Equity Court Abstracts

Book ES-4 - 1855-1858

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Charles GOLDSBOROUGH vs Mary DEVILBISS & Others - Sep 1855 Samuel DEVILBISS of I. d/ Jan 1855 intestate widow - Mary s/ Samuel DEVILBISS - Ohio s/ Isaiah DEVILBISS d/ Martha R. w/o George H. POWELL s/ Ephraim DEVILBISS, a minor s/ Joseph DEVILBISS, dec'd .....Absalom I. DEVILBISS .....Thomas N. DEVILBISS .....Joseph DEVILBISS, a minor .....William DEVILBISS, a minor Land - Home Farm, 187 acres. - Saw Mill tract, 83+ acres. - Division 12, 23 acres - Lot #1, 11+ acres - Lot #2, 12+ acres - Lot #3, 12+ acres - Lot #4, 12+ acres - Lot #5, 11+ acres - Lot #6, 10+ acres - Lot #7, 13+ acres - Lot #8, 12+ acres - Lot #9, 12+ acres - Lot #10, 15+ acres - Lot #11, 15+ acres All lands were adjoining (plat shown). Administrator was Isaiah DEVILBISS with sureties as William OTT and Samuel KEEFER. Guardian was William G. COLE; trustee was William OTT with sureties as Henry ROUZER and John ROUZER. Sale was held 7 Jun 1856 at the City Hotel in Frederick Town; high bidders were: - Isaiah DEVILBISS for Home Farm at $20.50/acre - Daniel LEATHERMAN for saw mill tract at $34/acre - Jacob D. OTT for Div 12 at $22.50/acre - William H. TODD for Lot #1 at ? - William H. TODD for Lot #2 at $27.50/acre - Frederick A. SCHLEY for Lot #3 at $44.25/acre - Lewis F. COPPERSMITH for Lot #4 at $34.25/acre - David F. RAMSBURG for Lot #5 at $43.62/acre - Dennis RAMSBURG for Lot #6 at $48/acre - George F. B. CRUMBAUGH for Lot #7 at $35/acre - Dennis RAMSBURG for Lot #8 at $36.25/acre - Ezra WARRENFELS for Lot #9 at $33.25/acre - F. A. SCHLEY for Lot #10 at $33.25/acre - Daniel SNOOK for Lot #11 at $30/acre Total sales, $12,760.88. 1st Distribution of $4,848.94; court costs $590.68 - widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10 or $1,157.02 - Charles GOLDSBOROUGH, creditor, $59.36 - Charles T. KELLER, creditor, $2.874 - David KENAJA, creditor, $344.65 - Aseline WAGNER, creditor, $20.69 - each child's portion, $534.73 each Thomas PICKING replaced William OTT as trustee. Filed 18 May 1857.
ES-4, 15-22 - HOUCK, PAYNE, STULL, EATON, HEFFNER - Sep 1856
Michael STULL vs Ezra HOUCK & Others Petition for Title On 6 Jan 1855, Ezra HOUCK and Peter HOUCK, executors of Michael HOUCK, sold to Daniel HOUCK 136 acres for $5,476.52, being part of Michael HOUCK's estate. Daniel HOUCK paid the 1/3, but is now unable to make remaining payments. Daniel conveyed all his personal and real estate, including this tract, to Joseph PAYNE in trust for the benefit of his creditors. Payne sold to Michael STULL the real estate from the Michael HOUCK sale, 2/3 of the sale is still due. Other Land - tract known as 'Mountain Lot', consisting for tracts, in part, "Content", "New Germany" and "Sandy Springs", 88 acres, to Daniel HOUCK by Godleip I. SIGMOND and w/ Elizabeth in Apr 1854. - "The Force Putts", 50 acres, to Daniel HOUCK by James STEVENS and w/ Matilda in 1839 (to Stevens from Godfrey LEATHERMAN in 1833) Exceptions are 36 acres conveyed by Daniel HOUCK to Henry EATON and 14 acres occupied by William HEFFNER, tenant of Daniel HOUCK. It isn't totally clear the other 2/3 was received, but title was transferred to Michael STULL. Filed 15 Oct 1856.
George SUMMERS & Others vs Adam SUMMERS & Others Abraham SUMMERS d/ Feb 1856 intestate widow - Catharine and 11 children s/ George SUMMERS and w/ Ellen (WALLICK) d/ Elizabeth w/o Samuel PUTMAN d/ Mary w/o Israel SLIFER - Ohio d/ Susanna w/o David BOWERS s/ Daniel SUMMERS and w/ Mary d/ Eliza w/o John H. BEAKLEY d/ Catharine SUMMERS d/ Malinda SUMMERS s/ Adam SUMMERS, a minor s/ Jacob SUMMERS, a minor d/ Amanda SUMMERS, a minor Land - "Land of Promise", 52 acres, from Jacob SUMMERS (w/ Elizabeth) in 1838; adjoins lands of Joseph WASTLER. - "Stephen's Hope", 24 acres, from James GLADDEN (w/ Mary Ann) and Sophia AMBROSE in 1840. - "Land of Promise", 52 1/4 acres, from Jacob SUMMERS of C. (w/ Elizabeth) in 1850; adjoining lands of John SUMMERS and Joseph WASTLER. Exceptions were 1/4 acre to Joshua SNYDER and 1 acre to Wiliam RENNER. - "Land of Promise", 14 acres, from Daniel MAIN and w/ Malinda in 1852; adjoins lands of Abraham SUMMERS, John SUMMERS and brother Jacob SUMMERS. - "Land of Promise", 38 perches, from William RENNER and w/ Elizabeth in 1856; on road leading to Wolfsville. Lands of 140 acres lie in Middletown Valley, adjoining those of Daniel LEATHERMAN and Jacob SUMMERS, Guardian was Daniel WASTLER; testimony was heard from Daniel MAIN and Henry BOWER. Guardian for Malonda SUMMERS was Charles COLE. A commission of William METZGER, Jacob JOHNSON, Jacob ROUTZANG, Samuel WISEMAN and Jacob POFFENBERGER was formed to value the estate and lay out the dower land for the widow. The dower land was laid off for 30 acres and the remainder divided into four lots with a sliver of land in a fifth lot. George SUMMERS, being the eldest son, had first choice to take the land, giving his siblings their equal share of the value of the estate; he elected to take the property. The value of the land was $8,923.21; court costs, $171.28; each 1/11 share was $722.91. Filed 2 Dec 1856.
John Q. A. KEMP, surviving partner vs Daniel KEMP & Others David KEMP d/ 20 Feb 1856 intestate d/ Susan KEMP, dec'd w/o John W. CHARLTON ....David E. CHARLTON ....Margaret E. CHARLTON ....J. William CHARLTON ....Caroline J. CHARLTON ....Mary CHARLTON, a minor ....Olivia CHARLTON, a minor ....Susan CHARLTON, a minor ....Usher CHARLTON, a minor s/ Daniel M. KEMP d/ Mary E. KEMP w/o George P. REMSBURG d/ Margaret A. KEMP w/o Isaac WALKER d/ Louisa KEMP d/ Elizabeth A. KEMP w/o John WALKER - Ohio d/ Caroline A. KEMP w/o Richard I. LAMAR s/ David C. KEMP, dec'd (no issue) s/ William H. C. KEMP & w/ Rebecca - Loudoun Co, VA s/ John Q. A. KEMP LAND - parts of tracts "Richard and Elizabeth" and "The Honey Dogwood", 165 acres, referred to as 'The Mill Property' from Jacob GROVE and w/ Eliza in 1855 (previously from James S. HAWKINS); lies on Catoctin Creek and next to land of Charles GROSS (from Daniel LAKIN). John Q. A. KEMP was the surviving partner of the firm, David KEMP & Son. He entered into a co-partnership with David KEMP and William H.C. KEMP in 1845 for the purpose of milling and distilling and they purchased a mill and distillery property. On 10 May 1851, William H. C. KEMP retired from the firm and conveyed all his interests to David KEMP and John Q. A. KEMP (still as tenants in common) at which time the name was changed to David KEMP & Son. Administrator was John Z. A. KEMP. Guardian was John M. CHARLTON. Testimony was heard from John W. CHARLTON and William H. C. KEMP. Trustee was John Q. A. KEMP with sureties as Sebastian REMSBURG and Charles GROSS. SALE was held 16 Jul 1856; high bidder was: - George GROSS at $9,250 Distribution: - various creditors with most of it going to Farmers & Mechanics Bank. Filed 1 Nov 1856.
BLESSING & Others vs BLESSING & Others Supplemental from ES-3, 520 2nd Accounting of William H. BLESSING, trustee for Estate of Neu BLESSING, dec'd Land - "The Mountain", mountain tract of 25 acres on south side of Catoctin Mountain, about 2 miles from Jefferson, set in Black Oak and Hickory timber with several springs of mountain water. (Previously owned by Perry WASKEY) Sale held in front of BISER's store in Jefferson on 11 Oct 1856, high bidders were: - Jarry WASKY for Lot #1, 2 & 3, 15+ acres, at $312.93 - Daniel F. FEASTER for Lot #4, 5+ acres, at $128.62 - Elizabeth THOMAS for Lot #5, 5+ acres, at $119.28 (memorandum of sale signed by George W. BLESSING as agent) Total sales, $558.84. Distribution: court costs, $79.76 - widow Mary BLESSING, in lieu of dower, 1/9 or $53.23 Heirs each received 1/8 or $53.23 - William H. BLESSING - Frances T. BLESSING - George W. BLESSING - Mary J. BLESSING - Elizabeth E. BLESSING - Penelope R. BLESSING - Lucinda V. BLESSING - Ann M. BLESSING Filed 10 Jan 1857.
Michael F. EICHELBERGER & Others vs Elizabeth EICHELBERGER & Others - Feb 1856 - Supplemental of ES-3, 200 Joseph EICHELBERGER d/ Apr 1854 intestate widow - Elizabeth d/ Mary M. w/o John SEABROOK s/ Michael F. EICHELBERGER d/ Virginia EICHELBERGER d/ Susan M. EICHELBERGER, a minor s/ Martin J. EICHELBERGER, a minor s/ Grayson M. EICHELBERGER, a minor ch/ Marion E. EICHELBERGER, a minor d/ Harriet A. EICHELBERGER, a minor (d/ c1856 intestate, no issue) Trustee was Michael F. EICHELBERGER. (Martin EICHELBERGER and Michael F. EICHELBERGER were both administrators of the estate; however, Martin died by 1856.) 2nd Report of Sales - Private sale to: - John ROUTZAHN of G. for 299 acres at $10,776.60 3rd Report of Sales - Private sale to: - Joshua BIGGS for Lots #1 thru 4 in Creagerstown and a lot of 19 acres adjoining Creagerstown at $1,500 (Previously from George BECKENBAUGH and wife) 2nd & 3rd Distribution of $12,276.60; court costs, $507.63 - widow, Elizabeth EICHELBERGER, in lieu of dower, $1,307.66 - various creditors, $6,653.25 - Each child's 1/7, $544 to Mary SEABROOK and Michael F., Virginia, Susan M., Martin J., Grayson M. and Marion E. EICHELBERGER. There were two remaining tracts to be sold and request was made to select a new trustee for this; Grayson EICHELBERGER was appointed. Private sale was made to: - Mathias AHALT for parts "The Mistake is Rectified" and "Rushers Purchase", 237+ acres, at $6,875; lies next to widow's dower portion on the home farm. 4th Distribution of $6,375.54; court costs $261.49 - widow's share in lieu of dower, 1/9, $734.39 - each child's 1/7, $839.88 Filed 5 Mar 1857.
George HARTMAN vs Joseph SMITH exec/of Middleton SMITH - Oct 1842 Middleton SMITH d/ abt Feb 1836, testate w/ Martha (Baker) d/ Mary FULTON d/ Margaret VALENTINE, dec'd .....Sevilla VALENTINE .....Margaret VALENTINE .....Melanathon VALENTINE .....William VALENTINE s/ Joseph SMITH s/ John SMITH .....Mary SMITH d/ Catharine w/o George HUMERICK (lived in Woodsborough) d/ Johanna SMITH Exec/ son Joseph SMITH Witnesses: Thomas SIMM, Mason PARSONS, Malachi BEMAN [Will 20 Jun 1835; 15 Feb 1836] ---------- Martha (Baker) SMITH died testate w/o Middleton SMITH niece/ Sarah w/o John WELKER niece/ Lydia w/o John McDEMOTT nephew/ Samuel BAKER of Jonathan sis/ Rachel (Baker) GRABILL sis/ Sarah (Baker) w/o George HARDMAN bro/ Basil BAKER bro/ Brooke BAKER Exec/ George HARTMAN Witnesses: William H. BAKER, David F. YANTIS, Rachel HARDTMAN [Will written 12 Nov 1836] Trustee was Joseph SMITH. - John SMITH for the 100-acre home of Middletown SMITH of Middletown at $1,750 Joseph SMITH died intestate before he completed the trust; John SMITH of M. then became administrator with sureties as William H. McCANNON and Ezra SMITH; but he recommended Grayson EICHELBERGER be trustee. Distribution of $1,176.88; court costs, $139.54 - George & Catharine HUMMERICK, their claim, $587.34 - Patrick FULTON, his claim, $450 Filed 16 Jan 1857. Also see HS-23, 473 For Joseph SMITH's estate, see TG-4, 658 For John SMITH of M's estate, see ES-2, 121
ES-4, 100-107 - COFFMAN, HARR, EYLER - Jan 1855
Adam COFFMAN & Others vs David COFFMAN & Others George COFFMAN Sr d/ intestate s/ Adam COFFMAN s/ George COFFMAN (Jr) s/ David COFFMAN s/ Andrew COFFMAN s/ Joseph COFFMAN d/ Martha COFFMAN w/o Edward HARR d/ Juliet COFFMAN Land - "Sugar Tree Valley", 11 acres, from Adam EYLER (w/Mary) in 1832; (previously to Adam EYLER by Henry EYLER, Frederick EYLER and John EYLER in 1836). - Lot #2, 14 acres, on road from Emmitsburg to Hagerstown, next to tract "Jonas & Margaret's Partnership"; from Adam EYLER (w/Mary) in 1832. George COFFMAN Sr died before the land was conveyed to him. Sons David and Andrew filed for insolvency in 1837 with Thomas GURLEY Jr as their trustee. Trustee was Grayson EICHELBERGER with surety as Bradley T. JOHNSON. Private Sale was made 5 Nov 1856 to: - George EYLER at $127 Distribution: - each child's 1/7 share, $7.25 Filed 7 Jan 1857.
