Equity Court Abstracts

Book JS-9 - 1820-1830

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

NOTE - Page numbers 452 & 453 were repeated (not content, only page numbers) which offsets page numbers throughout the rest of the book. Page numbers used were those from the book.

Christian FOGLE Estate - 1 Jan 1828 Christian FOGLE d/ 1827 intestate with no issue leaving brothers and sisters as heirs - bro/ Adam FOGLE, dec'd - his children .......Robert H. FOGLE - KY .......Joseph FOGLE, Jr. - KY .......John FOGLE - KY .......Christian FOGLE - KY .......McKelory FOGLE, a minor - KY .......Rebecca w/o Joseph SULLINS - Missouri .......Sally FOGLE, widow (m/ twice, last husband's name unknown) - KY .......Nancy FOGLE, a minor - KY .......Diana, dec'd w/o James EDMONSON - KY (her minor children's names unknown) sis/ Margaret HILL, dec'd - her children - .......Christian HILL - OH .......Ruth w/o Daniel JENKINS - Ross Co, OH .......Elizabeth w/o Adam FISHER .......Lewis HILL, dec'd (died bef Christian so children not entitled) . . . . . Rebecca (HILL) w/o Philip RAUDEBURG/RANDEBURG - Frederick Co, VA . . . . . Margaret HILL, a minor of Frederick Co, MD bro/ Joseph FOGLE - OH sis/ Elizabeth w/o Simon GROSSMAN - Frederick Co, VA Land contained 140 acres in two parcels, parts "Mount Airy" and "Tasker's Chance" conveyed by Charles W. JOHNSON on 2 Oct 1826. Trustee was William FISHER. SALE did not obtain sufficient bid; so private sale was made to: - Henry KOONTZ at $7,846.28 (two sections) Filed Dec 1829.
Daniel LAKIN Estate - Feb 1829 Daniel LAKIN d/ 5 Jan 1829 intestate, leaving children d/ Jemima w/o George DRILL d/ Lucretia w/o Anthony SOUDER d/ Ruth w/o David KEMP d/ Rebecca, dec'd w/o Robert B. H. BOWER d/ Emeline w/o Jacob SCHLEY s/ Daniel LAKIN s/ Washington LAKIN d/ Serena LAKIN s/ John LAKIN, a minor d/ Sarah Ann, dec'd w/o Andrew DRILL - her child, .....Annie DRILL, a minor Land - "Fieldera Manor", "Brother's Lot" and "Abraham's Lot"; 240 acres.
Nathaniel BONSACK/BOUSACK - Petition to Sell Real Estate - Feb 1829 John HACKMAN, dec'd* (will 2 May 1801; 29 Mar 1804) widow - Magdalena d/ 22 Mar 1826, and only child, d/ Maria, widow of Jacob BONSACK/BONSAC .....Elizabeth BONSACK w/o John ENGLAR .....Nathaniel BONSACK .....John BONSACK - VA .....Jacob BONSACK, dec'd - VA, his children, . . . . .Elizabeth BONSACK, age 7 (in Feb 1829) . . . . .Mary BONSACK, age 4 (in Feb 1829) Exec/ the widow and Joseph ROOP Witnesses: David RINEHART, Jacob SHRADER, Henry DANNER. LAND - parts of "Brown's Choice", "Peach Orchard", "Resurvey on Justices Delight", "Rectitude"; 48 acres; from Ann STONER in 1797, on Sams Creek. - "Quilting Frolick", 206+ acres, next to "Resurvey on Leonard's Range" and "Justices Delight"; from James PEARRE and w/ Sarah in 1797. - "Browns Delight", (originally 50 acres to James BROWN in 1752); "Resurvey on Justices Delight", (originally 1,012 acres to George BECRAFT in 1768); "Peach Orchard", (originally 8 1/2 acres to Simon MEREDITH in 1770); "Quilting Frolick", (originally 606 acres to Charles WARFIELD in 1786; two parts of "Browns Choice", (originally 50 acres to James BROWN in 1744); "Restitude", (originally 212 acres to Allen FARQUHAR in 1785); All contiguous and resurveyed for John HACKMAN with small vacancy to equal 332 acres by Special Warrant of Survey by Western Shore Land Office. Land was next to Edward DORSEY's "Any Thing"; and "Hills and Valleys", resurveyed for the heirs of Abraham HOCKMAN IN 1788. John HACKMAN's neighbors were Ely DORSEY, Michael SCHREINER, Gabriel EISENBERGER and Mary HACKMAN. Petition was to sell 150 1/2 acres of estate called "Doubts Removed". Trustee was James RAYMOND. SOLD by private sale to John ENGLAR at $1,800 (or $12/acre). Distribution: each 1/4 share was $419.52; finalized 6 May 1830. *Note - Per Dave Powell who is in possession of Hackman/Bonsack Family Bible, John Hackman died 13 Feb 1804.
Abraham HAFF Estate - Feb 1827 Abraham HAFF, dec'd widow - Priscilla, now w/o _____ HAMMOND and 8 children d/ Catharine HAFF w/o Benjamin BIGGS d/ Martha HAFF w/o Richard GILSON d/ Mary HAFF w/o David CRALL d/ Frances Jane HAFF w/o Frederick DELAPLANE s/ Abraham HAFF (Jr) d/ Amey HAFF w/o Joseph TROXELL d/ Priscilla HAFF d/ Eleanor Mary HAFF (will be 16 in 1830) in Jan 1830, was w/o Joshua STEVENSON SLAVES - Negro woman, DINAH and her d/ CERENA (to wife) (spouses not listed in will) Execs/ Benjamin BIGGS and John RITCHIE, both have since died; Richard H. MARSHALL was appointed adm. Witnesses: Samuel COOK, Jacob CRAMER, George CREAGER Jr. [Will written 19 Dec 1813; filed 5 Jan 1814] Monies were paid out to: - Dr. William ZOLLICKOFFER - Susan R. HAUER for daughter Eleanor's boarding, clothing and schooling; - Benjamin BIGGS of John for daughter Priscilla's boarding; - Martha BIGGS for boarding daughter Priscilla; - James HUGHES for tuition. Trustee was Abraham HAFF. Distribution to children varied as some prior payments were made (total was about $1,700 each). Filed 28 Jan 1830.
Jacob WITT/WILT vs Thomas BOND and Peter BAILE - Title - Feb 1829 Thomas BOND d/ 1820 intestate, no children, leaving bro/ Shadrack BOND - Out of State sis/ Leah (Bond) w/o Hezekiah PRICE, dec'd bro/ Benjamin BOND bro/ Joshua BOND - Out of State sis/ Mary (Bond) GOTT, dec'd - her children, .......Eliza (Gott) w/o James SPROUL .......Maria GOTT .......Mary Ann (Gott) w/o Elijah BOND bro/ Nicodemus BOND, dec'd - his children, .......Elijah BOND .......Isabella (Bond) w/o Robert McLOULLER - Out of State .......Rachel (Bond) w/o Samuel HAINES bro/ James BOND, dec'd - his children .......Rachel (Bond) w/o John HARDING .......Astia BOND, a minor .......Leah BOND, a minor .......Mary BOND, a minor .......Thomas BOND, a minor .......Sarah BOND, a minor bro/ Richard BOND, dec'd - his children, .......Maria (Bond) WAGNER .......Mary Ann (Bond) COVER .......Shadrack BOND - Out of State Administrator was Elijah BOND. LAND - Lot # 18 of "Legh Castle" and "Pork Hall", 57 acres by survey and where Joseph HOOPER lived. Thomas BOND and Peter BAILE made agreement to sell real estate to Jacob WITT. Peter BAILE d/ May 1829, testate; Exec/ Abraham BAILE. Guardian was Daniel ENGEL. Trustees were Elijah BOND and Abraham BAILE to convey deed. Filed 6 May 1830.
Ludwick MOUSE Estate - Oct 1829 Ludwick MOUSE d/ intestate, leaving widow - Elizabeth and 9 children s/ Nicholas MOUSE d/ Mary (Mouse) w/o George B. SHRINER d/ Catharine (Mouse) w/o Henry SHRINER d/ Elizabeth MOUSE d/ Susan MOUSE, a minor d/ Rachel MOUSE, a minor d/ Rebecca MOUSE, a minor s/ George MOUSE, a minor s/ Jacob MOUSE, a minor LAND - "Runny Mead", 4 acres; "Resurvey on Brashers Agreement", 10 acres; "Resurvey on Carolina", 109 acres; "Resurvey on Brothers Agreement", 13 acres. Guardian was Samuel GALT (appointed at house of Ebenezer HEBBERD in Taney Town). Trustee was Sterling GALT. SALE was made to: - William ROBERTS and John ROBERTS at $ $5,500 Distribution: widow allowed 2/17, $621.65; - each 1/9 child's share, $578.04 Filed 7 May 1830.
Jacob BURRIER vs Rinehart WALTZ - Foreclosure - Feb 1829 Rinehart WALTZ mortgaged his property to Jacob BURRIER in 1822. LAND - "Charity's Choice", 90 acres. To Rinehart WALTZ and Charity WALTZ from William ALBAUGH in 1781. - "Addition to Albaughs Choice", 33 acres; patented to Charity ALBAUGH in 1753. Trustee was Abraham ALBAUGH. SALE was made on 20 Apr 1830 to: - Jacob BURRIER at $869.61 Distribution after mortgage and expenses: - Rinehart WALTZ, $47.80 Filed 15 Jul 1830.
