Equity Court Abstracts

Book AF-2 - 1869-1881

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

AF-2, 1-5 - SMITH, BROWN - Mar 1880
Ignatius BROWN, mortgagee of John M. SMITH LAND - "Fox Range", separate parcels; 1 1/2 miles from Smithfield Station, Western Maryland Rail Road. - 80 acres; adjoined lands of William B. BROWN, Joseph PRIOR and Joseph C. SHULTZ. Improved with a 1 1/2 story log house and out building and fruit trees. - 48 acres, timbered; adjoined lands of William B. BROWN and John KRISE. (may be sold divided) - 10 acres, timbered; adjoined lands of Levi BROWN and George HARBAUGH. Sale was held 8 Mar 1880 on the premises; high bidder was: - Ignatius BROWN at $840 After court costs, the balance went to the mortgagee, Ignatius BROWN. Edward S. EICHELBERGER, Esquire, was assigned to convey the deed. Closed 16 Jun 1880.

AF-2, 5-10 - SEFTON, WHITE, FOREMAN, ROUZER - Mar 1878
Frederick WHITE, trustee of Mary A. SEFTON & Others - Supplemental Estate of William SEFTON LAND - in Mechanicstown, fronting on Baltimore or Main St. Joseph WHITE & w/ Sarah E. issued Deed of Trust to Frederick WHITE for payment of debts of William SEFTON with the balance to be distributed among the heirs; this on 6 Apr 1877; however, there is still property not yet sold. In Jun 1878 at sale, the property didn't receive a sufficient bid but was later sold at private sale to: - John R. ROUZER at $1,900 Excluded 1 3/4 acres sold to Frederick WHITE and Margaret FOREMAN with alley rights. Distribution of $2,119 (included $219 from 1st audit); court costs, $147.66 - Mary SEFTON, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $233.13 (includes $36 contract) - Mrs. S. WHITE, advancement to add, $781.13* - M. FOREMAN, advancement to add, $680* = Balance for Distribution, $3,199.34 - Mrs. Savilla WHITE, 1/4 minus advance = $18.70 - Mrs. Margaret FOREMAN, 1/4 minus advance = $119.83 - Mary Ann SEFTON, 1/4, $799.83 - Frederick WHITE, trustee, release of mortgage, $600 - Frederick J. NELSON, Esquire, for Sarah E. WHITE, 1/4, after payment of mortgage, $199.83 - Martin SEFTON (advanced beyond a share), $-0- - John W. SEFTON (advanced beyond a share), $-0- (advances added back to balance, $1,461.13)* Closed 4 Sep 1878.

James BOYER & w/ Eliza vs Henry BRYAN & w/ Rebecca - Sale of Real Estate Letha JONES d/ 1873 in Centreville near Urbana, intestate husband, Aaron JONES died before his wife s/ Zachariah JONES s/ William Henry JONES d/ Rebecca JONES, now w/o Henry BRYAN d/ Martha JONES, w/o Augustus BROOKS (129 Chestnut Alley, Baltimore) d/ Eliza (JONES) w/o James BOYER d/ Jane JONES, dec'd w/o John JONES - Baltimore City .......Cora JONES LAND - Lot# 5 - 1+ acre in Centreville, 1 mile east of Urbana on road to Ijamsville. Adjoined land of Zachariah JONES and John ROLLINS. Improved with a 2-story frame house. To Letha JONES from Joseph WOOD & w/ Eveline R. for $28.75 in Aug 1872 [CM-9, 65]. Previously to Joseph WOOD from Aaron JONES & w/ Letha in Oct 1870. (Earlier to Thomas CLAGETT by W. HAMMOND.) Zachariah conveyed his share to his sisters in Oct 1874 [TG-2, 186]. Rebecca BRYAN had been living on the property for the past three years. Guardian was Edward YOUNG, Esquire. Testimony was heard 27 Sep 1879 from: - John V. JAMISON, age 27, merchant, Urbana - James BOYER, age 36, laborer, Centreville - Eliza BOYER, age 35, Centreville Trustee was William H. HENKS. Sale was held 17 Apr 1880 at JAMISON's Store in Urbana; high bidder was: - Rufus K. MAGRUDER at $204.50 Distribution of $209.75 (includes interest); court costs, $158.52 - each 1/6 child's share, $8.53 (Zachariah's share was divided between Eliza and Rebecca, as conveyed) Closed 1 May 1883.

Joseph J. FOX, et al vs George HARBAUGH, et al - Sep 1878 George Philip FOX d/ Apr 1878, intestate w/ Sophia (died before him) s/ George H. FOX (d/ since the filing) & w/ Elizabeth (age 54) .......Margaret E. (FOX) w/o Emory RESNACK - Baltimore City .......Hannah M. (FOX) w/o William H. STURDEVANT .......Clara E. (FOX) w/o George BROWN .......Mary A. S. (FOX) w/o Harvey BUHRMAN .......James B. FOX & w/ Adeline .......George L. FOX & w/ Martha A. .......William L. FOX, a minor .......Curtis C. FOX, a minor .......Effa May FOX, a minor .......Florence J. FOX, a minor d/ Margaret E. (FOX) w/o John M. BROWN - Washington County d/ Catharine S. (FOX) w/o John O. HAYS d/ Marietta (FOX) w/o George HARBAUGH - Washington County s/ Joseph J. FOX & w/ Seraphine s/ John P. FOX & w/ Cornelia Ann s/ Thomas C. FOX & w/ Ruth Ann d/ Ellen S. (FOX) w/o Josiah/Joseph SMITH d/ Susannah M. (FOX), dec'd w/o Peter M. HAUVER .......Albert L. HAUVER and now married .......George P. HAUVER (a minor, but now of age) - St Clair Co, MO .......Marietta M. HAUVER, a minor & w/o Alfred PRIOR/PRYOR .......Clara S. HAUVER, a minor .......Alice S. HAUVER, a minor .......Annie M. HAUVER, a minor .......Emma E. HAUVER, a minor LAND - "Resurvey on Round Meadow", 14+ acres, in the Upper Catoctin Hundred; adjoining lands of George HAUVER and Thomas BROWN. To George P. FOX from George FOX Sr for $177 in Mar 1824. - "Resurvey on Israel's Lot", 10+ acres, adjoining lands of David WOLF Jr and George BUHRMAN. To George P. FOX and George W. DELAUTER of U.(?) from Jacob FOX & w/ Catharine for $237.50 in May 1849 [ES-2, 93-95]. Previously to Sebastian HARTEL from Jacob MILLER in Sep 1818 and bequeathed by Will of Sebastian HARTLE to John HARTLE and from him to Jacob FOX & w/ Catharine in Apr 1849. - "The Resurvey on Israel's Lot", 10+ acres. (Delauter's share to Fox) To George P. FOX from George W. DELAUTER & w/ Esabella for $100 in Mar 1864. SALE - "Resurvey on Israel's Lot", 2 1/2 acres. To Henry MANAHAN from George P. FOX & w/ Sophia for $30 in Jan 1849; filed Sep 1858.. - "Resurvey on Round Meddow" and "S___ Enough", 17 acres; borders a pile of stones near an old school house. To George P. FOX from William GATES for $320 in Feb 1861 [BFG-7, 60] Previously to William BROWN Sr from George BROWN & wife . - "Fox's Hapitation", 43+ acres; To George P. FOX from George FOX Sr & w/ Mary for $560 in Jun 1839 [HS-9, 400]. - "Fox's Habitation", 12 acres; To George P. FOX from Joseph WINTERS & w/ Margaret of Washington County for $123.75 in Aug 1850 [WBT-14, 147]. - "Fox's Good Will", "Israel's Lot" and "I'll See Whose The Land Will Be", 34 acres; To George P. FOX from Jacob FOX & w/ Catharine for $200 in Feb 1851 [WBT-14, 217]. Previously from Jacob MILLER & w/ Fanny in Nov 1839 [HS-11, 485]. (Exception was 4+ acres to Stephen SIMPSON which left 34 acres) - "Fox's Good Will", "Israel's Lot" and "I'll See Whose The Land Will Be", 18+ acres; To George P. FOX from Jacob MILLER and Jacob BARR & w/ Mary of Washington County and Henry FUNK Jr. & w/ Susannah of Washington Twp, Franklin Co, PA for $162.90 in Mar 1830 [JS-34, 533]. Previously to Jacob MILLER of Washington County from Henry COOK. - "The Range", 3+ acres; To George P. FOX from Godfrey HILBERT & w/ Elizabeth for $44.54 in Mar 1854 [ES-6, 491]. Guardian was Edward YOUNG, Esquire. Testimony was heard on 1 May 1879 from: - Daniel BROWN - Levi BROWN Trustee was Joseph J. FOX (tracts resurveyed into lots). SALE was held 28 Feb 1880 on the premises; high bidders were: - John P. FOX for 41 acres of the 'Home Farm', 41 acres & Lot #2, 17 acres, at $1,189 At time of sale, farm was in occupancy of George Lewis Fox. Located near Foxville on road to Smithfield Station on Western Maryland Rail Road. Improved with house, bank barn, spring house, fruit trees and spring near the house. Lot #2 adjoins the farm. - John P. FOX for Lot #11, 17+ acres, at $120.75; adjoins the Home Farm - Levi BUHRMAN for Lot #3, 14+ acres, at $587.56 Located 1/2 mile SW of the Home Farm; adjoining lands of Thomas C. FOX and Bernard LEWIS. Timbered in hickory, oak and chestnut with easy access. - William L. BUHRMAN for Lot #4, 7+ acres, at $81.58 Adjoined Lot #3, lying NW. - William L. BUHRMAN for Lot #5, 9+ acres, at $72.18 Adjoined Lot #4, partly timbered. - Edward BUHRMANfor Lot #6, 3+ acres, at $61.62 Lying west of Lot #5, heavily timbered. - William L. BUHRMAN for Lot #7, 12+ acres, at $132.41 Land is cleared and has been farmed. - Henry MANAHAN for Lot #8, 5 acres, at $190 Adjoined land of Henry MANAHAN, heavily timbered. - Joseph B. BROWN for Lot #9, 4+ acres, at $185.25 Adjoined Lot #8, heavily timbered. - William L. BUHRMAN for Lot #10, 8+ acres, at $165 Adjoined Lots #8 & 9, timbered. Total sales, $10,785.35. Distribution of $2,785.35; court costs, $358.16 - Joseph J. FOX as adm/of George H. FOX, 1/9, $269.68 - Margaret E. BROWN, 1/9, $269.68 - Catharine S. HAYS, 1/9, $269.68 - Marietta HARBAUGH, 1/9, $269.68 - Joseph J. FOX, 1/9, $269.68 - John P. FOX, 1/9, $269.68 - Thomas C. FOX, 1/9, $269.68 - Ellen S. SMITH, 1/9, $269.68 - Peter M. HAUVER, h/of Susan M., curtesy share, $51.28 - each of their children's 1/7 share, $31.20 Closed 27 Jan 1881.

AF-2, 63-69 - TURNER, ANDERSON, MAULSBY, RYAN - Nov 1878
William P. MAULSBY Jr vs Eliza TURNER, Jane R. ANDERSON & Others Mary J. TURNER and Ann Rebecca H. TURNER were indebted to the Franklin Savings Bank for $625. LAND - Lot #293 on north side of East Second St in Frederick. Improved with a 2-story 8-room brick house with attic and back building attached with an alleyway. Then in occupancy of Dr. Thomas TURNER as tenant. Adjoined residence of Dr. WILLIAMSON. To Mary J. TURNER and Ann Rebecca H. TURNER from John TEHAN in 1855 [ES-6, 213]. Mary J. TURNER died leaving the mortgage now owed by Ann R. TURNER. Upon her death, Ann R. TURNER issued a note to William H. NICODEMUS as secretary of Franklin Savings Bank for the mortgage on 29 Aug 1877. Ann R. TURNER d/ Nov 1877 (Will) - Eliza TURNER - Jane R. w/o Thomas W. ANDERSON Exec/ Thomas W. ANDERSON --- Trustee was William P. MAULSBY Jr. Sale was held 17 Dec 1878 at the City Hotel in Frederick City; high bidder was: - Michael RYAN at $1,395 Distribution not shown. Closed 4 Feb 1877.

Henry CRONE, el al vs Jacob CRONE, et al Conrad CRONE, dec'd (Will written 6 Dec 1835) w/ Catharine s/ Henry CRONE s/ Conrad CRONE Jr s/ John CRONE s/ Jacob CRONE gr/dau/ Ann Sophia CRONE Monies bequeathed for son Jacob CRONE to John CRONE in trust for Jacob and, upon his death, to be divided among his heirs; funds were invested in land. (May have been other children, but not named) Execs/ sons Henry and John Witnesses: Jacob BAER, Jacob LORENTZ, Adam LORENTZ LAND - Farm, 130 acres - mountain lot, 50 acres, adjoins farm John CRONE died in 1865. --- Jacob CRONE d/ Aug 1879 s/ Henry CRONE s/ Samuel L. CRONE s/ John C. CRONE s/ George W. CRONE s/ Jacob CRONE (Jr.) d/ Salina Frances CRONE s/ Charles CRONE d/ Mary (CRONE) w/o Henry SNURR d/ Catharine (CRONE) w/o John H. DUTROW d/ Mary Jane (CRONE) w/o Samuel DUTROW - Pennsylvania d/ Ann (CRONE) w/o John TRACY s/ Joseph CRONE d/ 1872 ...wid/ Rebecca .......Laura CRONE .......Simon Peter CRONE, a minor .......Ella CRONE, a minor .......Robert Henry CRONE, a minor .......Joshua CRONE, a minor * .......Silas W. CRONE, a minor .......John W. CRONE, a minor *(Joshua was only shown on original papers and not in later papers or in the distribution; either his name was originally in error or he died and the record failed to note it.) LAND - 41+ acres, 2 miles NW of Middletown on Old Hagerstown Road; adjoining land of John MILLER of H., Hezekiah ROUTZAHN and Peter LEATHERMAN. Improved with a 2-story house, log barn, good well and young apple orchard and also peaches, pears and cherries. To John CRONE as trustee from Philip DERR & w/ Elizabeth for $2,300 in Dec 1857 [WBT-8, 225]. Previously to DERR from Samuel STOOP & w/ Elizabeth in Mar 1838 [HS-6, 473]. Guardian was Edward A. GITTINGER, Esquire. Testimony was heard 8 Dec 1877 from: - Henry CRONE, age 56, Middletown - John C. CRONE, age 37, Frederick County Trustee was Noah BOWLUS, Esquire. At Public Sale, high bidder was: - Samuel SMITH at $2,451.19; however, he was unable to comply with the terms. Private sale was later made to: - Lewis LUTZ at $2,340.45 Distribution of $2,341.95; court costs, $217.44 - each 1/12 share to Jacob CRONE's children, $177.04 (Joseph's children each received 1/6 of their father's share, $29.50, Joshua not being listed.) Closed 2 Sep 1880.

Robert DEAN & w/ Emily O. vs Mary MONTGOMERY, et al - Aug 1879 - Supplemental of ES-2, 241 John MONTGOMERY Sr., age 86, d/ 1846, testate s/ John MONTGOMERY Jr. (1/2 of south end of farm with mansion, from Joshua JOHNSON) d/ Isabella C. (MONTGOMERY) BRYANT (life estate in house on Holiday St, Baltimore City; at her death, to children of Mary Ann) d/ Mary Ann (MONTGOMERY) IAMS, dec'd (other half of farm) .......James IJAMS .......Rebecca (IJAMS) CARPENTER .......Richard IJAMS .......Joshua IJAMS s/ James MONTGOMERY (farm where James lived on Georgetown Rd, to John Jr., to be in trust for James for a life estate to James and his present wife; upon their death, to their children, or if no children, then to John Jr.'s heirs) SLAVES - negroes JACK and ALICE (to son James); others not named Balance of estate to children John, Isabella & Mary Ann or their heirs; they to keep any negroes they may have. Sale for division with abiding by residuary laws for negroes regarding division. Exec/ son John and son-in-law Plummer IJAMS Witnesses: Arlen ANDERSON, William B. DORSEY, G. M. EICHELBERGER [Will written 24 Jan 1846] LAND - "Duvall's Forest", 258 acres, in Urbana District; 2 1/2 miles from Ijamsville on road from Georgetown Road to Ijamsville and 2 1/2 miles from GAMBRILL's Mill; adjoining lands of George BEALL, Louis F. DETRICK and Otho T. COOK. Improved with a 1 1/2 story log house, bank barn; also a 1 1/2 story log house on the other side of the county road. A portion of farm is in timber. To John MONTGOMERY Sr from Mary BEALL and Eliza BEALL for $602 in July 1844. Previouslyl to Elisha BEALL from Samuel DUVALL in 1790 [WR-9, 338]. - "Altogether", 30 acres, on south side of Rail Road. To John MONTGOMERY Sr from Joshua JOHNSON of Allegany County for $475 in Dec 1843. (Possibly included with acreage of farm.) ---------- Colonel John MONTGOMERY Jr. d/ Jan 1879, testate w/ Mary d/ Mary Ann (MONTGOMERY) w/o Otho T. COOK s/ John W. MONTGOMERY & w/ Susan d/ Caroline E. (MONTGOMERY) w/o John RYAN - Montgomery County s/ James I. MONTGOMERY & w/ Ann H. d/ Emily O. (MONTGOMERY) w/o Robert DEAN d/ Isabella (MONTGOMERY) w/o Baylis C. BOOGHER d/ Jeanette R. (MONTGOMERY) w/o Rev. John W. LANGLEY (or LONGLEY) - Pennsylvania d/ Joanna (MONTGOMERY) w/o Charles F. DIXON - Pennsylvania Estate to wife and upon her death to be divided among all children equally except Isabella whose share to be invested for her by executor and she to receive interest; upon her death for her share to be divided among his other children. Execs/ sons John W. & James I. Witnesses: Charles FOUT, Joseph VALLUSE, Aden/Arlen ANDERSON [Will written 9 Apr 1877] (Note - only children named in Will were John, James & Isabella; other data from court records.) Trustees were Charles W. ROSS and John C. MOTTER, Esquires. SALE was held 5 July 1880 at the Court House; high bidder was: - Millard F. MONTGOMERY for the farm in Urbana at $3,741 Distribution: court costs, $352.33 - Emily O. DEAN, claim, $446 - Mary MONTGOMERY, claim, $42 - Balance of $2,900.67, subject to court. (Will states estate went to widow and only upon her death, then to children.) Closed 22 Oct 1880.