William BEALL & w/ Annie vs Henry HAMDEN & Others - Apr 1854 Daniel HOUSE d/ abt 1815 intestate, w/ 11 children s/ John HOUSE, dec'd, his children .....Elizabeth HOUSE w/o Henry HAMDEN - Out of State .....John HOUSE- Out of State .....Mahala HOUSE- Out of State d/ Mary HOUSE w/o William RICE - Out of State, no issue d/ Rachel HOUSE, dec'd w/o Conrad/Jacob EASTERDAY, dec'd .....Daniel T. EASTERDAY & w/ Susanna .....George W. EASTERDAY .....Sarah Ann C. EASTERDAY w/o Samuel MILLER s/ William HOUSE Sr s/ Levi HOUSE - died in Ohio, no issue s/ Andreas HOUSE s/ Nelson HOUSE (left Ohio 15 yrs ago, whereabouts unknown) .....Mary HOUSE, a minor d/ Annie HOUSE w/o William BEALL d/ Sarah HOUSE, dec'd w/o James E. WOOD - Out of State .....James Washington WOOD - Out of State .....Stephen Oliver WOOD & w/ Emily .....Joseph E. WOOD .....Mary Amanda WOOD, a minor .....Ann Dallas WOOD, a minor .....Columbus WOOD, a minor d/ Rebecca HOUSE, dec'd w/o Thomas BOYER, no issue d/ Miranda HOUSE w/o Daniel WALKER- Out of State LAND - tract "Wine", 28 acres, from Abraham LAMASTER (w/ Rachel) in 1796; lies next to tract "Resurvey on Long Bottom", adjoining land of Jacob KEAFAUVER, with a log house then occupied by Samuel HOUSE. Guardian appointed for Mary A., Ann D. and Columbus WOOD was Charles COLE. Andreas HOUSE filed for insolvency with Joseph HARRISON as his trustee. William HOUSE sold his interests to Washington H. HARBAUGH of Ohio and John KEAFAUVER. John KEAFAUVER, now dec'd s/ William KEAFAUVER s/ Lewis H. KEAFAUVER - PA d/ Ann R. KEAFAUVER w/o William ZITTLE - Ohio s/ Elizabeth M. KEAFAUVER - Ohio Testimony was heard from Jacob RUDY; and also Daniel ROUTZAHN who testified that Joseph HARRISON died the summer of 1855 and that Daniel HOUSE's father was William HOUSE who previously owned the land now belonging to Daniel HOUSE. Trustee was William J. ROSS; sale was held 11 Oct 1856 at the tavern of William COOKERLY in Middletown, high bidder was George SHAFER at $1106. Distribution; court costs, $191.50 - Ann BEALL, 1/9 or $101.61 - Miranda WALKER, 1/9 or $101.61 - Mary RICE, 1/9 or $101.61 - Elizabeth HAMDEN, 1/3 of 1/9 or $33.87 - John HOUSE, 1/3 of 1/9 or $33.87 - Mahala HOUSE, 1/3 of 1/9 or $33.87 - Daniel EASTERDAY, 1/3 of 1/9 or $33.87 - George W. EASTERDAY, 1/3 of 1/9 or $33.87 - Sarah Ann MILLER, 1/3 of 1/9 or $33.87 - J. Washington WOOD, 1/6 of 1/9 or $16.93 - S. Oliver WOOD, 1/6 of 1/9 or $16.93 - J. E. WOOD, 1/6 of 1/9 or $16.93 - Mary Amanda WOOD, 1/6 of 1/9 or $16.93 - Ann P. Dallas WOOD, 1/6 of 1/9 or $16.93 - Columbus WOOD, 1/6 of 1/9 or $16.93 - Mary HOUSE (of Nelson), 1/9 or $101.61 - Andrew HOUSE, to insolvent trustee, 1/9 or $101.61 - Washington HARBAUGH, 1/2 of 1/9 or $50.80 - William KEAFAUVER, 1/4 of 1/2 of 1/9 or $12.70 - Lewis H. KEAFAUVER, 1/4 of 1/2 of 1/9 or $12.70 - Ann R. ZITTLE, 1/4 of 1/2 of 1/9 or $12.70 - Elizabeth M. KEAFAUVER, 1/4 of 1/2 of 1/9 or $12.70 (Rebecca and Levi died w/o issue, therefore there were only 9 shares instead of 11.) Filed 28 Jan 1857.
ES-4, 126-132 - JOHNSON, BARGER, DEAVER, MORRISON - Sep 1856
Thomas JOHNSON & Others vs Richard E. JOHNSON & Others Supplemental of ES-3, 311 Estate of Richard JOHNSON; Col. Thomas JOHNSON, trustee Sales to: - Thomas BARGER for Lot #2, 9 acres, at $467.81; part 'Pessa/Perra Land', lies on north side of canal and on south side of the rail Road. - Henry T. DEAVER for Lot #3 (Castle Farm), 194 acres, at $9,737.50; located next to Thomas CRAMPTON farm and Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, Chesapeak & Ohio Canal and the Potomac River. - Jeremiah MORRISON of Lloyd for Lot #1, 52 acres, at $1,581; part 'Pessa/Perra Land', lies by canal and on the Potomac. total sales, $11,786.31. Distribution: court costs, $433.66 - inheritance tax, $283.82 - each 1/9, $1,229.87 to ...Richard E. JOHNSON ...Edwin JOHNSON ...Col. Thomas JOHNSON, assignee of Francis R. A. JOHNSON ...Jane JOHNSON ...Thomas JOHNSON Jr. ...Wyndham JOHNSON ...Fanny JOHNSON ...Catharine V. JOHNSON ...Mary B. JOHNSON Filed 8 Nov 1856.
Cyrus C. KUHN & Others vs Joseph KUHN & Others Joseph KUHN d/ 1855 intestate widow - Sarah and 7 children s/ Cyrus C. KUHN d/ Margaret w/o Trueman McHENRY s/ William KUHN s/ Joseph KUHN, a minor s/ David KUHN, a minor s/ Leander KUHN, a minor s/ John KUHN , a minor Land - in Mechanics Town; from Adam RIDENOUR and w/ Ellizabeth in 1837; - "Thereabouts", 24 acre mountain tract, previously to RIDENOUR from Conrad WILHIDE in 1810 - "Long Timber", 10 acres, previously to RIDENOUR from Anthony MILLER and Henry MILLER in 1829. - 2 1/2 acres, lays between the other two tracts on norths side of road from Middle Town to Catoctin Furnace, previously to RIDENOUR from Valentine PENTZER in 1829; exception is 1/2 acre sold to Nathaniel RICE. Land - Lot #9, 25 acre mountain tract, from Samuel HEARD and Tobias FAHS in 1855; previously owned by Conrad WILHIDE in 1838. - "Stoney Corner", from William P. JONES and w/ Margaret in 1841. - "Alltogether", 2 acres, from Joseph WILHIDE in 1855, lies on public road. - "Millers Conclusion", 76 acres, from John W. CHARLTON in 1847 (previously from Anthony MILLER in 1819); located on road from Mechanics Town to Catoctin Furnace, near 'High Run', and by lands of Jacob WELLER and Jeremiah WELLER. Guardian was Henry LORENTZ; testimony was heard from George OVALMAN who was also the trustee for the sale and surety was Elie G. GROFF. Petition was made to lay off the widow's dower of 1/3 of the land. The balance of the land was divided off into 9 lots and sold to: - William KUHN for the 'Home Place', 28 acres, at $784, subject to dower. - William KUHN for Lot #1 at $175 - William KUHN for Lot #2 at $469 - William KUHN for Lot #3 at $201 - Leonard PICKING for Lot #4 at $310.05 - Peter BUZZARD for Lot #5 at $175.54 - Henry STOUFFER for Lot #6 at $300.46 - Frederick WHITE for Lot #7 at $118.47 - Frederick WHITE for Lot #9 at $177.90 - Joshua STOKES for Lot #8 at $85.28 - William KUHN for mountain tract, 25 acres, at $131.25 - Michael DORSEY for 1/2 moriety of mountain tract, 20 acres, at $20.62; of which Joseph WILHIDE owned the other half. Total sales, $2,948.62. The 'Home Place' and Lots 2, 3, 4 & 5 lay between Hunting Creek and Harmans Gap Road; Lots 1, 6, 7, 8 & 9 lay on the other side of Harmans Gap Road with the Turn Pike running across Harmans Gap Road and Hunting Creek, dividing the Home Place and Lot #2. Distribution: court costs, $262.02 - William DOTTERAR, his claim, $266.87 - Henry WHITMORE, his claim, $12.10 - each 1/7 share to the children, $343.94 Filed 28 Jan 1857.
ES-4, 154-169 -McHENRY, ROUZER, COLE, PICKING, McGUIGAN - Jun 1855
George H. JOHNSON vs John ROUZER, adm/of Henry McHENRY & Others Henry McHENRY d/ Feb 1855 intestate widow - Mary s/ Luke T. B. McHENRY s/ Henry McHENRY (Jr), a minor s/ John Hanson McHENRY, dec'd ...Josephine, a minor ...Margaret, a minor ...Cassandra F., a minor ...John Henry McHENRY, a minor Land - "Vine Garden" and a mountain tract, 51 acres, from Samuel WILHIDE of which 4 acres were sold by Elias MOSER. - part of "Mountain Tract" Lot #10, 20 acres, from Neal McCALLIAN (w/Catharine) in 1829, adjoining lands of George ZIMMERMAN and Jacob HARP. - "Mountain Tract", 9 acres, from George HAHN in 1836 (previously from Jacob MILLER of Jacob to John WILHIDE. All lands are adjoining and are in the Mechanics Town area. Administrator was John ROUZER with sureties as William C. SANDERS and Luke T. B. McHENRY; guardian was Charles COLE. Testimoney was heard from Leonard PICKING. Trustee for sale was John ROUZER with sureties as Wm. C. SOUDERS and David KEEFER. The widow released her dower rights and on 5 Nov 1855, James McGUIGAN testified the widow was about 63 years old and her general health was not very good. On 22 Dec 1855, public sale was held at the hotel of Michael DORSEY in Mechanicstown, high bidders were: - Mary McHENRY, for Lot #1, house and lot of 3 acres, then occupied by Luke T. B. McHENRY, at $40 - Luke T. B. McHENRY for the Lot #2, the late dwelling of Henry McHENRY of 46 acres, at $912 (half of purchase money from P. FITZHUGH), located one mile south of Mechanicstown and adjoining lands of Elias MOSER and B. FIROR; consists of two dwellings, a shoemaker's shop, under cultivation and has timber. Distribution of $952; court costs, $170.49; - widow, 1/10 or $78.15 - John ROUZER, his claim, $22.22 - George H. JOHNSON, his claim, $56.68 - George H. JOHNSON, his claim, $59.58 - each child's 1/3 share, $188.29 Filed 21 Feb 1857.
ES-4, 170-173 - MOTTER, KINNA - Nov 1854
MOTTER vs MOTTER Supplemental of ES-3, 344 Petition of John S. MOTTER of Lewis Co, Missouri, trustee Guardian needed for minors under the age of 21, George R. MOTTER, William H. MOTTER, Joseph E. MOTTER and Cecelia A. MOTTER who all reside with John S. MOTTER (his children, all under the age of 14) in Missouri. He is guardian in the state of Missouri and was approved to be in Maryland with sureties as Armstead C. WALTMAN and Howard ROBERTS. Monies of $255.91 held by trustee for the children. On 27 Feb 1857, a release was signed for George SMITH as surety by Dr. Edward S. MOTTER, John C. MOTTER, Mary A. V. KINNA and William C. KINNA, adult children of John S. MOTTER.
Henry F. STOKES & Others vs Mary DAMUTH & Others James STOKES d/ 1844 intestate bro/ Henry F. STOKES bro/ Joshua STOKES bro/ Jonas/Richard M. STOKES sis/ Susan STOKES sis/ Mary STOKES w/o Jacob DAMUTH sis/ Sophia STOKES w/o Joshua SMITH sis/ Catharine STOKES, dec'd w/o Samuel WELLER .....James Oliver WELLER, a minor .....Mary Elizabeth WELLER, a minor Land - Lots #40 & 42 on east side of Water St in Mechanicstown; from Samuel HEARD and w/ Jane in 1842. Testimony was heard from Samuel KEEFER claiming the name Richard M. STOKES should be Jonas STOKES and that Catharine WELLER died about three years ago (this dated 11 Jan 1856). Guardian was Joshua STOKES. Trustee for the sale was Henry F. STOKES with surety as Jacob MOTTER. On 15 Mar 1856, public sale was held at the tavern of Michael DORSEY in Mechanicstown; high bidders were: - Jacob PERRY for Lot #40 fronting South St, with 2-story and 1-story dwellings at $500.50 with sureties as David EYLER and Edward BAKER. - David EYLER and Edward BAKER for Lot #42 fronting South St with house and stable at $401 Distribution of $901.50; court costs, $131.57 - inheritance tax, $19.25 - Henry F. STOKES, 1/7 or $107.24 - Joshua STOKES, 1/7 or $107.24 - Jonas STOKES, 1/7 or $107.24 - Susan STOKES, 1/7 or $107.24 - Mary DAMUTH, 1/7 or $107.24 - Sophia SMITH, 1/7 or $107.24 - Samuel WELLER, husband's curtesy share, 5/16 of 1/7, $33.51 - Oliver WELLER, 1/2 of 1/7 less 5/16, $36.86 - Mary E. WELLER, 1/2 of 1/7 less 5/16, $36.86 Filed 30 Apr 1857.
James BURCH & Others vs Henry EATON & Others Thomas BURCH d/ Jun 1856 intestate widow - Elizabeth s/ James BURCH & w/ Mary d/ Susan (BURCH) w/o Emanuel FEEZER d/ Sarah (BURCH) w/o Henry EATON s/ William BURCH & w/ Martha (HEWETT) - Pennsylvania s/ John BURCH & w/ Rebecca (ELDER) - Indiana d/ Elizabeth (BURCH) w/o John BAMFORD, now both dec'd, w/o issue Land - Lots #100, 101, 102, 128, 129 & 130 in Lewistown from George SCHLOSSER (w/ Phebe) in 1830; previously to Schlosser from John WOOD; town laid out by Daniel FUNDENBURG on tracts "Coopers Point", "Miller's Chance" and "Cassell's Desire". - "Metamoras", 38 acres, by special warrant to Burch in 1830 and composed of parts of "Millers Chance", "Cassell's Desire", "Resurvey on Miller's Chance" and "Trifle's Witt"; located on western edge of road from Lewistown to Frederick Town. On 11 Oct 1856, George SCHLOSSER testified the widow was age 69 and not in good health. Trustee for the sale was James T. BURCH with sureties as Wm. H. DOUB and Richard HARPER. On 3 Dec 1856, sale was held at the hotel of Henry EATON in Lewistown; high bidders were: - Henry EATON for Lots #101, 102, 128, 129 & 130 at $75 - Henry EATON for "Metamoras" at $1,200 Distribution of $1,275; court costs, $135.56 - widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10 or $113.94 - James T. BURCH, 1/5 or $205.10 - Susan FEEZER, 1/5 or $205.10 - Sarah EATON, 1/5 or $205.10 - William BURCH, 1/5 or $205.10 - John BURCH, 1/5 or $205.10 Filed 20 Feb 1857.