John SIFFORD, pro ami of Jonathan KELLER and David KELLER, minors - Sale of Real Estate - Jul 1829 John KELLER d/ 18__ intestate, leaving widow - Barbara, now Barbara BAST s/ Jonathan KELLER, a minor s/ David KELLER, a minor LAND - Lot #25 in Middle Town (66'x330'), on road leading to Trap (Jefferson). From Adam KOBLENTZ (COBLENTZ) (w/ Elizabeth) in 1807. Guardian was Barbara BOIST (BOST/BAST). Trustee was John SIFFORD. SALE to: - Samuel G. HARBAUGH at $1,200, free of dower Distribution: widow received 1/8, $139.40; - each child received $487.19. Filed 6 Jul 1830.
John COONS / KOONTZ Estate - Jan 1830 John COONS d/ testate widow - Christiana d/ Apr 1829, and 8 children s/ Henry COONS, d/ 1820, leaving ...wid/ Margaret KOONTZ and children, .....Phoebe (Koont) w/o Henry KIZER .....Benjamin KOONTZ .....Christina KOONTZ, a minor .....Samuel KOONTZ, a minor .....Conrad KOONTZ, a minor .....Catharine Ann KOONTZ, a minor s/ John COONS (old shop and tools) s/ Abraham COONS (new shop and tools) s/ William COONS d/ Susanna COONS (single) d/ Mary COONS w/o William HINER (children not named) later w/o Christopher STULL (children not named) d/ Catharine (Coons) STOKER d/ Elizabeth (Coons) SHEW LAND - to Henry - "Heads Industry", 264 acres; - to John, Abraham and William - home place on several tracts totaling 350 acres. Execs/ Davis RICHARDSON and son, John COONS Witnesses: James MURPHY, John B. FISH, Robert DARNALL, Jonathan MILLER. [Will HS-2, 55; written 23 Dec 1816; filed 6 Mar 1817] LAND - "Head's Industry", 104 acres, on Pipe Creek. The widow of William COONS had a life estate in property as dower rights; she died Apr 1829. Guardian was Margaret KOONTZ, children's mother. Trustee was William KOONTZ. SALE was held 29 Mar 1830; high bidders were: - Joseph KOONTZ at $975 Distribution: - each 1/4 share to the four sons of John KOONTZ, per his will, was $222.23. Filed 5 Aug 1830.
Robert B. STEVENSON vs ABELL RUSSELL, trustee of John RUSSELL, dec'd, and Benjamin BENTON Estate - Title - Jan 1830 Benjamin BENTON d/ c1829 intestate, leaving widow - Maria and 2 minor children, s/ Joseph W. BENTON s/ William P. BENTON Land - "Resurvey on Hall's Choice", 136 acres, lies west of road leading from New Market to Liberty; adjoins lands of Sarah RUSSELL and Stevenson; next to lands of Benjamin HIBBERD (25 acres was sold to Robert B. STEVENSON by BENTON in 1828 by agreement), Administrator and guardian was Maria BENTON. Deed was granted to Stevenson on 15 Jul 1830.
JS-9, 132-143 - LUCKETT, NELSON
Clarissa H. LUCKETT and Serena LUCKETT vs Lloyd LUCKETT - Foreclosure - Jan 1830 Land - "Second Resurvey on Lucketts Merry Midnight", 219 acres. Lloyd LUCKETT obtained the land through the 1 Oct 1817 will of his father, William LUCKETT; conveyed to Lloyd in 1821 by - Samuel LUCKETT - Nelson LUCKETT - Clarissa Harlow LUCKETT - Serena LUCKETT. Lloyd mortgaged the property to John NELSON in 1823 for $1,000. Nelson assigned the mortgage to the Luckett sisters in 1826. Trustee was John NELSON SALE was held 27 Mar 1830; high bidder was: - Clarissa H. LUCKETT and Serena LUCKETT at $5,475 Distribution after costs: - Clarissa H. LUCKETT and Serena LUCKETT, $3,418.40 Filed 8 Jul 1830.
Daniel SCHOLL, adm/of Christian SCHOLL vs Christian BRENGLE - Foreclosure - Jul 1826 Christian SCHOLL had signed as security for Christian BRENGLE and paid his debt to William R. SANDERSON. Christian SCHOLL d/ Feb 1826 intestate and Daniel SCHOLL is seeking reimbursement from Brengle. LAND - Lot #9 of "Tasker's Chance", 5 acres. SLAVE - Negro boy SANDY (16 in Nov 1822) also household goods, wagon and cart and 3 horses. Trustee was Frederick A. SCHLEY. SALE went to: - Jacob BRENGLE at $519.50 for lot and personal property; no mention if the slave was included or not. Distribution: - SCHOLL received $579.50 out of the $768.30 owed to him. Filed 15 Jul 1830.
Daniel BUCKEY and Elisha HOWARD, exec/of Dorcas HOWARD vs Mary Ann READ / REID Estate - Jul 1829 Dorcas HOWARD d/ testate s/ Elisha HOWARD d/ Elizabeth w/o Jacob MEISSEL d/ Dorcas HALLER d/ Ann HOWARD grdau - Rebecca D.J. AGERS grson - George William Howard HEBB SLAVES - Negro boy PETER (to son Elisha) Freedom upon his death and $20 each to - negro man HENRY, negro women SUCKY and RACHEL - negro man MATTHEW to be set free within 6 months of Dorcas' death Execs/ son Elisha and friend Daniel BUCKEY Witnesses: Somerset R. WATERS, George SNOUFFER, Samuel DUTROW. [Will HS-3, 467; written 7 Mar 1820; filed 21 Mar 1826] LAND - 263 acres sold by executors to Mary Ann READ in 1826. Mary Ann READ / REID d/ aft Jun 1826, intestate - 4 children, d/ Sarah Ann READ - Montgomery County d/ Gwynn READ, a minor - Allegany County s/ Nelson READ, a minor - Montgomery County s/ Robert READ, a minor - Montgomery County Administrators were Davis RICHARDSON and Elisha HOWARD. Guardian was Levy DAVIS; trustee was Frederick A. SCHLEY. SALE made to: - William EAGLE at $2,906.15. Distribution: - READ children, each 1/4 share, $73.07 Filed 8 Jul 1830.
William B. HIBBERD, adm/of Matilda HARRIS, Elias GRIMES as guardian vs John HARRIS Estate - Oct 1828 Thomas HARRIS d/ Jan 1823, testate widow - Margaret and children d/ Catharine HARRIS w/o Elie PHILLIPS, both dec'd * .....Matilda PHILLIPS w/o Edward BENTON - Ohio .....Miranda PHILLIPS w/o Darius EATER .....Ruth PHILLIPS w/o Abdel E. MAGERS .....John F. PHILLIPS d/ Sarah HARRIS w/o John JAMISON, both dec'd ** .....Susanna JAMISON w/o Samuel BLAIR .....Sarah JAMISON .....Benjamin JAMISON, a minor .....Elie JAMISON, a minor .....William JAMISON, a minor .....John JAMISON, a minor d/ Sophia HARRIS w/o George LANGSTROTH d/ Ruth HARRIS w/o Thomas SELLMAN - Ohio s/ Thomas HARRIS (Jr.) s/ John HARRIS d/ intestate, no issue d/ Caroline HARRIS d/ Catharine HARRIS w/o Joseph WILSON d/ Susannah HARRIS s/ George Crabs HARRIS, a minor s/ Washington HARRIS, a minor d/ Margaret HARRIS, a minor .....grdau/ Matilda HARRIS d/ 1824 intestate ($500) (her parents' names not given) LAND to children: - Sarah, the farm he purchased from John JAMISON, to be rented out for her support - Thomas, the farm he purchased from Samuel McFERREN - John, the farm from Thomas Sr.'s father and land from Norman BRUCE - George C., the farm purchased from Jacob SMITH - Washington, the farm purchased from Joseph HAYS (spouses and grandchildren's names were not listed in the will) Execs/ Joshua DELAPLANE and Francis SPALDING Witnesses: Jacob SHEETZ, George SIX, Thomas CLABAUGH [Will HS-3, 119; written 9 Dec 1821; filed 20 Mar 1823] Administrator for John HARRIS' estate was Elias GRIMES who was also guardian of George C. HARRIS and Washington HARRIS. By 16 Mar 1824, Matilda HARRIS had died; admin/ William B. HIBBARD; sureties were William FARQUHAR and Jacob APPLER Sr. Guardian for Margaret HARRIS and the JAMISON minor children was Abraham LICHTENWALTER. Testimony on 28 Feb 1829 from: - Lot GRIMES - testified the Bentons and Sellmans were living in Ohio. On 17 Feb 1829, Caroline HARRIS testified the widow of Thomas HARRIS, Margaret, was 57 years old and in good health. Trustee was Elias GRIMES. After a failed public sale, on 1 Oct 1829, private sale was made to: - _______ for John GRIMES' land at $2,600 (purchaser not named) Distribution: . Legacies made per Thomas' will; paid at 25%: - Margaret HARRIS Sr, the widow, $223.77 - George C. HARRIS, $238.47 - Washington HARRIS, $495.77 - Sophia & George LANGTHRATH, $201.75 - Caroline HARRIS, $153.12 - William B. HIBBARD, admin/of Matilda HARRIS, dec'd, $145.63 - Catharine & Joseph WILSON, $138.12 - Susanna HARRIS, $130.62 - Margaret HARRIS, $135 - Joshua DELAPLANE and Francis SPALDING, creditors of John HARRIS, dec'd, judgment, $398.54 - Other multiple Creditors were paid $.63 on the dollar Filed 15 Jul 1830. * for Eli PHILLIPS, see JS-7, 393 ** for John JAMISON, see JS-9, 217
Solomon BURRIER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Feb 1830 Leonard BURRIER, dec'd - his 6 children, s/ Jacob BURRIER s/ John BURRIER s/ Adam BURRIER * s/ Philip BURRIER d/ Margaret BURRIER d/ Mary BURRIER w/o Jacob WALTZ LAND - "Industry and Frugality", 270 acres, by patent in 1799. - "Middle Plantation", 120 acres; "Second Neglect", 5 acres. From Henry CLISAL in 1798/ - "What You Will", 62 acres. From Margaret NUSBAUM in 1799. - "Hidden Treasure", 5 acres. From Samuel DUVALL in 1798. - "The Finishing Stroke", 29+ acres. From Thomas BEATTY in 1793. - "Middle Plantation", 18 acres. From Samuel DUVALL in 1789. - one undivided moriety of "Pleasant Valley", 9 acres, "Benjamin's Delight", 75 acres. To Leonard and Philip BURRIER from Benjamin MARTIN in 1761. - "Alder Spring", 49+ acres. From Benjamin GASSAWAY in 1788. Adam BURRIER d/ Jul 1829 intestate * widow - Susanna and 12 children s/ Solomon BURRIER d/ Elizabeth BURRIER s/ Jacob BURRIER d/ Susanna BURRIER s/ Adam BURRIER - Ohio s/ John BURRIER - Ohio d/ Sally BURRIER w/o John BOYER - Ohio d/ Magdalena BURRIER w/o William CROWN - Ohio s/ William BURRIER, a minor d/ Sophia BURRIER, a minor d/ Barbara BURRIER, a minor d/ Maria BURRIER, a minor LAND - "Middle Plantation" and "Second Neglect", 125 acres. From heirs of Leonard BURRIER, his father in 1801. - "Barony Point", 5+ acres. From Thomas CAIN (w/ Leticia) in 1803; (he the only son and heir of John CAIN). - "Culloden Wall", 18+ acres. From Thomas MAYNARD in 1828. Guardian and trustee was George RINER. SALE was held 1 May 1830; high bidder was: - John RODRUCK at $2,109.60, subject to the widow's dower Distribution: - Each child's 1/12 share, $165.22 Filed 15 Jul 1830.
