Charles Wilson Peale, an American painter, was
born in Chestertown, Kent county, April 16, 1741. He was by trade a saddler,
but, having an almost universal genius, he followed at different times the
occupations of watch and clock maker, silversmith, preserver of animals,
dentist, and public lecturer.
He received instruction in the art of
painting from Hesselius, a German, to whom he gave a saddle for the privilege of
seeing him paint.
Peale made for himself a violin and a guitar, and was
the first dentist in America who prepared sets of enamel teeth. In all these
arts he was chiefly self-taught.
By the aid of friends, he went to
London in 1770, and was a pupil of the renowned Benjamin West. Returning to
America, he established himself first in Annapolis, but afterwards settled in
Philadelphia, where for many years he was the chief portrait-painter in North
Mr. Peale was a patriot, and commanded a company in the battles
of Trenton and Germantown. He was opposed to slavery, and, as a member of the
legislature of Pennsylvania, urged the passage of an emancipation act.
1785 he commenced in Philadelphia the celebrated Peale's Museum, which for many
years was the largest and most valuable collection of natural curiosities in the
United States. The principal attraction was an entire skeleton of a mammoth. He
also established a museum in Baltimore. Mr. Peale died, after a life of
extraordinary exertion and temperance, in 1827, aged eighty-five years. His son
Rembrandt was an artist of great merit.
Contributed 2024 Dec 2 by Norma Hass, extracted from 1866 The History of Maryland by E. Allen and L. VanBokkelen, pages 158-159.
Kent County is the second in the tier of Eastern Shore counties; has an area
of 313 square miles, and is bounded on the east by Delaware, and is a peninsula
lying between the Sassafras River on the north, separating it from Cecil County,
the Chesapeake Bay on the west, and the Chester River on south and south-east,
separating it from Queen Anne's County.
The first settlement of the
county was made by William Clayborne and a Protestant colony from Virginia, with
Rev. Richard James of the Church of England, Rector. The settlement was
organized and represented by Captain Nicholas Martin, in the Legislature of
Virginia, several years before the charter of Maryland was granted to Lord
Baltimore. The first county seat was the " Towne on Kent Island;" the second was
New Yarmouth, on Gray's Inn Creek, where the first session of the County Court
was held 22d June, 1686.
The county is level though not very low, and
sufficiently rolling to be well drained by many creeks flowing into its border
rivers and the Bay. The soil is mostly a light friable clayey loam, very easily
improved and productive. Wheat, oats and corn, and every variety of vegetables,
grow abundantly. The farms are very fine where attended with any care, and
nearly every farm has its orchard of hundreds, and in some instances, thousands
of peach trees, producing immense crops of this delicious fruit, which are taken
to market by the Sassafras and Chester River steamers, which run daily most of
the year. Several single peach orchards in the county yield sufficient to employ
one steamer in the fruit season. Other fruits grow well where cultivated.
Kent has abundance of fine fishing, and on the Bay shore and in Chester
River inexhaustible oyster beds, which give employment to a large portion of the
population, and during the season is generally surrounded by flocks of thousands
of wild ducks, swans, &c, which also afford fine game and much profit to many
persons. The productions are wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, wool, hay, live stock,
and orchard products. The Kent County & Smyrna & Delaware Railroad, and the
Chester and Sassafras Rivers, offer every facility for freight and travel during
all seasons of the year.
Kent County has given to Maryland many of her
ablest and most distinguished citizens, among whom may be mentioned, with pride.
Captain Robert Vaughan, Colonel Hans Hanson, Thomas Ringgold, merchant; Colonel
Isaac Perkins, Judge Ezekiel Forman Chambers, and Hon. James Alfred Pearce. In
the city of Baltimore old Kent is now worthily represented by Hon. S. Teackle
Wallis, at the bar, and by the eminent merchant, Mr. James Hodges, in commercial
and financial circles.
Judges Second Judicial Circuit — Hon. John M.
Robinson, Chief Judge; Hon. Joseph A. Wickes and Hon. Frederick Stump, Associate
Judges. Commissioners of Court — John N. Collins and Eben F. Perkins. Auditor —
Hon. Geo. Vickers. Bailiffs — Michael M. Glenn, John W. Carroll, and George W.
Adkinson. Clerk to Court — David C. Blackiston, Chestertown. Clerks — H. C.
Chase and S. H. Blackiston. Crier — B. B. Wroth. Sheriff — Charles H. Davis,
Chestertown. States Attorney — U. W. Vickers, Chestertown. Judges of Orphan's
Court — Thomas J. Shallcross, Robert Nicholson and Bennett R. Willson. Register
of Wills — William Stevens, Chestertown. Deputy — Harry Rickey. County
Commissioners — Thomas P. Dixon, T. R. Strong, George W. Davis, James R Jones,
and Wm. V. Lucas. School Commissioners — Sewell Hepbron, R. W. Jones, and
Cornelius J. Scott. Secretary and Examiner — Eben F. Perkins. Trustees of
Almshouse — Q. W. T. Perkins, Jacob Highley, and Dr. James H. Price. Overseer —
Joshua Copper. Physician — Dr. Alfred Perkins. Register of Voters — James P.
