas, brother Clement, sister Eleanor, and sister Henrietta, rest of estate. Exec: Thomas Cooper. Wit: James Drury, Jr., Ignatius French, Jr., Ignatius Peake.
Cooper, Thomas, St. Mary's Co.,13th Mch., 1722;
1st April, 1723.
To Jas. and Robt. Heago, daus.-in-law Eliza. and Frances Bright,
cousin Mary, Mary Eavision, cousin Teresa and bro. Richard, personalty.
To cousin Cooper, 310 A. of Crackbourn's Purchase,
now owned with bro. Richard, ex.
To Henry Brown and Wm. Green, when free, personalty.
To dau. Katherine, personalty and all lands except dwell. plan.
during life of wife; at her decease, to pass to dau.
afsd. She dying without issue, to cousin Thomas and hrs.
To wife Teresa, extx., residue of estate.
Test: Geo. Read, Jno. Ford, Jr., Thos. Baily. 18, 102.
Cooper, Thos. (freeholder), St. Mary's Co.,1st Feb., 1714;
17th Mar., 1714-5.
To sons Thomas and Richard, exs., jointly, entire estate, real and
personal, equally.
Test: Thos. Dillon, Anne Green, James French. 14. 239.
Copley, Lyonell, St. Mary's Co.,7th Sept., 1693;
23rd Sept., 1693.
To William Harpham and Benjamin Inman, personalty.
To son Lyonell, 2/3 of personal estate in Eng. and Maryland.
To son John and dau. Ann, residue of estate equally.
Ex. not given.
Overseers: Col. Nehemiah Blaekiston, Samson Ward. Col. Greenbury,
Thos, Tench, Geo. Plater, Jno. Lewellin, of Maryland, and Thos.
Malvidrell of London.
Test: Jno. Lewellin. 6. 51.
Cordea, Mark, St. Mary's Co.,27th Mch., 1685;
7th Nov., 1685.
To wife Hester, part of Cross Manor and part or Elizabeth
Manor during life.
To brothers Anthony and William, of Catholic brotherhood at St.
Inigoes, sd. lands at death of wife afsd. in trust for benefit of
the poor.
To eld. dau. (unnamed) of son-in-law Henry Fox, and hrs., Hogg's
Ridge, Dorchester Co.
To son-in-law Anthony Lecompte and hrs., Hogg's Neck
in Dorchester Co., and 100 A., Screton, St. Mary's Co.
To goddau. Eliza:, dau. of Garret Van Sweringen, and hrs., house
and lot in St. Mary's Co.
To son-in-law James Cullen and hrs., house at St. Mary's; also 1
plantation and 100 A. (unnamed).
To Samuel Brockhurst, 1 tract of land (unnamed).
To Mary, dau. of Col. Jarboe, dec'd, personalty.
Exs.: Wife Hester and Jas. Cullen afsd.
Overseers: Robt. Carvile, Jas. Pattison, Garret Van Sweringen, Thos.
Test: Anthony Underwood, Garret Van Sweringen, Jane Barber. 4. 162.
Cornish, John, St. Mary's Co.,1st Aug., 1651; 21st Oct., 1652. To
Cepaphreditus Lawson, brother William Pierce, and sister Susanna,
Philip Morgan, residuary legatee. Overseers: Richard Preston, Philip
Test: Wm. Harper, John Felton. 1. 36.
Cotten, Edward, Newtowne, St. Mary's Co.,4th Apr., 1653; 22d Apr.,
To Mr. Starkey, Ignatius Warren, eld. son of John Warren, George
James Grinaway, Thomas Matthews, Jr., Darby Flanagan and John Wheatley's
eld. dau., personalty; also personalty to establish a school at
at discretion of exs. To Barnaby Jackson, personalty provisionally.
To John
Warren, 450 A. of land at Newtone. Exs.: Thomas Matthews, Ralph
Test: John Pile, Walter Pakes. 1. 46
Will of Edward Cotton, Newtown, SMC: 4/4/1653-4/22/1653. To: Mr. Starkey; Ignatius Warren, eldest son of John Warren; George Prouse; James Grinaway; Thomas Matthews, Jr.; Darby Flanagan; and John Wheatley's eldest daughter, personal estate. He also devised personal estate to establish a school at Newtown at the discretion of his Execs. To: Barnaby Jackson, personal estate provisionally. To: John Warren, 450 ac. at Newtown. Execs: Thomas Matthews and Ralph Crouch. Wit: John Pile, Walter Pakes.