Samuel BLAIR & Others vs William B. HIBBARD & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #906 - Feb 1828 John JAMISON d/ intestate widow - Sarah (now dec'd) and 6 children * d/ Susanna JAMISON w/o Samuel BLAIR d/ Sarah JAMISON s/ Benjamin JAMISON, a minor s/ William JAMISON, a minor s/ Elie JAMISON, a minor s/ John JAMISON, a minor LAND - Farm of 100 acres; adjoined lands of Joseph HAYS, Nicholas UMSTEAD and Elias GRIMES. Devised to John JAMISON from his father, Robert JAMISON. John JAMISON was indebted by note to William HARRIS in 1817; Harris transferred note to David EDGAR in 1819. In Nov 1819 John JAMISON sold the farm to Thomas HARRIS at $1,100. David EDGAR has since died and Archibald GEORGE obtained a judgement against John JAMISON in 1821. Adm/ William B. HIBBARD The widow of John JAMISON, Sarah, has also died. Thomas HARRIS died 1823, testate widow - (see JS-9, 168) d/ Sophia HARRIS d/ Ruth SELLMAN d/ Caroline FINE d/ Catharine HARRIS d/ Susanna HARRIS d/ Margaret HARRIS d/ Sarah JAMISON * s/ Thomas HARRIS s/ John HARRIS s/ George Crabs HARRIS s/ Washington HARRIS grdau/ Matilda HARRIS Devised to children: - Sarah, widow of John JAMISON - farm purchased from John JAMISON, to be rented out until all the debts were paid. - Thomas HARRIS - farm purchased from Samuel McFARREN. - John HARRIS - farm from decedent's father and land purchased from Norman BRUCE. - George Crabs HARRIS - farm purchased from Jacob SMITH. - Washington HARRIS - farm purchased from Joseph HAYS. Execs/ Joshua DELAPLANE and Francis SPALDIN Witnesses: Jacob SHEETS, George SIX, Thomas CLABAUGH [Will written 9 Dec 1821; filed 20 Mar 1823] Guardian was William B. HIBBERD. Trustee was Samuel BLAIR. SALE was held 29 Dec 1828; high bidder was: - John WHITE at $851.36 * Distribution after debts were paid: - Each of John JAMISON's children, 1/6, $32.60 Filed 19 Aug 1830.
Malachia HOBBS vs Charity M. LILLY Estate - Title - Feb 1830 Charity M. LILLY of Summerhill Twp, Cambria Co, PA died intestate, leaving 12 children (all Out of State), s/ Richard LILLY d/ Mary w/o Daniel DIMOND d/ Martha w/o Jacob BURGOON s/ Thomas LILLY s/ John LILLY d/ Anna w/o Levy BURGOON s/ Samuel LILLY s/ Joseph LILLY d/ Mary Ann w/o John CARLIN s/ Luke LILLY d/ Teresa LILLY d/ Isadora LILLY, a minor LAND - "Peace", 1/2 undivided part along with stock and furniture (but not Slaves); adjoins lands of Frederick LOY Sr. and John OGLE. Charity received the property upon the death of Ann OGLE. SOLD in 1828 to: - Malachi HOBBS Title granted on 13 Sep 1830.
John CURFMAN and Jacob RUHL and w/ Sarah (CURFMAN), all of Shrewsbury Twp, York Co, PA vs John GOMBER of Frederick County - Foreclosure - Oct 1829 John GOMBER was a security of Gilbert KEMP in his guardian bond for John CURFMAN and Sarah CURFMAN, children of Daniel CURFMAN of Frederick County. Gilbert KEMP is now insolvent. John GOMBER mortgaged his real estate to the CURFMAN siblings as security of monies due them; but he had also mortgaged the same property to Casper MANTZ, exec/of Francis MANTZ in 1824 to cover bond. LAND - Lot #63 in Frederick Town. To John GOMBER from Jacob GOMBER, Eve Margaret BRENGLE (widow), George BENTZ and w/ Elizabeth to John GOMBER in 1805. - 4 Lots in Frederick Town. To John GOMBER from Peter ENGLE, a gunsmith, in 1795. Trustee was Thomas C. WORTHINGTON. John GOMBER was able to pay the heirs of Daniel CURFMAN their $393.34 each and received a 5-year extension to pay Casper MANTZ. Filed 5 Aug 1830.
John RHODES and Peter RHODES vs Henry RHODES Sr Estate - Aug 1827 Henry RHODES Sr, dec'd widow - Catharine (life estate) (d/ bef Aug 1827) and 10 children: d/ Elizabeth RHODES s/ Henry RHODES Jr., dec'd, leaving ...wid/ Sally and 3 minor children, .....John RHODES .....Daniel RHODES .....Henry RHODES s/ George RHODES d/ Catharine RHODES w/o Thomas GILBERT, dec'd (6 minor childre) .....Thomas GILBERT - Out of State .....Eliza GILBERT .....Samuel GILBERT .....Mary GILBERT .....Hezekiah GILBERT .....Harman Rhodes GILBERT s/ John RHODES & wid/ Margaret s/ Jacob RHODES s/ Samuel RHODES s/ Peter RHODES s/ Harman RHODES d/ Mary "Polly" RHODES w/o Reuben DEAVER - Ohio Execs/ widow and son, Henry Witnesses: Charles PHILPOTT, Joseph GARROTT, Elias WILLARD [Will RB-1, 1 (as Henry ROADS Sr; written 14 Apr 1806; filed 13 Jun 1809] LAND - "Maryland", 2 acres with houses, next to Samuel PRATHER's land and the main road leading to Harpers Ferry. To Henry RHODES, blacksmith, from Barton PHILPOTT, farmer, & w/ Barbara in 1783. - "Maryland", 2+ acres with houses, (contiguous to other tract). To Henry RHODES, blacksmith, from Samuel PRATHER & w/ Elizabeth) in 1782. Guardian for Daniel and Henry RHODES was Corbin JACOBS. Trustee was John RHODES who tried unsuccessfully to sell the property; he died between 4 Sep 1828 and Feb 1829. Trustee then appointed was Francis THOMAS on 18 Jun 1829. SALE was held 3 Oct 1829; high bidder was: - Peter RHODES at $395 On 9 Jun 1830, John WILLARD testified the widow of Henry Jr, Sarah "Sally" RHODES, was born on 27 Jul 1776, per records of his father, Elias WILLARD. She received 2/17, $3.93 as her widow's dower, of her husband's share before the distribution to their children. Distribution: - Each 1/10 child's share, $33.48 (Margaret RHODES received Samuel's share as an assignee) Filed 14 Jun 1830.
Isaac BAUGHER vs Catharine RIDER Estate - Report of Sales - Jul 1829 Catharine "Caty" RIDER, now dec'd, married Christian REICHER - PA ...d/ (not named), died abt 2 yrs after her mother & before Jul 1829 bro/ Frederick RIDER bro/ George RIDER - PA sis/ Elizabeth RIDER - PA LAND - House and Lot in Emmitsburg. From Jacob SMITH in 1822 by a note from George RIDER to Catharine RIDER, who assigned the note to Jacob SMITH (whereabouts unknown); who assigned it to Isaac BAUGHER. In 1825, Baugher filed suit against George RIDER and obtained a judgement. Trustee was William ROSS. SALE was held May 1830; high bidder was: - Isaac BAUGHER at $60 Proceeds short. Filed 19 Aug 1830.
