St. Mary's County

Marriages 1638-1820 - T

???, Jane (niece of Joseph Thompson) (m1)Angel, Johnbef. 1724Reno
???, Jane (niece of Joseph Thompson) (m2)Thompson, Joseph Georgebef. Mar. 14, 1724Reno
???, Mary (m1)Lambert, John1725-1726 CCReno
???, Mary (m2)Tippett, Philipbef. May, 29, 1736Reno
???, Mary (m3)Fanning, Johnbef. May, 29, 1736Reno
???, Mary (m4)Simpson, Thomasaft. 1736Reno
???, Mary (m5)Melton, Benoniaft. 1736Reno
Tabbs, Abigail Hunter (d/ Moses Tabbs & Eleanor Smoot)Smoot, AlexanderNov. 4, 1784St. Andrew's EC
Tabbs, AnnMcWilliams, AlexanderAug. 26, 1806county court record
Tabbs, Barton (m1)Bond, Sarah1777-1781 in CA?Reno
Tabbs, Barton (m2)Maxwell, Helenbef. 1810 in CA?Reno
Tabbs, BenjaminAisquith, EleanorJan. 28, 1806Reno
Tabbs, George C.Hopewell, LewculiaFeb. 15, 1799county court record
Tabbs, HarrietStone, JosephJan. 04, 1808county court record
Tabbs, MosesSmoot, Eleanor (d/ Barton Smoot, Jr. and Susanna Mackall Clarke)bef. 1760Reno
Tabbs, Susanna Mackall (d/ Moses Tabbs & Eleanor Smoot)Hebb, Jessebef. Mar. 1786Reno
Tail, MarthaDavis, ElijahFeb. 13, 1808county court record
Taney, Alice LewisRogerson, Thomasbef.1801Reno
Taney, Ann AliceRochester, ThomasSep. 12, 1801county court record
Taney, Dorothy (m1)Digges, WilliamMay 01, 1798St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Taney, Dorothy (m2)Brent, William CharlesOct. 08, 1804county court record
Taney, Dorothy (m3)Manning, Wilfredaft. 1807Reno
Taney, EleanorRead, PhilipOct. 1, 1781county court record
Taney, EleanorMedley, Philipbef. 1760Reno
Taney, Elizabeth (d/ John Michael Thomas Taney & Catherine Fenwick)Combs, Bennetbef 1763St. Andrew's EC
Taney, Francis LewisSewall, Elizabethbef. 1768Reno
Taney, JohnWilkinson, Catherine (m2)1706-1707Reno
Taney, John???, Eleanorbef 1756St. Andrew's EC
Taney, John Michael Thomas (s/ John and Catherine Wilkinson)Fenwick, Catherine (d/ Cuthbert & Elizabeth Brooke)bef. 1734Reno
Taney, Mary Eleanor (d/ Thomas Taney & Mary Neale) (m1)Combs, Williambef. 1773Reno
Taney, Mary Eleanor (d/ Thomas Taney & Mary Neale) (m2)Greenwell, Stephen1774-1777Reno
Taney, MichaelBeckwith, Margaret (d/ George & Frances Harvey) (m1)1685-1687Reno
Taney, MichaelDoyne, Jane (d/ Ignatius Doyne & Elizabeth Craycroft) (m1)abt. 1743Reno
Taney, Michael (m1)Neale, Maryabt. 1721Reno
Taney, Michael (m2)Brooke, Sarah (m1)bef. 1743Reno
Taney, Michael (parent of Roger Brooke Taney, Chief Justice of Supreme Court)Brooke, MonicaJun. 25, 1771St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Taney, RaphaelFenwick, Eleanorby 1755Reno
Taney, Rodolphus???, Elizabethbef 1770
Taney, Rodolphus???, Eleanorbef 1770Jesuit Missions
Taney, SarahFenwick, Ignatius1761-1763Reno
Taney, ThomasNeale, Mary (d/ Raphael & Mary Brookes)bef. 1732Reno
Tannehill, Robert (s/ Wlm. Tannehill & Alice ???)???, Sarahbef. 1711SMC Adm. Accts.
Tannehill, William???, Alice (m1)bef. 1667Reno
Tant, AnnLampton, Mark Jrabt. 1703Reno
Tant, Ann (d/ James Tant & Mary Tattershall) (m1)Medley, George (s/ John Medley & Sarah ???)by 1730Reno
Tant, Ann (d/ James Tant & Mary Tattershall) (m2)Williams, William (m1)1731-1732Reno
Tant, Elizabeth (d/ John & Marg. Drury) (m1)Cole, Robertbef. 1704Reno
Tant, Elizabeth (d/ John & Marg. Drury)(m2)Thompson, Jamesbef. Apr. 1, 1723Reno
Tant, James (m1)Tattershall, Marybef. 1701Reno
Tant, James (m2)Heard, Mary (1)1705Reno
Tant, JaneThompson, Richard1724-1725Fresco
Tant, Jane (d/ John Tant and Margaret Bloomfield)Thompson, Thomasbef 1731Reno
Tant, JohnDrury, Margaretbef. 1665Reno
Tant, JohnBloomfield, Margaretbef. 1702Reno
Tant, MargaretPye, ???by 1725Fresco
Tant, MaryManning, Johnbef. 1680Reno
Tant, Susannah (d/ John Tant and Margaret Bloomfield)Thompson, Robertbef 1731Reno
Tant, WinifredHerbert, Vitusbef. 1704Reno
Tarlton, ???Manly, Marybef. 1793Reno
Tarlton, ???Cheseldine, Gerardbef. 1794Reno
Tarlton, ???Cheseldine, Cyrenius Jrby 1792Reno
Tarlton, AnnBaxter, EdwardDec. 27, 1798county court record
Tarlton, AnnCole, JohnJan. 05, 1810county court record
Tarlton, AnnUnderwood, CharlesJan. 21, 1768St. Inigoes RCC
Tarlton, BasilNorris, Mary A.Mar. 26, 1818county court record
Tarlton, BennetCrawley, Judith1774-1780Reno
Tarlton, CatherineHath, ThomasMay 11, 1811county court record
Tarlton, ChloeGreenwell, RaphaelApr. 10, 1774St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Tarlton, Chloe (d/ Stephen & Eliz. Shanks)Blackistone, KenelmFeb. 04, 1800county court record
Tarlton, ClaraPenn, WilliamMar. 07, 1809county court record
Tarlton, EdmundBean, TeresaApr. 27, 1813county court record
Tarlton, ElijahGreenwell, AnnAug. 18, 1799county court record
Tarlton, ElijahMilburn, AnnJan. 30, 1808county court record
Tarlton, ElizabethTaylor, JohnMay 13, 1783St. Andrew's EC
Tarlton, EnochHenning, Susanna (d/ Judiah Henning)Bef. 1774Reno
Tarlton, Fannie (d/ Stephen & Eliz. Shanks)Cheseldine, KenelmJan. 14, 1804county court record
Tarlton, GeorgeDaffin, ElizabethAug. 28, 1813county court record
Tarlton, George (s/ Stephen & Eliz. Shanks) (m1)Yates, MaryJan. 28, 1814county court record
Tarlton, George (s/ Stephen & Eliz. Shanks) (m2)Edwards, Julia AnnNov. 19, 1824Reno