Margaret E. DURBURROW & Others vs Luisio MARLOW & Others - July 1879 Dr. Thomas J. MARLOW d/ 1855, testate widow - Mary d/ May 1879, Frederick County - 11 children sis/ Margaret A. MARLOW d/ abt 1858 sis/ Ann R. MARLOW d/ Apr 1877 s/ Truisco MARLOW (d/ Aug 1879) ...w/ Violetta - Butler Co, Kansas ......Thomas Judson MARLOW - Butler Co, Kansas ......Sophia Florence MARLOW w/o William Wallace McILHANY - Illinois ......Eliza Blanche MARLOW - Butler Co, Kansas ......Laura Genevieve MARLOW - Butler Co, Kansas ......Honora M. MARLOW w/o Charles Edward SCHOOLY - Butler Co, Kansas ......Richard C. MARLOW & w/ Ruth, Butler Co, Kansas ** ......Minnie Marlene MARLOW, a minor - Butler Co, Kansas s/ William Goodlow MARLOW d/ intestate, single, no children s/ Parmeneo MARLOW & w/ Emily W. - Missouri s/ Draco MARLOW & w/ Mary - Illinois s/ John Stone MARLOW d/ intestate ...w/ Eliza A. (now married to _____ STEWART) - Missouri ......John William Henry MARLOW - Missouri ......Thomas Mortimer MARLOW & w/ Rosa - Montgomery Co, Missouri ......Clarence MARLOW - Missouri ......James Durburrow MARLOW, a minor - Montgomery Co, Missouri ......Edward E. MARLOW, a minor - Calloway Co, Missouri ......Mary MARLOW, a minor - Montgomery Co, Missouri ......Johnetta MARLOW, a minor - Montgomery Co, Missouri d/ Margaret Elizabeth (MARLOW) w/o James DURBURROW* d/ Sarah Rebecca (MARLOW) w/o Samuel CLAPHAM - West Virginia s/ Thomas Judson MARLOW & w/ Mary E. - Missouri d/ Mary Olivia MARLOW* s/ Robert Emory MARLOW & w/ Mary E. - Missouri d/ Frances Louisa MARLOW* SLAVES - Servants, ROSETTA and LUCRUDRE (to wife) - each daughter to receive a young female servant - remaining servants to wife, she to possibly give them to sons at value Wife and two sisters to have life estate in the 154-acre farm, then to his children. Wife to have the 173 acres and rest of estate for life, then to his children. Each child, from Sarah down, to receive $1,000 when age 22. Exec - son-in-law, James DURBURROW Witnesses: Samuel B. PRESTON, Tilghman HILLIARY, H. T. DEAVER, Jacob MILLER [Will written 13 Dec 1854] * lived in Frederick County --- LAND - 220 remaining acres; located 1 mile SE of Petersville, near the road from Petersville to Berlin (now Brunswick); adjoining lands of William FOUT, Ezra M. THOMAS and Thomas HILLEARY. Then in possession of Jonas BEACHLEY as tenant. Improved with a large house, large Switzer barn, wagon shed, corn cribs, carriage house, hog pens, dairy and spring at the dairy and convenient to the house with a large cistern at the house; an apple orchard and peach orchard; running water in every field and under good fencing. - "Merry Peep-A-Day" and "One ____ Enlarged", 154 acres. To Thomas J. MARLOW from parents, Thomas F. MARLOW & w/ Elizabeth in Jan 1824 [JS-20, 113]. Previously from Thomas FRAZIER, father of Elizabeth MARLOW. - 'Kentucky tract', 173 acres, on road from St Mark's Church to HAMMOND's Mill. To Thomas J. MARLOW from Col. Thomas JOHNSON. Also from Robert E. DORSEY, trustee, in Sep 1837 [HS-5, 313]. SOLD - by Frederick J. NELSON, as trustee, to: - Thomas HILLEARY for 55 acres at $3,352.47 in Jan 1871 [CM-7, 61]. - Tilghman HILLEARY Jr. for 57 acres at $3,423.75 in Jan 1871 [CM-7, 60]. - "Resurvey on Fielderea Manor", 171 acres; adjoined tract "Brother's Good Will" and land of Solomon BLESSING. - "Merry Peep-A-Day", 173 acres; To Thomas J. MARLOW from Robert E. DORSEY of Baltimore County (trustee for Elizabeth W. DUVALL) and Francis J. MARLOW in Sep 1837. Guardian requested for: - Edward E. MARLOW by William GARRETT Jr and John GARRETT of Calloway Co, Missouri (guardian was George W. GARRETT) - James Durborow, Mary MARLOW and Johnetta MARLOW by James MOSBY and Philip B. HECKADAY of Montgomery Co, Missouri . (guardian was Thomas M. MARLOW, Esquire) - Minnie Marlene MARLOW, Butler Co, Kansas (guardian was Isaac NEWLAND, Esquire) Testimony was heard on 30 Sep 1879 from: - Margaret E. DURBOROW, age 48, Frederick County - Mary Olivia MARLOW, age 44, Frederick County - David E. CHARLTON, age 50, Frederick County Trustees were Margaret E. DURBURROW and Mary O. MARLOW. SALE was held 6 Dec 1879 on the premises; high bidders were: - Jonas E. BEACHLEY at $13,009.87 (after survey) Ann BROADWATER of Missouri petitioned the court with a claim against Parmeneo MARLOW, then living in St Louis, Missouri, in Apr 1859; deed was made to her for $2,000 against his share in his father's estate and the share from his deceased brother William Goodlow MARLOW. Alpheus McCUBBIN of Missouri also claimed a judgment against Parmeneo MARLOW, then of Palmyra, Marion Co, Missouri, for $793.97 in Sep 1869. AGREEMENT - between Parmeneo MARLOW, Draco MARLOW, Margaret E. DURBURROW, Sarah R. CLAPHAM & husband and Mary O. Marlow with Mrs. A. BROADWATER in July 1875: - Truisco MARLOW was indebted to his mother for two 1866 notes, $1,462 and $1,000 and transferred his share to his mother. - Parmeneo, Draco and William G. MARLOW were partners under the name of William G. MARLOW & Bros. and were indebted to their father, Thomas J. MARLOW and gave their note for $1,300 to James R. DURBURROW as exec/of Thomas J. MARLOW, in Jun 1866. - Draco MARLOW was indebted to his mother for $300 in Mar 1864, which is claimed against his share. - Margaret E. DURBURROW received one slave from father's Will valued at $375. - Mary Olivia MARLOW recieved one slave from father's Will valued at $400 - Sarah R. CLAPHAM recieved one slave from father's Will valued at $425; and was also indebted to her mother for two notes, $200 and $270 in Oct 1868. - Samuel CLAPHAM was indebted to Mary MARLOW for $58 in Jun 1868. - Sarah R. CLAPHAM received $762 from Mary MARLOW as part of her share in Mar 1867. - Parmeneo MARLOW asigned his interest to Mrs. A. BROADWATER in Apr 1859. It was agreed: - Parmeneo would be charged 1/3 of note of William G. MARLOW & Bros. to James R. DURBURROW as exec; $300 note to Mary MARLOW to be paid; with the balance of his share to Mr. A. BROADWATER. - Draco would be charged 1/3 of note of William G. MARLOW & Bros. to James R. DURBURROW as exec; $300 note to Mary MARLOW to be paid. - Margaret E. DURBURROW to be charged with appraised value of slave received for six years until the slave was emancipated. - Mary Olivia MARLOW to be charged with appraised value of slave received for six years. - Sarah R. CLAPHAM to be charged with appraised value of slave received for six years; also to notes by her and her husband. Distribution of $13,090.62 (included wheat sales); court costs, $786.35 - Margaret E. DURBURROW, 1/11, $1,118.57 - Thomas Judson MARLOW, 1/11, $1,118.57 - Mary Olivia MARLOW, 1/11, $1,118.57 - Robert Emory MARLOW, 1/11, $1,118.57 - Frances Louisa MARLOW, 1/11, $1,118.57 - Parmeneo MARLOW, assigned to Ann BROADWATER, , 1/11, $1,118.57 - Margaret E. DURBURROW, exec/of Mary MARLOW as assignee of Trusco MARLOW, 7/8 of 1/11, $978.75 - Violetta MARLOW, wid/of Trusco, in lieu of dower, 1/8 of 1/11, $129.82 - Marg. E. DUBURROW, exec/of Mary MARLOW, note of Draco MARLOW, $586.50 - Draco MARLOW, balance of 1/11, $532.07 - Marg. E. DUBURROW, exec/of Mary MARLOW, agreement with Sarah CLAPHAM, $844.67 - Sarah CLAPHAM, balance of 1/11, $273.70 - Elizabeth STEWART, wid/of John S. MARLOW, in lieu of dower, 1/8 of 1/11, $139.82 - John H. MARLOW, 1/7 of 7/8 of 1/11 - Thomas M. MARLOW, 1/7 of 7/8 of 1/11 - Clarence MARLOW, 1/7 of 7/8 of 1/11 - James D. MARLOW, 1/7 of 7/8 of 1/11 - Edward E. MARLOW, 1/7 of 7/8 of 1/11 - Mary MARLOW, 1/7 of 7/8 of 1/11 - Johnetta MARLOW, 1/7 of 7/8 of 1/11 Distribution of Heirs of William G. MARLOW - 1/11, $1,118.57 - Margaret E. DURBURROW, 1/10 of 1/11, $1,11.85 - Thomas Judson MARLOW, 1/10 of 1/11, $1,11.85 - Mary Olivia MARLOW, 1/10 of 1/11, $1,11.85 - Robert Emory MARLOW, 1/10 of 1/11, $1,11.85 - Frances Louisa MARLOW, 1/10 of 1/11, $1,11.85 - Sarah CLAPHAM, 1/10 of 1/11, $1,11.85 - Draco MARLOW, 1/10 of 1/11, $1,11.85 - Parmeneo MARLOW, assigned to Ann BROADWATER, a creditor, 1/2 of 1/10 of 1/11, $55.92 - Parmeneo MARLOW, assigned to Alpheus McCUBBIN, judgment creditor, 1/2 of 1/10 of 1/11, $55.92 - Eliza STEWART, wid/of John S. MARLOW, in lieu of dower, 1/8 of 1/10 of 1/11, $13.98 - each of Eliza STEWART's children, 1/7 of 7/8 of 1/10 of 1/11, $13.98 - Violetta MARLOW, wid/of Trusco MARLOW, in lieu of dower, 1/8 of 1/10 of 1/11, $13.98 - Thomas Judson MARLOW, 1/6 of 7/8 of 1/10 of 1/11, $16.32 - Sophia F. McILHANY, 1/6 of 7/8 of 1/10 of 1/11, $16.32 - Eliza Blanche MARLOW, 1/6 of 7/8 of 1/10 of 1/11, $16.32 - Laura Genevieve MARLOW, 1/6 of 7/8 of 1/10 of 1/11, $16.32 - Honora M. SCHOOLY, 1/6 of 7/8 of 1/10 of 1/11, $16.32 - Minnie Marlene MARLOW, 1/6 of 7/8 of 1/10 of 1/11, $16.32 Note - Richard C. MARLOW was not mentioned in most records, nor was he included in the distribution; however, he was included in response to the bill along with Eliza and Laura MARLOW which seemed to indicate he may have been their brother and is confirmed on 1860 & 1870 censuses. [pg 122] Closed 22 Oct 1880.

Mary BELL & Others vs John BELL & Others - 2nd Report of Sales - Apr 1880 Estate of William BELL - trustee, Lewis S. WERTZ Sale was held at the Western Maryland Hotel in Emmitsburg on 14 Dec 1878; but the mountain lots didn't sell. Private sales were later made to: - Levi P. LEATHERMAN for 11+ acres of mountain land at $43 Located 2 miles SW of Lewistown on east side of Catoctin Mountain. To William BELL from Jacob W. BUCKY [JWLC-1, 663]. - Isaac HYDER for 26+ acres of mountain land at $100 Located 3 1/2 miles west of Emmitsburg; from Christian H. JACKSON [TG-9, 480]. - James A. BOWERSOX for south half of 19+ acres of mountain land at $14.41 Located 2 miles SW of Lewistown (other half was conveyed to Henry BOWERSOX). The other mountain land lots are still pending. Total sales, $157.41.
Distribution: $157.41 + $2,490.64 (2nd payment on farm) = $2,648.05 - court costs, $96.94 - Mary BELL, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $255.11 - Susan WERTZ, 1/10, $229.60 - John BELL, 1/10, $229.60 - Mary SHRYOCK, 1/10, $229.60 - Susan J. STAUB, 1/10, $229.60 - Elizabeth C. BELL, 1/10, $229.60 - Georgeanna R. BOWLUS, 1/10, $229.60 - Margaret E. BELL, 1/10, $229.60 - Benjamin J. BELL, 1/10, $229.60 - George A. BELL, 1/10, $229.60 - Florence M. BELL, 1/10, $229.60 Closed 2 Aug 1881.

John C. MOTTER, trustee of Lewis A. F. BAKER & w/ Mary A. BAKER - Report of Sales Deed of Trust for sale of property for benefit of creditors. LAND - Lot# 119 in Emmitsburg, on south side of Main St. Improved with house and carriage works. To Lewis A. F. BAKER from Henry LINGG & w/ Virginia in Mar 1869 [CM-3, 319]. Sale was held 14 Feb 1880 on the premises in Emmitsburg, but no sufficient bid was received. Later, private sale was made to: - D. S. TANGER, E. M. ETZLER and Jacob H. HOSTETTER, partners, t/a Tanger, Etzler & Co of Hanover, PA, at $850 Distribution not shown. Closed 20 Apr 1880.

(page 149 is blank)
HARDT & KEEFER vs Dawson V. HAMMOND, exec/of Thomas HAMMOND & Others - Supplemental, #4183 (see earlier record at TG-6, 655-797) Estate of Thomas HAMMOND - exec/ Dawson V. HAMMOND Death reported of: Mrs. Juliet ANGEL d/ Aug 1879, intestate d/ Mrs. Sophronia GORSUCH d/ Mrs. Julia RAY - Baltimore City LAND - "Hammond's Good Luck", 296 acres, in Liberty District; homestead of Col. Thomas HAMMOND, dec'd, known as 'Black Castle Farm'. Adjoined the lands of John R. MILLS, N. NORWOOD and Ephraim RICHMOND; then in occupancy of Lyde GRIFFITH. Soil is composed of blue slate and limestone, is well watered and has two large meadows and 40 acres of woodland. Improved with a 12-room mansion, seven years old, both front and rear have a full view of entire farm. Also has a bank barn, double corn house, wagon sheds, hog pen, carriage house, ice house, meat house, all recently built. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick on 23 Aug 1879; high bidder was: - Edward HOBBS at $54/acre or $16,321.25 Exception - Grave Yard (pg 152), then enclosed, with right of ingress and egress being excepted and reserved in said sale. Burgess HAMMOND claimed the two wood lots, #2 and #5, were gifted to him by Thomas HAMMOND and should not have been sold; so granted. Distribution: Reported monies received from previous sales, $17,378.64. - court costs, $1,213.52 - Richard H. MARSHALL, mortgage, $1,447.64 - Thomas CLAGETT, mortgage, $2,624 - multitude of creditors at 40% of claims, $12,093.48 Closed 22 Oct 1880.

AF-2, 159-165 - ZELLER, SHIELDS - Jul 1880
Cynthia A. SHIELDS and John Thomas SHIELDS, mortgagees of John F. ZELLER - Report of Sales LAND - parts of "Duvall's Forest", "Resurvey on Duvall's Forest" and "George's Delight", 137+ acres, on road to Reich's Ford on east side of Monocacy River, 1 1/2 miles from DELASHMUTT's Mill and on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road; adjoining lands of Francis MARKELL and John J. QUYNN. Improved with a 1 1/2 story log and stone house, a bank barn, spring house, corn house, peach and pear orchards and a spring of pure soft water convenient to the house. To Henry SHIELDS from Robert S. MERCER & wife [CM-2, 659]. Sale was held on the premises on 10 July 1880; high bidders were: - Cynthia A. SHIELDS and John Thomas SHIELDS at $3,000 Distribution: court costs, $300.78 - Cynthia A. SHIELDS and John Thomas SHIELDS, 1st mortgage, $2,053 - Cynthia A. SHIELDS and John Thomas SHIELDS, partial 2nd mortgage, $646.22 John ROELKY was appointed trustee to convey the deed. Closed 20 Sep 1880.