Ludwick RUDISELL, Jacob COVER and John HINER, creditors vs Sebastian SULTZER, on behalf of w/ Susanna SULTZER, and John COVER - Foreclosure - Jan 1829 Susanna SULTZER was indebted to Jacob COVER and John HINER as the executors of Jacob COVER Sr. with John COVER as her trustee. Mortgage was assigned to Ludwick RUDISELL LAND - "Earnest Choice" and "Venture", contiguous to each other. Trustee was John COVER. After a failed public sale, Private Sale was made on 23 Apr 1829 to: - David HASS? at $600 Distribution: - John COVER for Susanna, $113.21 Filed 30 Aug 1830.
Israel SWITZER & Others vs Jacob SNAYDER and Philip ENGLER - Oct 1829 Rudolph SWITZER, widower, d/ 20 Mar 1829, leaving 5 deceased siblings bro/ Ulrick SWITZER, dec'd - his 8 children, .....1/ Salome (Switzer) w/o Christian BRAWER .....2/ Mary (Switzer) RINEHART .....3/ Esther (Switzer) SIDLE .....4/ Israel SWITZER .....5/ Hannah (Switzer) KINE / KIM .....6/ Jacob SWITZER .....7/ Elizabeth (Switzer) RINEHART, dec'd - her 5 children, . . . . . .Peter RINEHART . . . . . .Esther RINEHART w/o Abraham ZUBLIN . . . . . .Hannah RINEHART w/o Aaron GROSH . . . . . .Mary (Rinehart) FISHER . . . . . .Elizabeth RINEHART w/o Abraham HARLEY .....8/ Ulrick SWITZER Jr., dec'd - his 6 children, . . . . . .Israel SWITZER . . . . . .Jonathan SWITZER . . . . . .David SWITZER . . . . . .Hannah SWITZER . . . . . .Esther SWITZER . . . . . .Ann (Switzer) HAINES sis/ Elizabeth (Switzer) STEM, dec'd - her 6 children, .....1/ Salome (Stem) JOHNSON .....2/ Mary ENGLER .....3/ Elizabeth (Stem) w/o David ENGLER .....4/ Lydia (Stem) w/o Jonathan PLAINS .....5/ Catharine (Stem) ZIMMERMAN, dec'd - her 10 children, . . . . . .Nathan ZIMMERMAN . . . . . .David ZIMMERMAN . . . . . .Jacob ZIMMERMAN . . . . . .John ZIMMERMAN . . . . . .Lydia ZIMMERMAN . . . . . .Rachel ZIMMERMAN . . . . . .Mary (Zimmerman) w/o John TAFFER . . . . . .Susanna (Zimmerman) w/o David JOHNSON . . . . . .Ann (Zimmerman) w/o John BEANS . . . . . .Elizabeth (Ziommerman) w/o Conrad HITESHEW .....6/ John STEM, dec'd - his 3 children, . . . . . .Samuel STEM . . . . . .Eliza (Stem) w/o William HOLLENBERGER . . . . . .Lydia (Stem) w/o George OTT bro/ Mathias SWITZER, dec'd - his 7 children, .....1/ Jacob SWITZER .....2/ Mathias SWITZER .....3/ Catharine SWITZER .....4/ Jonas SWITZER .....5/ Elizabeth (Switzer) w/o George MORNINGSTAR .....6/ Mary (Switzer) w/o ______ EMERICK .....7/ Susan (Switzer) MULLENDORE, dec'd - children's names unknown sis/ Catharine (Switzer) BAER, dec'd - her 6 children, .....1/ Jacob BAER .....2/ Catharine BAER .....3/ Rudolph BAER .....4/ Elizabeth (Baer) ARNOLD .....5/ Abraham BAER .....6/ John BAER, dec'd - children's names unknown sis/ Barbara (Switzer) URNER, dec'd - her 4 children, .....1/ Elizabeth (Urner) DETLOW, widow .....2/ Martin URNER .....3/ Mary RINEHART, dec'd - her 2 children, . . . . . .Israel RINEHART . . . . . .Hannah STONER, dec'd - her 7 children, . . . . . .David STONER . . . . . .Samuel STONER . . . . . .John STONER . . . . . .Ezra STONER . . . . . .Mary STONER . . . . . .Eleanor w/o John STOUFER . . . . . .Abraham STONER .....4/ Jonas URNER, dec'd - his 9 children, . . . . . .Benjamin URNER . . . . . .David URNER . . . . . .Nathan URNER . . . . . .Samuel URNER . . . . . .George URNER . . . . . .Hannah URNER . . . . . .Lydia w/o William PRICE . . . . . .Sarah w/o George PRICE . . . . . .Elizabeth w/o Jonathan CREAGER - housekeeper - Margaret WALTER - German Baptist (Tunkers Society) for the poor ...to be paid to John GARBER of Samuel and Samuel PFOUTZ - tenant was William SMITH (nieces & nephews from Equity records, not the Will) Execs/ friends, Jacob SNADER and Philip ENGLER (both declined) Witnesses: Henry HERRING, Jacob SAYLER, John GARBER and David SWITZER. [Will GME-1, 41-42; written 8 Sep 1827; codicil 16 Mar 1829; filed 31 Mar 1829) LAND - "Resurvey on Small Begining", 79+ acres, on Little Pipe Creek, next to Peter MYERS and Jacob MYERS and "Resurvey on the Breeches"; from David RINEHART and John MESSLER, exec/sof Adam ZOLLMAN in 1812 per his 1811 will. - "Resurvey on Forest in Need", 3/4 acre, next to Ulrick SWITZER; from Israel RINEHART in 1816. Trustee was David SWITZER. Survey showed property was actually 76.75 acres. SALE was held Apr 1830; high bidder was: - Israel SWITZER for 75 acres at $1,918 Distribution: - Each 1/5 siblings' share, $357.12 Filed 10 Sep 1830.
Thomas DEVILBISS vs Robert ELDER and Dr. Abdiel UNKEFER - Title - Feb 1829 David HAINES d/ Oct 1821 intestate, leaving 8 children, d/ Mary HAINES, now w/o Thomas DEVILBISS s/ Samuel HAINES, a minor s/ William HAINES, a minor s/ James HAINES, a minor s/ Charles HAINES, a minor s/ Michael HAINES, a minor s/ Dennis HAINES, a minor d/ Sarah Ann HAINES, a minor LAND - Lot #12 of "Leigh Castle", 23+ acres Administrator was Dr. Abdiel UNKEFER. In 1821, David HAINES mortgaged his property to Robert ELDER who assigned it to Thomas DEVILBISS in 1829. Robert ELDER now resides in Ohio. Guardian was Daniel SWEADNER. Trustee was Dr. Abdiel UNKEFER to convey deed to Thomas DEVILBISS with stipulation of minor children's claims as they become of age. Filed Jul 1830. Also see JS-9, 360
Mathias NICHOLS and Henry NICHOLS - Sale of Real Estate - Aug 1826 William NICHOLS d/ 1 Jun 1826 intestate, leaving widow - Barbara and 9 children, s/ Mathias NICHOLS s/ Henry NICHOLS d/ Susan w/o Ignatius DELOZIER d/ Margaret w/o Conrad HUMBURG - Out of State d/ Sarah w/o Collison/William BRIGHLEY s/ John NICHOLS - Out of State d/ Elizabeth NICHOLS, a minor d/ Henrietta NICHOLS, a minor d/ Sidney Ann NICHOLS, a minor LAND - "The River of Rocks", 190 acres, lies on South Mountain, next to Antietam Bottom. From John FUNK (w/ Prudence) of Washington Twp, Franklin Co, PA in 1805. (at that time, William NICHOLS also lived there) - "March Weather", 153 acres. Resurveyed to Daniel DELOZIER by Special Warrant in 1794. On 4 Oct 1826, James NICHOLS testified John NICHOLS, Margaret and Conrad HUMBURG lived out of state, but did not name the state. Guardian was David FILSON. Trustee was James NICHOLS. After three failed public sales, Private Sale was made 9 Apr 1828 to: - (name not disclosed) at $1,200 Distribution: - Each 1/9 child's share, $119.52 Filed 26 Aug 1830.
JS-9, 341-360 - BAER, DORSEY
Conrad SCHULTZ, Frederick KONIG and Lewis MAYER vs Henry BAER & Others - Report of Sales - Mar 1822 The petitioners traded under the firm of Schultz, Konig & Company and recovered judgement against Henry BAER in 1819. In 1815, Henry BAER mortgaged his real estate to Jacob BAER, John BAER Sr. and Stephen STEINER for debts they owed to Nicholas HOLTZ. Henry BAER also made another mortgage in 1819 for the same real estate to Jacob BAER and Frederick A. SCHLEY as they signed as security for Henry. William BAER was a s/o Henry BAER. Michael BAER and Ezra BAER were sons & executors of John BAER, dec'd. LAND - 1/2 of Lot #3 in Frederick Town (being parts of Lot #24 & 25), on Patrick Street. Improved with a 2-story brick house. Then occupied by Jacob BAER. To Henry BAER from John NEILL in Apr 1800. Trustee was Frederick A. SCHLEY. SALE was held 17 Sep 1825; high bidder was: - Caleb DORSEY of Thomas at $3,005 Filed 3 Aug 1830.