Tarlton, IgnatiusAdams, Mary (m1)Mar. 9, 1783St. Andrew's EC
Tarlton, JamesCheverill, SarahFeb. 18, 1805county court record
Tarlton, James???, Cassandra (m1)bef 1703Reno
Tarlton, JamesHenning, Ann (m1)bef. 1734Reno
Tarlton, JamesWellman, Annbef. 1742Reno
Tarlton, JamesCissell, Mary Annbef. 1762St. Andrew's EC
Tarlton, JeremiahMedley, EleanorJan. 20 1782Newman
Tarlton, John???, Ann (m2) (wid/ Kenelm Boult)aft 1755Skinner
Tarlton, John (s/ Stephen & Eliz. Shanks)Blackistone, MargaretJan. 14, 1813county court record
Tarlton, MaryLeach, WilliamFeb. 28, 1798county court record
Tarlton, MaryGoldsmith, JamesAug. 12, 1819county court record
Tarlton, Moses Jr.Norris, MargaretJan. 15, 1808county court record
Tarlton, Moses Sr. (m1)Joy, Eleanorbef 1769Jesuit Missions
Tarlton, Moses Sr. (m2)Fish, Anastasia (Ann) (d/ Joseph and Lydia)Oct. 25, 1805county court record
Tarlton, PollyWatts, ThomasJan. 16, 1803county court record
Tarlton, RichardTiford, ElizabethJul. 18, 1772Jesuit Missions
Tarlton, Richard???, Ann (m1)bef. 1819Reno
Tarlton, RobertMills, JaneDec. 23, 1804county court record
Tarlton, RobertCox, ElizabethSep. 02, 1807county court record
Tarlton, RudolphCombs, SarahDec. 29, 1817county court record
Tarlton, StephenHammett, CatharineAug. 30, 1796county court record
Tarlton, Stephen (s/ James & Ann Wellman)Shanks, Elizabeth (d/ John Shanks)bef. 1770Reno
Tarlton, ThomasWheatley, Mary (m2)Jun. 25, 1740Reno
Tarlton, William???, Janebef. 1761St. Andrew's EC
Tarlton, Zachariah???, Mariabef 1793Jesuit Missions
Tasker, Ann (d/ Benjamin & Ann Bladen)Ogle, Samuel1741Chron. Vol. 29, No. 5
Tasker, BenjaminBladen, Ann (d/ Wlm Bladen & , Ann Van Swearingen)Jul. 31, 1711Chron. Vol. 29, No. 5
Tasker, ThomasCalvert, Ann (d/ Gov. Leonard) (m2)abt. 1676Reno
Tattersall, WilliamLewger, Ann (m1)abt. 1661Reno
Tattershall, MaryTant, James (m1)bef. 1701Reno
Tattershall, Mary (m1)Jarboe, Johnbef. 1667Reno
Tattershall, Mary (m2)Gough, Stephen (m1)1674-1675Reno
Tawney (Taney?, Robert???, Elizabethbef 1768Jesuit Missions
Taylard, WilliamDailey, Audrey (m2)bef. 1707Reno
Tayloe, Henrietta HillKey, Henry Greenfield Sothoron (m1)Jun. 20, 1815Reno
Tayloe, JohnOgle, Ann (d/ Gov. Ogle)Oct. 4, 1792 in PGCReno
Tayloe, John IV Lt.Forrest, Maria (m1)13 Nov 1817 D.C.Reno
Tayloe, John Jr.Plater, RebeccaJul. 11, 1747 in VAReno
Taylor, ???Nowell, Francesby 1731Reno
Taylor, ???Lynch, Eleanor (m1)bef 1790Reno
Taylor, ???Anastasiabef 1777csm3
Taylor? Abraham???, Eleanor (matrna. Anna Doran)bef 1790Jesuit Missions
Taylor, AliceGriffin, Samuelby 1655Fresco
Taylor, AnastasiaAbell, Edward (2)Nov. 11, 1778Reno
Taylor, AnnCole, ThomasDec. 21, 1809county court record
Taylor, AnnHebb, William (m2)Jul. 6, 1802Reno
Taylor, AnnRamsey, CharlesAug. 1, 1784St. Andrew's EC
Taylor, AnnGristy, Benjaminbef. 1750Reno
Taylor, AnnGristy, Benjaminbef. 1750Reno
Taylor, Ann D.Moore, StephenJan. 15, 1808county court record
Taylor, Ann Nancy ( d/ John Bennet Taylor)Spalding, Richard (s/ Elexius Spalding)bef. 1799Reno
Taylor, CalebHeadley, EleanorNov. 24, 1798county court record
Taylor, Charles???, Mary (m2) (wid/ John Price)bef. Jun. 2, 1736Reno
Taylor, ElizabethFloyd, JesseFeb. 6 1785St. Andrew's EC
Taylor, Elizabeth (m1)Payne, Thomasbef 1763Reno
Taylor, Elizabeth (m1) (d/ Henry Taylor, Jr. & Faith Campbell)Delicourt, Jamesbef 1718Reno
Taylor, Elizabeth (m2)Harrison, William (m2)by 1763Reno
Taylor, Elizabeth (m2) (d/ Henry Taylor, Jr. & Faith Campbell)Clapom, Thomasbef 1724Reno
Taylor, Elizabeth (m3) (d/ Henry Taylor, Jr. & Faith Campbell)Innis, Williambef 16/7/1725Reno
Taylor, Elizabeth (m4) (d/ Henry Taylor, Jr. & Faith Campbell)Woodward, Benjaminbef 7/12/1727Reno
Taylor, ElkanahWise, EleanorAug. 16, 1798county court record
Taylor, GeorgeFenwick, Ann (d/ Richard)Feb. 28, 1804county court record
Taylor, GeorgeFenwick, JaneMar. 31, 1818county court record
Taylor, Grace (b. bef. 1718) (d/ Henry Jr)Shirley, Richard Jrabt. 1740 assumed marriageReno
Taylor, Grace (d/ Henry) (m1)Greenwell, Jamesbef. 1677Reno
Taylor, Grace (d/ Henry) (m2)Galley, Lawrenceaft 1714Reno
Taylor, Grace (d/ William d. 1714 & Ann) (d. 1783) (m2)Knott, ???bet. 1714-1722Reno
Taylor, Grace (d/ William d. 1714 & Ann) (m1)Reeves, Thomas Jr.bef. 1714Reno
Taylor, Henry???, Katherine (m2)by 1676not proven
Taylor, HenryCampbell, Faith (d/ John & Katherine)bef. 1694Reno
Taylor, HenryWynne, Margaret (d/ Thos. & Eliz.)by 1686Fresco
Taylor, IgnatiusJordan, MargaretMay 13, 1780St. Andrew's EC
Taylor, IgnatiusWise, AnnAug. 16, 1798Reno
Taylor, IgnatiusSpinke, Elizabethby 1764St. Andrew's EC
Taylor, IgnatiusMarybef 1776csm2
Taylor, James???, Mary (m2) (wid/ Rich. Vowles)aft. 1750Moore
Taylor, JemimaDavis, ThomasAug. 25, 1805county court record
Taylor, JeniferMilburn, ElizabethMar. 19, 1799county court record
Taylor, JohnPrice, MaryJan. 13, 1795county court record
Taylor, JohnTarlton, ElizabethMay 13, 1783St. Andrew's EC
Taylor, John???, Sarah (wid/ Thom. Bennett) (m2)by Jan. 16, 1651Reno
Taylor, John???, Elizabeth (m1)bef. 1655Fresco
Taylor, John???, Mary (m2) (w/ William Trippy)bef. 1711SMC Adm. Accts.