Mason, Leonard A. Pennington, Thomas K. Kennard, Edward T. Willis, and Samuel G.
Fisher. Constables — Joseph G. Smith, G. W. Jacoby, John N. Dood, James A.
Russell, Calvin E. Allen, Joshua Meekins, and Harry E. Cooper. Tax Collectors —
Richard H. Corbaley, Frisby H. Boulden, James A. Shaw, Geo. T. Williams, and
Charles G. Strong. Justices of the Peace — Wm. J. Blackiston, Wm. H. Miller, Wm.
Medders, Daniel N. Dewees, James H. Cohee, Daniel B. Neall, J. Evan Thomas,
Arthur B. Wheatley, Robert W. Calder and Samuel Brannock. Coroners — Thomas P.
Davis, T. Benton Sutton, Robert L. Wilton, John Bordley, and Samuel W. Caleb.
Notary Public — John W. Hines. Congressman First District — Hon. Daniel M.
Henry. State Senator — Hon. Wm. T. Hepbron. Members House of Delegates — Geo. W.
Spencer and Geo. H. Thompson. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the
Court House at Chestertown, the county seat: Law Terms —3d Monday in April and
October. Chancery Terms — 3d. Monday in January and 2d Monday in July.
Population of County — White, 10,370; colored, 7,300. Registered to Vote —
3,800. Assessed Value of Personal, Real, Stocks and Railroad Property —
$7,488,452. State and County Tax 99 cents on the $100.
The county seat, is the third county seat since its settlement in 1627-8, and
organization in 1642. In 1706 Chestertown, (called the Town of Chester,) was
laid off upon a tract of land, containing one hundred acres, "on a plantation of
Mr. Joce's," but languished until 1730, when an impetus was given by increasing
traffic and a growing population. Being a port of entry, its foreign trade was
extensive and very remunerative. Large warehouses were built, and elegant and
commodious residences were erected by its wealthy inhabitants. It soon became
the fashionable centre of a highly cultivated and refined circle. In 1752 it
boasted a handsome Town Hall and a convenient Theatre, and was inferior to no
provincial town on the continent in intellectual culture and commercial
The trade of the town now is largely dependent upon the
natural products, fruit, grain and vegetables, of the well cultivated and
productive lands of the county. Manufactories of agricultural implements,
carriages and iron-ware, are already successfully established; but there remains
a good opening and wide field for many branches of skilled labor and enterprise.
As a place of residence and business, Chestertown proposes many
advantages. It is beautifully situated on the right bank of Chester River, about
60 miles by water from Baltimore, and is distant about 90 miles by rail from
Philadelphia. It is, therefore, within easy reach of either city, and can avail
itself of the markets of both. The market of Chestertown is well supplied with
butcher's meats, of every kind, poultry, fish, game and oysters, and, in their
season, with an abundance of the best fruits and vegetables.
inhabitants are kind, generous, hospitable, and are well provided with
comfortable places of public worship, and the means for the proper education of
their children.
The schools in town, public and private, are very good,
and afford every facility for the acquisition of a solid education in all the
important English branches. Near town, within a walk of five minutes, is the
venerable Washington College, founded in 1783, presided over by a learned
faculty, and capable of imparting a thorough collegiate education; covering a
commanding eminence near, is Chester Cemetery, a beautiful burial place for the
Population 2,000. John W. Collins, Postmaster.
and Pastors — P. E., (St. Paul's), Rev. Stephen C. Roberts; M. P., Rev. J. B.
Jones; M. E., Rev. Wm. H. Hutchin; Roman Catholic, Rev. Father G. S. Bradford,
and M. E., (colored.)
Benevolent Societies — A. F & A. M. — Chester 115.
I. O. O. F. — Amicable 117. S. of T. — Chester Division 29.
Commissioners — Levi Fiddis, President, Thomas D. C. Ruth, John L. Ringgold,
Thomas Lee, James W. Lambert, Charles H. Davis and Wm. Conyer; Secretary, John
W. Palmer.
Agent — Insurance.
Bell, John
Agent — R. R. and Express.
Fleming, B F
Agent — Real Estate.
Westcott, C T
Agricultural Implements.
Bell, John
Hines & Co
Attorneys at Law.
Baker, C H
Hanson, Geo A
Hines & Smith
Hynson, Richard
Pearce, James A
Perkins, Eben F
Slay, Wm M
Vickers, Geo
Vickers, H W
Westcott, C T
Bakers and Confectioners.