Abdiel UNKEFER vs Samuel CREIGHTON Estate - Foreclosure - Aug 1824 David HAINES d/ intestate, leaving 7 minor children, d/ Mary HAINES s/ Samuel HAINES s/ William HAINES s/ James HAINES s/ Charles HAINES s/ Michael D. HAINES d/ Sarah Ann HAINES Administrator was Abdiel UNKEFER; guardian was John LUGENBEEL. LAND - "Leigh Castle", 28 acres. Sold to Samuel CREIGHTON, but all monies have not been paid and are overdue. Samuel CREIGHTON d/ c1824 intestate, w/o issue, leaving heirs, (probably his sisters) - Mary w/o Ralph/Raphael COOMES - Ann CREIGHTON Trustee was Abdiel UNKEFER. SALE was held 18 Jan 1828 at Mr. HAINES's Mill; high bidder was: - Joseph JOHNSON at $212 Distribution: (proceeds short) - Creditors paid $.11 on the dollar Filed 15 Jul 1830. Also see JS-9, 318
Christian HARMAN, creditor vs Heirs of Thomas BROWN - Sale of Real Estate - Oct 1829 Thomas BROWN d/ Apr 1828 intestate, leaving widow - Susan and 9 children, s/ Thomas BROWN Jr d/ Elizabeth w/o Daniel HAUVER d/ Mary w/o Chrisitan GETZ d/ Susan w/o John BARENHEISON d/ Catharine w/o Daniel McAFFEE s/ George BROWN s/ William BROWN, a minor d/ Sarah BROWN, a minor s/ Christian BROWN, a minor Administrators were Thomas and George BROWN. LAND - "The Separation", 4+ acres, (a vacancy being added). From John BIGGS in 1808. - "Resurvey on Round Meadow" and "Stones Enough", 165 acres, in Catoctin Hundred; adjoined land of Tobias RITTER. From John BIGGS (w/ Priscilla) in 1807. (Surveyed in 1792 and then called "The Separation") Guardian was Ignatius BROWN. Trustee was William BROWN. On second sale attempt, high bidder was: - George BROWN, heir of Thomas BROWN, at $1,122.94, subject to widow's dower. Distribution: - Each 1/9 child's share, $22.25 Filed 2 Sep 1830.
JS-9, 389-414 - DUVALL, DAVIS - Feb 1828
Gilbert DAVIS and George BALTZELL vs Heirs of William DUVALL Willilam DUVALL d/ 28 Jul 1826, testate, leaving 6 children s/ John Prather DUVALL ($5 as full share) s/ Benjamin DUVALL (d/ 4 Oct 1826 intestate), his 9 minor children, .....Jemima DUVALL (turned 21 by Oct 1828) .....Frederick DUVALL .....Eliza DUVALL .....Ruth DUVALL .....Rebecca DUVALL .....Grafton DUVALL .....Sarah Anne DUVALL .....Cordelia DUVALL .....Benjamin W. DUVALL d/ Mary w/o Luke DAVIS s/ Samuel DUVALL (d/ 29 Jun 1827 intestate), his 6 minor children .....Allen DUVALL .....Zerniah DUVALL .....William DUVALL .....Harriett DUVALL .....Mary DUVALL .....Samuel DUVALL s/ Thomas DUVALL s/ Daniel DUVALL - gr/dau - Delila DUVALL ($20) Son Benjamin was given 36 acres of land where he then lived with provision for son Thomas to continue with stone quarry. After 12 months, rest of property to be sold and divided among Mary, Benjamin, Samuel, Thomas and Daniel. (Other grandchildren not named in will, only Delila.) Execs/ Benjamin DUVALL and Thomas DUVALL Witnesses: William WILCOXIN, Jacob IJAMS, Plummer IJAMS. [Will HS-2, 495; written 13 Dec 1822; filed 18 Oct 1826), William DUVALL was jointly indebted with Gilbert DAVIS and Samuel DUVALL to George BALTZELL. LAND - "Good Friday" and "Duvall's Forrest", 166 acres. Guardian was Jemima DUVALL for her siblings. Guardian was Daniel DUVALL for Samuel's children. Testimony was given by John McPHERSON Jr and William M. BEALL for the complainants. Trustee was Daniel DUVALL. SALE was made to: - Thomas DUVALL for 130 acres (all except part given to Benjamin) at $10.50/acre. Distribution: Proceeds were short; paid creditors $.32 on the dollar. The complainants petitioned to have Benjamin's 36 acres sold as well, which the court approved. SALE was held May 1830; high bidder was: - Gideon BANTZ at $660 (he was an assignee for Peter SOWER, another creditor) Distribution: paid Creditors $.31 on the dollar. Filed Oct 1830.
Henry KEMP vs Samuel PANCOAST - Title - Jul 1829 Samuel PANCOAST d/ 1820, testate widow - Louisa (later married Patrick ONEILL), and 4 children s/ Stacy Ignatius PANCOAST d/ bef Jul 1829 s/ Joseph Washington PANCOAST, a minor d/ Frances Eliza PANCOAST d/ bef Jul 1829 s/ Catharine Elizabeth PANCOAST, a minor SLAVES - negro girls ESTER and ELIZA; negro boy JACOB, negro man CHARLES (to wife til remarriage, then to children) LAND - "Wet Work" (plantation and lands to sons as tenants in common with payments to daughters) Execs/ George BUCKEY (d/ bef Jul 1829) and Henry KEMP Witnesses: Casper MANTZ, William MICHAEL, George BENTZ, and Francis MANTZ. [Will HS-2, 398-400; written 7 Oct 1820; filed 7 Nov 1820) Guardian was Patrick ONEILL. Trustee was John NELSON. SALE on 12 Oct 1829 to: - Patrick ONEILL for 10.5 acres at $30/acre Filed 6 Jul 1830.
JS-9, 427-453a - QUINN (other Emmitsburg names)
James McDIVIT vs Patrick QUINN / QUYNN Estate - Sale of Real Estate - Feb 1829 Patrick QUINN d/ leaving children, d/ Rosanna QUINN s/ James QUINN d/ Margaret QUINN d/ Mary QUINN Guardian was James McDIVIT. LAND A - Lot #21 in Carrollsburg, 10 acres. From Robert L. ANNAN (w/ Mary) and Willilam EMMIT (w/ Susan) in 1813; previously from James YOUNG, dec'd. B - Lot #20 in Carrollsburg, 10 acres. From Willilam M. BEALL Jr., late sheriff in 1822, of the estate of Bartholomew McCAFFREY; previously from James YOUNG, dec'd. C - Lot #27 & House in center of Emmitsburg, on street leading to Baltimore and running with the Cross Street leading from Gettysburg to Frederick Town. From John HARRITT, trustee for Bartholomew McCAFFREY, for debts due to Francis GILLMEYER in 1826. D - Lot #26 and 27 (diamond lot) with 2-story brick-stone house on SW corner on Main St in Emmitsburg; then occupied as the post office and barber shop. From James HUGHES and w/ Lucy in 1827. E - "William's Lot", 8+ acres, from Henry NEED & wife in 1814. F - "Carrollsburg", 3 acres, on south side of road leading from Emmitsburg to YOUNG's lower farm. From Charles ROBERTSON (w/ Elizabeth) in 1814. G - part of Lot #11 (other part to William McKINLEY) and three back Lotts #130, 131, 135 in Emmitsburg, on east side of alley and directly opposite two front Lotts #10 and 11. From William LONG in 1813. H - Lot #11 on north side of Main Street in Emmitsburg; adjoined lot of Peter HORNECKER. From William McKINLEY (w/ Christiana) in 1814. I - one undivided moriety of 120 acres owned jointly with Dr James A. SHORB. From James NICHOLS, trustee for estate of Jacob HOCKENSMITH. Guardian appointed was George GROVER in Sep 1829. Trustees were James McDEVITT and Patrick OWINGS. SALE was held Dec 1829; high bidders were: A- to Henry BECKENBAUGH at $100 (on Poplar Ridge) B- to Daniel GAMBLE at $82.50 (on Poplar Ridge near Emmitsburg) C- to Edward McBRIDE at $628 D- to George GROVER at $1,278 E- to William GREASON at about $40 or less F- to James STORM? at $167 G- to Richard MASTERS at $821; back lotts to Dr. J.A. SHORB at $190. H- to J. ELDER at $650 I- to John GRABILL at $365.26 Total Sales $4290.38. James A. SHORB petitioned the court on behalf of Sister Geneviere of the Religious House of Saint Joseph's for her claim. Distribution: - Each 1/4 child's share, $904.65 Filed 23 Sep 1830.
