Slave cabins

African Americans

Washington Co, Maryland

from Judgment Books 1-10

  • ABRAHAM Benjamin GALLOWAY vs Cornelius DAILEY - Collection of Debt - 6 Feb 1802 Agreement of Cornelius DAILEY to hire Negro ABRAHAM of Bemjamim GALLOWAY and give him 25 pounds for his work the next year and give him an oznabrig shirt and trousers for the summer and a suit of good cloth for the winter with an oznabrig shirt and shoes and stockings. - 20 Jan 1801 DAILEY failed to make payment. Court ordered him to pay 25 pounds with interest and costs. - 26 Feb 1803 [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 8, pgs 194-197] =====
  • ALICK State of Maryland vs Negro ALICK - Rape - Jan 1798 (docket only) Charged with the rape of Christina GRAMYER by testimony of Francis GRAMYER and Christiana GRAMYER. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; pg 402] =====
  • ANNE State of Maryland vs Jesse JONES and George SHALL - Petition for Freedom - Jan 1798 Not to transport negro ANNE out of the state of Maryland and permit her to appear for hearing. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; pg 429] =====
  • BASIL Negro BASIL, slave of John ORBISON - Theft of Boots and shoes - Apr 1798 Found not guilty. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 1 - 1782-1798; page 2] =====
  • BEN Negro BEN vs Robert H. SMITH Petition for Freedom - 17 Jan 1801 The jury found in favor of BEN to be free and ordered Robert H. SMITH to pay him 678 pounds of tobacco for costs and charges. - Aug 1801 [Washington County Judgments - Book 6, pg 472-475] =====
  • BEN Samuel BAYLEY vs Levin CARRICO, farmer - Petition for Damages - Apr 1801 Negro BEN, slave of Samuel BAYLEY, was severely beaten by Levin CARRICO on 20 Jun 1800 and thus was unable to work for three weeks. Requests 30 pounds in damages. The jury found Levin CARRICO guilty and to pay 1 shilling and three pence for damages. Closed Feb 1802. [Washington County Judgments - Book 6, pg 114-118] =====
  • BEN John BOOTH vs James CHAPLINE - Theft - 29 May 1804 John BOOTH claimed James CHAPLINE had taken his negro lad slave named BEN, age 18, and refuses to return him; damages claimed at 200 pounds cm of MD. The jury ordered the slave BEN be returned to John BOOTH and CHAPLINE to pay costs. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 9, pgs 464-468] =====
  • BOB State of Maryland vs Negro BOB - Theft - Aug 1803 BOB, a slave of William WILLIS, lived with Henry MOUDY. He was accused of stealing two iron wedges belonging to Jacob FRIEND on 15 Dec 1802. BOB was found guilty by the jury and was to be taken to the public whipping post to receive 15 lashes on his bare back and to pay court costs. Henry MOUDY stated if BOB is unable to pay the costs, he would pay the fees. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pg 628-630] =====
  • CAESAR State of Maryland vs negro CAESAR, Slave of Benjamin BEAN - Charged with theft of bay gelding on 1 Sep 1795 He pleaded not guilty but was found guilty by the jury and sentenced to 18 months and sent to Baltimore County to serve his time. Closed - Dec 1795. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 31-32] =====
  • CATO Negro CATO vs Jean CARLISLE, Charlotte CARLISLE, spinsters, and William CARLISLE, yeoman - Petition for Freedom - Dec 1795 CATO claimed he was a free man, but the CARLISLEs have detained him and claimed him as their slave If he shall be liberated, they to pay his for compensation for his services from the time of presenting the petition. The CARLISLEs admitted CATO was a free man. The court ruled him to be set free. Closed Apr 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 444-446] =====
  • CHARITY State of Maryland vs Denton JACQUES - Petition for Freedom - Jan 1798 Abigail LYNN not to transport negro CHARITY out of the state of Maryland and permit her to appear for hearing. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; pg 429-430] =====
  • CHARLES Negro CHARLES vs Robert H. SMITH Petition for Freedom - 17 Jan 1801 The jury found in favor of CHARLES to be free and ordered Robert H. SMITH to pay him 678 pounds of tobacco for costs and charges. - Aug 1801 [Washington County Judgments - Book 6, pg 469-472] =====
  • CUFF Alexander CLAGETT vs Elie WILLIAMS, surviving exec/of John STULL - Petition for Deceptive Sale of Slave - 17 Aug 1793 Otho H. WILLIAMS, the other exec/of John STULL, was then deceased. Sale of negro man CUFF was made to Alexander CLAGETT from the Estate of John STULL on 20 Sep 1791. Claimed the negro was unsound and in declining health and this wasn't disclosed to him when he was sold, amount paid was 50 pounds cm. He asked for damages of 100 pounds cm. The court found in favor of Ellie WILLIAMS and awarded damages to be recovered against CLAGETT amounting to 447 pounds of tobacco. Closed Dec 1795. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 43-45] =====
