Equity Court Abstracts

Book JLJ-2 - 1884-1893

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Margaret Ann MORT, et al vs Ida MORT and Daisy P. MORT - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5995 - Aug 1892 Samuel MORT d/ Mar 1892 at his home near Lewistown, intestate widow - Margaret Ann (age 57) and 10 children d/ Sarah E. w/o Morris SNOOK s/ George A. MORT & w/ Carrie S. s/ Charles S. MORT d/ Eliza J. w/o Columbus A. SUNDAY s/ Frank P. MORT d/ Emma S. w/o Daniel BLUMENAUER d/ Laura F. w/o C. Hicks MILLER d/ Lilly M. MORT d/ Ida MORT, a minor d/ Daisy P. MORT, a minor LAND - two miles SW of Lewistown on the New Cut road from Emmitsburg Turnpike to WEDDLE's saw mill. Improved with a 1 1/2-story frame and log house, summer house, stable, peach and apple orchard. - 3 acres (adjoins lot from Charles S. MORT) To Samuel MORT from Joseph G. MILLER in Sep 1859 [BGF-5, 249]. - "Resurvey of Peunock", 3 acres To Samuel MORT from Charles S. MORT in May 1890 [WIP-11, 372]. - Lot #1, 2 acres of mountain land; adjoined land of Cpt. George W. MORT and Mrs. John W. MILLER. To Samuel MORT from Thomas F. PALMER & w/ Susan R. in Aug 1891 (recorded Aug 1892) [JLJ-3, 68]. Previously part of estate of Philip WACHTER, dec'd (w/ Susan); to Thomas F. PALMER from Andrew J. WACHTER and Doctor R. WACHTER, trustees, in Mar 1866. Guardian was George W. MORT. Testimony was heard 31 Aug 1892 from: - George W. MORT, age 66, near Lewistown; brother of Samuel MORT. - George A. MORT, age 38, near Lewistown, son of decedent. Trustee was Jacob ROHRBACK. SALE was held 6 Oct 1892 on the premises; high bidder was: - Charles S. MORT for the adjoining parcels at $315 - George W. MORT for the mountain lot at $11.38 Total Sales, $326.38. Submitted to auditor on 1 Nov 1892. NOTES: Bethel Church Records (children not listed) d/ Clara Ann Rebecca MORT b/ 14 May 1863 d/ Lilla May/Martha MORT b/ 27 Jun 1871 (may be Martha on 1880 census) s/ John b/ 1859 (listed in 1860 census)

George C. RHODERICK, mortgagee of Thomas W. KOOGLE - Report of Sales - Equity #5923 - Mar 1892 LAND - "Smithfield", 1.5 acres, known as the 'Old Tannery Property' in Middletown. Improved with an 11-room roughcast house, basement and cellar, stable, large shed, fruit trees, two wells and a spring. and possesses numerous water rights. House was then leased until April 1893. To Thomas W. KOOGLE from Michael WIENER, trustee of Andrew WIENER & w/ Ann Maria, in 14 Aug 1878 [TG-10, 348]. Mortgaged at $2,000. SALE was held 12 Mar 1892 on the premises; high bidder was: - Van B. SWEARINGEN at $1,505 Submitted to auditor 11 Apr 1892.

JLJ-2, 20-43 - WOOLFORD - #FC #WV
Real Estate and Improvement Company of Baltimore City vs Mrs. Ida L. WOOLFORD, widow, et al - Report of Sales - Equity #5913 - Feb 1892 LAND - in Petersville District Owned by the petitioner and subdivided into lots; now constituting the town of Brunswick. - To Charles WOOLFORD for Lot #10 in Block #8 in Brunswick, on west side of Fifth Ave, 330 feet north of the north side of A Street and alley on east side, at $200 in Oct 1891. (Deed had not yet been recorded.) Mortgaged at $165. Charles WOOLFORD was then an employee of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, a freight conductor and brakeman. A contract with Arthur E. POTTER was made to build a house for Woolford who paid $200 as a downpayment on the $1,400, 7-room, 2-story frame house with 1-story back building, 3-sides wrap-around porches, bay window, hall and stairway. Potter completed the house, but just prior to the completion, Woolford was killed in an accident at Harpers Ferry, WV. Charles WOOLFORD d/ 6 or 9 Nov 1891 at Harpers Ferry WV, intestate widow - Ida L. (age 38) - Martinsburg, Berkeley Co, WV d/ Ida May WOOLFORD, a minor d/ Daisy Ella/Ellen WOOLFORD, a minor d/ Gracie B. WOOLFORD, a minor s/ William Hamilton WOOLFORD, a minor s/ Charles Hyde WOOLFORD, a minor s/ Elmer Benjamin WOOLFORD, a minor Still due for the land was $165; for the house, $1,200. Guardian was Joseph W. Gaver. Testimony was heard 22 Apr 1892 from: - George L. HENSEL, age 46, Martinsburg, WV - Leonidas G. TURNER, age 27, Brunswick, MD Trustee was Charles W. ROSS. SALE was held 4 Jun 1892 at William L. GROSS's store in Brunswick; high bidder was: - Charles WOOLFORD, the plantiff at $1,600 Submitted to auditor 5 Jul 1892.

Catharine S. GAUGH, et al vs Morris J. ALBAUGH & w/ Catharine - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5722 - Aug 1890 Isaac N. ALBAUGH d/ 1861, testate widow - Catharine S., now wid/o Jonathan GAUGH d/ Mary M. w/o Joseph B. HAYS s/ Frank T. ALBAUGH & w/ Margaret K. "Maggie" s/ Maurice J. ALBAUGH & w/ Catharine Isaac's estate to his wife and upon her death to their children, but no children were named in the Will. Exec/ widow Witnesses: Leonard PICKING, Andrew SEFTON, George FAVORITE, George STOKES [Will APK-1, 64 - written 29 Apr 1861; filed 21 Mar 1861]. LAND - 23 acres, adjacent to Mechanicstown; included: - "Resurvey on Stony Corner", 11.5 acres, on north side of Mechanicstown to Apple's Church; adjoining lot of Henry HOSPLEHORN where 12 foot road lies. ......Also Lot, 2.5 acres, at NE corner of land of Frederick FAVORITE, on road leading from Lewistown to church. To Isaac ALBAUGH from Michael DORSEY & w/ Margaret at $300 in Oct 1854 [ES-6, 579]. - parts of "Thereabout", "Buck Horn" and mountain tract, 8 acres; adjoined lands of James L. FLEAHART and Sarah LIDIE and Henry ROUZER. Reserved is a 12 foot road adjoining land of LIDIE. To Isaac ALBAUGH from Willliam H. BROWN at $450 in Nov 1858 [BGF-2, 659]. - 3 acres; adjoining land of Henry ROUZER. To Isaac ALBAUGH from James L. FLAHART & w/ Ann at $165 in Jul 1859 [BGF-4, 576]. Catharine is now getting old and the lots are of little value and she also has no income; thereby she wished to sell the lots and invest the monies for her support. Trustee was Maurice (also spelled Morris in records) J. ALBAUGH. Property was surveyed and divided into lots. [Plat on pg 53] - 1 - 6 acres, lying .25 mile NE of Mechanicstown, SE of Lot #2 and adjoining lands of George and William STIMMEL and Simon LOHR. - 2 - 4 acres, lying on the east side of the Frederick-Emmiitsburg Turnpike; adjoining lands of William STIMMEL and Simon LOHR. - 3 - 3.75 acres, lying on east side of George STIMMEL's property and north of Lot #4. - 4 - 3.5 acres, lying on Mechanicstown and Apples church Road; adjoins land of Enos COVER and south of Lot #3. Reserved is 12-foot right-of-way on west side, providing access to Lot #3. - 5 - 4 acres, 8 perches, lying on east side of Lots #3 & 4; adjoins land of Allen EYLER on the east. - 6 - 2 acres, 101 perches, lying on Mechinicstown-Graceham road to Apples Church, on south side of WMRR; adjoined land of James CREAGER. SALE was held 5 Mar 1892 at the store of Morris J. ALBAUGH in Mechanicstown; high bidder was: - Col. John R. ROUZER for Lot #6 (Dorsey property) at $50/acre Other lots failed to receive sufficient bids; hower, later private Sales were made to: - Samuel H. WILLET for Lots #3 & 4 at $475 - George A. EYLER for Lot #5 (Dorsey property) at $100/acre, 405 After not being able to sell Lots #1 & 2, Morris J. ALBAUGH agreed to buy them at $55/per acre with the assent of all parties. Submitted to auditor 27 /jun 1892.

JLJ-2, 58-59 - LONG, MARTIN
Jeremiah MARTIN Jr, mortgagee of Edward LONG & w/ Sarah - Report of Sales - Equity #6007 - Sep 1892 LAND - 130 acres, 3/4 mile SE of Rocky Ridge; adjoining lands of John LONG and John LATE. To Edward LONG [CM-5, 698]. Mortgage of $600. SALE held 3 Sep 1892 on the premises; high bidder was: - Jeremiah MARTIN at $200 Referred to JLJ-1, 677.

Terence BRYNE vs Mary Cecelia MULLINIX, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5926 - Mar 1892 Joseph DECK d/ (12) Aug 1863, testate w/ Mary (devised estate to her, his 2nd wife) To relatives of his 1st wife: - James and Charlotte LIPP - gold watch and chain - James LIPP - $300 - Alexander LIPP - $300 and his best clothes - Isabella LIPP w/o Alexander - $200 - Joseph LIPP - $300 - Mr McLOUGHLAN for his wife Agnes - $200 bro/law - Solomon KUHN - $200 and for Solomon's wife & daughters: ..........w/ Elizabeth - $200 ............d/ Mrs. McGUFF - $200 ............d/ Mrs. GEASY - $200 ............d/ _____________ - $200 - Louisa & Sylvester KUHN - $500 - Francis H. LIPP - $500 To relatives of his present wife: - Catharine LYTEL - $200 - Terence BYRNE - $300 - Joseph BYRNE - $300 - Elizabeth BARNEY - $200 - the poor of Frederick - $100 - for construction of a monument/tombstone at his grave - $500 Exec/ wife Mary DECK Witnesses: Henry SCHLEY, B.G. FITZHUGH, Joseph W.L. CARTY, William STOKES [Will APK-1, 386; 25 Oct 1861] (Will also listed as APK-1, 308) Addendum on 25 Jul 1862 - his wish and desire to leave the above named Catherine Grace nothing at all. On 24 Aug 1863, the Will was probated. --- Mary DECK d/ Jun 1864, intestate wid/of Joseph DECK bro/ Terence BRYNE - Jefferson Co, WV bro/ Joseph BRYNE d/ Aug 1874, intestate sis/ Catharine LYTLE d/ 5 Jan 1892 her estate was devised to her .....niece - Mary Cecelia (BYRNE) w/o Thomas MULLINIX . . . . . . . .d/ Mary Benton MULLINIX, a minor . . . . . . . .d/ Sedonia Louis MULLINIX, a minor . . . . . . . .d/ Alice Catharine MULLINIX, a minor LAND - part of Lot #82, known as 51 North Market St (west side) in Frederick Town. Improved with a 2-story brick building, being used as a dry goods store and dwelling, being leased. Then in occupancy of D.H. BEST. To Joseph DECK from John L. PITTS & w/ Elizabeth J. at $1,300 in Jun 1841 [HS-14, 214]. - Lot (34 x 179') on east side of East Street, between Patrick and Church Sts. Improved with a house and back building and garden. To Joseph DECK from Henry LORENTZ & w/ Catharine at $1,200 in Dec 1855 [ES-8, 116]. [Ref: ES-5, 269] Admin for Mary DECK's Estate was Joseph BRYNE, Esquire. Admin for Joseph BRYNE's Estate was Terence BYRNE, Esquire, with sureties as Catharine LITLE and W.H. BURGER. Catharine LYTEL's Will - stated she raised her niece, Mary Cecelia (nee BYRNE) MULLINIX, and devised estate to her, not to be subject to any control of any husband; and upon her niece's death, to be divided evenly amongst her children. She also wanted to be buried in Harpers Ferry, WV and bequested $50 to Rev. Father O'KANE of the novitiate of Frederick City for her burial mass. Exec/ Doctor Frank F. SMITH of Frederick City Witnesses/ F. WERTHEIMER, A.S. McDANNEL, Lewis BAYER [Will HS-1, 467; written 29 Dec 1888; 9 Jan 1892] Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 19 Apr 1892 from: - Frederick WERTHEIMER, age 69, Frederick City; had resided there for abouth 29 years. He stated Joseph BYRNE died in Washington Co, MD about 1876. He also claimed Terence BYRNE was living in Washington Co, MD. Claimed Catharine LYTLE was in possession of both properties. - Eliza C. LEWIS, age 66, has resided in Frederick City for 50+ years. She believed Terence BYRNE lived in Harper Ferry, WV. She stated Catharine LYTLE died at her home in Frederick City and Mary Cecelia MULLINIX lived in Plane #4 (Frederick County). Trustee was Charles W. HOFFMAN, Esquire of Washington, DC. SALE was held 4 Jun 1892 at the Carlin House in Frederick City; high bidders were: - Hamillton B. SHOWMAN for Market St property at $5,710 - William A. HAHN for the East St property at $1,400 Distribution would be 1/2 to each or $3,354.22 each: - Terence BYRNE - Dr. Francis F. SMITH as executor of Catharine LYTLE However, Mary Cecelia MULLINIX and her husband Thomas petitioned the court to have her monies invested in another property and to go to her children upon her death. The property was previously owned by Thomas MULLINIX, but now held by John F.A. HOLLOWAY of Baltimore City in lieu of indebtedness. While in possion of MULLINIX, improvements were made: a large house with modern conveniences and running water, a barn, carriage house, wind pump with dairy, etc. The fields were divided and fenced and an orchard added. Improvements totaled $3,500 and the buildings are insured at $3,300. HOLLOWAY is willing to convey the land to Mary at $3,300 and her husband is willing to release any claim to her equity. LAND is in two contigious tracts, adjacent to the Baltimore Turnpike and the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road: - parts of "Resurvey on Timber Land" and "Resurvey on Charles Lot", 48+ acres, on north margin of Baltimore Turnpike; adjoined land of Isabella SPURRIER's. Previously to Thomas P. MULLINIX from Louis F. DETRICK at $2,421.88 in Dec 1883 [AF-7, 604]. To John Q.A. HOLLOWAY of Baltimore City from Thomas P. MULLINIX & w/ Mollie C. at $3,000 in Feb 1888 [WIP-4, 751]. - "Resurvey on Charles' Lot", 3.5 acres; on Baltimore Turnpike, opposite the Sidney Church Road and along the railroad tracks. To John Q.A. HOLLOWAY of Baltimore City from Henry B. WILSON & w/ Martha L. at $368.75 in Apr 1889 [WIP-9, 278]. The court approved said purchase. Closed 11 Jan 1893.