Vachel PUMPHREY, creditor vs George LEASE Estate - Report of Sales - Jul 1829 George LEASE d/ 17 Aug 1829 intestate, leaving widow - Elizabeth and 5 children, s/ William LEASE s/ Nicholas LEASE s/ George LEASE d/ Catharine w/o John ENGELBRECHT d/ Sarah w/o William CARLIN LAND - Lot #14 of "Tasker's Chance", 2 acres, on north side of Frederick Town and on East side of Main road leading to PA. From Isaac RICHARDSON (w/ Elizabeth) in 1805. (to Richardson from Nicholas HOLTZ as guardian of Mary, Elizabeth, Michael, Catharine, George, Nicholas, Susanna Margaret WHITMORE) - Lot #15, 4 acres of "Tasker's Chance". (except the part Lease conveyed to Philip LAMBRECHT) From Henry STEINER (w/ Rachel Rebecca) in 1809. - Lots #251 and 252 in Frederick Town. From Eli BEATTY and Nathaniel ROCHESTER of Washington County as execs/of William BEATTY in 1809. (except part which Lease conveyed to Joseph FLEMING) - 1/2 undivided part of Lot #4 of "Middle Plantation", 50 acres. (Joseph KENEGA owns the other half) From Eleanor POTTS as surviving exec/of of Richard POTTS in 1822. - parts of lot #1 and 2 of "Tasker's Chance", 3 acres, lies next to land of Lawrence BRENGLE (from Samuel DUVALL in 1786). From Henry KOONTZ Jr. (w/ Margaret) in 1811. (to Koontz from John REED in 1811) Administrator was William LEASE. Survey was made for the widow's 1/3 dower. Trustee was L.P.W. BALCH. SALE was held 3 Nov 1829; high bidder was: - Vachel PUMPHREY for 4 acres at $1310, 3 acres at $400, and 3/4 acre vacant lot at $100 - Robet McCLEARY for wood lot of 25 acres at $382.50 Total Sales, $2,192.50. There was also a joint judgment against Lease and George ROHR connected with a mortgage they held against John NICODEMUS by a special bail on which $621.44 was paid out to Jacob BALTZELL and Charles BALTZELL. Distribution: (Proceeds were short) - Creditors paid $.23 on the dollar The Nicodemus payout was protested and then the remaining debts were paid with each child then receiving $93.51. Filed 26 Oct 1830.
William MILLER, John CARMACK, Horatio McPHERSON and John McPherson BRIEN - Petition for Title - Jan 1831 In 1827, William MILLER, John CARMACK and John McPHERSON purchased real estate at a Sheriff's sale (Thomas CARLTON then sheriff) from the Estates of Joshua DELAPLANE and John DELAPLANE. John DELAPLANE first applied for insolvency in 1805. LAND - "Resurvey on Terra Rubra", "Six Brothers", "Stoney Ridge", "Resurvey on Welsh Cabbin", "Toms Fancy" and "The Cliffs". To Joshua DELAPLANE from Richard and James WINCHESTER in 1803. - "This Is None" and "Resurvey on Welsh Cabbin". To Joshua DELAPLANE from Jacob and Anna OTTO in 1814. - "Six Brothers". To Joshua DELAPLANE from Joseph BIGGS in 1814. John McPHERSON d/ 5 Dec 1829, testate s/ James McPHERSON - no share and he is to repay all expenses paid for him from his father's ledger. s/ Robert G. McPHERSON's three children - the farm on which Robert lived which lay next to lands of Lewis NEILL, John HOUCK and on the turnpike road; and also a mountain tract of 100 acres purchased from Charles BEATTY; also adjoining, "Wefellys Tract" which had been occupied by Robert G. RUSSELL. The widow of these three children to have use and proceeds of land for maintenance and education of the children. But if the children should die, it should revert to John's three sons, William S., John Jr. and Horatio, on payment of $2,000 to the widow Maria McPHERSON, should either of the children die. s/ William S. McPHERSON (3rd son) - devised all the lands purchased from George BALTZELL, representing the interest of the heirs of George SNERTZELL, Charles HUMRICKHOUSE, Robert HENDERSON's heirs, and John BAER's heirs; land laying between the turnpike and Harpers Ferry Road. Now occupied by William S. McPHERSON. s/ John McPHERSON Jr (4th son) - all the land adjoining "Araby" which was purchased from William MARSHALL, John GRAHAM and Robert VANCE with all stocks and NEGROES, etc; and the house where John Sr. lived; adjoining Mr. BRIEN's house; also Sr.'s watch and land he purchased from William SCHLEY, esquire, as trustee for SPRIGG's Estate which he is to apply to his brother, Edward B. McPHERSON's support and upon Edward's death, to revert back to John Jr.'s children. - Alexander McPHERSON's three children - $10,000 to be divided equally when they become of age. - Doctor William S. McPHERSON, tract of land from Thomas PATTERSON, now in tenure of Jacob GETZANDANNER, with profit to be applied to support and maintenance of William's brother, James S. McPHERSON. - John McPHERSON, eldest s/o William S. McPHERSON - tract where Jacob GETZANDANNER lives (after death of James S. McPHERSON) and mountain tract "Cary's Mountain", 150 acres, with all his NEGROES and stock attached to land. Son-in-law/ John BRIEN, esquire - $20,000 dollars, deducting $8,866.66 for which there is receipt of his wife's portion. sis/ Mrs. RUSSELL - real estate around Gettysburg, PA to be used for her support during her lifetime. Also, Ante Eatam (Antietam?) Estate and Linganore Mills be carried on as usual until there is an entire discharge of all claims against his estate. s/ Horatio McPHERSON and grandson, John McPherson BRIEN - the residue of estate. Execs/ John BRIEN, esquire; William L. McPHERSON, John McPHERSON Jr., and Horatio McPHERSON. Witnesses: J. DIXON, James RAYMOND, Benjamin PRICE. [Will GME-1, 97-101; written 12 Jan 1827; filed 7 Jan 1830] On 27 Jan 1831, title was granted as per will. Also see JS-9, 634
John BAUMGARDNER Estate - Sale of Real Estate - Jul 1830 John BAUMGARDNER d/ Sep 1828 intestate widow - Elizabeth (leaving no children, grandchildren or parents) sis/ Elizabeth w/o Jacob REESE - Ohio sis/ Margaret w/o John BEARD - Ohio sis/ Catharine w/o Jacob SHRIVER - PA bro/ George BAUMGARDNER - Ohio bro/ Jacob BAUMGARDNER - Ohio bro/ Nicholas BAUMGARDNER, dec'd - Ohio - his children, .......Elizabeth BAUMGARDNER, a minor .......Nicholas BAUMGARDNER, a minor LAND - "Neighbours Agreement Resurveyed", 129 acres, next to "Good Luck" and land of John SHEETS. From Peter MARTIN (w/ Ann Mary) in 1814. Trustee was Lewis MOTTER, esquire. SALE was held 8 Nov 1830; high bidder was: - Joshua MOTTER at $1,005, subject to the widow's dower Distribution: - Each siblings' 1/6 share, $302.48 Filed 10 Feb 1831.
Daniel ROUZER vs Joseph LEATHERMAN - Foreclosure - Oct 1830 In 1824, Joseph LEATHERMAN executed two notes to Henry KEMP (trustee for estate of Sophia SHOVER) with Peter TROXELL and John LEATHERMAN as securities; said notes were assigned to Daniel ROUZER. Joseph LEATHERMAN then executed a mortgage to Rouzer. LAND - Lot #8 of "Buck Forrest", 128+ acres. Trustee was George M. EICHELBERGER. Private Sale made to: - George HUTTON at $1,600 Distribution after mortgage was paid: - Joseph LEATHERMAN, $42.30 Filed Feb 1831.
JS-9, 510-513 - STIER
Frederick STIER vs Daniel STIER and Henry STIER - Title - Jan 1820 Jacob STIER, dec'd s/ Frederick STIER s/ Daniel STIER Frederick STIER and Daniel STIER owned undivided portions of real estate of their father, Jacob STIER, dec'd. Daniel appointed Henry STIER as his power of attorney to sell his half to Frederick; but neither Daniel nor Henry have conveyed the deed. Daniel STIER had been in Rockingham Co, North Carolina since at least Jun 1817. Title was granted in Mar 1831. Also see JS-9, 513 & 547.
JS-9, 513-518 - STIER
Frederick STIER vs Jacob STIER Jr. - Title - Jan 1820 Jacob STIER, dec'd s/ Jacob STIER Jr s/ Cornelious STIER Jacob STIER Jr., who moved to Ohio, sold his undivided share of real estate of his father, Jacob STIER, dec'd (by his Will), to his brother Frederick, but never conveyed a deed. In 1816, Jacob STIER Jr. lived in Montgomery Co, MD (or Ohio?). Cornelious STIER conveyed a deed in 1819 to Frederick for his undivided share but the deed was not recorded in the alloted time. Cornelius has since moved out of state. Title granted on 24 Feb 1831.
