Equity Court Abstracts

Book TG-4 - 1867-1878

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Ruth GROVE & h/ Samuel GROVE vs Vachel B. TODD & Others - Sep 1867 Benjamin TODD d/ 13 Dec 1866, intestate, in Ridgeville, Carroll County widow - Ruth (MERCER) (2nd wife, married in Apr 1866) (Ruth married Samuel GROVE in the summer of 1867) s/ Jesse P. TODD (claimed to be illegitimate by 2nd wife) ....w/ Harriet M. (HAMMOND) .......Benjamin Hammond TODD, a minor .......Jesse Edwin TODD, a minor bro/ Charles W. TODD - Illinois? bro/ Vachel B. TODD & w/ Margaret - Illinois bro/ Samuel TODD sis/ Lucy TODD w/o Samuel BRENGLE, both dec'd .....Charles BRENGLE - Cumberland, Allegany Co, MD .....Vachel BRENGLE - Pennsylvania .....Mary BRENGLE w/o J. K. HALLUM - Iowa .....Susan BRENGLE w/o J. ADAMS - Cumberland, Allegany Co, MD .....Margaret BRENGLE w/o Vachel ______ - Illinois .....Sarah BRENGLE w/o J. BUXTON/BURTON - Carroll Co, MD .....Ellen BRENGLE w/o Upton BROWN - Illinois .....Elizabeth BRENGLE - address unknown sis/ Mary E. TODD w/o Peter DAVIS - Carroll Co, MD bro/ Alexander TODD, dec'd (all children live out of state) .....Ira A. TODD - Pennsylvania .....Rachel R. TODD w/o J. TUCKER - Illinois .....Ann Janette TODD - Illinois .....Margaret A. TODD w/o James F. THOMPSON - Illinois .....Susan C. TODD w/o Henry JOHNSON .....Benjamin W. TODD - Illinois .....Martha A. TODD w/o Hilliary CROWELL - Illinois sis/ Mary (TODD) BROWN, dec'd .....James H. BROWN - Anne Arundel Co, MD Value of estate estimated to be $150,000 with 2,000 acres of real estate. In the few months of illness before Benjamin's death, his brother Vachel B. TODD came from Illinois to visit and assist his brother. During that time, Vachel took government bonds and other valuable items and convinced his brother and Ruth to convey 1,318 acres of land [JWLC-4, 510] to Benjamin Hammond TODD and Jesse Edwin TODD, the children of an illegitimate son of Benjamin TODD, dec'd; in return the widow would receive bonds in lieu of her dower. After her husband died, she discovered all the government bonds had been taken, amounting to $50,000; Vachel returned to Illinois with all of the bonds. Vachel B. TODD responded the widow married Benjamin TODD in the spring of 1866, then known as Ruth MERCER. Vachel claimed he travelled here from Illinois at his brother's request to assist him and take charge as he was blind and in advanced years. For years he had depended on an illegitimate son, Jesse P. TODD for transacting his business. At the time Benjamin asked Vachel to come, his son was ill and dying. Benjamin requested the deed be prepared to his grandsons long before Vachel came from Illinois, as he promised his son on his death bed that he would provide for his son's children. The bonds of $34,250 were given to Vachel by the voluntary act of Benjamin. The mortgages and notes were placed in the hands of William J. ROSS for collection. In addition, Vachel made no offer to Ruth to induce her to sign the deed, nor did Benjamin. LAND - "Ridgeville Heights", 1,318 acres, in Frederick and Carroll Counties. Land was divided by the Turnpike Road (Rt 40) where Annapolis road and the road to Mt Airy met. On 19 Sep 1867, Harriet M. TODD, the mother of the minor children, was appointed guardian. Testimony was heard on 22 May 1871 from: - Ruth GROVE, age 30, Ridgeville, Carroll Co, MD; testified the Will of Benjamin TODD was destroyed at their home by John C. DUVAL in the presence of Vachel B. TODD and myself. It was burnt up. She claimed Benjamin told her he wanted it destroyed because it was of no account now that he had married a second time. On 1 or 3 Dec 1866, she was in Baltimore with her mother at the store of ______ RINGROSE on Baltimore Street and was introduced to Miss Margaret RINGROSE by her mother. She claimed Vachel had told her the Deed would be invalid. - Samuel TODD, will be age 67 on 18 Dec, farmer, lived near Plane #4 on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, Frederick County. He stated that Vachel came from Illinois with his wife, daughter and granddaughter. - Robert W. PHELPS, J.P, New Market; stated Benjamin had appeared rational when he signed the deed and all appeared to be aware of the transaction. - Agnes MERCER, mother of Ruth. One problem with validity of the deed was that the justice of the peace who validated the deed lived in a different county than the decedent and, according to Act of 1715, Chapter 47, had to be of the same county; however, the Act didn't take effect until 22 Mar 1867, after the death of Benjamin. Court referenced Case of Harrison, et al vs State, Harrison 22, MD, 468, Court of Appeals decided the Act of 1860, Chapter 271: - Robert HARRISON was married to his niece when he died in 1858 in Calvert County, leaving children by the first marriage; Columbus HARRISON (nephew of deceased) claimed the children (not exact as to which union) were illegitimate under the Laws of Maryland and not entitled to any of the estate; the court in that case ruled the marriage was valid and children were legitimate and entitled to a share of the estate. (Does this indicate Benjamin may have been related to his first wife?) Evidently there was other testimony listed but not recorded in this record, as the court references testimony from Dr. HARMA and Dr. RIGGS, Miss Margaret RINGROSE and others (Mr HOBBS, Mr LARE, Mr MULLENNIX, Mr DUVALL, Mr BROWN, Mr PICKETT) who testified to the soundness of the mental condition of Benjamin up to the time of his death and also to the intent to give his land to his son JESSE TODD, and after Jesse's death, to carry out his promise of giving the land to his sons and had also had it included in his Will. Even though Vachel had a justice of the peace in a different county, he did take it to Mr ROSS, Benjamin's counsel, to have it examined. The court also found discrepancies in Ruth's testimony which conflicted with other testimony from 'uninterested' parties. The Court ruled the case be dismissed and determined the Deed was valid. On 3 July 1874, the complainants appealed the case. The appeals court determined that Ruth was entitled to dower in the land and rents received from the land. Ruth's dower (life estate) was laid out for 433+ acres, with provision of access and use of the spring to the Todd brothers, it being on the south side of Franklin Road; the Todd brothers' 2/3 being on the north side of the Turnpike Road. Distribution: Rents collected less expenses, $8,625.35 - Ruth GROVE, widow, 1/3, $2,874.11 - B.H. TODD, 1/3, $2,874.11 - J.E. TODD, 1/3, $2,874.11
Filed 18 Dec 1875.
William H.A. TRUNDLE by his next friend, Thomas G. PLUMMER vs Samuel H. TRUNDLE, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Sep 1871 John A. TRUNDLE d/ Apr 1871 in Frederick County widow - Martha E. d/ Hester Ellen w/o Algerman WHITAKER - Montgomery Co, Tennessee .....Beulah WHITAKER, a minor - Tennessee .....Theresa WHITAKER, a minor - Tennessee .....Elizabeth WHITAKER, a minor - Tennessee .....Johnnie WHITAKER, a minor - Tennessee .....Virginia WHITAKER, a minor - Tennessee s/ Samuel H. TRUNDLE d/ Elizabeth R. w/o William B. KRAMER d/ Christiana W. w/o Arthur CROMWELL d/ Harriet A. "Hattie" w/o David D. THOMAS d/ Annie H. w/o Levin THOMAS .....Gertrude THOMAS, a minor .....Elizabeth THOMAS, a minor .....Emma R. THOMAS, a minor s/ George F. TRUNDLE d/ Laura Virginia TRUNDLE, now w/o Charles BROSIUS d/ Sarah John(?) TRUNDLE, a minor (but age 18 by 4 Jan 1873) d/ Edith May TRUNDLE, a minor (died after her father) s/ William Harry A. TRUNDLE, a minor Samuel H. TRUNDLE was trustee for his sisters, Hester and Annie. LAND - "Carrollton", 203 acres; on road from Jefferson to Buckeystown, 6 1/2 miles south of Frederick, 1 mile from Buckeystown, adjoining the Depot on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; improved with a large house, wash house and out kitchen attached with a good spring near the door and cistern under the wash house; also a large Switzer barn, wagon shed, corn crib, smoke house, carriage house, blacksmith shop and orchard of a variety of fruits. It is 4 1/2 miles from the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal and is near Greenfield and other mills. Also has two good tenant houses. To John A. TRUNDLE from Emily MacTARISH of Baltimore city in Oct 1852 for $9,163.68. - "Bloomsbury", Lots #36 & 37, 11 acres, mountain lots. To John A. TRUNDLE from John F. SIMMONS in March 1865 for $517. - "Foul Play", Lot #17, 30+ acres, mountain lot. To John A. TRUNDLE from Joseph WALTMAN in June 1855 at $287. Guardian for the WHITAKER children was J.M. RICE, Esquire, of Montgomery Co, Tennessee. Guardian for William H.A. TRUNKLE was Herman C. KOCHLER. Testimony was heard from: - Daniel BAKER - George A. BRADY - Joseph N. CHRISWELL (stated none of the children lived on the property, nor did the widow). - Samuel H. TRUNDLE - William G/H. BAKER - David THOMAS The widow conveyed the property to her children. Trustees for the sale were Arthur CROMWELL, Samuel H. TRUNDLE and William B. KRAMER. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick city on 7 March 1873; high bidder was: - John H. RENN at $90.12/acre, $17,304 No sufficient bid was received for the mountain lots. In May 1873, John H. RENN objected to the sale, claiming it was not as advertised and the widow's dower after her death was not clearly defined. On 6 Feb 1874, Melville CROMWELL purchased the farm of 192 acres at $75/acre or $14,400; he also purchased the mountain lots at private sale for $290. Distribution of $14,690; court costs, $958.81 - H.C. TRUNDLE, guardian, for education per Will, $300 for saddle per Will, $25 - Horse sold belonging to Sarah, Jane & Wm. H.A., $150 - George T. TRUNDLE for watch and saddle, per Will, $55 - Samuel H. TRUNDLE, exec, for excess payments, $23.80 - Arthur CROMWELL for payments to Central Bank, $729.35 Balance of $12,447.91 plus advanced per books, $2,711.25 = $15,159.16 - Samuel H. TRUNDLE, 1/10, $1,515.91 less advance, -$364 - Samuel H. TRUNDLE, trustee of Hester WHITAKER 1/10, $1,515.91 less advance, -$302 - Elizabeth R. KRAMER (to use of Melville CROMWELL) 1/10, $1,515.91 less advance, -$326.50 - Samuel H. TRUNDLE, trustee of Annie THOMAS 1/10, $1,515.91 less advance, -$527.50 - Christiana N. CROMWELL, 1/10, $1,515.91 less advance, -$499.75 - Harriet A. THOMAS (use of Melville CROMWELL) 1/10, $1,515.91 less advance, -$541.50 - George TRUNDLE (use of Melville CROMWELL) 1/10, $1,515.91 less advance, -$150 - Laura Virginia TRUNDLE (use of Melville CROMWELL) 1/10, $1,515.91 less advance, -$-0- - Sarah John TRUNDLE (use of Melville CROMWELL) 1/10, $1,515.91 less advance, -$-0- - William G. BAKER, guardian W.H.A. TRUNDLE 1/10, $1,515.91 less advance, -$-0-
Filed 11 Apr 1876.
Samuel S. MORITZ, mortgagee of Edward McINTIRE - Nov 1876 Edward McINTIRE (w/ Josephine E.) were indebted by Mortgage for $600 to Samuel S. MORITZ in July 1874. In Feb 1876, Edward McINTIRE also indebted by Mortgage to Mary A. McNAIR for $186.10 who is married to Samuel McNAIR. LAND - "Shield's Addition" to the Town of Emmittsburg, Brick House & Lot# 5 (eastern half) in Emmittsburg with use of well on Lot# 4; bounded on the north by an alley, on the south by Main Street, on the east by Lot of Charles ZECK and on the west by Lot of Oliver HOMER(?). To Edward McINTIRE from E. F. KRISE & wife. Trustees were James McSHERRY and John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 15 Feb 1877 at the Western Maryland Hotel in Emmittsburg; high bidder was: - Samuel S. MORITZ at $1,825, subject to dower rights of Josephine McINTIRE Distribution: court costs, $159.70 - FINK Brothers, mortgage, $1,125.13 - Samuel S. MORITZ, partial mortgage, $540.17 Filed 2 Apr 1877.
Margaret Ann Sophia HARGATE & h/ Hiram HARGATE vs William H. HILDEBRAND, Exec/of John HILDEBRAND - Nov 1876 John HILDEBRAND d/ 17 Jun 1875 widow - Lydia d/ 25 Apr 1876 d/ Margaret Ann Sophia HILDEBRAND w/o Hiram HARGATE s/ William Henry HILDEBRAND & w/ Mary Ann Rebecca s/ Lewis Albert HILDEBRAND s/ John Thomas HILDEBRAND s/ Josiah Edward HILDEBRAND d/ Mandy Milvana HILDEBRAND d/ Lydia Ann Elizabeth HILDEBRAND d/ Martha Loretta HILDEBRAND d/ Louisa Catharine HILDEBRAND, dec'd w/o Hiram HARGATE .....Jemetta Catharine HARGATE, a minor .....Charles Elmer HARGATE, a minor grandson - George Washington ALBAUGH ($50) Execs/ sons, William Henry & Lewis Albert HILDEBRAND Witnesses: Cornelius STALEY, Joshua STULL, Daniel SMITH [Will written 31 Dec 1861] Mortgage by William H. HILDEBRAND & w/ Mary Ann Rebecca (now dec'd) to John HILDEBRAND on 27 Feb 1868 for $1,000. LAND - Lot# 4 (eastern half, 31x189) on the south side of All Saints St in Frederick City, opposite the colored Baptist Church. Improved with a large double 2-story frame house. Property then rented for $.16/month. Trustee was Lewis A. HILDEBRAND. Sale was held 24 Feb 1877 on the premises; high bidder was: - Alexious E. SMITH at $950 Distribution of $952.37; court costs, $132.58 - Heirs of John HILDEBRAND, partial mortgage, $819.79 Filed 17 Apr 1877. Also see page 144
Ann R. SCHAFFER vs George W. SMITH & Others - Jul 1877 Joseph ROUTZAHN, trustee in judgments: - State of Maryland against Lloyd H. HERING & his bondsman Jonathan ROUTZAHN - Charles H. COBLENTS against Jonathan ROUTZAHN and Ezra SMITH Total due, $1,552.52.