ES-4, 195-205 - KLINE, PALMER, DUBLE, METZGAR, SHANK - Dec 1856
Mary KLINE, next friend of Sarah Ann E. KLINE - Petition James KLINE d/ c 1854 intestate widow - Mary d/ Sarah Ann E. KLINE, a minor Land - "Klines Good Will", "Klines Old Fields", "Simpy Ridge", "Meadow Land", "Weaver Last Renewal" and "The Third Time of Asking", 45 acres, from Paul KLINE in 1853, subject to dower for Elizabeth KLINE, widow of George KLINE; adjoins lands of Geoge Kline (to him from George Adam KLINE) and Michael KLINE and John WILLIAMS. Land is one mile north of Wolfsville, near road leading from Frederick City to Smithsburg with a 2-story log house and spring house near a good spring and has all kinds of fruit trees; 15-20 acres in timber of rock oak, black oak and white oak; balance of land is cleared. Guardian was Charles COLE. On 15 Jan 1857, Jacob PALMER made oath that the widow was age 25 and her general health was good. Trustee for the sale was William METZGAR with sureties as Peter SHANK and John SHANK. On 24 Feb 1857, sale was held in Wolfsville; high bidder was John DUBLE at $1,145.31. Distribution of $1,145.31; court costs, $107.67 - the widow, in lieu of dower, $142.52 - Sarah Ann E. KLINE, $855.12 Filed 28 Apr 1857.
ES-4, 205-207 - COST, WARFIELD, POOLE - Jan 1857
Henry COST vs Jacob COST & Others Supplemental of HS-4, 464 2nd Report of M. B. LUCKETT & Thomas JOHNSON, trustees for Estate of John COST Sale for the portion of the widow's dower in village of Jefferson. Sold to Henry COST for the 39 acres at $4,166.64. Distribution: court costs, $209.67 - Jacob COST, brother, 1/5 or $771.61 - Elias COST, brother, 1/5 or $771.61 - Henry COST, brother, 1/5 or $771.61 - Catharine WARFIELD, sister, 1/5 or $771.61 - Alexander J. COST, nephew, 1/4 of 1/5 or $192.90 - Catharine COST, niece, 1/4 of 1/5 or $192.90 - Serena COST, niece, 1/4 of 1/5 or $192.90 - Ann R. POOLE, niece, 1/4 of 1/5 or $192.90 Filed 3 Apr 1857.
John McDERMOTT & Others vs James W. McGEE & Others Peter McGEE d/ 25 Jul 1855 intestate sis/ Mary (McGEE) w/o John McDERMOTT bro/ Hugh McGEE, dec'd; his children, .......James W. McGEE - Baltimore city .......Joseph H. McGEE - Baltimore city .......John C. McGEE .......Ann Catharine McGEE w/o George B. REPLOGLE - PA .......Mary Elizabeth McGEE w/o Jacob C. BRUMBAUGH - PA .......Martha McGEE - Washington County .......Cecelia McGEE, a minor - Washington County bro/ Patrick McGEE, dec'd; his children, .......James McGEE, a minor .......Elizabeth McGEE, a minor Land - in Frederick (296 acres) and Montgomery (adjoining land of 104 acres) counties - "Rome", 80 acres, from Patrick MURPHY (w/ Mary) in 1844; lies in both counties, on west side of Little Monocacy and north end of hill (Molly's Mountain) and land of John WHITE. (Same land was also conveyed to Patrick from Nacy WATERS of N. in 1833. and "Necessity Enlarged", "Stoney Hive", 216 acres, from Will of Patrick MURPHY's father, William MURPHY; lies 11 miles south of Frederick on road from Urbana to Barnesville with the mouth of the Monocacy and the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal being five miles away. There is a 2-story farm house and kitchen attached, negro quarters, smoke house, barn, stabling, cornhouse and has a never-failing spring convenient to dwelling and stable yard. Total acreage was 390 acres. Guardian was Charles COLE; testimony from James W. McDERMOTT stated the date of death for Peter McGEE and revealed the land lay near Sugar Loaf Mountain on the east side. Trustees for the sale were John SIFFORD and James W. McDERMOTT with sureties as John LOATS and John HAGAN. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick city on 1 Jan 1857; high bidder was John A. SIMMONS for the 390 acres at $11/acre, but he transferred the sale to Joshua DILL and Henry LORENTZ. Distribution of $4,290; court costs, $362.02 - taxes, $98.20 - each 1/3 share, $1,276.59 Deceased siblings' share wasdivided equally among their children. Filed 30 Mar 1857.
Charles E. TRAIL & w/ Ariana vs Mary P. CRAMPTON & Others Land - "Walnut Level", 102 acres, conveyed by William KELLY, Chancellor of Maryland to Barton PHILPOTT and w/ Amelia, Elizabeth PHILPOT and Violetta GWYNN in 1819; - Lot #10 & house in Petersville, 2 1/2 acres, from Matthias E. BARTGIS, Sheriff, to John N. HOSKINSON in 1833; then occupied by Michael KELLY. - "The Mountain Side", Two lots, 62 acres, mountain land on east side of mountain and west of Petersville; All mortgaged by Violetta HOSKINSON & Mary P. HOSKINSON to Ariana McELFRESH in 1845. Ariana McELFRESH married Charles E. TRAIL between 1845 and Jun 1856. Violetta HOSKINSON d/ Dec 1851 (w/o John N. HOSKINSON) (her Will named daughter) d/ Mary Priscilla (HOSKINSON), now wid/o John W. CRAMPTON (d/ 1855) .....Clarence A. CRAMPTON, a minor .....Eda Frances CRAMPTON, a minor .....Violetta Gwynn CRAMPTON, a minor John W. CRAMPTON and w/ Mary P. conveyed their interests by note to Mutual Insurance Company. Guardian was Henry T. DEAVER who also gave testimony and served as trustee for the sale with sureties as Benjamin PHILPOTT and Robert B. CARLISLE. On 15 Sep 1856, sale was held at the hotel of William B. TABLER in Knoxville, but no sufficient bids were received. Private sales were later made to: - Ezra WILLIARD for the farm at $10,100 (surveyed at 204 acres, includes mountain land); (part was Lot #12 of "Resurvey on Maryland", made by Lawrence BRENGLE in 1810). Distribution: court costs, $446.83 - Charles E. TRAIL & Ariana TRAIL, their mortgage, $1,940.70 - Mutual Ins Co, their mortgage, $667.10 - Henry T. DEAVER, trustee, to hold in trust for Mary P. CRAMPTON and on her death to her children, $3,294.58 - Mrs. Mary P. CRAMPTON, the residue, $3,750.78 Filed Apr 1857.
ES-4, 241-243 - SAYLOR - Jun 1856
Sarah SAYLOR vs George SAYLOR, adm/of Henry SAYLOR & Others Supplemental of ES-3, 546 2nd Report of George SAYLOR, trustee Rents received, $834.52; Court Costs, $107.87 - Catharine SAYLOR, her portion of rents, $294.84 To Saylor children, each 1/5, $96.36 ...Catharine E. SAYLOR ...Benjamin F. SAYLOR ...Eliza J. SAYLOR ...Sarah A. SAYLOR ...Mary E. SAYLOR Filed 4 Apr 1857.
Michael ZIMMERMAN & Michael L. BECKENBAUGH vs George BECKENBAUGH, Calvin PAGE & Others - Aug 1856 George BECKENBAUGH was greatly in debt. LAND: - 11 acres from W. T. GRIMES in 1832; - Lots #48 & 49 in Creagerstown from Henry G. WATERS in 1832; - Lots #51 thru 55 in Creagerstown from George HALE in 1859; - Lots #56 thru 61 in Creagerstown froom John GROSHON and Abraham GROSHON in 1839; - Lots #91 thru 94 in Creagerstown from Mahlon TALBOTT, Sheriff, in 1839; - 1/2 of undivided tract, 4 acres, adjoining Creagerstown, to him and Catharine BECKENBAUGH as tenants in common by John R. CURTIS in 1829; Mortgaged to the complaintants. Trustee was John A. LYNCH. SALE was held 18 Oct 1856 at the hotel of Charles STEVENS in the village of Creagerstown; high bidders were: - Warner T. GRIMES for Lots 56-61, 4 acres, at $275 - John H. SEABROOKS for Lots 51-55 and 1/2 of Lot 50, 8 acres, at $280 - ________ for Lots 48 & 49 at $150 - Michael ZIMMERMAN for Lots 92-94 at $101 - Michael ZIMMERMAN for 1/2 of undivided 4 acres & 1/2 undivided Lot #91 in Creagerstown at $125 Distribution of $1,174.32; court costs, $307.86 - Calvin PAGE, his claim, $710.64 - Michael ZIMMERMAN & Michael L. BECKENBAUGH, their claim in part, $255.82 Filed 5 May 1857. (Also see MD Chancery Records)
ES-4, 257-271 - TANEY, DWEN, ELDER, McBRIDE, ROWE - Aug 1856
Edward S. TANEY & Others vs Carnelia V. TANEY & Isaac E. PEARSON Dr. Augustine TANEY d/ Aug 1853 intestate s/ Edward S. TANEY and w/ Clara E. d/ Laura B. TANEY, now w/o James A. DWEN d/ Cornelia V. TANEY, a minor Land - Rock Dale Factory on Middle Creek, from Sterling GALT of Carroll County (from Deed of Trust to him from William GREASON in 1837). - Lot #11 in Emmitsburg on NW corner of public square; also a back lot consisting of parts of Lots #130, 131 & 135, located on SE corner of Elias Church and next to lot of Thomas HAYS; from George RICE, Sheriff, by Richard MASTERS' judgment against Johnzie HOOKER, in Feb 1844. - Lot #13 in Emmitsburg fronting Main St and parts of back Lots #130, 131 & 135, on north side of Northern Alley and Patrick QUYNN's heirs' lot to Church Alley and Thomas HAYS' lot; to Augustine TANEY & Joshua TROXELL from John HOUCK Jr, insolvent trustee for Michael WEISE in Apr 1842 (previously to Weise by Joseph BAUGHER & w/ Julia A. in Apr 1836). - Lot #14 in Emmitsburg, from Rev. David BOSSLER in Jan 1826. - 17 acres, on road from Emmitsburg to Taneytown, adjoining land of Solomon SLAYBAUGH, from Isaac E. PEARSON, the insolvent trustee of George HERBST; Augustine died before deed was conveyed. Guardian was John F. ELDER; testimony was heard from Anthony McBRIDE who had known the parties for 11 years or more. Trustee was Edward S. TANEY with sureties as James A. DWEN and Anthony McBRIDE; on 28 Feb 1857, sale was held in Emmitsburg, high bidders were: - Anthony McBRIDE for Lot #14 at $1,428 - James A. DWEN for Lot #13 at $1,544 - Frederick A. ROWE (at private sale) for Lot #11 at $1,350 Total sales, $4,322. Distribution: court costs, $268.76; each 1/3 child's share, $1,351.08 Filed 29 Apr 1857.
Ezra M. THOMAS vs George SMITH, adm/of Lloyd DORSEY & Others Dr. Lloyd DORSEY d/ Sep 1856 intestate widow - Rebecca Ann Lau DORSEY d/ Rachel DORSEY w/o John TRAFFORD - New Jersey d/ Virginia Torrence DORSEY s/ Nicholas James DORSEY - Indiana s/ Lloyd DORSEY (Jr) - Baltimore city d/ Drusilla DORSEY s/ William Nevins DORSEY, a minor (not certain of birth order) Land - the north front of Lot# 109 on Third St in Frederick Town, north of Patrick St, adjoining Lot#110 held by George BALTZELL (but held by Robert MACGILL in 1852); also Lot#110 fronting Market and Third Sts (previously to Jamison from David SCHAEFFER); conveyed to Lloyd DORSEY of Baltimore County from Henry M. JAMISON & w/ Mary A. in 1840. Dr DORSEY was indebted by mortgage to Franklin MYERS for $4,000 dated 1852 when both parties lived in Frederick Town. MYERS was a minor and Ezra HOUCK was his guardian. George SMITH was adm/of Lloyd DORSEY's estate with sureties as Christian SMITH and John J. SMITH. Guardian of both minors was Charles COLE. Testimony was heard on 2 Dec 1856 from George SMITH and Ezra HOUCK who stated Franklin MYERS was 9 years old. Trustee was George SMITH with the same sureties. On 31 Jan 1857, sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidders were: - J. J. MORAN for lots on Market & Third Sts at $4,560 which included a 2-story brick dwelling with 5 spacious rooms including an office on the first floor and attached kitchen and 8 rooms on the second floor. It had gas fixtures, a hydrant and well in the yard, smoke house, brick stable and carriage house nearly new and lot measured 54 ft on Market and 126 feet on Third and has a fine cellar underneath. Distribution of $2,417.97; court costs, $297.30 - to trustee for Franklin MYERS 1st lien, $2,120.67 Filed 28 Apr 1857. (Supplemental on page 616)
ES-4, 287-296 - WILSON, FREEZE, JOHNSON, DUBLE - Oct 1856
Petition for Sale of Real Estate by Letitia WILSON & Others James L. WILLSON d/ intestate widow - Letitia d/ Martha E. WILSON, a minor s/ James W. WILSON, a minor s/ Hugh T. WILSON, a minor s/ Columbus W. WILSON, a minor Land - House & Lots 56 & 67 fronting Commerce St to west corner of Monroe St in Point of Rocks on tract "The Mine Bank Farm"; from Charles JOHNSON as exec/of Roger JOHNSON in 1836. The minor children were living in Cecil County when the petition was filed. William G. COLE was appointed as guardian. Trustee was Bradley T. JOHNSON. Affidavit of widow's age provided by John T. FREEZE who was personally acquainted with Letitia WILSON of Cecil County, the widow, and stated her age was about 40 and she was of sound mind and memory. (dated 3 March 1857) On 7 Feb 1857, sale was made to Jacob DUBLE at $400. Distribution: court costs, $94.80 - widow, 1/7 or $43.60 - each child's 1/4 share, $65.40 Filed 28 Apr 1857.
ES-4, 296-309 - BROCKE, WISSENDORF, LEILICH - Aug 1856
Frederick Town Savings vs Ann Maria BROCKE, Jacob LEILICH & Others Ignatius BROCKE d/ Apr 1855 (Will written 13 Jul 1854)) widow - Ann Maria s/ (Francis) Joseph BROCKE - Allegany Co, MD d/ Catharine w/o Joseph WISSENDORF - Illinois s/ John Peter BROCKE - Michigan s/ William BROCKE s/ Peter BROCKE s/ Theodore BROCKE s/ Charles BROCKE, a minor Theodore & Peter were given an extra $150 for services they had provided their father. Exec/ Jacob LEILICH Witnesses: John Nicolaus BLUMENAUR, Henry STEINER, John A. STEINER Land - Brick House & Lot in Frederick Town on "Resurvey on the Meadow", 19 acres, from Samuel SOCKS & w/ Levina in 1849; on the southern side of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road Company near the depot and opposite Brown's Coal Yard and has a good stable. Part (8 acres) was conveyed by Richard POTTS to Michael & Jacob BUCKEY in 1807; other part (11 acres) conveyed to Jacob KELLER by Joshua DILL, trustee, in 1840). A note to the bank was owed by Ignatius BROOKE with sureties as Jacob LEILICH and Harman WEBER. Guardian was William G. COLE; testimony was heard from Jacob LEILICH who also served as trustee with sureties as Michael H. HALLER and John A. STEINER. Sale was held on 15 Mar 1854; high bidder was William BROCKE at $580; auctioneer was Levi VANFOSSEN. Distribution: court costs, $128.57 - Jacob LEILICH as exec for overpaid expenses for Brocke, $73.89 - Frederick Town Savings, their claim, $99.34 - Henry NIXDORF, his claim, $6.58 - Jacob LEILICH as trustee in accordance with the Will, $271.67. Filed 9 May 1857.