Coutance (Coutanceau, Coutanciau), John,Northumberland Co., Va.17th
Dec., 1718;
21st Jan., 1718.
To uncle William Young, aunt Sarah Ball, cousin Dorcas Walters,
cousins John Young and Joseph Ball, Jr., uncle Richard Ball, cousins
Katherine and Elizabeth Walters, Mary Ball, Elizabeth Hack, Sarah
dau. of Richard Ball, Margaret Ball and Mr. David Ball, personalty.
To John Young, Joseph Ball, Jr., and Doroes Walters, residue of
Ex.: Cousin Joseph Ball.
Test: Charles Burges, David Ball, Patrick Bailey.
17 Dec., 1718. Assignment of certain personalty to Capt. Richard
Ball afsd. for use of testator's bro. Peter and hrs., sd. personalty
to be delivered to sd. bro. when he shall come to age.
Test: Charles Burges, aged 36, David Ball, aged 46. Additional testimony
of Mrs. Sarah Ball, aged 57, wife of Capt. Richard Ball, shows that
testator was under legal age at date of this assignment. 21. 692.
Cox, Phillip,Harris Hundred, St. Mary's Co.,11th Apr., 1714;
20th Mar., 1718-9.
To daus. Eliza:, at age of 16, and Jeane Manghoin, personalty. Wife
Mary extx, and residuary legatee.
Test: Willm. Watts, Anne Watts. 15. 48.
Mary Craighill (Combs), Wills Liber JJ 1 page 14( May 1776)
Mary Combs's Will
In the name of God, amen. I Mary Combs of St. Mary's in the province
of Maryland being in health and sound Judgement, thanks be to almighty
god, doe make my last will and Testament in manner and form following
and first I command my soul to God hoping for eternal Salvation
through the merits of his beloved son Jesus Christ my Saviour, my
body to be decently inter'd without pomp by my Executer hereafter
mentioned Item I leaf the use of my Negro woman Cloraus to my daughter
Tabitha Combs six years, and then I give her and her and her Increase
to my son Thomas Hatton Combs to him and his heirs forever. Item
I give and bequaeth to my daughter Mary Adams five pounds Currency
and know more of my estate. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter
Ellenor Combs one Negro man named _osar, to her and her heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Tabitha Combs Negro boy
named Henry to her and her heirs forever and my will is that after
my daughter Tabitha Combs is paid off her part of her portion that
was left by her father Thomas Hatton Combs, that then all the rest
of my estate to be equally divided amongst the four children, George
Craghill Combs, Ellenor Combs, Tabitha Combs, Thomas Hatton Combs.
And I constitute and appoint my son George Craghill Combs soul executer
of this my last will and testament, In witness wherof I have here-
unto let my hand & affixed seal this Tenth day of May 1777 signed
sealed & delivered by the said Mary Combs to be her last will
& testament disannuling all other will or wills maid Mary Combs
by her from the beginning of the World unto the date of these presents,
in the preasents of us Henry Jenkins, James Taylor
Saint Mary's County, to wit. August 5, 1777. Then came George Craghill
Combs and made oath on the holy evangels of almighty God, that the
above instrument of writing is the true & whole will and Testament
of Mary Combs, late of Saint Mary's County deceased, that hath came
to his hands or possession, and that he doth not know of any other.
Certified Jeremiah Jordon Reg. Wills
Saint Mary's County on the 5th day of August 1777. Then came Henry
Jenkins, and James Taylor, the two subscibing
witnesses to the within last will and Testament of Mary Combs, late
of St. Mary's County, deceased, and ______ made
oath on the holy evangels of Almighty God, that they did see the
Testator therin named, sign & seal this will, and that they
heard her publish pronounce & declare the same to be her last
will and Testament; that at the time of her so doing she was at
the best of their apprehensions, of sound and disposing mind, memory,
and understanding; and that they respectively subscribed their names
as witnesses to this will in the presence and the request of the
Testatrix, and in the presence of each other Certified by Jeremiah
Jordon Reg. Wills
Cressey, Samuel, St.Mary's Co.,2nd Feb., 1675;
4th Feb., 1675.