Daniel E. KEAFAUVER & Richard C. KEAFAUVER, execs/of Daniel KEAFAUVER, mortgagee of Jacob KEAFAUVER & wife - Feb 1877 In Oct 1874, Jacob KEAFAUVER & w/ Lenorah were indebted by mortgage to Daniel KEAFAUVER (now deceased) for notes payable to: - John W. WHITE for $2,500 - John R. SHAFER for $1,700 - Frederick Town Savings Institution for $600 - Adam MILLER for $1,000 - David SELSAM for $1,050 - F. A. RUPLEY for $1,000 - Henry COBLENTZ of J. for $500 - Ann Catharine KEAFAUVER for $1,100 - Jacob KELLER for $350 - Armstead ALEXANDER for $500 LAND - 214+ acres; 3 miles south of Middletown, adjoining lands of Samuel SHAFER and Thomas SHAFER. Ten acres were in timber, rest divided into eight fields with fencing. Improved with a house, Switzer barn, wagon shed, corn houuse, spring house, smoke house, a spring near the door and a fruit orchard. To Jacob KEAFAUVER from Margaret JARBOE & John S.W. JARBOE & Others in Mar 1855 [ES-7, 223-225]. Also cattle, farm equipment and household furniture. Exception for part sold to Benjamin RAMSBURG. SALE was held 17 Dec 1876 on the premises, but was withdrawn. Private sale was made to: - Horatio B. KEAFAUVER at $8,610 on 1 Apr 1877. Distribution of $10,740.12; court costs, $693.44 - balance went to pay 91% of above listed notes. Filed 16 May 1877.
Fredericktown Savings vs George HARBAUGH - Feb 1877 LAND - "Elias & Catharine Harbaugh's Home", 235 acres; located near the school house on the main road to Waynesboro; also lies on bank of Friends Creek. Divided into 8 fields with running water in nearly all and under good fencing. Improved with a large 2-story rough-cast house, large spring house, smoke house, hog house, large bank barn with young orchard; 50 acres are in wood land; also it is directly on the Western Maryland Railroad. To George HARBAUGH (w/ Matilda) from Hiram HARBAUGH and Jacob HARBAUGH, execs/of Elias HARBAUGH in Nov 1862. George HARBAUGH sold to: - Simon W. HARBAUGH, 18 acres - Susan McLAIN, 2 1/2 acres - Mr SHINDELAKER, 5 acres COLLIFLOWER and SMITH, for use of Ignatiius BROWN, obtained a judgment against George HARBAUGH, Hiram HARBAUGH and Simon W. HARBAUGH for $645.50 in Sec 1871; but assigned it to David CRAWFORD and Lewis CRAWFORD, partners. trading as Crawford & Bro. CRAWFORD obtained a judgment against George HARBAUGH for $805.27 in Feb 1872. Complainant obtained judgment against George HARBAUGH for $269.75 in Dec 1874. Trustee was Lewis CRAWFORD. SALE was held 2 March 1877 in front of the store of CRAWFORD & Brother in Sabillasville; high bidder was: - David CRAWFORD for farm in Hauvers District, 203 acres, adjoining Sabillasville, at $15/acre or $3,045, free of dower Distribution: court costs, $263.65 - Matilda HARBAUGH, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/9, $309.04 - Frederick Town Savings, mortgage, $2,371.64 - Crawford & Brother, partial judgment, $100.67 Filed 15 Jun 1877.
Joseph N. CHISWELL, exec/of John C. OSBORN, mortgagee of William P. ALNUTT - Report of Sales - Feb 1877 William P. ALNUTT was indebted by mortgage to J. Alfred RITTER in Sep 1871, who assigned it in Dec 1873 to John C. OSBORN, who died Aug 1876. LAND - "Resurvey on Jedburgh's Forrest" and "Storrs(?) Good Luck", 111+ acres; in Buckeystown District. Located near road from Licksville to the Mouth of Monocacy and near the Metropolitan Branch of the B & O Rail Road, adjoining land of Levin C. BELL and widow and heirs of James H. BELL. To William P. ALNUTT from John C. OSBORN & w/ Margaret M. in Nov 1866 [JWLC-4, 514]. - Tavern stand in Licksville, 1+ acre, on Lot #2 on a plat of Licksville Village recorded with the Will of Eve M. REED, dec'd. Situated in the Forks of the Road leading to Nolan's Ferry and the Mouth of Monocacy in the village of Licksville. Improved with a new 2-story frame house with basement, corn house and stable. To William P. ALNUTT from Peter N. LEAPLEY & w/ Rachel E. in Mar 1854 [ES-3, 586]. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick City on 20 Feb 1877, high bidders were: - Lewis T. STUNKLE for the farm at $10.75/acre - Francis B. CARLIN for the tavern stand at $352 Total sales, $991.98. Distribution: court costs, $146.76 - Joseph N. CHISWEL as exe & assignee, partial mortgage, $845.32
Filed 1 May 1877.
William H. HILDEBRAND, et al vs John T. HILDEBRAND - Dec 1876 Joseph HILDEBRAND died testate s/ John (plantation where Joseph then lived) * s/ Ezra (portion of plantation to the west) s/ Susanna (House & Lot in Holler's Town) s/ Jacob, dec'd, monies to his heirs d/ Polly, dec'd, monies to her heirs s/ Daniel, dec'd, monies to his heirs Exec/ son, John HILDEBRAND Witnesses: Charles H. BURKHART, David ZIMMERMAN, John ENGLE [Will written 12 Jan 1842, signed by mark] LAND - Plantation - House & Lot in section, Holler's Town, in Frederick Town, then occupied by John WALLING. --- John HILDEBRAND d/ 17 Jun 1875, testate * widow - Lydia d/ 25 Apr 1876 s/ William Henry HILDEBRAND & w/ Mary Ann Rebecca s/ Lewis Albert HILDEBRAND & w/ Amanda d/ Martha Loretta HILDEBRAND w/o Simon D. BEST d/ Lydia Ann Elizabeth HILDEBRAND w/o Charles G. ORRISON s/ John Thomas HILDEBRAND & w/ Sophia s/ Josiah Edward HILDEBRAND d/ Manda Milvana HILDEBRAND w/o Peter EVES d/ Louisa Catharine HILDEBRAND, dec'd w/o Hiram HARGATE .....Jenette Catharine HARGATE, a minor .....Charles Elmer HARGATE, a minor (d/ about Dec 1876) d/ Margaret Ann Sophia HILDEBRAND w/o Hiram HARGATE grandson - George Washington ALBAUGH ($50) Execs/ sons, William Henry & Lewis Albert HILDEBRAND Witnesses: Cornelius STALEY, Joshua STULL, Daniel SMITH [Will written 31 Dec 1861] LAND - 29+ acre market farm; 4 miles west of Frederick City near Rocky Spring School, adjoining farms of Frank LEWIS and Tobias STALEY. To John HILDEBRAND from his father, Joseph HILDEBRAND (per Will). Guardian was William H. HINKS, Esquire. Testimony was heard on 26 Jan 1877 from: - Cornelius STALEY, age 68, farmer in Frederick County; stated George Washington ALBAUGH is now deceased. - Lewis M. HILDEBRAND, age 42, merchant, resides in Frederick City Trustee was Lewis A. HILDEBRAND. SALE was held 24 March 1877 on the premises, four miles west of Frederick City; high bidder was: - Charles G. ORRISON at $1,650 Distribution: court costs, $163.65 - Trustee for distribution, $1,486.35 Filed 21 May 1877. Also see Folio 107
Stephen R. BOWLUS and Daniel P. WHIP - Petition - Jan 1877 Charles H. LIGHTER & w/ Virginia E. issued Deed of Trust to petitioners in Jan 1876, for benefit of their creditors. LAND - Farm, 136 acres, in Middletown District, 2 miles SW of Middletown, adjoining lands of Ezra SMITH and heirs of Vincent SANNER. Cleared and divided into fields with good post and rail fencing and running water convenient to every field. Improvements were a weatherboarded house of 11 rooms, a rough-cast back building attached, two dry cellars, a Switzer barn, wagon sheds, hay shed, corn crib, double granary and carriage house, blacksmith shop, spring house, a young apple orchard and other fruit trees and one of the best springs in the valley. To Charles H. LIGHTER from Isaiah F. TOMS & wife in Apr 1869 [CM-3, 263]. SALE was held 13 Jan 1877 in front of the Valley Register in Middletown; high bidders were: - William D. KEAFAUVER for the farm at $65.25/acre, $8,874 - Joshua D. KOOGLE for crop of grain on 60 acres at $360 Total sales, $9,234. Distribution of $9,714.96; court costs, $1,009.45 - Peter SHAFER, mortgage claim, $770.62 - Hiram J. GROVE, mortgage claim, $589.80 - Sarah GROVE, mortgage claim, $296.45 - Hiram GROVE, mortgage claim, $1,185 - Hiram J. GROVE, mortgage claim, $1,048.72 - Sarah GROVE, mortgage claim, $474 - Balance to multiple creditors, paying 53% of claims Filed 16 June 1877.
Henry HOUCK, assignee of John RAMSBURGH, mortgagee of Ezra ROWE & w/ Mary C. - Report of Sale- Feb 1877 LAND - Western half of Lot# 11 with a 1-story brick house on south side of East Third St in Frederick City. To Mary C. ROWE from John RAMSBURGH & w/ Margaret Jane in April 1873. Reference to deed from exec/of John TEHAN [CM-7, 511]. SALE was held 28 Apr 1877 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - John HOUCK at $701 Distribution: court costs, $648.06 - Henry HOUCK, acrues to Frederick SCHROEDER, balance, $52.94 Filed 19 June 1877.
William MANTZ & Emanuel MANTZ, adm/of Peter MANTZ vs Charles GROSS, Ezra HOUCK & Others - Dec 1874 Charles GROSS, Esquire (w/ Elizabeth D.), being indebted to Ezra HOUCK, issued a mortgage payable to Peter MANTZ Sr for $4,000. There are numerous other notes and judgments against Gross. LAND - 317 acres; in Jefferson District; on road from Jefferson to Catoctin Switch on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, 1 1/2 miles from the Depot and the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal; adjoining lands of Dr. J.T. McGILL and Andrew KESSLER. Improvements of a 2-story brick house, bank barn (72x45', nearly new), double corn house with wagon shed and granary, ice house, spring hous, blacksmith shop and negro quarters; also an orchard of apple, peach and pear trees; house has yard and garden attached; this on home farm of 167 acres. The lower farm has 150 acres, 6-8 acres of which are timbered; divided into five fields with water in each field. Improvements were a 6-room log house, log stable, corn house and shed. All located in Middletown Valley. To Henry GROSS & Charles GROSS from George GROSS in Jun 1853 [ES-3, 190] An undivided half: To Charles GROSS from George GROSS in Apr 1855 [ES-5, 723] To Charles GROSS from George GROSS in Jun 1856 [ES-8, 552] Lands included in the above deeds: - "Richard and Elizabeth", 112 acres; To Charles GROSS from Jacob ANCRUNE in Aug 1796 [WR-14, 410] - 12 acres To Charles GROSS from Abraham DEAVER in Jan 1801 [WR-20, 479] - 111 acres To Charles GROSS from Daniel LAKIN in Nov 1804 [WR-26, 251] - 7+ acres To Charles GROSS from Christian ROUTZONG in Sep 1818 [JS-7, 357] - 1+ acres To Henry GROSS from William LYNCH in Jan 1839 [HS-?, 108] - 73+ acres To Henry GROSS from C.H. & S. LUCKETT in Nov 1850 [WBT-12, 670] Peter MANTZ Sr. died c1871, intestate adms/ William MANTZ & Emanuel MANTZ. SALE was held 24 Feb 1877 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidders were: - William H. LAKIN, John S. LAKIN, Cephas E. LAKIN and Henry D. LAKIN at $40.30/acre or $12,775 Elizabeth D. GROSS asked the court for a widow's dower share and stated she was age 53 and in good health on 13 Mar 1877. Distribution of $12,775.10; court costs, $866.39 - Richard C. MARTIN, assignee of Emanuel MANTZ as admin/of Peter MANTZ, mortgage, $4,487.33 - Richard C. MARTIN, assignee of Ezra HOUCK, mortgagee of Charles GROSS & wife, $4,000 + int = $4,845.33 - Elizabeth D. GROSS, in lieu of dower on 1st mortgage, 1/9, $286.22 - Louisa E. STEVENS, mortgage, $1,697.50 - Milton G. URNER, atty for Joseph W. WOOD, judgment, $317.37 - Milton G. URNER, atty for Farmers & Mechanics Nat'l Bank, judgment, $70.52 - Wm. J. & C. W. ROSS, attys for Joseph WALTMAN, judgments, $204.43 Filed 3 May 1877.
George W. SMITH, assignee of Abner C. DEVILBISS, mortgagee of Mahlon RHODERICK & w/ Mary A. - Foreclosure - May 1877 LAND - "Whiskey Ridge", "Hope for the Best" and "Walnut Ridge", 173 acres; located 2 miles SW of Liberty on road from Frederick and Liberty Turnpike to New London; adjoining the land of Dr. _ V. HAMMOND and Harry BOYLE; then in possession of Mr. APPLEBY as tenant. Improvements of a 5-room house, wagon shed, corn crib, large stable, ice house and orchard; in fields with running water with 20 acres in timber. To Mahlon RHODERICK from Upton RADCLIFF & wife in Mar 1871 [CM-6, 406]. Previously to Upton RADCLIFF from Abner C. DEVILBISS on 22 Oct 1867 [DSB-2, 131]. SALE was held 26 May 1877 on the premises in Liberty District; high bidder was: - George W. SMITH at $4,511.97 Distribution: court costs, $290.01 - George W. SMITH, assignee of mortgage, partial, $4,221.96 (Mortgage was $4,000 plus interest) Filed 21 Jul 1877.
TG-4, 198-204 - FRALEY, BENTZ - May 1877
Jacob M. BENTZ, mortgagee of Francis M. FRALEY & w/ Margaret Ann - Foreclosure LAND -"Mountain Lands", Lots #1 & 2, 11+ acres; 4 miles SW of Frederick. To Francis M. FRALEY from John WILCOXEN & wife on 9 Nov 1872 [CM-9, 277]. - "More or Less" and "Fielderia Manor", 9+ acres; 5 miles SW of Frederick. To Francis M. FRALEY from Peter HOLTER & wife on 19 Nov 1873 [CM-10, 471]. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick Town on 12 May 1877; high bidder was: - Jacob M. BENTZ for the Lots at $12/acre and the other tract at $10/acre, totaling $234.72 (less than the mortgage of $350) Distribution: After court costs, balance to - Jacob M. BENTZ for mortgage, $147.60 Filed 10 Jul 1877.