Philip DUSING vs Elias DUSING & Others Adam DUSING d/ 1849 widow - Catharine s/ Abraham DUSING s/ Isaac DUSING s/ Philip DUSING s/ Elias DUSING d/ Mary w/o Philip KOON d/ Hannah w/o Peter SCHROYER d/ Elizabeth w/o William BUSSARD d/ Magdalene w/o Brice FORD Land - "The Orchard", 25 acres, (next to Michael KNIFE's tract "Stainbough"); "Catys Memorandum", 35 acres (for George CUSTARD in 1782); "Long Race", 198 acres (to Michael KNIFE in 1796); "Bealls Leavings", 10 acres, (to Michael KNIFE in 1795); "Wood Enough", 48 acres, (to Michael KNIFE in 1800); all from John CULP (w/ Mary) in Apr 1811. Neighbors were Jacob ZENTMYER and Daniel WARENFELZS. - "Steinebaugh", 23 acres, and "Chesnut Level", 25 acres, from John COLP (w/ Mary) of Berkeley Co, VA in Dec 1811. Since the death of Adam DUSING, Philip has bought the share for $70 from Abraham DUSING who was of Rockingham Co, VA in Mar 1850. Isaac DUSING files for insolvency with trustee as Jacob YOUNG of D. and surety as Daniel MAIN. Trustee for sale was Joshua DILL; on 20 Jul 1850, sale was held at the tan yard of Jacob ZENTMYER; high bidders were: - George SHUTT for "Bealls Leavings" at $55 - Philip KUHN Sr for 14 acres (Lot #1) at $42.70 Private sales were made to: - Jacob WOLFE Jr for 12 acres (Lot #2) at $37.30 - George WITMER for 13 acres (Lot #3) at $52.75 - Hezekial SUMAN for 4 acres (Lot #4) at $19.25 - John GLADHILL for 4 acres (Lot #5) at $17.62 - Joel GERNAND for 9 acres (Lot #6) at $28.70 - George WITMER for 4 acres (Lot #7) at $17 - Elias DUSING for 2 acres (Lot #8) at $7.50 - Elias DUSING for 9 acres (Lot #9) at $7.80 Distribution of $291.92; court costs, $141.76 - the widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10 or $15.01 - creditors, 11% of claims, $135.15 Filed 28 Apr 1857.
ES-4, 326-338 - LUKENLAND, VERNON, DOUB, GOMBERT - Jun 1855
George LUKENLAND & Others vs Catharine LUKENLAND & Others David LUKENLAND Sr d/ 1834 (Will written 21 Aug 1834; filed 28 Oct 1834) widow - Catharine (now dec'd) bro/ George LUKENLAND - Washington County sis/ Christiana Catharine LUKENLAND nephews - Jacob LUKENLAND - Pennsylvania - Andrew LUKENLAND, now dec'd .....Sarah Elizabeth LUKENLAND w/o John VERNON - Baltimore city .....Caroline LUKENLAND, a minor - Baltimore county .....Mary C. LUKENLAND, a minor - Baltimore county .....Georgianna LUKENLAND, a minor - Baltimore county .....Margaret LUKENLAND, a minor - Baltimore county .....William H. LUKENLAND, a minor - Baltimore county - David LUKENLAND - Pennsylvania Exec/ Joseph WELLER Witnesses: John C. ROESSLER, Joseph WILLHIDE, William BEAM Land - Mechanicstown Lots on "Resurvey on Stony Corner"; - Lots #1 (2 acres), #2 (4 acres), #3 (3 acres) were adjoining and on Church Road; from Jacob FIROR in 1825. - Lots #4 (3 acres, on west side of Church Road); & #5 (4 acres, next to Rouzer's Tan Yard) were adjoining and from Christian WELLER in 1826. - Lots #6. #7, #8 were adjoining and on north side of Baltimore St adjoining lot of Henry ROUZER on the east and north and lot of Solomon EYLER on the west. - Lot #9 was on east side of North St, from Christian WELLER in 1826, next to Methodist Episcopal lot. - Lots #15 & #16 w/house was on south side of Baltimore/Main St from Jacob WELLER Sr and adjoining lot of Caroline COVER and John ARTHUR on the west side; was then occupied by Reuben OSLER. Guardian for the minor children was Elizabeth LUKENLAND; guardian for Catharine LUKENLAND, widow of David Sr, was William H. DOUB, he acting for her because of her mental inbecility. Testimony was heard from John GOMBERT of Hagerstown who also was the trustee for the sale; sureties were Lewis HEIST and Joseph FUNK of Washington County. On 3 Mar 1857, sale was held in Mechanicstown; high bidders were: - Henry STOUFFER for Lot #1 (2 acres) at $122.31 - James CREEGER for Lot #2 (4 acres) at $201 - Henry HOSPELHORN for Lot #3 (3 acres) at $115.62 - A. A. TROXELL for Lot #4 at $104 - Cyrus COVER for Lot #5 at $127.87 - John WEIRMAN for Lot #6 at $81 - Peter BUZZARD for Lot #7 at $76 - John E. MARTIN for Lot #8 at $71 - Stanislaus WALTERS for Lot #9 at $450 - Reuben OSLER for Lots #15 & 16 at $310 Total sales, $1,658.81. Distribution: courth costs, $199.68 - George LUKENLAND, 1/3 or $486.37 - Catharine LUKENLAND, 1/3 or $486.37 - Jacob LUKENLAND, 1/3 of 1/3 or $162.12 - David LUKENLAND, 1/3 of 1/3 or $162.12 - Children of Andrew LUKENLAND, each 1/6 of 1/3 of 1/3 or $27.02 Filed 25 May 1857.
ES-4, 339-342 - WASKEY, BESANT, HALE, CULLER - May 1857
James H. BESANT vs Mary F. WASKEY & Others Supplemental of ES-2, 99 Estate of Jacob WASKEY; James H. BESANT, trustee Land was located one and a half miles south east of Jefferson and was heavily timbered in white oak, black oak, hickory and chesnut with a large quantity of rock oak bark. They lie along the road from Frederick to Harpers Ferry. On 8 Mar 1857, sales were made to: - William HALE for Lot #1, 5 acres, at $355.14 - William HALE for Lot #2, 5 acres, at $398.10 - William WASKEY for Lot #3, 5 acres, at $530.62 - William WASKEY for Lot #4, 6 acres, at $296.81 - Henry CULLER for Lot #5, 4 acres, at $330.60 - Henry CULLER for Lot #6, 7 acres, at $472.75 Total sales, $2,384.03. Distribution: court costs, $141.74 - Mary F. WASKEY, 1/3 or $747.43 - Sarah J. WASKEY, 1/3 or $747.43 - Jacob A. WASKEY, 1/3 or $747.43 Filed 25 May 1857.
John J. ATKINS vs David KELLER, Adm/of Jonathan KELLER, & Others Jonathan KELLER d/ 3 Jun 1855 intestate widow - Elizabeth d/ Melinda w/o John J. ATKINS d/ Sarah w/o Solomon SHAFF d/ Lydia KELLER, a minor d/ Cassandra KELLER, a minor d/ Elizabeth KELLER, a minor s/ John KELLER, a minor s/ Martin KELLER, a minor s/ Robert KELLER, a minor s/ James KELLER, a minor s/ Charles KELLER, a minor Land - "Resurvey on Mason's Folly" and "Michael's Run", 5 acres, located 3 miles south of Middletown, adjoining lands of George SHAFER, Jonathan ROUTZAHN and Thomas BOST and Barbara BAST; from Joseph DARNER (previously to Darner from Thomas J. MARLOW of Loudoun Co, VA and John SHAFER by deed of trust of Thomas F. MARLOW in 1824). Consisted of 2-story stone house w/back building, spring house, spring, stable, corn house, hog pen, orchards of apples, pears, peaches, plums and apricots. Administrator was David KELLER; guardian was William G. COLE. Testimony was heard from Andrew BAST. On 16 Sep 1856, John LORENTZ testified the widow was about 44 years old and her health was delicate. Trustee was John J. ATKINS/ADKINS with sureties as George SMITH and John HAGAN; after a failed sale at the premises, on 17 Jan 1857, a sale was held at Cookerly's Tavern in Middletown; high bidder was Joshua KEPHART at $875.80. Distribution: court costs, $145.56 - the widow, in lieu of dower, 2/15 or $97.36 - David KELLER, for estate payments, $20.77 - Dr. Jacob BAER, claim, $61.02 - James W. EDMONDS, claim, $156.98 - each child's 1/10 share, $39.41 Filed 24 Apr 1857.
Jeremiah CHAMBERLAIN & Others vs Benjamin BIGGS Jr & Others Benjamin BIGGS d/ 1823 intestate widow - Elizabeth, now dec'd d/ Neoma BIGGS, d/ intestate, no children s/ Benjamin BIGGS Jr s/ Zacheus BIGGS d/ Elizabeth BIGGS w/o George TROXEL, both died intestate .....Benjamin B. TROXELL - Out of State .....Elizabeth TROXEL - Out of State .....Emma R. TROXEL w/o John CELLERS - Out of State s/ William BIGGS d/ intestate, leaving children, .....Elizabeth w/o Jeremiah CHAMBERLAIN .....Martha w/o John CHAMBERLAIN d/ Amanda BIGGS, dec'd w/o Eli G. GRAFF .....Susan Elizabeth (GRAFF) w/o Thomas GILSON .....Ann Jane GRAFF .....Benjamin B. GRAFF .....William X. GRAFF .....Theodore GRAFF .....Julian GRAFF .....Sarah N. GRAFF, a minor .....Golden GRAFF, a minor d/ Susanna BIGGS d/ intestate, no children Land - "Six Brothers" in Frederick and Carroll Counties; 85 acres of widow's dower in Frederick County and 15 acres in Carroll County. Benjamin BIGGS Jr was then living on the property which was located on the right bank of the Monocacy, about 5 miles south of Emmitsburg and one mile from road leading from Graceham to Bruceville. It has a 2-story stone house with 6 rooms and a finished garret and cellar, a large stone and log barn, corn crib, smoke house and two never-failing springs of pure water near the house and a variety of fruit trees. Woodland lies in Carroll County, 3/4 of a mile east of the farm and adjoining land of M. WAYBRIGHT. Benjamin sold his share to Joseph TROXEL. Zacheus sold his share to Jacob BIGGS who then sold it to Benjamin BIGGS Jr. Guardian was John NEED; testimony was heard from George OVELMAN. Trustee was Eli G. GRAFF; on 31 Jan 1857, sale was held on the premises; high bidders were: - Edmond BIGGS for the 85 acres at $2,170.33 - John WAYBRIGHT for the 15 acres at $172.50 Distribution of $2,342.83; court costs, $218.27 - Joseph TROXEL, assignee of Benjamin, 1/5 or $424.91 - Benjamin BIGGS JR assignee for Zacheus' share, 1/5 or $424.91 - William BIGGS' heirs, each 1/2 of 1/5, $212.45 - Amanda GRAFF's heirs, each 1/8 of 1/5, $53.11 - Elizabeth TROXEL's heirs, each 1/3 of 1/5, $141.63 Filed 28 Apr 1857.
Jacob MARKEN & Others vs Margaret MARKEN & Others - Apr 1856 Samuel MARKEN d/ 1854 intestate widow - Margaret s/ John MARKEN & w/ Catharine (RECKER) - Out of State s/ Jacob MARKEN & w/ Rebecca (GARNET) - Indiana d/ Catharine w/o John HOOVER of J. s/ Henry MARKEN & w/ Eliza d/ Mahala w/o John D. DUBEL s/ Wesley MARKEN & w/ Sarah E. (HAINES) s/ Elias MARKEN, a minor Land - "Good Luck", 94 acres, by patent (originally part of "Egypt" & part "Resurvey on Piney Grove"), on road leading from Wolfsville to Leitersburg and next to land of David LUDY. Guardian was Hiram H. MULLEN. John MARKEN was listed as out of state, to parts unknown; however, his wife was available to give testimony in Frederick County. Trustee was John HOOVER of J. with sureties as William METZGER (who was also the surveyor) and James S. GLADHILL; on 7 Mar 1857, sale of land divided into lots was held in Wolfsville, high bidders were: - Cornelius A. WOLFE for Lot #2, 4 acres, at $274.35 Later sales to: - John O. HAYS for Lot #1, 15 acres, at $798.52 - Josiah K. MARKEN for Lot #3, 8 acres, at $138.18 - John O. HAYS for Lot #4, 24 acres, at $415.43 - Jacob G. SMITH for Lot #5, 24 acres, at $607.92 Total sales, $2,234.42. This leaves the dower land of the widow of 16 acres and the church lot. Distribution: court costs, $266.16 - each 1/7 share, $281.18 Filed 23 May 1857. (also see CM-1, 419)
John W. MILLER & Others vs Thomas A. MILLER & Others - Supplemental of ES-2, 546-573 - Jun 1857 Estate of William MILLER; John W. MILLER, trustee Land - "Millers Fancy", 5+ acres Sold at private sale to Joshua CARMACK for $750; adjoined John WARNER's woods. 4th Distribution: court costs, $58.92 - Mary Ann MILLER, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10 or $69.10 - John W. MILLER, son, 1/6 or $103.66 - Thomas A. MILLER, son, 1/6 or $103.66 - William MILLER, son, 1/6 or $103.66 - Mary A. DUTTERER, daughter, 1/6 or $103.66 - Thomas A. MILLER, trustee of Zachariah MILLER 1/6 or $103.66 - Catharine KOONTZ' children, 1/4 of 1/6 or $25.91 each .....Thomas F. KOONTZ .....Clementine LAUTERBAUGH .....Willaim W. KOONTZ .....Frederick F. KOONTZ Filed 2 Jun 1857.
ES-4, 389-397 - BROWN, MANAHAN, COMFORT - Jan 1857
Henry BROWN vs Daniel BROWN & Others Elizabeth BROWN d/ 1 Oct 1856 intestate wid/o John BROWN (d/ before Feb 1842) s/ Henry BROWN s/ Daniel BROWN s/ Levi BROWN d/ Lavinia BROWN d/ Lydia MANAHAN, dec'd .....Ephraim L. MANAHAN, a minor .....Cyrus B. MANAHAN, a minor .....Daniel J. MANAHAN, a minor .....John Henry MANAHAN, a minor .....Sophia Elizabeth MANAHAN, a minor .....Mary L. MANAHAN, a minor d/ Magdalena COMFORT .....Catharine E. COMFORT, a minor .....Martin F. COMFORT, a minor .....Hiram E. COMFORT, a minor .....Mary J. COMFORT, a minor .....Margaret A. COMFORT, a minor .....Pembroke Somerset COMFORT, a minor Land -"Deer Park", 16 acres of mountain land in Hauvers District, from William D. BROWN, as trustee for estate of John BROWN, in Jun 1843; located on road from Wolf's Tavern to Mount Zion Church and 1 1/4 miles from said church and adjoining land of Daniel BURHMAN. Land has a 1-story log house and log stable with a spring of good water. Guardian was William G. COLE; testimony was heard from Daniel BROWN, a son. Trustee for the sale was Henry BROWN with sureties as William B. BROWN and Bradley T. JOHNSON; on 11 Apr 1857, public sale was held, high bidder was Daniel BROWN at $229. Distribution: court costs, $84.90 - each child's 1/6, $24.01 Filed 10 Jun 1857.