Christopher ROPP and Michael ROPP vs John R. HOLIDAY Estate of Baltimore County - Title - Aug 1824 John R. HOLLIDAY d/ 1800 intestate, leaving 9 children, s/ John R. HOLLIDAY - Out of State s/ Daniel C. HOLLIDAY d/ intestate, unmarried d/ Sarah HOLLIDAY w/o James DOLL, both dec'd, their 3 children, .....Eleanor A. DOLL w/o George COOK - Baltimore .....Eliza B. DOLL w/o Allen THOMAS - Anne Arundel County .....John R. DOLL - Washington County d/ Aetha HOLLIDAY, dec'd, no children d/ Christiana HOLLIDAY, dec'd w/o Christopher CARNAN - Baltimore County .....Charles CARNAN, a minor .....Eleanor CARNAN, a minor .....Robert CARNAN, a minor .....John R. CARNAN, a minor .....Catharine CARNAN, a minor .....Sarah G. CARNAN, a minor .....Christopher R. CARNAN, a minor .....Daniel H. CARNAN, a minor .....Prudence G. CARNAN, a minor d/ Eleanor HOLLIDAY w/o John YEISER - Out of State d/ Prudence G. HOLLIDAY w/o James CHAMBERS - Out of State d/ Mary L. HOLLIDAY, dec'd w/o William LEE - Cecil County .....Mary D. LEE, a minor .....Eliza H. LEE, a minor .....Eleanor A. LEE, a minor .....Mary G. LEE, a minor .....Thomas S. LEE, a minor d/ Eliza HOLLIDAY, dec'd w/o Samuel LEWIS - Out of State .....John R. LEWIS .....Daniel S. LEWIS .....Eleanor A. LEWIS .....Charles R. LEWIS .....Mary LEWIS Administrator was son, Daniel C. HOLIDAY. LAND - "Gotham", 52+ acres; adjoined "Pallentine" and "Ohio" and land of Peter ZEP. (Part of land sold to George MATHIAS (17+ acres) and other part to his son, Michael, who then sold it to John BARD (36+ acres). In Dec 1789, John R. HOLIDAY sold real estate to Christopher ROPP. In Oct 1811, Christopher sold the same to his son, Michael ROPP. No deed was ever conveyed from HOLIDAY. Guardian for the Carnan and Lee children was Joshua DILL. Testimony given by John WAMPLER. In Feb 1831, Jacob MATHIAS was appointed guardian for purpose of conveying deed to John BARD and George MATHIAS.
Adam BISH vs Jacob COPPERSMITH - Title - Feb 1829 In 1820, Adam BISH sold 100 acres of land to Jacob COPPERSMITH by notes from Coppersmith and Abraham YINGLING; but no conveyance was ever made. Two days later, Adam LEPPO who wanted conformity to perfect the legal title, had Bish and Coppersmith convey a joint deed to Yingling for the security of payment. All lands, except 67 acres on which Coppersmith had possession, was sold but no conveyance to Coppersmith was ever made and some of the notes are still unpaid. Jacob COPPERSMITH became insolvent and had judgement rendered against him with these lands being sold to: Frederick YINGLING, John ERB, Peter MYERS, Joseph KEIFER and Jacob BROWN; some (Erb, Brown and Keifer) of which have assigned their rights to Elias COPPERSMITH (3/5 share), son of Jacob. Abraham YINGLING d/ 1823 testate, leaving 6 children, d/ Christena w/o Jacob STAMBAUGH - PA s/ Lewis YINGLING s/ Henry YINGLING - Ohio d/ Elizabeth w/o David FOREMAN d/ Rachel w/o John YOUNG s/ Peter YINGLING, dec'd - his children, .....Elizabeth YINGLING, a minor .....Ephraim YINGLING, a minor .....Ann Julia YINGLING, a minor .....Sarah YINGLING, a minor .....Mary YINGLING, a minor (most of Peter's children were born since the death of Abraham) Property to be sold. (Grandchildren's names from Equity records) Exec/ John YINGLING [Will HS-3, 235; filed 3 Dec 1823] Andrew HULL was appointed trustee. Guardian was Peter YINGLING. Trustee appointed was Frederick YINGLING. SALE was held 17 Mar 1831; high bidder was: - Adam BISH at $340 Filed 17 Mar 1831.
JS-9, 547-549 - STIER
Henry STIER vs William STIER - Title - Oct 1830 Jacob STIER, dec'd s/ William STIER s/ Henry STIER In 1825, William STIER sold his undivided interest in his father Jacob STIER's estate to his brother, Henry STIER, but has not conveyed the title. William now lives Out of State. On 14 Apr 1831, title was granted to Henry STIER. Also see JS-9, 510 & 513)
Eleanor FLEMING, Charlton FLEMING of Frederick County and Sarah (FLEMING) and husband Henry STARRY of Franklin County, PA vs Samuel REYNOLDS - Foreclosure - Feb 1830 The Petitioners sold land of 152 acres to Samuel REYNOLDS and also held the mortgage; payments not made. Trustee was William SCHLEY. SALE to: - George FOUT at $1,938 Distributiuon: - Samuel REYNOLDS, $433.47 Filed 5 Jan 1831.
George LEASE and George ROHR vs Daniel POTTER, Frederick NICODEMUS & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Jan 1827 Patrick MOONEY d/ bef 1819 intestate in Franklin Co, PA s/ Daniel MOONEY s/ John MOONEY s/ William MOONEY s/ James MOONEY d/ Elizabeth, dec'd w/o George FLAUTT LAND - "Harbaughs Delight", 37 acres; adjoined lands of Daniel HUGHES, John Nicodemus and William NICHOLS. To John NICODEMUS from William MOONEY, Daniel MOONEY, James MOONEY and John MOONEY, all of Washington Twp, Franklin Co, PA (their shares) for $111 each, in Nov 1819. (John NICODEMUS was also listed as living there then in all these deeds in 1819 and 1820). - "Buck Range" and "March Weather", 140+ acres (or 300 acres). From William MOONEY and Daniel MOONEY at $1,800 in 1819; from John MOONEY at $140 and from James MOONEY at $200 in 1820 (their shares), all being of Franklin Co, PA. [JS-7, 114-115] John NICODEMUS d/ intestate in Washington Twp, Franklin Co, PA s/ Frederick NICODEMUS, a minor s/ John NICODEMUS, a minor d/ Elizabeth NICODEMUS, a minor d/ Maria NICODEMUS, a minor s/ Daniel NICODEMUS, a minor s/ Jeremiah NICODEMUS, a minor s/ Courtney NICODEMUS, a minor d/ Margaret NICODEMUS, a minor s/ Samuel NICODEMUS, a minor LAND - "Harbaughs Delight", 225 acres, on South Mountain and East bank of small stream running into Antietam Creek, (surveyed for John HARBAUGH of Jacob in Feb 1793) Lies next to "Resurvey on Buck Range" (granted to Normand BRUCE in 1767), "Buck Range" (granted to Edward SWEANEY in 1762), "Richards Folly" (granted to Normand BRUCE in 1765), and "Partnership"; tract originally known as "Resurvey on Snipes Head", 225 acres; patent in 1810 to John LAVEY. To John NICODEMUS of Washington Twp, Franklin Co, PA from John LAVY (w/ Nancy) of Frederick Co, MD at $3,000 in Sep 1819 [JS-9, 648-651]. In 1820, John NICODEMUS made a mortgage to George LEASE and George ROHR, both of Frederick County, MD, to insure them as special bail to Jacob BALTZELL and Charles BALTZELL of Baltimore in their claim against John NICODEMUS and Nathaniel WILSON. SOLD by John NICODEMUS to Daniel POTTER, (a brother-in-law) of Washington Twp, Franklin Co, PA, at $1,744 in Aug 1823. - "Snipes Head", in Upper Catoctin Hundred, next to "Harbaughs Delight"; adjoined lands of John HARBAUGH and heirs of David McCREA. - "Harbaughs Delight", 137 acres; adjoined lands of Daniel HUGHES Jr, William NICOLS and the heirs of David McCREA. - "Buck Range", 116+ acres, on South Mountain; adjoined lands of John NEWEY, Elias WILLIAR, William NICHOLS and George FLAUTT; at $950 in 1824. The Potter deeds were voided in 1827 after protest from Daniel POTTER who testified he had been living in Washington Co, MD since 1826. He also protestd the amount of Baltzell's claim, stating they had been paid $250 in whiskey in 1824. Trustee was George ROHR. SALE was made to: - George LEASE for $2.70/acre, but he failed to comply with terms. Private Sale was then made to: - George FLAUTT for "Buck Range", 116 acres at $320 - David FILSON for "Snipes Head", 137 acres, and "Harbaughs Delight", 37 acres, at $523.20 Filed 31 Jul 1829.
Jacob SNYDER, creditor vs Anne Elizabeth R. HOY - Sale of Real Estate - Oct 1829 Nicholas UMSTEAD died 15 Aug 1823, testate (relationships given only if noted below) - Rev. Nicholas ZOOKEY, $100 + $100 for the poor - Rev. John DUBOIS, $50 - Sisterhood near Emmitsburg, $100 - Ruth STEEL w/o John STEEL of Ohio - $500 - Margaret JUSTICE, dec'd w/o Aquilla JUSTICE of Ohio .....her daughters - $200 equally divided - Eleanor JUSTICE w/o William JUSTICE of Ohio - $100 - Catharine CROUSE w/o John CROUSE of Ohio - $50 - Mary ROOT w/o James ROOT (dec'd) of Tennessee - $100 - Ann BEATTY w/o Edward BEATTY of Tennessee - $200 - Elizabeth BEATTY w/o Patrick BEATTY of Tennessee - $200 bro/ David UMSTEAD of Ohio - $100 bro/ Enoch UMSTEAD - $50 - Thomas GIBSON (s/o Thomas GIBSON, dec'd) - $50 - Rachel HOY w/o of Nicholas HOY - residue of estate Exec/ Nicholas HOY Witnesses: Joseph TANEY, John HEAD, John DARBY [Will HS-3, 185; written 24 Mar 1818; filed 1 Sep 1823), LAND - Lots #68 and #80 and #82 in "Monocacy Manor" and part "Pleasant Mount" (conveyed to Peter SMITH from Adam CREAGER), 282 acres. To Nicholas UMSTEAD and Nicholas HOY Sr. from Adam SMITH and Frederick SMITH, exec/of Peter SMITH, in Apr 1823. Nicholas UMSTEAD's undivided half was willed to Rachel HOY, w/o Nicholas HOY Sr. Afterwards, Sr. sold his undivided half to Nicholas HOY Jr. but had not yet conveyed it. Nicholas HOY Jr d/ 28 Sep 1829 intestate, leaving widow - Anne Elizabeth and only child, d/ Mary Anne R. HOY, a minor Administrators for Hoy Jr. were Anne Elizabeth HOY and Joseph WOOD. Nicholas HOY Jr. also had a note owed to Christian REICH in 1829. Guardian was Anne Elizabeth HOY. Trustee was Joseph WOOD. SALE was held 1 Nov 1830; high bidder was: - Nicholas HOY at $4,910 Distribution after Nicholas HOY Sr and Jacob Snyder were paid; - Mary Anne R. HOY, the minor daughter, $761.24 Filed 28 Feb 1831.