Jacob KOOGLE, trustee of Samuel PALMER & w Catharine - Report of Sales - Equity #6045 - Dec 1892 LAND - lies on summit of South Mountain on Myersville to Zittlestown road, 1/2 mile north of Mrs. DAHLGREN's land; adjoined land of Ezra MOSER and George W. MAIN. Improved with a frame house, bank barn, two apple orchards and a well near the house. - "Bear Swamp Forest", 86.25 acres; adjoined Robert SHAFER's mountain land. Several parcels to Samuel PALMER from: - Alexander MITCHELL & wife in Aug 1854 [ES-9, 84] - Daniel MAIN & wife in Nov 1851 [ES-9, 82] - Daniel DUTROW in Sep 1866 [DSB-1, 39] Mortgaged to Ezra K. LIGHTER for $1,000. Deed of Trust for benefit of creditors issued to Jacob KOOGLE. SALE was held 3 Dec 1892 on the premises; high bidder was: - Henry KEPHART at $2,000 Catharine PALMER (age 65) petitioned for her dower share of her husband Samuel (age 68). She was allowed 7% of the proceeds. Submitted to auditor 21 Jan 1893.

Susan RENN, prochein ami of Mary Jane BELL & Others vs Mary Jane BELL, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5914 - Feb 1892 Amanda E. BELL d/ Jan 1892 in Frederick City, intestate d/ Mary Jane BELL (age 7), a minor s/ Lewis Emanuel BELL (age 5), a minor d/ Asia Abbie BELL (age 3), a minor LAND - House & Lot on south side of All Saints St (#16) in Frederick City; starts a NW corner of the Hotel and on north side of Lewis BENNET's lot. (Ref Equity #4868) Improvements with a 2-story house with back building. Previously the estate of John WILCOXON. To Amanda E. BELL from Martha E. WILCOXON at $600 in Feb 1890 [WIP-9, 718]. Guardian was William Nash YOUNG. Testimony was heard 6 Apr 1892 from: - Jacob BASSFORD, age 53, Frederick County; stated Susan RENN was the children's aunt and they were living with her. - Charles F. DIXON, age 48, Frederick City, stated the children lived with their aunt on the premises; condition of house is deteriorating. Trustee was Charles V. S. LEVY. SALE was held 16 Jul 1892 at the City Hotel; high bidder was: - George EISSLER at $615 Submitted to auditor 6 Sep 1892.

JLJ-2, 107-153 - HARN, DUVALL, GROVE, WILLIAMS, SHEARER, BRICKER, etc - #Graveyard
Susan C. HARN & Others vs Sarah H. WILLIAMS, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5906 - Feb 1892 Thomas W. HARN d/ 19 Sep 1891 at home, intestate, never married bro/ George W. HARN (killed during Civil War) .....widow/ Mary A. BRICKER .......George W. HARN & w/ Jennie - Manfield, Richland Co, Ohio .......William F. HARN & w/ Alice - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory sis/ Sarah H. w/o Alvin D. WILLIAMS - Kenesaw, Adams Co, Nebraska sis/ Susan C. HARN sis/ Ellen D. HARN - Kenesaw, Adams Co, Nebraska sis/ Corilla E. w/o David D. SHEARER - Barton, Allegany Co, MD sis/ Margaret J. GROVE, a widow - Fairmount, Marion Co, WV sis/ Kate H. DUVALL, a widow LAND - remaining is 320 acres, all contiguous, except for two small lots; in Woodville District, 3 miles SE of Unionville and 5 miles north of Mount Airy and near West Falls PO.; reserved is 1/2 acre family burial plot and right of way to it. Divided for the Sale as: (includes surveys; Plat on page 146) - Lot #1 was the Home Farm, 287 acres; on both sides of county road from Henry PEDDICORD Farm to the old Woman Road; adjoined lands of Charles A. LAWRENCE, Maria HARTSOCK and George GAITHER. Improved with a 2 1/2-story house with concrete walls, a large Switzer barn, log tenant house, two tobacco houses, a recently built lime kiln, spring house, spring near the house and fruit trees. Exception is the graveyard (10.5 sq perches) with right of way. - Lot #2 - 2.5 acres; adjoins the home farm on north side of new county road; level in chestnut timber. - Lot #3 - 2.5 acres; adjoins Lot #3 and lies on south side of new county road; level in chestnut timber. - Lot #4 - 5.25 acres; adjoins Lot #1 and lies on new county road; small section in pine; larger part in oak, chestnut and hickory. - Lot #5 - 5.75 acre wood lot; adjoins Lot #4 and lands of Thomas RUNKLES and Martin L. NICODEMUS; timbered in Rock Oak. - Lot #6 - 12.25 acre wood lot, adjoining lands of Dennis DORSEY, H.S. RUNKLES and heirs of Nicholas NORRIS. - Wood lot , 15.5 acres, on road through property formerly owned by Daniel and Philip NUSBAUM to the Buffalo Road near Ball's Hill; with 8-foot right of way along west end of lot. And Originally included: - "Resurvey on Cold Friday" and "William's Beginning". 7 acres. To Thomas W. HARN from Jesse HAY & wife in Dec 1867. Surveyed by W.M. GAITHER in Oct 1890 [Cert of Survey WMG-1]. - "Shinera" and "Cold Friday", 2 acres. To Thomas W. HARN from Daniel HARTSOCK in May 1877 Surveyed by W.M. GAITHER in Dec 1884 [Cert of Survey WMG-2]. Intended for Daniel BLACK or w/ Emeline BLACK, Feb 1892. - "Resurvey on Point Lookout" and "Pleasant Forest", 43 acres - "Mullinixes Chance", 25.25 acres. Previously to John HARN from Thomas B. OWINGS, Harriet IJAMS and Mary STEVENSON in Mary 1831. To Thomas W. HARN from Isaac BRAWER and Singleton W. HARN, trustees of John HARN & w/ Charlotte in Deed of Trust for creditors, at $247 in Jan 1845 [ES-2, 140]. - "Cold Friday" and "William's Beginning". 123.75 acres. - "Mullinixes Chance" and "Point Lookout", 37.75 acres. To Thomas W. HARN from Isaac BRAWER and Singleton W. HARN, trustees of John HARN & w/ Charlotte in Deed of Trust for creditors, at $247 in Mar 1852 [ES-2, 142]. - "Cold Friday" and "William's Beginning", 107.5 acres. Previously to Jesse HAY from Isaac BRAWER and Singleton W. HARN, trustees in Jan 1845. To Thomas W. HARN from Jesse HAY & w/ Rosanna of Baltimore City at $205 in Dec 1851 [ES-2, 143]. - "Mullinixes Chance", 11 acres. To Thomas W. HARN from George MOPPS & w/ Mary Jane at $55 in Apr 1861 [BGF-6, 686]. - "Shrinera" and "Cold Friday", 111 acres. Previouls to Daniel HARTSOCK from William P. MAULSBY Jr, Milton G. URNER and Milton CARTER, trustees (Equity #4176 - Jacob H. NAILL & wife vs Hugh COCHRAN & Others in Feb 1877) To Thomas W. HARN from Daniel HARTSOCK & w/ Barbara R. at $1,111 in May 1877 [TG-8, 3]. - "Point Lookout", 3 acres. To Thomas W. HARN from Henry C. GAITHER & w/ Juliet E. at $128 in Jun 1882 [AF-5, 403]. - 'Ball's Hill', 14.5 acres, wood lot. To Thomas W. HARN from Peter LUGENBEEL and Milton G. URNER, trustees, (Equity #5315 - Ann NUSBAUM & Others vs Samuel KEEFER & Others in Aug 1887) at $219 in Apr 1888 [WIP-6, 172]. SOLD by Thomas W. HARN to: - Susannah PLAINE for parts of "Mullinixes Chance" and "Resurvey on Point Lookout", 68.25 acres, at $500 in Mar 1862 [BGF-7, 445]. - Israel COOK for "Mullinixes Chance", 5.5 acres, at $28.25 in Dec 1859 [BGF-5, 696]. - George MOPPS for "Mullinixes Chance", 5.5 acres and 96 perches at $37 in Apr 1861 BGF-6, 667]. - Thomas HYDE for "Resurvey on Point Look Out", 6.25 acres, at $30 in Jan 1868 [CM-_, 61]. - Philip SHRINNER(?) for "Resurvey on Point Look Out", 6.25 acres, at $30 in Jan 1868 [CM-2, 455]. - Mary HAMMOND for "William's Beginning" and "Resurvey on Cold Friday", 4.25 acres, at $200 in Apr 1869 [CM-4, 162]. - Emeline BLACK for "Shrinera" and "Cold Friday" in Woodville District, 2 acres, at $45 in May 1879[TG-11, 635]. - Edward D. MEISEL for "Resurvey on Cold Friday", 15 acres, at $195 in May 1879 [TG-12, 27]. - Susan M. BOWERS for "Resurvey on Cold Friday", 5 acres, at $99 in Mar 1881 [AF-3, 264]. - Perry CRAMER for 1 rood (Jesse Hay's tract) at $5 in Mar 1882 [AF-4, 706]. - Edward D. MAISEL for 2 acres (Jesse Hay's tract) at $42 in Dec 1882 [AF-5, 653]. - Edward D. MAISEL for 2 acres (Jesse Hay's tract) at $86 in Dec 1884 [AF-9, 514]. - John T. LONG for 2 acres (Hartsock) at $60 in Dec 1885 [WIP-1, 10]. - Hannah M. BAER for "Mullinixes Chance", 1.25 acres, at $15 in Apr 1880 (recorded Dec 1885) [WIP-1, 14]. - Mary V.C. HAY for 15 acres (Jesse Hay's tract) at $150 in May 1891 [WIP=13, 597]. - Dennis DORSEY, 7 acres, not conveyed. - Daniel BLACK, 2 acres, by agreement. Testimony was heard 24 Mar 1892 from: - Peter LUGENBEEL, ace 50, Unionville - Ellen D. HARN, age 63, Nebraska; administratrix - Mrs. Kate DUVALL; had lived with her brother Thomas nearly all her life. - William M. GAITHER, age 39, surveyor Trustee was William H. HINKS. SALE was held 9 Jul 1892 on the premises; high bidders were: - Henry A. PEDDICORD for the home farm at $5,380 - Cephas M. THOMAS for Lot #2 at $89.50 - Charles E. POOLE for Lot #3 at $103 - Henry A. PEDDICORD for Lot #4 at $90.52 - Nicholas.E. NORRIS for Lot #5 at $233.69 - W.H. BAKER for John E. BAKER and Gurney W. BAKER for Lot #6 at $194.15 - Philip N. KEEFER for wood lot at $292.25 - Emeline BLACK (w/o Daniel) for the lot previously sold to her at $50 (she hadn't paid for it and returned it to the estate) Total Sales, $6,433.12. Submitted to the auditor 6 Aug 1892.