Grayson EICHELBERGER vs George J. FISCHER & Others A promissary note for $1,000 to Grayson EICHELBERGER from George J. FISCHER with his sureties as Jacob MARKELL, Alexander B. HANSON and Michael KEEFER. Fischer was indebted to Basil NORRIS, Jacob M. KUNKEL and Henry McELFRESH. Land - Lot #279 in Frederick Town whereon was erected the Gas Works known as Isabella Gas Works; located on north side of East Patrick St in Frederick Town, adjoining lots of Quynn & Gomber on the west and Mrs REEL on the east; (previously to Daniel HAUER from John GRIFFITH); to George J. FISCHER & w/ Isabella, from Abraham SHRIVER (of Edward SHRIVER) and Charles RUTHERFORD, trustees of estate of Abraham SHRIVER, dec'd, in 1849. - Lot #33 & 34 in Frederick Town (previously to Benjamin RUTHERFORD from Charles SCHELL in 1823); located on Patrick St at eastern edge of alley, other side of alley is store room of Jacob MARKELL; from Edward SHRIVER and John H. WILLIAMS in 1849. - "Araby", 117 acres, from William J. ROSS, trustee, in 1847. Fischer had mortgaged his real estate and personal property to his sureties, including stock he had in a store in Frederick Town which consisted of drugs, medicines, oil, glass, jewelry, etc. Trustee for sale was Grayson EICHELBERGER; on 13 Sep 1856, public sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick, high bidders were: - William BROWN & Theodore D. IRISH for the Gas Works at $24,750. The gas had been introduced into 200 houses, including all the churches, halls and public buildings of the city as well as the gas lights for the city streets. Annual consumption was over a million cubic feet and increasing. At that time, Frederick had a population of 7,000. Distribution of $8,250; court costs, $934.88 balance to various creditors, was 52% of their claims. Since then, William T. BROWN and Theodore D. IRISH sold the gas works to Jacob M. KUNKEL, Charles E. TRAIL and William T. BROWN. IRISH has paid no money; therefore request for change of deed was requested. Filed 12 Oct 1857.
ES-4, 415-416 - BARNES, ENGEL, KEEFER - Apr 1857
Jacob SNADER vs Peter ENGLE & Others Supplemental of ES-3, 473 Estate of Joshua BARNES; Peter ENGEL, trustee Received monies from Lewis KEEFER, a purchaser. 2nd Distribution - $556.26; court costs, $44.20 - creditors, $7.48 - Dennis BARNES, child, 1/9 or $56.06 - Gustavus BARNES, child, 1/9 or $56.06 - Anna M. BARNES, child, 1/9 or $56.06 - Noah M. BARNES, child, 1/9 or $56.06 - Mary C. BARNES, child, 1/9 or $56.06 - Martha E. BARNES, child, 1/9 or $56.06 - James H. BARNES, child, 1/9 or $56.06 - William P. BARNES, child, 1/9 or $56.06 - Isabella R. BARNES, child, 1/9 or $56.06 Filed 5 May 1857.
ES-4, 417-423 - NOGLE, ZOLLINGER, COON - Jun 1857
John W. COON vs John NOGLE & w/ Sophia Land - Lots #23 & 24 in Sabillasville, Harbaugh's Valley; mortgaged by John NOGLE & w/ Sophia, to George ZOLLINGER who also obtained a judgment against John NOGLE. Zollinger assigned the mortgage to John W. COON. Improvements made by Zollinger were a 2-story log house and small log stable per report of Robert HOLMES, constable. Foreclosure was upheld against Nogle; property now to John W. COON. Filed 1 Jul 1857.
Joseph CARTZENDAFNER & Martin W. E. HOUSE vs John Wesley SPARROW & Others - Oct 1856 Wilson L. SPARROW was indebted to Joseph CARTZENDAFNER and Martin W. E. HOUSE, they being sureties for Sparrow; therefore, mortgage to them was made by Sparrow. LAND - House and Lot in west end of Jefferson on Main St, along with personal property including bee hives and cooper tools. It had a 2-story log house with back building and cellar, cooper shop, good stable, well of pure water and a variety of fruit trees, lot was 23/20 deep. Wilson L. SPARROW d/ Aug 1856 intestate widow - Elizabeth, but no children bro/ John Wesley SPARROW sis/ Martha (SPARROW) w/o Christian STOCKMAN bro/ Nelson SPARROW - Indiana bro/ William SPARROW - last known to be in KY Admin/ Martin W. E. HOUSE; on 27 Feb 1857, Barbara A. R. RICHARDS testified the widow was age 36 and her health was bad. Trustees for the sale were Joseph CARTZENDAFNER and Martin W. E. HOUSE. Sale was held 31 Mar 1857, high bidder was Joseph H. PRICE at $1,221 Distribution: court costs, $156.23 - widow in lieu of dower, 1/7 or $152.11 - balance to various creditors Filed 24 Aug 1857.
Francis STEINER vs Jacob LEATHERMAN, adm/of Emanuel DRAYER & Others - Sep 1856 Emanuel DRAYER / DREHER d/ May 1856 intestate widow - Elizabeth s/ Noah Manasses DRAYER, a minor d/ Sarah Rebecca DRAYER, a minor ch/ born after his father's death Adm/ Jacob LEATHERMAN who was also the trustee for the sale with surety as Jonathan D. ENGLISH. Land - Lot #5, part of "Three Brothers", 31 acres, in Catoctin District. Improved with a House and barn. From Joseph HILTABIDLE & w/ Susan Rebecca and George HILTABIDLE & w/ Mary Ann in 1853. Guardian was William G. COLE. Testimony was heard from: - Jonathan ENGLISH who has known the widow for 8-9 years and stated she was then 34 years old (Jan 1857); Noah was 4, Sarah was between 1 and 2; and there was another child born since the death of Emanuel. After a failed public sale, private sale was made to: - Andrew DRAYER at $300 Distribution: court costs, $92.42 - Joseph HILTABRIDLE for purchase lien, $103.79 - William TOMS, assignee of Joseph HILTABRIDLE, for purchase lien, $103.79 Filed 1 Dec 1857.
Benedict BOONE & w/ Sarah vs Levin WEST & Others Jeremiah BELT d/ (Will written 15 Feb 1813) widow - Ann d/ 26 Sep 1856 (and 1 son & 11 daughters) s/ Tobias BELT (was given 250 acres of land) d/ Eleanor BELT w/o Erasmus WEST/WIRT, both dec'd .....Corbin WEST - Missouri .....Eliza H. WEST w/o Levin WEST .....Mary S. WEST w/o Jeremiah G. MORRISON .....Susanna J. WEST w/o Richard DRANE - Missouri .....Benjamin WEST - Marion Co, Missouri (married cousin Priscilla MORRISON) d/ Mary BELT JOHNSON - Washington Co, MD .....Tobias JOHNSON - Washington Co, MD .....possibly others d/ Ann BELT, now w/o James T. MORRISON, both dec'd .....Priscilla Ellen MORRISON (now dec'd) w/o Benjamin WEST - Marion Co, MO -------Jeannie WEST, a minor - Missouri -------Charles WEST, a minor - Missouri .....James MORRISON (died after his sister, single & w/o issue) d/ Louisa BELT wid/of Harry PRATHER d/ Oct 1833 - Washington Co, MD*, no issue d/ Charlotte BELT w/o Lody JONES - Ohio d/ Fidelia BELT, now wid/o William TOWNSEND - Prince Georges Co, MD d/ Priscilla BELT w/o Samuel JAMISON, both dec'd .....Richard B. JAMISON & w/ Rosella- Allegany Co, MD .....Jeremiah JAMISON - Allegany Co, MD .....Samuel J. JAMISON - California (in Allegany Co, MD in 1853) .....Tobias B. JAMISON - Allegany Co, MD .....Priscilla JAMISON w/o Athanasius MUDD - Ralls Co, Missouri .....Jane Frances JAMISON, dec'd w/o ______ DAVIS -------Samuel DAVIS, a minor - Missouri -------Pauline Josephine DAVIS, a minor - Missouri .....Josephine JAMISON w/o ______ HOWARD - Missouri d/ Catharine BELT w/o Singleton TOWNSEND - Washington, DC .....Louisa Elizabeth TOWNSEND .....possibly others d/ Maria BELT, now wid/o Levin BOONE - Washington, DC d/ Sarah BELT, now w/o Benedict BOONE d/ Harriet BELT, now w/o Bryan PHILPOTT - Allegany Co, MD SLAVES - negro man ISAAC (to son Tobias) (After death of wife, property to be divided among the daughters.) (The Will did not provide husband's names or the names of grandchildren.) Exec/ son Tobias BELT Witnesses: Thomas HAWKINS, Levin WEST, Patrick McGILL Jr. Land - Lots # 8, 9 &19 of "Resurvey on Maryland", 158 acres, on road leading to Berlin (Brunswick) and also on new county road leading to Brick School House and by land of Joseph WALTMAN - Wood lot, part of Lot #19 on same tract, 17 acres. (1/3 to wife & after her death to be divided equally among the daughters; all this was the widow's dower portion.) Property adjoins lands of Col. John THOMAS, heirs of Jeremiah GITTINGS/GIDDINGS, George SHAFER, Thomas CRAMPTON, Erasmus WEST, Francis THOMAS and Elisha BOON and was one mile from Petersville. In 1857, the neighbors were John PHILLIPS, Benjamin PHILPOTT, Mrs Priscilla GITTINGS and ex-governer THOMAS. There was a log house and several springs with apple and peach trees. * Louisa BELT wid/of Harry PRATHER d/ Oct 1833 - Washington Co, MD* (Will written 28 Nov 1831, filed 24 Oct 1833) SLAVE - negro girl RACHEL (to be freed when she is able to care for herself and her nephew Tobias JOHNSON to care for her until then. Monies to sister Mary JOHNSON, David MOORE (after he marries & land). Land from husband to Louisa BURDEN if David MOORE dies w/o marrying. Nephew Perry PRATHER, $500 to pay death expenses. Furniture to Margaret BURDEN, Ruth JOHNSON. Late father, Jeremiah BELT. Niece Louisa Elizabeth TOWNSEND (d/o sister Catharine), $300. $100 due from Rachel PRATHER to Louisa BURDEN. Exec/ nephew Tobias JOHNSON Witnesses: Lancelot JACQUES, Andrew GROSH, Catharine BLACKMAN. ===== Benjamin WEST conveyed his share to Jeremiah G. MORRISON as did his wife. Louisa PRATHER conveyed her share to Tobias JOHNSON of Washington Co, MD. Priscilla Belt JAMISON's sons conveyed all their shares to Benedict BOONE. Priscilla MUDD conveyed all her share to Jeremiah G. MORRISON. Catharine TOWNSEND, Maria BOONE and Harriet PHILPOTT conveyed all their shares to Benedict BOONE. Trustees for the sale were Benedict BOONE and Levin WEST with sureties as O. HORSEY and George W. WEST; on 1 Jun 1857, sale was held in Petersville, high bidder was: - William T. GITTINGS for the 158 acres at $52.50/acre - Joseph WALTMAN for the 17 acres at $60/acre Total sales, $9,396.93. Distribution of $9,396.94; court costs, $528.66 - Eleanor WEST's children, each 1/5 of 1/11, $161.24 .....Corbin WEST .....Eliza H. WEST .....Mary S. MORRISON .....Susanna J. DRANE .....Benjamine WEST's share assigned to Jeremiah G. MORRISON - Mary JOHNSON, 1/11, $806.20 - Ann MORRISON's children, each 1/2 of 1/11, $403.10 .....Priscilla E. WEST's share assigned to Jeremiah G. MORRISON .....James MORRISON's share divided between Jeannie WEST and Charles West - Louisa PRATHER's share devised to Tobias JOHNSON, 1/11, $806.20 - Charlotte JONES, 1/11, $806.20 - Fidelia TOWNSEND, 1/11, $806.20 - Priscilla JAMISON's children, each 1/7 of 1/11, $115.17 .....Richard B. JAMISON's share assigned to Benedict BOONE .....Jeremiah JAMISON's share assigned to Benedict BOONE .....Samuel J. JAMISON's share assigned to Benedict BOONE .....Tobias B. JAMISON's share assigned to Benedict BOONE .....Jane Frances DAVIS's share divided between her 2 children .....Josephine HOWARD - Catharine TOWNSEND, 1/11, $806.20 - Maria BOONE, 1/11, $806.20 - Sarah BOONE, 1/11, $806.20 - Harriet PHILPOTT's share assigned to Benedict BOONE, 1/11, $806.20 Filed 22 Sep 1857.
Charles GOLDSBOROUGH vs Mary DEVILBISS & Others - Jul 1857 - Supplemental of ES-4, 1 Estate of Samuel DEVILBISS of I; Substituted trustee, Thomas PICKING 2nd Distribution of $4,105.36; court costs, $39.77 - Charles MANTZ, his claim, $4.67 - Samuel DEVILBISS, 1/5, $812.19 - Isaiah DEVILBISS, 1/5, $812.19 - Martha R. POWELL, 1/5, $812.19 - Ephraim DEVILBISS, 1/5, $812.19 - Joseph DEVILBISS's children, each 1/4 of 1/5, $203.04 .....Absalom J. DEVILBISS .....Joseph DEVILBISS .....William DEVILBISS .....Thomas M. DEVILBISS Filed July 1857.
Joseph PAYNE vs Lydia Ann ANGLEBERGER & Others - Jan 1857 David S. ANGLEBERGER d/ Nov 1856 intestate widow - Lydia Ann ANGLEBERGER and 8 minor children s/ John P. ANGLEBERGER s/ Luther H. ANGLEBERGER s/ David F. ANGLEBERGER d/ Ann Catharine ANGLEBERGER d/ Marietta ANGLEBERGER s/ Theodore T. ANGLEBERGER s/ George W. ANGLEBERGER s/ Howard F. ANGLEBERGER LAND - "Chesnut Level", 15 perches (.09 acres). From George ZIMMERMAN of N. and w/ Mary Ann in 1840. - "Chesnut Level", 78 perches (.49 acres). From John MORGAN and w/ Luezer in 1852. - "Chesnut Level", 32 perches (.2 acres). From Solomon W. SHROYER in 1840. Previously to Valentine BUCKEY from William CAMPBELL, Henry KOONTZ Jr and Sebastian GRAFF, surviving execs/of Stephen SHELMERDINE in 1820). also - "Resurvey on Chesnut Hill", 5/8 acre; next to tract "Good Wife" and on north side of Paper Mill road. - "Chesnut Level", 1 acre. From John FOX (w/ Catharine), Elizabeth SMITH, Susannah SIMON and Mary ADKINS (wid/of James), heirs of Adam SIMON, in 1844. Property is located on Hamburg Road, five miles north of Frederick with a 2-story 6-room house with kitchen attached; has a carpenter shop, corn crib and new stable with well of pure water at the door and an orchard. It is a good stand for a store or mechanic. Administrator was the widow. Guardian was Abner CAMPBELL. Trustee for the sale was Joseph PAYNE with Robert BOONE as surety. SALE was held 20 Jun 1857 at Derr's Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - John SIFFORD at $800 On 8 Oct 1857, Philip SHANKLE testified the widow was about 32 years old an in general good health. Distribution of $400; court costs, $234.92 - widow, in lieu of dower, 1/7, $114.28 - creditors received 13% of their claims Filed 3 Nov 1857. (Record of 1st wife at WBT-1, 406) (Record of 2nd wife at JWLC-1, 183)
Edward S. TANEY & Others vs Cornelia V. TANEY & Others - Jul 1857 - Supplemental of ES-4, 257 Estate of Augustine TANEY, dec'd Trustee was Edward S. TANEY Private sale was made to: - Joseph CULBERTSON for "The Rockdale Factory" for $4,000. 2nd Distribution of $4,000; court costs, $161.97 - Edward S. TANEY, 1/3 or $1,279.34 - Laura B. DWEN, 1/3 or $1,279.34 - Cornelia V. TANEY, 1/3 or $1,279.34 Filed 3 Nov 1857.