Taylor, John (m1)Millman, Prudencebef. 1731Reno
Taylor, John (m2)Lynch, Christianbef. 1790Reno
Taylor, Joseph???, Marybef 1731Skinner
Taylor, MaryWherritt, JamesApr. 10, 1798county court record
Taylor, MaryCurlott, Johnby 1739Fresco
Taylor, Mrs. Elizabeth (wid/ John)Wilkes, Williambef 1655not proven
Taylor, PermeliaMilburn, JamesJan. 30, 1816county court record
Taylor, PeterFleming, ???by 1770not proven
Taylor, Philip???, Jane (wid/ Thomas Smith)(m2)1642-1646Reno
Taylor, RebeccaSilence, ThomasDec. 05, 1805county court record
Taylor, Robert???, Mary (m1)bef. 1694not proven
Taylor, RobertTolle, Mary (d/ Roger Tolle) (m2)1718-1723Reno
Taylor, SarahBrown, ThomasJun. 29, 1777Barnes
Taylor, SarahCourtney, Thomas (m1)bef. 1672Reno
Taylor, Susanna (m1)Evans, IgnatiusDec. 18, 1801Reno
Taylor, Susanna (m2)Fields, James A.Feb. 28, 1804Reno
Taylor (Tapler), AilieCarter, GeorgeJun. 13, 1803county court record
Taylor, ThomasGoldsmith, Mary (d/ Thomas Notley)by 1746Fresco
Taylor, Thomas???, Marybef 1724Skinner
Taylor, Thomas (d. 1717)???, Annbef 1717Skinner
Taylor, VincentClarke, Juliana (d/ Thomas Clarke & Ann Barber)bef 1719Reno
Taylor, Vincent Jr (s/ Vincent & Juliana Clarke)Jameson, Margaret1735-1743Reno
Taylor, WilliamHebb, Grace (m2)1773Reno
Taylor, WilliamReeves, Ann (m1)bef. 1708Reno
Teal, GeorgeCorum, ElizabethDec. 26, 1819county court record
Teal, GeorgeThornton, LaureneMar. 10, 1818county court record
Tear, Ann (d/ John & Mary Tear) (m1)Manley, Thomasbef 1768Reno
Tear, Ann (d/ John & Mary Tear) (m2)Thomas, Philip (d. 1793) (m2)1773-1777Reno
Tear, BartonBennett, RebeccaJan. 03, 1798county court record
Tear, Elizabeth (d/ John Tear & Mary)Redman, Joshuabef 1768Jesuit Missions
Tear, John???, Mary (wid/ Thomas Bailey) (m3)by Aug. 11, 1750Reno
Tear, JohnAud, Mary Anna (d/ Wlm. Aud & Jane Chiveral) (m1)bef 1768Jesuit Missions
Tear, John???, Mary (m3) (wid/ John Little)bef. Aug 11, 1750Reno
Tears, Elizabeth (m1)Keech, Johnbef. 1710Reno
Tears, Elizabeth (m2)Middleton, William1710-12Reno
Tee, LomackDunbar, AnnJul. 5, 1803county court record
Teldray, SamuelCottrell, Eliza (Elsie)Jun. 01, 1805county court record
???, Temperance (m1)Tippett, WilliamBef. 1729Reno
Templeman, AugustineHiggenson, SusannaSep. 28, 1797county court record
Templeman, LucyMoss, ChiltonMay 20, 1807county court record
Tennison, AbrahamStephens, Maryby 1759Fresco
Tennison, Absalom???, Susannabef. 1750St. Andrew's EC
Tennison, AbsalomMorgan, EleanorJan. 21, 1799Reno
Tennison, ChristianWhite, Jamesby 1767Fresco
Tennison, ??? (d/ Absalom & Susanna)Edwards, Jeremiah Jrby 1775Reno
Tennison, Elizabeth (d/ Absalom & Susanna)Mills, Georgebef. 1765Reno
Tennison, Elizabeth (d/ Justinian & Eliz. Shanks of CC)Williams, Jamesbef. 1723Reno
Tennison, Elizabeth (d/ Matthew Tennison)Mason, Johnbef. 1789Reno
Tennison, Isaac???, Mary (m1)bef. 1774Reno
Tennison, JaneMansell, Vincent (m2)bef. 1787Reno
Tennison, JohnGreenwell, MatildaNov. 07, 1820county court record
Tennison, John???, Elizabeth (m1)bef. 1682Reno
Tennison, John???, Susannahbef 1755Skinner
Tennison, John???, Elizabeth (m2) (wid/ John Stephens)bef. 1764Reno
Tennison, JustinianShanks, Elizabeth (m1)bef. 1662Reno
Tennison, MargaretAlvey, Basil (m1)abt. 1788Reno
Tennison, MaryFerguson, HenryDec. 7, 1802county court record
Tennison, MaryCheshire, Williamby 1682Fresco
Tennison, Samuel???, Mary (1)bef 1800Fresco
Tennison, Sarah (d/ Matthew Tennison)Tice, ???bef. 1793Reno
Tensley, Francis???, Elizabethbef 1768St. Inigoes RCC
Thackery, RobertGill, MargaretJul. 30, 1798county court record
Theobold, AnnMilburn, JohnJan. 17, 1819county court record
Theobold, ElizabethLoker, Michael J.Jan. 14, 1818county court record
Theobold, JaneClarke, IgnatiusDec. 20, 1799county court record
Theobold, John JrMason, Elizabeth (m3)bef. Feb. 2, 1729Reno
Theobold, SamuelSmith, Mary Elizabethbef. 1769Reno
Theobold, Samuel (m2)Doxey, SarrahJul. 10, 1797county court record
Thomas, Abell???, Sarahbef. 1763St. Andrew's EC
Thomas, AnnRobertson, William B.Dec. 09, 1806county court record
Thomas, AnnSmith, JohnJan. 28, 1813county court record
Thomas, AnnMason, Thomas1818Fresco
Thomas, Ann (d/ John & Sarah Briscoe)Milburn, Stephen III (s/ Stephen & Rebecca Watts)bef. 1768Reno
Thomas, DariosHackett, ???bef.1742Reno
Thomas, EdwardThompson, CharityAug. 20, 1807county court record
Thomas, Edward (m1)Corum, Dicandia Barbara (d/ John Corum & Barbara Young) (m2)Apr. 11, 1802St. Andrew's EC
Thomas, Edward (m2)Shanks, ClarissaAug. 20, 1807St. Andrew's EC
Thomas, EleanorGoldsberry, CorneliusMay 08, 1815county court record
Thomas, Eleanor (d/ Levin Thomas & Elizabeth Griffin (m2)Milburn, JohnFeb. 6, 1835Reno
Thomas, Eleanor (m1)Adderton, JamesJun. 02, 1812Reno
Thomas, ElishaSmoot, ElizabethJun. 22, 1808county court record
Thomas, ElizabethLoker, WilliamFeb. 04, 1800county court record
Thomas, ElizabethZachary, WilliamJul. 18, 1807county court record
Thomas, ElizabethEvans, RichardJan. 28, 1814county court record
Thomas, ElizabethFenwick, ThomasJul. 03, 1774St. Inigoes RCC
Thomas, Grace (d/ Thomas Thomas & Elizabeth Knott) (m1)Brewer, Williamby 1684Reno
Thomas, Grace (d/ Thomas Thomas & Elizabeth Knott) (m2)Arthurs, Williamby 1701Reno
Thomas, James Dr.Courts, ElizaJan. 25, 1808county court record