Burgess, Vachel
Corkran, Mrs Annie
Gruber, Mrs Dorothea
Hudgins, Washington
Maul, Ruth
Jones, John
Woolford, R M
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Adkinson, Geo C
Chapman & Lambert
Cox, Daniel
Deford, Henry S
Parks, Washington
Wood, J S
Books and Stationery.
Stam, Colin F
Boots and Shoes.
Bennett, Geo H
Breidner, Joseph
Conyer, Wm
Fiddis, John A
Piddis, Levi
Melvin, Wm S
Thompson, Joseph H
Coleman, J
Gardner, B H
Brice, James
Thompson, Robert
Usilton, Richard L
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Dodd, John M
Pippen, R K
Rockwell, A H
Carrlage and Wagonmakers.
Chapman & Lambert
Lambert, Geo E
Clothing and Gent's Goods.
Bordley, Thomas S
Connelly & Co
Merritt, Sam'l
Schwartz, A
Dodd, John M
Russell, James, A
Stam, Colin F
Wickes, T W
Dry Goods and Notions.
Burgess, Vachel
Melvin, Mrs Ellen N
Rose, Joseph
Sparks, M L
Floor and Feed.
Fowler, L S
Shaw, James A
Smith, S Franklin
General Merchandise.
Bradley, James S
Burchinal, J B
Cahall, A J
Eliason, T W Jr
Elliott, T B
Parks, W W & Sons
Sappington, J B
Simpers, J H & Bro
Smith, John
Smith, S Franklin
Thompson, Wm C A
Vandyke, James M
Westcott, N G
Wickes, Thos S
Grains, Coal and Fertilizers.
Bell, John
Eliason, T W Jr
Fleming, B F
Foard, Sam'l B
Hines & Co
Hubbard Bros
Perkins, William
Groceries and Provisions.
Bell, John
Carroll, S A
Ellis, Thos
Hudgins, J G
Ming, Alonzo
Shaw, James A
Smith, A M
Wheatley Bros
Wood, James
Aldridge, J K
Foard, Sam'l B
Hines & Co
Harness and Saddles.
Copper, W W
Edwards, Joseph W
Howard, John F
Hall's, John Hall
Voshell, J C Voshell
Justices of the Peace.
Johnson, C W C
Thomas, J Evan
Wheatley, Arthur B
Livery Stables.
Rasin, John W
Rasin, S B
Marble Worker.
Register, Wilson
Whaland, Thos H
Millinery and Dressmaking
Benjamin, Mary R
Davis, Mrs L J
Fiddis, C R
Frazier, S M
Lambert Sisters
Parks, M M & Sister
Usilton, Mrs H
Davis, Chas H
Howard, Asbury
Sutton, Thos
Hines, W Frank
Holton, T S
Houston, B F
Meteer, W H
Perkins, Geo T
Perkins, Jas A
Whaland, T H & Son
Gormon, S & Bro
Lynch, John
Armstrong, John
Perkins, Wm
Sewing Machlnes.
Melvin, Willard
Stoves and Tinware.
Aldridge, J K
Watches and Jewelry.
Fiddis, Andrew J
Lucas, C M
Willis, E T
Is 2 1/2 miles north of Crumpton on the Chester River, 2 1/2 south of Lampson's on the Kent Co. R R., and 10 east of Chestertown; climate mild, village healthy; not much business done; crops generally good; land, clay subsoil, well improved, nearly all cleared, can be bought at from $20 to $80 per acre and produces 10 to 18 bus. wheat, 20 to 30 corn and 2 tons hay; has good buildings and excellent water. M. E. Church, (Asbury,) Rev. Chas. K. Morris; M. E. South, (Emmanuel,) Rev. T. W. Brown; Roman Catholic, (St. Dennis,) Rev. Father Bradford. Public and private schools. Population 80. H. C. Layman, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Davis, Joshua
Hart, John A
Jarman, T G
Robinson, Geo
Schwatka, John A
Mann, Samuel
Meredith, E
Medders, Albert
General Merchandise.
Layman, H C
Templeman, Ella
Carey, James
Nowland, E F
Porter, J W
Is 6 miles from Fairlee on the Kent Co. R. R; village healthy; business, crops and land good; the land is worth from $40 to $60 per acre, and yields 23 bus. wheat, 35 corn and 1 ton hay. M. P. (Wesley Chapel,) Rev. Chas. Thompson; P. E., (St. Paul's,) Rev. S. S. Hepbron. Several public schools. Population 75. H. H. Gresham, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Casey, Geo
Harris, Robert
Schnapp, John
Wagner, Wm
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Derickson, D R
Kendall, Arthur
Leary, Geo
Burgess, Sam'l & Bro
Strong, T R & Bro
General Merchandise.
Adkisson, B B
Burgess, Sam'l & Bro
Gresham, H H
Strong, E R & Bro
Strong T R & Bro
Van Lear, J Wilmer
Connolly, Owen
Millinery and Dressmaking.
