1637-1799 Land Tract Owners by Tract Name - Sources
Archives of Maryland Online, pages as noted
Archives of Maryland Online, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1665-66
Baldwin, Jane. The Maryland Calendar of Wills, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, 1997
Chronicles of St. Mary's, St. Mary's County Historical Society, Leonardtown, MD; volume and page as noted
"St. Mary's County Rent Roll, 1707", Chronicles of St. Mary's, St. Mary's County Historical Society, Leonardtown, MD, Vol. 25, No. 1
Coldham, Peter Wilson. Settlers of Maryland 1731-1750, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD, 1996
Coldham, Peter Wilson. Settlers of Maryland 1751-1765, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD, 1996
Coldham, Peter Wilson. Settlers of Maryland 1766-1783, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD, 1996
Fenwick, Charles E, Sr.. "A List of Alienations and Transfers in St. Mary's County from the Sixth day of June, 1786 to the Seventh day
of March, 1829", Chronicles of St. Mary's, 1970-1984 (included in each issue)
Jennings, Tom, Baltimore, Maryland, via e-mail
Himmelheber, Peter, "The Soil Stiff and Poor, St. Mary's County's Proprietary Manors ", Leonardtown, MD, August 1999
Himmelheber, Peter, "Papist Lands in St. Mary's County Anno 1760", Chronicles of St. Mary's Vol. 49, No.1
Himmelheber, Peter, "St. Johns to St. Josephs 1653-2001", Leonardtown, MD, July 2001
Himmelheber, Peter, "Communion of Saints: Original Land Grants on the Northeast Side of Bretons Bay", Leonardtown, MD, April, 2002
Reno, Linda Davis. Debt Books of St. Mary's County, Maryland 1753-1758, St. Mary's County Historical Society, Leonardtown, MD 1995
Reno, Linda Davis. St. Mary's County Patent Records 1635-1946. Transcribed and Indexed for the St. Mary's County Historical Society, 1995
Reno, Linda Davis and Joann Ellis Humphries. St. Mary's County, Maryland, Wills 1776-1791 JJ#1 and HH#1
Reno, Linda Davis and Joann Ellis Humphries. St. Mary's County, Maryland, Wills 1791-1802 JJ#2
St. Mary's County, Maryland Rent Rolls, 1639-1771, TLC Genealogy, Miami Beach, FL, 1993