George W. CRAMER & Others vs Charles Thomas PICKING and Harry B. PICKING - Sep 1876 Philip CRAMER d/ 31 Dec 1875 in Frederick City, intestate s/ George W. CRAMER & w/ Mollie d/ Catharine, wid/of William H. KELTY d/ Margaret E. PICKING, dec'd .....Charles Thomas PICKING, a minor .....Harry B. PICKING, a minor LAND - House & part of Lot# 201 on the north side of East Fourth St in Frederick City. Improvements were a 1-story brick house with attic and back building attached (2 rooms & kitchen on 1st floor & 2 rooms on 2nd floor), a cellar under the front of the house and hydrant in the yard. Yard is paved with stone; lot is 26' 9" by 54' 3". To Philip CRAMER from Philip H. SINN & w/ Mary E. of Vincennes, Knox Co, Indiana in Dec 1867. (Previously to SINN from William NUSZ & w/ Louisa in Apr 1850 [WBT-11, 260]. Guardian was Harry C. KEEFER, Esquire. Testimony was heard from: - George W. CRAMER - John W. BIRELY Trustee was George W. CRAMER. SALE was held 10 Mar 1877 at the City Hotel in Frederick, but no sufficient bid was obtained. Later, private sale was made to: - Albert T. RICE at $950 Distribution of $999; court costs, $150.06 - George W. CRAMER, 1/3, $282.98 - Catharine KELTY, 1/3, $282.98 - Charles Thomas PICKING, 1/2 of 1/3, $141.49 - Harry B. PICKING, 1/2 of 1/3, $141.49 Filed 3 Jul 1877.
Frederick Town Savings Institution vs Rebecca HILLEARY & Others - Aug 1876 Elizabeth HILLEARY d/ testate sis/ Rebecca HILLEARY (life estate with condition to live with and care for sister Eleanor and her children; and after her death to Thomas Roger JOHNSON & w/ Mary C. and William H. JOHNSON [ES-10, 83-84]) sis/ Eleanor JOHNSON and her 2 children .......Dr. William Hilleary JOHNSON (land next to land of David GARTSENDORFNER along Ridge Road towards MAUGHT's Mill, eastward; with condition to provide for his unmarried sisters; also not to control property until after the death of his aunt and mother) .......Henrietta JOHNSON SLAVES - negroes, JOHN, JEFFERSON, JOSEPH, LEWIS, HENRY, AGNES, RACHAEL and MARY [Will TS-1, 76; written 27 Dec 1849; filed 25 Jul 1850] Rebecca HILLEARY had a life estate in property of her sister, Miss Elizabeth HILLEARY, and also held share of same property, conveyed from William H. JOHNSON. She was indebted to the Frederick Town Savings Institution with mortgage dated 7 Feb 1859 for $5,993. Present mortgage due is $3,523.71. Complainant claims Rebecca HILLEARY conveyed lands to William B. JOHNSON on 11 Jul 1860 [BGF-3, 527], but retaining a life estate for herself. JOHNSON was to make the payments to the bank and later made a mortgage to Rebecca. Property then was in the occupancy of Rebecca HILLEARY and Thomas R. JOHNSON. On 8 Jan 1871, Rebecca released 14 acres from the mortgage and conveyed them to William H. JOHNSON (221 acres less the 14 acres, now 207 acres remaining). J. Alfred RITTER obtained a judgment against Rebecca HILLEARY in July 1875 for $354.65. William H. JOHNSON was married to Laura BRASHEAR who is entitled to dower. LAND - "Selma" Farm, 207 acres; located in Petersville District, on the Ridge Road leading from Frederick to Harper's Ferry, about ten miles from Frederick, five miles from Knoxville and four miles from Berlin, on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road and the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal; (south of intersection of Frederick to Harpers Ferry Road & Road to Jefferson) adjoining lands of Andrew C.H. MAUGHT, Dr. E. BOTELER, the estate of Hezekiah BOTELER and David CARTZEDAFNER. The mill dam to STEINER's Mill and Broad Run Creek runs through part of the land. There were two pumps in the yard and a spring on the premises and orchard. Improvements of a 2-story frame house of 9 rooms and a kitchen, a Switzer barn, double corn house and wagon shed. The plat was the remaining portion of "Selma", 207 acres, which was surveyed by Dr. William H. HILLEARY in 1832 (for 256+ acres); exception is part lying south and then owned by James R. FERRELL. Testimony was heard from: - Lewis V. SCHOLL - William H. JOHNSON Rebecca HILLEARY d/ bef 21 May 1877 (Will written 1 May 1868) nephew/ William H. JOHNSON ..........Ann E. JOHNSON (d/o William) nephew/ Thomas R. JOHNSON ..........Mary Eleanor JOHNSON (d/o Thomas) niece/ Ann E. (JOHNSON) BULKLEY niece/ Rebecca (JOHNSON) DUVALL niece/ Henrietta JOHNSON Exec/ William J. ROSS Witnesses: George W. WEST, Joseph TRAPNEL Jr., John W. PAGE [Will written 1 May 1868] Codicil dated 7 Apr 1869 - revoked bequests to Thomas R. JOHNSON and Mary Eleanor JOHNSON. Witnesses: Hezekiah BOTELER, George W. WEST, Joseph TRAPNELL Jr. --- Trustee was William J. ROSS. It was noted that both sisters, Rebecca and Eleanor, were then deceased (21 May 1877). The single daughter of Eleanor JOHNSON, Henrietta JOHNSON, was paid $1,000 in lieu of her right to live on the farm, in order to sell the farm free from any encumbrances. Sale was held at the City Hotel on 23 Jun 1877; high bidder was: - Thomas H. WILLIARD at $36/acre or $7,453.80 Description of property sold to Thomas H. WILLIARD mentions an old graveyard, and adjoined lands of the estate of Hezekiah BOTELER, F.J. STEINER and Henry M. SLAGLE. The separate 14 acres also mentions the graveyard (south and sw) in the boundary lines. Distribution of $7,433.80; court costs, $915.02 - Henrietta JOHNSON, per order of court, $1,000 - Fredericktown Savings, mortgage, $4,202.03 - William J. ROSS, as exec, partial mortgage claim, $1,336.75 Filed 13 Aug 1877.
Jacob H. YONSON & w/ Elizabeth of Baltimore City & Others - Petition - Jun 1876 John YONSON d/ Jan 1874 in Graceham, intestate s/ Jacob H. YONSON & w/ Elizabeth - Baltimore City s/ Peter YONSON d/ Feb 1875, intestate, single, no issue d/ Mary A. YONSON d/ 5 May 1876 (with Will) d/ Laura V. (YONSON) w/o E. Dorsey LICKLE s/ Charles A. YONSON, a minor (temporarily in Baltimore City) Admin/ Jacob H. YONSON; sureties, C.H. BLACK and William M. BLACK. --- LAND - Lot in Graceham; on road from Graceham to Apples Church and at SW corner of an alley. To John YONSON from James CREAGER, Bernard COLLIFLOWER and John T. COLLIFLOWER, trustees of the Moravian Church at Graceham for $210 on 19 Aug 1873. - Lot on east end of Mechanicstown, on road to Graceham; begins at corner of alley on the east of W.L. LOY's blacksmith shop. To John YONSON from Joseph FREEZE & w/ Mary E. of Mechanicstown for $100 on 4 Sep 1873. - Lot on "Branksome Hall", 112 perches; adjoined land of Samuel RHODES. To John YONSON from Caroline SEISS and Salome DELAPLANE for $21 on 8 Apr 1864 (witnessed by E.M. WILLHIDE and Elias SEISS). - Lot #5 on east side of road from Graceham to Apple's Church; on NE corner of alley. To John YONSON from William H. BARTON & w/ Sabrina for $800 on 28 Jun 1873. - Lot, 34 perches; adjoined tract "Profit and Loss". To John YONSON from Eliza YOUNG for $10 on 16 Dec 1871. - "Profit and Loss", 106 acres; adjoined "Arnold's Delight"; adjoined lands of C.H. BLACK, David TROXELL, John R. STONER, John SHEARER and George HESER. - also "Branksome Hall", 11 acres; on south side of other tract, adjoining land of Elias SEISS. - also "The Three Mill Seats", Lot #4, 34 1/2 acres; To John YONSON from (heirs/children of Jacob YOUNG) Peter YOUNG, Samuel D. YOUNG, John YOUNG, Catharine YOUNG and Edward/Edwin SPRINGER & w/ Mary M. for $3,068 on 9 Dec 1848. Land Sold - "The Three Mill Seats", Lot #4; from John YONSON to Burtis BENNETT for $135 on 10 Feb 1865. - Lot on "Profit and Loss", 4 acres; adjoined "Resurvey on Arnold's Delight" and lands of Michael CROUSE and David TROXELL. From John YONSON to George S. CROUSE for $80 on 4 Apr 1870. --- Mary A. YONSON d/ 5 May 1876, testate bro/ Jacob H. YONSON bro/ Charles A. YONSON d/ 13 Jun 1876 in Baltimore City sis/ Laura V. (YONSON) w/o E.D. LICKEL Gave her sister Laura her share of the house they owned. Money in Trust to Calvin L. FIROR for upkeep of graveyard at Apple's Church for the next 25 years. Exec/ E. Dorsey LICKEL Witnesses: Cornelius H. BLACK, John T. COLLIFLOWER, Bernard COLLIFLOWER [Will written 17 Mar 1876] Codicil increased monies for upkeep of graveyard from $110 to $210. --- Testimony was heard on 19 June 1876 from: - Jacob H. YONSON who reported the death of Charles. - E. Dorsey LICKLE Trustees for the sale were Jacob H. YONSON and E. Dorsey LICKLE. Sale was held 15 Aug 1876 on the premises; high bidder was: - George W. NULL for the home farm, 117 acres, at $5,089.50 No adequate bids for other tracts, but they were later sold at private sale to: - Laura V. LICKLE for house and lot in Graceham at $1,500 - Elizabeth M. YONSON for house and lot in Mechanicstown at $700 Distribution of $7,289.50; court costs, $419.98 - Jacob H. YONSON, 1/4, $1,717.28 - Jacob H. YONSON, admin/of Charles A. YONSON, 1/4, $1,717.28 - Laura V. LICKLE, 1/4, $1,717.28 - E. Dorsey LICKLE, exec/of Mary A. YONSON, 1/4, $1,717.28 Mary's share, after funeral expenses, to go to her remaining three siblings. Charles' share, after funeral expenses, to go to his remaining two siblings.
Filed 29 Aug 1777.
Jacob BURN, et al vs Mary BURN, et al - Nov 1875 Magdalene BURN d/ 1857, intestate - husband/ Henry BURN d/ late Feb 1875 s/ Samuel BURN d/ 1863 & widow, Mary - Pennsylvania .....Amanda (BURN) w/o ______ SHATZER - Franklin Co, PA .....Jeremiah BURN, single - Franklin Co, PA .....Henry BURN, single - Out of State .....Levi BURN, single - Out of State .....Martha (BURN) w/o ________ - Franklin Co, PA .....Samuel BURN, single - Out of State .....Catharine BURN - Franklin Co, PA .....Susan BURN, a minor - Pennsylvania s/ Jacob BURN & w/ Mary - Washington County s/ George BURN & w/ Catharine - Washington County s/ Henry BURN Jr. & w/ Sarepta - Ohio s/ Daniel & w/ Catharine - Washington County d/ Catharine (d/ shortly before mother) w/o Peter SHUTT .....John H. SHUTT, a minor - Miami Co, Indiana s/ David BURN d/ c1863, intestate, single s/ John BURN d/ c1863, intestate, single LAND - "Pansy Meadow" and "Good Hope", 44 acres; on South Mountain, adjoined "Sweepstakes", lands of Jacob KLINE, Samuel WOLFE and Jacob WILLIAMS. Located 3 miles north of Wolfsville, on road from Wolfsville to Smithsburg. To Magdalene BURNS from Samuel WOLFE & w/ Mary, Catharine KUHN and Daniel KUHN for $500 in Jun 1835. - "Pansy Meadow" and "Good Hope", 13 acres; adjoined land of George KOONS. To Magdalene BURN from Samuel WOLFE & w/ Mary, Jacob WILLIAMS & w/ Catharine, reps/of George KOON, dec'd, for $5 in Aug 1840. On 24 Dec 1859, Henry BURNS Jr & w/ Sarepta A. conveyed their share to George A. REYNULL/REYNOLD & w/ Fanny of Washington County. On 20 March 1876, testimony was heard from: - Joseph SMITH who knew all the parties except the husbands of Amanda and Martha. - John T. SMITH who gave the same testimony. Guardian for John H. SHUTT was Orlando McNABB, Esquire, of Miami Co, Indiana. Trustee for the sale was Joseph SMITH. Sale was held 7 Apr 1877 on the premises; high bidders were: - Peter Columbus PRYOR for Lot #1, 10 acres, at $130.80 Nine acres were cleared, the balance in pine timber; adjoined land of Jacob WILLIAMS; included a bank barn and spring. - Samuel PRYER for Lots #2, 3, 4 & 5, 49 acres, at $394.45 Lot # 2, 10 acres cleared, balance of 6 acres in timber. Lot # 3, 9 acres, all cleared, ajoined Lot #2 and land of Jacob Kline. Lot # 4, 10 acres, all cleared, adjoined land of Jacob KLINE and David OSWALD. Lot # 5, 10 acres cleared and 2 acres in timber, adjoined land of David OSWALD and Jacob KLINE. All lots had running water and ran to the public road. Total sales, $525.25 Distribution: court costs, $153.61 - Jacob BURN, 1/6, $61.94 - George BURN - George A. REYNULL, assignee of Henry BURN - Daniel BURN - John SHUTT - Mary BURN, in lieu of dower, 1/10 of 1/6, $6.19 - Amanda SHATZER, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/6, $6.96 - Martha BURN, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/6, $6.96 - Catharine BURN, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/6, $6.96 - Susan BURN, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/6, $6.96 - Jeremiah BURN, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/6, $6.96 - Henry BURN, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/6, $6.96 - Levi BURN, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/6, $6.96 - Samuel BURN, 1/8 of 9/10 of 1/6, $6.96
Filed 20 Aug 1877. Note: Washington Co, MD - Marriage Licenses - George BURN & Catharine BELLEM on 21 Apr 1849 - Henry BURN & Sarepta A. BRUNER on 16 Sep 1850 - Daniel BURN & Catharine KOONS on 28 May 1855 - Catharine BURNS & Peter SHUTT on 24 Mar 1852
TG-4, 275-281 - LEASE, HARDT
John C. HARDT, Pres/of Franklin Building Assoc of Frederick City, mortgagee of Charles E. LEASE & w/ Mary E. - Foreclosure - Apr 1876 LAND - Lot #7 on the south side of Eighth Street in Frederick City. Improvements of a 2-story brick house, stable and brick cooper shop; adjoined lot of Henry LORENTZ; then in possession of Mrs. LEASE. To Charles E. LEASE from James K.P. WOLF & wife on 18 Jan 1871 [CM-6, 219]. SALE was held 11 Mar 1876 at the Dill House in Frederick, subject to the mortgage; high bidder was: - John C. HARDT (as Pres) at $1,150 Distribution: court costs, $177.79 - Franklin Bldg Association, $931.79 - Charles E. LEASE, mortgagor, $40.42 Filed 13 Jun 1876.