Legg, Mrs Moses
Shinn, Mrs R
Fisher, S G
Willson, T B
Winchester, B T
Bennett, S S
Shinn, R
Gresham, H H
Is 3 miles from Nicholson on the Kent Co. R. R.; village healthy; land good, mostly cleared, can be bought at $30 per acre, and yields 15 bus. wheat, 25 corn and 1 ton hay. Salem M. E. Church and public schools. Population 75. J. A. Greenwood, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Fogwell, James W
Schwearer, J A
Slotkey, David
Dowling, James
Dowling, Thos
Kendall, James
Keyser, W E
General Merchandise.
Boardley, T B
Greenwood, M M
Payne, W J
Rogers, J S
Hurlock, Chas
Noland, G E
Is 1 1/4 miles south of Georgetown on the Sassafras River, 2 1/2 from Lambson's on the Kent Co. R. R. and 16 N. E. of Chestertown. At Georgetown a heavy grain and produce business is carried on between Baltimore and Philadelphia. The climate is mild and healthy. Business and crops good. Land is fine quality, and commands from $20 to $100 per acre, is well cleared and has all the facilities of the markets of Baltimore, New York and Philadelphia. Good schools, churches and plenty of good water. Land produces from 15 to 40 bus. wheat, 35 to 65 corn, 40 to 120 oats, 40 to 200 potatoes and 2 tons hay. P. E. Church, Rev. Mr. Martin; M. E., Rev. Charles Morris; M. P., Rev. R. S. Rowa A well conducted female seminary. Miss E. L. Benny, principal; one public school. Population 450. Wm Rodgers, Postmaster.
Agrlcultural Implements.
Hyland, Wm A & Co
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrlghts.
Cristfield & Solloway
Hicks, James
Hyland, Wm A
Jacoby, G W
Miller, Robert
Vansant, Joshua
Williams, George
Voshell, D
Cristfield, O B
Dillehunt, George
Hodgkins, John
Ruth, Asbury
Smith, John P
Solloway, Thomas
Taylor, Collin F
Williams, Vansant & Briscoe
Benny, Mrs M L
Dickinson, Dr. A H
Ireland, Joseph P
Foundry and Machlnlst.
Hyland, Wm A & Co
General Merchandise.
Horsey, Thos H
Jones, J C
Lane, E & Son
McCauley, George T
Peaoock, Jeremiah
Whitaker, W A
Woodall, J F M
Grain and Fertilizers.
Woodall, Andrew
Parr, Henry
Pennington, Wm H
Livery Stables.
Walls, J W
Anthony, A & B M
Sparks, C H J
Cristfield, Kate
Hunt, Mrs M L
Redding, Mrs S J
Sappington, Mrs S A
Dunlap, E W
Armstrong, John M
Cahill, Thomas
Dulaney, J L
Latimer, J W
Peddicord, John
Tyson, George
Steel, George & Son
Sybold, G W
Walls, G W
Dunlap, J
Stewart, A
Stoves and Tinware.
Knighton, R E
Myer, Christopher
Is 2 1/2 miles from Worton on the Kent Co. R. R. Land medium, principally cleared, varies in value from $20 to $40 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 corn and 2 tons hay. M. P. Church, (St. Jambs,) Rev. J. B. Jones. Public school. Hope Grange 13, P. of H., E. P. Janvier, Master; R. G. Nicholson, Sec'y. Population 50. A. L. Vannort, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrlghts.
Deale, Geo F
Henry, Joseph A
O'Meara, A
Taylor, James S
Warren, Wm H
General Merchandlse.
Beacham, Wm H
Beck, O P
Fountain, C A
Liberman, N
Vannort, A L
Beck, S
Is 5 1/2 miles from Chestertown; location healthy, business and land good; land principally cleared, is valued at from $20 to $75 per acre, and yields 15 bus. wheat, 30 corn, 2 tons hay. M. E. Church, (Hynson's,) M. P., (Kesley.) Public schools near. Population 50. George Beck, Postmaster.
Brickner, B
Wabert, J F
Fletcher, J
Jones, G R
General Merchandise.
Beck, Geo
Strong, E H
Beck, B F Jr
Connelly, Owen
Price, J H
Harden E
Is 1 1/2 miles from Black's on the Kent County R. R. Location healthy; business fair; soil, clay loam. Land is worth $50 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 40 corn, and 2 tons hay. M. E. and P. E. Churches; two schools. Population 65. Robert Comly, Postmaster.
Agent - R. R.
Graves, L C
Agrlcultural Implements.
Jones, C B
Blacksmiths and 'Wbeelwrlglits.
Anderson, E
Collins, Amos
Kelly, Wm H
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Hall, Geo F
Sutton, T B
Beasten, Geo M
Jones, C B
General Merchandlse.