  • DICK Negro DICK vs John BOOTH - Unlawful Imprisonment & Beating - Dec 1794 John BOOTH, yeoman, was accused of assaulting, beating, wounding and imprisoning DICK; petition for compensation of 150 pounds cm. At the hearing, DICK didn't appear and thus court ordered DICK to pay court costs. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 238-240] =====
  • DINAH Negro DINAH vs Jean CARLISLE, Charlotte CARLISLE, spinsters, and William CARLISLE, yeoman - Petition for Freedom - Dec 1795 DINAH claimed she was a free woman, but the CARLISLEs have detained her and claimed her as their slave. If she shall be liberated, they to pay his for compensation for her services from the time of presenting the petition. The CARLISLEs admitted DINAH was a free woman. The court ruled her to be set free. Closed Apr 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 447-449] =====
  • FANNY Negro FANNY vs Robert H. SMITH Petition for Freedom - 17 Jan 1801 The jury found in favor of FANNY to be free and ordered Robert H. SMITH to pay her 678 pounds of tobacco for costs and charges. - Aug 1801 [Washington County Judgments - Book 6, pg 463-466] =====
  • HARRY State of Maryland vs Negro HARRY - Attempting to poison his master - 17 Dec 1795 (Docket only) Verdict - Not Guilty. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1782-1798; page 1] =====
  • HENNY Negro HENNY vs Jean CARLISLE, Charlotte CARLISLE, spinsters, and William CARLISLE, yeoman - Petition for Freedom - Dec 1795 HENNY claimed she was a free woman, but the CARLISLEs have detained her and claimed her as their slave. If she shall be liberated, they to pay his for compensation for her services from the time of presenting the petition. The CARLISLEs admitted HENNY was a free woman. The court ruled her to be set free. Closed Apr 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 449-450] =====
  • HITT State of Maryland vs John PRUNK - Maltreatment of Slave - Apr 1797 (docket only) Maltreatment of his negro slave HITT. Informed by Dr. Richard PINDELL and Dr Peter WOLTZ [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; pg 199] =====
  • JACOB State of Maryland vs Negro JACOB, slave of Paul HAYS, yeoman -- Charge of Theft - Dec 1800 Claimed JACOB broke the window of John REYNOLDS's Shop and stole a silver watch in July last. Other witnesses: John WAGONER, Isaac WHITE, John GONTER and Jonas McPHERSON. The jury found him guilty and sentenced to be burnt on the crown of the left thumb on the left hand [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 5, 32-34] =====
  • JAMES Negro JAMES vs Adam OTT and John WAGONER - Petition for Freedom - Apr 1795 In Dec 1796, JAMES did not appear in court; therefore, the case was dismissed. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; pg 19-20] =====
  • JANE Negro JANE vs Ann ROSE - Petition for Freedom - Dec 1795 Summons Issued. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1782-1798; page 4] =====
  • JANE State of Maryland vs Moses RAWLINGS - Petition for Freedom - Dec 1795 Petition for Freedom of negro JANE from Ann ROSE. If she shall be liberated, they to pay her for compensation for her services from the time of her presenting her petition. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 11] =====
  • JANE State of Maryland vs John SHAW and John NEWSON - Petition for Freedom - Apr 1796 Petition for Freedom of negro JANE. If she shall be liberated, they to pay her for compensation for her services from the time of her presenting her petition. Continued. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 306-307] =====
  • JANE State of Maryland vs Denton JACQUES - Petition for Freedom - Jan 1798 Petition for Freedom of negro JANE. Abigail LYNN not to transport negro JANE out of the state of Maryland and permit her to appear for hearing. If she shall be liberated, they to pay her for compensation for her services from the time of her presenting her petition. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; pg 430] =====
  • JERRY Negro JERRY vs vs Jean CARLISLE, Charlotte CARLISLE, spinsters, and William CARLISLE, yeoman - Petition for Freedom - Dec 1795 JERRY claimed he was a free man, but the CARLISLEs have detained him and claimed him as their slave If he shall be liberated, they to pay his for compensation for his services from the time of presenting the petition. The CARLISLEs admitted JERRY was a free man. The court ruled him to be set free. Closed Apr 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 446-447] =====
  • JOE Negro JOE - released from jail - Dec 1795 [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1782-1798; page 4] =====
  • LUCY State of Maryland vs Samuel ARMOR & wife - Dealing with a Negro - April 1796 - Docket only Charged with dealing with negro LUCY, slave to William LEE; informant, Sarah DOWLER. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 280] =====