AF-2, 165-165 - SMITH, BROWN, EICHELBERGER - May 1880
Ignatius BROWN, mortgagee of John M. SMITH - Title - Supplemental of #4573 Edward S. EICHELBERGER was appointed trustee to convey deed to Ignatius BROWN. Closed 9 Aug 1880.

AF-2, 165-169 - KEAFAUVER, SHAFER, DEGRANGE - Feb 1880
Peter SHAFER Sr, mortgagee of Henry KEAFAUVER & W. Maria - Report of Sales LAND - 128 acres, 1 1/4 miles SW of Middletown on road to Petersville; adjoined lands of Daniel MAIN, Hezekiah DEAN and William BOWLUS. Improved with a house, Switzer barn, double wagon shed and corn crib, blacksmith shop, smoke house with orchard and spring. To Henry KEAFAUVER from George KEAFAUVER in Jun 1856 [BFG-2, 301]. Henry KEAFAUVER is now deceased. Sale was held 31 Jan 1880 in Middletown; high bidder was: - David DEGRANGE at $3,372.80 Distribution: court costs, $174.61 - Peter SHAFER, mortgage claim, $3,175 - Balance to estate of Henry KEAFAUVER, $123.19 Closed 8 Jan 1881.

AF-2, 170-185 - SMITH, JONES, COBLENTZ, MERCER - Jan 1880
Philip COBLENTZ and John COBLENTZ, mortgagees vs Mary Ann SMITH, et al Eli SMITH d/ Oct intestate widow - Mary Ann (age 54) s/ William H. SMITH & w/ Susan - Baltimore City s/ Robert SMITH s/ James SMITH & w/ Jennie s/ Eli SMITH Jr - Pennsylvania s/ Lewis SMITH, a minor d/ Ida SMITH, a minor d/ Laura SMITH, a minor d/ Ellen (SMITH), dec'd w/o George JONES - Washington County ..........Frank JONES, a minor - Washington County ..........Ida JONES, a minor (d/ betw Jan-Jun 1880) - Washington County ..........Ellen JONES, a minor - Washington County ..........Eli JONES, a minor - Washington County LAND - Lot #5 of mountan land, 17+ acres, 5 miles west of Frederick and 1 mile south of the National Turnpike; in 2nd District; adjoined land of Elias STEIN. Improved with a weatherboarded house, stable, an orchard of varied fruits, a spring and two acres in Chestnut. To George SMITH from W. M. B. WALSON in Jan 1841. Subpeona issued for Eli JONES, a colored boy, in the House of Corrections for Colored Children at Cheltenham, Prince George's County. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 17 Jun 1880 from: - John COBLENTZ, age 35, Frederick County - Mary Ann SMITH, age 54, Frederick County Trustee was John COBLENTZ who asked to be replaced by Edward L. COBLENTZ; Sale was held 21 Aug 1880 on the premises; high bidder was: - William E. MERCER at $330 Distribution: court costs, $133.63 - Philip COBLENTZ and John COBLENTZ, mortgage claim, $196.37 Closed 19 Mar 1881.

(186-190 was a continuation, included in 106-139)

AF-2, 191-206 - PURDY, WOOD, PAGE, McELFRESH - Oct 1879
Richard PURDY vs George W. PURDY & Thomas J. PAGE - Sale of Real Estate A number of years ago, George Washington PURDY was injured by an accident on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road when a boiler burst and since then his mind has been impaired. He was then living at the Alms House in Frederick County. In Sep 1879, Thomas J. PAGE obtained a judgment against George for $90. LAND - "Hobbs Purchase", 10 acres, in New Market, District 9; located on the road from Bartholow's Switch of B & O Rail Road to WATKINS' Mill, one mile from the Rail Road; adjoined lands of H. Dorsey WATERS and Mrs. JONES. There was a log house, but in need of repair. To Richard PURDY and George W. PURDY from Samuel TALBOTT & w/ Catharine, Joshua WOOD & w/ Eliza and Elias WOOD, insolvent trustee of Joshua WOOD at $90 in July 1857. Previously to Samuel TALBOTT and Joshua WOOD by Rachel G. McELFRESH, surviving exec/of Henry McELFRESH Sr in May 1856 [ES-7, 599]. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard on 16 Jun 1880 from: - Joseph WOOD - Joel HALL Both men claimed George W. PURDY was then at Montevue Hospital and has had mental problems for years. Trustee was Joseph WOOD. Sale was held at HILTON's Hotel in New Market on 14 Aug 1880; high bidder was: - Mary Ann JONES at $301 Distribution: court costs, $125.13 - Richard PURDY, 1/2, $87.93 - Trustee of the Poor for benefit of George W. PURDY, 1/2, $87.93 Closed 1 Nov 1880.

AF-2, 206-212 & 319-320 - MILLER -Sep 1880
Joseph G. MILLER, mortgagee of David E. MILLER - Report of Sales David E. MILLER & w/ Sarah G. issued mortgage for $2,050 to Joseph G. MILLER. LAND - tract "Adams Fall" and "Resurvey on Charles' Choice", 252 acres; located 2 miles east of Unionville, near the road to Franklinville; adjoined land of Joseph BAKER. Improved with a house, barn and spring near the house. To David E. MILLER from Ezra M. NUSBAUM in Apr 1878 [TG-9, 222]. Subject to mortgage held by Warner HOBBS, assignee, for $3,500. Sale was held on 2 Sep 1880 on the premises; high bidders were: - Joseph G. MILLER at $1,186.80 - personal property sold for $626 Distribution of $1,813.34; court costs, $156 - Warner HOBBS, assignee of mortgage ($3,605), partial, $1,657.34 Correction of previous audit. Distribution of $1,813.34; court costs, $157 - Joseph G. MILLER, partial mortgage claim, $1,656.34 Closed 3 Jan 1881.

AF-2, 212-223 - WEISNER, WILSON - Jun 1879
Nathaniel J. WILSON, mortgagee of Charles WEISNER - Report of Sales In 1875 Charles WEISNER & w/ Mary Ann conveyed Deed of Mortgage to Nathaniel J. WILSON for $1,850 who assigned it to Annie Sophia WILSON who assigned it to Charles V. S. LEVY who assigned it to Nathanial J. WILSON. LAND - 78 acres, in Urbana District, on road from Frederick to Georgetown through Urbana, 4 1/2 miles South of Frederick. Improved with a log house and stable with some timber. To Nathaniel J. WILSON from Charles WEISNER & w/ Mary Ann in Apr 1875. Previously to Michael DOWNEY from John T. SIM in Apr 1868 [CM-1, 635]. Sale was held at the Dill House in Frederick on 14 Jun 1879; high bidder was: - Nathaniel J. WILSON at $1,400 After court costs, Nathaniel J. WILSON received $1,218.70 as partial mortgage claim. Christian WEISNER, the son of Charles, was claiming a wheat crop he had planted on the property, but WILSON was also claiming it. Bill of Sale on 10 May 1879 to Christian WISNER from Charles WISNER at $537.50 for 40 acres of growing wheat, 10 acres of of growing corn and 10 acres of growing tobacco. Also several horses and farming equipment. (signature of Charles appears to be T. Parrel WISSNER) Responses regarding the crops from all parties and injunction in Jun 1879 were filed, but final decision on crops is not listed. Closed 23 Nov 1879.

Newton M. HORNER, et al vs Sophia HORNER, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Jan 1879 Eli HORNER d/ 25 Nov 1878, intestate in Emmitsburg (he previously lived in Adams Co, PA) No children by first wife. Children with 2nd wife, dec'd s/ Newton M. HORNER & w/ Caroline (WAYBRIGHT) - Adams Co, PA d/ Ann Maria HORNER w/o William Ross WHITE - Adams Co, PA d/ Harriett HORNER w/o Smith BARR - Adams Co, PA d/ Sarah J. HORNER wid/o Robert McILHENNY (d/ fall 1876) - Adams Co, PA Children with 3rd wife, Sophia HORNER*, widow d/ Louisa HORNER, a minor and w/o John AGNEW* d/ Lucinda HORNER, a minor d/ Mary HORNER, a minor LAND - tract "Carrollsburg", 163+ acres, 3/4 mile southeast of Emmitsburg, on raod from Emmitsburg to Bruceville. Begins stone at north end of a lane from Emmitsburg to HOKE's Mill and west to Middle Creek. Adjoining lands of St. Joseph on the west, Michael HOKE on the south, Richard GILSON (at the sale, it was William J. GILSON) on the east and Alexander L. HORNER on the north. - 20 acre mountain lot, 2 miles west of Emmitsburg, adjoining the PA line on the north, land of Dr. SAPPINGTON on the south and David GAMBLE on the west. Both to Eli HORNER of Adams Co, PA from David GAMBLE in Sep 1858 [JWLC-3, 582]. - "Fort Henry", 240 acres, in Emmitsburg District on south side of road from Emmitsburg to Taneytown and at road to MYER's Mill. To Eli HORNER of Adams Co, PA from Alexander L. HORNER & w/ Tomsey P.* in Apr 1868. Sold to David AGNEW by Eli HORNER & w/ Sophia of Adams Co, PA for lot of ? acres at $144.40 in Jan 1869. - "Pleasant Hill", 32+ acres, 3 miles west of Emmitsburg on Carrick's Nob in Emmitsburg District; adjoins tract "Enlargement". To Eli HORNER from Robert ANNAN & w/ Mary Jane in Mar 1866. Each of the older children had already received $5,000 advances (each); most of this was given in land in Adams County from their father's farm there. In 1872, the older four children each gave their father $1,000 and he deeded the farm to them. They signed an agreement acknowledging this as their share of their father's estate in case he died without a Will. On 4 Feb 1879, Joshua ROWE declared the widow, Sophia HORNER, was 58 years old and her health was good. John AGNEW claimed the monies the older children received was intended to be their full share. Guardian was John C. MOTTER, Esquire. Testimony was heard 14 Aug 1879 from: - John WITHEROW - William GARDNER - Newton M. HORNER Trustees were John C. MOTTER and Newton M. HORNER. Sale was held 19 Aug 1880 in front of the Western Maryland Hotel in Emmitsburg; high bidders were: - Lewis M. MOTTER for the "Carrollsburg" farm at $37.25/acre - Benjamin KEILHOLTZ for 20 acres mountain land at $5/acre - John AGNEW for the 32+ acres at $3.75/acre Total sales, $6.312.24. The 265-acre farm, adjoining town of Emmitsburg and lands of Jacob GILLELAN and Samuel MOTTER, didn't receive a sufficient bid. Receipts from: - Lewis M. MOTTER, $3,000 - Benjamon KEILHOLTZ, $100.70 - John AGNEW, $122.27 Total for Distribution: $3,222.97 - court costs & taxes, $617.95 - Sophia HORNER, widow, in lieu of dower, $322.29 - Louisa AGNEW, $760.91 - Lucinda HORNER, $760.91 - Mary HORNER, $760.91 Closed 24 Dec 1880 * Note - Frederick Co, MD Marriage Licenses - Eli Horner to Sophia Agnew on 16 Dec 1857 - Alexander L. Horner to Thompsey Robertson on 2 Dec 1861 - Louisa M. Horner, 17 to John S. Agnew, 21, farmer, on 18 May 1876 by W. Simonton.

AF-2, 254-256 - LEILICH, EBBERTS, DAYHOOF, NELSON - Jan 1872
Joseph M. EBBERTS, trustee of Michael LEILICH - Report of Sales Michael LEILICH & w/ Anna Mary issued Deed of Trust to Joseph M. EBBERTS on 11 Dec 1871. LAND - Lot (41 x 142') on NW corner of Fourth St and Klinehart's Alley in Frederick. Improved with a double 2-story brick house. Main house has hall, parlor, dining room and ditchen and 4 rooms on second floor. Also has smoke house and garden. The western portion has 3 rooms and a small kitchen and was then rented out, John DAYHOOF then the tenant. Sale was held 6 Jan 1872 at the DILL House; high bidder was: - John NELSON Jr. at $2,800 Sold personal property of entire stock of grocery store for $361.28. Distribution not provided. Closed 7 Apr 1873.

John E. FRESHOUR, assignee of Jacob KANOUFF, mortgagee of Margaret KREITZER - Report of Sales - Sep 1880 LAND - Lot, 1 3/4 acre, near Mechanicstown, on east side of turnpike, 1/4 mile from Mechanicstown and 1/2 mile from Catoctin Ore Banks. Improved with a log, frame & weatherboarded 1 1/2-story house, log stable and pure mountain water; also peach, apple and Damson plum trees. To John KREITZER from Godlip J. SIGMUND & w/ Elizabeth in Mar 1860. Sale was held 21 Aug 1880 at the public square in Mechanicstown; high bidder was: - John W. KANOUFF at $271 James W. PEARRE was appointed to convey the deed. Distribution of $271; court costs, $50.77 - John E. FRESHOUR, partial mortgage claim, $220.23 Closed 29 Nov 1880.

AF-2, 261-269 - NAILL, KLEES - May 1880
George KLEES of Carroll County vs Jacob L. NAILL - Sale of Real Estate In Feb 1879, Jacob L. NAILL made an agreement with George KLEES to purchase 17+ acres for $2,375; but since then has failed to make payments. LAND - Two contiguous parcels, 17+ acres, in Frederick County. - "Legh Castle", 5+ acres, adjoining land of David W. NAILL and on east side of Buffalo Road. To George KLEESE from Isaiah NUSBAUM & w/ Margaret L. for $442.03 in Feb 1879. - "Legh Castle", 11+ acres, adjoining tract "Warfield's Inheritance" and land of George SHIVER. To George KLEES from Reuben W. HAINES & w/ Charlotte of Carroll County for $1,175 in Oct 1873. Trustee was Charles T. REIFSNIDER, Esquire, of Carroll County. Sale was held 23 Oct 1880 on the premises; high bidder was: - George KLEES at $2,000 Distribution: court costs, $163.67 - George KLEES, partial claim per an agreement, $1,836.33 Closed 17 Sep 1881.

Samuel ANGEL of Carroll County vs Charles V. DOUB & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Jan 1880 Elizabeth A. DOUB d/ 26 Nov 1879 (Will written 11 Dec 1878) wid/o Valentine DOUB who died 1876 s/ Charles Valentine DOUB (her only child, then a minor; age 16 in Jan 1880) sis/ Mary A. w/o Samuel ANGEL - Carroll County sis/ Martha J. w/o John W. DAVIDSON - Frederick City sis/ Louisa A. w/o Theodore H. HOFFMAN - Carroll County sis/ Alice "Allie" w/o William A. JACKSON - Huntingdon Co, Pennsylvania Exec/ Samuel ANGEL Since the Will made no reference for any conveyance or sale, Estate is treated as intestate in regards to the real estate. LAND - Lot (31 x 126') on east side of N. Market St in Frederick, between 3rd & 4th Sts; adjoined on north side by lot of William H. DOUB and on the south by Mrs. CRIMMINS. Improved with a 7-room 2-story brick house and summer kitchen. Calvin F. KEMP was tenant at time of sale. To Elizabeth A. DOUB from John NICODEMUS & w/ Mary for $3,200 in July 1870. Previously - To John NICODEMUS from Ezra DOUB, exec/of Esther DOUB, in Feb 1867 [DSB-1, 151]. To Esther DOUB by Charles BRENGLE & w/ Sarah in Feb 1848 [WBT-7, 157]. To Sarah BRENGLE (then Sarah BAER) devised from George BAER's Will written 5 Sep 1830. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 25 Feb 1880 from: - Charles V. DOUB, age 17, Frederick City - Benjamon POOLE, age 57, Carroll County; he wrote Elizabeth's Will. Trustee was Samuel ANGEL. Sale was held 7 Oct 1880 on the premises; high bidder was: - James P. PERRY at $ 2,500 Distribution of $2,507.50; court costs, $291.72 - Samuel ANGEL, several notes, $600.39 - Multiple creditors, $234.80 - Charles V. DOUB, per mother's Will, $1,380.59 (balance) Closed 7 Jan 1881. Notes: Carroll County Marriage Licenses - Mary Ann Snook to Samuel Angel on 26 Sep 1840 - Margaret(?) Jane Snook to John Davidson on 23 Dec 1857 - Louisa A. Snook to Theodore H. Hoffman on 31 Dec 1859 Frederick County Marriage Licenses - Elizabeth Snook to Valentine W. O. Doub on 15 Sep 1851 - Alice Snook to Rev. William A. Jackson on 22 Dec 1862