To Geo. Robesson, personalty.
To daus. Mary and Susanna jointly, residue of estate, real and personal,
at majority.
Ex. Richard Edelen.
Test: Henry Trent, Ann Steps. 2. 390.
Creston (Chesteson), Robert, planter, St. Mary's Co.,29th Sept.,
To wife Elisabeth, personal estate except personalty bequeathed
to dau. Mary (in possession of John Tippet till of age) and to dau.
Dorothy Duell at age of 16. Residue of estate to wife and son John.
Test: Thos. Tolley, Jeremiah Gridley, James Mitchell, Elizabeth
Codicil, 29th Sept., 1722: To dau. Judith, personalty, to be in
care of Mrs. Samuel Mackarts till of age. All wills, deeds of gift
and mortgages in poss. of Philip Tippet denied. 18, 15.
Critchet, Frances (alias Watkins), St. Mary's Co.,31st Mar., 1718;
7th Apr., 1718.
(Will starts: I, Frances Watkens, als Critchet, signed Frances Critchet.)
To husband William Critchett and hrs., dwelling plantation, 300
A., The Ripe, and personalty.
To 2 godchild., James, son of Henry Horn, and Ann, dau of John Woodward,
residue of real estate.
Test: Samll. Grasty, Margrett Morgan. 14. 492.
Crook (Crooke), James, St. Mary's Co.,24th Jan., 1725;
30th Mch., 1726.
To eldest son John and son James and their hrs., real estate in
Maryland equally; shd. either die without issue, survivor to inherit
portion of dec'd; shd. both die without issue, sd. lands to youngest
son Joseph and hrs.; he dying without issue, to dau. Margarett and
hrs.; personalty at age of 21.
To wife Mildred, extx., and youngest son and dau, residue of estate
equally; wife to have use of 1/3 of real estate during life.
Test: Robert Scot, Henry Gibbins, T. T. Greenfield. 18, 474.
Currey, Alexander, (nunc.), St. Mary's Co.,12th Nov., 1694;
13th Nov., 1694.
Richard Hubbert, sole legatee.
Test: Jno. Smith, Wm. Wats, Rich'd Dudson, Arthur Da Veland. 7.
Currey, John, St. Mary's Co.,6th Dec., 1696;
21st Jan., 1696.
To Edw. Cole and Jas. Trench, exs., estate in trust during minority
of 2 child., viz., John (now 8 yrs. of age), and Edward (now 4 yrs.
of age).
Child. to be brought up Roman Catholics.
Overseer: Baker Brooke.
Test: Stephen Bambrick, Ann Bambrick. 7. 279.
Curtis, Michael, St. Mary's Co.,13th July, 1716;
19th July, 1716.
To Sarah, wife of Jno. Turner, ½ tract Salleys
on Clements Bay during life, and personalty.
To goddau. Mary Anderson, residue of sd. tract and entire tract
at decease of Sarah Turner afsd., and personalty.
To goddau. Thomasin Stonestreet, King and Queen Parish; Thomas Bencraft,
Sr., the widow of Thomas Greenfield, Sr.; , widow of
Wm. Joseph; Henry Peregrine Jowles, Edward Field, Sr.; Edward Farr,
Priscilla, wife of Robt. Saintclaire; Sarah, wife of Roderick Loyd;
Mary, wife of Thos. Reaves, Sr.; Eliza: Bolt, widow Searson, Jno.
Baker of St. Mary's; Frances, wife of Thos. Jordan; Thos. Notley
Goldsmith and Justinian and Gerrard Jordain, personalty.
Philip Briscoe, Sam'l Williamson, and Elizabeth, wife of Thos. Jordain,
Sr., exs. and residuary legatees of estate.
Test: George Winnett, Thos. Kindelan, John Donaldson.
14. 146.
Cusack, George, St. Mary's Co.,15th July, 1717;
To son Michall and dau. Mary and hrs., entire estate between them
Ex.: Henry Wharton.
Testator directs that child. be brought up Roman Catholics.
Test: Elizabeth Doyne, Thos. Smith. 14. 481.
Contributed by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas
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