Beasten, Geo M
Hayes, O
Sparks, C H J
Sparks, B F
Roseberry, B S
Faulkner, E
Is on the Kent Co. R R, 6 miles from Chestertown. The location is healthy, and claimed to be the garden spot of the county. Land, mostly cleared land well improved, is worth $35 to $75 per acre; produces 20 to 30 bus. wheat and good crops of all other farm products. Churches and schools near. Population 75. Wm. Hepbron, Postmaster.
Blacksmlths and Wheelwrlghts.
Kennard, Moses
Rodenhiser, G W
General Merchandise.
Covington, G W
Grain Dealer.
Hepbron, William
Dulaney, W B
Rankin, Wm
Cole, L
Stock Dealer.
Usilton, S S
Is at the junction of the Queen Anne & Kent R. R, and Kent County R R., 16 miles east of Chestertown and 5 from Wilson's Point on the Sassafras River. Village healthy; business, crops and land good. The land is principally cleared, commands from $35 to $100 per acre, and yields 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 40 to 100 oats, 40 to 60 corn, and 2 tons hay. Market facilities and excellent water. P. E. Church, (St. Clement's,) Rev. J. N. Watson. Public school. Population 129. C. H. J. Sparks, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Bates, David L
Day, J W
Hall, John T
Maslin, H
Comberford, James
Ireland, Geo A.
Dodge, F S
General Merchandise.
Davis, J M & Co
Ireland, Geo A
Smith, C H
Grain Dealers.
Bean & Foard
Boulden, Rosby J
Scotten, W H
Wallen, Alex
Peach Grower.
Massey, Dr C H B
Massey, C H B
Is pleasantly situated at the head of Chester River and on the Q. A. & Kent Co. R R, near the Queen Anne's County Line. The location is in the midst of a fine agricultural section, and surrounded with some of the largest peach orchards in the State. Business and crops good. The land is fertile and plenty for sale, at an average of $50 per acre, according to location and improvements; produces 15 to 35 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 80 potatoes and 20 to 75 corn. The Chester River and Queen Anne's & Kent Co. Railroads afford ample facilities at all seasons of the year to the markets of Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Public schools for both whites and colored. M. E. Church, Rev. W. W. Warner; M. E. South, Rev. Mr. Brown; P. E. Rev. T. Newton Watson; M. E., (colored.) A. F. & A. M. Eureka 98. K. of P. Millington 72. Population 1,000. Thomas Numbers, Postmaster.
Agent - Express.
Greenwood, F H
Agent - Rallroad.
Webb, S D
Agent - Real Estate.
Thomas, John H
Hammond, Henry
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Caulk, Moses
Cole, L F
Jones, Clayton
Loper, C P
Moore, J C
Boots and Shoes.
Blackiston, S L
Cecil, T L
Painter, Henry
Skaggs, W
Bricklayers and Plasterers.
Poor, Richard
Poor, W H
Ross, Frank
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Austin, W B
Blackiston, Geo
Duling, John W
Peacock, Caleb T
Peacock Com B
Quimby, T R
Racer, Isaac
Edwards, James A
Smith Joseph
Pennington, Saml
Hurtt, Mrs E A
Gooding, Frank M
Fruit Dealers and Driers.
Hayle & Johnson
Hurtt, J H
Merritt, W S
General Merchandise.
Cole, Saml W
Greenwood, Frank H
Hacket, G B
Johnson, John C
McWhorter. Thos J
Sherwood, W T
Turbit, Mrs Mary E
Painter & Bros
Willis, James
Justice of the Peace.
Blackiston, W J
Jarman, J W
Blackiston, Mrs Mary E
Merritt, Mrs A J
Townsend, G C
Clark, E G
Crane, Thos H
Power, E J
Brown, Arthur
Bottomly, John
Bostic, John
Clow, Caleb
Clow, Moses
Johnson, James
Saw Mill.
Hyrons, John
Stoves and Tinware.
Green, W S
Chase, Jacob
Woolen Manufacturers.
Mallalieu & Bro
Is 16 miles from Chestertown and near Grey's inn Creek, a tributary of the Chester River; location healthy; business principally oystering and fishing; land medium, all cleared, is valued at $30 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 80 potatoes and 40 corn. Crops are generally good. M. E. Church, (Rock Hall;) P. E., (St. Paul's;) M. P., (Wesley Chapel,) and M. E., (colored.) Public schools. K. of P. Chesapeake 68. Population 175. Jas. Downey, Postmaster.
Ayres, Wesley
Colman, W W
Davis, James
Dickinson, John Jr
Durding, B F
Hersch, John
Hynson, James
Hynson, John
Jolly, H
Judifind, John
Stevens, Wesley
Leary, J F
General Merchandise.
Alexander, A
Casey, A
Downey, James
Leary, C A & Bro
Robinson, John
Stevens, W
Wickes, S J & Co
Wilkins, B J
Thompson, Geo H
Wagoner, Wm
Connelly, Owen
Fisher, S G
Willson, T B
Saw Mill.