Richard C. MARTIN, mortgagee of Lewis A. EASTERDAY - Report of Sales - Sep 1876 Lewis A. EASTERDAY was indebted to: - Mary CLAGGETT for $3,346.01 in Apr 1874 - Richard C. MARTIN for $2,143.82 in Apr 1874 Deed of Mortgage was made to them. LAND - "Fieldria", 227 acres; 2 1/2 miles east of Petersville, adjoining lands of Samuel CLAGGETT and William H. BOTELER; then in occupancy of Josephus EASTERDAY. to Lewis A. EASTERDAY from Thomas H. CLAGETT [JWLC-3, 387]. Mary CLAGETT, now deceased; adm/ Richard C. MARTIN. SALE was held 11 Nov 1876 on the premises of Josephus EASTERDAY in Petersville District; high bidder was: - Josephus EASTERDAY at $34/acre, $7,739.67 Distribution: court costs, $381.86 - Richard C. MARTIN, mortgage, $2,363.55 - Richard C. MARTIN, as exec/of Mary CLAGETT, $3,563.97 - Balance subject to future order of the court, $1,430.29 Filed 15 Feb 1877.
Ezra HOUCK, mortgagee of Rebecca BENTZ - Report of Sales - Feb 1877 Rebecca BENTZ was indebted to Ezra HOUCK for $500 in Feb 1873 and issued a Deed of Mortgage. LAND - Lot #82 (21' 8" x 61') on west side of Market St in Frederick town, near the corner of Market & Church sts. Improved with a 2-story brick house To Rebecca BENTZ from John RAMSBURG on 13 Jun 1855. SALE was held 22 Feb 1877 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Melville E. DOLL at $2,410 Distribution: court costs, $171.75 - Ezra HOUCK, mortgage, $623.33 - Ezra HOUCK, 2nd mortgage, $548.75 - Balance subject to future order of the court, $1,066.13 Note - Although there was no mention of the death of Rebecca BENTZ in the records, in the 2nd Distribution, she is listed as deceased. 2nd Distribution: court costs, $64.35 - multiple claims, $272.84 - Lewis BENTZ, brother, 1/6, $121.49 - Catharine HOUCK, sister, 1/6, $121.49 - Susan MARKEY, sister, 1/6, $121.49 - Annie M. KEEFER, d/o Daniel BENTZ, brother, 1/6, $121.49 - Charles A. HEIM, s/o Lewis HEIM (a sister's share), 1/2 of 1/6, $60.74 - Henry HEIM, s/o Lewis HEIM (a sister's share), 1/2 of 1/6, $60.74 - Charles BENTZ, s/o John BENTZ, brother, 1/4 of 1/6, $30.37 - Lewis E. BENTZ, s/o John BENTZ, brother, 1/4 of 1/6, $30.37 - John _ BENTZ, s/o John BENTZ, brother, 1/4 of 1/6, $30.37 - Elizabeth JAMISON, d/o John BENTZ, brother, 1/4 of 1/6, $30.37 Filed 6 Oct 1877.
Daniel ROOT of D., mortgagee of Mary J. SMITH & husband, George W. SMITH - Report of Sales - May 1877 Mary J. SMITH & husband, George W. SMITH issued a Deed of Mortgage to Daniel ROOT of D. for $2,000 in Apr 1872. LAND - Lot $5 in Liberty Town )50 x300'), located on the SE corner of Main & Walnut Sts; known as SMITH's Hotel; then in the occupancy of Gibson SMITH. Previously to Daniel ROOT from Elihu H. ROCKWELL and Thomas B. SAPPINGTON, trustees of Col. Thomas SAPPINGTON in Apr 1845 [BGF-1, 307]. Milton G. URNER, trustee. Sale was held 12 May 1877 on the premises; high bidder was: - Daniel ROOT of D. at $1,975 Distribution: court costs, $147.17 - Daniel ROOT of D., partial mortgage, $1,827.83
Filed 29 Sep 1877.
Joseph G. MILTON & William WHITE vs James M. BOTELER & Others - May 1876 Alice V. BOTELER issued a Deed of Mortgage to Joseph G. MILTON & William WHITE for $2,500 on 9 Mar 1865. Alice later married James M. BECK. On 29 Jul 1870, Alice & James M. BEST conveyed a mortgage to to Ezra SLIFER for $470. LAND - Lot #67 (24 x60'), on east side of Court St, Frederick; at NW corner of house of Mrs. Mary SCHLEIGH on the south and the City Hotel on the north, with an alley between the properties. Improvements of a brick house; then in occupancy of John W. BRUBAKER. Property was used as a house and restaurant. To Alice V. BOTELER from John J. KOONTZ & w/ Dora J. in Mar 1865 [WLC-2, 407]. Alice V. (KEEFER) BECK d/ Apr 1875, intestate husband - James M. BECK s/ Edward O. BOTELER, a minor d/ Nellie V. BECK, a minor d/ Mollie A. BECK, a minor s/ Willie J. BECK, a minor Guardian was Clay C. BUHRMAN, Esquire. Testimony was heard from: - Lewis H. KEEFER, age 40, Frederick City; he was Alice's brother. - John W. BRUBAKER, age 46, Frederick City - Ezra SLIFER, age 54, Petersville - George H. WOLFE, age 42, Asst Sec of Frederick Town Savings Trustees were Joseph G. MILLER and Ezra SLIFER. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick on 26 Oct 1876; high bidder was: - John W. BRUBAKER at $3,125 Distribution: court costs, $382.56 - Fredericktown Savings, mortgage, $2,049.79 - Ezra SLIFER, mortgage, $510.42 - Balance, subject to the court, $182.23
Filed 11 Aug 1877.
TG-4, 316-331 - REITEMYER, EADER
Augustus REITEMYER of Baltimore City vs Mary REITEMYER, el al - Sep 1876 Wilminia REITEMYER d/ 1875 in Frederick City, intestate husband - Charles REITEMYER - Baltimore City s/ (Charles) Augustus REITEMYER - Baltimore City d/ Mary REITEMYER, a minor - Baltimore City s/ William REITEMYER, a minor - Baltimore City d/ Minnie REITEMYER, a minor - Baltimore City LAND - Lot (24 x 95') on east side of East Street in Frederick. Improved with a 2-story brick house with store room; then in occupancy of Mr. RYAN and Henry GRAKE. To Wilminia REITEMYER from Joseph ROUTZAHN, Pres. of the Vestery of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Frederick City in Mar 1871. Charles REITEMEIER conveyed his interest to Augustus REITEMEIER for $200 in Sep 1875. Guardian was Edward A. GITTINGER, Esquire. Testimony was heard from: - Henry E. HANSHEW - Henry W. FROMKE - John R. ROUZER Trustee was C.V.S. LEVY. Sale was held at the Dill House in Frederick on 2 Mar 1877; high bidder was: - Sidney A. EADER at $1,105 (also signing was Peter M. EADER) Distribution of $1,114; court costs, $190.41 - Henry E. HANSHEW, claim, $352.70 - several claims due from Charles REITEMYER, $249.20 - Augustus REITEMYER (portion from Charles), $40.21 - Augustus REITEMYER (use of Henry E. HENCHEW), $70.37 - Mary REITEMYER, 1/4, $70.37 - William REITEMYER, 1/4, $70.37 - Minnie REITEMYER, 1/4, $70.37 Filed 9 Oct 1877.
David M. WHIP & w/ Marietta vs Caroline GAVER, et al - Jan 1877 Daniel GAVER d/ 1872 intestate widow - Caroline d/ Marietta w/o David M. WHIPP d/ Emma S. w/o Peter M. HORINE s/ Martin D. GAVER, single - in school in Adams Co, Pennsylvania s/ Charles T. GAVER, single d/ Florence GAVER, a minor s/ Thomas M. GAVER, a minor s/ William S. GAVER, a minor LAND - Lot (50 x 233') on west side of Main St in Burkittsville; adjoining the lot of Henry SCHAFER, dec'd. Improvements were a 2-story brick house, a frame shop; and is a corner property. To Daniel GAVER from Joseph TRAPNELL & w/ Ellen M. for $1,800 in Feb 1872. Previously to TRAPNELL from George W. HOWE & wife in 1868 [CM-1, 665]. Guardian was Edward YOUNG, Esquire. Testimony was heard from: - Ezra M. SLIFER - John HIGHTMAN On 20 Jan 1877, John W.A. SHAFER testified the widow, Caroline, was age 57 and her health was reasonably good. Trustee was David M. WHIPP. Sale was held 21 Apr 1877 at the store of John HIGHTMAN & Son in Burkittsville; high bidder was: - Caroline GAVER at $900 Distribution: court costs, $140.40 - Caroline GAVER, in lieu of dower, 1/9, $100 - each child's 1/7 share, $94.22 Filed 20 Sep 1877.
Maria DEVILBISS vs George L. DEVILBISS & Ezra SMITH of J. - Petition - Dec 1874 Maria DEVILBISS of Adams Co, PA filed a petition against her son, George L. DEVILBISS to obtain the balance due ($1,800) from the sale of real estate to him. During that time, her son Thomas DEVILBISS owed several hundred dollars to his brother George; Maria took over the note and deducted the amount from what George owed, leaving a balance of $1,330. John DEVILBISS d/ 18 May 1865, testate widow - Maria (total estate) s/ George L. DEVILBISS s/ Thomas DEVILBISS d/ Ann C. DEVILBISS s/ Daniel DEVILBISS (Note - No children were named in the Will; those listed were from Equity petition and may not be a complete list.) Exec/ the widow Witnesses: Samuel PUTMAN, Daniel SIMMONS, James THOMAS [Will written 18 May 1858] --- LAND - "Resolution", 250 acres; adjoined land of David WITMORE and tract "Beauty Spot". Resurveyed for John DEVILBISS of Casper for 250 acres in Jan 1818. In Apr 1868, Maria DEVILBISS conveyed 82 acres to their son, George L. DEVILBISS for $3,000 (his father had sold him the land prior to his death and had received $1,200, but deed had not been conveyed); a Deed of Mortgage was supposed to have been made by George to his mother for the balance due on the mortgage, but he never did; however, Maria did have a note showing George's indebtedness. Mortgage by George L. DEVILBISS of Adams Co, PA to Ezra SMITH of John for $2,100 on 14 Apr 1870 for the 82 acres and: - Also included "Civility", 2 acres; (from John CURTIS & w/ Sarah Jane for $100 on 29 Mar 1865 [JWLC-3, 166]). - Also included Lot, 3 acres; (from Lydia CUTSHALL, William CUTSHALL & w/ Henrietta on 26 May 1866 [JWLC-4, 618]; adjoining lands of Julius C. HULL, Solomon BARRICK and Ezra SMITH of John. - Also included "Chestnut Hill", 12+ acres; being part of "Resurvey on Paw Paw Bottom"; adjoined lands of William CUTSHALL, Thomas FOGLE and Ezra SMITH (from John SMITH of M. & w/ Elizabeth on 1 Apr 1868 [CM-1, 660]). Deed from George L. DEVILBISS of Adams Co, PA to Ezra SMITH at $1,200 on 17 Apr 1872 for the Lot of 3 acres and tract of 12 acres. Deed from George L. DEVILBISS of Frederick Co, MD to Ann C.C. DEVILBISS (his sister) at $1,000 on 18 Nov 1874 for the 82 acres and the 2 acres. (Their mother claimed the deed had been made without the knowledge of her daughter who also stated the same.) Testimony was heard on 9 Jul 1875 from: - Ezra SMITH of John - claimed the widow still maintained 10 acres of the estate; besides land sold to George, the remainder was sold by the widow to Daniel WHITMORE. Claimed George also had a couple of judgments against him (George) and also there was a son, Daniel DEVILBISS. - Maria DEVILBISS - mentioned she had property in Littlestown, Adams Co, PA and had sold it for $1,420. - Daniel J. DEVILBISS (son) - stated George was to repay the bank loan (which was for 192 acres) for his father as the part George owed to his father for the property. George didn't pay it and Maria paid the bank with monies from the sale to WHITMORE, but George still owed the money for his 82 acres. He claimed his mother had 110 acres and sold $100 to Daniel WHITMORE at $45/acre and gave George credit of $100 for assisting her in the sale. Maria couldn't make the sale to WHITMORE until mortgage was paid. Whitmore paid the bank and deducted it from the purchase money for the property. Trustees for the sale were John E.R. WOOD and John C. MOTTER. Sale was held 21 Aug 1875 on the premises, but no sufficient bid was obtained. Sale again was held 1 Jan 1876 on the premises, high bidder was: - Charles H. WOOD at $1,414 Petition was made by George L. DEVILBISS protesting the sale, claiming Emanuel WARNER was willing to pay $1,600 for the property, but was told the sale was being held at the City Hotel. Same petition was also filed by the widow and Emanuel WARNER. The sale was voided. On 22 May 1876, being the highest price they believed they could obtain, sold at private sale to: - Maria DEVILBISS at $1,800 Distribution of $1,989 (included crops sold at $189); - court Costs, $309.47 - Ezra SMITH of J., mortgage claim, $1,070.17 - Maria DEVILBISS, partial claim, $609.46 Filed 15 Jul 1876.