John W. HAYNES, et al vs Hiram A. WOLF, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Sep 1878 David WOLF Jr. d/ abt 1860 in Foxville, intestate widow - Catharine (died before Distribution was filed, Oct 1881) s/ Hiram A. WOLF & w/ Mary Ann d/ Susan Ann Elizabeth (WOLF) w/o James O. EASTERDAY - KANSAS s/ George W. WOLF & w/ Sophia J. - Indiana s/ David S. WOLF d/ Nov 1877 ...w/ Agnes H. - Lewisburg, Conway Co, Arkansas .........Albert WOLF, a minor - Arkansas .........Emma Jane WOLF, a minor - Arkansas - d/ Celia Ann Catharine (WOLF) w/o John W. HAYNES d/ Miranda A. (WOLF) w/o James A. GORDON - Ohio s/ Richard H. WOLF d/ 1877, intestate ...w/ Elizabeth, later married a RESHNICK(?) - Baltimore city .........Charles WOLF, a minor - Frederick County s/ Bradley WOLF - moved to Indiana d/ Hester E. WOLF d/ Adeline V. WOLF, a minor (died after petition filed) LAND - "Good Luck", 193 acres; includes: - "I Have It Now", 1 3/4 acres - "I'll See Whose The Land Will Be", 8+ acres - "Resurvey on Round Meadow", "Stone Enough" and "Good Luck". Improved with a large house. Then in occupancy of Hiram A. FOX. To David WOLF Jr. from George HAUVER & w/ Elizabeth for $2,000 in 1834 [JS-48, 356]. - "Poplar Grove", 33 acres (Lot #3), mountain lot near the farm. To David WOLF from heirs of Jacob YOUNG* in Nov 1849 [TG-10]. (Henry YOUNG & Jacob YOUNG held ownership of property until Jacob YOUNG died, then Henry YOUNG and the heirs of Jacob YOUNG agreed to sale of the property.) Jacob YOUNG's heirs* - Peter YOUNG - Samuel D. YOUNG - Hannah w/o John YONSON - John YOUNG - Catharine YOUNG - Mary M. w/o Edwin SPRINGER - Henry YOUNG SOLD - "Good Luck Altogether", 7 acres. Located on road through Harman's Gap and adjoining land of J & J HARTLE. To William JOHNSON from David WOLF & w/ Catharine at $124 in July 1848 [WBT-13, 282]. - "Good Luck Altogether", 7+ acres. Located on public road and adjoined land of John BROWN on SE corner. To George HILL & w/ Mary from David WOLF Jr. at $7.32 in Dec 1858 [BGF-4, 266]. (Witnessed by Abraham TOMS and William TOMS) Guardian for Adeline V. WOLF and Charles WOLF was Edward A. GITTINGER, Esquire. Guardian for Albert WOLF and Emma Jane WOLF was H. W. BURRON of Conway Co, Arkansas. Testimony was heard 4 March 1879 from: - Melancthon HAUVER - claimed the decedent may have also sold a portion to a Mr. SWOPE; claimed the widow was over 60 and in good health. - Peter HAUVER - Hiram WOLF - claimed Susan, George, David & himself were sold a tract to be their share of estate in full. His father died before the conveyance but the administrator, Samuel WOLF, deeded the property to them with that stipulation. Trustee was Charles V. S. LEVY. SALE was held 29 Nov 1879 on the premises; high bidders were: - Thomas C. FOX for the farm (then 188 acres) at $2,107.14 - Dr. Harvey BUHRMAN for the mountain lot at $31.37 Distribution of $2,138.51; court costs, $536.54 - Thomas C. FOX, by order of Celia A. C. HAYNES, $110 - trustee (paid to Celia), $100 - Celia Ann C. HAYNES, balance of 1/6, $30.29 - Miranda GORDON, 1/6, $240.29 - Bradley WOLF, 1/6, $240.29 - Hester E. WOLF, 1/6, $240.29 - court fees for Richard A. WOLF, $41.71 - Elizabeth RESHNICK(?), 1/7 of 1/6, $34.32 - Charles WOLF, balance of his father's 1/6, $164.26 Adeline V. WOLF, now dec'd; her share to: - Celia A. C. HAYNES, 1/9 of 1/6, $26.69 - Miranda GORDON, 1/9 of 1/6, $26.69 - Bradley WOLF, 1/9 of 1/6, $26.69 - Hester E. WOLF, 1/9 of 1/6, $26.69 - Hiram A. WOLF, 1/9 of 1/6, $26.69 - Susan A. E. EASTERDAY, 1/9 of 1/6, $26.69 - George W. WOLF, 1/9 of 1/6, $26.69 - Albert WOLF, 1/2 of 1/9 of 1/6, $13.34 - Emma Jane WOLF, 1/2 of 1/9 of 1/6, $13.34 - Charles WOLF, 1/9 of 1/6, $26.69 Dower share of the widow Catharine WOLF, now dec'd, $140.20 - Celia Ann E. HAYNES, 1/9, $17.80 - Miranda GORDON, 1/9, $17.80 - Bradley WOLF, 1/9, $17.80 - Hester E. WOLF, 1/9, $17.80 - Hiram A. WOLF, 1/9, $17.80 - Susan A. E. EASTERDAY, 1/9, $17.80 - George W. WOLF, 1/9, $17.80 - Albert WOLF, 1/2 of 1/9, $8.90 - Emma Jane WOLF, 1/2 of 1/9, $8.90 - Charles WOLF, 1/9, $17.80 Closed 19 Oct 1883. Note - Frederick Co, Maryland - Marriage Licenses - Celia Ann Catharine WOLF, 21 to John Wesley HAINES, 27 (wid), cooper on 13 March 1867 by J. W. Zantee at the bride's mother's - Miranda A. WOLF, 21, to James A. GORDON, 22, farmer on 4 Aug 1870 by George Diehl

AF-2, 312-316 - HARDEY, HOFFMAN, RICHARDS, SMITH, COX - May 1880
Henry HOFFMAN, mortgagee of Charles HARDEY & w/ Elizabeth - Report of Sales George RICHARDS held a mortgage against Charles HARDEY but assigned it to Henry HOFFMAN in Feb 1880. LAND - House & Lot in Petersville, on north side of Ridge Road, between lots of Henry HOFFMAN and James COLLIFLOWER. Improved with a log house and a well. Previously occupied by William SMITH. SALE was held 7 Apr 1880 on the premises; high bidder was: - John P. COX at $625 Distribution: court costs, $47.50 - Henry HOFFMAN, mortgage claim, $424.60 - Elizabeth HARDEY, 2nd mortgage claim, $150.90 Closed 28 Dec 1880.

AF-2, 316-317 - BARTHOLOW, EDWARDS - Jul 1880
Tryon H. EDWARDS, trustee for Trust Estate of Michael BARTHOLOW - 2nd Report of Sales LAND - Washington County After failed public sales, private sale was made 11 Mar 1880 to: - ALPHEUS H. BARTHOLOW for timber land, 23 & 24 acres, at $150 No distribution shown (page 318 blank). Closed 30 July 1880.

AF-2, 319-320 - MILLER, HOBBS - Dec 1880
Joseph G. MILLER, mortgagee of David E. MILLER - Report of Sales Audit redone because of error; Warner HOBBS was to receive his payment of 1st mortgage from the sale before the proceeds were distributed. Distribution of $1,813.34; court costs, $157 -Joseph G. MILLER, partial mortgage claim, $1,656.34 Closed 3 Jan 1881.

Daniel F. FEASTER & Luther SHAFF, mortgagees of John WISE & w/ Miranda - Report of Sales - Feb 1872 LAND - House & Lot #57 in Jefferson, Adjoined lots of Abraham HEMP on the west (previously it was Henry CULLER in 1872) and Jesse M. LITTLE on the east. Sale was held 27 Nov 1880 on the premises; high bidder was: - George T. WHIP at $326 Distribution: - Daniel FEASTER & Luther SHAFF, 1st mortgage, $135.30 - Lewis O. WHIP, 2nd mortgage, $53 - administratrix of John WISE, dec'd, $72.09 Closed 29 Jan 1881.

AF-2, 325-330 - BOSTIAN, FOGLE
Michael FOGLE - Report of Sales - Dec 1880 William BOSTIAN was indebted by mortgage to Nicholas FOGLE. Nicholas FOGLE d/ Feb 1878; surviving exec/ Michael FOGLE. LAND - tracts "Worse of All" and "Resurvey on Good Neighborhood", 85+ acres, on Woodsboro and Johnsville road, two miles east of Woodsboro; adjoining lands of William GRIMES and Jacob STALEY. Improved with a log house and small barn, several springs and six acres in timber. To William BOSTIAN from Lydia A. BLESSING, Extrx/of George BLESSING in Jun 1864. Sale was held 27 Nov 1880 on the premises; high bidder was: - George F. BOSTIAN at $339.77; who later substituted his wife, Matilda A. BOSTIAN After court costs, Michael FOGLE received $243.59 for partial payment of mortgage. Closed 30 Apr 1881.

Ellen P. FLEMING & Others vs Charles ENGLE - Report of Sales Charles ENGLE & w/ Susan M. were indebted by mortgage to Ellen P. FLEMING, Jacob NEWCOMER and James M. NEELY in May 1874. LAND - "Resurvey on Transylvania", 3+ acres; 4 miles from Emmitsburg, on road from STERNER's Mill to Emmitsburg; adjoining lands of George W. ROWE and Henry EYLER. Improved with a 2-story rough cast house with front porch and pantry, out kitchen, apple and peach orchard, frame stable and hog pen. To Charles ENGLE from Daniel SHOEMAKER & w/ Mary R. in Apr 1875. Sale was held 20 Nov 1880 on the premises; high bidder was: - Benjamin HYSER at $346 Distribution: court costs, $92.54 - Ellen B. FLEMING, partial claim, $96.76 - Jacob NEWCOMER, $65.02 - James M. NEELY, $91.68 Closed 13 Apr 1881.

William CARMACK, mortgagee of George FLICKINGER - Report of Sales LAND - part "Arnold's Integrity" and two tracts "Linked Together" being on "Addition to Arnold's Integrity", 195 acres in Johnsville District; starts at head of small draught of Little Pipe Creek, adjoined land of John LIPPY and Arnold HARDY, and ran to road from McKINSTRY's Mills to HAUGH's Church and land of John L. KEEFER. Improved with a house and barn. To George FLICKINGER from William CARMACK & w/ Margaret for $5,853.93 in Apr 1875. Previously to Daniel F. DORCAS from John DIFFENDAL (exec) for 249 acres, in Nov 1865 [JWLC-3, 270]. Sale was held 20 Nov 1880 on the premises; high bidder was: - Joseph D. HILDEBRAND at $5,610.02 Then adjoining lands of William HAUGH and heirs of Samuel BYERLY. Distribution: court costs, $359.68 - William CARMACK, mortgage claim, $3,202.04 - D. C. WINEBRENNER, partial 2nd mortgage claim, $2,048.30 Closed 6 Jun 1881.

William J. ARMSTRONG & Others vs Eliza ARMSTRONG & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Feb 1869 - Supplemental (family data from Equity records in addition to data from Wills)
Roger JOHNSON, dec'd (Will) Owed mortgage to Casper MANTZ; Balance to: s/ Charles JOHNSON (1/4), d/ 1860 s/ Joseph A. JOHNSON (1/4) d/ Henrietta JOHNSON (1/4 of 1/2), now dec'd d/ Sarah (JOHNSON), dec'd w/o Eli DORSEY (1/4 of 1/2) - Wheeling, WV .......William Henry DORSEY - Wheeling, WV .......Elizabeth (DORSEY) w/o J. L. WHEAT - Wheeling, WV .......Dorcas (DORSEY) w/o A. H. CHAPLINE - Wheeling, WV .......Morris DORSEY, minor - Wheeling, WV .......John DORSEY, minor - Wheeling, WV d/ Eliza (JOHNSON) w/o Rev. William ARMSTRONG (1/4 of 1/2) - Wheeling, WV .......William J. ARMSTRONG & w/ Ada M. .......Henrietta J. ARMSTRONG .......Ann Tounan Y. w/o William P. REED d/in-law/ Dorothea (McTIER) JOHNSON (1/4 of 1/2), now w/o Dr. John/James H. McCULLOH - Baltimore City (she died many years before, intestate, w/o issue.) Joseph A. JOHNSON to have 1/4 of land conveyed to Charles and James T. JOHNSON in trust to sell to pay liabilities incurred by them. Execs/ Charles JOHNSON and Joseph A. JOHNSON LAND - still unsold - "Mine Bank Farm", 35 acres. Divided into lots (60 x 66'), located in Point of Rocks village; lots run parallel to with railroad, canal and Potomac River: Lots #53-55, 68-72, fronting on north side of Commerce St on the line of Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road. Lots #64-66, 79-83 are on south side of Clay St. Lots #113-116, 118-124 are on north side of Clay St and go back to land formerly owned by Col Daniel DUVALL. (plat in file on page 355) Charles entitled to 1/2, balance to sisters and sister-in-law. --- Henrietta JOHNSON, dec'd (Will written 20 Nov 1839) bro/ Richard JOHNSON .......Alexander JOHNSON ($400) .......Ann Dorsey JOHNSON (monies for education for two years) bro/ George JOHNSON .......William Henry JOHNSON ($400) sis/ Eliza w/o Rev. William ARMSTRONG of Wheeling, Virginia (balance of estate) Exec/ brother, Charles JOHNSON Witnesses: W. ROSS, William J. ROSS, Worthington ROSS --- Charles JOHNSON, dec'd (Will written 22 Sep 1867) devising his estate, in equal shares, to: niece - Henrietta J. (ARMSTRONG) PARAMON niece - Ann Tounan Y. REED nephew - William J. ARMSTRONG Exec/ William J. ROSS Witnesses: Thomas A. SMITH, William H. PETERS, Charles W. ROSS --- Dorothea JOHNSON, remarried to Dr. John H. McCULLOH died intestate, leaving her undivided 1/8 share to her brothers and sisters: bro/ Henry McTIER, dec'd .....1/ Henry McTIER Jr - Pennsylvania .....2/ Fanny (McTIER) SMITH, dec'd . . . . .Allen SMITH - Pennsylvania . . . . .Fanny SMITH - Pennsylvania . . . . .Henrietta L. SMITH - Pennsylvania .....3/ Henrietta (McTIER) DALLAM, dec'd . . . . .Eliza L. DALLAM - Baltimore City/ Harford County . . . . .Francis Wilmer DALLAM - Baltimore City/ Harford County bro/ Alexander McTIER - Pennsylvania bro/ Samuel McTIER sis/ Fanny(McTIER) WINCHESTER, dec'd .....1/ Alexander WINCHESTER, dec'd . . . . .Fanny (WINCHESTER) BROWN - Baltimore City . . . . .Samuel MacTier WINCHESTER - Baltimore City . . . . .Carroll WINCHESTER - Baltimore City . . . . .Henrietta T. "Hattie" WINCHESTER - Baltimore City .....2/ Fanny WINCHESTER GREEN- New Jersey .....3/ Mary W. (WINCHESTER) CARROLL - Baltimore City sis/ Nancy (McTIER) WARFIELD, dec'd .....1/ Henry M. WARFIELD - Baltimore City .....2/ Daniel WARFIELD, now dec'd - Baltimore City . . . . .MacTier WARFIELD . . . . .Lewis H. WARFIELD . . . . .Mary WARFIELD .....3/ Jane M. WARFIELD - Baltimore City .....4/ Maria WARFIELD - Baltimore City .....5/ Eliza CAUSSIN - DC sis/ Eliza (McTIER) McCULLOH, dec'd .....1/ John K. McCULLOH - Baltimore City sis/ Grace (McTIER) WINCHESTER - Baltimore City --- Trustee was Charles W. ROSS. Sale was held 26 Oct 1872 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidders were: - John L. DAVIS of Westminster, Carroll Co, MD, for lots at $50 per lot: Lots #53, 54, 55, 56, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 , 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 in Point of Rocks John L. DAVIS failed to make payment and lots had to be resold. Private Sales to: - Michael O'BRIEN for Lots #115 & 116 , lying west of Church, at $100/each - David O. WELLING for Lots' #53 & 64, lying east of lots now owned by him, fronting Clay and Commerce Sts, at $50/each Total sales, $300. Private Sales to: - Mary C. NICHOLS for Lots #123 & 124 at $75/each (signed for her by John NICHOLS) - Mary LEAHY for Lot #54 at $50 (signed for her by Michael LEAHY) - Sallie G. WELLING (w/o David O. WELLING) for Lot #118 at $125 (he signed with wife) - Lewis C. SPITTLE for Lot #122 at $85 - James H. ELLIOTT for Lots #113 & 114 at $50/each Total sales, $510. Private Sale to: - Mary LAHEY for Lot #65 at $50 (signed for her by Patrick LAHEY) - B. F. STOUFFER for Lots #68 & 79 at $50/each - James McSHERRY, Esquire, for Lots #70 & 81 at $37.50/each - David O. WELLING for Lot #119 at $120 - Benjamin F. STOUFFER for Lots #69 & 80 at $50/each - Andrew J. COLBERT for Lots #55, 71 & 72 on Commerce St; #66, 82 & 83 on south side of Clay St; #120 & 121 on north side of Clay St; at $415 Distribution of $1,670; court costs, $286.02 = $1,383.98 - Henrietta PARAMON, legatee of Charles JOHNSON, 1/3 of 1/2, $230.66 - Ann Tounen Y. Reed, legatee of Charles JOHNSON, 1/3 of 1/2, $230.66 - Ada J. BURN(?) (was ARMSTRONG), widow, legatee of William J. ARMSTRONG, a legatee of Charles JOHNSON, 1/3 of 1/2, $230.66 - Eliza ARMSTRONG, 1/4 of 1/2, $172.97 - Eliza ARMSTRONG, as legatee of Henrietta JOHNSON, 1/4 of 1/2, $172.97 - Sarah DORSEY heirs, she a legatee of Roger JOHNSON (1/4 of 1/2) .....William Henry DORSEY, 1/5 of 1/4 of 1/2, $34.59 .....Elizabeth WHEAT, 1/5 of 1/4 of 1/2, $34.59 .....Dorcas CHAPLINE, 1/5 of 1/4 of 1/2, $34.59 .....Morris DORSEY, 1/5 of 1/4 of 1/2, $34.59 .....John DORSEY, 1/5 of 1/4 of 1/2, $34.59 - Heirs of Dorothy McCULLOH (siblings, nieces & nephews)(1/4 of 1/2) ...Henry McTIER heirs: (1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71) -----Henry McTIER Jr, 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $8.24 -----Fanny (McTIER) SMITH heirs ---------------Allen SMITH, 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $2.75 ---------------Fanny SMITH, 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $2.75 ---------------Henrietta L. SMITH, 1/3 of 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $2.75 -----Henrietta (McTIER) DALLAM's heirs ---------------Eliza L. DALLAM, 1/2 of 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $4.12 ---------------Francis Wilmer DALLAM, 1/2 of 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $4.12 ...Alexander McTIER, 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71 ...Samuel McTIER, 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71 ...Fanny(McTIER) WINCHESTER's heirs (1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71) ..............1/ Alexander WINCHESTER's heirs ---------------Fanny (WINCHESTER) BROWN, 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $2.06 ---------------Samuel MacTier WINCHESTER, 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $2.06 ---------------Carroll WINCHESTER, 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $2.06 ---------------Henrietta T. "Hattie" WINCHESTER, 1/4 of 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $2.06 ..............2/ Fanny WINCHESTER GREEN, 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $8.24 ..............3/ Mary W. (WINCHESTER) CARROLL, 1/3 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $8.24 ...Nancy (McTIER) WARFIELD's heirs (1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71) ..............1/ Henry M. WARFIELD, 1/5 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71, $4.94 ..............2/ Daniel WARFIELD's heirs ----------------MacTier WARFIELD, 1/3 of 1/5 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71, $1.65 ----------------Lewis H. WARFIELD, 1/3 of 1/5 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71, $1.65 ----------------Mary WARFIELD, 1/3 of 1/5 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71, $1.65 ..............3/ Jane M. WARFIELD, 1/5 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71, $4.94 ..............4/ Maria WARFIELD, 1/5 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71, $4.94 ..............5/ Eliza CAUSSIN, 1/5 of 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71, $4.94 ...Eliza (McTIER) McCULLOH's heirs ..............John K. McCULLOH, 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71 ...Grace (McTIER) WINCHESTER, 1/7 of 1/4 of 1/2, $24.71 Closed 2 Jun 1881.