Leary, Geo E
Is at the head of Sassafras River, 1 1/2 miles from Fox Hole, the shipping point, and 3 from Vandykes on the Queen Anne & Kent R R. Climate and crops good; market facilities and excellent water; village healthy; not much business done. Land well cleared, commands from $25 to $100 per acre, and produces 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 40 to 100 oats and 40 to 60 corn. M. E. and M. P. Churches; public school. Population 200. Thomas P. Davis, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Hall, James S
Hill, Henry
McIntyre, J
Price, John V
Tarbutton, Geo R
Townsend, James
Davis, Thos P
General Merchandise.
Davis, Thos P
Earnest, John F
Pryor, James L
Townsend, Robt J
Nickerson, Wm
Dreka, Augusta
Kennedy, Geo
Millinery and Dressmaking.
Clift, Mrs Lizzie
Johnson, Miss 8 A
Redgraves, Mrs W B
Stevens, Miss R
Carroll, J S
Tarbutton, Wm E
Brown, James A
Neal, Ebenezer
Redgraves, Wm B
Is 1 1/2 miles from Still Pond Station on the Kent Co. R. R., and near Betterton, the shipping point on the Sassafras River. Village healthy, business, crops and land good; the land is principally cleared, is valued at $40 per acre, and yields 20 bus. wheat, 25 oats, 100 potatoes and 30 corn. M. E. Church, Rev. J. B. Newman; M. E., (colored,) Rev. A. Lowber. Two public schools, one colored. Fairlee Grange 8, P. of H., J. W. Corey, Master; Thos. A. Hulme, Sec'y. K. of P. Ivanhoe 57. Population 200. Mrs. G. L. Norris, Postmistress.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Hackett, A J
Hynson, N. T
Krusen. C B
Roeder, J O
Boots and Shoes.
Crosby, E
Thompson, J
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Creus, H L
Krusen, C B
Severson & Crosley
Covington, G W
Wroth, W F
General Merchandise.
Covington, G W
Harper, F H
Harper, G W
Parrott, J B
Lumber and Building Materials.
Turner & Bros
Maxwell & Son
Is on the Kent Co. R R 4 miles from Chestertown. Land, red clay and sand loam, mostly cleared, sells at from $30 to $100 per acre according to location and improvement; produces 20 to 30 bus. wheat, 40 to 50 corn, and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools convenient. Population 120. Geo. S. Fiddis, Postmaster.
Pote, James M
Bennett, John
Clatton, J
Getshall, Frank.
Usilton, Robert
General Merchandise.
Lucas, Wm V
Moffett, Geo M
Wright, John W
Beck, F
Thomas, Whaland
Dudley, John
Baker, James H
Biddle, David
Brown, C C
Burchinal, John C
Burchinal, Wm D
Byron, J M
Carville, H H
Catlin, Joseph
Catlin, Robert
Clements, Chas
Clements, J R
Copper, Joshua
Cordary, Isaac
Cosden, Joshua
DeCorse, J P
Dixon, TP
Eliason, Wilbur
Emory, R S
Ford, Wm
Groves, John A
Hadaway, John
Hall, J F
Hatcherson, B P
Hatcherson, Geo
Hatcherson, Jas P
Hendrickson, V
Hendrix Wm
Hossinger, J H
Hurlock, Wm
Hynson, A J
Hynson, Thos W
Joiner, B F
Jones, E B
Lamb, Wm
Leaverton, G H
Leaverton, J R
Lecatea, Stephen
Loud, John
Loud, Robert
Lusby, Josiah
Maslin, J C H
Massey, Josiah
Melvin, A W
Melvin. Mrs J
Mills, David
Morris, B
Morris, Jesse
Morris, Wm
Newman, W H
Parsons, T C
Pennell, Dell
Perkins, Dr Geo
Perkins, Isaac
Porter, J H
Reynolds, Isaac
Ringgold, Josiah
Ringgold, Josiah Jr
Scone, Capt Wm
Smith, Geo
Snitcher, Geo
Thomas, A T