ES-4, 489-505 - DERR, BARRICK, DEVILBISS, OTT - Jan 1852
Fredericktown Savings vs John J. DERR & Others Henry DERR d/ Sep 1851 intestate widow - Catharine s/ John J. DERR, a minor s/ George W. DERR, a minor s/ Daniel J. DERR, a minor d/ Jane E. DERR, a minor s/ Luther C. DERR, a minor s/ Ely D/J. DERR, a minor and nameless infant Administrator was Daniel DERR with sureties as David FAUBLE and Lewis LOGUE; Land - 7 acres, from Elizabeth DERR in 1838 (to her from Jacob LEAB); adjoined "Millers Chance", part of "Resurvey on Millers Chance" (conveyed to John DERR from John CRONISE, exec/of John M. DERR), "Jacobs Fortune" and "Coopers Point". - "Mountain Tract", Lot D, 7 acres, from Jacob M. BUCKEY in 1839 (to him from Will of Jacob BUCKEY). - "Millers Chance", 3 acres, from George LAYMAN & w/ Mary in 1841 (previously to James STEVENS from Jonathan BOWERS in 1835). - "Mountain Tract", Lot C, 47 acres, from Margaret BARRICK, wid/o George BARRICK, William BARRICK & w/ Leah M., John BARRICK & w/ Catherine S., Cornelius SHRINER & w/ Mary P., John DEAN & w/ Margaret E., William DEAN & w/ Catherine, and Albert BARRICK in 1842; (previously to Jacob BARRICK, father of George, from William ADAMS and Henry RUTH in 1811). Deed of Trust made to Daniel DERR and David FAUBLE in Aug 1850. Guardian was Joshua DILL; testimony was heard from Daniel DERR who mentioned an unnamed infant as also an heir. Trustee for the sale was Daniel DERR with sureties as David FAUBLE and Lewis LOGUE; on 29 Apr 1852, public sale was held on the premises in Lewistown, free of widow's dower, high bidders were: - Isaiah DEVILBISS for 21 acres at $70 - William OTT (at private sale later) at $500 1st Distribution of $570; court costs, $145.59 - the widow, 1/7, $60.63 - balance to Frederick Town Savings in part of their claim. Filed 5 Feb 1855.
Basil NORRIS, creditor vs Louisa WILLIARD, adm/of John WILLIARD & Others - Jun 1857 George WILLIARD, dec'd (Will written 11 Apr 1845, codicil 25 Aug 1848 ) widow - Susannah d/ Sussannah WILLIARD d/ Ann Eliza WILLIARD s/ John WILLIARD* s/ Henry WILLIARD & w/ Ellen s/ Philip WILLIARD s/ George F/T. WILLIARD d/ Elizabeth RAMSBURG d/ Mary WEAVER d/ Catharine ERVIN (then childless) Land - House & Lot in Jefferson (from Dr. Lloyd DORSEY) (to wife) (also left his wife his barouche and harnesses); - Farm, 100 acres, and tanyard, blacksmith shop (then occupied by John ERVIN) (to son John) - House and Lot on south side of street in Jefferson (then occupied by widow SETTLE) (to son John) - House and Lot on south side of street in Jefferson (then occupied by Willaim SENEGA) (to son John) - 'balance of estate' (to son Henry) (then occupied by Ezra M. THOMAS) SLAVES - negro PERRY, (to son Henry); - negro SARAH (to wife, then to son Henry); - negro MARY (to d/ Susannah) - negro PETER (if still living, to remain with wife, then to be cared for out of his estate) - negro VIRGINIA (oldest child of SARAH) (to son George Exec/ sons John & Henry WILLIARD Witnesses: M. B. LUCKETT, George W. HOFFMAN and Joshua JONES codicil witnesses: M. B. LUCKETT, George W. CRUM, W. MAHONY === John WILLIARD * d/ 6 Jun 1856 intestate widow - Louisa and 6 minor children s/ John Milton WILLIARD s/ George WILLIARD d/ Fanny Taylor WILLIARD d/ Maria Louisa WILLIARD s/ Arthur WILLIARD d/ Anna WILLIARD (since died w/o issue) Land - parts of "New Freedom" and "Resurvey on Weller's Invention", 83 acres, north of Jefferson on road to Middletown, next to farm of Col. Thomas JOHNSON, Mr LONG and Mr CULLER; from the Will of his father, George WILLIARD (w/ Susanna), with tanyard, large 2-story rough cast stone house with double parlour, sitting room, dining room, kitchen and back building for servants, smoke house, other out buildings, portico in front and a large cellar under the whole house, large yard in front with choice fruit trees and shrubbery and never-failing spring of water with dairy near the house, large stone barn with overjet, thrashing floors, pens, granary, stabling, wagon shed, orchards, most desirable farm mostly under post and rail fensing in small fields and has a blacksmith shop. The tanyard consists of 61 layaway vats which will hold 5,550 sides of leather, 24 handlers which will hold 1,200 sides of leather, beam house, currying shop, bark sheds, handling house and excellent drying house, engine house, fulling stocks and roller and is located 7 miles sw of Frederick and 4 miles from Catoctin switch on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road and Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. Also a new 1st class 10-horse power steam engine with two boilers and machinery, bark mill and belting. (Plat also shows layout of the lots.) (Deed of Trust to Benjamin DEFORD and Albert S. WEBB of Baltimore City in 1850 to secure repayment to Fredericktown Savings which included all the stock, hides, leather, bark, tanyard and slaves, surety was Henry WILLIARD.) - "Ebenezar", 30 acres of mountian land on the Blue Ridge mountain with chesnut timber, from John Hanson FLOOK of Washington County in 1855, trustee from Equity decree for Jacob C. FLOOK, Adm/of Jacob FLOOK of John, and John H. FLOOK and others. Administrator was Louisa WILLIARD; guardian was Charles COLE. Testimony was heard from Lewis RAMSBURG, representative of Fredericktown Savings; John LOATS; William MAHONY; and Otho NORRIS who was clerk and storekeeper for Basil NORRIS; A. P. KESSLER. Trustees for the sale were John LOATS and Henry WILLIARD with sureties as John SIFFORD and Henry LORENTZ. On 11 Feb 1857, public sale was held with high bidders as: - Thomas M. THOMAS for Lot #6 in Jefferson at $110 - Mrs Juliana HEMP for Lot #7 in Jefferson at $142 - Mrs Juliana HEMP for Lot #8 in Jefferson at $312 - John WISE for Lot #57 in Jefferson at $341 - Thomas LAMAR for Lot #58 in Jefferson at $285 - Jacob ZEIGLER for "Ebenezar" at $5.12/acre Another sale was needed to sell the farm which was done on 23 Jul 1857 and actually contained 83 1/2 acres, sold to - Ezra M. THOMAS at $100/acre Total sales, $9,703.12. Distribution of $9,703.12; court costs, $651.48 - Mary WILLIARD, her claim, $751.38 - Ann Eliza WILLIARD, her claim, $573.75 - Susanna WILLIARD, her claim, $503.90 - Mary WEAVER, her claim, $260.41 - Henry CULLER, assignee of G. T. WILLIARD, $267.98 - Elizabeth REMSBURG, her claim, $163.12 - Frederick Town Savings, in part, $6,531.10 Filed Jan 1858.
ES-4, 535-545 - UMBERGER, PLUMMER, CROMETT - Jun 1857
Jesse PLUMMER, guardian of Ann E. UMBERGER & Others Michael UMBERGER d/ Oct 1855 (Will written 19 Oct 1855) widow - Margaret (d/ May 1857 intestate), leaving 9 children d/ Ann E. UMBERGER, a minor s/ William Thomas UMBERGER, a minor d/ Phoebe Catharine UMBERGER, a minor d/ Mary Jane UMBERGER, a minor s/ Jesse UMBERGER, a minor d/ Sarah "Sally" UMBERGER, a minor s/ John UMBERGER, a minor d/ Susan UMBERGER, a minor d/ Amanda UMBERGER, a minor Exec/ wife Margaret UMBERGER Witnesses: Jesse PLUMMER, Thomas PRESTON, Jesse WALKER, Jonathan BEVARD (The Will didn't name any of the children, only the widow.) Land - "Seth's Folly", "Resurvey on Seth's Folley", 5 acres, from Joseph PEARCE and w/ Cinderella in 1847 (to Pearce from Ann MOORE & John TRUMBLE in 1838). Jesse PLUMMER had been guardian of the children, but was replaced by Caspar MANTZ for the sale of the property. A commission made up of Daid RINEHART, ULYSUS WATERS and Thomas M. PLUMMER determined, after the widow's death, it would be better to have the land sold since all of the children were so young. Since their mother's death, the children were all distributed among friends or placed out at service. Trustee for the sale was Jesse PLUMMER who sold the property to George CROMETT at $350. Distribution: court costs, $72.17 - each child received 1/9, $30.87 Filed 28 Dec 1857.
John W. ROSS trading as John W. ROSS & Co of Baltimore city vs Benjamin F. NEWCOMER, Samuel STONEBRAKER & Others Joseph CARTZENDAFNER was indebted by several mortgages. Land - Mortgaged to John KEAFAUVER and William CAMPBELL, trading as Keafauver & Campbell of Baltimore city, but they assigned the mortgage to Benjamin NEWCOMER and Samuel STONEBRAKER, trading as Newcomer and Stonebraker of Baltimore city: - Eagle Mills property, 46 acres, merchant and saw mill on Catoctin Creek, two miles west of Jefferson on the Frederick and Harpers Ferry Ridge Road; from Thomas J. MAUGHT, Andrew C. H. MAUGHT, and Conrad W. MAUGHT in 1854. the mills were three stories high with the first story built of stone and the other two stories being frame; there were four pair of burs, two for grinding wheat, one for country work and the other for plaster. There was a stone dwelling house, store house, cooper's house and shop, smoke house, a good barn and stabling and an apple orchard with other necessary out buildings. - Mountain Mills property, 41 acres, with grist mill and saw mill, adjoining the RICE farm and lands of Dr. Thomas H. CLAGETT; from Madison NELSON, trustee, and James TORRENCE in 1833. The mill was three stories high with first story built of stone and the other two of brick. It had four run of burs, two for wheat, one for country work and one for plaster. There was a dwelling house, negro quarters, a barn with good stabling, carriage house, blacksmith shop, cooper's house and shop, a spring house and an apple and peach orchard. It was considered the most desirable mill property in Middletown Valley. Sureties on various notes for Joseph CARTZENDAFNER were Joseph EASTERDAY, David CARTZENDAFNER, Thomas HILLEARY, Thomas JOHNSON and Francis A. KNOTT. SLAVES - sold to Joseph EASTERDAY for life: negroes, HAMILTON, EPHRAIM, ANN, RUTH, HESTER, HENNEY, MANZILLA, BERTHA, LEVY, MARY, COLUMBUS, and all the children of ANN and RUTH and any others not named. In addition, was blacksmith tools, warehouse on the canal, 30 bee hives, baroriche and harness and crops growing in the fields. An additional mortgage was made to Martin W. E. HOUSE and Joseph WALTMAN for: SLAVES - HAMILTON, EPHRAIM, ANN and her 7 children, RUTH and her 4 children; HENNEY & HESTER were then claimed by the wife of Martin W. E. HOUSE. Trustees for the sale were Joseph EASTERDAY and Martin W. E. HOUSE; high bidders were: - Joseph E. CARTZENDAFNER for the Eagle Mills property at $5,627 who resold the property to Francis J. STEINER. - John W. ROSS for the Mountain Mills property at $4,400 Total sales, $10,027. Distribution: - John W. ROSS & Co in part of mortgage claim No. 1, balance, $9,523.80 Filed 26 Dec 1857.
Fredericktown Savings vs Benjamin NEWCOMER and Samuel STONEBRAKER & Others Refer to the record above as most data is similiar regarding mortgages of Joseph CARTZENDAFNER. Land - "Fielderea" and "Hunting Bottom", 177 acres, from Isaac SIMMONS and w/ Elizabeth Ruth in 1854 (previously to Elizabeth R. SIMMONS from Lloyd DORSEY, Rebecca A. L. DORSEY and Mary S. TORRANCE). Property was were Joseph CARTZENDAFNER resided, known as the 'Rice Farm' which adjoined the lands of William LYNCH, Thomas HILLEARY and Dr. Thomas H. CLAGETT. Improvements were log house and barn, corn house, carriage house, smoke house, spring house and was well watered with good fencing. Trustees for the sale were Joseph EASTERDAY and Martin W. E. HOUSE with sureties as Levin WEST, Godfrey KOONTZ, Jacob MARKELL, William GROVE, David B. HOUSE and George W. SLAGEL. High bidders were Benjamin F. NEWCOMER and Samuel STONEBRAKER at $8,142. Distribution: court costs, $425.96 - Fredericktown Savings, $6,021.71 - Newcomer & Stonebraker, in part, $1,694.33 Filed 26 Dec 1857.