Thomas LYLES & Others vs Mansella V. WARFIELD, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5983 - Jul 1892 Thomas LYLES d/ 1881, intestate widow - Lydia d/ Mar 1889 or 1890 d/ Deborah Ann (died before her father) w/o Edward HALL d/ c1888 ..........Mary E. (Hall) - Frostburg, Allegany Co, MD ...............w/o Rev. William Mathew TRAVERS ..........John HALL - Baltimore City ..........Helen HALL - Baltimore City ..........Thomas H. HALL - Baltimore City ..........Virginia (Hall) w/o Lewis WILSON - New Mexico Territory d/ Nancy G. wid/o Horace SMITH - Baltimore City s/ Thomas LYLES d/ Mansella Virginia w/o William WARFIELD d/ Elizabeth w/o James LYLES - Washington, DC s/ Charles A.R. LYLES d/ c1887, no children .....w/ Cornelia (TYLER), now w/o Francis JACKSON d/ Georgie Alice w/o Jacob MAKEL LAND - on SE side of Baker's Valley in Urbana District, 1.5 miles from Araby, on road from Washington Turnpike to Buckeystown and Urbana. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded log house, a barn, corn house, a well of soft water at the house, a spring, apple orchard; all land is cultivated except three acres of woodland set in chestnut and oak. Adjoining land of Patrick NAYLOR on SW side, (but since his passing, now owned by sons Otho Thomas NAYLOR of Harrisburg, PA and McHenry J. NAYLOR of Washington, DC. Division line made to straighten their borders was made in 1863 and fencing was placed between decedent and Patrick's land, altering deeds slightly, but no deeds were conveyed. - 23.5 acres, on west side of Buckeystown to Georgetown Road on west side of Monocacy River To Thomas LYLES from Samuel THOMAS, David THOMAS & w/ Elizabeth at $705 in Aug 1851 [WBT-13, 499]. - Lot #10 on "New Bremen", 25 acres To Thomas LYLES from David SCHLASINGER & w/ Maria and Aaron STERN & w/ Mary at $750 in Sep 1860 [BGF-6, 120]. Testimony was heard 7 Sep 1892 from: - Thomas LYLES, age 51, Frederick City - Thomas H. HALL, age 54, Frederick City Trustees were William H. HINKS and Jacob ROHRBACK. SALE was held 29 Oct 1892 on the premises; high bidders were: - Nancy G. SMITH, Elizabeth LYLES (w/o James), and Mansella V. WARFIELD (w/o Wm. J.) for all 48.5 acres at $1,212.10 Land then was on Monocacy Junction on the B & O Railroad and adjoined lands of Col. Charles E. TRAIL, John CUTSAIL, L. NOTNAGLE and NAYLORs. Submitted to auditor 5 Dec 1892.

James T. WAESCHE vs Leonard R. WAESCHE & w/ Mollie M. - Foreclosure - Equity #5886 - Dec 1891 In 1871, Leonard R. WAESCHE and Albert FOREMAN formed a co-partnership, WAESCHE, Brother & Company for manufacturing purposes in Mechanicstown; however, Albert had not furnished any capital to said firm. The partnership was dissolved on 26 May 1873 with WAESCHE to have the assets and liabilities of the company and to pay FOREMAN $5,800 for his interest. Payment of $800 was made and the other $5,000 was secured by mortgage. Leonard then made a mortgage to James T. WAESCHE for the other $5,000. LAND - lots on Lombard St in Mechanicstown; located on the Western Maryland Rail Road. Improved with a 2-story frame machine shop (40 x 50') with shed attached and another unattached shed; also has a well. - "Resurvey on Stony Corner", 2 3/8 acres, in Mechanicstown on road from Graceham to Mechanicstown, to the Western Maryland Rail Road. To Leonard Randolph WARSCHE, James T. WAESCHE and Albert FOREMAN from George W. STOCKSDALE & w. Amanda V. at $400 in May 1871 [CM-7, 748]. To James T. WAESCHE from Albert FOREMAN of Mechanicstown at $26 in Apr 1888 [WIP-13, 736]. - parcel where the machine shop was erected, near the Western Maryland Rail Road and by the new street from William LOY's to rail road. Improved with an engine saw mill, plaining and sash machinery and lumber shed. To Leonard Randolph WARSCHE and James T. WAESCHE from George STOCKSDALE and John H. CHEW & w/ Matilda of Carroll County at $800 in Aug 1872 (recorded Jan 1873) [CM-10, 144]. Testimony was heard 24 May 1892 from: - James T. WAESCHE, age 43, Mechanicstown; stated both he and his brother contributed financially to the company with each to have 1/3; the 1/3 of profits to go to Albert FOREMAN for his skills, though not a financial contributor and didn't own the business. After the mortgage to me, my brother, unbeknown to me, gave a mortgage to Charles E. CASSELL under the firm name. I discovered this second mortgage after Mr CASSELL foreclosed on it. - Charles E. CASSELL, age 43, Mechanicstown, editor & proprietor of the 'Catoctin Clarion'. - John R. STONER, age 64, Mechanicstown. He claimed he bought the saw mill from James L. WAESCHE about seven years ago and believe he paid him $325 for it. - Joseph H. HOPP, age 35, Mechanicstown. He stated he rented the factory on May 1, 1887 and made payment to James T. WAESCHE - James M. KERRIGAN, age 37, Emmitsburg. He stated he rented the shop from James T. WAESCHE in 1879, but didn't pay him anything. He placed some implements there and put partitions in the shop. - Leonard R. WAESCHE, age 46 in March, Mechanicstown. He stated a house was built for Albert FOREMAN in the summer of 1872 by the firm, but FOREMAN refused to pay for it and then quit the business. After that, in the spring of 1873, James T. WAESCHE also quit, but he claimed he didn't pay him $800 and didn't owe him $5,000. The court ruled to accept the binding mortgage and ordered the property be sold to pay it. Trustee was John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 17 Feb 1893 at MILLER's Hotel in Mechanicstown; high bidder was: - J. T. WAESCHE at $950 Submitted to auditor 23 Mar 1893.

JLJ-2, 216-235 - HAGAN, LEWIS
Henry J.D. HAGAN as friend of minors, et al vs May HAGAN, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6051 - Dec 1892 Richard P. HAGAN d/ 9 Jul 1892, intestate w/ Mary E., d/ about two years ago d/ May HAGAN, a minor d/ Sadie Lee HAGAN, a minor s/ Harry HAGAN, a minor s/ Bruce HAGAN, a minor d/ Ruth HAGAN, a minor d/ Agnes HAGAN, a minor - Taneytown, Carroll Co, MD LAND - Lot #309 on west side of Market St in Frederick City with alley on south side; adjoins lots of Charles FLEMMING and George BRENGLE. Improved with a 2-story brick house and 1-story back building. To Richard P. HAGAN from Milton G. URNER and John C. MOTTER, trustees, in Sep 1889, (Equity #5331, in Sep 1889), recorded Mar 1890 [JLJ-3, _ ]. Mortgage to Mutual Building Association of Frederick County at $600. - an undivided share of Lot on south side of West Fourth St in Frederick City, used as a wagon & carriage shop and blacksmith shop. Improved with a 2-story brick blacksmith shop and wagon-maker shop with a weather-boarded house. House then occupied by Maurice LEWIS. To Richard P. HAGAN and Charles M.C. HAGAN (w/ Elizabeth "Lizzie") from William P. MAULSBY Jr and Samuel H. BROWN, trustees (by Deed of Trust to them from Edward F. LOWMAN & w/ Frederica in Aug 1882; Ref: Equity #4825), at $2,325 in Oct 1882 [AF-5, 528]. Mortgage to Franklin Savings Bank of Frederick at $2,000 in Oct 1882. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 21 Jan 1893 from: - Henry J.D. HAGAN, age 32, Frederick City, brother of decedemt; provided death date; stated Richard's wife died one and a half years before he did. He requested the properties be sold at private sale as it was desirable for them to remain in the family and afford the children a home. - Annie H. HAGAN, Frederick City, sister of decedent; stated the oldest of Richard's children was just 10 in December. Trustee was Charles W. ROSS. Private Sale on 15 Feb 1893 to: - Charles M.C. HAGAN for W. Fourth St property at $2,325 - Mary M. HAGAN (per Henry J.D. HAGAN) for the N. Market St property at $600 Submitted to auditor 11 Mar 1893. NOTE - In 1900, the children were living with their widowed paternal grandmother, except Sadie was living with uncle Henry J.D. Hagan; and Agnes appears with Norman B. & Sarah A. Hagan in Taneytown, Carroll Co, Maryland.

Charles A. THOMAS, et al vs Hester Ann GEISBERT & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6027 - Oct 1892 Alexander Hamilton GEISBERT d/ 1862 w/ Ann d/ 9 Oct 1892 (d/o George P. REMSBURG) d/ Hester Ann GEISBERT d/ Maranda Catharine d/ 1874 w/o Charles Allen THOMAS .......Anna J. w/o George Emory DILLER - Ohio .......Hester R. w/o David T. STUP .......George H. THOMAS .......Charles J. THOMAS .......Addie C. THOMAS Real estate to wife and upon her death to the two daughters under their maiden names; personal property to be sold to pay debts and authorizes a mortgage to pay them. (only wife and two daughters' names were listed in Will) Exec/ wife Witnesses: Sebastian REMSBURG, George THOMAS of Henry, Jacob REMSBURG [Will APK-1, 209 - 28 Jul 1862; 9 Aug 1862] LAND - "Poplar Thicket", "Resurvey on "George's Discovery" and "Feltie's Neglect", 126 acres; adjoins "Chestnut Hollow", "Fielderea Manor" and lands of heirs of George RAMSBURG and Peter THOMAS. To Alexander H. GEISBERT from John FEASTER Sr and William LAKIN, trustees (Equity Case of Farmers and Mechanics Bank vs Sebastian RAMSBURG & Others in Jul 1848), at $2,500 in Jun 1849 [WBT-10, 239]. "Resurvey on George's Discovery", 4 acres; also adjoined "Chestnut Hollow". To Alexander H. GEISBERT from Jacob RAMSBURG at $100 in Aug 1849 [WBT-10, 344]. SOLD to: - Jonathan A. THOMAS for 1 acre of "Poplar Thicket" at $60 in Jun 1855 [ES-6, 645]. - David L. MYERS for 5 acres of "Feltie's Neglect" at $208 in Apr 1856; on Adamstown to Jefferson road, commonly called Bridle Road. [ES-8, 537]. - Lewis E. THOMAS for 2 acres of first tract at $125 in Jan 1858 [BGF-1, 118]. - Lucinda WALTER for 4 acres of first tract at $180 in Aug 1858; on road from Adamstown to Jefferson [BGF-2, 656]. Now leaving 117 acres remaining. In 1864, a mortgage of $1,200 was made to Samuel DUTROW by the widow and her two daughters to obtain monies to purchase furniture and farm stock and implements. Samuel has since died and his executors assigned the mortgage to Rebecca E. DUTROW who has since married Albert E. WALLIS (now dec'd). Hester Ann GEISBERT claimed her mother controlled the farm until she deeded it to her on 15 Jan 1879. She further claimed she never made any agreement to repay the mortgage. She stated in 1874 the buildings on the farm burned and, with the help of neighbours put up another house and stable and some other buildings, increasing the value and asked she be reimbursed for that at $400. Agreement was made to sell the property to: - George E. HANKEY at $3,000 Distribution to be: - Rebecca E. WALLIS for mortgage claim, $1,390 - Thaddeus M. BISER for claims of complainants, $950 - Hester Ann GEISBERT, the balance, $660 Each daughter to pay 1/2 of taxed costs. No commission to trustee. William P. MAULSBY Jr was trustee to convey the deed. Closed 31 Jan 1893. (Also see Ann (Remsburg) GEISBERT's family at WBT-3, 294)

Abraham F. RODDY, assignee of William STOUFFER, mortgagee of Ann ZIMMERMAN & husband Charles ZIMMERMAN - Report of Sales - Equity #6008 - Aug 1892 LAND - House & Lot, 1 mile east of Mechanicstown at point where upper Mechanicstown Road enters the Eylers Valley Road and 1/8 mile north of Frederick-Emmitsburg Turnpike and same distance from the new Franklenville School House; adjoined land of Joseph LIVERS. Improved with a 1 1/2-story rough-cast house with kitchen attached, stable, wood shed, fruit trees and well. To Anna ZIMMERMAN from Margaret REECHER (Estate of Henry REECHER) SALE held 7 Aug 1892 at the GILBERT House in Mechanicstown; high bidder was: - John H. WILHIDE at $325; however, he substituted Abraham RODDY as the purchaser. Filed 2 Mar 1893.

Lewis FLARE - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6028 - Oct 1892 Rosanna FLARE d/ 1888, testate w/o - Peter FLARE, recently dec'd d/ Margaret (died since her mother) ...w/o _____ FREDERICKS - resided out West* ......Alberta FREDERICKS, a minor ......Charles FREDERICKS, a minor ......Mollie FREDERICKS, a minor ......Emery FREDERICKS, a minor ......Fannie FREDERICKS, a minor ......Cora FREDERICKS, a minor ......_____ FREDERICKS, a minor s/ Peter FLARE Jr (died since his mother) * ......Lola N. FLARE, a minor ......Edith G. FLARE, a minor ......Charles M. FLARE, a minor ......Betty FLARE, a minor s/ Charles FLARE & w/ Emma s/ Lewis FLARE (youngest son) & w/ Marian (Only the son Lewis was mentioned in the Will) Exec/ Edward ROUTZAHN (died after Rosanna and before Peter) Witnesses: Ezra MINNICK, Lorenz ROTHENHOEFER, Ernest WARFENOCK [Will TLMc-1, 455 - 30 Jul 1866; 2 Mar 1868] LAND - 14 acres in Harmony, Jackson District. (excluded 1 acre conveyed to Adam POOL). Improved with a log house, log stable, spring house, corn house, an apple orchard and spring. To Rosanna FLARE (w/o Peter) from John N. BRANDENBURG & w/ Mary M., Jacob MICHAEL & w/ Catharine at $270 in May 1863 [BGF-9, 23] Previously to them from David KAILER & wife in Feb 1863 [BGF-8, 349]. - 18-acre mountain lot in Harmony, Jackson District; adjoining land of Henry COBLENTZ; set in Chestnut. To Rosanna FLARE from Edward ROUTZAHN & wife (deed misplaced). Son Lewis elected not to take the estate (and pay siblings their share), but is interested in the purchase at a sale. Trustees were F. Marion FAUBLE and John C. MOTTER. SALE was held 10 Dec 1892 at HUFFER's Store at Harmony; high bidder was: - Charles E.M. FLARE for the 14 acres at $142 - Charles E.M. FLAIR for the 18 acres at $35 Filed 3 Feb 1893. NOTE - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - FLAIR, Margaret A. R., 17 to FREDERICK, Samuel E., 22, laborer* on Dec 24, 1865 by Jonathan H. Baker in Beallsville - FLAYER, Peter, 50 (wid), laborer to FREDERICKS, Mary A., 47 (wid) on Jan 15, 1874 by John Gaffney, priest, in FC - FLAIR, Lewis H., 22. laborer to HARPER, Naomi A., 20 on Feb 18, 1886 by Edward A. Bruner in Frederick

Phebe S. BIGGS vs Lewis H. VALENTINE - Report of Sales - Equity #6039 - Oct 1892 LAND - "Walnut Bottom", Except part sold to Michael LIPPY in Sep 1875 [TG-4, 294]. To Lewis H. VALENTINE from Daniel HARP & wife in Apr 1872 [CM-8, 277]. - Two parcels To Lewis H. VALENTINE from Michael LIPPY & wife in Sep 1875 [TG-4, 481]. - "Cedar Grove" To Lewis H. VALENTINE from James E. VALENTINE & Others in Jan 1880 [AF-1, 183]. Mortgaged at $4,200. SALE was held 13 Oct 1892 on the premises; high bidder was: - William H. EIGENBRODE at $4,725 Submitted to auditor 5 Jan 1893.