Toulson, T W
Trew, Joseph
Trew, Philip
Trew, T B
Trew, Wm G
Tucker, T J
Usilton, John N
Walker, W S
Walraven, Elias
Watson, E J
Welch, Aaron
Wickes, Chas H
Wickes, Mrs Simon
Wilkins, E M
Wilkins, Col Edward
Wilmer, Thos S
Worrell, Dr F
Aldridge, S W
Burgess, Wm T
Caldwell, 8
Clements, A
Clements, David
Clements, Thomas
Comegys, N W
Cooper, E
Covey, Mrs E
Crossley, Risdon
England, Chas
Ford, Harriet
Foxwell, G
Grover, L
Hogdron, Jonathan
Hurlock, Edward
Hurlock, J S
Hurlock, J F
Hurtt, Alfred
Jarman, J W
Jarrell, Wm E
Jones, W T
Lockwood, R
Lusby, R J
Miller, Wm T
Moffet, J N
Moffet, Richard
Mulliken, Henry
Newman, John F
Pearson , R L
Pennington, Noble E
Pleasonton, E
Price, David K
Quimby, Benj D
Sanders, Wm E
Semley, John
Spencer, B
Spry, C W
Spry, Mrs Matilda A
Sutton, John C
Wallis, C L
Wallis, L
Woodall, E
Adkisson, B B
Baker, Wm T
Connolly, Owen
Derickson, D R
Fisher, S G
Gernell, Fred
Hudson, T A
Jones, R W
Ricaud, C G
Ringgold, T W
Rouse, Robert
Shinn, Wm
Smith, D A
Strong, T A
Van Lear J Wilmer
Wagner, Wm
Wheatley, J J
Wood, C C
Ambruster, J
Blake, Wm
Bramble, Henry
Caleb, Samuel
Corey, A L
Corey, J W
Crawford, Samuel
Dillhoefer, M
Fogwell, Otho
Francis, W P
French, J A
Hague, Thomas
Hudson, Walter
Hulme, T A
Johnson, Stephen
Jump, A B
Lamb, J T
Lewis, James
Meeks, Howard
Middleton, James
Morse, Mrs
Nicholson, J P
Overend, Wm
Rasin, Wm J
Rankin, James
Reason, Lewis
Reed, Noah
Remage, James
Roder, John
Shuster, Sam'l
Shuster, Sam'l Jr
Skinner, T W
Skinner, W S
Smyth, Richard
Sparks, Walter
Thomas, Lawrence
Voshell, N
Watts, W H
Armstrong, J Medford
Caldwell, Sam'l
Cristfield, Geo W
Cloak, Chas
Cooper, J
Davis, Morris T
Gooding, Eugene
Grey, Henry J
Hance, J B
Ireland, John W
Jervis, John
Jervis, D
Jervis, J
Kendall, W T
Kennard, Wm
Lane, Chas E
Lane, E
Lockwood, R
Lynch, T C
McCauley, B J
Miller, E E
Money, B M
Money, Wm
Morgan, Benj P
Mullen, A
Mullen, C
Mullen, P D
Myers, John
Pennington, T J
Quigley, Thos
Ross, W H
Scott, C J
Spencer, Hon Q W
Taylor, C F
Taylor, H F
Tayman, G M
Todd, Sam'l
Vandyke, James L
Vansant, J N
Vansant, Wm
Wilson, J S
Wilson, Wm
Woodall, Capt A
Woodall, Capt E B
Anderson, Wm T
Bacon, C
Beck, George R
Beck, James
Beck, S
Bowers, T L
Copper, John F
Corey, John W
Deihl, George S
Deihl, Theodore
Edwards, Joseph W
Fowler, George
Fowler, John
Fowler, Thomas
Gall, John
Gall, Thomas
Handy, L J
Hanes, Mary A
Hickman, A
Hurlock, A
Jefferson, Purnell
Long, Charles
Newcomb, James E
Nicholson, R G
Nicholson, Robert
Nicholson, Wm T
Nicka, F
Parsons, Isaac
Parsons, H I
Shuster, James
Skirven, James W
Skirven, John T
Smith. H P
Startt, John
Stephens, C W
Stephens, George R
Stephens, W C
Stephens, Wm W
Taylor, Wm A
Usilton, Joseph L
Usilton, Joseph R
Usilton, L
Vannort, A L
Vannort, S
Wright, S
Beck, B F
Beck, B F Jr
Beck, Geo
Beck, J L
Bennett, W R
Brice, John
Camp, B
Camp, H B
Connelly, Owen
Cosden, C
Langford, cont.
Cosden, S
Crew, J W
Davis, W H
Elbern, L J
Fletcher, J
Gale, Wm
Gilpin, J E
Jessop, G A
Jewell, G P
Jones, G R
Kendall, L A
Leaverton, G H
Maslin, J J
Maslin, Titus
Price, J H
Price, J W
Rasin, Joseph
Strong, E H
Tarbutton, W J
Taylor, J C
Thomas, A T
Vannort, W J
Vickers, T J
Wheatley, J C
Locust Grove.