AF-2, 369-369 - HORNER, AGNEW, MOTTER - Jan 1880
Newton M. HORNER and John C. MOTTER, trustees - 2nd Report of Sales - Equity #4448 Estate of Eli HORNER; trustees, Newton M. HORNER and John C. Motter Distribution of $3,138.23; court costs, $105.19 = $3,032.76 - Sophia HORNER, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $303.37 - Louisa AGNEW, 1/3, $909.83 - Lucinda HORNER, 1/3, $909.83 - Mary HORNER, 1/3, $909.83 Closed 23 Feb 1881,

AF-2, 370-375 - DUFFIN, NICODEMUS, WALTZ - Dec 1880
William H. NICODEMUS, sec/of Franklin Savings Bank, mortgagee of Elijah DUFFIN - Report of Sales LAND - "Araby", 35 acres, in Urbana District; on road from Frederick to Urbana, 4 miles from Frederick. Land is elevated with view of Monocacy Valley. Improved with a 2-story log house with garden and orchard with a spring of pure water; has streams running thru fenced fields and 5 acres in timber, Rock Oak, Chestnut and Locust. To Elijah DUFFIN from Hezekiah BAILEY & wife in Oct 1860 [BGF-6, 289]. Sale was held 18 Dec 1880 on the premises; high bidder was: - Barbara E. WALTZ at $887.25 (Francis W. WALTZ signed for her) Distribution: court costs, $145.03 - William H. NICODEMUS, mortgage claim, $228.05 - Mariah ROLLINS, exec/of Elihah DUFFIN, dec'd, balance, $514.18 Closed 2 Mar 1881.

Mary J. McDEVITT vs Mary McDEVITT, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Sep 1876 Joseph P. McDEVITT d/ 7 Sep 1875, in Adams Co, PA, intestate widow - Mary Jane McDEVITT - Adams Co, PA d/ Mary McDEVITT, a minor - Adams Co, PA s/ James McDEVITT, a minor - Adams Co, PA s/ Peter McDEVITT, a minor - Adams Co, PA s/ Joseph M. DEVITT, a minor - Adams Co, PA s/ Harry McDEVITT, a minor - Adams Co, PA s/ John McDEVITT, a minor - Adams Co, PA LAND - Home farm is 491 acres, mostly in Adams Co, PA, 263 acres; but partly in Frederick Co, MD, 67+ acres, in Emmitsburg District, lies in a narrow strip over a mile in length. On plat of the late James McDEVITT; adjoining land of Joseph BYERS, David GAMBLE and Charles WILSON and the PA state line. In Sep 1877, the total farm adjoined lands of Frank CALDWELL, Jacob ELINE, D. C. KRISE, Michael SLAYBAUGH and D. H. REIMAN. Improvements were on the PA portion which consisted of a stone house with back building, apring house, smoke house, large bank barn and wagon shed. - Lot #4 of mountain land, 9+ acres & Lot #6 of 6+ acres (adjoined land of Jacob MYERS). To Joseph P. McDEVITT from Mary McDEVITT, Martha McDEVITT, Julia J. McDEVITT of Frederick Co, MD and Alexander J. RIDER & w/ Sarah of Iowa City, Johnson Co, Iowa for $1,414.95 for undivided part in Aug 1866 [JWLC-4, 575]. Values of shares for land in both states, $3,787.14, divided as follows: - Joseph P. McDEVITT, $1,414.75 - Mary McDEVITT, $476.03 - Martha McDEVITT, $476.03 - Julia J. McDEVITT, $476.03 - Sarah RIDER, $884.10 Joseph (as Exec/of James McDEVITT) conveyed the Maryland land to Mary, Julia and Sarah for $3,787.14 in Aug 1866. Joseph's widow claimed since the lands were undivided, the Maryland land needed to be sold with the Pennsylvania land; otherwise, it would decrease the value. Guardian was Edward A. GITTINGER. Testimony was heard 21 May 1877 from: - James A. ELDER - Joseph BYERS Trustee was James A. ELDER. Sale was held 22 Sep 1877; high bidders were: - Joseph BYERS for 6 acres of woodland at $164.50 - Benjamin KEILHOLTZ for 18 acres at $566.82 - Thomas CLABAUGH for 9 acres who refused to comply; was resold to: - Felix A. DIFFENDALL for 9 acres at $35 The farm didn't sell at this sale or the following two sales; however, the highest bid at last sale was later accepted as private sale from: - John DONOGHUE at $1,620 Total sales, $2,386.22. Distribution: court costs, $381.37 = $2,004.95 - Mary McDEVITT, widow, in lieu of dower, $318.22 - balance to creditors. Closed 21 Mar 1881.

John W. PHOEBUS & Others vs James PHOEBUS & Others - Report of Sales - May 1879 LAND - "Long Acre", part of "Taskers Chance", fronts West Patrick St in Frederick; adjoined land of George H. RIZER. John W. PHOEBUS and Benjamin F. PHOEBUS, trustees Private Sale to: - Elizabeth A. PHOEBUS for Lot #5 at $90 - Ann R. BARTGIS for Lots #8-11 at $400 - Andrew P. RENNER for Lot #7 at $100 - Christian KING for Lot #6 at $100 - Bernard DUVALL for Lot #21 at $100 - Charles W. SMITH for Lot #12 at $105 - Charles W. SMITH for Lot #13 at $100 - Jane R. MOLEN for Lots #14-17 at $100 - Ann BRUCHEY for Lot #18 at $100 - Ruanna R. HARRISON for Lot #19 at $95 - John M. WHITMORE for Lot #20 at $95 Distribution of $760.13; court costs, $41.45 = $718.88 - James H. PHOEBUS, 1/8, $89.86 - Benjamin F. PHOEBUS, 1/8, $89.86 - Joseph CROUSE, assignee of John W. PHOEBUS, 1/8, $89.86 - Jane SMITH, 1/8, $89.86 - Elizabeth A. PHOEBUS, 1/8, $89.86 - George SHELL, assignee of Mary STRAILMAN, 1/8, $89.86 - Ann E. HOUCK, 1/8, $89.86 - Anna M. GERLOCK, 1/2 of , 1/8, $44.93 - Francis BURCK, 1/2 of , 1/8, $44.93 Closed 11 Mar 1881. (see Folio 578 for additional Distribution)

John B. KUNKEL, surviving partner of John B. & Jacob M. KUNKEL vs Mary B. WILHIDE & Others - Supplemental of #3803 - Jan 1881 LAND - "Piney Mountain", 279 acres Previously to Benjamin WILHIDE from John C. EYLER. Trustee Lewis CRAWFORD formerly sold property to Leonard R. WAESCHE. Private sale later made to: - Frederick N. WILLHIDE at $500 - John McAFEE for mountain lot at $104.40; who resold it to George L. FOX who resold it to Frederick WHITE who resold it to George W. PRYOR. The monies were never fully paid and John McAFFEE has since left the state of Maryland and Frederick WHITE and George W. PRYOR are now deceased. Resale of mountain lot by 14 March 1894 to: - Martin L. PRYOR at $190.02 Continued in Equity Record DHH-1, 420-421; however, it was only ratified, then sent to Auditor.

William KEPLER & w/ Annie vs Hanry M. KEPLER & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4553 - Jan 1880 John KEPLER Sr d/ Aug 1849 (Will written 14 Aug 1843; files 21 Aug 1849) s/ John KEPLER Jr (to take farm at value and pay siblings their share) d/ Rachel KEPLER s/ Peter KEPLER d/ Mary Magdalen w/o Christopher IFERD s/ Henry KEPLER s/ Conrad KEPLER Execs/ son John and son-in-law, Christopher IFERD (he renounced) Witnesses: Daniel MILLER of A., Hezekiah LAMB, Andrew SMITH --- John KEPLER (Jr.) d/ Nov 1879, intestate, in Middletown District (wife died before him) s/ William J. KEPLER & w/ Annie s/ Henry M. KEPLER & w/ Amanda E. s/ Daniel S. KEPLER & w/ Elizabeth d/ Ann Rebecca (KEPLER) w/o Isaac RIDENOUR - Dayton, Ohio d/ Malinda (KEPLER) w/o Robert THOMAS s/ John H. KEPLER & w/ Susan R. s/ Charles C. KEPLER - Dayton, Ohio d/ Sarah C. (KEPLER) w/o Joseph ECKTON - Farmersville, Ohio d/ Charlotte A. KEPLER d/ Mary M. (KEPLER), dec'd w/o John H. LIGHTER (she died intestate, before her father) .....Charles E. LIGHTER - (at Eaton & Burnetts Business College) - Baltimore City .....Daniel W. LIGHTER, a minor (of age by Jan 1881) .....Mary E. LIGHTER, a minor .....John C. LIGHTER, a minor .....William E. LIGHTER, a minor .....Simon P. LIGHTER, a minor .....Emma K. LIGHTER, a minor .....Alice V. LIGHTER, a minor .....Lorenzo C. LIGHTER, a minor .....Gertrude F. LIGHTER, a minor s/ Martin L. KEPLER d/ intestate after his father - Wayne Co, Indiana .....w/ Julia A. - Indiana .....Onetta L. KEPLER, a minor - Indiana .....Carrie M. KEPLER, a minor - Indiana .....Luther M. KEPLER, a minor - Indiana .....John T. KEPLER, a minor - Indiana (later died) LAND - "Resurvey on Father's Good Will", 119+ acres; located 2 1/2 miles SW of Middletown, adjoins the home farm and lands of Singleton E. REMSBURG and Joshua RUDY. Improved with a 2-story stone house with stone bank barn, wagon shed and double corn cribs, wash and spring house, orchard and spring near the house; fields are watered and recently limed and 8 acres in timber. To John KEPLER from Martin S. GROVE & w/ Sarah for $6,800 in Jun 1863 [BGF-9, 146]. Previously to GROVE in May 1835 [JS-50, 217-219] from heirs of: Jacob GROVE Sr. d/ Stephen HOUSE & wife s/ John D. GROVE s/ Jacob GROVE (Jr.) s/ Leonard GROVE s/ George GROVE s/ William GROVE s/ Daniel GROVE s/ Samuel GROVE Previously to Jacob GROVE Sr. from Jacob YOUNG in Oct 1811 [WR-41, 195-198]. LAND - "Who Matters What", 49+ acres To John KEPLER from Daniel BEACHLEY & w/ Hannah for $30.93 in Sep 1856 [ES-9, 315]. - "Youngest Brother", 249+ acres; a resurvey of tracts "Learning/Leaving(?)", "Exchange" and several vacant tracts; located 2 miles SW of Middletown, adjoining lands of Ezra BEACHLY, Joshua/Joseph D. KOOGLE and Eli ROUTZAHN. (Adjoined land of Mathias FLOOK in 1769.) Then in possession of John H. KEPLER. Improved with a large 2-story weather-boarded house, bank barn, wagon shed with double corn cribs, an orchard and spring with 30 acres in timber, Black Oak, White Oak and Hickory; 120 acres has been recently limed. To John KEPLER from his father John KEPLER Sr.'s Will in 1849. Previously to John KEPLER Sr from heirs of Conrad YOUNG for $7,485 in May 1827; execs/ Henry YOUNG and Mathias FLOOK [JS-26, 473]. Special Warrant of Resurvey granted to Conrad YOUNG in Dec 1769. SOLD - "Your Brother", 57 perches. From John KEPLER & w/ Elizabeth to Daniel BEACHLEY at $35.58 in Jun 1857 [ES-10, 515]. Guardian for the KEPLER children was James T. NICHOLSON, Esquire, of Greenfork PO, Wayne Co, Indiana. On 29 May 1888, it was announced that John J. KEPLER the son of Martin L. KEPLER had died sometime after his father. Guardian for the LIGHTER children was William MAHONEY, Esquire. Testimony was heard on 9 July 1880 from: - William J. KEPLER, age 49, Frederick County - John H. LIGHTER, age 46, Frederick County - Henry M. KEPLER, age 48, Frederick County Trustee was William J. KEPLER. Sale was held 18 Dec 1880; high bidders were: - Henry M. KEPLER for the 249-acre home farm at $54/acre, $13,446 - John H. KEPLER for the 119-acre farm at $50/acre, $5,975 Total sales, $19,421. Distribution of $19,643.25; court costs, $985.25 - John H. KEPLER, note, $921.20 - Henry M. KEPLER, note, $2,291.34 - Daniel S. KEPLER, note, $3,281.70 - William J. KEPLER, balance due, $85.40 Leaving Balance of $12,078.36 - each 1/11 child's share, $1,098.03 (Mary LIGHTER's children each rec'd $109.80) (Martin KEPLER's three surviving children each rec'd $313.72 and his widow rec'd $156.86) Closed 22 Apr 1881.