Henry HOFFMAN of Adams Co, PA vs Samuel SMITH & Others - Apr 1876 Articles of Agreement - Sale from Henry HOFFMAN & w/ Catharine to Samuel SMITH of Carroll Co, MD for $3,625 on 25 Jan 1875; included payment of mortgage to Joshua MOTTER for $1,887 due from Henry HOFFMAN. Also included the shed purchased from Jacob MOTTER's personal estate. (followed up with Deed dated 1 Apr 1875) LAND - "Shield's Addition to Emmittsburg", 1 1/2 acres & 2 acres; Tavern Stand with back lot attached, then known as HOFFMAN's Tavern, but formerly known as RIDDLEMOSER's; on west end of Emmittsburg, at junction of the Hagerstown-Wayneburg Roads; included two lots on which the building was erected and one adjoining lot; tract began on line of the Bumbeel in the main street of "Shield's Addition to Emmittsburg" at the forks of the aforesaid roads. Previously to Henry HOFFMAN from Joseph RIDDLEMOSER & w/ Caroline of Baltimore City on 3 Apr 1861, but not recorded until 15 Apr 1863 [BGF-8, 556]. - Improvements by Samuel SMITH were a brick Hotel, three stories high (66x80'), known as "The Emmitt House"; had 36 rooms and a wooden porch with iron railings on its second and third stories in front; erected in the spring of 1876 [References TG-3, 536-537]. There were also stables on the property. It is claimed all monies except $738 plus interest has been paid to Henry HOFFMAN. Mechanics Liens (Exhibits 5-17) filed by: - Joshua J. ADELSBARGER (carpenter) - Thomas CLABAUGH (bricklayer, materials of bricks and two doors), - Benjamin KEILHOLTZ and John M. BELL, partners t/a Keilholtz & Bell, (brick makers); - J.S. GELWICKS and George T. GELWICKS, partners t/a J.S. & George T. GELWICKS (painters and glaziers); - Thomas FRALEY and William A. FRALEY, partners t/a Thomas FRALEY & Son (iron works and materials); - Samuel ECKENRODE (for 5,600 bricks); - William MOTTER and Francis MAGRAW, partners t/a Motter & Magraw (plasterers); - Levi FLEEGAL and William H. RODKEY, partners t/a Fleegal & Rodkey (stone masons and bricklayers; work also done by George HINEMILLER, John LAMBERT, Wesley RODKEY and George FLEEGAL); - Samuel J. SEABROOKS and James T. HAYS of Frederick County; (construction work; work also done by John JACKSON, Lewis V. WHITMAN, Hamuilton OHLER and James ADAMS) - Tobias H. ECKENRODE of Carroll County (building materials); - George COLE and John COLE, partners t/a G & J COLE of Adams Co, PA (for lumber, shingles and other materials; - Joseph HESS and John N. HESS, partners t/a Hess & Brother of Franklin Co, PA (for lime). Other debts owed by Samuel SMITH (w/ Amanda) to: - Isaac S. ANNAN and James C. ANNAN, partners t/a J. S. ANNAN & Brother, Mortgage for $4,655.78 plus interest from 24 Aug 1875 (Exhibit 18). - William S. GUTHRIE and George P. BEAM, partners t/a Guthrie & Beam, Mortgage for $2,000; 10 Sep 1875 (mortgage, Exhibit 19); included personal property consisting of all the furniture in the hotel, hogs, alcoholic beverages and bar fixtures, horse and buggy and harness, silverware, eathernware and Queensware (cream colored wedgwood pottery). Trustees for the sale were Dr. Andrew ANNAN, James McSHERRY and John C. MOTTER. Sale was held 1 Feb 1877 on the premises; high bidder was: - Isaac S. ANNAN and James C. ANNAN, partners t/a J. S. ANNAN & Brother, at $6,001 File ends 8 March 1877, but Auditor's Report on page 508. 508-510 - (Continuation) Distribution of $6,001; court costs, $748.84 - Henry HOFFMAN, on lien, $279.25; $545.09 - Amanda SMITH (w/o Samuel), in lieu of dower, 1/14, $316.27 (transferred to J.S. ANNAN & Bros for settlement per the agreement signed) - multiple claims and mechanic's liens, $3,754 - J. S. ANNAN & Bro, partial mortgage claim, $357.55 Filed 4 Apr 1877.
Martin V. HOUSE & Others vs John W. HOUSE - Sale of Real Estate - Mar 1876 Mary Elizabeth (Ridenbaugh) HOUSE d/ 1863 intestate husband - Lawson HOUSE d/ 28 Aug 1872 s/ Martin V. HOUSE & w/ Sarah - Indiana s/ Lawson HOUSE & w/ Margaret C. s/ Leonard L. HOUSE & w/ Elizabeth d/ Mary E. w/o John H. JOHNSON - Washington County s/ Lewis C. HOUSE & w/ Mary d/ Sarah A. w/o Cyrus SHEWBRIDGE - Sandy Hook, Washington County d/ Harriet S. w/o John DEAN s/ John W. HOUSE, a minor LAND - House & half of Lot# 76 in Berlin (Brunswick), on the corner of Main St and road leading to Petersville; adjoining land of William RAY on the south. Improvements were a 6-room 2-story frame house, stable, meat house and had numerous fruit trees and grapevines. To Mary Elizabeth (RIDENBAUGH) HOUSE (w/o Lawson HOUSE) from Mary Elizabeth WATKINS (wid/o Washington RIDENBAUGH), Jacob RIDENBAUGH & w/ Eveline, Eliza (RIDENBAUGH) RAY, Margaret (RIDENBAUGH) & John RENCH, Adam RIDENBAUGH & w/ Mary Ann in May 1857. Previously to Washington RIDENBAUGH from Robert BOONE & wife in May 1836. Guardian was Edward YOUNG, Esquire. Testimony was heard on 25 March 1876 from: - Lawson HOUSE, age 35, lived in Berlin; claimed his mother died about 1863 and his father died 28 Aug 1872; provided locations on his siblings. Testimony was heard on 27 March 1876 from: - Theophilus LAYPOLE, age 38, lived in Berlin. Trustee was Milton G. URNER. Sale was held in Berlin on 3 Jun 1876; high bidder was: - Norval DARR at $209.58 Distribution of $304.59; court costs, $188.52; - each child's 1/8 share, $23.56. Filed 1 Dec 1876.
Laura V. SAYLOR, a minor, by Peter SMITH, her guardian vs George SAYLOR - Feb 1874 Laura Virginia SAYLOR (d/o Caroline SAYLOR) was an heir of Ezra SAYLOR, dec'd. George SAYLOR was legal guardian of Laura V. SAYLOR in Apr 1875, appointed by the Orphan's Court and executed bond with sureties, Peter SMITH and George W. SHANK; however, George SAYLOR failed to complete his duties and was removed on 1 Jul 1873. On 14 Jul 1873, Peter SMITH was then appointed as her guardian, with sureties as Henry C. FULTON and James W. SMITH. George SAYLOR has refused to handover papers, monies, etc. George SAYLOR has also conveyed Deeds to his wife, Mary A. SAYLOR, for Lots in Woodsborough on 30 Dec 1872: - Lot #8 for a "pretended" $2,000 (To George SAYLOR from George W. SHANK & wife on 1 Apr 1862.) - Lot #5 for a "pretended" $2,000 (Previously to Eli BURRIER from David F. DORCUS & w/ Martha A. on 1 Apr 1867.) At this time, George SAYLOR was largely indebted and had judgments against him for the use of Sarah J. SAYLOR, as well as other debts. On 8 May 1873, George SAYLOR & w/ Mary A. SAYLOR conveyed all the estate of said George SAYLOR to Frederick J. NELSON in Trust for the benefit of his creditors, but it did not include the lots "sold" to his wife. Petition claims the Lots conveyed to his wife were made to defraud and asks the deeds be voided. George SAYLOR died 14 Feb 1874 in Woodsborough, as reported by his widow. Testimony was heard on 3 Sep 1874 from: - John A. BAKER (s/o Brooke BAKER); has known the parties since childhood. Stated Mary A. TAYLOR was Mary A. BAKER (d/o Brooke BAKER), who married a Mr ALCOTT nearly forty years ago; she was a widow, Mary A. ALCOTT when she married George SAYLOR which he believed may have been about 20 years ago. It seems George SAYLOR was the acting admin for the estate of Brooke BAKER and was the one who paid out the monies. John A. BAKER was not able to verify if Mary A. TAYLOR actually received her inheritance which he thought was $1600-1700. - Mary A. SAYLOR, lived in Woodsborough. Reported death date of George SAYLOR; stated marriage date to him was 7 Jun 1857. She claimed at the time of her marriage to him, she had received $500 from her first husband's estate, but loaned it to her father (where she had been living prior to her marriage to Saylor). She stated she did not receive any money from her father's estate, that her husband, George SAYLOR, had control of it. She also stated that the deeds to her were for repayment of all the money George owed her from her father's estate. In Dec 1872, she lived in Dr. HAMMOND's house in Woodsborough. She lived in the house built on Lot# 8 in Woodsborough with her father previous to her marriage both times. George SAYLOR bought the House & Lot# 8 from her father's estate, using her money from her father's estate, but placing the deed in his name. - Frederick J. NELSON (administrator for the Deed of Trust from George SAYLOR) - Michael SHANK, lived in Woodsboro, treasurer and a director of the Woodsboro & Frederick Turnpike Company. - Francis SAYLOR (he was a son of George SAYLOR's brother and George was his guardian); he rented a shop from George SAYLOR and did repairs for him of which George never paid him. Francis could not read or write, only his name. Francis included $175 for a gold watch and chain that George was to give him, but never did. He was to receive it after the death of George for having done so many things for George. George told him this in front of Mrs. SAYLOR who stated the watch came from the BAKER family and it should go back to them. - George W. SHANK - bills due him individually and as trustee of George W. BAKER. He stated he was due 1/3 of what George SAYLOR had gotten from settling up Brooke BAKER's estate with interest, Shank being one of the heirs of Brook BAKER. Shank also had paid installments for George SAYLOR on an oil well in Oil City, PA. - George W. SMITH, then lived in Liberty - he was a tavern keeper in 1870-1871 and left Woodsboro in April 1872. To obtain some of his money, Smith bought the Oil City propety at a Sheriff's sale for $100. - Peter SMITH, then lived in Frederick County - stated George SAYLOR had been her guardian was indebted to Laura V. SAYLOR as such for between $1,200 and $1,300, due since Jul 1873; her father died in 1864. George SAYLOR had owned two houses in Woodsborough, two farms below Woodsborough (33 acres and 75 acres) and a small 8-10 acre property on the road from Woodsborough to Liberty, also a wood lot of 8-10 acres in the hills and property in Oil City, PA. Saylor was known to drink and gamble a lot. Laura had a brother and sister, John & Sarah SAYLOR who had become of age, sued and obtained a judgment. - Gibson SMITH, lived in Woodsborough - creditor - John A. BAKER - creditor - Jacob H. BOWERS, lived in Woodsborough, a creditor - Elizabeth SAYLOR died Dec 1873. - George W. SHANK - Saylor had owned Lots# 11 & 12 and a little tract east of Woodsborough, known as "The Cookerly Place"; property in Oil City, Venango Co, PA was known as "Cottage Hill"; also Horse & Buggy, two Spring wagons and the Hay Scales in Woodsborough and two barrels of whiskey. - Jacob HARMIS - bought the 77 acre farm from George SAYLOR at $40/acre. He stated the value of property in 1873 had been declining. - William SLAGLE - was asked about the value of the real estate. - Jeremiah ALBAUGH - was asked about the value of the real estate. - Joseph McCROSKEY - was asked about the value of the real estate. - Nathan BAKER - was asked about the value of the real estate. - George W. DEVILBISS - About six years ago he had wanted to buy the 'Newman House', Lot #8, but Saylor wouldn't sell it, said it belonged to his wife, that her money had paid for it. Trustees for the sale were James McSHERRY and Charles W. ROSS. Sale was held on the premises on 8 Apr 1877; high bidder was: - Ezra Louis CRAMER and Christian WINEBRENNER for Lot #5 (66 x 220') on Main St in Woodsborough at $1,800. Improved with hotel, part brick and part weatherboard, with five rooms and kitchen on the lower floor and 11 rooms upstairs; also has a stable, ice house, spring house, hog house, corn house, smoke house and a well at the kitchen door and a garden. Lately, the property was in occupancy of Gilson SMITH and now in possession of Mr. CRABS. 1st Distribution of $600; court costs, $502.62 - some creditors paid at 1.53% of claim Filed 1 Oct 1877.