Applebee, John T
Baker, Wm
Bolton, Geo
Bolton, Wm
Camp, Emory
Comly, Robert
Davis, Benj F
Davis, Wm
Fields, Wm
Grantlin, David
Graves, L C
Hayes, L H
Hendrickson, A
Hill, Chas S
Hill, Harry F
Hill, S J
Hurtt, James W
Jester, John
Joiner, Chas
Justice, L C
Kimble, Robt
Matthews, S
Matthews, Wm
Merritt, S A
Morgan, J W
Nowland, D J
Redgrave, John W
Redmiles, Thos
Ruthorn, J
Shallcross, R A
Shallcross, T J
Shallcross, Wm O
Spencer, Jervis
Staats, David
Sutton, Andrew J
Sutton, J C
Sutton, Joseph
Vansant, G R
Vansant, Wm
Vansant, Wm Jr
Wolfe, John
Wolfe, Nathaniel
Beck, J R
Biglow, Walter
Bowers, J L
Bowers, W H
Carter, W
Clark, J Z
Copper, T F
Crowding, J B
Miller, Jerry
Neal, D B
Neal, S R
Norris, J H
Norris, W P
Parsons, Thos
Roseberry, J A
Roseberry, J C
Skeggs, L
Sutton, Carrie
Toulson, J A
Venable, Joseph
Willis, T J
Benson, J A
Blackiston, David C
Blakeway, Wm
Boyer, Hon Stephen
Cace, C W
Cacy, Samuel
Cacy, Wm
Chase, C W
Corbley, Richard H
Donohoe, J
Donohoe, John
Donohoe, P
Edwards, J E
Gibbs, J
Hodgson, Jonathan
Hurlock, C S
Hurlock, L
Hurlock, Samuel
Hurlock, W J
Johnson, Col R C
Jones, Enoch
Maginnis, T C
Massey, Dr C H B
Massey, R B M
McFee, John
Miller, W T
Moffett, E
Moffett, John
Morris, E S
Price, John
Pugh, James
Spear, Jackson J
Richardson, S B
Barnes, Wm
Benson, John
Biggs, Hon B T
Cacy, C O
Cacy, Sam'l
Cacy, Wm
Comegys, C E
Crane, Dr Thos H
Daniels, Wm
Duling, Sam'l
Ford, W H
Hacket, John
Hart, John
Hendrickson, P
Hurlock, Sam'l
Hurlock, W J
Millington, cont.
Johnson, Benj
Johnson, R C
Jones, J R
Killip, John
Mallalieu & Bro
Massey, Dr C H B
Moffett, E J
Newman, John C
Pennington, Jas H
Price, Edgar
Price, John
Price, Thos R
Purnell, Henry
Russ, John
Russ, Lawrence
Shahan, Wm
Smith,T J F
Spayd, Jonah
Spear, Henry
Stevens, Clay
Stevens, J B
Turner, Edward J
Vansant, Benj
Vansant, N
Weedman, Leonard
Weist, Geo
Wilson, Wilmer
Rock Hall.
Boyle, R
Calder. R W
Colman, W H
Hutchinson, J P
Jones, David
Jones, R W
Leary, G E
Meridith, S G
Miller, Wm
Mitchell, C J B
Pearce, John
Porter, Wm J
Sappington, B H
Scone, Mrs Jas
Stevens, Wm
Urie, Henry
Wallace, A
Watkins, S W
Wickes, S A J
Wilkins, B J
Wilkins, E
Willson, Eugene
Willson, Frank
Willson, R B
Willson, R B Jr
Willson, W M
Barwick, John
Boyer, Wm
Brice, J C
Budd, H D
Caulk, B H F
Cochran, R R
Davidson, A
Foster, John G
Ginn, James
Griffith, Robert S
Griffith, Walter J
Hall, C T
Hessey, Chas
Jacobs, T A
Johns, Arthur
Jones, Enoch
Jones, F H
Loftland, Wm
Maginniss, B R
Money, J C
Peacock, Joseph W
Price, John H
Price, Thos
Sennickson, Joseph C
Statts, Mrs M A
Stewart, David
Vansant, J D
Watts, Samuel
Still Pond.
Barnard, N
Beck, Robert
Becks, J F
Bowers, J L
Bryan, Rev Mr
Clark, J Z
Clements, A
Clinton, J H
Cole, L
Creus, Dan'l
Creus, E D
Davis, G W
Davis, Sam'l
Gale, Geo
Grey & Bro
Harris, J S
Hepbron, L S
Hepbron, Miss M A E
Howard, J W
Jervis, Mrs
Jump, H T
Kelly, J H
Kennard, Dr T C
Maxwell, Dr W M A S
Moffett, Mr
Moffett, Mrs
Norris, J
Norris. W P
Parks, A
Parrott, G R
Parrott, J B
Price, H
Rasin, J C
Rasin, Thos
Rasin, Thos Jr
Raymond, Mr
Spry, G T
Stanly, W
Stavely, J R
Turner, R. T
Turner, R T Jr
Watts, W
Wilson, J P
Wilson, Mrs R
Wilson, Thos
Wroth, E
Crew, J L
Dwyer, John
Fowler, James
Jewell, Daniel
Massey, Henry
Parsons, Isaac
Plummer, Edward J
Porter, Joseph H
Contributed 2024 Dec 2 by Norma Hass, extracted from 1877 The Maryland Directory published by J. Frank Lewis & Company, pages 363-382.
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