Thomas, JohnDawson, MaryNov. 20, 1806county court record
Thomas, JohnCawood, Ann (d/ Stephen, Sr. & Mary Cox) (m2)1734-1735Reno
Thomas, JohnBiscoe, Sarahbef. 1743Reno
Thomas, JohnHenning, Dorothy (d/ Judiah Henning) (m1)Bef. 1764Reno
Thomas, John (d. bef 1750 s/ Luke Thomas & Winifred Abell ?)Unknownbef 1750Reno
Thomas, JosephWhite, DorcasSep. 02, 1814county court record
Thomas, Lucretia LeedsLeigh, JohnApr. 16, 1808county court record
Thomas, LukeAbell, Winifred (m1)bef. 1727Reno
Thomas, LyleThomas, RachelMay 9, 1779St. Andrew's EC
Thomas, Maria (m1)Barber, Walter (m2)Dec. 18, 1821Reno
Thomas, Maria (m2)Sinclair (St. Clair), WilliamMay 30, 1833Reno
Thomas, Mark (s/ Mark & Winifred Abell)Abell, Elizabeth (m1)bef. 1773St. Andrew's EC
Thomas, Mark (s/o Herbert & Ruth Fosse)Abell, Winifred (m2)bef. 1739Reno
Thomas, MaryJohnson, PhilipJan. 07, 1811county court record
Thomas, MaryLangley, PhilipOct. 05, 1818county court record
Thomas, Mary (d/ Thomas Thomas)Davis, Thomasbef 1683Reno
Thomas, MatildaBrent, GeorgeJul. 19, 1809county court record
Thomas, Philip (d. 1793) (m1)Unknownbef 1771Reno
Thomas, Philip (d. 1793) (m2)Tear, Ann (d/ John & Mary Tear) (m2)1773-1777Reno
Thomas, Philip (d. 1793) (m3)???, Eleanor1769-1777Reno
Thomas, PollyWise, AdamSep. 13, 1809county court record
Thomas, PriscillaWilliams, Joseph C.Aug. 17, 1813county court record
Thomas, RachelThomas, LyleMay 9, 1779St. Andrew's EC
Thomas, RobertFadery, Mary (m2)1695-1696Reno
Thomas, Robert (s/ Thomas & Elizabeth Barton)???, Abigail (m1)bef 1700St. Andrew's EC
Thomas, RogerHazel, SusannaNov. 04, 1794county court record
Thomas, ThomasKnott, Elizabethbef 1651Reno
Thomas, ThomasAbell, JaneApr. 27, 1781St. Andrew's EC
Thomas, ThomasBarton, Elizabethbef 1671Fresco
Thomas, Thomas???, Eleanor (m2) (wid/ James Herdman)by 1742Reno
Thomas, WilliamTubman, ElizabethAug. 05, 1816county court record
Thomas, WilliamAsbestone, Rachelbef. 1736Reno
Thomas, WilliamBiscoe, HenriettaApr. 14, 1779St. Andrew's EC
Thomas, WilliamAllen, AnnMay 2,1780St. Andrew's EC
Thomas, WilliamReeves, Elizabethby 1751Fresco
Thomas, WilliamRule, Rebecca (d/ Stanhope Rule & Rebecca Watts ?)bef 1723Reno
Thomas, William Dr.King, RachelAug. 28, 1805county court record
Thomas, William JrBoarman, Catherine Brooke1782Reno
Thomas, ZachariasEden, MaryMay 19, 1804county court record
Thompson, ???Young, WilliamDec. 12, 1795county court record
Thompson, ???Mackall, Margaretby 1749not proven
Thompson, ???Howard, Elizabeth (d/ Bennett Howard)bef. Jan. 30, 1786Reno
Thompson, ???Howard, Elizabeth (d/ Bennett Howard & Elizabeth)bef. 1779Reno
Thompson, AnnDrury, Francis S.Oct. 15, 1800county court record
Thompson, AnnYates, JamesOct. 01, 1779St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Thompson, AnnTrue, JamesFeb. 23, 1811county court record
Thompson, AnnMartin, WilliamFeb. 3, 1780St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, Ann (d/ Francis) (m1)Carberry, Patrickbef. 1781Reno
Thompson, Ann (d/ Francis) (m2)Thompson, Arthur JrNov. 20, 1795Reno
Thompson, Ann (d/ Thomas Thompson)Mattingly, ???bef. 1789Reno
Thompson, Ann NancyHebb, William (m1)Sep. 25, 1798Reno
Thompson, AnthonyCarbury, AnnNov. 28, 1795county court record
Thompson, Araminta (m1) (d/ Mary Rousby Thompson) (m2)Carroll, Henrybef 1775Reno
Thompson, Araminta (m2) (d/ Mary Rousby Thompson)Biscoe, George Jr.btw 1775-1776Reno
Thompson, ArthurCarberry, AnnNov. 28, 1795county court record
Thompson, ArthurPayne, Teresa (d. Thomas and Tecla Thompson)bef 1757Jesuit Missions
Thompson, Arthur JrThompson, Ann (d/ Francis) (m2)Nov. 20, 1795Reno
Thompson, Arthur (m1)Stratford, ???bef 1795Reno
Thompson, Arthur (m2)Carberry, SusannaNov. 20, 1695Reno
Thompson, AthanasiusGristy, Dorothybef. 1778Reno
Thompson, BaizWilliams, MaryNov. 17, 1818county court record
Thompson, Barzillai (m1) (s/ James & Ann King)Greenwell, CatherineJun. 12, 1810county court record
Thompson, Barzillai (m2) (s/ James & Ann King)Williams, Maryaft. 1810Reno
Thompson, Basil (m1)???, Sarahbef 1771Jesuit Missions
Thompson, Basil (m2)Brown, CloeMar. 05, 1780St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Thompson, Benjamin (s/ John Thompson & Rebecca ???)Broome, Nancy (m1)by 1777Reno
Thompson, CatherineHardesty, JohnJul. 25, 1775St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Thompson, CatherineBridget, WilliamAug. 10, 1807county court record
Thompson, CatherineThompson, IgnatiusJan. 10, 1820county court record
Thompson, CharityThomas, EdwardAug. 20, 1807county court record
Thompson, CharityWheeler, Ignatius Jrbef Jun. 1735Obrist
Thompson, CharlesWheeler, SusannaDec. 27, 1805county court record
Thompson, CharlesGreen, RebeccaJan. 23, 1818county court record
Thompson, Christopher???, Grace (wid/ James Williams, Jr)by 1696not proven
Thompson, ClarissaThomas, EdwardAug. 20, 1807county court record
Thompson, DorothyScott, HenryJun. 15, 1813county court record
Thompson, EleanorMattingly, LukeFeb. 11, 1772St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Thompson, EleanorHoward, WilliamJul. 11, 1776St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Thompson, EleanorBuchanan, MosesOct. 15, 1780St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, Eleanor (d/ James Thompson, Jr. & Ann Neale)Ford, Philipbef 1770St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, Elijah (s/ James and Eliz.???)King, Elizabethbef 1800Reno