J. J. ZIMMERMAN and Daniel J. SHELLMAN, trustees - Report of Sales - Equity #4242 - Mar 1877 Mary Ann FRALEY issued Deed of Trust to Joshua J. ZIMMERMAN and Daniel J. SHELLMAN in Nov 1876. LAND - "DeWalt's Lot" and "Castle Henry", part of "Pleasant Plains", 101 acres; adjoined Mount Zion Church and land of Samuel ZIMMERMAN and Daniel SMITH. Located on country road to Harpers Ferry Road, about 4 miles from Frederick. Improved with a large 2-story house with a 2-story back building and kitchen, and a large bank, all nearly new; a large wagon shed, corn house and blacksmith shop. Roofing was of cypress shingles. Also has a well with pump near the buildings. Farm has a small stream running through it, six limed fields with good fencing and a large orchard of varied fruits. Tenant then was Francis M. FRALEY - 11 acres, adjoining; has 1 acre in timber. Located 300-400 yards from Mount Zion Church on road to Harper's Ferry Road. Improved with nearly new 2-story log and weather boarded house with cellar, large log stable, garden, fruit trees; had stream running through the land and a spring near the house. - To Mary Ann FRALEY from Joshua DILL, trustee of George STOCKMAN, in Oct 1853 [ES-3, 307]. Previously from Lewis LAUFFER which then totaled 119 acres in 1806 [WR-29, 6-8]. Exception is 2 1/2 acres she sold to William HOLTER [ES-5, 593]. - parts "Jacob's Delight", Lot #14 of "Fielderea" and "Davalt's Lot", 44 acres, near the other tract and where Mary Ann FRALEY was then living. Improved with a log house and kitchen attached, a log barn, a stone spring house, corn crib, wagon shed, meat house, large newly fenced garden and fruit trees; divided into five limed fields and a meadow, five acres in timber, with small stream running through the land and a spring near the house. - To Mary Ann FRALEY from George ZIMMERMAN for 5 acres in 22 Feb 1850 [CM-4, 10]. - To Mary Ann FRALEY from John DeGRANGE (exec/of Elizabeth DeGRANGE) for 39 acres in Jun 1872 [CM-10, 95]. Sale was held at the City Hotel in Frederick City on 6 Jan 1877; high bidder for the farm was: - Francis M. FRALEY but he was unable to comply with the terms. The other tract failed to obtain a bid. Private sale was later made to: - Edward J. ZIMMERMAN for the farm at $58/acre, $5,985 On 16 Mar 1878, sale was made to: - William HOFFMAN for the 11 acres at $550; with provision for right of way access. Objection to sale by Mary Ann FRALEY and Francis FRALEY as being sold for less than its value. Testimony was heard on 31 May 1878 from: - Francis M. FRALEY - claimed he was plowing for corn last spring for his mother and Joshua ZIMMERMAN told him it was no use because he had sold the land; when asked to who, response was "That's a secret." The following Sunday, Joshua's son Joseph ZIMMERMAN came over and said he had bought the farm and the property where his mother lived and asked when would I be moving. When at the courthouse to appoint a trustee, his mother said she didn't want Joshua to be one of the trustees and SHELLMAN told her she should take him because he was her brother. Francis' mother finally agreed provided that Joshua sell the farm that he held as her guardian; upon her signing, he then refused. Following a week later, Uncle Joe ZIMMERMAN came over and told Joshua that he would buy the mountain farm. A few days later Joshua came over and told me he had sold the farm where I lived for $40/acre and they argued. (Francis also referred to Daniel SHELLMAN as uncle and mentioned he had raised Charles STEVENS.) - Ellen STINE - William R. WINCHELL - Charles M. STEVENS - George C. STINE - Robert W. WHITING - John William HARGATE - father-in-law of Francis M. FRALEY - Jacob M. BUSHEY - Elias ZIMMERMAN - Joshua J. ZIMMERMAN - Daniel J. SHELLMAN Mary Ann FRALEY died late Aug 1878; adm/ Francis M. FRALEY. Private Sale (after failed public sale) in Dec 1878 to: - Ellen STORM/STINE, w/o George STORM/STINE, for the 44 acres at $1,163 Total for all property sales of the three tracts, $7,684.56 and personal property sales, $625.16 = $8,309.72. Distribution Balance after multiple claims, mortgages, judgments and court costs to: - Estate of Mary Ann FRALEY, $184.52 Objection by Francis M. FRALEY on 11 Apr 1881 for miscalculated expenses. Later proceedings referred to Equity 4-360. AF-4, 360-363 - Continuation On 14 Jan 1882, adjustments were made, leaving a balance to: - Estate of Mary Ann FRALEY, $244.70 Closed 17 Feb 1882.

AF-2, 462-467 - FINK, HYATT - Feb 1881
Lloyd H. HYATT, mortgagee of John D. FINK & w/ Ann R. - Report of Sales - Equity #4673 LAND - "Smithfield", 1/2 acre Lot in Middletown, in western section, runs along Baltimore-Frederick Turnpike and Middletown-Burkittsville Road and land of Peter G. SCHLOSSER and small branch from spring in village of Middletown. In 1876, neighbors were Thomas W. KOOGLE and James F. CHAMBERLAIN. Improved with a 2-story stone house of 8 rooms, a large new stable, new wash house, spring and spring house at the kitchen door, garden and fruit trees. ..To John D. FINK from his mother, Elizabeth FINK for $700 in Sep 1872 [CM-9, 96]. Previously to Elizabeth FINK from Isaac MICHAEL, exec/of John BOWLUS in Sep 1859 [BGF-4, 507]. Trustees were Lloyd H. HYATT and Thomas H. WILLIARD. Sale was held in front of the Valley Register Office in Middletown on 6 Feb 1881; high bidder was: - Elizabeth FINK at $467.10; subject to also paying lien of $832.90. After court costs, Lloyd H. HYATT received $408.07 as partial mortgage claim. Closed 9 Apr 1881.

AF-2, 467-472 - DONNELLY, COYLE, ANNAN, DUKEHART - Jan 1881
Isaac S. ANNAN and James C. ANNAN, partners t/a I. S. ANNAN & Brother, mortgagees of John DONNELLY & w/ Bridgett and James E. A. COYLE - Report of Sales - Equity #4660 LAND - "Elder's Kindness", 3+ acres, 2 1/2 miles SW of Emmitsburg; on road from Mount St. Mary's College to Pennsylvania line; adjoined lands of Henry DIELMAN and Mount St. Mary's College. Improved with a stone house, log stable and hog pen. ..From William HITESHEW in Sep 1849 [WBT-14, 333]. Sale was held in fron of ANNAN's Store in Emmitsburg on 22 Jan 1881; high bidder was: - John DUKEHART at $800 After court costs, the mortgagees received the balance of $330 as partial mortgage claim. Closed 18 Apr 1881.

AF-2, 473-481 - REPP, STONER - Jan 1881
John S. REPP, mortgagee of Jacob M. REPP & w/ Mary A. - Report of Sales - Equity #4667 LAND - "Hammond's Stripe", 20 acres; on road midway between Johnsville and McKinstry's Mill; adjoined lands of DeWitt HAINES. Improved with a new brick house with 7 rooms, bank barn, wood shed, hog house, well watered with a pump at the kitchen door and spring a short distance from the house and also fruit trees. ..From Noah BAUGHTEL & w/ Caroline in Apr 1876 [TG-5, 204]. Sale was held 5 Feb 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Abraham STONER at $1,975 On 21 Mar 1881, Mary A. REPP stated her marriage date to Jacob M. REPP was 1 Feb 1866 and he died 17 Dec 1880 without any Will and having no children. She asked for her dower monies and stated she was 53 years old and in sound health, but has no financial resources. She was awarded 1/9; however, John S. REPP as adm/of Jacob M. REPP, claimed after all debts are paid, there would be no surplus. Distribution of $1,975; court costs, $179.43 - John S. REPP, mortgage claim, $1,381.45 - Mary A. REPP, widow, 1/9, $46.01 - John S. REPP, adm, for creditors, $358.11 Closed 22 Apr 1881.

Dr. Edward L. BOTELER, trustee for mortgagees of Robert H. BOTELER & w/ Margaret - Report of Sales - Equity #4247 Mortgages by Robert H. BOTELER & w/ Margaret to Margaret A. BOTELER, Louisa E. STEPHENS, Isaac RAMSBURG, Ann R. SCHAEFFER, Dr. Edward L. BOTELER and Central National Bank in Oct 1876. LAND - 181 acres, 2 miles from Jefferson on road from Jefferson to Burkittsville; adjoined lands of Rebecca HILLEARY and Andrew MAUGHT. Farm can be divided with 85 acres and 96 acres as public road separates the two sections. Then in occupancy of William HOLTER as tenant. Improved with a 2-story house with back building attached and a spring near the house. To Robert H. BOTELER from Rodney BISER. - 22 acres of mountain land, on west side of South Mountain in Sandy Hook District in Washington County; adjoined lands of Thomas HILLEARY, Tilghman HILLEARY Dr. Edward L. BOTELER. To Robert H. BOTELER (1/2 interest) and James R. FERRELL from Z. S. CLAGETT, trustee. Deeds referenced for the Estate of Hezekiah BOTELER were: in FREDERICK County - "Rhodes' Addition to Knoxville", Lot #20, 6,222 sq ft, in Knoxville. To Hezekiah BOTELER (now dec'd) from George W. CRUM, trustee for William B. TABLER in Dec 1857 [BGF-1, 17]. - Lot #12 & 13 in Section 25, Lot #1 & 30 in Section 26, Lots #9 & 10 in Section 35, Lots #16 & 17 in Section 50, Lots #16 & 17 in Section 52, in Weaverton. With provision that no intoxicating beverages were to be made or sold there. To Cpt. Hezekiah BOTELER of Washington County from Weaverton Manufacturing Company for $677 in Jun 1852 (their Atty William B. TABLER) [ES-1, 477]. - "Fielderea Manor", 105+ acres, on Ridge Road from Frederick to Harper's Ferry, adjoined land of Frederick SLAGLE. To Hezekiah BOTELER from Joseph RODRICK & w/ Mary Ann and Willilam A. HEMP & w/ Sarah A. L. for $4,500 in Feb 1863 [BGF-8, 352]. in WASHINGTON County - (land not named) To Hezekiah BOTELER from Zachariah CLAGETT, John McPherson BRIEN and Isabella A. BRIEN and from Alexander GUN(?) & wife Mary in 1826 [Washington Co - FF, 576-577 &580-581; OHW-1, 27-29]. Sale was held in front of Isaac WALKER's Store in Jefferson on 24 Mar 1877; high bidder was: - Dr. Edward L. BOTELER for farm at $4,528.12 (signed for by Abraham HEMP) Distribution of $4,737.44; court costs, $315.60; balance to various mortgage claims. Closed 19 Mar 1881.

AF-2, 489-505 - ANDES, FOGLE, ANDERS
George FOGLE, mortgagee of George ANDES - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4048 - Feb 1875 George ANDES issued mortgage to George FOGLE in March 1863 for $175. George ANDES d/ 1863 widow - Ann s/ James A. ANDES d/ Sarah ANDES The widow's dower of 1/3 of the land is due her. The son issued Deed of Mortgage of his share to Charles SMITH to secure $100 in Aug 1866. LAND - parts of "Resurvey on Andrew's Chance", "Beard's Delight", "Addition of Hartsock's Adventure" and "Hickory Bottom", 16 acres. Located on Coppermine Road, 1 1/2 miles east of Woodsboro. Adjoined land of John FOGLE of Solomon, David FOGLE, and Abraham DANNER. Improved with a 2-story log house and barn. Trustees were James McSHERRY and Milton G. URNER. Sale was held on the premises on 25 May 1878; high bidder was: - Annie M. ANDERS of Carroll County at $875 However, she failed to make payment. Another Sale was held 30 Aug 1879 at SMITH's Hotel in Woodsboro; high bidder was: - James A. ANDES at $700 However, he failed to make payment. Another Sale was held 31 Jan 1880 at SMITH's Hotel in Woodsboro; high bidder was: - George FOGLE at $475 George FOGLE petitioned the court because the ANDES family refused to vacate the property. Distribution of $475; court costs, $213.30 - Ann ANDES, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $26.17 - George FOGLE, partial mortgage claim, $235.53 Closed 29 Apr 1881.

Peter FOGLE & w/ Mary vs Elizabeth FOGLE & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4430 Nicholas FOGLE d/ 3 Feb 1878 in Woodsboro, testate widow - Elizabeth ($800) s/ Peter FOGLE & w/ Mary - Miami Co, Ohio ($1,000) s/ Daniel FOGLE, dec'd & wid/ Margaret d/ Susan (FOGLE) w/o John LIPPY ($1,000) d/ Lydia Ann (FOGLE) w/o Daniel Isaac ILER/EYLER ($300) s/ Nicholas FOGLE (Jr.) ($1,000) d/ Feb 1878 near Woodsboro, intestate ...w/ Mary E. (age abt 35) ......Emily Jane FOGLE, a minor ......Charles Henry FOGLE, a minor ......Anna Bell FOGLE, a minor ......Margaret E. FOGLE, a minor d/ Catharine (FOGLE) w/o Mathias ZECHER ($1,000) d/ Margaret (FOGLE) w/o Thomas V. ARNOLD s/ Michael FOGLE & w/ Sarah - to daughter-in-law Margaret, wid/of dec'd son Daniel FOGLE, House & 19 acres where she then lived; upon her death to decedent's son Nicholas Jr. - Remainder of estate to Michael, Peter, Susan, Margaret, Catharine and Nicholas. (Lydia not listed here) Execs/ sons Michael and Nicholas Witnesses: George M. SHAW, James A. ANDES, Daniel E. FOGLE [Will written 24 Jan 1878] LAND - "Long Bottom Enlarged" and several parts of "Sandy Spring", 53+ acres, all continguous. Located on road from Burnt Mill to Johnsville; adjoining lands of Joseph GRIM and George ALBAUGH. * Improved with a 1 1/2 story log house, bank barn, fruit orchards and spring near the house; 8 acres in timber. To Nicholas FOGLE from Conrad ILER & w/ Ann Maria for $325 in May 1838; included 18 acres in Nov 1843 and 10+ acres in Apr 1845 and 8 acres by Certificate; and "Sandy Spring", 17 acres, and from William ILER & w/ Mary, Peter ILER & w/ Susan and Jeremiah ILER for $258 in Nov 1855. * Except 41 perches were conveyed to Board of County School Commissioners, Keefer THOMAS and George A. FLICKINGER, in Apr 1876. - "Good Hill", 10+ acres, in Woodsboro District, 400 yards from New Midway; adjoining lands of Levi BUTTS and Isaac RENNER. To Nicholas FOGLE of Woodsboro District from Jesse GEISELMAN & w/ Elizabeth of Littlestown, Adams Co, PA for $275 in Dec 1868. Previously to Christian BARRICK from Peter ILER & w/ Susannah in Jun 1859 [BGF-4, 597]; then to Jesse GEISELMAN from Nancy BARRICK, adm/of Christian BARRICK in Apr 1867 (but not recorded). - Lot #1 of "Roundabout", 7+ acre wood lot of Chestnut timber, on road from Woodsboro to Liberty; adjoining land of Charles SMITH. To Nicholas FOGLE from James M. SMITH, exec/of John SMITH of M. for $125 in May 1876. Previously to SMITH from Francis S. JONES, exec/of Abraham JONES in Jul 1855 [BGF-3, 67]. - "Long Bottom Enlarged", 18 acres, in Woodsboro District, near Charles WOOD's Mill; adjoined lands of Charles WOOD and John P. CRAMER. To Nicholas FOGLE from Henry SAYLOR & w/ Catharine A. M. for $130 in Feb 1848 [WBT-7, 51]. Previously to SAYLOR from David ROOP & Susan ROOP. On 22 Dec 1879, Lydia Ann & Daniel I. ILER petitioned against the Will claiming Nicholas FOGLE Sr was under undue influence by David FOGLE, Michael FOGLE and others and was not competent to execute a Will. Guardian appointed for minor children was Edward A. GITTINGER, Esquire. Testimony was heard 14 Jan 1879 from: - John P. CRAMER; detailed Nicholas FOGLE Jr & his family - George W. SHAW; detailed Nicholas FOGLE Jr & his family Trustee was Michael FOGLE. Sale was held in front of SMITH's Hotel in Woodsboro on 22 Mar 1879; high bidders were: - John YINGLING for home farm at $42/acre - Mathias SAGER for the 10 acres at $22.50/acre - David E. FOGLE for 18 acres at $5.75/acre - Susan LIPPY for 7 acres at $37/acre Total sales, $2,865.21. John YINGLING was unable to pay, but agreed to rent the farm until it was resold. Sale was again held for the home farm on the premises on New Cut Road from Burnt Mill to Johnsville on 14 Feb 1880; high bidder was: - Isaac ILER at $36.25/acre, $1,897.31 Isaac ILER asked to vacate the sale if the Will would be contested as he agreed to purchase the land expecting a clear title. Testimony was heard 12 May 1880 from: - Isaac ILER, age 36 The caveat issued by Lydia ILER has been dismissed and the sale was ratified. Distribution of $2,592.57; court costs, $441.21 - Elizabeth FOGLE, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $215.13 - Michael FOGLE, 1/6, $322.70 - Peter FOGLE, 1/6, $322.70 - Margaret ARNOLD, 1/6, $322.70 - Susan LIPPY, 1/6, $322.70 - Catharine SEGER (ZECHER), 1/6, $322.70 - Mary E. FOGLE, wid/of Nicholas Jr, in lieu of dower, 1/7 of 1/6, $46.10 ...each of their children, 1/4 of 6/7 of 1/6, $69.15 (1/4 of balance after their mother's dower) Closed 30 Apr 1881.

AF-2, 544-547 - VALENTINE, URNER, RAMSBURG - Apr 1880
Milton G. URNER and William H. RAMSBURG, mortgagees of Amos VALENTINE - Report of Sales LAND - Lot (25 x 150') on east side of East St in Frederick To Amos VALENTINE (w/ Mary Elizabeth) from Charles Edward POWELL & wife in Nov 1875. Sale was held at the Dill House in Frederick on 4 May 1878(?); high bidders were: - Milton G. URNER and William H. RAMSBURG at $400 Sent to auditor on 4 May 1880.