William C. HICKSON & Others vs Robert V. McKIEN & Others - Apr 1877 Petition to Sell Real Estate after the death of Mary WEIGLE. Valentine SWARTZ Jr. died testate, Frederick Town mother/ Susannah SWARTZ, dec'd (gave 8-day clock, desk, kitchen cupboard) sis/ Margaret SWARTZ, dec'd sis/ _______ (SWARTZ), dec'd; her daughter, .......Mary WEIGLE / WYGELL d/ 2 Jul 1876, without issue (devised 1/2 of lot to her after death of his mother and sister Margaret; if she had no children upon her death, then to the children of his sister Mary HICKSON and the children of his sister Susannah SCHROEDER) sis/ Mary (SWARTZ) HICKSON, dec'd w/o Thomas HICKSON (devised other 1/2 of lot to her after death of his mother and sister Margaret) .......Henry HICKSON, dec'd . . . . . . .William C. HICKSON & w/ Rebecca - Pennsylvania .......Thomas V. HICKSON .......Susan HICKSON w/o William H. ALBAUGH * .......Mary HICKSON, dec'd, single, no issue sis/ Susannah SCHROEDER, dec'd (gave her children three shares in the US Loan Office in Annapolis, as devised to decedent by his dec'd father, Valentine Swartz) .......Edward SCHROEDER, dec'd (Will) ** .......William SCHROEDER, dec'd *** .......Henry SCHROEDER, dec'd **** - Elizabeth TRISLER (d/o Valentine TRISLER) (gave bed & furniture) (relationship not stated) No executor listed. Witnesses: Jacob BALTZEL, Philip PYFER, John MANTZ [Will written 4 Feb 1806] LAND - Half of Lot #57 on Patrick St in Frederick Town, backs to Church St; adjoins that of Nicholas HIGHLER. Upper half of Lot #57 on Patrick St in Frederick Town was sold and the proceeds invested under orders of the court for the use of Mary WEIGLE for life. Adjoined lot then occupied by Michael OLLET. Thomas V. HICKSON conveyed his share to William H. ALBAUGH as did Susan (Hickson) ALBAUGH. ---------- William H. ALBAUGH d/ intestate * - widow - Susan (1st & 2nd wives were named Susan) sis/ Catharine GROVER - Virginia bro/ Samuel ALBAUGH, dec'd .......James ALBAUGH .......Susan ALBAUGH, w/o William H. REILLY .......Eliza ALBAUGH, w/o Albert I. NETHERTON .......Mary ALBAUGH, w/o John S. RENNER .......Sarah C. ALBAUGH .......Margury E. ALBAUGH .......John W. ALBAUGH Decree passed for sale of real estate; John RITCHIE and James McSHERRY as trustees. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Edward SCHROEDER, dec'd (Will) ** - Mrs. Mary Eliza ALBERT, dec'd (relationship not stated) (1/3) .......her d/ Mary ALBERT w/o Robert V. McKEIN - Out of State bro/ William SCHROEDER, dec'd (1/3) ........d/ Henrietta M. SCHROEDER s/o George W. HOBSON - Pennsylvania ........s/ Charles SCHROEDER, dec'd, only child . . . . . . .Frances Sayre SCHROEDER - Out of State bro/ Charles SCHROEDER, dec'd (heirs unknown) (1/3) - Out of State children later identified as: ........s/ Rev. J. SCHROEDER, dec'd . . . . . . .Mrs. Tyler MASON . . . . . . .John F. SCHROEDER . . . . . . .Henry M. SCHROEDER . . . . . . .Mrs. George WRIGHT ........d/ Mary A. TAYLOR, dec'd . . . . . . .William W. TAYLOR . . . . . . .Henry S. TAYLOR . . . . . . .Charles TAYLOR . . . . . . .Louise TAYLOR ---------- William SCHROEDER, dec'd *** d/ Henrietta M. SCHROEDER s/o George W. HOBSON - Out of State s/ Charles SCHROEDER, dec'd, his only child .....Frances Sayre/June SCHROEDER - Out of State ---------- Henry SCHROEDER, dec'd **** s/ Henry Alfred SCHROEDER - Out of State s/ Francis SCHROEDER - Out of State d/ Mrs. GILBERT/GILLANT, dec'd (unknown heirs) - Out of State children later identified as: .....Susan GILLANT .....Henrietta CLARK .....Grace GILLANT .....Maud GILLANT .....H. A. GILLANT .....Charles G. GILLANT .....Francis GILLANT .....Hobart GILLANT ---------- Shares now: - Susanna SCHROEDER's heirs, 1/2 - William C. HICKSON, 1/3 of 1/2 - William H. ALBAUGH' heirs, 2/3 of 1/2 Trustee was Charles W. ROSS. SALE was held 22 Sep 1877 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - David FRAZIER at $2,600 for part of Lot #57 on north side of East Patrick St, Frederick, adjoining property of David FRAZIER on the east; subject to the lease of Dr. Francis T. BURKE until 1 Apr 1878. Improvements were a 2-story brick house. Distribution of 2/3 of sale, $1,733.33 + rents, $83.33 = $1,816.66 - court costs, $258.39 - William C. HICKSON, 1/4 (= 1/6 of net proceeds), $389.56 - J. Alfred SCHROEDER (s/o Henry), 1/3 of 1/6, $129.86 - Francis SCHROEDER, 1/3 of 1/6, $129.86 - Susan GILLANT (d/o Mrs. GILLANT), 1/8 of 1/3 of 1/6, $16.23 - Henrietta CLARK (d/o Mrs. GILLANT), 1/8 of 1/3 of 1/6, $16.23 - Grace GILLANT (d/o Mrs. GILLANT), 1/8 of 1/3 of 1/6, $16.23 - Maud GILLANT (d/o Mrs. GILLANT), 1/8 of 1/3 of 1/6, $16.23 - H. A. GILLANT (s/o Mrs. GILLANT), 1/8 of 1/3 of 1/6, $16.23 - Charles G. GILLANT (s/o Mrs. GILLANT), 1/8 of 1/3 of 1/6, $16.23 - Francis GILLANT (s/o Mrs. GILLANT), 1/8 of 1/3 of 1/6, $16.23 - Hobart GILLANT (s/o Mrs. GILLANT), 1/8 of 1/3 of 1/6, $16.23 - Henrietta M. HOBSON (d/o Wm.), 1/2 of 1/6, $194.78 - Frances June(?) SCHROEDER (d/o Charles), 1/2 of 1/6, $194.78 - Henrietta M. HOBSON (legatee of Edward SCHROEDER), 1/2 of 1/3 of 1/6, $64.93 - Frances Sayre SCHROEDER (d/o Charles & legatee of Edward SCHROEDER), 1/2 of 1/3 of 1/6, $64.93 - Mary McKEIN (d/o Eliza ALBERT & legatee of Edward SCHROEDER), 1/3 of 1/6, $129.86 - Mary McKEIN (d/o Eliza ALBERT & legatee of Charles SCHROEDER), 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/6, $43.28 - Mrs. Mason TYLER (d/o Rev. J. SCHROEDER, heir of Charles), 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/6, $10.82 - John F. SCHROEDER (s/o Rev. J. SCHROEDER, heir of Charles), 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/6, $10.82 - Henry M. SCHROEDER (s/o Rev. J. SCHROEDER, heir of Charles), 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/6, $10.82 - Mrs. George WRIGHT (d/o Rev. J. SCHROEDER, heir of Charles), 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/6, $10.82 - William W. TAYLOR (s/o Mary A. TAYLOR, heir of Charles), 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/6, $10.82 - Henry S. TAYLOR (s/o Mary A. TAYLOR, heir of Charles), 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/6, $10.82 - Charles TAYLOR (s/o Mary A. TAYLOR, heir of Charles), 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/6, $10.82 - Louise TAYLOR (d/o Mary A. TAYLOR, heir of Charles), 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/6, $10.82 Filed 17 Dec 1877.
TG-4, 508-510
See 382 (Distribution was recorded there)
Davis RICHARDSON & Others by their mother Jane B. RICHARDSON - Petition to Sell Real Estate - Apr 1876 Davis RICHARDSON, d/ 1858-1859, testate d/ Ann U. (Richardson)(d/ 1862-1873) ...w/o John B. H. CAMPBELL d/ 1875 .....d/ Elizabeth CAMPBELL, dec'd (upon her death, if no issue, to her uncles, with life estate to her father) s/ (Colonel) William RICHARDSON & w/ Elizabeth R. s/ Ignatius Davis RICHARDSON d/ Mar 1875 ...w/ Jane B. - Merrick Co, Nebraska ......Davis RICHARDSON, a minor - Merrick Co, Nebraska ......Lewis RICHARDSON, a minor - Merrick Co, Nebraska ......Frank RICHARDSON, a minor - Merrick Co, Nebraska ......William RICHARDSON, a minor - Merrick Co, Nebraska s/ John L. RICHARDSON, dec'd ...w/ Eleanor/Ellen s/ George W. RICHARDSON, dec'd ...w/ Harriet L. (gave $3,000, to be paid by I. Davis) LAND - to daughter Ann - 304 acres, lying on the east side of the Monocacy River and included a 5-acre island; plus $376.55. - to son William - "Rocky Fountain", 255 acres, (where father Davis then lived), on SE side of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road (excludes 4 acres sold to John & George BUCKEY and others by John & Henry DARNALL, former owners of "Rockey Fountain Estate". Also, "Foul Play, 52 acres of wood land, near Sugar Loaf Mountain on the east side of the Monocacy River (from Pres/of US Bank for about 58 acres); William to pay $3,774.54. - to son I. Davis - "Rockey Fountain", 212+ acres, (where father Davis then lived) NW of Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road (exception of 1 acre sold to George HOPELBOCK); also 1 1/2 acre wood lot, adjoining lands of Mrs. GROFF and I.T. DAVIS on the east side of the Monocacy River; I. Davis to pay $3,225.46. - to Eleanor RICHARDSON - Brick House & Lot on Center St, Cumberland, Allegany Co, MD (from Edward T. SHRIVER, Esquire & adm/of J. L. RICHARDSON, dec'd); plus $500 - to son William - burial ground (from David F. JONES) for burial of family and of Ignatius DAVIS' family. Private road through portions of Rockey Fountain tract to remain for use of sons William and I. Davis RICHARDSON. Debts to George THOMAS and Peter THOMAS - $225.46 to be paid by son I. Davis; (total note of Davis & sons William and I. Davis of $4,000). SLAVES - MARGARET (d/o NANCY), age 24, to be free on 1 Jan 1862. - John Thomas PROUT (s/o NANCY), age 16-17, to be free 15 Mar 1872. - HANNAH (d/o NANCY), age 8-9, to be free 28 Nov 1877. - THOMAS (s/o NANCY), age 5-6, to be free 25 Dec 1883. - DANIEL (s/o LETTY), age 15-16, to be free 15 Nov 1873. Issue of any male or female slaves to be free when age 33. - Seine(?) CEASER, his old servant, living on 1 1/4 acre lot in Liberty at Slab Town, to have life estate there. Should he become too feeble to care for himself, then Davis' children make provisions for him and keep him from want and suffering. - Mary CUMBASH, old servant woman - to invest $500 to yield 6% annually or $30 to be paid to her for her support annually; upon her death, then divide equally between Davis' children, Ann, William and I. Davis RICHARDSON. - David CEASER, old servant man - to son William RICHARDSON, along with the silver watch; the chain to Dr. Meridith DAVIS, which had been worn by his father and after his death given to decedent by his mother. - George L.L. DAVIS - walking stick which George's father had used - son William - large Family Bible with family record Execs/ sons, William RICHARDSON and I. Davis RICHARDSON, son-in-law, John B.H. CAMPBELL Witnesses: B. Amos CUNNINGHAM, Walter C. MEAD, Daniel MICHAEL, Grafton DIVALL [Will GH-1, 258; written 2 Feb 1857] LAND to be sold - undivided half of "Resurvey on Wet Work" and part of "Dry Work", 306 3/8 acres; 1 mile east of Buckeystown and east of Monocacy River and north of the bridge, on Buckeystown to Urbana Road at intersection of road to Frederick in Urbana District, bounded on the north by land of David THOMAS. Improvements were a 7-room house, Switzer barn with extensive stabling and other farm buildings, orchards of apples and peaches, a good spring near the buildings and running water in every field; 80 acres were wooded and also had an abundance of limestone on the land. (surveyed by John S. RAMSBURG) Plat: at end of deed from Davis RICHARDSON to Ann GROFF then with road from Urbana to Buckeystown, on line of deed from Basil BROOK to Davis RICHARDSON in May 1814 to part of "Mount Hope" to east bank of Monocacy River to mouth of a dam to center of east end of the Monocacy Bridge. Ignatius Davis RICHARDSON was grantor in Deed of Trust to Arthur DELASHMUTT, then subject to claims of: - Jane B. RICHARDSON - Lewis RAMSBURG - Mary A. RAMSBURG - Mrs. Charlotte L. MITCHELL - Frank RAMSBURG (It seems the following mortgage may have been for settlement of those claims; however, the records didn't have any further details.) Mortgage by I. Davis RICHARDSON & w/ Jane B. of Merrick Co, Nebraska to John B.H. CAMPBELL of Cumberland, Allegany Co, MD for one undivided half of (devised in Will of Davis RICHARDSON to his daughter Ann. U. CAMPBELL) for land 1 mile east of Buckeystown and east of Monocacy River at $1,500 in May 1874. Assigned to R. Chew JONES & Hattie G. ROCHE, adm/of Patrick I. ROCHE, dec'd, both of Allegany Co, MD; testified as paid. Mortgage by William RICHARDSON & w/ Elizabeth R. and John B.H. CAMPBELL and w/ Ellen Jane of Allegany Co, MD to M. Eugene GETZENDANNER for 280 acres at $2,000; included small island of 5 acres in July 1874; assigned to Robert PETTINGALL. Mortgage by William RICHARDSON & w/ Elizabeth R. (by John C. MOTTER as Power of Attorney) to Herman D. ORDEMAN for "Rockey Fountain Farm", 150 acres, west of Buckeystown, and also for the 280 acres east of Buckeystown in Urbana District; then in occupancy of John SCHAEFFER as tenant; being the same land devised by will of Davis RICHARDSON Sr. to Ann CAMPBELL, at $2,000; in Apr 1875.* Mortgage by William RICHARDSON & w/ Elizabeth R. to John WILCOXEN for "Rockey Fountain Farm", 150 acres, west of Buckeystown, then in occupancy of Charles LASCH (devised by Will of Davis RICHARDSON Sr. to William RICHARDSON); and also for the 360 acres east of Buckeystown in Urbana District, then tenanted by John SCHAEFFER and adjoining land of David THOMAS and the Monocacy River (devised by Will of Davis RICHARDSON Sr. to Ann CAMPBELL); at $2,000 in May 1876. Same as described in Mortgage from William RICHARDSON to Elizabeth R. RICHARDSON in Liber CM-6, 414.) --- John B. H. CAMPBELL, dec'd widow - Ellen Jane - all of Cumberland, Allegany Co, Maryland s/ John CAMPBELL, a minor d/ Mary CAMPBELL, a minor d/ Ann CAMPBELL, a minor d/ Lynn CAMPBELL, a minor d/ Sarah CAMPBELL, a minor Guardian was their mother, but the court appointed George K. SHELLMAN of Frederick Co, MD. - Petition to Sell Real Estate William RICHARDSON vs Jane B., Davis, Lewis, Frank & William RICHARDSON, Robert PETTINGALL, Herman D. ORDEMAN, John WILCOXEN, R. Chew JONES and Hettie G. ROCHE, adm/of Patrick J. ROCHE, dec'd Jane B. RICHARDSON of Clarksville, Merrick Co, Nebraska was appointed as guardian for the Richardson children. On 19 Jun 1876, Jane released her dower in lieu of payment and stated she was age 41 and in good health which was also validated by her doctor of the last eight years, Dr. Thomas E. MITCHELL. Testimony was heard on 18 July 1876 from: - Theodore C. DELAPLANE, lived in sight of property since 1851 until last two years. - Daniel HENDRICKSON, lived in sight of property for past 15 years. - William G. BAKER, has known the land for 25 years. Deed from George K. SHELLMAN, trustee, (in place of Arthur DELASHMITT, dec'd) to Davis RICHARDSON, Lewis RICHARDSON, Frank RICHARDSON, and William RICHARDSON, per Equity Case #3645 in May 1876 for one undivided half of tract devised to Ann U. CAMPBELL by her father; subject to the dower of Jane B. RICHARDSON. Trustee for sale was George K. SHELLMAN. Sale was held 16 Sep 1876 at the Dill House in Frederick for the 306 3/8 acres; however, no sufficient bid was received. Sale was held again at the same place on 24 Feb 1877; high bidder was: - Charles E. TRAIL at $11,795.44 (Tenant was then John SHAFER, until 29 Sep 1877) Distribution: court costs, $770.88 - William RICHARDSON (1/2, $5,512.28), but paid out -----Robert PATTENGALL, Mortgage, $2,147 -----F. J. NELSON for F. B. CARLIN, judgment, $77.68 -----H.D. ORDEMAN, Mortgage, $2,112 -----John WILCOXON, partial mortgage, $1,175.60 - I.D. RICHARDSON heirs (1/2, $5,512.28), but paid out -----court fees, $75.40 -----Jane B. RICHARDSON, in lieu of dower, 3/16, $734.97 -----Davis RICHARDSON, 1/4 of balance, $1,175.47 -----Frank RICHARDSON, 1/4 of balance, $1,175.47 -----Lewis RICHARDSON, 1/4 of balance, $1,175.47 -----William RICHARDSON, 1/4 of balance, $1,175.47 Filed 27 Apr 1877.