  • MARY Negro MARY vs Robert H. SMITH Petition for Freedom - 17 Jan 1801 The jury found in favor of MARY to be free and ordered Robert H. SMITH to pay her 678 pounds of tobacco for costs and charges. - Aug 1801 [Washington County Judgments - Book 6, pg 475-478] =====
  • NANCY Negro NANCY vs Robert H. SMITH Petition for Freedom - 17 Jan 1801 The jury found in favor of NANCY to be free and ordered Robert H. SMITH to pay her 678 pounds of tobacco for costs and charges. - Aug 1801 [Washington County Judgments - Book 6, pg 466-469] =====
  • NANCY PRIE State of Maryland vs Nancy PRIE, a free negro, spinster - Theft - 1802 Nancy PRIE was charged with stealing two Irish linen shirts and a pair of pantalloons from George SMOOT on 1 Aug 1802. The jury found her guilty and it was ordered she be taken to the public whipping post and receive 12 lashes over her bare back and for her to pay George SMOOT 720 pounds of tobacco (four fold the value of the stolen items). Since she is not able to pay, it was ordered she be taken to jail and sold for a term not exceeding two years. [Washington County Judgments - Book 6, pg 328-331] =====
  • NANCY State of Maryland vs Negro NANCY - Theft - Feb 1804 Nancy, a slave of Benjamin TYSON, was accused of stealing a $50 bank note from him in the Spring of 1803; on testimony from negro ANTHONY, a slave of Ludwick SPEACE. The note of Bank of Columbia was payable to G. CHAPIN and was dated 1 Jul 1800, equal to 18 pounds, 15 shillings. The jury found her guilty and ordered the crown of her thumb on her left hand be burnt. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pg 652-654] =====
  • NED BUTLER State of Maryland vs Ned BUTLER, a free negro - Theft - Feb 1804 Ned was accused of stealing a piece of silver coin, commonly called a Pistareen, from the store of Jacob HARRY, valued at 18 pence, on 8 Oct 1803; claimed by him and Jacob BESTLER. The jury ruled Ned was guilty and ordered to be taken to the public whipping post and receive 30 lashes on his bare back. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pg 655-657] =====
  • NED State of Maryland vs Negro NED - Theft - Feb 1804 Ned was accused of stealing three yards of cloth, being the property of LEIGLER and GARRY on 31 Dec 1803; claimed by Negro ANTHONY, a slave of Ludwick SPEICE. The jury ruled Ned was guilty and ordered him to serve and labour on the public roads of Baltimore County for six years. He was then transferred to the Care of Criminals in Baltimore County. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pg 658-660] =====
  • NED State of Maryland vs Negro NED - Theft - Feb 1804 Negro NED, a free man, was accused of receiving from Negro ANTHONY, the slave of Lodwick SPEACE, one quart of barley, knowing it was stolen, sometime last Fall; claimed by Negro ANTHONY. The jury ruled Ned was guilty and ordered to be taken to the public whipping post and receive 15 lashes on his bare back and pay costs. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pg 660-662] =====
  • NED State of Maryland vs Negro NED - Theft - Feb 1804 Ned was accused of stealing a piece of gold coin, commonly called a French Guinea, valued at 1 pound, 11 shillings and 10 pence, from William LEIGLER and George GARRY on 31 Dec 1803. The jury ruled Ned was guilty and ordered him be taken to goal and be delivered to the Care of Criminals in Baltimore County to serve five years on the public roads. [Washington County Judgment Book 7, pg 662-663] =====
  • NELLY Negro NELLY vs Jeremiah CHAPLINE - Petition for Freedom - Apr 1794 Since 1783, John COOK of Berkeley Co, VA (now WV) claimed NELLY as his property and sold her as a slave to Jeremiah CHAPLINE who removed her from Virginia and kept her in slavery in Maryland, which is against the Act of Assembly and she should be freed. If she shall be liberated, they to pay her for compensation for her services from the time of her presenting her petition. Jeremiah CHAPLINE disclaimed ownership of NELLY and stated John COOK brought her to his house on his way to Kentucky and left her there. Case was dismissed Apr 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 320-322] =====
  • PETER Negro PETER vs Jeremiah CHAPLINE - Petition for Freedom - Dec 1792 Since 1783, John COOK of Berkeley Co, VA (now WV) claimed PETER as his property and sold him as a slave to Jeremiah CHAPLINE who removed him from Virginia and kept him in slavery in Maryland, which is against the Act of Assembly and he should be freed. If he shall be liberated, they to pay him for compensation for his services from the time of presenting her petition. Jeremiah CHAPLINE disclaimed ownership of PETER and stated John COOK brought him to his house on his way to Kentucky and left him there. Case was dismissed in Apr 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 324-327] =====