William Crawford JOHNSON vs Virginia BUSHEY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6055 - Dec 1892 Jacob M. BUSHEY d/ Mar 1879, intestate widow - Agusta s/ Thomas F. BUSHEY & w/ Annie C. d/ Annie M. M. wo George F. GALLION s/ Christian A. BUSHEY & w/ Virginia d/ Frances V. w/o Worthington H. BANNISTER The children and spouses agreed to convey the property to Christian A. BUSHEY at $10,000 in Sep 1879. [TG-12, 361] The widow's dower conveyed to him at $2,500 in Sep 1879. [TG-12, 364] Christian obtained a mortgage to Charles E. TRAIL of $6,000 in Sep 1881. LAND - parts of "Chance Medley", "Millicent", "Locust Plains" and "Small Gains", 183 acres; located on the New Design or Cemetery Road, 3 miles SW of Frederick. Improved with a 2-story frame house with back building, a large bank barn wagon shed, corn bin, spring house, meat house and is under post and rail fencing. To Jacob M. BUSHEY [Ref Sep 1879 TG-12, 361] - from Michael KEEFER & Others in Apr 1842 [HS-16, 372] - from Griffin TAYLOR & wife in Oct 1846 [WBT-3, 449] - from George M. TYLER & wife in Mar 1852 [ES-2, 170] - from B. Amos CUNNINGHAM in Nov 1859 [BGF-5, 13] - "Resurvey on Right and Good Reason", 12-acre mountain lot in the Sugar Loaf Mountain. [Ref Sep 1879 - TG-5, 361] To Jacob M. BUSHEY from Grafton DUVALL in Dec 1860 [BGF-6, 575]. - Lot #5, part of Lot #13 of "Fielderea", 9 acres, near Mout Zion Church. (Lot #4, 9 acres was the half to William S. MILLER). To William S. MILLER and Jacob M. BUSHEY from George SCHLEY, trustee (Equity #1782; David BARR & wife's petition to sell real estate of Caspar MANTZ' Will), in Apr 1865 [JWLC-2, 548]. - Half of Lot #118 on Third St in Frederick City. To Jacob M. BUSHEY from Benjamin G. FITZHUGH & w/ Amelia in Mar 1864 [JWLC-1, 212]. Sold by Christian BUSHEY & w/ Virginia to: - George MARKELL, 46 acres of the farm, "Chance Medley" at $3,005 in Aug 1886; leaving 137 acres. [WIP-1, 506] Christian A. BUSHEY d/ Dec 1892 with a Will written 12 Feb 1889, leaving everything to his wife, Virginia. Trustee was Charles W. ROSS. SALE was held 7 Feb 1893 at the Court House door; high bidderes were: - Thomas R. JARBOE for the farm at $66/acre - Alice M. WARNER for the Sugar Loaf lot at $5.30/acre (signed for by William H. WARNER) - Carlton H. DEAN for Lot #5 at $7.25/acre Total Sales, $9,177.37. Submitted to auditor 6 Mar 1893.

Rufus A. McLANE vs Emma G. KUSMAUL & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6064 - Jan 1893 George ENGLEBRECHT d/ intestate w/ Elizabeth C. d/ intestate d/ Emma G. w/o George H. KUSMAUL d/ Florence K. w/o Allen L. KLINE s/ George L. ENGLEBRECHT & w/ Susan E. s/ John D. ENGLEBRECHT & w/ Ida G. s/ Frank L. ENGLEBRECHT d/ Minnie ENGLEBRECHT LAND - parts "Surry" (part of "Taskers Chance") on south side of West South St in Frederick City; adjoining lots of Mrs. SIX on the west and John MEHRLING on the east (now occupied by George PHOEBUS). Improved with a house, butcher shop, and stable. To George ENGLEBRECHT from John LOATS & w/ Caroline E. in Feb 1863 [BGF-8, 343]. Mortgaged at $400. Trustees were Rufus E. McLANE and Frank C. NORWOOD. SALE was held 2 Mar 1893 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - Benjamin E. PHEBUS at $610 Submitted to auditor 28 Mar 1893.

Ann Rebecca REMSBURG vs Anna E. REMSBURG, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6069 - Jan 1893 Lewis REMSBURG d/ 3 Jan 1893, intestate widow - Anna E. REMSBURG (admin) s/ Eugene L. REMSBURG - North Carolina d/ Cora E. w/o Charles W. MICHAEL s/ Harvey C. REMSBURG - California d/ Katie B. REMSBURG s/ Chester C. REMSBURG, a minor d/ Addie T. REMSBURG, a minor s/ Clarence W. REMSBURG, dec'd .....Otho C. REMSBURG, a minor - California .....Albert L. REMSBURG, a minor - California LAND - House & Lot in "Keller's Addition to Middletown" Then in occupancy of the widow. Improved with a 2 1/4-story frame weather-boarded house of seven rooms and a kitchen, two halls, a large basement (level with the street) and cellar, a stable, hog pen, garden and fruit trees. - Two Lots, 3.75 acres, on the Jefferson Road, just south of Middletown. Both to Lewis REMSBURG from John W. REMSBURG, acting exec/of Christian RAMSBURG, at private sale of $1,700 in Jan 1876 [TG-4, 292]. Previously to Christian RAMSBURG from Samuel G. HARBAUGH in Apr 1849 [WBT-10, 49]. Mortgaged at $900 to Ann Rebecca RAMSBURG. Guardian was Adolphus FEARHAKE. Testimony was heard 7 Apr 1893 from: - Asa C. REMSBURG, age 67, Frederick County, brother of Lewis; stated his sister kept one or two rooms on the same property and allowed him $30 a year. - George W. REMSBURG, age 65, Frederick County, brother of Lewis; stated his sister holds the mortgage. Trustee was Charles V.S. LEVY. SALE was held 13 May 1893 in front of the Valley Register Office in Middletown; high bidder was: - John W. REMSBURG at $500 = Ann R. REMSBURG at $1,000 Submitted to auditor 12 Jun 1893. (REMSBURG was also spelled as RAMSBURG in a few places in records)

JLJ-2, 323-327 - DEAN, SNOOK
Mary V.E. DEAN, assignee of William SNOOK, mortagee of John M. DEAN & w/ Mary V.E. - Petition for Title - Equity #6080 - Feb 1893 LAND - Lots, 49 acres, on the Baltimore Turnpike, nearly opposite the Mount Carmel church and grace trinity Reformed Church, 4 miles east of Frederick, in New Market District. Improved with a 1 1/2-story weather-boarded house, corn crib, stable, fruit trees and two springs near the house. To John M. DEAN from Emily O. DEAN & h/ Robert DEAN in Apr 1884. Mortgaged at $2,100 to William SNOOK; but his executor assigned it to Mary V.E. DEAN. John M. DEAN has since died. Mary sold the property at public sale on 24 Feb 1893 on the premises and she became the high bidder at $1,964.25 ($40/acre). Trustee to convey the deed was Charles V.S. LEVY. Filed 27 Mar 1893.

James S. MUSGROVE, mortgagee of John KIMMEL & w/ Mary - Report of Sales - Equity #6081 - Feb 1893 LAND - 7 acres, 2 miles west of Emmitsburg on the mountain road. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house with a porch the full length in front, a log stable, hog pen, fruit trees and a spring of mountain water. To John KIMMEL from Richard McDERMITT in Apr 1853 [ES-4, 55]. - Timbered Lot adjoining the other tract. To John KIMMEL from William M. MERRICK, Grayson EICHELBERGER and Robert ANNAN, trustees (Equity #2356) in Jan 1860 [BGF-5, 424]. Mortgaged at $300. SALE was held 18 Feb 1873 on the premises; high bidder was: - James S. MUSGROVE at $350 Submitted to auditor 27 Mar 1893.

Daniel EYLER, et al vs Christian EYLER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6103 - Apr 1893 John GROSHAN d/ 1849, testate widow - Mary (died some years ago) d/ Ann Sophia ILER (life estate of home farm, then to her children) * s/ George S. GROSHAN (farm "Hill in the Middle", 47 acres from Frederick BAKER) Exec/ Richard HARPER Witnesses: Johnn D. CRUMBAUGH, Daniel SNOOK, Samuel CLEM [Will TS-1, 1; Oct 24, 1848; Jan 30, 1849] ----- LAND - to Christopher SWOPE: - "Resurvey on Turn Style", 150 acres. from Chirstian SPRINGER for 150 acres in May 1800. - "Six Acres Gained", 71.5 acres - from Philip PRICE in Aug 1801 and To David SWOPE from Christopher SWOPE for 108.5 acres in Aug 1817. To John GROSHAN Jr. from David SWOPE for 108.5 acres at $2,750 in Mar 1822. - 1 acre, adjoining the farm; bounded on the north by road from Devilbiss' Mill to the Catoctin Mountain and on SW by road from Catoctin Furnace to Frederick Town and on the east by "Six Acres Gained". To John GROSHAN from Lewis MEDTARD at $15 in May 1827 [JP-28, 217]. - "Resurvey on Ramsburg's Chance", 3/4 acre, Lot #5 (adjoined farm) on west side of road from Creagers Town to Frederick [JS-23, 294-297]. To John GROSHAN, for equal exchange of two contiguous parcels, from: Heirs of Henry CLEM: - John CLEM & w/ Susan - Jacob CLEM & w/ Eve - Adam CLEM & w/ Mary - George CLEM - Catharine CLEM ----- Ann Sophia (Groshan) EYLER d/ 6 Sep 1892, intestate * w/o Daniel EYLER d/ 1875, intestate s/ Daniel EYLER & w/ Lucy - Missouri s/ Milton EYLER & w/ Susan - Virginia s/ Joseph EYLER & w/ Mary - Howard County s/ Christian EYLER & w/ Louisa s/ Samuel EYLER & w/ Emma s/ William EYLER & w/ Mary - Ohio s/ Franklin EYLER & wife - Ohio d/ Annie w/o Thomas REMSBURG grandson/ Charles D. EYLER - Ohio LAND - 1.5 acres in Lewistown District (adjoined the farm) To Ann S. EYLER from George J.F. MEASELL & w/ Catherine A. at $72 in May 1882 [AF-7, 111] - "Resurvey on Ramsburg's Chance", 2.75 acres. To Daniel EYLER from John O. HOLTZ & w/ Laura Jane at $137 in Sep 1865 [JWLC-3, 193]. SOLD - to Samuel EYLER by the heirs, 3 acres on 25 Nov 1892 (plat on pg 345). Survey of all lands now 112 acres. Trustees were Frank L. STONER and John C. MOTTER. Private Sale was made to: - Henry C. STORR at $45.10/acre Submitted to auditor 13 Apr 1893.

JLJ-2, 350-356 - MEALEY, HOOD, LERCH
Margaret E. HOOD, mortgagee of Charles E. MEALEY - Report of Sales - Equity #6111 - Apr 1893 LAND - Oldest Livery Stand in Frederick City; first used by Isaiah MEALEY in 1828 and Rebuilt by Charles E. MEALEY in 1873: - Lot on north side of West All Saints St in Frederick. Improved with a large 2-story brick stable, accomodating 26 horses in the finest made stalls. To Charles E. MEALEY from Laura V. MEALEY and Rosanna R. MEALEY in Apr 1872 [CM-8, 245]. - Lots #15, 16, 17 on north side of West All Saints St in Frederick. Improved with a large 2-story brick carriage house, capable of containing 60-70 carriages To Charles E. MEALEY from Christopher WOERNER & wife in Oct 1872 [CM-9, 169]. Mortgaged at $500 SALE held 27 Apr 1893 at the Courthouse door; high bidder was: - Christian LERCH at $1,615 Submitted to auditor 20 May 1893.