Hannah NAILL & her husband, Jacob H. NAILL - Petition - Jul 1875 John COCHRAN was then age 93-95 and not able to govern himself or manage his affairs; his daughter, Hannah asks the court to intervene. Inquisition on 24 July 1875 before Thomas H. WILLIARD, Esquire, Sheriff of Frederick County and 16 jurors. They found John COCHRAN to be of unsound mind and had been for about a year. His family was found to be: John COCHRAN d/ Hannah COCHRAN (oldest child) w/o Jacob H. NAILL s/ Hugh COCHRAN - Ohio d/ Maria COCHRAN, dec'd w/o Henry DEMMITT ......Francis DEMMITT w/o Wesley P. GOSLING ......John William DEMMITT ......George W. DEMMITT ......Henry H. DEMMITT ......Lizzie DEMMITT w/o Rev. Hurst READ ......Mary DEMMITT d/ Martha E. COCHRAN w/o Moses DOUTY/DOUGHTY d/ Jane COCHRAN, dec'd w/o Samuel FOGLE ......Cecelius FOGLE - Carroll Co, MD s/ John Washington COCHRAN, dec'd ......Sally COCHRAN ......John Vachel B. COCHRAN ......Effie COCHRAN, a minor s/ James A. COCHRAN - Charles Co, Maryland d/ Margaret COCHRAN w/o Henry C. WORMAN, dec'd Martha DOUGHTY claimed five of the children requested William H. WARNER be appointed as the trustee and caretaker. Hannah NAILL claimed her sister Martha used the other siblings' names without their knowledge and that her father is worse off than Martha had claimed. She asks that she and her husband be trustees and caretakers of her father. John Vachel B. COCHRAN claimed he was handling the business for John COCHRAN and since the death of his father, he had been attending to his business and given him personal care. He asks to be appointed as trustee and caretaker. Margaret WORMAN claimed her name was used without her permission and she is against all of the previous requests for trustee. She claimed both J. Vachel B. COCHRAN and Hannah NAILL and her husband are all greatly indebted to their father. She also claimed they were requesting to be trustee to take over his money and property. She said she has no indebtedness to her father and she would like to care for him and think it would be preferable to have a family member rather than a stranger. The court appointed Jacob H. NAILL and William H. WARNER as trustees for the care, custody and charge of the property and estate; Margaret A. WORMAN was appointed as trustee for the care, custody and charge of the person of John COCHRAN. Distribution of monies collected, $4,579.65 - multiple payouts, $1,935.31 - James W. PEARRE & W.P. MAUSLEY, prof. services, $481.67 - amount invested, $1,650 - Balance for future order of the court, $512.67 Filed 4 Sep 1876.
Jacob H. NAILL & William H. WARNER, trustees of John COCHRAN vs John COCHRAN, a lunatic - Sale of Real Estate - Sep 1875 LAND - "Wood Lot", 3 acres, in Unionville Parcel divided and on 2 acres, a tavern stand was erected with stables, etc; on the other acre, a house was erected along with a blacksmith shop, etc. However, 10-12 years prior, the tavern was consumed by fire, leaving only the stable and one other building and since only been used for housing corn and pasturing cattle. To John COCHRAN from James WOOD in Nov 1827 [JS-28, 430]; plat and survey by George YONDIS in 1821. Otis TYLER, Esquire, was appointed guardian for John COCHRAN in this matter. Testimony was heard on 18 Nov 1875 from: - Thomas S. LUGENBEEL, age 40, a farmer residing near Unionville. Stated Mrs. WORMAN had been pasturing her cow and there remains a stable, a meat house and a shop on the premises that is in bad condition. - William H. PEARRE, age 39, a farmer residing in Unionville. Stated all the remaining buildings are in poor condition. - Hamilton LINSAY, age 41, a merchant residing in Unionville. Trustees for the sale were James W. PEARRE and William P. MAULSBY Jr. Property was divided into 3 lots, surveyed by George W. DUDDERAR. SALE was held 19 Feb 1876 on the premises; high bidders were: - A. Henry NORRIS for Lot #1, 1 acre, at $505 - Daniel HARTSOCK for Lot #2, 3/4 acre, at $125; adjoined lot of Mrs. WORMAN - Daniel HARTSOCK for Lot #3, 1/2 acre, at $112 Total Sales, $742. Distribution of $744.20 (includes interest); - court costs, $196.36 - Jacob H. NAILL & William H. WARNER, trustees of John COCHRAN, $547.84 Filed 17 Jul 1876.
William H. HARMAN, Nelson D. RAMSBURG & wife vs Bill in Equity, Joseph FULTON & Others - Oct 1862 Christian HARMAN Sr died testate w/ Mary d/ between 1851-1855 in Mechanicstown s/ William HARMAN, dec'd .....Mary Ann HARMAN ($2,400 + negro girl EMILY JANE) s/ George HARMAN d/ 25 Jul 1862 in Mechanicstown (life estate + negro JOHN) Children by 1st wife of George HARMAN: .......Christian HARMAN (100 acres & $500) .......Susanna HARMAN w/o Joshua HERRING ($1,000) .......Sarah A.E. HARMAN, dec'd ($1,000) 1st h/ Joseph WALTERS, dec'd 2nd h/ Joseph A. GERNAND (no issue of either marriage) Children by 2nd wife of George HARMAN: .......William H. HARMAN - Montgomery Co, MD .......Eliza Ann HARMAN w/o Nelson D. RAMSBURG .......Mary Jane HARMAN w/o Alfred W./J. FOX - Out of State Children by 3rd wife of George HARMAN: (oldest child was 21 in Jun 1876) .......George G. HARMAN - Out of the County * .......Alfred HARMAN - Out of the County * .......Charles N. HARMAN, now dec'd * .......Joseph HARMAN, now dec'd * * born after the death of grandfather SLAVES - negro girl, EMILY JANE (to set free at age 30) - negro, JOHN (to set free at age 30) - SALLY (to set free upon Christian Sr's death) - JESSE (to set free upon Christian Sr's death) - JAMES (to set free at age 30) - MARTHA (to set free at age 30) Execs/ son and grandson Christian Witnesses: Leonard PICKIINGS, John ARTHUR, Christian HARBAUGH [Will written 13 Apr 1843/1853] LAND - "Nol in the Mountain", "Fisherman's Lodge", "Hypsher Maidle" and part "Gist's Forrest", 340 acres (by survey, but was previously listed as 296 acres) of timber land, located 3 miles from Mechanicstown on road to Wolfsville; adjoined lands on the east of GETZ' old place, John KROM, and Jacob McDANALL; on the north by Josepsh WILLHIDE, on the west by Frederick WHITE, Mrs. MARTIN and Christian HARMAN; on the south by the lot of Mr. LEWIS. Road from Mechanicstown to Hagerstown ran through the property. - Improvements of a 2 log houses, a log barn, log spring house, a saw mill and other buildings; 30 acres were cleared, the balance in White Oak, Rock Oak, Chestnut and Poplar trees. - To Christian HARMAN from Marks HARMAN, Jacob HAUVER and Joshua GIST at different times. Tract began at 'Deep Hole' in Hunting Creek. It was claimed, according to the Will, that George only held a life estate in said land which ended upon his death; was then to be sold and divided among his children; however, it also gave George the power to sell the "remaining" land. Christian HARMAN, the other executor, declined to execute the said trust. Because of the insolvency sale of George HARMAN, the land was believed to be a true sale. George HARMAN filed for insolvency and the 300 acres were sold by John NATHAN and Godliep J. SIGMUND, trustees, for the insolvency sale, to Washington A. BURNET & wife, Henry ROUZER & wife and Frederick WHITE & wife; they conveyed said land to D.J. SNOOK (w/ Mary Ann) who sold it to Joseph FULTON who issued a Deed of Mortgage to Daniel J. SNOOK. Joseph FULTON has engaged in cutting the timber and by such is reducing the value of the land. Fulton afterwards conveyed the land to Henry MEDCALF by deed; however, Fulton still had possession of the land and continued to cut the timber. In Nov 1861, Henry METCALF & w/ Mary Susan conveyed a deed to Elizabeth FULTON, w/o Joseph FULTON. The court ruled the Will stated George's interest in said land was only a life estate; the land was sold before the death of George, thereby maintaining only a life estate. The injunction not to cut anymore timber was to remain as perpetual. George K. SHELLMAN and Charles W. ROSS, Esquires, were appointed as trustees to carry out the trust of the Will. Joseph FULTON & w/ Elizabeth appealed the decision. Testimony was heard from: - John R. ROUSER, knew all the parties except the children of the third wife of George HARMAN, dec'd; stated lands were in possession of Joseph FULTON & wife. He testified to the children of the first and second wives of George HARMAN. - William J. BLACK, testimony was the same as Rouser's. - Nelson D. RAMSBURG, son-in-law of George HARMAN Sale was held in front of J.E. MARTIN's store in Mechanicstown on 2 Sep 1876; high bidder was: - Nelson D. RAMSBURG at $2,635 Petition was made to make William H. HARMAN as a co-purchaser. 1st Distribution of $879.33; court costs, $874.72 - Balance to Trustees, subject to order of court, $3.61 Filed 6 Nov 1876.
Arthur H. CROMWELL vs Jacob GRABILL - Sale of Real Estate - Mar 1875 LAND - House & Lot #9, 1/2 acre, in Mount Pleasant District; parts of "Dulany's Lot", "Spring Garden" and "Federal"; starts at NE corner of Shield's church lot. Improvements were a 2-story frame house, stable, carriage house and ice house; also has a cistern. - To Jacob GRABILL from Arthur H. CROMWELL & w/ Harriet E. in 1874; Jacob GRABILL, along with his son J.S. GRABILL as surety, issued a note to Cromwell for the balance due of $850. - Previously to Arthur H. CROMWELL from Mary E. LIGGETT, adm/of Dr. J.E.H. LIGGETT, dec'd, John J. LIGGETT and William O. LIGGETT, (heirs of dec'd) in 1871 [CM-9, 554]. Jacob GRABILL transferred the property to his wife, Caroline R. GRABILL [TG-2, 705]. Trustee for the sale was C.V.S. LEVY. Sale was held in front of Mr. STOUFFER's store in Walkersville on 15 Sep 1877; high bidder was: - Maurice JONES at $1,175 - who then resold it to Arthur H. CROMWELL Distribution; court costs, $135.40 - Arthur H. CROMWELL, for lien, $1,020.60 - Misc court fees, $13.15 - Caroline R. GRABILL, balance, $5.85
Susan KUHN vs Gideon BANTZ, exec/of Elizabeth RAITT & Others - May 1876 Alexander RAITT d/ c1800, intestate widow - Susanna d/ intestate d/ Margaret RAITT d/ 1853 d/ Elizabeth RAITT d/ Apr 1876 * d/ Martha RAITT (d/ 1855 intestate) w/o Patrick CARNEY, dec'd ...1/ Margaret (CARNEY), dec'd w/o Otho DURFF - Washington County . . . . .Martha (DURFF) w/o Stephen LOWE - Illinois . . . . .Susan (DURFF) w/o Jacob MARKER - Washington County . . . . .James O. DURFF & wife - Tennessee . . . . .John R. DURFF & w/ Anna - Tennessee . . . . .Ellen (DURFF) w/o ______ SHAFER - Washington County . . . . .Elizabeth (DURFF) w/o _________ - Illinois . . . . .Jeremiah DURFF - Tennessee . . . . .Augustus DURFF - Tennessee . . . . .Malissa DURFF - Illinois ...2/ Susan (CARNEY) KUHN/COMBS ...3/ Elizabeth R. (CARNEY) w/o Ezekiel DAY - Indiana ...4/ Mary Ann (CARNEY) w/o John GRISE - Washington County ...5/ Jacob V. CARNEY & w/ Ann R. - Berkeley Co, WV ...6/ Ellen C. (CARNEY) w/o David MICHAEL - Indiana LAND - Lots #156, 157 & 158 in "Addition to Frederick Town"; on east side of South Market St (and 5 lots north of East South St); adjoined lots of Jacob BUYERS on the SW corner and NE corner of Jacob MICHAEL's lot. Improved with 1 1/2 story weatherboard house, fruit trees and grapevines. - To Alexander RAITT from William BECKWITH & w/ Martha in 1790 and previously to Beckwith from John SEIGFRIED in 1789. The widow Susanna RAITT purchased the ground rents on their three lots from George Jacob SCHLEY (w/ Margaret) in 1804. Margaret RAITT, dec'd (Will written 21 Dec 1857) devised her share to her sister Elizabeth. (exec/ Philip REICH; witnesses: William REICH, E.L. DELASHMUTT, and Basel BUXTON). Jacob V. CARNEY & w/ Ann R. of Berkeley Co, WV sold his share to John LOATS in 1874 for $150. ----- Elizabeth RAITT died testate * - Susan COMBS (niece) (balance of Margaret's share after expenses) - Mary DUVALL w/o John DUVALL - Episcopal Church Her burial lot in Mount Olivet Cemetery; the DUVALLs to have priviledge of their burial there if desired. Exec/ Gideon BANTZ Witnesses: Augustus L. BOTELER, Peter BEAR, G.H. LEASE [Will written 23 Jan 1872, signed by mark] In Feb 1877, testimony was heard from: - Susan KUHN - Philip REICH Trustees for the sale were A. BOYD and John H. KELLER. Sale was held 20 Jun 1877 on the premises; high bidder was: - James ELLIOTT at $1,500 At time of sale, adjoining neighbors were William REICH on the north and A.L. EADER, Esquire, on the south. Distribution: court costs, $260.75 - Susan KUHN, 1/6 of 1/3 (Martha CARNEY's), $68.84 - Elizabeth R. DAY, 1/6 of 1/3, $68.84 - Mary Ann GRISE, 1/6 of 1/3, $68.84 - J. LOATS, assignee of Jacob CARNEY, 1/6 of 1/3, $68.84 - Ellen C. MICHAEL, 1/6 of 1/3, $68.84 - Margaret DURFF's heirs .....Martha LOWE, 1/9 of 1/6 of 1/3, $7.64 .....Susan MARKER, 1/9 of 1/6 of 1/3, $7.64 .....James O. DURFF, 1/9 of 1/6 of 1/3, $7.64 .....John R. DURFF, 1/9 of 1/6 of 1/3, $7.64 .....Ellen Shafer, 1/9 of 1/6 of 1/3, $7.64 .....Elizabeth DURFF, 1/9 of 1/6 of 1/3, $7.64 .....Jeremiah DURFF, 1/9 of 1/6 of 1/3, $7.64 .....Augustus DURFF, 1/9 of 1/6 of 1/3, $7.64 .....Malissa DURFF, 1/9 of 1/6 of 1/3, $7.64 - Susan KUHN (under Will of Elizabeth RAITT, being part of Margaret RAITT's), $213.38 - Gideon BANTZ, overpayment, $145.06 - John DUVALL, claim, $200 - Susan KUHN, (legacy from Will of Eliz RAITT), $35 - Mount Olivet Cemetery company (maint. under Will of Eliz. RAITT), $100 - Susan KUHN (heir of Eliz. RAITT), 1/5, $26.54 - Elizabeth R. DAY (heir of Eliz. RAITT), 1/5, $26.54 - Mary Ann GRISE (heir of Eliz. RAITT), 1/5, $26.54 - Ellen C. MICHAEL (heir of Eliz. RAITT), 1/5, $26.54 - John LOATS, assignee of Jacob CARNEY (heir of Elizabeth RAITT), 1/5, $26.54 Filed 19 Feb 1878.