  • RACHEL Negro RACHEL vs Robert H. SMITH - Petition for Freedom - 16 Jan 1801 The jury found in favor of RACHEL to be free and ordered Robert H. SMITH to pay her 1,832 pounds of tobacco for costs and charges. - Aug 1801 [Washington County Judgments - Book 6, pg 461-463] =====
  • RACHELL Negro RACHELL vs Henry SHRYOCK - Petition for Freedom - 4 Dec 1793 The court determined she was not free, but was a proper slave of Henry SHRYOCK; case being dismissed and she being returned to her Master again. Closed Dec 1795. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 41-42] =====
  • SALLY State of Maryland vs Thomas S. DUNN and Moses RAWLINGS - Petition for Freedom - Dec 1795 Petition for Freedom of negro SALLY. If she shall be liberated, they to pay her for compensation for her services from the time of her presenting her petition. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 5] =====
  • SALLY Negro SALLY vs Thomas DUNN - Petition for Freedom - Dec 1795 SALLY was brought from Pennsylvania to Maryland by Thomas DUNN in Jun 1793. She was born in PA and wan an inhabitant of PA for more than three years before she was imported to Maryland. She asked that the defendant produce the PA tax records; however, the court refused to give those directions to the jury. To be appealed to a higher court. - 15 Dec 1796 [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; pg 40-43] =====
  • SAM Elie WILLIAMS vs negro SAM - Theft - 17 Dec 1797 (docket only) Negro SAM was living with George JENINGS, Esquire and was charged with theft. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; pg 353-354] =====
  • SAMUEL State of Maryland vs Denton JACQUES - Petition for Freedom - Jan 1798 Petition for Freedom for negro SAMUEL. Abigail LYNN not to transport negro SAMUEL out of the state of Maryland and permit him to appear for hearing. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; pg 430] =====
  • SUCKEY State of Maryland vs Negro SUCKEY, slave of J. GARDNER - Theft - Jan 1798 (docket only) Charged with stealing bacon from the property of Abraham DITTO. [Washington Co, MD - Judgment Book 3 - 1796-1798; pg 402] =====
  • WILL Negro WILL vs Alexander CLAGETT, yeoman - Petition for Freedom - Apr 1795 WILL claimed he was a free man, but CLAGETT had detained him and claimed him as his slave. The jury ruled WILL was the proper slave of Alexander CLAGETT and was to be returned to the service of his said master. To be appealed to a higher court. Closed 20 Apr 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 1795-1796; page 450-452] =====
  • DOWNIE, DOWNEY, SLAVES Joseph DOWNIE vs William DOWNIE - Partition of Land - 15 Apr 1796 Robert DOWNEY d/ Mar 1755 widow - Susannah s/ Robert DOWNEY d/ in minority, intestate, without issue s/ Samuel DOWNEY d/ c1888 .......William DOWNEY d/ Elizabeth DOWNEY d/ Mary DOWNEY d/ in minority, intestate, without issue d/ Susannah DOWNEY d/ Easter DOWNEY d/ in minority, intestate, without issue s/ Joseph DOWNEY, a posthumas child SLAVES - negro man WILL, negro woman RACHEL and her increase (to son Robert) - negro boy DICK, negro girl KATT and her increase (to son Samuel) LAND - Land partly in Maryland and partly in Pennsylvania in the fork of Antietam Creek; sold to David DEMKIN. Monies to daughter Elizabeth; if he fails to pay for it, then land to daughter Elizabeth. - East half of "Resurvey on Chester", 194 acres; to daughter Mary. - "Second Resurvey on Downey's Lott", 113 acres on the south side; Exception is 10 acres for the Meeting House (to daughter Esther). - "Resurvey on Downey's Strife", 316 acres; to be conveyed by Peter RENCH. ....."Resurvey on Downey's Lott", 113 acres (to son Robert, home place) ....."Resurvey on Downey's Lott", 34 acres (to son Samuel) ....."Downey's Lot", 50 acres by patent (but was 58 acres)(to son Samuel) If Robert should die without issue, his share to Samuel and Samuel's share to his four sisters. Execs/ the widow and brother, James DOWNING Witnesses: Joseph CHAPLINE, Peter RENCH, Jennett OFEA/OSEA, James DOWNEY (Will written 5 Nov 1754; filed 19 Mar 1755 - Washington Co, MD) ----- Elizabeth and Susannah sold their shares to Samuel BACKLEY. Joseph sold his share to Christopher THROWINGER eight years ago. Samuel DOWNEY died about nine years ago and his part descended to his son, William DOWNEY who is a minor. John DOWNEY, his cousin, was his guardian. Division of land on 22 Dec 1780 - "Downey's Lott", 58 acres: - 14.5 acres to Joseph DOWNEY as agreed with brother Samuel. Shares were swapped between Samuel and Joseph, but no deeds were made. Remaining amount in question: - Half of 1/4 of 34 acres for William - Half of 1/4 of 58 acres for Joseph. Closed Apr 1796. [Washington Co, MD - Judgments Book 2 - 517-527] =====

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