Simon W. HARBAUGH, et al vs Mary A. HARBAUGH, et al - Petition for Title - Equity #5949 - May 1892 Elias HARBAUGH d/ 6 Aug 1854 s/ Leonard HARBAUGH, dec'd ...w/ Mary A. ......Leonard C. HARBAUGH ......Clarence N. HARBAUGH, died intestate, unmarried, no issue ......Susan C. w/o David WAGGAMAN s/ Jacob HARBAUGH d/ Jul 1877 (Will JLPP-1, 190) ...w/ America s/ Henry HARBAUGH, dec'd ......Georgianna w/o Hiram G. MILLER ......Mary Amanda w/o Albert BIRELY ......Charles H. HARBAUGH & w/ Alice BROWN s/ Valentine HARBAUGH, dec'd ...1st wife - ______ .......James HARBAUGH & wife - Bedford Co, Pennsylvania .......Edward HARBAUGH - Colorado .......Charles HARBAUGH - Colorado .......Grayson HARBAUGH - Colorado .......Alice w/o George PECK - Pennsylvania .......Emma HARBAUGH, died intestate, no issue ...2nd wife - Ann Rebecca (2nd wife) .......Robert HARBAUGH, a minor s/ George HARBAUGH, dec'd - Kansas ...w/ Matilda - Kansas ......Nancy Catherine wo ___ HENSEL - West Virginia ......Charles H. HARBAUGH, died intestate, unmarried, no issue ......Jacob Elias HARBAUGH - Kansas ......Ellen N. HARBAUGH - Kansas ......Virginia Alice HARBAUGH - Kansas ......George H. HARBAUGH - Kansas ......Ida F. HARBAUGH - Kansas ......Ann R. HARBAUGH - Kansas ......Lilly HARBAUGH, now dec'd, intestate, no issue s/ Hiram HARBAUGH, widower s/ Elias HARBAUGH, dec'd ...w/ Catherine ......Susan Barbara HARBAUGH ......Ulysses Grant HARBAUGH ......Minnie Nora w/o Tracy DELAUTER s/ Simon Washington HARBAUGH & w/ Elizabeth B. SMITH d/ Susan HARBAUGH wid/o Dr. David BARRICK - Altoona, Pennsyllvania LAND - "Harbaugh's Discovery", 121 acres of mountain land, in Hauvers District, 1/2 mile west of Sabillasville; adjoined tract "Elias and Catharine Harbaugh's Home". Neighbors were Frank BIRELY on the north, Jacob UTZ and sons on the west, John GAUL? on the south and heirs of Elias on the east. Property known as 'The Thomas Lot" and has a private way through the lands of Henry HARBAUGH, dec'd, 100 yards from the road from Sabillasville to Waynesboro. (Resurveyed for Elias in Dec 1833; Metes and Bounds on page 360) Special Warrant to Elias HARBAUGH to resurvey part of "Fox Range" which had been to heirs of George ELLICOTT, Samuel GODFREY and James GILLINGHAM who died intestate and without heirs - Jun 1854; however, Elias died before it was completed, leaving title now to his children. A caveat was filed against the patent by Samuel TOMS on 26 Dec 1854, but he failed to prosecute within the allowed time. Patented to the children of Elias in June 1858. America HARBAUGH conveyed her interest to Philip BROWN at $4,050 in Apr 1878 [TG-9, 465]; and he and his w/ Delilah conveyed it to Levi LICHTENBERG at $4,900 in Mar 1882 [AF-5, 284]. Simon W. HARBAUGH certified the ages of: - Mary A., widow of Leonard HARBAUGH to be 73 years. - Ann Rebecca, widow of Valentine HARBAUGH to be 44 years. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 10 Aug 1892 from: - Mary A. HARBAUGH, widow of Leonard - Simon W. HARBAUGH, age 55, Hauvers District - Leonard C. HARBAUGH, age 47, Frederick County, son of Leonard. Trustee was Benjamin F. REICH. SALE was held 17 sep 1892 at CRAWFORD's Store in Sabillasville; high bidders were: - Simon W. HARBAUGH and Leonard C. HARBAUGH at $3.50/acre, $424.03 Submitted to auditor 11 Oct 1892.

Eugene L. ROWE, creditor vs Mountain View Cemetery of Emmitsburg & Others - Petition to Sell Real Estate - Equity #5958 - Oct 1892 LAND - Mountain View Cemetery, 8 acres, located near the NW boundary of Emmitsburg; adjoined lands of Joseph HAYS and William PEOPLES. Previously to Rev. Abner R. KREMER (w/ Annie M.) from David GAMBLE in Apr 1879 [TG-12, 87]. (Signed by KREMER in Winchester, VA) Agreement in May 1881 for the purchase of 8 acres at $700 between Rev. A.R. KREMER and the corporation directors: Henry STOKES, president, and Uriah A. LOUGH, Lewis M. MOTTER, Isaac S. ANNAN, J. Taylor MOTTER, Lewis A. BOLLINGER, Jacob L. HOKE, William S. GUTHRIE and Samuel MOTTER. Monies were furnished by Lewis M. MOTTER and was a loan to the corporation. However, the deed was erroneously made to the directors instead of the cemetery corporation with the directors listed as such. Since the agreement, J. TAYLOR MOTTER now resides in DC and William GUTHRIE resides in Missouri and Samuel MOTTER has since died. The Cemetery, being insolvent, issued a deed of trust for the remaining land not sold as burial lots (only 1/4 acre had then been used for burials); however, that has been disputed and Uriah LOUGH and William S. GUTHRIE stated there have been other lots sold which are scattered in other lots, not all in one section. Also stated, in 1891. the state of Pennsylvania erected, at a cost of $1,000, a granite monument in memory of Rev. Dr. E.E. HIGHBEE, super- intendent of public schools in Pennsylvania, which is resting upon his remains and interred in this cemetery. Any sales would infringe on maintaining this site as well as hinder access to it. Testimony was heard 12 Oct 1892 from: - Henry STOKES, age 67, Emmitsburg The court found the cemetery corportaion to be insolvent and adjudged it to be dissolved. Trustees were Jacob ROHRBACK and Eugene L. ROWE. SALE was held 3 Dec 1892 at the Emmit House in Emmitsburg; high bidder was: - Daniel H. WINGERD of Reading, PA at $420; with right of ways to burial sites. Submitted to auditor 9 Jan 1893.

Charles W. ROSS, assignee of Annie Josephine SIFFORD, mortgagee of Joshua WHALEN & w/ Rebecca - Report of Sales - Equity #5969 - Jun 1892 LAND - Northern part of Lot $126 with house on east side of Klinehart's Alley between Third and Fourth Sts in Frederick City. To Rebecca WHALEN from Annie Josephine "Nannie" SIFFORD, executrix of John LOATS, in May 1879. Mortgaged by Rebecca and husband at $150. Annie Josephine (SIFFORD) PEARRE was exec/of John LOATS and assigned mortgage to W. Nash YOUNG who reassigned it back to Annie, who with her husband, Aubrey PEARRE, assigned it to Charles W. ROSS. SALE was held 13 Jun 1892 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidder was: - David S.T. SMITH at $200 Submitted to auditor 8 Jul1892.

JLJ-2, 416-421 - WILES, SMITH
Jacob WILES and George Wm. SMITH, mortgagees of Susan F. and h/ Frederick E. WILES - Report of Sales - Equity #5970 - Jun 1892 LAND - Lot, 1/2 acre, in Feagaville on the Red Spring Mill Road. Improved with a new 1 1/2-story 6-room frame house. To Susan F. WILES from D. Milton CULLER & w/ Catharine R. in Mar 1886. Obtained mortgage to pay Perry B. McCLEERY $250. SALE was held 11 Jun 1892 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Frederick E. WILES at $300 Submitted to auditor 14 Jun 1892.

William L. LANDERKIN, assignee of Franklin Savings Bank, mortgagee of Thomas C. LANDERKIN - Report of Sales - Equity #5991 - Aug 1892 LAND - Lot (32 x 262') on north side (#175) of West Patrick St in Frederick City, on east side of DeGrange's Alley (at intersection of east side of alley and north side of West Patrick St); adjoined lots of Mrs. Christian SMITH on SW corner and Adam CUSTARD's lot on NW. Improved with a 2-story 9-room brick house. Then in possession of John H. RAMSBURG as tenant. To Thomas C. LANDERKIN from Samuel MAUGHT & wife in Apr 1875 [TG-2, 749]. Mortgaged at $1,200. Thomas C. LANDERKIN now resident of Washington, DC. Trustees were Carlton SHAFER and Jacob ROHRBACK. SALE held 7 Oct 1892 on the premises; high bidder was: - William L. LANDERKIN at $1,675 Submitted to auditor 1 Nov 1892.

Martin L. GAVER & w/ Mary L. et al vs Peter GAVER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6005 - Sep 1892 Caroline GAVER d/ May 1887 in Ellerton, intestate w/o Peter GAVER (age 66, life estate) d/ Lauretta w/o Thomas KINNEY d/ Elmira w/o Mahlon DELAUTER - Washington County s/ Martin L. GAVER & w/ Mary S. d/ Charlotte w/o Nathan ECCARD - Washington County d/ Clara w/o David LIZAR d/ Amanda w/o Aaron STOTTLEMYER - Illinois d/ Mary w/o James STOTTLEMYER - Illinois s/ John F. GAVER d/ 3 Sep 1888 ...w/ Jennie (age 23) - West Virginia .......s/ John F. GAVER, a minor - West Virginia LAND - Lots in Ellerton in Jackson District, on road from Ellerton to Highland. Improved with a 2-story house. Leased to Martin L. GAVER, Esquire. - 2 roods To Caroline GAVER from Daniel PALMER & w/ Anna at $270 in Aug 1882 [AF-5, 466]. - Lots, 5 acres, to Peter GAVER from: ...Jacob LEATHERMAN & w/ Catharine in Apr 1850 [ES-1, 365]. ...Daniel PALMER & w/ Ann in Apr 1850 [ES-1, 366]. To Caroline GAVER from Elias GAVER & w/ Henrietta E.at $800 in Feb 1870 [CM-4, 525]. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 9 Dec 1892 from: - Otho J. GAVER, age 38, Frederick City - Matin L. GAVER, age 41, Ellerton, son Trustees were Benjamin F. REICH and Frank C. STONER who advertised the sale in The Weekly News and The Myersville Guide. SALE was held 2 Mar 1893 at Frank BITTLE's store in Ellerton; high bidder was: - Martin L. GAVER at $1,000 Submitted to auditor 12 Apr 1893.

JLJ-2, 448-452 - MARKEY
John Hanshew MARKEY, mortgagee of Frederick A. MARKEY - Report of Sales - Equity #6135 - Jun 1893 LAND - Lot (30 x 186.5') on north side of (#51) East Patrick St in Frederick City. Improved with a 2-story brick house and 2-story back building attached, favourable for a residence and business. To Frederick A. MARKEY from Abner CAMPBELL in Mar 1862 [BGF-7, 345]. Mortgaged at $1,100. Frederick A. MARKEY is now deceased and his wife did not join him on the mortgage, therefore, she has dower interest in property. SALE was held 12 Jun 1893 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Manelia S. MARKEY at $3,000 Submitted to auditor 10 Jul 1893.

Fannie C. UNKEFER & h/ John E. UNKEFER and James S. GORSUCH vs William J. GORSUCH, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6011 - Sep 1892 Polly JOHNSON (Will GME-2, 361; written 9 Nov 1836) niece - Polly Johnson ANGEL (see AF-2, 150) (all 12 of 13 town lots in Liberty Town; excludes one most west from the tanyard.) Witnesses: Plummer IJAMS, David REINHART, Grafton HAMMOND ----- LAND - Tan Yard property of 12 lots (each 50 x 300') on south side of South St in Libertytown. Was formerly the residense of Julian A. ANGEL and part of property devised to Polly Johnson ANGEL by Polly JOHNSON. Adjoined by lots of Abraham JACKSON on the east and Benjami SWAIM on the west. Improved with a 2-story house, stable, meat house. A/ Devised to Sophronia GORSUCH and her sister, Mrs. Julia H. REA, from their other sister Polly Johnson ANGEL in Oct 1879 [TG-12, 466]. B/ To Sophronia GORSUCH from her sister, Mrs. Julia H. REA of Baltimore City at $500 in Oct 1879 [TG-12, 466]. Sophronia GORSUCH d/ 4th or 14th of Aug 1892, intestate d/ Fannie C. w/o John E. UNKEFER s/ William J. GORSUCH & w/ Catherine - New York s/ James S. GORSUCH, single (lives with sister Fannie) s/ Thomas F. GORSUCH & w/ Gertrude - 1736 S. Charles St, Baltimore City s/ Charles H. GORSUCH, dec'd ....w/ Mary L., now Mary L. HOLMES - California .......Mabel V. GORSUCH, a minor .......Carroll GORSUCH Guardian was Adolphus FEARHAKE, Esquire. Testimonoy was heard 20 Dec 1892 from: - Dr. J. Thomas SIM, age 54, resided in Liberty; stated Sophronia died at the residence of her daughter Fannie. - J.S.L. RODRICK, age 63, Liberty - Mrs. Fannie C. UNKEFER, daughter, resided in Ladiesburg SALE was held 18 Feb 1893 on the premises; high bidder was: - John C. HINES at $875 Residing there at time of sale was Rev. E. MOORE. Submitted to auditor 27 Mar 1893.