Lloyd A. WARFIELD vs Mary Catharine WARFIELD & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4534 - Nov 1879 Alexander WARFIELD d/ 1859 (Will written 24 Apr 1856) widow - Eliza A. (d/o Caleb BURGESS) d/ Sep 1879 in Johnsville, intestate d/ Mary Catharine WARFIELD d/ Lenora (WARFIELD) BAKER, widow - Montgomery County s/ Owen B. WARFIELD (died before his mother) ...wid/ Mary E., now w/o Samuel Jacob BAKER - Wooster, Wayne Co, Ohio ........Samuel WARFIELD, a minor - Wayne Co, Ohio d/ Jemina (WARFIELD) w/o George B. FITZ d/ Rachel Joanna (WARFIELD) w/o Charles F. GRIMES d/ Sarah Matilda (WARFIELD) w/o Alfred ROBERTS - New Jersey s/ Lloyd A. WARFIELD & w/ Mary Ellen Burial - Methodist Episcopal burying ground in Johnsville All estate to wife - His farm and home place of 151 acres on tracts "Resurvey on Good Neighborhood" and Warfield's Lot" shall not be sold until youngest child becomes of age; if male, age 21; if female, age 18. Unless wife remarries or upon her death, then estate sold and divided equally among children. (children's names not listed in Will) Exec/ wife, Eliza A. WARFIELD Witnesses: Howard D. HARTSOCK, Lott HARTSOCK, John S. REPP LAND - "Warfield's Lot" and "Resurvey on Good Neighbourhood", 16+ acres, located 2 1/2 miles from Mount Pleasant. Adjoined part laid off to Samuel BURGESS, father of Ann BURGESS. To Alexander WARFIELD from John ENGEL & w/ Nancy at $527 in Jan 1848 [BGF-1, 366]. Previously belonging to Owen BURGESS, dec'd and bequeathed to Jemima Ann BURGESS. - "Warfield's Lot", 8 acres & "Resurvey on Good Neighborhood", 15 acres. To Alexander WARFIELD from Surratt D. WARFIELD & w/ Matilda for $428 in Nov 1837 [HS-5, 468]. - "Resurvey on Good Neighborhood", 112 acres, in Johnsville District; adjoined tracts "Warfield's Lot" and "Noah's Lot" and land of Noah FUNDENBURG. Agreeable to Will of Alexander WARFIELD, dec'd, and laid off by heirs of Caleb BURGESS. To Alexander WARFIELD & w/ Eliza Ann from Susannah MUSGROVE at $2,000 in Dec 1832 [JS-41, 416-418]. - "Warfield's Lot" and "Resurvey on Good Neighborhood", 112 acres, in Johnsville District, about 2 miles from Johnsville, on road from Johnsville to Whiskey Springs; adjoined tracts "Noah's Lot" and land of Noah FUNDENBURG. In 1881, neighbors were George W. ETZLER, Jacob STITELY of John and George FOGLE. Agreeable to Will of Alexander WARFIELD, dec'd, and laid off by heirs of Caleb BURGESS. To Alexander WARFIELD & w/ Eliza Ann from Nathan WARFIELD & w/ Kitty W. of Ontario Co, NY at $2,000 in Apr 1835 [JS-49, 400]. Exception sold "Resurvey on Good Neighborhood", 1 acre, for $17.50 in Dec 1854 to: - Ellen BAKER; adjoined land of Jacob STITELY [ES-5, 355] Exception - Eliza Ann WARFIELD sold "Warfield's Lot", 1 acre, and "Resurvey on Good Neighborhood", 1 rood and 29 sq perches at $55 in Apr 1869 to: - George W. ETZLER [CM-3, 527] - parts of "Resurvey on Seven Originals" and "Noah's Lot", 1+ acre To Eliza Ann WARFIELD from George W. ETZLER & w/ Margaret C. at $31.50 in Apr 1869 [CM-4, 15]. Eliza A. WARFIELD issued Mortgage to Jonathan BROWNING for 112 acres of land (obtained from Will of her father, Caleb BURGESS) for her debt to him of $279 in May 1876 [TG-5, 506]. Guardian was Anthony WRIGHT, Esquire of Wayne Co, Ohio. Testimony was heard 4 Jan 1881 from: - Lloyd A. WARFIELD, age 33, s/o decedent - Ephraim STONER, age 56 Trustee was Lloyd A. WARFIELD. SALE was held 5 Mar 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Jonathan BROWNING for 148 acres (combined tracts) at $$2,960; Improved with 2 1/2 story house, barn, corn house, spring house, hog pens and spring near the house; also had stream running through fields; growing rye and wheat included. Distribution of $2,960; court costs, $301.55 = $2,658.45 Alexander's portion of land sold, $552.57 - each child's 1/7 share, $78.92 (Mary E. BAKER, wid/of Owen WARFIELD, 1/7 of 1/7, $11.27 their son Samuel, 6/7 of 1/7, $67.66 Eliza A.'s portion of land sold, $2,105.88 - Jonathan BROWNING, mortgage claim, $358.79 - Lloyd A. WARFIELD, expenses he paid for estate, $267.79 - each child's 1/7 share, $211.32 (Owen's son Samuel received his full share.) Closed 11 May 1881.

AF-2, 578-579 - PHOEBUS - Jul 1879
Benjamin F. PHOEBUS, trustee - Distribution - Continuation of Equity #3760 - (see Folio 390) Distribution of $1,166.01; court costs, $5630 - James H. PHOEBUS, 1/8, $138.72 - Benjamin F. PHOEBUS, 1/8, $138.72 - Joseph CROUSE, assignee of John W. PHOEBUS, 1/8, $138.72 - Jane SMITH, 1/8, $138.72 - Elizabeth A. PHOEBUS, 1/8, $138.72 - George SHELL, assignee of Mary STRAILMAN, 1/8, $138.72 - Ann E. HOUCK, 1/8, $138.72 - Anna M. GERLOCK, 1/2 of , 1/8, $69.36 - Francis BURCK, 1/2 of , 1/8, $69.36 Closed 26 Aug 1879.

John D. YINGLING & Others vs Daniel J. FOUT & Others - Jun 1880 William G. YINGLING d/ 7 May 1880, intestate, widower s/ John David YINGLING & w/ Jannie MULLIGAN s/ Edmund L. YINGLING & w/ Sarah ROBERTS d/ Eliza Jane YINGLING (d/ 1 Jun 1880) w/o Reuben B. RICKETTS ..........Benjamin Franklin RICKETTS, a minor ..........Edward T. RICKETTS, a minor ..........Eva C. RICKETTS, a minor ..........Lilly Jane RICKETTS, a minor (d/ late July 1880) s/ Zadoc A. YINGLING & w/ Margaret A. E. GEISLER d/ Sarah A. YINGLING (d/ 1 Aug 1880) w/o Daniel J. FOUT ( intestate, no issue) s/ William T. J. YINGLING & w/ Eva KING LAND - 635 total acres - To William G. YINGLING - "Gant's Garden", From J. E. H. SIMMONS, trustee of George GIDDINGS, dec'd, at $231 in Jan 1840 [HS-10, 224]. To GIDDINGS from Philip PERRIE in Jun 1828 [JS-27, 673-674]. - Lot #13 of "New Bremen", 112 acres, by Monocacy River from Meredith DAVIS at $896 in Feb 1840 [HS-10, 343]. To DAVIS from Thomas F. DAVIS & w/ Isabella in July 1839. - "Gant's Garden", 25 acres; adjoined land of Martin EVERHART (to him from John KOONTZ), and Philip PERRILL (to him from William KOONTZ). From Meredith DAVIS at $375 in Mar 1851 [WBT-14, 224]. Previously to Theodore JENKINS from Thomas J. WINDSOR in Dec 1827 [JS-23, 124]. - "Black Acre", 93 acres, and "Gant's Garden", 51 acres, farm known as Bellmont, adjoining Greenfield Mills and on road to Urbana, NE of Monocacy River. Improved with a 2 1/2 story log and weather boarded house with a half story weather boarded back building and kitchen attached, divided into 11 rooms, bank barn (40 x 60'), corn house, wagon shed, ice house, dairy, tenant house, wheelwright shop, blacksmith shop under rent. Divided into 11 fields and orchard, six springs of water and covered by the Monocacy River. From George KEPHART & w/ Margaret Ann of Loudoun Co, VA at $3,500 in Aug 1858 [BGF-3, 257]. To KEPHART from Adam CUSTARD, Sheriff in Sep 1848 [WBT-12, 33]. - "Black Acre", "Friendship" and "Gant's Garden", 140 acres, farm known as Fairview; on east side of road from Green Field Mills to Urbana, 1/4 mile from Greenfield Mills. Improved with a 1 1/2 story weather boarded house with 6 rooms with kitchen attached, log barn, double corn crib, wagon shed, meat house, ice house, tobacco house, orchard, well with wind power attached; had eight fields with two springs. From Elias SPALDING & w/ Ellen at $7,000 in Aug 1866 [JWLC-4, 274]. To SPALDING from Abraham KOONTZ & wife in Jan 1869. "The Hope", 121 acres, known as 'Green Meadow Farm' in Urbana District; on road intersecting county road from Greenfield Mills to Urbana; adjoining lands of H. D. ORDERMAN and james S. SIMMONS. Improved with a brick house with a frame back building, bank barn, meat house, ice house, well in the house yard; also running water in five fields, and deposit of limestone. From Samuel L. BOYER & w/ Amelia J. at $8,470 in Sep 1873 [CM-10, 357]. To BOYER from Samuel BOYER & w/ Sarah [ES-9, 267] and previously to him from Jacob LEWIS and John LEWIS in Aug 1854 [ES-6, 59]. Except 3/4 acres conveyed by Samuel L. BOYER to Samuel SIMMONS. - also included 'Limestone Quarry', 1+ acre, between county road and Bennett's Creek. To Samuel L. BOYER from James H. SIMMONS & w/ Eleanor H. in Feb 1869 [CM-3, 103]. - Lot #12 of "New Bremen", 89 acres From John W. BAUGHMAN at $550 in Feb 1880 [AF-1, 257]. To BAUGHMAN from Joseph N. CHISWELL, exec/of John C. OSBORNE. Previously to Roger JOHNSON from Joseph M. CROMWELL in Aug 1809 [WR-36, 39]. Guardian for minor children was Edward M. INTIRE. (or McINTIRE) Testimony was heard 13 Aug 1880 from: - Herman T. ORDERMAN - Daniel T. ORDERMAN - Elias SPALDING Trustee was Zadoc A. YINGLING who sold the Green Meadow Farm and divided the remainder into two farms and three wood lots of Chestnut. SALE was held 16 Dec 1880 at Greenfield Mills; high bidders were: - Edmuund L. YINGLING for 121 acre 'Green Meadow Farm; at $46.26/acre - Edmuund L. YINGLING for farm 'Fairview', 174 acres, parts of "Black Acre", "Friendship", "Gant's Garden" and part of "New Bremen", at $37/acre (Spalding & Kephart purchases). - William T. J. YINGLING for 245 acre farm, known as 'Bellmont Farm', being parts of "Black Acre", "Gant's Garden" and part of "New Bremen" at $29/acre; with provision of right-of-way to wood lots. - John D. YINGLING for wood lot, 34 acres, at $3.60/acre - John D. YINGLING for wood lot, 32 acres, at $5.76/acre - Edward NICHOLS for wood lot, 17 acres, at $7.05; however, he failed to make payment and John David YINGLING asked to be substituted. Wood lots were from Lot #12 of "New Bremen". Total sales, $19,611.26. Martha L. MOBLEY (w/o Joseph H. MOBLEY) petitioned for payment on notes due her from William G. YINGLING. Guardian for the minor children was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 11 Feb 1881 from: - Edward L. YINGLING - claimed John D. YINGLING was adm and he was his agent for their father. - Joseph O. MOBLEY Distribution of $19,611.26; court costs, $1,048.46 = $18,562.80 - multiple creditors, $1,639.79 - John D. YINGLING, 1/6, $2,820.50 - Edmund L. YINGLING, 1/6, $2,820.50 - Zadoc A. YINGLING, 1/6, $2,820.50 - William T. J. YINGLING, 1/6, $2,820.50 - Daniel J. FOUT, widower, in lieu of life estate, 1/6, $2,820.50 - Reuben B. RICKETTS, widower, in lieu of life estate, 3/16 of 1/6, $528.84 - Benjamin F. RICKETTS, 1/4 of 13/16 of 1/6, $572.91 - Edward G. RICKETTS, 1/4 of 13/16 of 1/6, $572.91 - Eva C. RICKETTS, 1/4 of 13/16 of 1/6, $572.91 - Lilly Jane RICKETTS, 1/4 of 13/16 of 1/6, $572.91 - her share to: ...Inheritance tax, $14.33 ...Benjamin F. RICKETTS, 1/3, $186.19 ...Edward G. RICKETTS, 1/3, $186.19 ...Eva C. RICKETTS, 1/3, $186.19 Closed 24 May 1881.

AF-2, 623-628 -FEETE, CULLER, THOMAS, RICE - Mar 1881
Daniel CULLER & Others, trustees of Jeferson Division No. 163, Sons of Temperance, mortgagees of Catharine FEETE and husband William C. FEETE - Report of Sales - Equity #4678 LAND - Lot #34 on south side of Main St in Jefferson. Improved with a 1-story log house, a well near the door and right-of-way to a 10-foot alley on adjoining lot on the east side. To Catharine FEETE from Daniel CULLER & Others, trustees [TG-10, 51]. Sale was held 19 Mar 1881 on the premises; high bidders were: - Daniel CULLER, John J. CULLER, Charles E. THOMAS, Milton B. RICE and William L. CULLER, trustees, at $150; subject to $180 prior mortgage. John C. MOTTER was appointed trustee for the conveyence. Distribution after court costs to the mortgagees, $104.15. Closed 1 Jun 1881.

AF-2, 628-634 - KNODE, BIGGS - Mar 1881
Joshua BIGGS, Mortgagee of John T. KNODE & w/ Sarah S. - Report of Sales - Equity #4672 LAND - "Beaver Dear Bought", 150 acres, 4 miles south of Emmitsburg, on road from MAXWELL's Mill to KEY's School House, in 5th District, adjoining land of William B. MORRISON. Improved with a 2-story weatherboarded log house and back building, a new bank barn, a spring near the house and orchard. To John T. KNODE from Joshua BIGGS in Apr 1879]; mortgaged to BIGGS at $4,951.92 along with livestock, farm equipment and household items [TG-11, 413]. Previously to BIGGS from William B. MORRISON, exec, in 1873. Sale was held 1 Mar 1881 on the premises, high bidder was: - Joshua BIGGS at $4,900 Distribution of $5,394.41 (includes personal property sales) - Court costs, $334.24 - Joshua BIGGS, partial mortgage claim, $5,060.21 Closed 9 May 1881.

AF-2, 635-640 - VIRTZ, PLUMMER, BURKE - Mar 1881
Reuben N. PLUMMER, mortgagee of George W. VIRTZ - Report of Sale - Equity #4677 George W. VIRTZ & w/ Lavinia issued mortgage to Reuben N. PLUMMER & w/ Louisa P. at $3,000 in Jun 1876 [TG-5, 534]. LAND - 69 acres, on the Baltimore Turnpike, 3 1/2 miles east of Frederick; adjoining lands of Daniel BRENGLE and Benjamin F. BROWN. Improved with a 2-story frame house, barn, stable, wagon shed, carriage house, tenant house, formerly used as a store, a well near the door and a spring close to the house; also an apple and peach orchard. To George W. VIRTZ from Reuben N. PLUMMER & w/ Louisa P. at $3,500 in Jun 1876 [TG-5, 534]. Previously to PLUMMER from Henry HOUCK in Aug 1862 [BGF-8, 61]. Mortgage referenced deeds to George W. VIRTZ from: - Henry LORENTZ & wife in Mar 1967 [DSB-1, 67]; - Wolfgang KOPP & wife in Febb 1862 [BGF-7, 298]. SALE was held 9 Mar 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Milton BURKE at $2,020 Distribution; court costs, $162.60 - Reuben N. PLUMMER, partial mortgage claim, $1,857.40 Closed 27 Jun 1881.

AF-2, 641-645 - HARRIS, HOWELL, STONE, SHIPLEY, BEALL - Feb 1881
Esther SHIPLEY, assignee of Mortgagee Stephen HOWELL, by Samuel HARRIS & w/ Mary Ann - Report of Sales - Equity #4671 LAND - "Stoney Spring", 22+ acres, in Mount Pleasant District, lies 1/4 mile to right of turnpike from Mount Pleasant to Liberty on new road from the pike to Annapolis Road; adjoins land of Samuel NUSBAUM. Improved with a 2-story log house, young apple and peach orchard, lies 1/4 mile from Chestnut Grove School House. To Samuel HARRIS from Jacob BURRIER & w/ Eliza Ann in Nov 1868. Mortgaged to Stephen HOWELL at $800. Assignment of mortgage: - by Stephen HOWELL to Samuel W. HARRIS on 8 Jun 1880. - by Samuel W. HARRIS to Dr. D. E. STONE on 10 Jul 1880. - by Dr. D. E. STONE to Mrs. Esther SHIPLEY on 26 Nov 1880. Sale was held 19 Feb 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - William C. BEALL at $875 Distribution: court costs, $95.04 - Mrs. Esther SHIPLEY, assignee of mortgage, partial payment, $779.96 Closed 11 May 1881.

Charles T. REIFSNIDER, trustee, et al vs Jacob A. NAILL & w/ Elizabeth A. - Report of Sales - Equity #4656 LAND - "Warfield's Inheritance", "Stengers Chance" and "Legh Castle", 185 acres. To Jacob L. NAILL from Jacob NUSBAUM in Apr 1871 [TG-1, 56]. To Jacob L. NAILL from Jacob NUSBAUM & w/ Margaret A. in Apr 1875 [TG-3, 78]. Jacob A. NAILL & w/ Elizabeth A. in debt by mortgage in July 1875, for $2,000 each to: - Laura A. NUSBAUM (now w/o Francis BARNES) - Mary E. NUSBAUM of Carroll County (now w/o David FRANKLIN) - Susannah w/o John T. BOND of Carroll County - Fanny w/o William H. BAKER - Isaiah NUSBAUM [TG-4, 595]. Sale was held 17 Feb 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Isaiah NUSBAUM for 185 acres at $11,002.38 Distribution: court costs, $520.15 - Laura A. BARNES, $2,073.08 - Mary E. FRANKLIN, $2,073.08 - Fanny M. BAKER, $2,189.91 - Susannah BOND, $2,073.08 - Isaiah NUSBAUM, $2,073.08 Closed 21 May 1881.