Thompson, ElizabethDavis, CorneliusJan. 18, 1813county court record
Thompson, ElizabethCox, Peter P.Aug. 12, 1813county court record
Thompson, ElizabethCollens, JohnJul. 28, 1797county court record
Thompson, ElizabethFord, IgnatiusFeb. 08, 1802county court record
Thompson, ElizabethThompson, John W.Oct. 04, 1803county court record
Thompson, ElizabethStone, John B.Jan. 19, 1805county court record
Thompson ElizabethCullins, JohnJul. 20, 1779county court record
Thompson, ElizabethHayden, Jamesbef. 1751Reno
Thompson, ElizabethLee, John (s/ John & Mary)by 1769Reno
Thompson, Elizabeth A.Edly, HenryJun. 26, 1804county court record
Thompson, Elizabeth Attaway (m1)Edley, HenryJun. 26, 1804Reno
Thompson, Elizabeth Attaway (m2)Morgan, Raphael Jr. (s/ Raphael Morgan Sr. & ???)Oct. 22, 1833Reno
Thompson, Elizabeth (d/ James Thompson & Margaret Raley)Griggs, John Jrby 1720Reno
Thompson, Elizabeth (d/ John Thompson & Rebecca ???)Abell, Edmundbef. 1778Reno
Thompson, Elizabeth (d/ Thomas Thompson)Hayden, Williamabt. 1708Reno
Thompson, EmilyHurry, JohnMay 23, 1820county court record
Thompson, Francis???, Ann (m1)bef. 1780Reno
Thompson, GeorgeMonarch, ElizabethFeb. 13, 1799county court record
Thompson, GeorgeHackett, MaryMay 18, 1803county court record
Thompson, George (m1)Goodrick, Margaret (m2)aft . 1670Reno
Thompson, George (m1) (s/ Robert Thompson & Mary French)Medley, Rebecca1710-1719Reno
Thompson, George (m2?)???, Anneaft . 1670Reno
Thompson, George (m2) (s/ Robert Thompson & Mary French)Greenwell, Grace (m3) (d/ James Greenwell & Grace Taylor)1710-1719Reno
Thompson, Harriet (d/ James & Ann King)Abell, Matthew Francis, Dr. (m2)Jan. 29, 1818Reno
Thompson, HenriettaFord, HenryDec. 12, 1795Reno
Thompson, HenryTippett, SusannaFeb. 11, 1811county court record
Thompson, Henry (s/ James & Ann King)Clarke, ElizabethDec. 10, 1818county court record
Thompson, IgnatiusStone, LyndaDec. 23, 1796county court record
Thompson, IgnatiusSteel, MaryDec. 23, 1794county court record
Thompson, IgnatiusThompson, CatherineJan. 10, 1820county court record
Thompson, Ignatius (m1)???, Elizabethbef 1767Jesuit Missions
Thompson, Ignatius (m2)???, Dorothybef 1767Jesuit Missions
Thompson, JamesCoad, AnnApr. 11, 1820county court record
Thompson, JamesDrury, WinifredDec. 21, 1805county court record
Thompson, JamesBennett, CharlotteApr. 17, 1815county court record
Thompson, JamesJoy, EleanorJan. 07, 1808county court record
Thompson, JamesRaley, Margaretbef. 1692Reno
Thompson, JamesGriffin, Elizabeth (d/ Rich. & Marybef. 1744Reno
Thompson, JamesTant, Elizabeth (d/ John & Marg.) (m2)bef. Apr. 1, 1723Reno
Thompson, JamesHayden, Grace (m2)1746-1749Reno
Thompson, JamesYates , Ann (m1)bef. 1792Reno
Thompson, JamesNeale, Annbef. 1743St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, JamesJarboe, Susanbef 1777csm3
Thompson, James (m2)Wherritt, JanetMar. !9, 1804St. George's EC
Thompson, James (s/ James and Eliz.???) (m1)King, Nancybef. 1790Reno
Thompson, James (s/ James and Eliz.???) (m2)Wherritt, Janet (d/ Nicholas & Rebecca Thompson)bef. 1807Reno
Thompson, JaneTrue, JohnJan. 10, 1814county court record
Thompson, JanetLoker, WilliamDec. 31, 1805county court record
Thompson, JesseHowe, MaryJul. 23, 1808county court record
Thompson, JohnWimsatt, SarahAug. 10, 1819county court record
Thompson, JohnWalker, AnnNov. 27, 1802county court record
Thompson, JohnBath, LouisaJul. 21, 1806county court record
Thompson, JohnMcKay, EleanorAug. 28, 1820county court record
Thompson, JohnThompson, MaryJan. 1, 1810county court record
Thompson, JohnWellman, Jane (m2)bef 1723Reno
Thompson John???, Rebeccabef. 1740St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, John???, Sarahbef 1772Jesuit Missions
Thompson, JohnMary Annbef 1775csm2
Thompson, John B.Norris, SusannahDec. 31, 1796csm2
Thompson, John B.Wathen, Ann StatiaDec. 27, 1805csm2
Thompson John BaptistCissell, Maryby 1793Fresco
Thompson John Baptist???, Susannabef. 1774St. Andrew's EC
Thompson John BaptistCissell, MaryFresco by 1793 (by 1776 if it is the same couple)csm2
Thompson, John (m1) (s/ Arthur Thompson & ??? Stratford ?)Fisher, Mary (m2) (d/ Edward Fisher)bef 1724Reno
Thompson, John (m2) (s/ Arthur Thompson & ??? Stratford ?)Cissell, Margaretbef. 1742Reno
Thompson , John MedleyCissell, Eleanor (d/ Luke & Thomasine Hayden) (m2)by Jul. 11, 1737Reno
Thompson, John (s/ Sebastian & Charity Bailey)???, Rebeccabef. 1765Reno
Thompson, John W.Thompson, ElizabethOct. 04, 1803county court record
Thompson, JosephNorris, ElizabethAug. 22, 1803county court record
Thompson, JosephWaughop, RachelJan. 21, 1807county court record
Thompson, Joseph???, Annbef 1773Jesuit Missions
Thompson, Joseph George???, Jane (niece of Joseph Thompson) (m2)bef. Mar. 14, 1724Reno
Thompson, JoshuaWathen, DorothyFeb. 09, 1819county court record
Thompson, JoshuaEdley, CathernieDec. 26, 1804county court record
Thompson, LewisJohnson, EleanorMar. 31, 1812county court record
Thompson, LindaMattingly, ZachariahAug. 18, 1815county court record
Thompson, MagdalenHagan, Ignatius (m2)bef. 1761Reno