JLJ-2, 470-475 - RICE, WENNER
Charles M. WENNER, mortgagee of Morgan S. RICE & w/ Maggie A. - Report of Sales - Equity #6013 - Sep 1892 LAND - Lots #154 & 155, east of Maple Ave, on East Fourth St, in C.M. WENNER's "1st Addition to Brunswick". Improved with 6-room frame house with fencing. To Morgan S. RICE from C.M. WENNER & Others in Sep 1891. SALE was held 6 Aug 1892 at the store of DUTROW & DUVALL in Brunswick; high bidder was: - Charles M. WEMNER and William F. MILLER, partners t/a Wenner & Miller, at $380 Submitted to auditor 17 Oct 1892.

Commissioners of Charities & Corrections of Frederick County vs Simon SCHMIDT, a non compas mentis - Report of Sales - Equity #6102 - Jul 1892 The complainants are the controllers of the Almshouse, also called Montevue Hospital. Simon SCHMIDT was committed to the hospital on 12 May 1871 as an insane person and still remains there, the county providing support and maintenance. It was recently learned SCHMIDT owns property in Frederick City and, having no one to provide for him or care for his property or pay the taxes, it was determined the property should be sold to cover his expenses. Simon SMITH had been arrested and charged with assault and battery on Margaretta SMITH on 29 Apr 1871. A commission determined him to be insane on 12 May 1871. LAND - Lot on south side of (#98) East Second St in Frederick City; adjoined Beltharer EISENHAUR's lot, with him to have right-of-way to pump. Improved with a 2-story brick house with back building; has alley on west side. To Simon SCHMIDT from Charles B. TIPPETT & w/ Margaret S. of Williamsport, Lycoming Co, PA at for $750 in Jan 1857 [ES-9, 193]. Guardian was Clayton O. KEEDY. Testimony was heard 8 Sep 1892 from: - Dr. Edward C. McSHERRY, age 43, Frederick City, treasurer for Montevue Hospital; has known Simon since boyhood. Simon has been at Montevue Hospital for the last 20 years. Private patients are charged $200 a year. - Joshua J. DILL, age 43, Frederick City, member of the Board. - Christian H. ECKSTEIN, age 47, Frederick City; has known Simon for 35 years. Also knew Simon's sister and Mr SIEDLING who collects rents of the house. It was his understanding that Mr SEIDLING was acting as agent for the collection of the rent as he had for SCHMIDT's mother when she was alive. His mother died a few months ago and now he is collecting rents for Schmidt's sister. He believed Simon was about 55 years old. - Adolphus FEARHAKE, age 52, Frederick City, Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court for Frederick County. - Dr. Franklin B. SMITH, Frederick City, physician to Montevue Hospital. He had been treating Simon for the past 2 1/2 years and is still mentally unsound. The courth determined the property be sold. Trustees were J. Roger McSHERRY and Clayton O. KEEDY. SALE was held 17 Oct on the premises; high bidder was: - Mary FORD, w/o Jerome FORD, at $730 However, John H. SIFFORD was substitued as the purchaser. Submitted to auditor 16 Nov 1892.

JLJ-2, 492-509 - NUSZ
Fredericktown Savings Institution vs William L. NUSZ & w/ Mollie M. - Report of Sales - Equity #5993 - Aug 1892
LAND - part of Lot #141 on south side of East Fourth St in Frederick City; adjoined lots of John FAULK and John FOLAND. Improved with a 6-room 2-story weatherboarded log house and attached back building. To William L. NUSZ & w/ Mollie M. from John E. SCHILL in Mar 1884 [AF-9, 2]. Mortgaged at $400. On 28 Dec 1887, William L. NUSZ was found and adjudged to be a lunatic and was confined to the Almshouse after committing assault and battery upon William RICHARDS. [Minute Book WIP-3, 23]. William L. NUSZ' wife, Mollie M. was living in Baltimore City in Aug 1892. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 8 Sep 1892 from: - Dr. Thomas TURNER Trustee was John NEWMAN. SALE was held 22 Oct 1892 at the Courthouse door; high bidder was: - Joseph CRONICE, president of Frederick Town Savings at $450 Submitted to auditor 19 Nov 1892.

John T. GELWICKS vs Frederick C.O. SIESS & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5803 - Mar 1891 George SEISS d/ intestate, and heirs transferring their shares: - Jacob SIESS & w/ Sophia - Samuel SEISS & w/ Mary - Benjamin SEISS & w/ Sarah - Catharine SEISS - Conrad WILHIDE & w/ Elizabeth - Frederick WAMPLER & w/ Maria - Adams Co, PA LAND - on main road to Emmitsburg - "Stony Corner", "Branksons Hall", "Mistake Discovered", "Content", "Hammer and Tongs". - "Buck Forrest", 75 acres, and "Contentment", 15 acre mountain lot, To Daniel SIESS from heirs of George SIESS (listed above) for $875 in Mar 1825 [JS-23. 89]. ("Buck Forrest" was part conveyed by Daniel DULANEY for Benjamin DULANEY & w/ Elizabeth to George SEISS at $175 in Jun 1820.) Daniel SIESS d/ 28 Jun 1876 at home, intestate widow - Barbara d/ 12 Mar 1889 at home d/ Mary Ann Elizabeth DOTTERER, widow - Washington County s/ Frederick C.O. SIESS & w/ Margaret M. - resided near Graceham ....Daniel Luther SEISS & w/ Annie R.J. d/ Barbara Ann Virginia w/o William HEAGEY - Greenmount, Adams Co, PA d/ Margaret SIESS d/ after her father, no children LAND - 1/3 interest of 160 acre tract in 5th Election District, 1/2 mile SW of Motters Station on the Emmittsburg Rail Road; adjoining lands of Harvey (or Harry) MARTIN, George SMITH and Daniel KRUGE, Joshua HOBBS and W.A. TROXELL. Also 16 acres, east of Emmittsburg to Creagerstown Road. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house, barn and orchard. Then in occupancy of Daniel L. SEISS (w/ Annie R.J.). To John T. GELWICKS from Isaac S. ANNAN & w/ Julia, James C. ANNAN & w/ Rosa J., Andrew ANNAN, Oliver A. HORNER & w/ Anna E. at $500 in Mar 1891. ...The 1/3 was from estate of Mary Ann Elizabeth DOTTERER, one of the children of Daniel SEISS; and was conveyed to Isaac S. ANNAN, James C. ANNAN, Andrew ANNAN and Oliver A. HORNER, as partners e/a Annan, Horner & Co by Otho J. GAVER, Sheriff, in Jul 1890 [WIP-11, 397]. Frederick C.O. SEISS, Daniel L. SEISS and William H. HEAGEY and w/ Barbara Ann Virginia protested against Gelwick's claims, stating Daniel and Barbara SIESS did not die intestate, all funeral expenses and debts had been paid on their estates. Further, Daniel Luther SIESS purchased the interest of Mary Ann Elizabeth DOTTERER and they have no agreement to be liable for any of her debts. And further, Barbara Ann Virginia HEAGEY has sold her interest to Daniel L. SIESS and Frederick C.O. SIESS, although title has not yet been conveyed, awaiting final payment. Testimony was heard 16 Oct 1891 from: - Frederick C.O. SEISS, age 59, father of Daniel L. SEISS - Isaac M. FISHER, age 40, Resided at Motters Station - John T. GELWICKS, age 43, Emmitsburg Mary J. HANKEY & h/ Henry W. held a judgment against Mary Ann Elizabeth DOTTERER for $193.59 in Jan 1890. Neighbors then were W.A. TROXELL, Harry MARTIN, George SMITH. SALE was held 25 May 1890 at the Courthouse door; high bidder was: - Isaac S. ANNAN, James C. ANNAN, Andrew ANNAN and Oliver A. HORNER, t/a Annan, Horner & Co, at $470 for Mary A.E. DOTTERER's 1/3 share. Because acreage was uncertain, a survey was ordered and determined to be 124.25 acres; 116 acres of "Buck Forest" and 10.75 acres. (plat on page 540) SALE was held 15 Oct 1892 at Motters Station; high bidder was: - Charles A. DORSEY at $15/acre, $1,908.75 Submitted to auditor 26 Nov 1892.

JLJ-2, 542-560 - STEINER, SCHLEY
Sarah S. STEINER, et al vs Bernard C. STEINER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6106 - Apr 1893 Christian STEINER d/ 1862, testate widow - Rebecca s/ Lewis H. STEINER * d/ Anna Rebecca L. SCHLEY (House & Lot on Patrick St, Frederick) .......Steiner SCHLEY ($1,000 upon age) .......other children ($2,000, equally divided when they come of age) LAND of Christian STEINER - to wife and, upon her death, to son Lewis H. STEINER: - House & Lot on Church St in Frederick City to son Lewis H. STEINER: - "Sheverstatt" (part of "Tasker's Chance"), 94 acres, on road from Fredericktown to BRUNNER's Mill. From John A. STEINER, exec/of Israel MYERS at $7,130.03 in Apr 1843 [HS-19, 287]. - part of "Sheverstatt", 101 acres, (part of "Tasker's Chance", but more recently called "Mount Airy") .....and "Puzzlesome Corrected", 14 acres (previously to John MYERS from Jacob STALEY of Joseph) .....and also a 31 acre wood lot (previously to Christopher MYERS from Frederick HEFFNER in Nov 1790) All previously devised to Jonathan MYERS at $3,100 in Mar 1843 [HS-17, 501]. (to Jonathan from his father Israel MYERS [Will GME-2, 680]) - House & Lot on Market St in Frederick City From Lewis A. BRENGLE, exec/of Thomas CARLTON. to daughter Anna Rebecca L. SCHLEY: - House & Lot on Patrick St in Frederick City From Dr. Fairfax SCHLEY & wife - Farm on eastern side of Monocacy (to daughter) From Philip BALTZELL, trustee - Wood Lot (to daughter) From Solomon MANKEY & wife adjoining the farm. Totalled 288 acres. Exec/ son Lewis H. STEINER Witnesses: William J. ROSS, Lewis RAMSBURG, P. Balt McCLEERY [Will APK-1, 154; written 15 Oct 1855; filed 3 Mar 1862] Dr. Lewis H. STEINER of Baltimore City, d/ 18 Feb 1892, intestate * widow - Sarah S. (age about 52) - Baltimore City and 5 children, s/ Bernard C. STEINER - Baltimore City s/ Walter R. STEINER - Baltimore City d/ Gertrude R. STEINER - Baltimore City d/ Bertha R. STEINER, a minor - Baltimore City d/ Amy Louise STEINER, a minor - Baltimore City Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 4 May 1893 from: - Dr. Fairfax SCHLEY, age 50+, resided in Frederick City - Steiner SCHLEY, age 43, Frederick City, nephew - John A. STEINER, age 77, Frederick City Trustee was J. Roger McSHERRY. PRIVATE SALE for 4.25 acreswas made to: - Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick at $150/acre, $637.50; signed by John E. FLEMMING, Mayor and J.F. EISENHAUR, Pres/Board of Aldermen NOTE - Since it was a private sale, there was no sale ad and no description of where the 4.25 acres came from, only that Hamburg Turnpike was at the north border. Filed 19 Jun 1893.

Thomas DUNN / DUREN & w/ Annie vs John J. PHELPS, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5009 - Sep 1884 LAND - "Polly's Inheritance", 3 acres. To Joshua PHELPS and John PHELPS from Joshua DILL, trustee of F. WARTHEN, at $200 in Mar 1849 [WBT-7, 685]. In May 1854, Joshua & w/ Anna Louisa conveyed his share to John at $60 [ES-5, 52]. In Apr 1856, John conveyed the property to John PHELPS Sr & w/ Susan at $200 for a life estate and, upon their deaths, to the children of John PHELPS, the grantor [ES-8, 439]. Both John PHELPS Sr and Susan are now deceased. John PHELPS d/ 15 Sep 1883, intestate, at Montevue Hospital in Frederick City (no surviving widow) d/ Annie w/o Thomas DUNN d/ Sophenia B. PHELPS - Baltimore City s/ John J. PHELPS - Howard County s/ Stonewall J. PHELPS, a minor - Howard County Guardian was Joseph GAVER. Testimony was heard 11 Feb 1885 from: - W. Scott VANFOSSEN, age 36, clerk at Montevue Hospital - Nathan MAYNARD, age 60, farmer, New Market District; stated John PHELPS went to Montevue in Feb 1883. - Thomas DUNN, age 24, laborer, Frederick County; felt the property was only 2 acres. - Burgess HAMMOND, age 68, farmer, Frederick County; claimed the land was on 3/4 acre. Trustee was Edward EICHELBERGER. SALE was held 31 Mar 1885 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Richard WILLIAMS at $82 Filed 30 Apr 1885.