Zepheniah KNOTT vs Zachariah KNOTT Estate - Sale of Real Estate - Aug 1826 Zachariah KNOTT d/ Dec 1820, testate - Montgomery County, MD widow - Jane (d/ bef 3 Nov 1820), leaving 11 children, s/ Joseph KNOTT s/ Stanislaus KNOTT d/ Mary Ann KNOTT d/ Teresa w/o Brook JONES s/ Lewis KNOTT s/ Edward KNOTT s/ Caleb KNOTT s/ Leonard KNOTT, dec'd - his children, (Frederick County) .....Zepheniah KNOTT .....Samuel KNOTT, a minor .....Roseller KNOTT, a minor, now w/o Ezra BAER .....Leonard KNOTT, a minor d/ Catharine OFFUTT - her children s/ Francis KNOTT Devised to his children: - Joseph, Stanislaus and Mary Ann - after their mother's death, all the plantation where he now lives, including 40 acres; from John BELT, to be divided among them. - Stanislaus - 1/2 of lands on north side of road leading from mouth of Monocacy to Ellicott's Mills. - Teresa - other half of land to Stanislaus and other half of land to Catharine. - Lewis - $1,344 formerly lent to him. - Edward - 122 acres where he now resides; remainder of land, adjoined by lands of W. HARDING and W. WHITE, to be divided into six parts (for Joseph, Stanislaus, Teresa, Lewis, Caleb and Mary Ann) with friend Francis JAMISON to direct. - Caleb, 50 acres conveyed from Francis DEAKINS and Francis THOMAS; and $618 formerly paid to him; and 1 acre on south side of road leading to Ellicott Mills, bounded by HAY's and PLUMMER's lots. - Leonard's children - 114 acres purchased from Jesse BURCH. - Catharine's children - 1/2 of 245 acres from John VARNEL and Greenbury GAITHER, to be rented out by son-in-law Brook JONES until the oldest child of Catharine's becomes of age; then to be divided among her children. - Francis - land from HEBBURN and 3 Hogs Heads of Tobacco he has already received; and he to pay Catharine $100 and pay $40 to Leonard's children, all within 12 months of intestate's death. - Mary Ann - a house and SLAVE - negro boy PETER - wife Jane - House & Plantation (life estate) - to Wm. Henry WARING and Rogber B. TANEY, esquire, $100 to be vested in a secure fund, the interest to be applied to the support of the clergymen of the Roman Catholic pursuasion that shall attend Barnes Ville (Barnesville) Roman Catholic Church. Execs/ wife and son-in-law, Brook JONES Witnesses: Joseph A. MURPHY, Leonard HAYS Jr., John T. KNOTT Codicil - changed one of the executors (wife) to son, Stanis L. KNOTT, in lieu of wife's death. Witnesses: Richard BEALL, Joseph A. MURPHY, Francis JAMISON dated 3 Nov 1820. [Will written 11 Feb 1820; filed 12 Dec 1820) LAND - "Friendship", 114 acres in Montgomery County, next to land of Robert SOLLERS and "Resurvey on Happy Choice". To Zachariah KNOTT, purchased from Jesse BURCH, and conveyed by David STEWART of Baltimore County in 1795. Devised to son Leonard. Guardian was George BAER of William. Trustee was Ezra BAER. SALE was held 12 Oct 1830 (2nd attempt); high bidder was: - John HANE at $299.25 Distribution: - Each of Leonard KNOTT's children, $62.95 (Samuel KNOTT's share went to assignee John HAUS/HANS) Filed 28 Apr 1831.
George RICE, et al vs Heirs of James RICE - Sale of Real Estate - Feb 1831 James RICE d/ Sep 1829, testate widow - Catharine and 7 children, s/ George RICE d/ Catherine w/o William ELLIS d/ Sophia w/o Samuel BARRICK d/ Harriet w/o Christian WINEBRENNER d/ Nancy BARRICK, dec'd - her children, .....Harriet Ann Elizabeth BARRICK, a minor .....Catherine Ann "Kitty" BARRICK, a minor s/ Amos RICE s/ James Madison RICE William DERN willed to James' 5 children, George, Catherine, Sophia, Harriet and Nancy, the sum of 120 pounds each. James devises same amount to go to youngest two sons, Amos and James Madison Rice as well as his wife. He also devised $200 to granddaughter Harriet BARRICK and $300 to granddaughter Kitty Ann BARRICK; $300 to each son; balance of estate to be divided among six living children and wife; except Sophia's share shall remain in hands of executor for her and her children. Exec/ son George RICE Witnesses: Edward SCHLEY, Joseph FILLER, Solomon FILLER. [Will GME-1, 81; written 12 Aug 1829; filed 21 Sep 1829] LAND - Lot & House (life estate to wife). Then occupied by Daniel ALBAUGH. Guardian was Ezra CRAMER. Trustee was George RICE. SALE was made to: - Philip WINEBRENNER at $759 On 19 apr 1831, Henry BARRICK testified he had been acquainted with Catharine RICE, the widow, since her infancy, and she was about 60 years old. Distribution: - widow, 3/9, $225.44 - Each child's 1/7 share, $64.41 Filed 9 Jun 1831. NOTE - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - James RICE to Nancy DERN - Oct 3, 1783 - James RICE to Catharine DERN - Apr 21, 1790
Horatio McPHERSON and John McPHERSON BRIEN - Petition for Title - Jan 1831 James ROBERTSON died about Apr 1823, intestate LAND - Linganore Mills with merchant mill, saw mill and plaster mill, and 92 acres. Trustees Cyrus MANTZ and Barbara ROBERTSON (Equity #428, JS-7, 433) sold the property to Alexander McPHERSON at $35,500 in Sep 1823. Alexander sold an undivided, half part to Benjamin RUTHERFORD and they occupied the premises until Alexander's death, when Benjamin sold his share to Colonel John McPHERSON at $15,000. Alexander McPHERSON died Dec 1825 and soon after, the bank foreclosed. John McPHERSON Jr. and William S. McPHERSON were appointed trustees. SALE made on 11 Sep 1826 to: - Col. John McPHERSON at $12,000 Col. John McPHERSON died 25 Nov 1829, testate, leaving residue of estate to son Horatio McPHERSON and grandson John McPherson BRIEN (see JS-9, 478). In codicil dated 16 Nov 1829, he added: LAND - Mill and farm on Carroll Creek; from sons, William L. McPHERSON and John McPHERSON in 1829; they still liable to Farmers and Mechanics Bank. To son Edward McPHERSON, farm then in his possession. Witnesses: Benjamin PRICE, Daniel HUGHES, Thomas C. WORTHINGTON, John COALE. On 7 Dec 1829, Thomas SHAW, cashier of the bank, presented the codicil to the register of wills. [Will GME-1, 97-101; written 12 Jan 1827; filed 7 Jan 1830] On 17 Feb 1831, title was granted to Horatio McPHERSON and John McPherson BRIEN as tenants in common for Linganore Mills and 92 acres.
Elijah HOUSE vs Elitha HOUSE - Title - Feb 1830 George HOUSE Sr died testate, leaving 7 children, d/ Rachael NYSEWANGER s/ George HOUSE (Jr), dec'd - his children, .....Elijah HOUSE .....George HOUSE (III) (s/o Lydia DUTTEROW) s/ William HOUSE, dec'd - his children s/ Stephen HOUSE d/ Sarah WISEMAN, dec'd - her children s/ Richard HOUSE s/ Elitha HOUSE - Nancy HOUSE w/o John HOUSE (son of Daniel), $100; to be deducted from share of Elijah HOUSE. Execs/ sons, Elitha HOUSE and Stephen HOUSE (he declined) (sureties were Benedict HOUSE and WilliM HOUSE) Witnesses: William LAMAR, William P. HOUSE, Benedict HOUSE. [Will HS-3, 242; written 10 Aug 1823; filed 5 Jan 1824] LAND - "Quakers Folly", 33 acres, by north bank of Catoctin; adjoined "Resurvey on Anchor and Hope"; granted to Michael CREEKER (CREAGER?) in 1764. - "Struggle", 26+ acres; adjoined land of Perry RICE. - unconveyed land, 82+ acres; all contiguous (plat shown); equals 141+ acres. (Plat on page 653) To Elijah HOUSE and George HOUSE Jr at $2,363.22. George HOUSE Jr died intestate - his children, s/ Perry HOUSE, a minor d/ Martha HOUSE, a minor s/ William HOUSE, a minor s/ George HOUSE, a minor Guardian was Anna HOUSE. Trustee Elitha HOUSE to convey deed to Elijah HOUSE with Elijah to pay balance of purchase money to Elitha; equity to be reserved for the minor children. Filed 17 Feb 1831.

The End of JS-9

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