Thompson, MargaretMartin, John B.Jul. 01, 1811county court record
Thompson, Margaret (d/ Thomas Thompson)Rapier, Richard Jamesbef. 1773Reno
Thompson, Margaret (d/ Thomas Thompson & Eliz. Lee)Woodward, ???bef. 1794Reno
Thompson, Maria (d/ James & Ann King)Briscoe, PhilipJul. 22, 1817county court record
Thompson, MaryFenwick, JohnNov. 10, 1772St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Thompson, MaryCusick, JamesJan. 22, 1802county court record
Thompson, MaryClarke, WalterJul. 10, 1800county court record
Thompson, MaryCopsey, EnochJan. 08, 1801county court record
Thompson, MaryFerrell, WilliamDec. 29, 1809county court record
Thompson, MaryThompson, JohnJan. 1, 1810county court record
Thompson, MaryCarberry, John Baptist IIIbef. 1719Reno
Thompson, MaryGreenwell, Arnold Johnbef. 1781Reno
Thompson, MaryCissell, Matthew (s/ William Cissell & Catherine Joyner))Bef. 1728Reno
Thompson, Mary AnnMattingly, JohnJan. 05, 1808county court record
Thompson, Mary AnnPilkerton, JosephDec. 25, 1806county court record
Thompson, Mary (d/ John Thompson & Rebecca ???)Cullison, GeorgeDec. 23, 1794county court record
Thompson, Mary (d/ Thomas)Clarke, Joshua1773St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, Mary (d/ Thomas & Eliz.)Goodrum, Wilfred1790-1793Reno
Thompson, Mary EleanorFord, Philip (s/ John & Henri. Neale)abt. 1770St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, Mary TeresaMcWilliams, Clement1798-1805Reno
Thompson, Michael???, Anastasia (m1)bef. 1684Reno
Thompson, Mildred (d/ Arthur Thompson & Susanna Carberry)Pike, Archibaldc 1711Reno
Thompson , Mildred (m1) (d/ Arthur and Unknown Stratford)Shercliffe, Williamby 1668Reno
Thompson , Mildred (m2) (d/ Arthur and Unknown Stratford)Green, Thomas1707-1709Reno
Thompson, MonicaBetts, JohnJun. 23, 1798county court record
Thompson, NancyWilkinson, JohnApr. 11, 1800county court record
Thompson, NancyVan Reswick, WilliamFeb. 06, 1806county court record
Thompson, NancyHebb, WilliamSep. 25, 1798county court record
Thompson, NancyPilkerton, LewisJan. 7, 1805county court record
Thompson, Peter???, Ann (m1)bef. 1738Reno
Thompson, Peter UrquhartDent, LoreinaJan. 24, 1815county court record
Thompson, RalphAlvey, Ally (d/ James & Eleanor Alvey)Jan. 12, 1798Reno
Thompson, RaphaelMcGee, MaryFeb. 08, 1820county court record
Thompson, RaphaelCavanaugh, Susannabef. 1764Reno
Thompson, Raphael???, Anastasiabef. 1773St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, Raphael???, Marybef 1772Jesuit Missions
Thompson, Raphael (s/ Mark Thompson)Brown, Appolonia (s/ Mary Brown) (m1)bef. 1770Reno
Thompson, Rebecca (d/ John Thompson & Rebecca ???)Wherritt, Nicholasby 1773Reno
Thompson, RichardKirk, ElizabethJul. 24, 1800county court record
Thompson, RichardTant, Jane1724-1725Fresco
Thompson, RobertHayden, ElizabethFeb. 01, 1798county court record
Thompson, RobertFrench, Mary (m1)bef 1687Reno
Thompson, RobertMeakins, Mary Annbef. 1756St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, Robert???, Elizabethbef. 1746St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, RobertTant, Susannah (d/ John Tant and Margaret Bloomfield)bef 1731Reno
Thompson, Rodolphus???, Appolonia (Abelone ) (m1) (w/ Thomas Greenwell)bef 1772Reno
Thompson, SamuelBrewer, DorothyJan. 07, 1802county court record
Thompson, SarahFish, ThomasNov. 03, 1809county court record
Thompson, SarahLong, CharlesAug. 31, 1814county court record
Thompson, SarahLyon, JohnJan. 19, 1783county court record
Thompson, SarahBourgain, NicholasJan. 20, 1812county court record
Thompson, SebastianBailey, Charitybef 1705Reno
Thompson, Stephen???, Marybef 1788Jesuit Missions
Thompson, SusannaBarnes, ZachariahJan. 21, 1770St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Thompson, SusannaPayne, IgnatiusApr. 26, 1816county court record
Thompson, SusannaLee, PhilemonAug. 12, 1786Reno
Thompson, SusannaInge, Vincent (m2)1756-1757St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, SusannaCissell, John Baptistbef. 1766Jesuit Missions
Thompson, Susanna (d/ Richard)Cissell, John Baptist (s/ Arthur & Mary Doyne)bef. 1766Reno
Thompson, SusannahLee, Philip (s/ Samuel Lee & Ann Woodward)abt 1774Dave Lee
Thompson, TeclaPayne, Thomas (s/ Henry & Mary Assiter)by 1701Reno
Thompson, Teresa (m1)Rapier, Richard1752Reno
Thompson, Teresa (m2)Stratford, Clement (s/ Joseph, Jr & Mary Horrell)1752Reno
Thompson, TeresiaPilkerton, IgnatiusJan. 17, 1819county court record
Thompson, ThomasPeacock, MariaMay 01, 1816county court record
Thompson, ThomasLee, Elizabethbef. 1770Reno
Thompson, ThomasCissell, Annbef. 1753St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, ThomasTant, Jane (d/ John Tant and Margaret Bloomfield)bef 1731Reno
Thompson, Thomas (s/ George Thompson & Rebecca Medley) (m1)Cole, Mary (d/ Robt. & Eliz. Tant)bef 1749Reno
Thompson, Thomas (s/ George Thompson & Rebecca Medley) (m2)???, Sarah (m2) (wid/ Joseph Stevens)aft. 1776Reno
Thompson, Thomas (s/ John Thompson & Mary Greene)Cissell, Ann (d/ Arthur Cissell and Mary Doyne)1803Fresco
Thompson, Thomas (s/ John Thompson & Rebecca ???)Abell, Henrietta (d/ Samuel Abell and Susanna Spalding)Feb. 23, 1772St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Thompson, Wilford (s/ Thomas & Sarah)Shircliffe, AnnOct. 11, 1774St. Fran. Xav. RCC