John N. WASKEY & w/ Jane vs George WASKEY, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6014 - Sep 1892 The following appear to be children of Augustus WASKEY (but only shown in records as siblings) bro/ George W. WASKEY & w/ Mary - Ohio ** bro/ William A. WASKEY d/ 5 Sep 1892, testate, no children (estate to sister Catharine) sis/ Catharine E. (WASKEY) wid/o Daniel HIMES* d/ 16 Aug 1892, testate no children (estate to brother William) bro/ John N. WASKEY & w/ Jane A. * sis/ Juliane, dec'd w/o John H. PANE* .......William C. PAYNE - Washington County .......John A. PAYNE & w/ Margaret A. "Maggie" - Washington County .......George PAYNE & w/ Susan - Washington County .......E. McClelland PAYNE & w/ Margaret "Maggie" - Ohio .......Frances C. w/o Jacob H. FREY .......Mollie w/o Jacob STAUB - Carroll County .......Emma J. "Emily" w/o Charles L. COOKERLY - Washington County .......Laura R. PAYNE - Washington County .......Chesterfield PAYNE, a minor - Ohio sis/ (Sarah Ann) Rebecca, dec'd w/o David L. MAHONEY * .......Augustus B. MAHONEY & w/ Fanny .......Margaret A. w/o Charles FOUT LAND - "Fielderea", 4 acres. To Augustus WASKEY from John WHIP & wife in Jun 1834 [JS-47, 1]. - part of Lot #21 of "Fielderea", 2 acres; adjoining land of John WHIP. To Augustus WASKEY from John C. WHITAGEN in Nov 1828 [JS-_, 483]. Both to Catharine E. WASKEY from George W. WASKEY & w/ Mary of Clark Co, Ohio, David L. MAHONEY & w/ Sarah A.R., William A. WASKEY, John N. WASKEY & w/ Jane of Frederick Co, MD and John H. PANE & w/ Julianna of Washington Co, MD at $500 in Jun 1868 [CM-2, 118]. - Lots #3 & 4, 11 acres [BGF-7, 610] To William A. WASKEY from James H. BESANT, trustee in Aug 1862. - 11 acres [JWLC-4, 493]. To William A. WASKEY from William HALE and Eli C. WASKEY & Susan R. at $385 in Nov 1866 [JWLC-4, 493]. Both to Catharine E. HIMES from William A. WASKEY at $1,050 in Oct 1878 [TG-10, 367]. - Mountain land, 7.5 acres in the 14th District; adjoined other lands of William A. WASKEY. To William A. WASKEY from George T. WHIP, trustee (of Insolvency #4683 of William L. CULLER) in Feb 1888 [WIP-4, 729]. (Land to CULLER from his father Henry CULLER) [Ref: TG-6, 148, Dr. J.J. CULLER to William L. CULLER] - 1/4 acre in Jefferson, on road from there to the Manor Church, with spring. To William A. WASKEY from George W. HAWKER & w/ Catharine in Sep 1892 [JLJ-3, - _]. - part of Lot #2, "Fielderea", 2 acres. To William A. WASKEY from George W. HAWkER & w/ Julia A.C. at $94.40 in Jul 1888 [WIP-6, 446]. - "Resurvey on George's Discovery", 5 acres. To William WASKEY from Catharine R. GERRY of Franklin Co, PA and Elizabeth M. DARE and Susan M. DARE (heirs of John DARE) at $129 in Jun 1888 [JLJ-3, __]. (Previously was estate of William H. ZIMMERMAN) Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 16 Jan 1893 from: - John N. WASKEY, age 50, Brunswick - George W. HAWKER, age 48, Jefferson Trustees were George W. HAWKER and John C. MOTTER. Land was divided into two parcels: 1st parcel - 42 acres, located two miles east of Jefferson and one mile from the turnpike; adjoining lands of George W. HAWKER and Alexander HEMP. Improved with a 1 1/2-story weatherboarded house, barn, hog pen, wagon shed and fruit orchard and has water convenient to house and barn; has good mountain soil and has been limed several times. 2nd parcel - 5 acres, 1.5 miles south of the other parcel; wooded with oak, hickory and chestnut (DARE lot). SALE was held 18 Feb 1893 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidders were: - William L.E. KEMP for the 42 acres at $1,573 - Eli C. RENN for the 5 acres at $17.50/acre Total Sales, $1,669.80. Filed 18 Mar 1893. *NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Records - Sarah A.R. WASKEY to David L. MAHONEY - May 14, 1845 - Julia Ann WASKEY to John Hilleary PAYNE - Oct 12, 1854 - John Nelson WASKEY, 24 to Jane A.R. WEBSTER, 20 - Mar 5, 1867 by William S. Hammond at the bride's father's - Catharine WASKEY, 40 to Daniel L. HIMES, 49 (miner, Napa Co, CA) dated Dec 16, 1875 by H.G. Bowers in Frederick **Ohio Marriage Records - Clark County - George W. WASKEY to Mary McCARTEY - Sep 1, 1856

Charles W. ROSS, trustee of Will of Ann P. MARSHALL - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6066 - Jan 1893 Ann P. MARSHALL d/ Oct 1890, testate cousin - George R. H. MARSHALL d/ Aug 1892 .....w/ Eleanora F. . . . . Jennie E. w/o J. Henry HAWKINS - Charles Co, MD . . . . Hattie R. w/o William T. CLAGETT - Prince Georges Co, MD . . . . Cora D. MARSHALL - Prince Georges Co, MD ($15,000 to invest for him; Upon his death, to his three daughters) Mortgage for George & Eleanor of $6,600 to Richard H. MARSHALL on lands in Prince Georges Co, MD which was then owned by Ann, being the d/o Richard H. MARSHALL. Execs/ Dr. George JOHNSON and Charles W. ROSS Witnesses: Henry WILLIAMS, J.S.B. HARTSOCK, William H. MILLER [Will HL-1, 290; written 6 Jul 1885; filed 13 Oct 1890] Codicil stated the mortgage had been paid and the farm in PG County and a deed was conveyed to George & Eleanor for the farm. Witnessed by William Crawford JOHNSON and Eleanor M. JOHNSON - 30 Sep 1890. LAND - in Baltimore City - 8 Lots on west side of Calvert St, south of Chase St [FAP-900, 33]. [Ref: JB-1322, 279 - Lots #3, 4 & & on west side of Calvert St] - 2 Lots on NE side of Fremont St, NW of Dolphin St [JB-1186, 464]. Income was received from Baltimore City Properties: - #1036, 1038, 1010 and 1012 Calvert St - #723 Fremont St The properties were to be sold and the $15,000 in trust was to be divided among the three daughters. Private Sales to: - Charles W. HOFFMAN for Lots #3, 4 and 7 on Calvert St at $9,841.50 - Cora D. MARSHALL for Lot #8 on west side of Calvert St at $3,280.50 - William REICH for Lot #2 on NE side of Fremont St at $1,600 Total Sales, $14,722. Distribution: Each daughter received $5,036.71. Closed 22 Apr 1893.