Joseph MOLESWORTH, mortgagee of John H. FOGLE - Foreclosure John H. FOGLE & w/ Louisa issued mortgage to Joseph MOLESWORTH in Oct 1866. LAND - "Resurvey on Moab", 124 acre farm in Woodville District, 2 miles NW of Mount Airy, on the B & O Rail Road and 3/4 mile from the Old Annapolis Road and 1 3/4 miles from the Baltimore Turnpike; then in possession of ETCHISON; adjoined lands of Samuel A. LOWE, JAMES CONNER and Thomas MOLESWORTH. - Improved with a log house, barn, meat house, dairy, two tobacco houses and was will watered with a spring convenient to the house and had a young orchard and 16 acres in timber. - To John H. FOGLE from Darias H. BARNES in 1866 [JWLC-4, 498]; with then previous neighbors as Benjamin CONNER, Rezin DAVIS and Mary CUTSAIL, a widow. Sale was held 2 Dec 1876 at Philip GRIFFITH's store; high bidder was: - Miel E. BURGEE at $1,500 Distribution: court costs, $144.75 - Joseph MOLESWORTH, mortgage claim, $1,012.95 - Joseph MOLESWORTH, partial mortgage claim, $342.30 Filed Mar 1877.
James M. SMITH, pro ami vs Elizabeth SMITH, et al - May 1876 John SMITH of M. died testate widow - Elizabeth s/ James M. SMITH d/ Isabella L. (SMITH) STAMBAUGH s/ Calvin P. SMITH s/ William SMITH LAND A - Home Farm, 150 acres; adjoined land of William MANTZ. B - "Resurvey on Joseph's Friendship", 40 acres, on south side of road from Woodsboro to Creagerstown, 1/2 mile west of Woodsboro, adjoining lands of John SMITH of M., William SANTON(?) and William CUTSHALL. - Improved with a 2-story six-room log house, a bake oven, well in the yard and a young apple orchard. To John SMITH of M. from Christian BARRICK in Sep 1858 [Deed BGF-3, 127]. C - Land on right side for road from Woodsboro to Liberty Town. D - 10 acres on left side of road from Woodsboro to Liberty Town; at corner of John UNKEEFER's fence to line from Mrs. RILEY's to the Liberty Road; adjoining lands of William KEENEY and BICKNER. Devised A & B to wife and sons Calvin P. & William, jointly; C to daughter and D to son James M. (and cancelled his debts). Exec/ son James M. SMITH (and also guardian of his brothers) Witnesses: George W. SHANK, J.M. NEWMAN, Henry L. DONSIFE [Will written 25 Feb 1873] References Equity case #1589 of John SMITH of M. vs Joseph SMITH, Patrick FULTON and Others [in Land Records HS-23, 473-489 dated Jul 1844]. Land deeded to John SMITH of M. from the other heirs of Middleton SMITH - Joseph SMITH - Julianna SMITH - George HAMRICK & w/ Catharine - Patrick FULTON & w/ Mary - Sabilla VALENTINE - Margaret VALENTINE - Melancthon VALENTINE - William VALENTINE - Joseph SMITH as guardian of children of Margaret VALENTINE, dec'd Guardian for William SMITH was Edward YOUNG, Esquire. Testimony was heard on 27 March 1877 from: - John E. STAMBAUGH, had known family for ten years. - George M. SHAW, recommended the 40 acres be sold to pay debts and make repairs on the home farm. Trustees were Frederick J. NELSON and James M. SMITH. SALE was held 2 Jun 1877 at James M. SMITH's Hotel in Woodsboro; high bidder was: - Isabella L. STAMBAUGH for the 40 acres at $1,950 Case Referred to Auditor on 30 Jun 1877. (Pages 671-672 are blank) NOTES - Also see HS-23, 473 and ES-4, 84-99 for parents' estates.
Peter C. KESSELRING & wife vs Daniel MARKER & Others - Division of Real Estate - Jan 1866 Michael MARKER d/ 1864 (tombstone says 1854), intestate widow - Sarah s/ Daniel MARKER s/ Lewis MARKER s/ Matilda MARKER w/o George H. AMBROSE d/ Mary MARKER w/o Ludwick ROUTZAHN d/ Barbara E. MARKER w/o Hezekiah KLINE/CLINE d/ Catharine (Cassa) MARKER w/o Adam WARRENFELTZ / WARRENFELS d/ Elizabeth MARKER w/o Peter C. KESSELRING LAND - "Miller's Delight" and "Resurvey on Miller's Delight", 49 acres; adjoined lands of George WAUGHTER and Henry AMBROSE's deed from Valentine LINGENFELTER for "Neighbours Accomodated". To Michael MARKER from Peter MARKER & w/ Mary in Oct 1838. - "Resurvey on Miller's Delight" and "Likely", 6 1/4 acres; To Michael MARKER from Peter MARKER & w/ Mary in March 1844 (not recorded until 1853). Court had the widow's dower land surveyed and laid out; from the 56 total acres (the 6 acres seem to be on the other side of the road), 10 acres were laid out for the widow including the house, but not the barn; part of her section extends across the road (probably a wooded section). Surveyed by William METZGER Oct 1866. Daniel MARKER, as eldest son, elected to purchase the balance of the property at value of the commissioners. Distribution of $3,450; court costs, $174.70 - each 1/7 share to the children, $467.90 Filed 4 Feb 1867.
Nelson D. RAMSBURG & Thomas C. RAMSBURG vs Charles ALBERTS & Others - Jul 1866 Adam ALBERTS & w/ Mary s/ John ALBERTS d/ 7 Dec 1865, intestate, single s/ Charles ALBERTS, a minor s/ Thomas ALBERTS, a minor d/ Rachel ALBERTS, a minor LAND - "Case if Necessity", 6+ acres, in Election District 4; adjoined land of G.W. SHAFER. To Nelson D. RAMSBURG & Thomas C. RAMSBURG from Edward BAKER, as exec/of Frederick BAKER (Will written 26 Jan 1860), in 1863. Agreement make for the sale to John ALBERTS from the petitioners; also agreed to erect a 1 1/2 story log house (18x22'), lower floor to be pine and upper floor to be oak loose, 4 windows (8x10" below and 2 half windows above and a door) and garden to be pailed, completion by 1 Apr 1864. John ALBERTS died, leaving his parents and minor siblings, all then living in the house that John purchased. Guardian for the minor children was Joseph W.L. CARTY. Testimony was heard on 7 Aug 1866 from: - Thomas GRESY - William H. HARMAN Trustee was Grayson EICHELBERGER. Sale was held 10 Nov 1866 in Lewistown; high bidder was: - Nelson D. RAMSBURG at $235 Nelson D. RAMSBURG petitioned the court to have Adam and Mary ALBERTS surrender possession of the property to him. The court ruled on 24 Jan 1867 and stated they were to turn over possession before 16 Feb 1867 or be evicted. Filed 25 Feb 1867.
TG-4, 698-705 - FOX, MILLER, SCHOLL - Nov 1877
Louis V. SCHOLL, sec/of Frederick Town Savings, mortgagee of Jacob FOX & w/ Emily Jane - Foreclosure LAND - "Rip-shin", 109 acres, in Creagerstown District; lies in loop of the Monocacy River on the west bank, 2 miles NE of Utica Mills; adjoined lands of David WHITMORE and John P. STOTELMYER. Divided into 6 fields with good fencing and sufficient woodland. - Improvements were a log house, Switzer barn, stone blacksmith shop, a young orchard and a spring near the house. A small stream ran through the entire farm. To Jacob FOX from Thomas GORSUCH, trustee, in Sep 1865 [JWLC-3, 90]. (Previously to Simon SNOOK from Charles BEATTY in Aug 1796.) Sale was held 24 Nov 1877 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - George W. MILLER at $1,662.25 (Purchaser's Certificate signed by William H. MILLER for George W. MILLER) Petition was submitted to substitute Emily Jane FOX as the purchaser. The widow petitioned for her dower and stated she was between 45-50 years old. Distribution of $1,662.25; court costs, $190.18 - Fredericktown Savings, mortgage, $1,050.68 - Emily J. FOX, in lieu of widow's dower, 1/8, $52.67 - Balance to trustee, subject to the court, $368.72 Filed 28 Jan 1878.
Jacob FOX, mortgagee - Report of Sales - Apr 1871 John H. MICHAEL & w/ Sarah Ann issued a Deed of Mortgage to Jacob FOX on 12 Apr 1869; the Michaels to assign to Fox a judgment againt Eli MICHAEL for $1,000 and would be responsible to pay it if Eli did not. LAND - 65 acres in Creagerstown District; 1 1/2 miles NE of Utica Mills and 9 miles north of Frederick; adjoining lands of David WHITMORE, Mrs. DEVILBISS and Jacob HARMISS. Improvements of a 2-story log house, barn, blacksmith shop and hog pen, with an orchard and water convenient to the house. To Sarah Ann MICHAEL & husband, John K. MICHAEL from Jacob FOX & w/ Emily J. on 12 Apr 1869. Sale was held 13 Apr 1871 on the premises; high bidder was: - Peter O. CONNER, agent for Eve Ann BRANDENBURG, at $1,400 It was agreed that sale be set aside and resold. On 29 May 1873, sale was held at Utica Mills; high bidder was: - Peter O'CONNER at $1,650; however, he was unable to comply. Property was resold to: - Jacob FOX at $1,625 Jacob FOX petitioned the court for possession of the property as Peter O'CONNOR was in possession of the property, was cutting the timber and was refusing to vacate the property. The court so ordered. Filed 23 Fe 1874.
Jacob M. BUSHEY vs William HALE & w/ Catharine and John DEGRANGE - Feb 1876 William HALE was indebted to Eli WASKEY in 1859 for $800 and issued a mortgage to Waskey. WASKEY transferred to mortgage to Jacob M. BUSHEY. LAND - "Fielderea", 75 acres (but now 60+ acres) known as the WIDDINGTON Farm, in Jefferson District; 1/4 mile from the store of Curtis HARGATE; adjoined lands of William A. WASKEY, Michael CULLER and Ezra THOMAS. Improvements were two sets of small houses, small barn, two orchards and several springs; also 16 acres in timber. To William HALE from John WHIP, David HALE, George E. COOK & wife and James H. BESANT, trustees. William HALE sold 11 acres to William A. WASKEY. John DEGRANGE obtained judgment against William HALE for $205. Trustee was Jacob M. BUSHEY. Sale was held 6 Feb 1876 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Emanuel HINES at $1,000; however, he never paid any monies. Resale of property on 17 Nov 1877 at the City Hotel in Frederick, but no sufficient bid was received. Later private sale was made to: - William L. CULLER at $600 Distribution: court costs, $147.65 - Jacob M. BUSHEY, partial claim, $452.35 Filed 23 Feb 1878.
Mary HUMMERICK vs Henry WILHIDE & w/ Maria - Nov 1876 Henry WILHIDE of H. was indebted to Mary HUMMERICK (w/o Zachariah HUMMERICK of Washington County) for $600 and issued Deed of Mortgage to her. LAND - parts of "Miller's Chance" and "Bond Him", 49 acres, in Creagerstown District; adjoining lands of Jacob HENEA and Isaac HOWARD. Improvements of a log house, good barn, choice fruit and excellent water convenient to all parts of the farm. Previously to George WILLHIDE from John SMITH in 1806 [WR-29, 39-40]. - 21 acres; adjoining "Miller's Chance". To Henry WILLHIDE from Elizabeth HOOVER in 1867 [CM-1, 312]. - 1/2 of "Hide and Seek", 15+ acres of mountain land in Mechanicstown District; adjoined lands of Dr. Jacob L. MILLER. To Henry WILHIDE of J and Henry WILHIDE of H. from Ignatius BROWN & Others in Jun 1866 [JWLC-4, 142]. Lands were surveyed by John S. RAMSBURG for George W. MILLER, agent for the heirs of Henry WILHIDE. On 17 Jan 1877, testimony was heard from: - Mary HUMMERICK, widow of Zachariah HUMMERICK Trustee was Milton G. URNER. Sale was held 28 Mar 1877 in front of O.T. ZIMMERMAN's store in Lewistown, but was unable to sell the property. Sale was held again the same place on 15 Sep 1877; high bidders were: - Mrs. Mary E. HUMMERICK for the little farm of 70 acres at $800 - Mary E. HUMMERICK for the 15+ acres at $40 Distribution of $840; court costs, $231.47 - Mary HUMMERICK, partial claim, $608.53 Filed 19 Feb 1878
TG-4, 734-772 - MAIN, KOOGLE, MILLER - Aug 1875
Laura C. MAIN and Amanda C. KOOGLE by her husband, Charles W. KOOGLE vs Lawson H. MAIN and Martha M. MAIN Lawson H. MAIN & w/ Martha M. issued Deed of Mortgage to John MILLER of H. and a second mortgage to Laura C. MAIN and Amanda C. KOOGLE; also a third mortgage to Isaiah MAIN in 1873. LAND - parts of "The Forest" and "Union", 133+ acres; located on the west side of the Old Hagerstown Road, 1 1/2 miles west of Middletown; adjoined land of Daniel KELLER, J. M. SNOOK and south side of Catoctin Creek. Improvements of a 2-story house, barn, blacksmith shop, new corn crib and wagon shed. - To Lawson H. MAIN from John MILER of H. & w/ Susan in 1867 [DSB-1, 145]. Part was to John MILLER of H. from Isaac MICHAEL, trustee of John BOWLUS in Dec 1854 [ES-6, 196]. Part was to John MILLER of H. from Isaac BOWLUS in May 1848 [WBT-7, 284]. John MILLER of H. assigned his interest in mortgage to Peter SHAFER. Martha M. MAIN testified that Laura C. MAIN and Amanda C. KOOGLE are sisters of her husband. On 8 Jan 1876, testimony was heard from: - Laura C. MAIN - mentions her brothers, Lawson MAIN and Isaiah MAIN, her mother and brother Joshua MAIN. - Isaiah MAIN - previously lived in Beallsville, but moved to Middletown on 3 March 1874. Testified to payments he made for Lawson. Mentions money for Charlotte (Amanda C.). - Lawson H. MAIN - lived 1 1/2 miles from Middletown. - Mrs. Elizabeth MAIN - mother of Lawson, Laura C. & Amanda C.; was guardian of Laura who lives with her. Laura was 24 last Dec (1875). Mentions Isaiah's wife but she's not named. - Joshua H. MAIN - hasn't been on speaking terms with Lawson for the past 18-24 months but is close to Laura. Testimony was offered claiming payments made, but lacked receipts of payments, thus Court found in favor of plaintiffs. Trustee was Joshua H. Main. Sale was held 5 Aug 1876 in Middletown; high bidder was: - Laura C. MAIN and Amanda C. KOOGLE at $6,792; subject to the right of dower of Martha M. MAIN. Distribution: court costs, $465.34 - Laura C. MAIN & Amanda C. KOOGLE, asignees of Lawson H. MAIN, mortgage note to John MILLER of H., $2,291.33 - Laura C. MAIN, 63% on mortgage, $2,323.10 - Amanda C. KOOGLE, 63% on mortgage, $1,712.23 Filed 1 March 1878.

The End of TG-4

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