Thompson, WilliamLong, EleanorMar. 26, 1800county court record
Thompson, WilliamHazel, LydiaApr. 20, 1798county court record
Thompson, WilliamWalker, MonicaMar. 24, 1810county court record
Thompson, WilliamLangham, Barbarabef. 1715Reno
Thompson, WilliamBretton, Marybef. 1660Reno
Thompson, William???, Ann (m1)bef. 1650MD Archives
Thompson, WilliamMatthews, Susannabef. 1767St. Andrew's EC
Thompson, William (s/ Michael & Anastasia ???)???, Barbarabef. 1717Reno
Thompson, William (s/ William Thompson d. 1649) (m1)Matthews, VictoriaApr. 11, 1681Reno
Thompson, William (s. William Thompson d. 1649) (m2)Patterson, Eleanor (d/ James) (m3)1718-1720Reno
Thompson, William (s. William Thompson d. 1649) (m3)Courtney, Ann (m2)1731-1735Reno
Thomson, Ann (VA)Mason, Georgeabt. 1721Reno
Thorne, WilliamGillam Marybef. 1705Reno
Thornton, LaureneTeal, GeorgeMar. 10, 1818county court record
Thornton, Priscilla (d/ Vincent Thornton)Turner, JamesFeb. 17, 1818St. Andrew's EC
Thornton, Vincent???, Priscillabef 1800St. Andrew's EC
Thorowgood, Anne (d/ Adam Thorowgood and Sarah Offley) (m1)Chandler, Job1645-1651Reno
Thorowgood, Anne (d/ Adam Thorowgood and Sarah Offley) (m2)Fowke, Gerard (m2)1662Reno
Thorowgood, Sarah (d/ Adam Thorowgood and Sarah Offley)Overzee, Simonbef 1658MD Archives
Thorpe, CharlotteGreenwell, BenedictDec. 30, 1801county court record
Thorpe, Jonathan???, Mary (m1)bef 1776Reno
Thorpe, MaryCalvert, Charles (3rd Lord Baltimore) (m3)bef. 1710Reno
Thorsley, BridgetNevill, John (m1)abt. 1646Reno
Tibbles, SamuelSmith, Maryby 1759Fresco
Tibboles, JaneClarke, IgnatiusDec. 20, 1799county court record
Tichlin, JeremiahRaley, MaryNov. 6 , 1781St. Andrew's EC
Tierce, Andrew???, Catherinebef 1772St. Andrew's EC
Tiernan, Rebecca M.Somerville, Henry VernonDec. 26, 1815Fresco
Tiford, ElizabethTarlton, RichardJul. 18, 1772Jesuit Missions
Tippett , ???Lee, Sarah (d/ John & Mary)by 1757Reno
Tippett, AnnCraig, PeterMay 08, 1796county court record
Tippett, AttawayBlake, William H.Apr. 13, 1816county court record
Tippett, BenjaminHayden, EleanorApr. 17, 1797county court record
Tippett, Dennis???, Mary Ann (m1)bef. 1785Reno
Tippett, EleanorBrewer, RichardDec. 24, 1807county court record
Tippett, EleanorCusick, JohnJan. 20, 1807county court record
Tippett, EleanorNelson, Senecabef. 1766Reno
Tippett, Elizabeth (m1)Edwards, Josephbef 1816Reno
Tippett, Elizabeth (m2)Scott, JamesApr. 13, 1816Reno
Tippett ?, HannahPhillips, Johnbef 1730Skinner
Tippett, HenryBennett, AnnJan. 08, 1795county court record
Tippett, JohnFerguson, MaryDec. 19, 1809county court record
Tippett, John D.Hayden, SusannaNov. 17, 1800county court record
Tippett, John (s/ Philip and Mary ???)Bowling, Elizabeth (d/ Edward)bef. 1742Reno
Tippett, JonahDavis, SusannaDec. 20, 1799county court record
Tippett, JudithDavis, EdwardJan. 01, 1817county court record
Tippett, Margaret (d/ Joseph Tippett & Eleanor)Herbert, ???bef. Aug. 12, 1786Reno
Tippett, Mary Ann (d/ Dennis Tippett, Jr. & Elizabeth ???) (m1)Shanks, Thomas (s/ Thomas Shanks & Judith Goldsmith)bef. 1778Reno
Tippett, Mary Ann (d/ Dennis Tippett, Jr. & Elizabeth ???) (m2)Compton, Benedict (Nelson Co., KY)30 July 1793Obrist
Tippett, Mary (d/ John & Eliz.)Dunbar, Josephbef 1743Reno
Tippett, Monica (Maria)Ellis, AlexanderJun. 04, 1818county court record
Tippett, PhilipSuttle, Elizabethbef 1751Reno
Tippett, Philip???, Mary (m1)bef. May, 29, 1736Reno
Tippett, Philip III (s/ Philip & Mary ???)Lee, Jane (d/ John & Mary)by 1757Reno
Tippett, SarahLyons, ClementDec. 13, 1808county court record
Tippett, SophiaGardiner, Hezekiah (m2)Feb. 07, 1812county court record
Tippett, SophiaTippett, ZachariahMar. 10, 1802county court record
Tippett, SusannaGoddard, JeremiahJul. 31, 1799county court record
Tippett, SusannaThompson, HenryFeb. 11, 1811county court record
Tippett, SusannaFoster, JamesApr. 23, 1816county court record
Tippett, Temperance (d/ William and Temperance ???) (m1)Vessels, James1760-1762Reno
Tippett, ThomasNewton, MaryDec. 30, 1812county court record
Tippett, ThomasMattingly, CatherineOct. 23, 1815county court record
Tippett, ThomasTrue, AnnJul. 24, 1819county court record
Tippett, ThomasBrewer, Annabef. 1813Reno
Tippett, Thomas (s/ William & Sarah Graves)Stone, AnnDec. 16, 1812county court record
Tippett, UriahBennett, Mary (m2)Dec. 24, 1830Reno
Tippett, WalterLee, MargaretDec. 17, 1801county court record
Tippett, William???, Temperance (m1)Bef. 1729Reno
Tippett, WilliamGraves, Sarah (d/ Thomas Graves & Ann Horrell)bef. 1771Reno
Tippett, ZachariahTippett, SophiaMar. 10, 1802county court record
Tippolls, William CC???, Mary (m2) (wid/ George Briscoebef 1724Reno
Todd, MaryWatts, JoshuaJun. 7, 1789county court record
Tolle, Elizabeth (m1) (d/ Roger and Elizabeth Tolle)Morris, Darbybef. 1719Reno
Tolle, Elizabeth (m2) (d/ Roger and Elizabeth Tolle)Downie, Johnbef 1731Reno
Tolle, Elizabeth (m3) (d/ Roger and Elizabeth Tolle)Griffin, Johnbef. 9/22/1735Reno
Tolle, JamesGriffin, Sarah (d/ Rich. & Mary)by 1744Fresco
Tolle, Mary (d/ Roger Tolle) (m1)Grant, Johnbef. May 25, 1711Reno
Tolle, Mary (d/ Roger Tolle) (m2)Taylor, Robert1718-1723Reno
Tolle, RogerUnknownbef. 1780SMC Adm. Accts.