Lucretia CRABBS & h/ John CRABBS and Margaret HOLTZOPPLE, widow vs John D. HOLTZOPPLE & w/ Susan C. - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6079 - Feb 1893 Howard HOLTZOPPLE d/ 4 Feb 1893, intestate widow - Margaret A. sis/ Lucretia w/o John CRABBS bro/ John D. HOLTZOPPLE & w/ Susan C. LAND - "The End of Trouble", 16 acres, at Utica Mills. To Howard HOLTZOPPLE from Frederick HOLTZOPPLE & w/ Susan at $1,900 in Apr 1889. [WIP-9, 216] (M&B in JWLC-3, 371) Mortgaged at $700 to Frederick HOLTZOPLE who assigned the mortgage to Susan C. HOLTZOPPLE in 1893. Trustees were John C. MOTTER and Frank L. STONER. SALE was held 25 Mar 1893 on the premises; high bidder was: - David A. BAKER at $1,576 Filed 27 Mar 1893.
JLJ-2, 625-641 - GROFF, MAIN, etc
Allen SPARROW, Lloyd H. HYATT, John P. GROSS and Peter G. SCHLOSSER, surviving mortgagees vs Sarah C. GRAFF, widow, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #5984 - Jul 1892 LAND - "What Not" on part of "Smithfield", 2 acres, on Franklin St in Middletown; adjoined lots of Joshua H. MAIN, heirs of Lawson ALEXANDER and A.C. WEAVER. Contains a peach orchard. To David GROFF from Thomas H. WILLIARD at $400 in Jun 1881. [AF-3, 582] Previously to WILLIARD from KELLERS in Mar 1866 [JWLC-3, 543]. Mortgage by David GROFF & w/ Malinda C. to trustees for the Methodist Episcopal Church of Middletown at $500 in Dec 1882. Other trustees who have died since the mortgage were: Lawrence W. WRIGHT, David GROFF and Daniel CASTLE of O. Malinda C. GROFF died 1885 and her husband, David GROFF has married again, but afterwards: David GROFF d/ 5 Jan 1892 widow - Sarah C. (SHAFER) (m/ c1887 s/ Charles L.R. GROFF, now dec'd .....w/ Effie .....1/ Nannie GROFF, a minor s/ Joseph C. GROFF s/ Benjamin F. GROFF, a minor d/ Bessie GROFF, a minor d/ Katie GROFF, a minor (age 3) (lived w/ mother Sarah C.) Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 31 Aug 1892 from: - Howard E. SPARROW, age 51, Middletown - Joseph C. GROFF, age 22, Middletown, s/o David & Malinda. Trustee was Hammond URNER. SALE was held 3 Dec 1892 in front of the 'Valley Register' in Middletown; high bidder was: - Joshua H. MAIN at $562.50 Filed 31 Dec 1892.
James O. HOOPER, el al vs Mary A. HOOPER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6042 - Nov 1892 Charles HOOPER d/ 23 Jun 1892, intestate widow - Mary A. (age 64) s/ James O. HOOPER & w/ Lillie M. d/ Alice V. KESSELRING - Washington County d/ Minnie E. HOOPER s/ Howard E. HOOPER s/ Charles H. HOOPER & w/ Margaret E. "Maggie" d/ Mary C. w/o Israel HARSHMAN d/ Ann E. w/o Philip F. GAVER d/ Sarah J. w/o Philip Harlan CLINE s/ John W. HOOPER d/ 1889 .......Harry HOOPER, a minor .......Minnie HOOPER, a minor .......Albert HOOPER, a minor .......William HOOPER, a minor LAND - to Charles HOOPER - "Deer Park", 12 acres. From John W. BUSSARD & w/ Catharine at $200 in May 1857. [BGF-1, 59] - "Grammar's Deer Park, 24.5 acres; and "Rising Sun", 9 acres. From David SCHINDLER & w/ Ann C. at $100 in Aug 1853. [ES-3, 296] - part of Lot #2 of "Frankendale", 9 acres of mountain land, on road leading to Hamburg and road to Bellsville. From Samuel AHALT, exec/of Peter SCHLOSSER at $556 in Feb 1863 [BGF-8, 416]. - Lot #7 of "Frankendale", 14 acres of mountain land, on road leading to Hamburg. From Samuel AHALT, exec/of Peter SCHLOSSER at $281 in Feb 1863 [BGF-8, 416]. - part of Lot #1 of "Murdocks Mountain Resurvey", 109 acres. and "Franken All", 29.75 acres. From Peter GROSSNICKLE & w/ Hannah at $1,385 in Jun 1852 [ES-3, 298] - "Tough Bough", "Amicable Swop" and part "Mary, Mantle Hug", 110 acres. From Richard H. MARSHALL, trustee (Equity #2735, against Sampson KINNA & Others) in Apr 1862 [BGF-7, 403]. - two pts of Lot #2 of "Amicable SWOP", 5 acres and Lot #12 of "Franken All", 8 acres. From Benjamin L. BLESSING and Daniel GROSSNICKLE, execs/of George BLESSING at $433 in Jan 1880 [JLJ-3, _]. - "Franken dall", 118 acres. Exception is the school house. From George BLESSING & w/ Susan at $5,310 in Jan 1871 [TG-11, 229]. - "Franken dall", 81 acres, on east side of road through Highland at NW corner of the Baptist Church and to the corner of the Highland school house (from George BLESSING) To Mary A. HOOPER from Charles HOOPER at $5 in Jun 1892 [JLJ-3, _]. ---------- SOLD - "Rising Sun", 3.75 acre. To Mary A. FISHER and children from Charles HOOPER & w/ Mary Ann at $150 in Jun 1861 [BGF-7, 14]. - "Rising Sun", 5.25 acres. To Philip C. FISHER from Charles HOOPER & w/ Mary Ann at $300 in Mar 1886 [WIP-6, 327]. - part of Lot #1 of "Murdocks Mountain Resurvey", 27.5 acres. To harvey A. MURPHY from Charles HOOPER & w/ Mary Ann at $300 in Aug 1865 [JWLC-3, 102]. - "Tough Bough on the Amicable Swop" or "Mary's Man the Hug", 3 acres. To George GREEN from Charles HOOPER & w/ Mary Ann at $40 in May 1867 [DLB-1, 705]. - part of "Long Bough", "Amicable Swop" and "Marys Mantle Hug", 47 acres. To John EDWARDS from Charles HOOPER & w/ Mary Ann at $250 in Mar 1866 [JWLC-4, 100]. - part of "Long Bough", "Amicable Swop" and "Marys Mantle Hug", 11 acres. To John EDWARDS from Charles HOOPER & w/ Mary Ann at $200 in May 1867 [DLB-1, 324]. - "Franken dall", 1 acre, (from George BLESSING). To Charles W. JOHNSON from Charles HOOPER & w/ Mary A. at $5 in Jun 1892 [JSJ-1, 740]. - "Frankend All", 40 sq perches (from George BLESSING). To Catharine J. BOYER from Charles HOOPER & w/ Mary Ann at $12 in Apr 1879 [AF-1, 255]. - "Frankindall", 3/4 acre (from George BLESSING), by corner of school ground. To Old Order German Baptist Church (Bretheran members, Daniel M. WOLFE, Samuel EARLY and Samuel WISEMAN) from Charles HOOPER & w/ Mary Ann at $50 in Mar 1890 [JLJ-1, 156]. - "Frankendall", 7 acres (from George BLESSING). To Charles H. HOOPER from Charles HOOPER & w/ Mary Ann at $100 in Jun 1892 [JLJ-3, _]. Mortgaged at $1,500 to David C. WINEBRENNER in Jan 1890; but assigned to James O. HOOPER. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 7 Dec 1892 from: - James O. HOOPER, age 46, residing in Highland, farmer, son. - George P. GROSSNICKLE, age 63, residing in Highland, farmer - John W. CLARK, age 51, residing in Highland, farmer Trustees were James O. HOOPER and Edward P. EICHELBERGER. SALE was held 14 Jan 1893 at T.F. BITTLE's Store at Ellerton; high bidders were: 1 - Charles H. HOOPER for the home farm, 75 acres, at $31.35/acre; Improved with a 2 1/2-story brick house, barn, granary, wagon shed, fruit orchards, two wells and two springs, protected by spring houses, with good fencing. BUT George D. GAVER was substituted as purchaser. 2 - William E. KINNA for 14 acres in Jackson District at $2.30/acre; has chestnut and rock oak timber. From Grossnickle tract with chestnut and oak timber in Jackson District 3 - George M. FISHER for 9 acres at $1.25/acre. 4 - Charles E. DELAUGHTER for 6 acres at $1.25/acre 5 - Hezekiah POFFINBERGER for 7 acres at $1.20/acre 6 - Hezekiah POFFINBERGER for 14 acres at $1.30/acre 7 - Philip H. CLINE for 12 acres at $1/acre 8 - Samuel EARLY for 12 acres at $.75/acre 9 - David M. DELAUTER for 18 acres at $50/acre From Kinna tract 10 - Philip F. GAVER for 13 acres at $6.25/acre; timbered with 5 acres cleared 11 - John W. KING for 21 acres at $1.65/acre; cleared 12 - Philip W. GAVER for 11 acres at $3.55/acre; cleared 13 - Lewis P. GREEN for 10 acres at $2/acre; cleared In Catoctin District 14 - Howard HOOPER for 3 acres at $.25 15 - John T. GAVER for 8 acres at $.25 From Blessing tract, well set in chestnut and white oak timber 16 - Howard E. HOOPER for 10 acres at $.60/acre 17 - Howard E. HOOPER for 19 acres at $1.25/acre; with 5 acres cleared Total Sales, $2,701.15. Filed 11 Feb 1892.
Vinnie K. ADAMS, et al vs Alice V. ETCHISON, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6087 - Mar 1893 Willliam WERTENBAKER d/ 1843, testate w/ Ann Susan d/ Ann Maria w/o Washington BURGESS d/ Catharine Margaret w/o Absalom KESSLER d/ Mary Elizabeth d/ 1882, intestate * ...w/o Thomas ETCHISON ...1/ Thomas H. ETCHISON d/ 1890, intestate . . . w/ Alice V. - Washington, DC . . . . .Howard M. ETCHISON, a minor - Washington, DC . . . . .Elizabeth ETCHISON, a minor - Washington, DC . . . . .Margaret ETCHISON, a minor - Washington, DC ...2/ Annie M. w/o Edward L. COBB - Camden, New Jersey ...3/ Hellen M. w/o Arthur M. APPLER - Washington, DC ...4/ Byron F. ETCHISON & w/ Mary F. ...5/ Vinnie K w/o Edward E. ADAMS ...6/ Grace G. ETCHISON s/ William Joseph ETCHISON s/ George Washington ETCHISON s/ Woodward Evitt ETCHISON SLAVES - negro girl MIRANDA (to his d/ Ann Maria BURGESS) - negro boy DENNIS (to his s/ William Joseph WERTENBAKER) - negro girl MARIA (to his s/ Woodward Evitt WERTENBAKER) Farm near B & O Railroad to wife and upon her death to three sons. Tavern stand where he presently resided and town lots and 5 acres adjoining lot of dr. J.H.N. SMITH to be divided between three daughters; division for daughters Ann Maria and Mary Elizabeth to be held in trust by son William Joseph for them and their heirs. Execs/ widow, Ann Susan and son, William Joseph (both declined) Witnesses: E.W. MOBBERLY, Henry N. SNYDER, J.W, GEYES [Will GME-2, 743; written 16 Apr 1840; filed 16 Mar 1843] LAND - Western half of Lot #25 (33 x 360') in New Market on south side of Main St on the Baltimore Turnpike, running back to alley; adjoined lot of John STEVENS. Improved with a brick house. Then occupied by Byron F. ETCHISON. * Devised to Mary Elizabeth (Wertenbaker) ETCHISON by her father. Mortgage to John RITCHIE by Thomas H. ETCHISON & w/ Mary E., Byron F. ETCHISON & w/ Mary F. ETCHISON and Grace G. ETCHISON for $100. RITCHIE assigned it to Joseph WOOD. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 30 May 1893 from: - Grace G. ETCHISON, age 35, Washington City - Edward E. ADAMS, age 37 Trustee was H.Dorsey ETCHISON. SALE was held 1 Jul 1893 on the premises; high bidder was: - Edward E. ADAMS at $500 Filed 29 Jul 1893.
John C. LOWE, et al vs Sophia E. LOWE, widow, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6092 - Mar 1893 Samuel A. LOWE d/ 1872, intestate widow - Sophia E. (age 57) s/ John C. LOWE & w/ Minnie * s/ Millard F. LOWE & w/ Agnes W. s/ Charles M. LOWE - Galveston, Texas d/ India Louise LOWE d/ Clementina V. (d/ Jun 1892) w/o George GARTRELL .....Effie GARTRELL, a minor .....Rhoda GARTRELL, a minor .....Bertha GARTRELL, a minor .....Della GARTRELL, a minor LAND - parts of "Resurvey on Darby's Delight", "New Foundation" and "Moab", 190.75 acres, in Woodville District, 2 miles north of Bartholows Station on the B & O Rail Road, on road to Baltimore Turnpike to New London; adjoining lands of John CLARY, Mile BURGEE and Abel VANSANT. Improved with a 2-story house with back building, bank barn, spring house, tenant house with running water in every field; 160 acres in cultivation, the rest in timber. Then in occupancy of William BASHEAR (BRASHEAR?). To Samuel LOWE from Rezin DAVIS & w/ Ann at $4,100 in Apr 1867 [DSB-1, 162]. - "Moab", 9.5 acres. To Samuel LOWE from Jacob JERRICKS at $600 in Mar 1868 [CM-1, 726]. Mortgage to Joseph MOLESWORTH for $1,622 in Jan 1875. Joseph MOLESWORTH died 1883 leaving a widow, Ann. Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 26 May 1893 from: - John C. LOWE, age 34, New Market District, son - Mile E. BURGEE, age 44, Woodville District - George W. GARTRELL, age 31, Frederick County Trustees were Clayton O. KEEDY and Hammond URNER. SALE was held 2 Sep 1893 in front of J.M. RICE's store at Bartholows Station on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road; high bidder was: - John G. SCHEEL at $3,885.57 Filed 29 Sep 1893. NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - John C. LOWE, 25, farmer to Minnie E. LEASE, 22 - Dec 6, 1883 * by E. O. Ewing at Gideon LEASE's
JLJ-2, 718-724 - EYLER - #FC
James T. HAYS, assignee of Cassandra B. GRACEY, mortgagee of Benjamin EYLER & w/ Martha - Report of Sales - Equity #6107 - Apr 1893 LAND - Four tracts in District 5, 4 miles west of Emmitsburg on the old Hagerstown Road (Eylers Valley Road); adjoined lands of Christian LANTZ and F.J. TRESSLER. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded house and large bank barn, recently built and multiple fruit orchards; also has spring of mountain water near the house. Included: - 26 acres from David EYLER & wife and Perry EYLER & wife in Apr 1848 [WBT-8, 424] - 9 acres from Christian LANTZ in May 1882 [AF-5, 319]. - 11 acres from Christian LANTZ in May 1882 [AF-5, 320]. - 18.25 acres in Apr 1854 [ES-4, 575]. Also, on 19 acres adjoining lands of George FREEZE and Millard CLARK were improvements of a 1 1/2 story log house, stable and fruit trees. Mortgaged at $1,000. SALE was held 8 Apr 1893 at City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Robert N.T. EYLER at $1,200 Filed 6 May 1893.
JLJ-2, 724-731 - RAGES, THORNE, OGBORN - #FC
William H. NICODEMUS, sec/of Franklin Savings Bank, mortgagee of Samuel T. RAGES (or RAJES) & w/ Elisabeth - Foreclosure - Equity #6178 - Oct 1893 LAND - House & Lot in New Market on west side of road leading from Baltimore Turnpike to William W. OGBORN's residence. Part To Elizabeth RAGES from Samuel TALBOTT, John TALBOTT & w/ Mary in Apr 1867 [DSB-1, 289]. and To Samuel RAGES & w/ Elizabeth from John THORNE & w/ Maria in Apr 1868 [CM-1, 687]. Mortgage of $300 to William H. NICODEMUS, secretary of bank in Sep 1883. SOLD from Samuel P. RAGES & w/ Elizabeth to: - New Market Cemetery Company for "New Market Plaine", 7 and 8/10 square perches on north side of alley and SE corner of the Methodist Episcopal Church in New Market at $235 in Jan 1893 [JLJ-3, 473]. SALE was held 7 Oct 1893 at the courthouse; high bidder was: - William W. OGBORN at $500 Closed 7 Oct 1893.
Mary A. HORNER & h/ Jeremiah HORNER vs Joseph HIGHTMAN, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #6097 - Mar 1893 Eliza HIGHTMAN d/ in the fall of 1891, intestate d/ Mary A. w/o Jeremiah HORNER (or HARNER?) * s/ Joseph HIGHTMAN & w/ Mary C. (BISER) * s/ Thomas HIGHTMAN & w/ Annie P.D. (WOOD) * d/ Hannah w/o Robert McCOY * - Washington County d/ Maggie w/o William B. HERRIET (or HARRIT?) - West Virginia d/ Sarah E., dec'd w/o Jacob SMITH * - Washington County .......Pearl SMITH - Washington County s/ Jacob HIGHTMAN, dec'd ....w/ Eliza (PAINE) * .......Fannie L. w/o Dr. C.N. SCHILDTNECK * .......Oliver E. HIGHTMAN & w/ Augusta .......Jacob Alburtus HIGHTMAN & w/ Phoebe (VIRTZ) * .......Amanda w/o William HAMBETT (HAMPSON) - Pennsylvania * s/ John HIGHTMAN, dec'd * ....w/ Elizabeth .......Mary "Mollie" E. w/o Martin L. HORINE ** .......John J. HIGHTMAN & w/ Retta - Baltimore County .......Eliza A. w/o Milton B. SLIFER - Burkittsville * .......Martin L. HIGHTMAN, dec'd . . . . .w/ Loretta E. - Virginia . . . . . . . Frederick HIGHTMAN, a minor - Virginia . . . . . . . Cora HIGHTMAN, a minor - Virginia . . . . . . . Roy HIGHTMAN, a minor - Virginia (had also been listed as Rosa) . . . . . . . Harry HIGHTMAN, a minor - Virginia . . . . . . . Mabel HIGHTMAN, a minor - Virginia LAND - Lot on east side of Main St in Burkittsville; SE from corner of lots of heirs of Henry & Elizabeth BURKETT and Ezra L. KARN and by lot of Martin AUSHERMAN. To Eliza HIGHTMAN at $800 in Mar 1882 [AF-5, 271] from: - James W. KOONTZ & w/ Keturah J. - Levi LICHTENBERGER & w/ Emily V. "Emma" - Daniel J. KOONTZ & w/ Nettie G. - Samuel C. KOONTZ & w/ Nettie L. - Robert T. KOONTZ & w/ Emma L. - Albina C. KOONTZ Guardian was Joseph W. GAVER. Testimony was heard 10 Jul 1893 from: - Mary A. HORNER, age 56, - Mrs. Amanda E. THOMPSON Trustee was Frank L. STONER. SALE was held 5 Sep 1893 at on the premises; high bidder was: - John T. PFEIFER at $526 Filed 9 Nov 1893. NOTES - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses * - Amanda E. HIGHTMAN, 24 to W.I. HAMPSON, 40, merchant, Huntingdon Co, PA on Sep 14, 1880 by H.L. Heisler in Burkittsville - Eliza A. HIGHTMAN, 23 to Milton B. SLIFER, 30, tailor - Oct 9, 1877 by J.H. Turner in Burkittsville - Frances L. HIGHTMAN, 22 to Charles N. SCHILDTKNECHT, physician on May 15, 1884 by M.L. Beard in Burkittsville - Hannah A. HIGHTMAN, 19 to Robert McCOY, 25, wagonmaker on Nov 30, 1865 by William C. Wire at Jacob Hightman Sr's - Jacob HIGHTMAN to Eliza PAINE - Oct 11, 1849 - Jacob A. HIGHTMAN, 21 to Phebe A.E. VIRTZ, 19 - Oct 29, 1874 by L.A. Mann in FC - John HIGHTMAN to Mary E. BEAR - Oct 2, 1851 - Joseph HIGHTMAN to Mary BISER - Jul 21, 1852 - Mary Ann HIGHTMAN to Jeremiah HARNER - Oct 18, 1855 - Mary Elizabeth HIGHTMAN (d/o John J. & Mary Elizabeth) ** to Martin L. HORINE (from her Obit) - Sarah E. HIGHTMAN, 24 to Jacob SMITH, 24, farmer, WC - Jun 7, 1866 by W.C. Wire in FC - Thomas HIGHTMAN to Anna P.D. WOOD - Feb 4, 1864

The End of JLJ-2

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