Henry LORENTZ & Others vs Cleanthe E. SIFFORD & Others Adam LORENTZ d/ betw 1849-1851 (Will written 24 Jul 1834) widow - Elizabeth d/ May 1857 d/ Elizabeth (LORENTZ) w/o Walter F. GILL (only $5) s/ John LORENTZ ($10 w/ affectionate feelings but special circumstances) d/ Mary (LORENTZ) w/o John SIFFORD .....Frances Adelaide (Sifford) w/o John J. BOYD - Baltimore city .....Caroline Ellen (Sifford) w/o John LOATS .....John Edward SIFFORD .....Cleanthe Eugenia SIFFORD, a minor .....Mary Georgiana SIFFORD, a minor .....Irene Cornelia SIFFORD, a minor .....Anna Josephine SIFFORD, a minor s/ Henry LORENTZ and w/ Catharine s/ William LORENTZ and w/ Catharine Exec/ the widow Witnesses: David BOWLUS, Jacob COBLENTZ, Van SWEARINGEN Adam's daughter, Mary SIFFORD, died before her mother, sometime between 1842-1845. After the mother's death, the balance of the estate was to be divided between Mary and her brothers Henry and William. (The names of Mary's children were not in the Will.) Land - "Powell's Disappointment", 2+ acres, in the addition to Middletown; - Lot #2 in "Addition to Middletown", 1/2 acre; - "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained", 5 acres; - Lot #3 in "Addition to Middletown", 1/2 acre, being part of "Chevy Chase" - "Chevy Chase" and "Resurvey on Chevy Chase", 14 acres; - "Resurvey on Turkey Range" and "Chevy Chase", 3+ acres; Guardian for the minor children was their father, John SIFFORD who also testified. The real estate was divided up into separate lots. Trustee was Henry LORENTZ with sureties as John LOATS and John E. SIFFORD; sale was held on 24 Oct 1857, high bidders were: - John LORENTZ for Lot #1, 3 acres, at $161/acre - Samuel BOWLUS for Lot #2, 4 acres, at $131/acre - Isaac BRANDENBURG for Lot #3, 5 acres, at $162/acre - Isaac BRANDENBURG for Lot #4, 5 acres, at $175.50/acre - Isaac BRANDENBURG for house and lot in Middletown (Adam LORENTZ's home on east end of Middletown) at $1,501 - John SIFFORD for mountain land, 7 acres, on Catoctin Mountain, adjoining lands of John SIFFORD and Daniel KEAFAUVER at $30/acre Total sales, $4,537.50. Distribution: court costs, $268.05 - Henry LORENTZ, legacy, $200 - William LORENTZ, legacy, $200 - Henry LORENTZ, 1/3, $1,289.81 - William LORENTZ, 1/3, $1,289.81 - Children of Mary SIFFORD, 1/3, $1,289.81 (each 1/7 of 1/3, $184.25) Filed Jan 1858.
ES-4, 585-588 - EICHELBERGER, SEABROOK - Oct 1857
Michael F. EICHELBERGER & Others vs Elizabeth EICHELBERGER & Others Supplemental of ES-4, 71 Estate of Joseph EICHELBERGER, dec'd; trustee, Grayson EICHELBERGER 2nd Report of Sales held in Creagerstown at the hotel of Charles STEVENS on 10 Oct 1857; high bidder was Michael F. EICHELBERGER for 105 acres at $2,119.50. Land was a mile and a half north of Creagerstown joining lands of Mathias AHALT. Distribution: court costs, $222.21 - Michael F. EICHELBERGER, child, 1/7, $271.04 - Mary SEABROOK, child, 1/7, $271.04 - Virginia EICHELBERGER, child, 1/7, $271.04 - Susan M. EICHELBERGER, child, 1/7, $271.04 - Martin J. EICHELBERGER, child, 1/7, $271.04 - Grayson M. EICHELBERGER, child, 1/7, $271.04 - Maria E. EICHELBERGER, child, 1/7, $271.04 Filed 18 Dec 1857.
Lewis F. COPPERSMITH and Mary COPPERSMITH - Petition Frederick EICHELBERGER, dec'd (2nd codicil to Will was dated 9 Apr 1837) d/ Mary COPPERSMITH d/ 1856 ......Lewis F. COPPERSMITH ......Mary COPPERSMITH Execs/ Joseph EICHELBERGER and John Q. ZIMMERMAN (Total Will not admitted into record, unknown if other children besides Mary were mentioned.) Land - House & Lot #80 in Creagerstown, from William J. SEABROOKS and w/ Maria C. of Adams Co, PA in 1837. It had a 1 and 1/2 story brick house with back building and kitchen attached with a fine garden and a never-failing well, also a stable, smoke house and woodshed. Joseph EICHELBERGER has since died and John P. ZIMMERMAN/TIMMERMAN has become insolvent and moved to Missouri. Trustee was Michael F. EICHELBERGER with sureties as Warner T. GRIMES and John ROUTZAHN of G. On 17 Jan 1857, sale was held at Steven's Hotel in Creagerstown, high bidder was Mary A. COPPERSMITH at $500. Distribution: court costs, $87.61 - Sophia TIMMERMAN, daughter, 1/9 or $45.82 - Lewis EICHELBERGER, son, 1/9 or $45.82 - children of Mary Magdeline COPPERSMITH, daughter, 1/9 or $45.82 .....Mary Ann COPPERSMITH, 1/2 of 1/9 or $22.91 .....Lewis F. COPPERMSITH, 1/2 of 1/9 or $22.91 - children of Martin EICHELBERGER, son, 1/9 or $45.82 - children of Joseph EICHELBERGER, son, 1/9 or $45.82 - children of Elizabeth SMITH, daughter, 1/9 or $45.82 - children of Susan HOKE, daughter, 1/9 or $45.82 - children of Adam EICHELBERGER, son, 1/9 or $45.82 (It appears one of the children was missed when recorded in the Equity books.)
Elizabeth DELAUTER vs Margaret E. YOUNG Tilghman H. YOUNG and w/ Mary, both died in 1855, leaving d/ Margaret Elizabeth YOUNG, a minor ch/ infant who died only a few months old Land - Lot #7 on south end of Brewers Alley in Frederick Town, from Isaac P. SUMAN and wife to Mary YOUNG in 1853; adjoined lot of Tobias HALLER on the north and along the alley from South Market St on the west; mortgaged to Elizabeth DELAUTER. Guardian was Ross JOHNSON; testimony was heard from Michael BROMETT on 9 Jun 1856 who testified that Tilghman died last Fall and Mary died last Winter and an infant child died after Mary's death. Trustee was Elizabeth DELAUTER with sureties as William T. ANDERSON and William H. WAYS. On 2 Aug, 1856, sale was held at the United States Hotel; high bidder was Philip LAMBRIGHT at $199. Distribution: court costs, $64.57 - Elizabeth DELAUTER, her claim, $131.48 Filed 12 Sep 1856.
Hugh McALEER vs Philip McGAUGHAN Land - Lots all in Point of Rocks village; conveyed to Philip McGAUGHAN and mortgaged to Hugh McALEER - Lot #110 from Charles JOHNSON, exec/of Roger JOHNSON, in 1835; it has 2-story weatherboard house and back buildings. - Lot from Elias L. DELASHMUTT, collector, in 1847. - Lots #8 & 9 from Estate of George SNOUFFER, dec'd. Testimony was heard from James BARTGIS; trustee was William M. MERRICK, esquire, who hadn't yet sold the property after three years. Henry LORENTZ and John SIFFORD had paid off the balance of the mortgage which was then assigned to them. Henry LORENTZ was appointed the new trustee. Sale was held on 13 Jan 1858 at the premises, but no sufficient bid was received. He then sold all four lots together to John SIFFORD at $525. After court costs, Sifford & Lorentz, assignees of Hugh McALEER received the balance inpart for their claim, $394.55. Filed 8 Mar 1858.
ES-4, 616-618 - DORSEY, SMITH - Mar 1858
Estate of Dr. Loyd DORSEY, George Smith as trustee Supplemental of ES-4, 272 Distribution of $2,270.55; court costs, $29.44 Balance was paid to multiple creditors at 25% of their claims.
ES-4, 618-619 - SUMMERS, BOWLUS, ROSS - Feb 1858
Samuel T. SUMMERS - Petition for Title Supplemental of ES-2, 464 George BOWLUS as trustee died before conveyance of land. The petitioner paid out monies to Ann BOWLUS, his widow, and asks another trustee be appointed to convey title to Summers for his purchase. William J. ROSS was appointed trustee for the conveyance. Filed 13 Feb 1858
ES-4, 619-620 - HOUSE, SHAFER, RINGELL, RUDY - Feb 1858
Yost RINGER - Petition Supplemental ES-4, 107 Estate of Daniel HOUSE, dec'd; William J. ROSS as trustee. George SHAFER bid on the property for Yost RINGELL (or RINGELT) who has since paid all the monies due. George SHAFER has since died, Joseph SHAFER and Hanson T. RUDY are his executors. Affidavit signed by Joseph SHAFER, Daniel SHAFER, Samuel SHAFER and Hanson T. RUDY with Daniel SHAFER (son) testifying. Ruling for conveyance was passed on 22 Feb 1858.
Charles E. WORTHINGTON - Petition Singleton WOOTTEN d/ c1847 (s/o Richard WOOTTEN of Montgomery County) (Will written 4 Aug 1840) widow - Elizabeth C. (d/ May 1857) (after her death, property to siblings) sis/ Eliza MINES' children (1/2) .......Samuel W. BEALL & w/ Elizabeth F. - Fond du Lac Co, WI .......John L. B. MINES & w/ Martha R. bro/ Turner James WOOTTEN & w/ Olivia Caroline - Montgomery Co (1/4) nephew/ Thomas J. DARIS, now dec'd - Georgetown, Washington, DC (1/4) .............J. Thomas DARIS .............Frances DARIS, a minor .............William DARIS, a minor .............Isabella DARIS, a minor .............Susan DARIS, a minor .............Berma DARIS, a minor SLAVES - negro man BILL and negro woman HETTY and her children (to wife); negro boy BOB and negro girl MARY (to nephew Thomas J. DARIS); others not named; not to be sold out of Maryland. Exec/ wife Witnesses: George HUGHES, Henry M. SNYDER, Thomas ANDERSON (Note - Names of siblings' children were not listed in the Will.) Land - "Turners Delight", 30 acres, (patented by Philip TURNER in Prince George County in 1748) - Lot in "Jiams(?) Lot", 19 acres, (patented to John JIAMS & w/ Mary in 1789) - "Resurvey on Seths Folly", 561 acres; from Beale M. WORTHINGTON of Anne Arundel County, exec/of John WORTHINGTON, in 1822 (adjacent to previous two tracts) (patented to Brice THOMAS and Beale WORTHINGTON in 1756). - "Hollidays Purchase" in Anne Arundel County on Patuxent River (to Richard WOOTTEN by John WORTHINGTON heirs) Turner WOOTEN and w/ Caroline and Samuel W. BEALL and w/ Elizabeth F. conveyed their shares to John L. B. MINES. John L. B. MINES & w/ Martha R. conveyed their shares to Charles WORTHINGTON of J. Charles WORTHINGTON of J. d/ 1856 (Will written 30 Oct 1855) widow - Ann s/ Charles Edward WORTHINGTON s/ Nicholas J. WORTHINGTON (will be 21 in Jan 1858) bro/ John H. WORTHINGTON SLAVES - negro boy BASIL (to son Nicholas) Land - "Resurvey on DanielsSmall Tract", Farm from his father, James WORTHINGTON of John. Exec/ wife Witnesses: Charles HENDRY, Richard WOOTTEN, John J. WILLIAMS Testimony was heard from John L. MINES and John H. WORTHINGTON. Guardian to the minors was Isabella DARIS (probably their mother). Guardian for Nicholas WORTHINGTON was Casper MANTZ. Trustees for the sale were John H. WORTHINGTON and John L. B. MINES with sureties as Charles E. WORTHINGTON and Joseph M. PALMER. (Case ended here without the sale completed as yet.)
Henry CARTER & w/ Magared E. & Milton CARTER - Petition Henry CARTER d/ 23 Aug 1857 intestate widow - Charity d/ Elizabeth Jane w/o Jeremiah BAILE - Carroll County s/ Henry CARTER & w/ Margaret E. (NICODEMUS) - Carroll County d/ Lucinda w/o Martin L. NICODEMUS s/ Milton CARTER d/ Olivia w/o Charles A. LAURENCE d/ Alulia w/o William H. PAINE s/ Grafton CARTER, a minor d/ Fanny CARTER, a minor Land in Frederick County - "Howard's Paradise" and "Howard's Range", 326 acres; surveyed by Dennis M. MAYNARD and Danson V. HAMMOND, trustees for Henry CARTER, in 1853; in Liberty District between the old and new Liberty Roads and adjoining lands of Allen PAINE, Gen. James McCOALE and John DOWNEY; excluded was a family cemetery for the Howard family. The soil compostiton was limestone, blue slate and honey comb and was 3/4 miles from Libertytown. It had a spacious stone and frame mansion, magnificient new frame Switzer barn 68x45 with horse and cow stabling and a large frame and weatherboarded horse stable which held 25 horses with hay mow above, carriage houses, corn houses, smoke houses, hog house, quarter spring house with well near the door, spring house and wood house and was on 217 acres. - The other adjoining farm, 109 acres, was divided from the one above by the new Liberty Road. It had 76 acres in timber, white oad, water oak, hickory and walnut. The residue was divided into three fields of 15, 11 and 7 acres with good fencing, clear of stone with the greatest portion in timothy and clover. Land in Carroll County - 270 acres of this land had a desirable farm, 23 miles from Baltimore and 10 miles from Westminster and on the Washington road within 4 miles from Hood's Mill Depot on the B&O Railroad and familiarly known as Carters Cross Roads. One third of the land was timbered in chestnut and the balance divided into well watered field of never-failing springs, heavily limed and set in clover. It has a weather-boarded hotel with store room attached, two tenant houses, a large log barn with horse stable and wagon yard, dairy, ice house, corn house, smoke house, carriage house, graneries, blacksmith shop, a pump of good erater at either end of house and three orchards. There was also three acres adjoining the land of Robet LEE. - "Elie's Highest Long Trusted", "Resurvey on Dorsey's Thicket Resurveyed", "Cullodon", 77 acres, from Dan DORSEY and w/ Harriet in 1845. - "Dorsey's Thicket Resurveyed", 79 acres, from Edward DORSEY and w/ Mary in 1845; adjoins land of Eli DORSEY heirs, Leren DORSEY heirs, Columbus O'DONNELL and Westminster & Washington Road. - "Long Trusted Resurveyed", "Willson's Range", 140 acres, from John PATTERSON and w/ Margaret of Baltimore County in 1839. - Lot #3, 54 acres,on "Hunters Chance", from John SCOTT of Baltimore, trustee to Henry CARTER, dec'd, of Baltimore County, in 1838, subject to life estate of Mary CARTER in Lot #7; next to land of Abel BROWN. - Also Lot #4, 20 acres, on "Father's Gift" on New Liberty main road and adjoining land of Jeremiah COOK. - Also Lot #7, 2 acres, on "Teris Chance" and "That or None", on south side of Owings Run. On 21 Dec 1857, Francis L. JONES testified to knowing the widow, Charity CARTER and gave her age as 52, in general good health. Administrators were Charity CARTER and Milton CARTER. Guardian was Mason B. MARSH; testimony was heard from Francis L. JONES. Trustees were Henry CARTER and Milton CARTER with sureties as Charles A. LAURENCE, John F. DUDDERAR and Thomas HAMMOND. Sale was held 9 Mar 1858 on the premises; high bidders: - Charity CARTER for 216 acres of the home place in Frederick County at $67.10/acre - Daniel ROOT of D. for the balance of Frederick County land, 109 acres, lying south of the New Liberty Road, at $42/acre On 10 Mar 1858, land in Carroll County was sold on the premises, high bidders were: - John CARTER for Lot #7 at $100 The remainder of the land didn't sell, but private sales were made to: - Augustus E. DORSEY for 137 acres of "Long Trusted Resurveyed", "Willson's Range" at $40/acre The balance of the lands were not yet sold. Total sales to date, $24,723.82. Submitted to auditor on Apr 5, 1858.
