St. Mary's County

1637-1799 Land Tract Owners by Tract Name - Q

Tract Name Year Name Acres Source Hundred
Q name1760Gough, James50Papist Lands
Q Name1760Shercliffe, John100Papist Lands
Quainton1668Ward, Andrew100Patent RecordsChaptico
Quainton1753Ward, William100SMC Debt BooksChaptico
Quantico1730Brooke, Thomas100Will, Brooke, Thomas,Prince George's Co.,16th Nov., 1730; 25th Jan., 1730-31
Quantico1730Brooke, Baker and Thomas;Brooke, Walter and Richard100Will, Brooke, Thomas,Prince George's Co.,16th Nov., 1730; 25th Jan., 1730-31
Quarter of James Biscoe1796Somerville, William450Alienations and Transfers
Quarter of James Biscoe1796Mattingly, Eleanor450Alienations and Transfers
Quick Sale1666Boage, John400Patent Records
Quick Sale1666Street, Francis400Patent Records

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This page was last updated 01/18/2024