AF-2, 652-665 - EVANS, JOHNSON, THORN, TOMS - Aug 1877
W. Benjamin F. JOHNSON & Others vs Samuel H. THORN & w/ Ellen Laura - Sale of Real Estate Nancy EVANS / IVANS d/ 1866, intestate (colored, of District #3, Frederick City) w/o Isaac EVANS (age about 70 in Dec 1877) d/ Sarah K. F. (EVANS), now w/o W. Benjamin F. JOHNSON d/ Ellen Laura (EVANS), now w/o Samuel H. THORN (d/ abt 1876) s/ Lloyd H. EVANS & w/ Frances - West Virginia d/ Mary EVANS d/ 1871, intestate, unmarried and a minor LAND - "Stricker's Timber Land", 4 acres(?); adjoining lands of Henry SMITH, John GAYLER, David AUSHERMAN and Mrs. Mary AUSHERMAN. To Nancy EVANS from George W. MALONE & w/Nancy for 1 3/4 acre at $100 in Mar 1854 [ES-4, 529]. Nancy EVANS was indebted to Dr. T. C. HARDY, a medical bill then paid by Benjamin F. JOHNSON as well as funeral expenses and taxes. John H. TOMS was appointed trustee to sell the property in payment of debts in Dec 1874; agreement signed by the heirs. Laura THORN lived on the decedent's property without paying any rent and, even though she signed an agreement to sell the property, has refused to vacate the property. After Laura THORN failed to appear in response to the petition, a hearing was held 8 Dec 1877; testimony was heard from: - John H. TOMS - W. Benjamin F. JOHNSON After two failed public sales, private sale was made to: - Lloyd H. EVANS at $75 Expenses exceeded the proceeds, even court costs were short. Closed 29 Jan 1881.

AF-2, 666-671 - WIERMAN, MARTIN, JONES - Jan 1881
Daniel C. MARTIN, mortgagee of Thomas A. WIERMAN & w/ Margaret A. E. - Report of Sales - Equity #4654 LAND - "Buck Horn", 5 acres, known as Mechanicstown Mills; on south side and adjoining road from Mechanicstown by way of Harmon's Gap to Hagerstown; embraced all land lying on SE of road with the mill property and included insurance policies. Adjoined land of Joseph A. EYLER, Ann E. MARTIN, Joseph WILLHIDE, Mrs. DELPHY and Joseph H. EYLER. Improved with a 2-story frame mill house (33 x 37') with basement and attic, with a 2-story brick addition (16 x 20') for office and shop; has a wheat burr and chopping stone, wheat cleaning machine, driven with a 12' overshot wheel and an A #1 purifier; produces 24 barrels in 24 hours. Also has a new brick main building (18 x 38') with an "L" (14 x 20'), containing 7 rooms and kitchen, cellar and well at the door, under cover; stable, carriage house and young fruit trees. Previously to John A. MARTIN from Henry ROUZER, John ARTHUR and Gottlieb J. SIGMOND [BGF-8, 46]. SALE was held 8 Jan 1881 in front of the GILBERT House in Mechanicstown; high bidder was: - John JONES at $3,135 Distribution: court costs, $239.43 - David C. MARTIN, partial mortgage claim, $2,895.57 (mortgage was originally $3,933) Closed 26 May 1881.

AF-2, 671-694 - GARROTT, CRAMPTON, FOUT, HIGHTMAN - Dec 1880
John D. G. CRAMPTON and Martha M. CRAMPTON - Petition - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4652 John D. GARROTT d/ Jun 1863, intestate widow - Matilda d/ 4 Dec 1880 s/ Dr. John E. GARROTT d/ 9 Apr 1880 & w/ Annie R. d/ Olivia GARROTT d/ Apr 1865 w/o Oscar P. CRAMPTON .....John D. G. CRAMPTON (age 23) .....Martha Matilda CRAMPTON (age 20) .....Benjamin E. P. CRAMPTON, (age 18) a minor LAND - 144 acres, on road from Burkittsville to Middletown, at north corner of the graveyard in Burkittsville; adjoined land of Henry M. DUELL and tract "Friends Good Will" and Main St to SE corner of graveyard. - "Friends Good Will", "Burkitt's Residence", "Honesty Best When Looked To" and "Addition to Friends Good Will", 113 acres. - Lots #4 & 5 in Burkittsville (Lots shown on plat of Burkittsville in Equity HS-6, 216) To John D. GARROTT from George BEAR, trustee for Henry BURKITT [Equity #1595], for 113 acres at $7,585 & Lots at $600 in May 1841 [HS-13, 381]. - Land from Henry BURKITT Estate, 45 acres; near the north corner of the burying ground in Burkittsville; adjoined land of Tilghman BISER and on road from Middletown to Burkittsville. To John D. GARROTT from Ezra SLIFER & w/ Matilda for 45 acres at $2,000 in Mar 1847 [WBT-4, 600]. (Reference to Equity #3250, John E. GARROTT vs Oscar P. CRAMPTON; see JWLC-3, 323-333; ) Matilda was dowered 140 acres. To Matilda GARROTT from David ARNOLD, trustee, in Sep 1876. Exception - 4 acres sold to the Burkittsville Cemetery Company. Deed to Burkittsville Cemetery Co from Matilda GARROTT, Annie R. GARROTT, O. P. CRAMPTON, J. D. G. CRAMPTON and Martha M. CRAMPTON at $351.25 for 3 acres, 2 roods and 2 perches on Middletown Road in Burkittsville on corner of 'Old Grave Yard' to alley; includes a private grave yard (not included in acreage given) [AF-2, 456]. Matilda conveyed her son's 1/2 undivided part of her dower land of 40+ acres to Annie R. GARROTT, w/o Dr. John E. GARROTT in Nov 1876; being Lot #1, a wood lot adjoining lots of David ARNOLD and David GILSON [TG-6, 567]. Mortgage of John E. GARRETT & w/ Annie R. to David ARNOLD, Oscar P. CRAMPTON, Martin T. SHAFER, Daniel SHAFER, Josephus KARSE, Joseph HIGHTMAN, John HUFFER, Joseph B. GARROTT and George DIHL, partners t/a Garrott & Co. in Jan 1874 of 114 acres sold to Matilda. Guardian for Benjamin E. P. CRAMPTON was William H. HILLIARY. Testimony was heard 25 Jan 1881 from: - Oscar P. CRAMPTON, 52, farmer, Petersville District - Ezra SLIFER, 59, Burkittsville - William H. HILLEARY, 59, surveyor and deputy clerk Trustee was Ezra SLIFER. Sale was held 12 Mar 1881 in front of SHUFORD's store in Burkittsville; high bidder was: - John HIGHTMAN for 136 acres of dower land at $12, 126.39 Located in Middletown Valley in Burkittsville; adjoined lands of Ezra L. KARN and L. A. T. HORINE. William FOUT was then the tenant. Improved with a large 10-room stone mansion and back building, large barn, carriage house with well near the door. 1st Distribution of $4,126.39; court costs, $277.04 - Annie R. GARROTT, 1/2, $1,914.67 - John D. G. CRAMPTON, 1/3 of 1/2, $638.22 - Martha M. CRAMPTON, 1/3 of 1/2, $638.22 - Benjamin E. P. CRAMPTON's guardian, 1/3 of 1/2, $638.22 Closed 5 May 1881.

Cora W. BRANDENBURG & Others vs Charles W. BRANDENBURG, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4647 Ezra BRANDENBURG d/ Jun 1878, intestate widow - Margaret E. (age about 40 in Jan 1881) d/ Medora BRANDENBURG w/o James McALLISTER - Kansas d/ Cora W. BRANDENBURG s/ Charles W. BRANDENBURG, a minor s/ Walter G. BRANDENBURG, a minor LAND - "Middle Plantation", 102 acres; located 2 1/2 miles from Mount Pleasant, on roads from New London to Frederick and from New Market to Mount Pleasant; 3 miles from New London; adjoined land of Michael LEASE, William Henry LEASE and Reuben SHEETENHELM. Improved with a log house, barn with stable attached and under good fencing. (Except for 3 acres conveyed to John LUCAS from Thomas MAYNARD.) To Ezra BRANDENBURG from Nancy STEPHENS, Mary LUCAS, Rebecca LUCAS and Susannah LUCAS at $2,800 in 1856 [ES-10, 604] and from Bradley T. JOHNSON, trustee of Equity in Jan 1859 of Nancy STEPHENS, Mary LUCAS, Rebecca LUCAS and Susannah LUCAS vs Ezra BRANDENBURG [also see BGF-4, 215]. - "Middle Plantation", 1 1/2 acres, in Mount Pleasant near New Market road. To Ezra BRANDENBURG from Reuben SHEETENHELM at $25 in Apr 1867 [DSB-1, 388]. Except for 2+ acres sold by Ezra & Margaret E. BRANDENBURG to William H. LEASE in Dec 1860 [BGF-6, 394]. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard 4 Jan 1881 from: - William W. WALKER - James E. WALKER Trustee was William W. WALKER. Sale was held 26 Feb 1881 on the premises; high bidder was: - Henry C. FOX at $4,206.60 Distribution: court costs, $302 - Margaret E. BRANDENBURG, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/7, $557.80 - Each child's 1/4 share, $836.70 Closed 16 May 1881.

Frederick HEINLEIN vs Grandison G. SHOOK, adm, & Others - Sale of Real Estate - Equity #4644 Daniel SHOOK d/ 16 Jun 1880, intestate widow - Susan (age 60+ in Dec 1880) d/ Ann Savilla SHOOK s/ Grandison G. SHOOK & w/ Barbara Ann d/ Mary Ann Sophia (SHOOK) w/o John Henry STUP s/ Edward C. SHOOK s/ Daniel H. SHOOK & w/ Harriet Ann s/ William A. SHOOK & w/ Laura C. Adm/ Grandison G. SHOOK LAND - 114 acres; includes: - "Lovely Prospect", 19 acres. To Daniel SHOOK from Joseph G. MILLER at $900 in Jul 1855 [ES-6, 607]. - "Sharp's Conclusion", 19 acres. To Joseph G. MILLER from Daniel SHOOK & w/ Susanna for 19 acres at $900 in Jul 1855 [ES-6, 615]. - "Sharp's Conclusion", 70 acres; 3 miles west of Frederick on the Shookstown Road. Improved with a 1 1/2 story weatherboarded house, barn, an apple orchard and several limestone quarries; stream through most of the fields. A stone spring house with running fountain is near the house and has a new post and rail fence. To Daniel SHOOK from Elizabeth SHOUP at $1,795.31 in Jan 1853. (witnessed by James BARTGIS and John A. SIMMONS) [ES-2, 551]. (lands originally bequeathed to Christian SHARP by his father, Martin SHARP for 218 acres) EXCEPTION - 1/4 acre (40 perches) for a cemetery, enclosed at that time. - "Sharp's Conclusion", 8 acres and 16 acres. adjoined the 18 acre tract and land of Daniel BOPST. To Daniel SHOOK from Henry SHOOK & w/ Susannah Rebecca at $466.56 in Jun 1854 (division of land devised to Daniel & Henry by Will of Elizabeth SHOUP dated 19 Mar 1840) [ES-5, 106]. - "Sharp's Conclusion", 18 acres; adjoined lands of Samuel SHOOK, Henry BRUNER, Frederick KRANTZ and Zachariah THOMAS. Four acres in chestnut and oak timber, under fencing. To Daniel SHOOK from Henry SHOOK & w/ Susannah Rebecca at $160 in May 1856 [ES-7, 470]. - "Mountain Range", 10 acres of mountain land, Lot #6; 2 1/2 miles from the farm. To Daniel SHOOK from Gideon BANTZ at $182.25 in Mar 1866 [JWLC-3, 690]. (Estate of Daniel BOPST & w/ Mary [JWLC-2, 453]) Testimony was heard 29 Dec 1880 from: - Grandison G. SHOOK - Frederick KRANTZ Trustee was Grandison G. SHOOK. SALE was held 5 Feb 1881 at the City Hotel in Frederick; high bidders were: - G. Joseph DOLL for the 88 acre home farm at $82.45/acre (exception was the burying ground) - George W. HARRINGTON for 18 acres at $40/acre - Edward C. SHOOK for 8 acres at $28.25/acre - William A. SHOOK for the 10 acre mountain lot at $5.75/acre Total sales, $8,264.81. Distribution: court costs, $486.74 - Susan E. SHOOK, in lieu of dower, 1/10, $777.80 - Various creditors, $1,496.44 - Each child's share, $917.30 Closed 25 May 1881.

AF-2, 731-749 - KLINE, SNOOK, MOCK
John M. SNOOK vs Sarah J. R. KLINE, et al - Equity #4636 - Nov 1880 Daniel KLINE d/ 5 Mar 1880, intestate widow - Sarah J. R. (age abt 48), Middletown District d/ Mary KLINE d/ Fanny KLINE, a minor s/ Martin KLINE, a minor s/ Charles KLINE, a minor s/ David KLINE, a minor s/ Franklin KLINE, a minor s/ Howard KLINE, a minor Adm/ John M. SNOOK LAND - - "Resurvey on Wooden Platter", Lot of 26 perches; on road leading to Frederick Pike. To Daniel KLINE from Jacob ZITTLE at $20 in Mar 1866 - Lot of 6 acres, adjoining "Wooden Platter", in Middletown District; 2 miles west of Middletown, on north side of Catoctin Creek to public road; adjoined land of (Daniel KOOGLE in 1866), William H. BOWLUS and Daniel C. MILLER. Improved with a 2-story log house, stable, hog pen with apple and peach orchard and water convenient to the house. To Daniel CLINE from John MILLER of H. & w/ Susan at $250 in Apr 1866 [JWLC-4, 223]. Previously to Miller from George BELEBENNER & wife in May 1856 [ES-7, 414] - "Resurvey on Wooden Platter", Lot of 65 sq perches; also adjoined land of Daniel KOOGLE. Included access and use of spring. To Daniel KLINE from George MUCK and Joshua SLIFER & w/ Anna at $20 in Apr 1872 [CM-9, 17]. Previously to Muck and Annie SLIFER from John H. ZITTLE in Dec 1871. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY. Testimony was heard 3 Jan 1881 from: - Josiah E. SNOOK; worked in John M. SNOOK's mill - Horatio ZITTLE - William H. BOWLUS Trustee was Clayton O. KEEDY. Sale was held 9 Apr 1881 in front of the Valley Register Office in Middletown; high bidder was: - William T. MOCK at $725 Distribution: court costs, $128.63 - Sarah J. R. KLINE, widow, in lieu of dower, 1/8, $74.54 - Multiple creditors, $390.20 - each child's 1/7 share, $18.80 Closed 10 Jun 1881.

John SIMMONS vs Thomas M. HOLBRUNER, et al Petition - Equity #4640 - Nov 1880 Elizabeth HOLBRUNER d/ intestate w/o Thomas M. HOLBRUNER d/ Susan J. HOLBRUNER w/o John W. WHALEN s/ Charles W. HOLBRUNER & w/ Ann S. CARRICK s/ Thomas M. HOLBRUNER Jr. s/ Edward E. HOLBRUNER, a minor s/ P. Sheridan HOLBRUNER, a minor d/ Mary "Mollie" L. HOLBRUNER, a minor s/ Lewis C. HOLBRUNER, a minor LAND - Lot #51 on north side of Patrick St in Frederick; runs to lot of Charles E. TRAIL, Esquire. To Elizabeth HOLBRUNER from Valentine SAUPPE & w/ in Oct 1865 [JWLC-3, 240]. Mortgaged by Thomas M. HOLBRUNER & w/ Elizabeth at $800 in Apr 1870. Guardian was William H. HILLEARY, Esquire. Testimony was heard - John SIMMONS, age 43, Frederick City (provided maiden name of Charles' wife) - Edward A. GITTINGER, age 45, Frederick City Trustee was Milton G. URNER, Esquire. The HOLBRUNERs submitted a buyer who purchased the property at private sale: - Nathaniel J. WILSON at $2,800 Distribution: court costs, $343.06 - John SIMMONS, 1st mortgage claim, $968 - John SIMMONS, 2nd mortgage claim, $848.50 - John SIMMONS, 3rd mortgage claim, $119.85 - F. J. NELSON, note for Mrs. Maggie HOLBRUNER, $130.90 - Susan J. WHALEN, 1/7, $56.38 - Thomas M. HOLBRUNER, assignee of Charles W. HOLBRUNER, 1/7, $56.38 - Thomas M. HOLBRUNER, 1/7, $56.38 - Mary L. HOLBRUNER, 1/7, $56.38 - Susan J. WHALEN, guardian of Edward E. HOLBRUNER, 1/7, $56.38 - Susan J. WHALEN, guardian of P. Sheridan HOLBRUNER, 1/7, $56.38 - Susan J. WHALEN, guardian of Lewis C. HOLBRUNER, 1/7, $56.38 Closed 25 May 1881.

The End of AF-2

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