Tolle, Roger (d. 1709)???, Elizabethbef. 1709Reno
Tolle, Thomas (s/ Roger Tolle)???, Marybef 1724Skinner
Tolle, Tobias???, Rebecca (m1)bef 1724Skinner
Tompkins, JohnBrewer, MaryJan. 21, 1768St. Inigoes RCC
Townbarr, Joanna (Jane)Greenwell, Clementbef 1771Fresco
Townley, JudithReeder, Henry (m1)Jul. 7, 1767Reno
Travers, NicholasShemwell, MaryMar. 4, 1812county court record
Travers, Thomas A.Neale, Alice R.Sep. 24, 1799county court record
Travers, WilliamHarding, SallyJul. 30, 1795county court record
Travus (Travis), NicholasShamell, MaryMar. 4, 1812county court record
Trippe, HenryBowling, Susannabef 1727Fresco
Trippy, William???, Mary (m1)bef. 1711SMC Adm. Accts.
True, AnnTippett, ThomasJul. 24, 1819county court record
True, JamesThompson, AnnFeb. 23, 1811county court record
True, JohnThompson, JaneJan. 10, 1814county court record
True, Joseph E.Suit, SarahApr. 27, 1807county court record
True, PriscillaDavis, Williambef. 1690 in CCReno
Truman, Jane (d/ Thomas Truman and Sarah Briscoe)Smoot, Barton Jr (m1)1733-1734Reno
Truman, MarthaGreenfield, Thomasbef. 1700Reno
Tubman, ElizabethThomas, WilliamAug. 05, 1816county court record
Tubman, Richard Jr.Smallwood, Anna of CC (d/ James Jr. & Ann)abt 1770Jesuit Missions
Tucker, HenryEvans, Susannabef 1732Reno
Tucker, Joseph (m1)Drury, Francesbabt. 1768Reno
Tucker, Joseph (m2)???, Jane (wid/ John Laytonbef 1813Reno
Tucker, Mrs. Rose (wid)Gerard, Thomas Dr. (m2)aft. 1671Fresco
Tucker, RebeccaWarren, Thomasby 1738Fresco
Tucker, SarahMaunders, Wilkesbef. 1688Fresco
Tucker, Sarah (d/ Rose Gerrard Tucker)Fitzhugh, William1674 in VAReno
Tue, Restituta (m1)Hollis, JohnJun. 2, 1639MD Archives
Tue, Restituta (m2)Steel, Matthewby 1678Fresco
Turberville, George of VALee, Martha (d/ Richard ) (m1)bef. 1744Reno
Turberville, GilbertPierce, Mrs. Lydia (wid/ Thomas)bef 1675Reno
Turberville, Payne???, Ann (wid/ Robt. Taylor) (m2)bef. May, 1698Reno
Turling, John???, Sarah (wid/ John Cartwright) (m2)bef. 1671Reno
Turnbull, James???, Margaretbef 1764St. Andrew's EC
Turner, CharlesAlvey, TeresaJan. 23, 1811Reno
Turner, EdwardCooke, Margaret A.Nov. 14, 1810county court record
Turner, Edward (s/ Arthur Turner of CC and his second wife, Mary) (m1)???, Elizabethbef. 1671 in CCReno
Turner, Edward (s/ Arthur Turner of CC and his second wife, Mary) (m2)Smith, Mary (d/ Alexander Smith & Mary of CC)(m1)bef. 1710Reno
Turner, EleanorTurner, HezekiahDec. 31, 1794county court record
Turner, ElizabethMonroe, Thomas J. C.Jan. 28, 1812county court record
Turner, ElizabethGray, JohnNov. 27, 1783St. Andrew's EC
Turner, Elizabeth (d/ Edward)Slye, Clement (s/ George & Hannah ???)(neph/ Robt. Slye)bef. 1693Chron. Vol. 29, No 6
Turner, HarrietMaddox, JohnJan. 11, 1819county court record
Turner, HenryMaddox, EleanorDec. 05, 1797county court record
Turner, HezekiahTurner, EleanorDec. 31, 1794county court record
Turner, JamesThornton, PriscillaFeb. 17, 1818county court record
Turner, JamesThornton, Priscilla (d/ Vincent Thornton)Feb. 17, 1818St. Andrew's EC
Turner, JaneSweeney, WilliamDec. 16, 1799county court record
Turner, JesseJordan, MargaretMar. 14, 1812county court record
Turner, MaryMattingly, WilliamDec. 27, 1799county court record
Turner, MaryHolton, William (m2)bef 1787Jesuit Missions
Turner, Mary (d/ Thomas Turner & Emma Langworth)Pile, Joseph Col. (s/ John & Sarah Jarboe)bef 1658Reno
Turner, MonicaGardiner, Luke Jr (m1)1682Reno
Turner, PhilipBond, Elizabeth B.Aug. 31, 1815county court record
Turner, Samuel (s/ Edward Turner & Elizabeth ???)Dent, Lydia (d/ John Dent and Mary Hatch)bef 1701Reno
Turner, ThomasCoad, MaryNov. 18, 1800county court record
Turner, ThomasLangworth, Emma (m2)May, 2, 1661Reno
Turner, ThomasMattingly, Judithbef. 1664 in VAReno
Turner, William CC (s/ Samuel Turner & Margaret Montgomery )Allstan, Elizabeth (m1)bef 1783Reno
Turpine, ElizabethMoy, Richardby 1669Fresco
Tuttle, Ann ElizabethPlater, Judge John Rousby (s/ gov. George)by 1795Reno
Tuttle, Peter???, Mary (m1)bef 1731Skinner
Twisden, William???, Levinabef. 1711SMC Adm. Accts.
Tybells, James TheobaldGriffin, MaryJan. 13, 1783St. Andrew's EC
Tyler, AliceRead, Georgeby 1660Reno
Tyler, JohnFerrell, SusannaMar. 27, 1818county court record
Tyler, Robert???, Joan (m2)by 1675Reno
Tyler, ThomasBright, DorothyJan. 28, 1803county court record
Tyson, RebeccaHilton, HenryJan. 14, 1804county court record

Authored and contributed by Marcella Jehl Dawson, Houston, Texas

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This page was last updated 01/18/2024