ES-4, 663-666 - AHALT, CAMPBELL - Oct 1857
Samuel AHALT vs Isaac AHALT & Others Eve M. AHALT, dec'd s/ John AHALT, dec'd - Illinois .....Isaac AHALT .....Belinda (Ahalt) CAMPBELL .....Eve AHALT .....Hiram AHALT .....Rufus AHALT .....Loretta AHALT (Other children of Eve AHALT not mentioned in petition. It was unknown if the other daughters of John AHALT were married.) LAND - "The Barrel", 100 acres, and "Resurvey on Locust Valley", 10 acres. To Eve M. AHALT as her dower; from land of Jacob AHALT. On 39 Aug 1836, John AHALT sold his share to Samuel AHALT, but never executed a deed before leaving the state. Trustee appointed was William J. ROSS to convey title. Filed 12 Feb 1858
Simon C. SIMMONS, guardian of Alice ROBERTSON & Others vs Samuel S. MYERS & Others Jacob MYERS of Baltimore city, d/ 1847 (Will written 17 Jul 1835) widow - Magdalene s/ Samuel S. MYERS - Virginia s/ William R. MYERS s/ Charles H. MYERS and w/ Mary M. d/ Mary (Myers) w/o James WILLIAMS - Baltimore city d/ Louisa (Myers) WEBB d/ Sarah (Myers) w/o Joshua S. INLOES - Baltimore city d/ Sophia (Myers) PIERCE/PEARCE d/ Julianna (Myers) COLE d/ Rebecca A. MYERS, later w/o ____ MILLER d/ Emily Augusta MYERS*, dec'd w/o James H. ROBERTSON, died 3 Feb 1857, leaving 4 minor children, - Alice ROBERTSON - Alexander ROBERTSON - Grace P. ROBERTSON - Charles H. M. ROBERTSON sis/ Margaret FITZGERALD Execs/ Samuel S. MYERS, James WILLIAMS and Joshua S. INLOES Witnesses: John R. CONWAY, W. F. RUDENSTEIN, William A. BOYD (Robertson children not named in the Will.) Codicil withdrew son Charles's share and assigned it in trust to son Samuel and son-in-laws, James WILLIAMS and Joshua S. INLOES, for the support of son Charles H. MYERS and his family. (It was suggested that Charles may have been an alcoholic.) A second codicil dated 1838 transferred daughter Julianna's share, at ther request, to a trust for her by same executors for her and her children. Her share was linked to Baltimore County land from John PHILPOTT and w/ Elizabeth. Joseph FRYE, one of the witnesses to the codicil in Baltimore County, died in 1845. A third codicil dated 8 Apr 1840, withdrew a $1,000 legacy and reinstated to her the fixtures of the house as it was previous to his marriage to her. A fourth codicil in 1845 addressed the advances and property purchases for daughters. A deed was recorded in Mar 1848 by the executors from George ENGLEBRECHT and w/ Ann M. for the benefit of Emily Augusta MYERS, w/o James H. ROBERTSON, for tract "Benvenue", 99 acres, (previously to Englebrecht from Lawrence J. BRENGLE).* A fifth codicil gave household furniture to daughter Rebecca A. MILLER and daughter-in-law Mary M. MYERS w/o Charles H. MYERS, from his residence on Calvert Street in Baltimore; dated 6 Jun 1846. James WILLIAMS, one of the trustees of the Will of Jacob MYERS, has since died, leaving Samuel S. MYERS of Virginia and Joshua S. INLOES of Baltimore city as the surviving trustees. Land - 127 acres, where James H. ROBERTSON was then living, known as the Engelbrecht farm, situated 2 miles east of Frederick and adjoining the farms of Philip REICH, Richard POTTS and Mrs BRENGLE. It has a large house, shade trees, large barn and good stabling, spring house and excellent water near the dwelling; also has a large apple orchard and other fruit trees. Property is bordered by county road on one side and the Frederick and Baltimore Turnpike on the other side. Guardian for the minor children was John A. LYNCH; trustee was Simon C. SIMMONS with sureties as William H. WAYS and John A. SIMMONS. On 6 Mar 1858, sale was held at the City Hotel in Fredericktown for the property held in trust for Emily (MYERS) ROBERTSON; high bidder was: - Samuel DIXON at $8,360.25 Distribution of $2,366.67; court costs, $465.19 - Emily (Myers) ROBERTSON's children each received 1/4, $475.37 Filed 14 May 1858.
ES-4, 693-695 - COST, YOUNG - Feb 1858
Alexander H. YOUNG of Washington, DC - Petition Supplemental of Estate of John COST Petition by Alexander H. YOUNG because $192.90 was issued to his wife under her maiden name, Lerena COST. He further informs the court that she has since died, leaving children, - Catharine Alice YOUNG, a minor - Mary Ann YOUNG, a minor Both children reside with their father in Washington, DC where he filed as guardian for his children. The trustees for the Estate of John COST, Thomas JOHNSON and Bradley T. JOHNSON, were ordered to pay to the children's guardian their mother's share.
ES-4, 696-697 - HERRING, MAIN - May 1858
Petition of Daniel MAIN, guardian of Sarah E. HERRING & Lavinia HERRING Supplemental Daniel C. HERRING, dec'd s/ Josiah T. HERRING, a minor d/ Sarah E. HERRING, a minor d/ Lavinia A. HERRING, a minor Daniel MAIN became guardian of the minor children. John HERRING of Caspar was appointed trustee for the sale of the real estate and has distributed 2/3 of the proportion of $733.19 for Josiah T. HERRING; however, Josiah died in the fall of 1857 and his remaining share now descends to his sisters.
ES-4, 697-701 - McKINSTRY, NORRIS, ANNAN, SMITH - May 1858
Joshua SMITH, Samuel McKINSTRY & Others Supplemental Joshua SMITH as trustee (case of George W. WAESCHE vs Catharine WAESCHE & Others) sold Double Pipe Creek Mills to Henry C. McKINSTRY in Nov 1851. It was 26 acres, parts in both Frederick and Carroll counties. Henry C. McKINSTRY d/ 26 Dec 1853, intestate, no issue widow - Mary Emily - Carroll County bro/ Samuel McKINSTRY - Carroll County bro/ Joseph McKINSTRY and w/ Margaret Ruth - Carroll County sis/ Mary Ann (McKINSTRY) w/o Nicholas NORRIS After the death of Henry, Joseph and wife and Mary Ann and husband and widow of Henry all conveyed deed to Samuel in trust to sell. The property was sold to William ANNAN and Samuel E. ANNAN on 1 Apr 1855 for $8,000 and all monies have been paid. Henry's siblings made an agreement with his widow for her to relinquish her dower and, in return, she would receive 1/4 share. It was then approved for deed to be conveyed to William ANNAN and Samuel E. ANNAN. Filed 13 May 1858.
James W. BAUGHER & Others vs Oscar BAUGHER & Others Supplemental Grayson EICHELBERGER, trustee for Estate of Isaac BAUGHER Private sales to: - Charles A. SHORB and Joshua SHORB for Lot #29 with store house, warehouse and a small portion of Lot #30 situated in Emmitsburg at $3,800 - Jesse H. NUSSER for Lot #30 and house in Emmitsburg (then occupied by Eli SMITH) at $850. 3rd Report of Distribution of $4,650; court costs, $182.72 - to G. EICHELBERGER in trust for Mrs. Ann E. BAUGHER, $4,467.28. Filed 10 May 1858.
Thomas HAMMOND - Petition for Settlement of Estate of Carroll HAMMOND Carroll HAMMOND d/ 9 Sep 1856 intestate sis/ Elizabeth HAMMOND, dec'd w/o Charles HAMMOND .......Adelia HAMMOND (d/ Jul 1857) w/o Alpheus W. MARRIOTT . . . . . . .Charles H. MARRIOTT, a minor . . . . . . .James MARRIOTT, a minor . . . . . . .Mary Rose MARRIOTT, a minor . . . . . . .Laura Virginia MARRIOTT, a minor bro/ Upton HAMMOND, dec'd .......Harriet HAMMOND w/o Benjamin TODD .......Martha HAMMOND w/o Ephriam RICHMOND .......Philip HAMMOND .......Vachel HAMMOND & w/ Ann RINGSORE - Carroll County .......Upton J. HAMMOND & w/ Martha BORN - Anne Arundel County (insolvent, trustee was William MORRISON) bro/ Nathan HAMMOND, dec'd .......Washington HAMMOND m/ Mary SHEETENHELM .......William P. HAMMOND & w/ Harriet UNKEFER .......Burgess HAMMOND & w/ Drucilla .......Richard T. HAMMOND .......Carroll HAMMOND & w/ Sarah Elizabeth - Indiana .......Nathan HAMMOND & Margaret - Indiana .......Charlotte C. HAMMOND w/o Basil WOOD .......Louisa HAMMOND w/o Lyde GRIFFITH .......Anna Mary Margaret HAMMOND (d/ 9 Feb 1857) w/o Mordecai GRIFFITH . . . . . . .Anna Mary GRIFFITH, a minor . . . . . . .Byron GRIFFITH, a minor bro/ Rezin HAMMOND & w/ Nancy - Indiana bro/ Thomas HAMMOND sis/ Juliet HAMMOND wid/o Jacob ANGEL bro/ John HAMMOND & w/ Elizabeth - Indiana LAND - "Hammond's Chance" and "The Grove", 125 acres, from Vachel HAMMOND in 1819 and 19 acres from John HAMMOND (w/ Mary G.) in 1820; a limeston farm located one mile east of Liberty Town and adjoining lands of M. A. PAINE and T. HAMMOND, the trustee. Improvements consisted of a large 2-story house and 2-story kitchen adjoining, a new large Switzer barn, smoke house, two spring houses and other out buildings. Replacement insolvent trustee was John A. LYNCH for Upton J. HAMMOND. Basil & Charlotte C. WOOD transferred their share to Thomas HAMMOND. Guardian was William G. COLE. Testimony was heard from Dawson V. HAMMOND and Elihu H. ROCKWELL. Trustee was Thomas HAMMOND with sureties as Dawson HAMMOND and Francis T. JONES. SALE was held 8 Mar 1858 at the tavern of Daniel ROOT in Libertytown; high bidder was: - Rezin HAMMOND at $8,253.87 On 26 May 1858, George SMITH made oath that Alpheus W. MARRIOTT was 47 years old and in good health. Distribution of $8,253.87; court costs, $415.63 - inheritance tax, $195.96 - Siblings .....Thomas HAMMOND, 1/7 or $1,091.75 .....John HAMMOND, 1/7 or $1,091.75 .....Rezin HAMMOND, 1/7 or $1,091.75 .....Juliet ANGELL, 1/7 or $1,091.75 .....Upton HAMMOND's children each rec'd 1/5 of 1/7 or $218.35 (John A. LYNCH rec'd Upton T. HAMMOND's share as insolvent trustee) .....Nathan HAMMOND's children each rec'd 1/9 of 1/7 or $121.30 (Charlotte & Basil WOOD's share went to assignee Thomas HAMMOND) - Alpheus W. MARRIOTT, curtesy share, $204.69 - Adelia MARRIOTT's 4 minor children, $887.06, to their trustee Filed 26 Aug 1858.
ES-4, 725-732 - FISHER, EICHELBERGER - Aug 1856
Grayson EICHELBERGER vs George J. FISHER & Others Supplemental of ES-4, 397 2nd Accounting by Grayson EICHELBERGER, trustee for George J. FISHER. Mortgage to Jacob MARKELL for Gas Works in Frederick City which has been in operation for the past six years. 2nd Distribution - Monies received, $17,783.33 - court costs, $65.27 - Frederick Town Savings, their claim in full, $1,804.14 - Central Bank of Frederick, their claim in full, $868.33 - Isabella Gas Works, their claim, $14,345.59 - to be held per the court regarding future appeal, $700 3rd Distribution of $700, court costs, $105.23 - Farmers & Mechanics Bank, $567.62 - Isabella Gas Works, in part, $27.15 Filed 10 Jul 1858.
Estate of John ZOLLINGER John ZOLLINGER d/ 1849 intestate widow - Eleanor "Ellen" and 9 children s/ Peter ZOLLINGER s/ Reuben F. ZOLLINGER d/ Mary A. ZOLLINGER d/ Sarah "Sallie" A. ZOLLINGER d/ Amy L. ZOLLINGER d/ Cassandra I. ZOLLINGER s/ Len ZOLLINGER, a minor d/ Julianna ZOLLINGER, a minor s/ John A. ZOLLINGER, a minor Land - "Peters Hurry", 250 acres; to John ZOLLINGER from Peter ZOLLINGER in 1818 for $4,000. Land lay next to "Hayard" and ran to PA/MD border line. Administrator was John W. COON. The adult heirs and the widow had agreed to sell the property to Hiram HARBAUGH at private sale for $5,000, but court appoval is needed for the minors. Court-appointed guardian was Lewis H. DILL. Testimony was heard on 17 Mar 1858 from Thomas GURLEY. Trustee was Thomas GURLEY Jr with sureties as John HARBAUGH of C. and Israel WILLIAR. On 4 Mar 1858, William A. MILLER testified that he knew the widow who was about 58 years old and in good health. Distribution of $5,000; court costs, $276.12 - Eleanor ZOLLINGER, widow, 1/10 or $472.38 - each child's 1/9 share was $472.38 Filed 26 Aug 1858.
Peter NICHOLS & wife vs Mary EVITT & Others - May 1855 - Supplemental of ES-3, 56 Woodward EVITT d/ testate widow - Mary (d/ 13 Apr 1857) (given house & lots where they lived & to sell upon her death) d/ Mary w/o Peter NICHOLS d/ Susanna, dec'd w/o William WERTENBAKER (7 children) .......Ann M. w/o Washington BURGESS - Baltimore city ......Woodward E. WERTENBAKER ......William WERTENBAKER ......G. W. WERTENBAKER ......Susanna WERTENBAKER ......Mary w/o Thomas H. ETCHISON ......Catharine KESSLER ......Elias BOTELER . . . . . .John E. BOTELER . . . . . .Ann S. E. BOTELER s/ George W. EVITT d/ Catharine wid/o John HAMILTON s/ Joseph EVITT [Will written 12 Aug 1830] LAND - from Henry KEMP, Singleton DUVALL and Lewis BIRELY, trustees of George BAIR in 1825; also from Frederick LOCKS in 1827. Shares purchased by Seth H. NICHOLS from Thomas H. ETCHISON & wife, Washington BURGESS & wife and Woodward E. WERTENBAKER in 1855. Distribution of $3,428.17; court costs $27.43 - Mary NICHOLS, 1/5 or $680.14 - Catharine HAMILTON, 1/5 or $680.14 - Joseph EVITT, 1/5 or $680.14 - Elizabeth PENN, devisee of G. W. EVITT, 1/5 or $680.14 - children of Susanna WERTENBAKER, 1/7 of 1/5 or $97.16 each .....Michael H. HALLER, trustee of William WERTENBAKER .....Seth H. NICHOLS, trustee of G. W. WERTENBAKER .....Seth H. NICHOLS, assignee of Woodward WERTENBAKER .....Seth H. NICHOLS, assignee of Thomas H. & Mary ETCHISON .....Seth H. NICHOLS, assignee of Washington & Ann BURGESS .....Catharine KESSLER .....children of Elias BOTELER, s/o Susanna WERTENBAKER ..........John E. BOTELER, 1/2 of 1/7 of 1/5 or $48.58 ..........Ann S. E. BOTELER, 1/2 of 1/7 of 1/5 or $48.58 Filed 24 Aug 1858.

The End of ES-4

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